How to grow tomatoes in the winter. Best grades of indoor tomato

To grow tomatoes in pots, first of all, stocking a high-quality land mixture, pick up a sunny place, to acquire self-polls of seeds and install the daily incandescent lamp for the shower during the cold season. You can collect first tomatoes in three or four months after the plant rushed. Through time for the bush, it will be necessary to build a support.

Tomatoes grown in room conditions do not need pinch. Otherwise, the plant will not look. Vintage is preferably collecting immediately after ripening. It is not desirable that many ripe fruits hanging on one bush, as they will pull extra juice and the plant will drag out, and the new bands will become less.

How to choose sowing material

For growing tomato on the windowsill, best suited self-pollized hybrid varieties. More suitable are considered small-freeviews, as varieties with larger fruits are bad and long ripen. When growing a tomato at home, it is necessary to pay attention to the height of the plant. Best are suitable for these purposes low grades.

For growing tomato in pots, it is necessary to prepare the next earthy mixture:

  • biohumus is one piece;
  • coconut fiber - two parts.

The order of planting tomato seeds

Tomatoes in room conditions planted in ordinary flower pots Three-four liter volume. It is allowed to plant plants immediately into constant tanks or through the pickup, that is, to begin with the seedlings put in a small cup, and then, as they grow, transplanted into a greater container. There is also another method, but it is more troublesome. But with his help, you can choose a stronger and healthy sighter and put it in a large container.

How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill. Photo

Preparation of seeds for landing:

  • Lower seeds into a weak a solution of mangartee for two or three hours. Water should be warm.
  • Get the sowing material, put on a cotton material or a piece of watts and give them a drain.
  • Recommendations: To get good harvest It is better to choose those seeds that, when soaking, fell to the bottom of the tank. The pop-up seeds are poorly attended.

Seed planting procedure with further transplantation

Landing in big containers

If planting of the sowing material occurs immediately in three or four liter pots, without a dive, then it is necessary to first pour the soil substrate and a little tamper it. The distance from the surface of the Earth to the edge of the pot should be 4-5 cm. After that, to put seeds in the amount of 4-5 pcs on the surface and fall asleep with the layer of land, the thickness of which should be one and a half centimeter. A month later, it will be necessary to glue the remaining time to the soil about two or three centimeters. Thus, the dive procedure will be produced. Seedlings are thinned several times until the strongest is selected.

Watering tomatoes on the windowsill

Watering the tomato is carried out in different ways. In the first 30 days, the seedlings recommended moderate regular watering. In the future, that the plant does not hurt need to reduce the intensity of the irrigation.

Tomatoes on the windowsill watering. Photo

IN winter Plant often do not watered. In the spring, the intensity of irrigation increases. IN summer period, especially at the time when the fruits appeared on the plants, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not drive in the pot, that is, the summer is needed abundant irrigation. With a disadvantage of moisture, there may be an entrustation. In hot and sunny days it is necessary in evening time spray plants with water.

How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill. Photo

Seedlings and adult bushes, growing at home, must be deployed once a day at 180 degrees. This is necessary so that the plant does not lean in one direction and grow smoothly.


Cultural plants that give a harvest, the soil is rapidly depleted. If you do not regularly make feeding, then the plants die quickly. Fertilizers are recommended 1 time in 14-21 days. For this B. top Soil should be put together one teaspoon agrolayf. Or pour a plant Growth (One mixture cap is bred with two liters of water).

Tomato reproduction of cheesery

Tomatoes are considered perennial plants. In order for the bush to give a crop for several years to do the following:

  • about once every two months to plug fresh biohumus;
  • transplant the plant in a pot of larger volume;
  • every year B. spring period Make a small trimming stems. This is done to rejuvenate the bush.

In a few years, the plant loses its appearance. During this period, it can be cut off the cutlets (branch) and put it on 14-21 days in water. During this time, the cuttings will appear normally developed roots and it will be possible to transplanted in a container with fresh soil mixture. The new bush will bloom on average after 14 days.

