Thanks for the landing of the village of a small Christmas tree. How to put the Christmas tree in the country and care for her. Filling the landing poems

Coniferous plants will really decorate any garden. But at the same time, after a dozen or other years, they can easily displace the owners from their own plot, because, slowly growing in the early years, in the future they will begin to pull out 1 m per year, growing up in all directions. So have it in mind.

The first question, which is asked gardeners, conceived to plant on the spruce area: Where is the best place for her? You can plant ate along the fence, as a green fence. It will hide you from the eyes of people who pass or pass through the streets of your gardening. Ate should not be planted from the south side, as they will give a big shadow, although, in principle, it can also be done if you can regularly shorten their tops, not allowing them to achieve too big height. But it is better to plant them outside the plot, from the northern side, behind the ditch at the very edge of the road, which passes by your site. In addition, such a living fence will perfectly close your garden from the North Wind.

On a note

If you plant ate as a green fence, they need to be planted at a distance of 1.5 m from each other.

There is one feature of the ate: if you give her freely to grow up, then it will begin to drop a hive from the lower tiers if she does not have enough space for development. If you want a spruce to you to bottom to top, then you must edit the top from a certain point. Let's say you give her to grow to a height of 2.5 m. Spring will go young and green escape, the top starts to grow further, and you just twist this escape; While on it, the needles are still very soft, it is very easy to do. For ate this operation is quite harmless. You climb her on which height it has grown. As soon as you destroy the top growth point, the nearest sleeping kidneys at the base of the broken sprout will immediately go into growth. One of these shoots will try to compensate the top and starts to grow vertically, and you will again have it. All attempts ate to grow a new top you will suspend each spring. If all the time ate has a young and green escape on the top, then she will be thick with you, the branches will become very fluffy and green, with the lower branches will not turn the needles, and they will not dare. But it should not trim the ends of the branches, because, as a rule, it leads to a drying of the entire branch.

Do not squeeze ate along the border with neighbors. Trees will give shadow neighbors and interfere with neighboring plants.

In general, they are not advised to plant a fir on the plot, because the root system is superficial, and therefore is very extensive, and it will spread to the stitch and interfere with your garden plants that will be even 10-15 m from ate.

Spruce possesses very an interesting feature: It does not like the neighborhood of other plants and will try to survive them from the adjacent territory. Of course, it is possible to plant a fir and on the plot, but then you need to limit it root system. You can outline some kind of platform and each year cut off the shovel of her roots trying to exit the designated boundaries. Because the ate surface root system, it does not have to dig deeply, but it's still a tedious work, and you can skip a couple of times, and it will very quickly go to your tentacles to all your plants. It's easier to do this: if you have an old concrete ring, for some reason you have not used in creating a well, you can bury it for 90-100 cm. If there is no ring, then you can dig a pit, make a formwork and pour a concrete square box without bottom. You can also bury slate, but the roots of ate it will gradually destroy. If you try to bury the iron, it overloads in 8-10 years, and the roots will reach out further.

The landing pit must be square, about 1 x 1 m. The soil you dug, you can make it back, you do not need particularly fertile soil, you need a spruce to grow slowly, in poor soil. And she will grow, do not worry. The fir is very worn and also shadowed. Therefore, if you have 4 apple trees, then in the center you can plant a spruce just limited. She will be their smell, rather sharp, successfully protect your apple trees from the flying pests of an apple tree, since the spruce smell will disorient them: it seems to fly on the smell of their cormalitsa - apple tree, and there is still some suspicious smell. Fearing to leave his offspring on such an apple tree, pests, as a rule, fly by.

But if you want to plant a blue fir tree on the plot, then it will take a sunny place for it. Blue fir grows much slower than ordinary, but its root system will have to limit or plant it in such a place where it will not interfere with the rest of your gardens. By the way, the blue ate should not pull the top, as the lower branches do not dry.

They could not land in autumn, as they usually die.

You can multiply fir seeds. To do this, it is necessary to assemble the bumps not yet to collect. At home they must be put on a sheet of paper, they will quickly dry out, will open, and seeds will be hurt. The eating seeds are small, but with the impeller. You land these seeds under the winter. It is necessary to find a special place for landing and be sure to check that there are no weeds, and for this you need to prepare the soil specifically.

Mix the peat bucket and half a sand, add a liter can of ash. All this is mixed, the mixture is full in the prepared pit, moisturize the seeds, be delivered from above the layer of ordinary soil, approximately 1 cm of the bumps - and that's it. These seeds will pass natural winter stratification, in the spring they will go. True, it happens that they do not attend in the first year, do not worry - will go in a year.