How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill. Photo

Frequently asked Questions

Often you can hear the question: "How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill?". You can find answers to this and other questions in this section.

Olga writes: "Good day! I now think this year to grow tomato in a pot. Even already bought the "Balcony Miracle" seeds. I read the article and think, but must need to fertilize the plants to get a crop? Is height and agrosif not harmful to health? "

Answer: "Tomatoes need a lot of quantities useful elements For normal development and growth. All this plant can only take in the ground. Growing vegetables in pots, the area of \u200b\u200btheir nutrition is limited due to the size of the container. It turns out that the number of useful and necessary trace elements is also limited. That is why our responsibilities include providing a plant by all the necessary trace elements.

The main principle of fertilizer is to adhere to the recommended dosage, which is indicated by the manufacturer and not increase it. It was then that the minimum amount of fertilizer introduced will have a positive effect on the plant. In the case when the recommended dose of feeding is disturbed, this leads to the accumulation of unnecessary substances in the fruits. "

Tamara writes: "How to grow tomatoes on the windowsill, I figured out. But I got a large number of seedlings. Can plant some of the bottom in the entrance multi-storey building? Will they grow? For growing vegetables in indoor conditions, what size is better to choose pots? At the moment, they grow in me in half liter plastic cups. By the way, the flowers will soon be released. In one container 2-3, you can plant? ".

Answer: "Seedlings of the tomato can be grown both in bed and in a flower bed. The only condition: It is necessary that the sun falls on plants at least 3-4 hours a day.

For growing on the balcony:

  • one sighter is planted in 3-4 liter capacity;
  • two seedlings plant a 5-6 liter pot;
  • three seedlings are planted in a 10 liter pot.

If you do a more dense landing, then the seedlings do not have enough nutrients, and this is the main cause of a bad crop. "

Inna writes: "My apartment grow two types of tomatoes. Here on one there were even green fruits. But here, unfortunately, two cooks began to fade. In plants, all branches are omitted and the leaves hang like a patchwork. And on these bushes most of all the uncess! I watered me regularly, the plant moved to the shadow, since it is unbearable in the sun. In the evenings, I spray them, fertilize the growth. Tell me, because of what it is? Maybe I poured them? ".

Answer: "Excess watering of an adult plant in hot weather is not terrible. The reason that the bushes fade may be overheating. Since the rhizomes in the pot are much faster overheated than in the garden. I would recommend in hot weather to contacted pots from the direct action of sunlight. For these purposes, you can use the usual cardboard. It is wonderful that you moved pots with plants in the shadow. Try to water them in the evening several times. If in the morning the leaves will become elastic, then you should not fear anything, but if the leaves will still hang like a "rag", then most likely root system "Weld". To help the plant, it is necessary to remove half of the string and flowers. "

Grigory writes: "I decided this time to try tomatoes in roommates. I planted shoots somewhere in the middle of May. By mid-July, they had already turned into bushes of impressive sizes. But the flowering has never come. This is normal? How long can I wait for flowering or you need to stimulate the plant? "

Answer: "Do not worry. Over time and your tomatoes will begin to bloom. Maybe you planted the secondary or late-leaf varieties. The seedlings planted in May can be blooming in early August. If you want, then stimulate. "

Cherry tomatoes on the windowsill

To grow tomato in the pot, the following is necessary:

  • prepare a suitable container for growing and fill it with a nutrient substrate;
  • windowsill with good lighting;
  • think over additional lighting;
  • sowing material to put in the box and cover polyethylene film. Keep the box is necessary in dark place Until the shoots appear. It is also necessary to observe the temperature regime, which must be within 25-30 degrees. After germs it is necessary to remove the film. It is necessary to start a dive after two "real" leaves will appear;
  • after the seedlings are planted in a permanent pot, it is necessary to care for the seedy, as well as in the usual garden - water, steaming, feed, fight diseases and tie to the support.