First, one small, thin needle, it is very clearly visible, as it differs from anything. It is impossible to touch it, wait a year or two: the tree should be understed. When the Christmas tree appears a small skeleton, with three or five needles, you can transplant it in the spring. That is, it will be in two years. But for more than two years it is not worth it, you need to transplant. You can pins on the bayonet to make a plant and transplant it. The main thing is that you carefully seized the sebel, it is necessary to plant on the level of the root neck.

But simple christmas trees so seed fashion It should not be planted. It's easier to dig a very little Christmas tree in the forest. We take the earth to the bayonet shovel, take out the Christmas tree along with the soil, put on the fabric and transport.

And remember this moment: when the tree is small, orient it does not need it. If you dig up a large fir, somewhere 1.5 m and more, then when transplanting needs to be kept orientation through the Sun, because such a Christmas tree has already adapted to a certain location. From the south she has a more resistant needle to fall off from sunburn, the trunk already has annual rings - from the north already, and from the south is wider. Make the following: just tie a rag from the south side, and when you land in place, a rag from the south side and leave it to be oriented to the south.

With the help of seed reproduction, blue or silver flies are most often grown, due to their high cost. Blue ate very capricious. In St. Petersburg, in Primorsky the Park there is an alley of blue firings, you can look like a Christmas tree there, take her bump and try to grow from seeds. But note that the blue ate has a feature: from its seeds can be part of the blue firings, and the part is ordinary. They will be seen immediately, the first needle of the sprout appeared will be blue, silver or ordinary green. Therefore, you can immediately discard them and unnecessary throw out.

Ordinary Christmas trees grow very quickly. The first two or three years they are small, and then begin to pull out very quickly. You will give them to grow to such a height, which you want. The Christmas trees can be formed very funny, they can be made almost round, for this you need every time the spring goes green, the young escape, to break it down both on the top and at the ends of the branches. Then the tree will be filled and turn into a ball.

There is another interesting way to landing. You bury the spring conex the whole to a depth of 5-7 cm. In the fall, a lot of shoots will be climbing out of it, and they form a very funny hedgehog immediately. Sometimes they are sold as a bush fir - this is nonsense, bushings do not happen. Fir, grown from cones, are short-lived, as they begin to close each other, and after three or four years they begin to die. But they look very beautifully on a rocky hill or in the group of coniferous plants.

It should be known that many spruce (except blue and ordinary) can heat up to the sun. So all sorts of exotic, brought from somewhere ate, I do not advise you to start. These are very expensive plants, with them a lot of freight, and, honestly, they do not possess special decorative properties. They are usually less decorative than ordinary Christmas trees from the forest. Just exotic - and no more.

So do not strive for this dear landing material. If, of course, you have enough money, then please, you can purchase this expensive exotic and with the help of a gardener or your own forces to nurse with her. It is your right. When in February-March, after a long winter, it suddenly appears a very bright sun and at the same time still lies the snow, the needle burns. The needles turn yellow and sometimes dies at all. Most susceptible to spring sunburn conic. By the way, burns receive not only ate, but also other coniferous plants, such as juniper. In order to protect the coniferous from burns, you can cover them with sheets or old bathrobes (the transmitted Loutrasil or Spunbond is not suitable for this) and you will be "admired" for almost two months.

Against sunny burns of plants there is one interesting homeopathic preparation, it is called "Ekoberin". Samoa in early spring Two tanks of the drug are terminated until completely dissolved in 100 g of water, topping the water to 1 liter, well stir and spray the plant from the south side.

Spruce, like all conifers, best transplanted early in the spring, somewhere from the end of April to mid-may. However, coniferous can be transplanted at any time if you spend the transshipment. This is done as follows: Spruce was put on the side, put the old sheet on the root system, they shone the ground with a closer to this sheet, the ends of the cross will knocked the knot and transported to the site. In a pre-prepared pit, a plant is planted, not unleashing the node, fall asleep this is all soil.

The most important thing is watering. Christmas trees are very moisture culture. True, you can protect your life if we make a hydrogel trees under the root system. You need to make it much, not less than 1 liter. You dissolve it in water, it turns out something similar on jelly or kissel. Then it will protect you: the roots will have moisture, and the tree is very good, it does not matter what, from the forest or bought somewhere.

An even better, any plant takes on, if you pour it after the transplantation "Kornvin", and planted on Akvadon. Thus, any plant, including spruce, can be transplanted at any time of the year, but it easier to transfers the transplant of early spring, as soon as the soil fell out.

Planting ate can be made during the times of cold weather when all vegetative processes slow down in the tree. Then it easier to transfers the transplant itself, which is stress itself. As for the specific season, it is impossible to give unequivocal recommendations, as a lot depends on the climate and weather features in each separate year. Some believe that it is better to plant ate early, others are confident that late tree is best attached. Someone advises to make a transplant.

Early spring tree is only awakened, so adaptation to the new place will be quite comfortable for him. The same can be said about late autumn, only the feature of the time is that the tree, on the contrary, falls asleep. Winter is a time when Spruce is at rest, so the season is also suitable for transplant. The problem with the planting ate in the winter may be that the Earth blends greatly, and not in all regions it is possible to plant a tree without much difficulties. In the cold time, the roots of the transplanted tree should be covered with a sweetheart.

It is best to transplant young plants whose age is less than 2 years old. So they easier tolerate stress associated with relocation.

It is important to put a tree, playing it in space in the same way as it was before. To do this, usually marked the northern direction, while having a tree with this label to the north.

Some time after the transplantation, in the late spring or early summer, the trees are useful to pour fertilizers to strengthen their health.

The transplant site also needs to choose correctly. The young tree must be protected from the scorching sun, so it is desirable to land it in a shady spot. If this does not work, then in the summer at first you need to install a small fence or otherwise protect the tree from the bright sun.

I dug the plant, wrap the roots with wet piece of fabric, do not shake the ground with them. At the time of transportation, if you are driving a fir, place the root system in the box. If nude roots are in the air more than 15-20 minutes, they die. The cutting of the roots is the main cause of the death of seedlings ate during transplantation.

Sit fir in well-drained soil. The upper layer should be loose, so that oxygen freely entered the roots. The depth of the pit for planting is usually 0.5-0.7 m. The lower layer is 15-20 cm - this is a drainage, a clayjit, broken brick, sand suitable for it. The mixture is further falling asleep, which consists of 2 parts of the turf, 2 parts of the sheet, on 1 part of the peat and 1 part of the sand.

In summer, young spruce needs watering. Water buckets once a week to one tree will be enough.

Christmas tree, a Christmas symbol called spruce for a long time. This is Pahuchi evergreen tree Attracts with its slightness, fluffy branches covered with thick cheese. The Christmas tree can serve as an decoration of the house and the household plot.

Spruce is a bright representative of a family of pine, reaching in a height of up to 35-40 meters. Its branches in relation to the trunk is either horizontally or tilted down. With good lighting of the lower row, it is saved for a long time, getting almost to the ground. The young Christmas tree has a smooth, dark brown, but closer to the old age is made with a rough, covered with scales, with a grayish raid. For short fir needles, it is characterized by stiffness, it holds on branches for seven years.

Subsecurated, up to 15 centimeters of the cone ripen in October, but spread seed trees from mid-winter to April.

Thanks to the presence of the wing of seeds, ate easily scattered around the district. The tree is valued wood, light, shiny, with a pinkish tint. Due to surface growth of roots, the tree often turns a strong wind. The life cycle of the Christmas tree reaches more than two hundred years. The coniferous tree loves to use in the design of the landscape and creating along the iron and roads.

Features of shirts:

  • Tightening is best practiced in the last month of spring, although autumn is suitable for this.
  • Prepare cuttings from a tree older than four years, cut off twigs not more than 10-15 centimeters long.
  • So that the branches are well rooted, they are soaked in the solution of growth regulators, to which amber acid belongs.
  • So that the cuttings are rooted, they are planted in the container, filling out with a substrate by humus, garden land, sand taken in the same proportions.
  • The branches are plugged on 5 centimeters, keeping them oblique.
  • Promotion set by steels with a film, put tanks with cuttings into a cool place with sufficient lighting.
  • Retains are rooted for a long time - up to four months.

And plants are sown in the off-season to the depth, they are four times multiple thick. Top of landing fall asleep. From the sown spring sprouts appear after a half months, and in the fall - upon the occurrence of warm spring days.

A more than a hundred decorative shapes of the christmas tree, which serve as an excellent decoration of garden sites, is derived by biologists. And choose the varieties of coniferous wood, depending on where it will grow, in which climate.

Preparation of seedlings, deadlines and landing rules

Two years after, when the seedlings of the Christmas tree are fixed, they are planted on permanent place.

Embed to landing or early autumn, or in the middle of spring.

Requirements for fir seedlings are as follows:

  • The roots of the young treet is better not very long, otherwise they will hurt at. The roar of the land on the roots of the plant must be saved.
  • The height of the Christmas tree for her permanent place can be equal to one and a half meters, no more.
  • The barrel of a seedling should have a fortress, and Crown is a pomp, bright greens of needles.

Proper planting of young firs:

  • I dug a hole intended for planting the Christmas tree, fall asleep to drainage, which includes sand and crushed stone.
  • Further and blind land fall asleep, adding a little sand and peat into the mixture. For a better development of the coniferous trees, nitroammophos is added or other.
  • When planting plants, the neck of the root is at the ground level.
  • Fall asleep the roots of the root of the seedling, make the hole around it, sprinkle with a humor or peat and watered.
  • End the landing of the soil of the sorce.