Fertilizers and soil for landing

It is impossible to maximize the recommended dose of fertilizer, as it leads to the fact that a large number of unnecessary and harmful trace elements accumulate in the fruits. So you can feed the plant by common mineral fertilizers Twice in 30 days and simple vegetable tinctures.

For better growth also recommends prepare a high-quality soil mixture. For these purposes, you can use a turf or garden soil, compost, peat and sand. Also allowed to add charcoal, which includes almost the entire complex of minerals, except nitrogen.

Recommendation: In order to more efficiently mix the soil of the simple mechanical mixing of all components of the mixture is not enough. It is necessary to mix with spraying each layer. With the help of such a simple reception, it is possible to achieve greater structuring of the landing substrate.

If you like fresh useful vegetables - get tomatoes. And nothing if you have no cottage. It is enough to know how to grow tomatoes on the windowsill and implement it in practice. For your love and care, they generously reward the fruits will decorate the interior and even harsh winter in your apartment will be summer. We will begin to choose the seed material.

Room conditions For tomatoes are far from the comfort of street beds. And the light is not enough and nutrients in the ground, limited to the size of the pot, not enough. Instead of a pet, do not get a brazen tenant, which will take the best part of the room and will require the backups that, of course, will not decorate the design of your housing, you need to come seriously. Not all tomatoes on the windowsill in the apartment will be able to grow and fruit. What are they should be?

First, the lowest. Only low-speed I. dwarf varieties Able to form a decent harvest in a limited space, I can be satisfied with a small number of floral pot.

Secondly, shadowish and disease-resistant. Even familiar houseplants We need in winter in the extra backlight, which is already talking about tomatoes on which we want to see the fruits. And here it is worth paying attention to the varieties of shape hybrids that are able to be well fruit even in a short day.

Additional lighting will be needed only on cloudy days. In addition, hybrids are inherent immunity to very many diseases. For proper agrotechnology And the prevention of fungal diseases, tomatoes on the window will not hurt.

Third, beautiful. Stambling varieties are similar to little tree With durable stem and thick crown. Do not require garters or steaming. Ampel varieties will also not annoy you with these classes. Their thin, but very durable branched shoots, fall outside the pot. These tomatoes can be grown in suspended porridge.

It remains to add that tomatoes on the windowsill can be large varieties - with a mass of fruits up to 130g and fine-forming, the minimum weight of which 15g. The color of fruits can be different, like varieties for open soil - All shades of red and yellow flowers. The yield of varieties can also be different.

There are decorative forms, the fruits of which can be unlawed festive dish. But there are very native copies that can give you more than 2 kg per season.

If you have brought yourself such a pet and attached to it, do not be discouraged, the fast separation you do not threaten. Indoor tomatoes - long-livers, they can delight you as many as 5 years.

Prices Compact Tomatoes: Leopold, White Pawing, Florida Petit, Red Hood, Dubcom, Ruby, Minibel, Bonsai, Bonsai Micro, Pinocchio, Room Surprise, Micron MK, Pigmea, Window Yellow, Toggle switch.

Video "Growing on the windowsill"

From the video you will learn how to grow tomatoes at home.

Cycle room

Of course, for mini-garden you need to choose the lightest place. It is better if it is a windowsill, the window of which comes to the south. For additional lighting, daylight lamps or energy-saving lamps are suitable. It is better, of course, to use phytolamba, red and blue bands emitted by them increases growth and fruiting.

Luminaires are placed on 25-30 cm above the tops of plants. For all day, they are included in very cloudy days. During the rest of the time, their task is to increase the duration of illumination to the required 13-16 hours. Lamps include some time until dawn and after sunset.

Features of cultivation

To raise a crop to a certain date, the seeds need to sow 90-100 days earlier. Like street varieties of our heroes grown through seedlings. At first, it is necessary for half an hour to disinfect in the solution of manganese, and then 2 days left in a wet napkin, so that they crumpled. Seeds are sewed in a container with soil at 1 cm depth and at a distance of 2-3cm from each other.