Compliance with the requirements for landings The Christmas tree is necessary so that the coniferous tree has grown healthy and resistant with a thick crown.

Caring for the Christmas tree

Christmas tree - unpretentious tree. The rules of care include such:

  • Water over the Christmas tree with a dry and hot summer once a week abundantly, to one bucket of water for each plant. And in order to avoid the yellowing of the needles from the watering can.
  • Soil looser produces carefully and shallow due to the fact that the roots of the tree are close to the surface.
  • Do not worry about the fact that the tree grows slowly, especially in the first two years. This is quite natural.
  • The plant does not like when they seal the land around it, and can die from the proximity of groundwater.
  • Before the beginning of the winter period, young landings need to be mulched with a layer of sawdust, in decorative species, chew from the cold and bright sunlight is better to protect kraft paper or pacan.
  • Adults do not need to be covered: they are not afraid of frosts.
  • In the growth of spruce landings, it is necessary to remove the old, dried branches.

More information can be found from the video.

Wheel in Latin will be pecea, which is literally translated as a resin. These evergreen trees live up to 300 years. They are not less loved by gardeners than other shrubs and trees.

In total, there are more than 50 types of fir wheels, which is distinguished by the form, color of needles, height, etc. If you want your garden plot to decorate this beauty, then you need to follow a number of rules for landing and care for it.

Like others coniferous shrubs Or trees, spruce is best to close in early spring (in the last days of April - early May). If the summer is not roast, it is possible to plant it at the end of August - September.

When landing, you need to withstand the distance between the seedlings. It is optimally 2-3 meters. The pit for disembarking should be deep enough - from 50 to 70 centimeters. It must be pre-prepared. 15-20 centimeters of broken bricks fall asleep on the lowest bottom, and then add nutrient substrate. For its preparation mixed 1 pieces of sand and peat with 2 parts of the leaves and the turf. It will be useful to add nitroammophos substrate (100-150 grams).

Landing evergreen tree

The root neck when landing in the pit should be at the ground level. This important rule needs to be observed not only when landing, but also when leaving, as the Earth can settle, exposing the root neck. After the spruce is planted, it must be poured, and the pit is filled with 6-7 centimeter peat layer.

Feeding fir

Many dackets mistakenly believe that manure is a wonderful fertilizer for all plants, shrubs and trees. But it is not. The main error in the care of coniferous trees, including firings, is the fertilizer of their manure. Such an approach ruined a lot of green beauties in the country areas of even experienced gardeners. If the gardener feeds in such a fertilizer, he may forget that beautiful evergreen shrubs will stand on his site.

Despite the fact that in some literary sources, recommendations are given on the fake of the fools with a weak infusion of a cowboy, it is better not to endorse a tree.

Tree feeding need to do

For feeding firs, it is best to use mineral fertilizers. Since spruce, unlike other trees, does not discount on autumn foliage, it does not need additional nutrition to restore the spring crown. It also does not require nutrition to form a harvest. Thus, it is necessary to fertilize this tree at all. Nourishing trace elements and vitamins coniferous beauties are needed only for growth.

Mineral fertilizers

It is very important to avoid fertilizers that contain a large amount of nitrogen, since all coniferous plants poorly carry the excess of this substance. Despite the fact that nitrogen-containing fertilizers have stimulated growth, it can be dangerous. So the intensive increase in non-binding shoots leads to the fact that they are not ready for winter cold and dying. After wintering, your ate will meet you on the sector of yellowed cheese. The growth points in the cold die away, and the tree is infected with chlorosis.

It is for this reason that it is necessary to exclude nitrogen-containing feeders when disembarking seedlings, as well as for mulching. If you want a spruce to grow, it is better to use compost. On 1. square meter It is enough 3-5 kilograms of this fertilizer. No less effective biohumus. You can buy such feeding in specialized garden shops.

How to improve yield?

We constantly write letters in which lovers of gardeners are experiencing that because of the cold summer this year, poor crops of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, and other vegetables. Last year, we published tips on this. But unfortunately, many were not listened, but some were still applied. Here is a report from our readers, we want to advise plant growth biostimulants that will help increase the harvest to 50-70%.

Photosynthesis of freshers are less than that of deciduous trees and shrubs. In order for photosynthesis to be successful, the wood is needed magnesium. To lime conifers, it is recommended to use a dolomite flour, which contains magnesium. But this fertilizer is not enough. It is necessary to carry out feeding by other compositions in which there is an easily dismantled magnesium.

For normal development, trace elements are very important. If the tree lacks at least one element, it is poorly developing, the shoots of unseen, and the occurrence of chlorosis is possible.

Rules for choosing fertilizer

Choosing a fertilizer for a fir, consider the following rules:

  • the composition should be the minimum amount of nitrogen;
  • the composition must be attended by an easily dismantled magnesium;
  • the preparation for feeding should be at least 10-12 microelements (if there is more, then even better).

In specialized stores big choice feeding for firing both Russian and foreign production. Before buying a fertilizer, appreciate its composition according to the criteria described above.

It often happens that fertilizer corresponds to the first two criteria, but has a poor composition of trace elements. In case the manufacturer does not indicate on the package chemical composition Your product, it is better not to buy it.

Spruce is enough to harden 2 times a year. The first feeding is spring. It is held in May, when they start to wake up the growth points. The second feeding is held at the end of summer. Her goal is to prepare a tree to winter and help aging annual growth.

Spring subcord

For spring feeding You can use such fertilizer as "unifloor-bud". It is ideal for firs and meets all the basic principles of proper fertilizer for conifers. It contains 18 microelements, there is easily soluble magnesium and little nitrogen. Also good fertilizer For spring feeding - "Uniflor-cactus". It has very little nitrogen, but there is magnesium, calcium and 18 microelements.

With the first feeding, a sufficiently small amount of fertilizer. On 1-5 liters of water, you need to take 2-3 ml of the drug. Fertilizer is applied on a rigorous circle evenly. If you prefer to use the sprinkle method, you need 2-3 ml of fertilizer to dilute at least 10 liters of water (such a large amount of water will exclude a plant burns). In this case, the feeding will be extractable. But at the same time the nutrient solution when rolling into the rolling circle will feed the tree through its roots.

Extra-corneous feeding of trees

Autumn subcord

The second feeding is held at the end of the summer - at the beginning of autumn. Optimally fertilize ate at the end of August. The drug "Uniflor-micro" is ideal for this, which contains 18 microelements and magnesium.

The principle of the second feeding is similar to the first. Difference only in the dosage. On one plant is enough 0.5 ml of the drug. Measure this volume is quite difficult even when using a syringe. In order not to be mistaken, it is better to prepare the mother's solution first. To make this drug, you need to breed in a 10-fold size. Next prepare the solution can be used with the use of uterine in the calculation of one plant 5 ml. For example, 10 ml of the drug per 100 ml of water can be taken to prepare a mother liquor. The resulting solution is enough for feeding 20 conifers.

Fir Care: Haircut, Watering, Mulching

Under departure is a haircut. What does it mean? After wintering in the trees, it is necessary to compact all the defective branches affected by cold. Also, the haircut may be needed with grown firings, which are planted close from each other. In this case, the crowns must be mixed. The haircut is held once a year after young branches will grow up.

It is important when cutting moderation, since the unnatural crown protects the plants worse, and they can suffer under the influence of winds and frosts.

Watering a her

Watering is required mainly to young trees. It is best to spend it in the morning and not every day. By autumn, watering should be more intense to eliminate the death of the plant in winter.

Keeping plants in the additional watering do not need, as they are well tolerated summer periods and wintering. The root system of such trees germinates deep into the ground and independently produces from there the nutrients and moisture.

But in case the summer is too dry, ate may need to sprinkle. It will not only give the necessary moisture, but also cleanses the hive from dirt and dust. Sprinkle better in the morning and evening hours Not more than once every two days.

Mulching ace

Mulching may be required not only to young seedlings, but also adult plants. Thanks to this procedure, you can reduce sharp drops of temperature, weed growth and keep moisture in the ground. Thanks to the mulching, the composition of the soil is improved, since it is actively starting to develop rainworms.

To make a mulch, you can take the bark of trees, sinters and sawdust. Mulch laying is carried out with a thick layer (4-5 centimeters). If you are an enemy of mulching, you can use soil plants.

Preparation of fir to winter
If by the end of the summer - the beginning of autumn the soil was sufficiently moistened, then no additional preparation for wintering is required. Construction of any additional shelters for firings for the winter time is not needed. With winter thaws, such shelters can only provoke the appearance of fungus on the trees.

If the winter is snow, then it is necessary to come from time to time to a plot to shake off the snow branches. Excessive snow cover lead to a different trees. Young spruce will not take too much snow in the first years. If you visit the plot in the winter there is no possibility, you can link to the twine in the twentieth in the fall.

Frequently found diseases

If in the winter season there are frequent thaws, they can lead to development on silica of fungal diseases. If you have noticed that the needles became darker or began to die off, it means that the tree is infected with fungus. This disease can cause dying branches.

To minimize the possibility of the appearance of fungus at the tree better when buying seedlings to give preference to varieties that possess high resistant To diseases. If failed to avoid a tree disease, then for treatment, the method of processing fungicides can be used.