With the soil will have to tinker to clean it from harmful microorganisms. When seedlings throw out the second real leaflets, they can be resettled in pots. For dwarf sufficient volume - 1.5-2l, for indoor - 3-4 liters, for ampel - 5l. Sources are preparing for such a recipe: garden land, sand, compost, peat in proportion 5: 2: 5: 1. On 1 bucket of such a composition you need to pour a handful of ash and match box Urea and potassium sulfate. At the bottom of the pots, of course, laid drainage from small pebbles or clay. Seedlings when landing are plugged to seedy leaves.

We are waiting for the crop

The cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill does not take much time. In the morning and in the evening you need to turn on the lamp. Every day, turn the plant with another side to the light. Watering is carried out 2 times a week strictly under the root, not hurt. Water pour "modestly", the convergence is the cause of fungal diseases. After irrigation, loose, trying not to touch the root. The first feeder is carried out when 5 real leaves are formed on the plant. In the future, fertilizers contribute every 10 days. You can feed bird litterdivorced in water 1:15. Or use ready-made microfertilizers, while for young plants, the dosage recommended on the package is reduced by half. If the variety you choose is not strabamy or ampel, then the membols formed in the sinuses need to be removed so that they do not take power from the fruit formed.

Forces for aging all the rooting fruits, a room tomato is not enough, therefore 5-6 brushes are left on each of the trunks. The rest are removed along with the top of the stem. After the formation of fruits you can cut bottom leaves. The yellowed remove constantly. Let's immediately understand why the leaves will dry by tomatoes. This is not always a consequence of insufficient watering.

Movement and bad ventilation can lead to the development of phytoofluorosis and fusarious wilting. For the prevention, the "phytoosporin" or the infusion of garlic (0.5 glasses is 3 liters of water + 1.5 g of manganese) is performed. The room where tomatoes are growing must be installed, having previously removed from the windowsill.

Indoor varieties are usually self-polling, but small help will not be superfluous. During flowering, tap the stalk and shake the brushes. You can spray a bush with a solution boric acid (1 g per 5 liters of water) so that the zero does not opal.

The grown crop is removed unreasonable. As soon as the tomato began to pose, it is broken and put on a sunny place or in a dark box, where he will soon become saturated red. Saved resources will help other fruits to grow to the desired size.

Balcony wonders

If the cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill you managed and you want more, arrange a greenhouse on the balcony. If he is insulated, proceed to sowing in early March, in the opposite case, wait for the end of April. It is best if the balcony is located with southern or south-east. On the balcony, which looks at the north of tomatoes will be cold, the southeast will have to be dialed in a hot distinguished time.

The wide balcony space (compared to the windowsill) makes it possible to grow tall varieties with greater yield. You can plant Cherry or cocktail varieties with a large variety of shapes and paintings. You can land a variety:

They grown them just like indoor. The difference lies in the fact that these varieties are tall and require the formation. Therefore, we remove all the steps, except for the bottom, so that it turned out 2 barrels. Long shoots require the construction of a tag or pegs, to which they will need to be tiered. Not only tomatoes can be grown on the windowsill, there are varieties of cucumbers who can also grow and be fron in such Spartan conditions.

Video "Growing on the balcony"

From the video you will learn how to grow tomatoes on the balcony.

Tomatoes in the winter, growing, ripening on their garden, albeit on the windowsill, that is where a special taste and joy. If your balcony is insulated, then tomatoes on the balcony will be no worse than on the windowsill.

What varieties to choose

Now selling a lot different varieties. What of them choose?

To grow tomatoes on the windowsill, it is best to choose seeds of low varieties. Their fruits, most often, are not very large or small. This is exactly what we need, as they do not require a lot of land for landing.

These varieties are winter, Cherry, Yamal, Mini, Japanese dwarf, bullfinch, snowdrop, Chinese room, balcony charm, polar rare and many other varieties.

To grow tomatoes on the balcony, if it is insulated, you can pick up the varieties are more tall and large-sided. And the care and everything else, they do not differ from growing them on the windowsill.