Yellowing conifers

When the tree is supercooling or due to the loss of moisture soil at the beginning of spring, the needles can acquire a yellowish tint. It is not necessary to worry, with additional watering and warm sunny weather, the trees needles will restore its natural color. If this did not happen, then possible cause The yellowing needle may be a lack of magnesium soil. In order to restore the color you need to make a special mineral fertilizer.

Also, the cause of yellow needles can be the pest - spruce-fir hurmes. The colonies of this pest look like white wool. Most often they are hiding on the underside of the needles. To save spruce from this pest at the very beginning of spring (optimally - in April) spend spraying of branches with a special composition. For its preparation, Rogor and Antio drugs are used: 10 liters of water 10 grams of drugs.

Yellow needles as a sign of wood disease

If after wintering you noticed that the spruce looks tired and unhealthy, to eliminate possible diseases and the death of the plant, it is better to process special drugs. For this, such compounds can be used as immunocyto, humisol, epin-zircon, and the like.

If the shoots look burnt, then, perhaps, such a pest was settled as an ordinary spruce sawller. When the caterpillars are detected, this pest must be treated with a branch with a solution of fuffanone (by 10 liters of water of 20 milliliters of the drug).

When the brown spots appears on the needles and further yellowing or blackening, it is necessary to treat a tree from the disease called Schuce ordinary. To do this, it is necessary to perform a spraying with one of the solution. This may be a burglar liquid (on 10 liters of water 100 grams of composition), cinnab (per 10 liters of water from 50 to 100 grams of the drug depending on the age of the tree), colloidal sulfur (for 10 liters of water 200 grams of the drug). These compositions can be processed by the tree branches when orange spots appear on the needles and swelling of shoots.

If the disease captured most of the plant, then it is better to cut all the branches affected by the disease. In some cases, it even has to resort to the harboring of the tree in order to exclude the infection of other garden plants on the site.

Reproduction of ate

For reproduction, ate can be used a variety of ways. So for species, seeds are used, selection species are grown from cuttings with vaccinations. But the most popular breeding method are branches. You can cut them in the spring (at the end of April), in the summer (in mid-June or at the end of August) and in the fall (in November).
Picture 8. Trees breeding.

Best of all branches from young trees, from 4 to 8 years old. It is necessary to cut them at the top of the crown, since such cuttings are best rooted. The optimal length of the cuttings is from 10 to 25 centimeters.

How to care for fir

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Choosing a variety of christmas

Choosing a place

Rooting ate

Tree landing

Plant care conditions

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Nature itself gave a person to friends evergreen beauty - spruce. She and decoratively green all year round, and the air cleans great. Everything has already changed around, and the spruce is still noble beautiful, very proportional to life and life. To grow so incredibly kind to people a plant, you need to think about the right landing and care of the seedling of ate in the country area. All this, as well as about the types and varieties of fir trees, about choosing seedlings, timing and landing sites you will read in this material.

Popular types and varieties of fir

The most popular firings that grown dackets in their gardens are the following:

  • ? Ordinary (European): Nidformis;


  • ? Barbed (Blue): Huppi, glaucy, glaucoma globe;
  • ? Canadian (sisaya): Albert Globa, Conic, Echinforis;
  • ? Eastern: Golden Star;
  • ? Black: Nana.

Video: Types and varieties of fir

By the way!Growing canadian fir bangs We will definitely consider in one of the following articles, but for now you can watch the video below.

Video: How to plant and care for Canadian fir

By the way! In general, serious differences in the cultivation of various types of coniferous, be it ordinary, blue or Canadian spruce, no. That is why the general landing and care instruction will be presented in the country area.

Video: Top of the best varieties and types of ate - Basics of care and cultivation

Methods of breeding ate

Fashion breeding methods only three: plant seeds (difficult and long), grow from cuttings (lighter and faster), buy and plant ready-made seedlings (the easiest way, but more expensive).

Note! Detailed information O. reproduction ate with stalling and planting seeds You can also be found on our website.

When and how to plant a seedling spruce on the country

Seat selection

Saplings of all conifers, including firs, should be purchased only in containers, that is, with a closed root system. These trees do not tolerate the roots, in other words, the plant must necessarily sit in an earthen coma, which should be regularly moistened as drying. Therefore, buying a seedling with an open root system on the market, you are very risking. Optimal is to acquire a container plant in specialized garden centers.

Dates of landing

Ideal time for planting ate is Spring (April-May) and early autumn (end of August-September). The most favorable season is spring, when the Earth after the winter has already completely relieved, but the desolation and vegetation have not yet begun. It is during these deadlines that the root plant of the plant goes to active growth, so the conifer will be easier to take root in your garden.

Although, if you bought a seedling ate in a container in the summer, then waiting for autumn makes no sense. In this case, it is possible to plant in summer, except that more frequent watering and shading from sunlight will be required.

Place on the site

So that the fir grew well and did not hurt, she needs to pick up right place in the garden. Coniferous trees do not like a deep shadow and the scorching sun, so it should be well lit, but not too open. In this regard, ideally, if there is a light half. Little decorative conifers can be planted near home, but a big fir is preferably planted far from the home (somewhere at a distance of 10-15 meters) and from other plants, because this conifer has a surface root system that simply will pick up all moisture and space For the nearest neighbors.

If you are planning group landings of firings, for example, you want to make a living fence, then plan seedlings at least 1 meter, and preferably 2-3 m.

As for landscape design, as you probably noticed, ate very beautifully combined with other coniferous plants: thia and juniper.

Landing pit and soil

The sizes of the planting pit for planting ate can vary depending on the size of the sapling itself. As a rule, the pit must be 2 times more than the earthen com. Let's say if it is 30 to 30, then the planting pit is suitable 60 by 60 centimeters, although it may be necessary 1 to 1 meter.

If you have a heavy land on the plot, and groundwater is too close, but on the bottom of the pit it is necessary to pour a layer of drainage at 15-20 centimeters, for example, from rubble or broken bricks, and add sand there.

The landing point should be filled with a good fertile soil, which can be prepared using the following components: ferry land, leaf land, peat and sand, taking them in proportion 2: 2: 1: 1. And also add a little less than a glass (gram 100-150) nitroammofoski, mixing the fertilizer with the resulting substrate.


Step-by-step instruction landing seedling ate in open ground:

  1. Find a suitable place in the garden.
  2. Drop the landing pit and prepare soil.
  3. Drainage, if necessary, and pour a little soil.
  4. Place the seedling so that its root neck is above the surface of the Earth for 3-5 centimeters. In no case do not blunt!
  5. Next, pour the pit with a cooked soil and lose weight slightly.
  6. Abundantly sprinkle the landing well. Roots of the plant must touch the ground well, and for this water should not regret.
  7. When the Earth is falling, add still soil and pour again.
  8. If the seedling is young, then tie to the support.
  9. Move the commercial peat or compost for better moisture retention.

Video: how to plant fir

By the way!If you are going to transplant old spruce with a height of more than 3 meters, then such a plant should be planted with a frozen room certain deadlines: from late autumn (from November) and to early spring (by March).

Caring for fir in the open ground in the country

Despite the fact that the eaves are required good lighting, young saplings follows in the first couple of years deny. This can be provided either by planting a seedling ate near the fence, or stretching a special awning. This is especially dangerous early in the spring, when the Earth is still free, the food does not go to the roots, that is, the conifer can simply burn.

Also in the first 2 years, young conifers should mulch Peat or sawdust for the winter. The mulch layer should be about 6-8 centimeters. Will not be superfluous and winter shelter from the laps. Also, the mulch will help better save moisture.

Plant is not very demanding polyvamBut in dry weather he needs frequent moisturies (somewhere 1-3 buckets of water per week), especially young trees. Moreover, it is desirable to pour water not directly under the trunk, but in the rolling circle. Optimal to do it in the evening after sunset or early in the morning, but not only in sunny time.

Tip! Coniferous plants are also very loved and spoke well on watering rainted, especially in arid summer weather.

Another important stage of facial care is weeding from weeds. Do not forget that the root system in the plant is high enough, therefore it follows a shallow, somewhere on 5-10 centimeters.

Coniferous plants do not require mandatory trimmingbut periodically still follows (optional) to carry out corrective and formative haircuts.

Video: haircut ate ordinary and barbed (blue)

As a rule, conifers are rather unpretentious and do not require additional podquokBut if you are supported by a spruce with a compost, jumped a rolling circle, then the plant will be very grateful to you and be sure to be more magnificent forms and rich color. As for the mineral feeding, then 1 time per year you can scatter fertilizer in the rolling concern of the plant, and then rolish with water. In general, there are special fertilizers for coniferous plants.

Important! Do not make feeding in the autumn period, otherwise the plant will go into growth and can perish because of the coming frosts.


If the winter turned out to be warm and wet, then the conifer can pick up fungal disease. Periodic examinations of your gardens pets and various fungicides will help you to cope with your victims.

Coniferous plants are one of the favorite crops that always want to have in the country, especially spruce. So that the robbee acquitted your expectations and was able to withstand adverse conditions, pay attention to our advice and special recommendations for landing and care.

Note! On our site you can also find detailed materials for the cultivation of other coniferous plants, for example, tui and juniper.

Video: How to put a coniferous plant (spruce)

Not every gardener lover will wish to grow decorative fir on his household plot. Since this case cannot be called simple, as a coniferous wood requires special care. And wait until they become big and can decorate the garden with their beauty, you will have to have a very long time. A spruce can become an excellent find for those gardeners who live in northern latitudes. All its species are not susceptible to strong frost and dark, cloudy days. You can try to grow such a tree with seeds, seedlings or cuttings.