What conditions are required for growing

Indoor tomatoes grow well if performing the necessary conditions. They do not like the convergence. It is necessary to water them very carefully, otherwise they can get sick "black leg" or rot and die.

Tomatoes come from warm edges, they are nee "Americans", so they are warm-loving and they need a long sunny day. In order for them to provide, it is necessary to have seedlings to keep on the windows from the south side of the house, and with the northern it is excluded.

  • In short winter days, seedlings need to increase the light day artificially, include additional lighting. This may be daylight lamps, energy-saving lamps or ordinary, bright, lighting. The length of the day should be at least 12 hours.
  • The temperature in the room is permissible to reduce to 15-16 ° at night, but it should be at least 25-26 ° C. If the room is very hot, then you need to regularly venture, tomatoes are not terrible drafts.
  • Adding an excessive amount of organic fertilizers will cause a strong growth of the green mass, and the fruits will be tuned by little, they will be small.

Step-by-step instruction of growing tomato

To grow indoor tomatoes, first grow seedlings, buying seeds of the desired variety.

  1. We start with the extension of these seeds. Seeds need to be treated for prophylaxis from phytoofluorosis. This is done by soaking seeds in a weakly pink solution of mangartages for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Cooking the earth for sowing. For this we need peat pots or plastic cups, not less than 200 ml. Fill in them by a special soil mixture or done (in the presence of your site) the mixture: 5 pieces of soil + 5h leveling + 2h sand, you can add some peat. On a 10 liter bucket of the mixture, add 1 Matching Box of the Urea + 1 Corobal Potassium Sulfate, a small handy wood ash. All this is well mixed and scattered on the cooked container.
  3. Singing treated seeds. The prepared soil is wetted by a small amount of water and in shallow, up to 100 cm, snaps of 2-3 seeds, fall asleep the earth. So that the land does not dry, cover the tanks with seeds with glass or film, until sprouts come. We put in warm, but not roast, place. Next, it remains to wait for gear. If necessary, sometimes you need to make a little soak so that the seeds are easier to climb.
  4. After the appearance of shoots, the film is removed, the pots are transferred to the window, and follow the spacons to be light and warm. Tomatoes on the windowsill regularly water, but gradually, carefully follow that there is no excessive moisture in the ground.
  5. After the appearance of two real leaves, we produce a pickup, i.e. Separate the strongest sprouts into separate dishes, where they will grow further. This dishes should be significantly large sizes, it should correspond to it, approximately 7-10 liter bucket.
  6. Once every 10 days feed the seedlings ready-made mineral and organic fertilizers. How to breed and feed, usually written on the packaging. Do not forget to loose land around the trunk, but very careful, trying not to damage the roots.
  7. As needed, tomatoes are typing to spicks that stick to the ground next to the barrel.
  8. Pasking. In the period of growing plants, additional stems appear in the sinuses of the leaves - these are steps. They need to be removed, as they will select food in fruits. You can leave 1 first stepsok to form a second plant barrel.
  9. When the fruits have already started, we leave 4-5 brushes on the trunk, the rest are removed along with the top of the stem and other inflorescences so that they do not interfere with the growth and ripening of the proposed fruit. Do not forget to remove dried leaves, including the lowest, which interfere with watering under the root. Tomatoes, self-polling plants, but they are also recommended to help pollize. To do this, you just need to shake slightly flowering plant or a soft tassel to take the flowers. We do it very carefully. Tomatoes can get sick without proper care. With excessive moisture of the soil, they are threatened fungal diseases, such as: mold on the leaves, rot on the stem or phytoofluorosis - black spots on the leaves.
  10. To prevent phytoofluorosis, tomatoes (plants) are treated with an infusion of garlic and a mangartan, consisting of ½ st. Garlic + 1/2 grams of manganesev, divorced by three liters of water. You can periodically spray with phytosporin solution.
  11. Pouring and beginners to repose the fruits, you need to remove and put to dive on the window or in cardboard box. They will no longer take their useful substances from even growing tomatoes.

The cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill is not a very difficult lesson, but to get good resultIt is necessary to attach efforts to this, as well as any other case. Plants should be grown with love and effort, then they will be large and tasty.

In order for indoor tomato bushes for a long time delight you delicious, useful and, importantly, environmentally friendly fruits, plants need to create suitable conditions for successful growth and fruiting. It is important to take into account many moments - from the choice of soil and seed to garter and additional lighting in winter. So, we'll figure it out in all the intricacies of how to grow tomatoes on the window.

Selection of seeds

Not all the tomato varieties are suitable for room growing. Specialists are recommended for growing on the windowsill and loggia eastern varieties With small or medium fruit size. Large tomatoes ripen longer and require more space. It is important that the selected Tomato variety is self-polished hybrid and gave low-spirited bushes.Perfect for growing indoor tomato Grade "Balcony Miracle", "Minibel" and "Sweet Bunch".

Preparation of soil and containers

Before growing tomatoes on the window, take care of the soil in which tomato bushes will grow.

For tomato landing, prepare the soil, mixing biohumus with coconut fiber in a ratio of 1: 2. For the cultivation of indoor tomatoes, conventional pots for home plants are 3-4 liters.

Experts recommend landing tomatoes in 2 stages: first germinate seeds in small tanks (plastic cups), and then transplant the strongest seedlings in a permanent big pot. This procedure is called pickup.

Preparation of seeds for landing

Before planting seedlings, pre-antibacterial processing and sampling of seeds in quality are carried out. For this, the seeds are lowered by 2-3 hours in a warm manganese solution of the middle fortress. After the specified time, the state of the seeds and selected for landing those that sank to the bottom. The pop-up seeds most often have a very low germination. Seeds selected from mangartean give to dry, laying them on cotton fabric.

Growing seedlings

Homemade garden provides us with limited space, so it is especially important to select strong and beautiful tomato bushes for disembarking. We will tell about how to grow tomatoes on the window of the sortied seedlings.

Prepared for planting seeds are planted into plastic cups with a volume of 100 ml. Capacities for seedlings are filled with an earthy mixture not completely, leaving 2 cm to the edge.

4-5 seeds are placed in each cup, plowing with a layer of Earth 1-1.5 cm, and then watered. The first shoots appear after 1.5-2 weeks. Water seedlings better with a spray gun. Until shoots appear, hold the seedlings in the package.

Among the sprouted shoots, they choose the 2 most powerful, the rest do. A week later, one more breaking is carried out, leaving in every cup one, most beautiful and strong, seedlings.

Peresanology and pinching

Tomato seedlings need to transplant in constant large pots. You can do it on the 3-4th week after the appearance of germs.

To transplant the seedlings, the cup neatly turn over, holding young plant Two fingers. The second hand is tightened by plastic cup up. In the hand remains a par of the ground that took the shape of a cup.

Earth kits with a seedlock insert into a pre-cooked big pot and smash necessary quantity Earth to seedlist leaves. Transplanted seedlings watered.

So that tomatoes do not stretch up, but were like a bush, after the appearance of several real leaves, the top of the plant pinch - remove the upper escape. After pinching, the bush will actively give side shoots.

How to grow tomatoes on the window

Of paramount importance in the care of indoor tomatoes has watering. The intensity of watering depends on the time of year and the stage of plant development.

During the first month, it is important not to dismissed seedlings to avoid such undesirable effects of abundant irrigation as a black leg. Watering young seedlings need moderately, but regularly.Also, moderate watering is required by the tomato bushes in winter, when plants are not exposed to heat and sun.

It is necessary to increase the intensity of watering from the beginning of March, and in the summer it is especially important to prevent the soil drying. Summer watering should be daily, supplement it should be regularly spraying tomato bushes.

The thoroughly bush should be tied to a stable backup. Tomatoes growing near the window should turn a little around the axis every day to avoid the curvature of bushes drawn to the light source. IN winter time Tomatoes need to provide additional lighting of daylight lamps.

For successful pollination blooming bush. Tomato shake tomato daily.

Without feeding, fruiting in the conditions of home, tomato bushes are quickly depleted by the soil. It is recommended once every 2-3 weeks to fertilize the tomatoes with the drugs "agrosif" and "growth" according to the instructions.

The first harvest can be waited 3-4 months after germination of shoots. Tomato bushes May be fruitful for several years, if as they grow to transplanted into more voluminous pots (it is possible to do with plants without flowers and fruits), sleeping a fertile layer of soil.

In addition to tomatoes, you can for salads or grass for tea or seasonings.

Many people have long been practicing greens on the windowsill. It does not cause special hassle and provides all the seven necessary vitamins even in winter. City inhabitants in Germany, France, as well as others european countries Grow cucumbers and tomatoes on the windowsill. Such seedlings perform not only aesthetic function, but also provides people from the agriculture of people with a small margin of self-grown vegetables. Their experience shows that the cultivation of tomatoes on the windowsill in winter is possible. In this article we will look at how to grow tomatoes on the windowsill.

Best Vorts Tomato for Growing on the Window Circuit

If you choose the best varieties of tomato for growing on the windowsill, then first place should be given to low and strambed tomatoes. They do not occupy a lot of space on the balcony, they are distinguished by rich fruiting, not requiring tapping and artificial pollination. It is advisable to stay on dwarf tomatoes.

Those who have not yet decided what tomatoes are better to grow in the apartment on the windowsill, you can advise such varieties as:

  • "Leopold",
  • "White filling",
  • "Little Red Riding Hood",
  • "Pink Angel",
  • "Dubok",
  • "Ruby",
  • "Balcony miracle."

When growing in the room, they do not reach a height of more than 50 cm and are well kept a large number of fruits. If you choose among tall varieties, then cherry tomatoes on the windowsill round year Will please be delicious and sweet tomatoes. They differ useful properties, do not require much attention and best suited for room content.

Growing tomatoes on the windowsill, it is not only savings family budget, but also an interesting, exciting occupation for the whole family.

Sowing seeds Tomato on seedlings in the apartment

Before sowing seeds, they should be treated.

  • To do this, sufficiently omit them into the solution of any growth stimulator for ten o'clock. If some seeds pop up - throw them away. But in purchased seeds such a phenomenon is very rare. Well, and the excerpt in the stimulator will help reduce the time of seed germination, as well as increase their germination.
  • We catch the seeds, put them between the layers of wet fabric and three to five days the seeds will appear small roots.
  • It's time to landing seeds into the ground. Prepare the soil for seeds as well as when growing seedlings for open soil. Already ready-made soil for seedlings, you can purchase in the store. Seeds omit rosses to a depth of about 1 centimeter with a distance between the seeds of 3 centimeters. Cover with seedlings transparent film And put in a warm place.
  • After a few days, sprouts appear. Now it's time to put sprouts on the windowsill, so that they were well lit. If possible, choose window sills with southern or south-east.
  • But, in the fall enough a lot of cloudy days. And so that our tomatoes have enough light it is advisable to hang over them, at a distance of centimeters 25-30 luminescent lamp. Such lamps give a lot of light and practically do not warm. It is desirable once a few weeks to feed our seedlings with liquid fertilizer, prepare it according to the instructions.
  • When the seedlings will germinate the third sheet, pick it up, dissolving into a small pot. It is not advisable to plant seedlings immediately in a big pot because, in this case, the roots will develop worse. A month later, the seedlings seed into large pots of volume from three to five liters.

Domestic Tomato Care Features

  1. Watering. Watering often tomatoes do not need. But make sure that the land in the pot does not dry. It is better to pour twice a week, as it should, fully moisturizing the whole earth com, how to water every day on a little bit - inside the earth can remain dry. If at home is very dry air, the spraying will help.
  2. Spraying. Tomatoes do not like water on the leaves in cold weatherBut in the apartment in the dry air you can spray them with water. Just do not do this during flowering.
  3. Check out. With such an early planting, plants need to be heated. The days are still short, little light.

Tomatoes are very demanding on lighting. In order not to use artificial illumination, it is better to plant seeds at the end of March - early April, and plants are placed in the south or south-east. For uniform lighting, once every two days you can rotate the tomatoes with the other side to the window.

  1. In cloudy short winter days grow lush bushes In the apartment without additional lighting is simply impossible. It is no secret that the light is the main component of the photosynthesis important for the plant, without which the normal growth and development of the plant does not occur.
  2. You can organize the shower using fluorescent lamps of white and daylight. Such lamps give a similar on sunlight Lighting and do not distinguish heat. Therefore, they can be placed close enough to plants. Also, in specialized stores you can buy phytolamba adapted precisely for indoor growing of vegetables.
  3. Podrel. While the plants grow and gain strength - they need nitrogen fertilizers. And during the formation and ripeness of fruits - potash.
  4. Pollination. Tomatoam does not require artificial pollination, but for better tying, you can slightly tap the stalk several times a week, shaking floral brushes. After the main part of the fruit is formed, the top of the plant, like the blooming brushes, should be removed, as they will not allow you to fully develop fully formed.

With poor ventilation, high ambient temperature, insufficient soil moisture and poor light, plant leaves are not twisted, and the flowers and fruits are embarrassed. It is often necessary to air the room and water the plants carefully monitor temperature regime. With excess watering and feeding, on the contrary, a powerful dark green bush is formed with weak floral tassels. In this case, the plant is less likely to feed, the soil do not watered for about a week, and the flowers are pollinated by hand using cotton sticks.

Video: grow tomatoes on the windowsill

Step-by-step instruction of growing tomato

To grow indoor tomatoes, first grow seedlings, buying seeds of the desired variety.

  • Singing treated seeds. Tomators seeds have in small recesses at a distance of about 2 cm between each seed. They should be placed at a depth of 1-1.5 cm. Earth before sowing is slightly moist.
  • Surprised seeds cover with a film or glax, such a coating will be well held in soil. Capacities are placed in a dark and warm place (+ 25-30 ° C) and we are waiting for germs. Soil can sometimes be saved.
  • After the appearance of shoots, the film is removed, the pots are transferred to the window, and follow the spacons to be light and warm. Tomatoes on the windowsill regularly water, but gradually, carefully follow that there is no excessive moisture in the ground.
  • After the appearance of two real leaves, we produce a pickup, i.e. Separate the strongest sprouts into separate dishes, where they will grow further. This dishes must be significantly, large sizes, the amount must correspond, approximately 7-10 liter bucket.
  • Once every 10 days feed the seedlings ready-made mineral and organic fertilizers. How to breed and feed, usually written on the packaging. Do not forget to loose land around the trunk, but very careful, trying not to damage the roots.
  • As needed, tomatoes are typing to spicks that stick to the ground next to the barrel.
  • Pasking. In the period of growing plants, additional stems appear in the sinuses of the leaves - these are steps. They need to be removed, as they will select food in fruits. You can leave 1 first stepsok to form a second plant barrel.

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  • When the fruits have already started, we leave 4-5 brushes on the trunk, the rest are removed along with the top of the stem and other inflorescences so that they do not interfere with the growth and ripening of the proposed fruit. Do not forget to remove dried leaves, including the lowest, which interfere with watering under the root. Tomatoes, self-polling plants, but they are also recommended to help pollize. To do this, you just need to slightly shake the flowering plant or a soft tassel to take the flowers. We do it very carefully. Tomatoes can get sick without proper care. With excessive soil moisture, they threaten fungal diseases, such as: mold on the leaves, rot on the stem or phytoofluorosis - black spots on the leaves.
  • To prevent phytoofluorosis, tomatoes (plants) are treated with an infusion of garlic and a mangartan, consisting of ½ st. Garlic + 1/2 grams of manganesev, divorced by three liters of water. You can periodically spray with phytosporin solution.
  • Purchased and beginners to repose the fruits, you need to remove and put to dive on the window or in a cardboard box. They will no longer take their useful substances from even growing tomatoes.