What kind of grade to choose for growing

If you create competent cultivation conditions for ate, it will be in your beauty site. We will talk about these parameters below. But it is worth remembering that the success of this case depends on the choice of a variety. Currently, more than many different varieties of spruce, which can be grown in almost any climatic zone. Conducting a choice of one or another species, you should focus on its decorative properties and the maximum dimensions of the tree. In the event that you have a very small household plot, then you should not grow tall varieties, because spruce, after it grows, will take the entire area entirely. For the cultivation of decorative varieties, low small spruce is best. And there are a lot of them. Now we will present to your attention the most suitable types of firings, which will be suitable for private cultivation at the household plot:

Spruce Ordinary (European). With competent caring, the tree ate can reach up to 30 meters in length. The diameter of the needles is 5 meters. There are such varieties that are significantly less in size (up to eight meters), and dwarf (no more than one meter). The representatives of this species are best suited to create live elevations. They are able to make severe frosts and lack of sunlight. Beautiful in its appearance decorative varieties of ate of this variety - Columnaris, Inversa, Compact, Elegance, Nana, Gregorian, Clan-Brasiliana, Echina formism.

Spiny spruce (blue). It is a fairly popular view for landscaping of household plots. The fir has a pyramid shape, and sharp needles, in length 2-3 cm. Can reach 25 meters in height. Representatives of this species prefer light, are not subject to severe frost. You should pay your attention to such varieties of barbed ate - Hoopsii, Glauca, Iseli Fastigiata.

Serbian spruce (Balkan). The trees having a low-ceiling crown. Can grow up to 30 meters long. They can greatly grow in the shade and perfectly carry drought. As its branches grow, the shoots of a new increase begin to hang out in the form of a beautiful fringe. Due to this, spruce looks rather original. The most famous varieties, GNOM, KAREL, PENDULA BRUNS.

Spruce Canadian (sisaya, white). It is the most winter-harden, pouring variety. Not demanding to the soil. In the wild can reach in a height of up to 30 meters. There are currently many low-grade ornamental varieties - Albertiana, Pendula, Conica, Alberta Globe.

Spruce Siberian. This kind of ate can perfectly adapt to the northern harsh conditions. Croon tree has a conical shape. And bright dark green needles can decorate any garden. The most popular of all existing decorative varieties is Glauca.

Spruce Tien Shanskaya.This kind of ate has a narrow crown. It comes from China. Branches of branches. The needles reach the length of up to 4 cm. The fir prefers high humidity and a lot of sunlight. Our country has the popularity of decorative variety of Globosa.

Where to plant a fir

Read this article You will be able to learn how to grow spruce at the cottage. The choice of landing site is very important in this case. If possible, it is possible to take the growing area to grow this species. It can be safely taken in the shade, but it reaches intensive growth only on the light - in these conditions, the crown of a small tree will develop the crown of the right form. And highly decorative miniature varieties of ate can not do without the sun at all. It should be first to make sure that the soil on the household plot is perfectly aerated and drained, since excess number Moisture young tree can just die. Spruce, like all other gifted plants, love alkaline soils (pH 4.5-6.0), where various fungi is very actively multiplied. If increased acidity is observed in the soil, then various bacteria will form there, which will adversely affect the future development of the coniferous trees. Soil must be rich in various trace elements. Then the plant will be able to take care even on scant areas ..

Growing ate from seeds

Trying to grow spruce from the seed is very difficult. This cultivation method is not very popular among amateur gardeners. But if they can provide landings necessary care, then the plant will be able to go and grow well on the plot. You can make this seating material without any problems in any specialized store. But in this case, there are risks to buy not very high-quality seeds, which simply do not go. For this reason, if you have free time, take the collections to college yourself and prepare seeds to sow.

Seeds ate.

  1. Seed collection should be made in late October, early November. It is necessary to climb the collected bumps at home and get seeds from them. Next should be done as follows:
  2. The collected seeds should be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and put into a container with crystal sand, to depth, about 1.5-2 cm.
  3. The pot must be put in the refrigerator. Thus, you can create for seeds optimal conditions for their germination.

In early March, you can briefly get a container with seeds and put into the illuminated, warm place. For these purposes, the windowsill will be a magnificent place. In a warm place, seeds of ate should give the first shoots no later than in a month. Whole this period is necessary to abundantly water the soil. After the first shoots appear, it will be possible to reduce the watering mode of a young fir. To ensure protection, it is necessary to protect the plant from various diseases and pests. Before you decide to plant a plant into open ground, the site can be treated with insecticides and make fertilizers.

The proof sprout ate.

You can move the young spruce on the permanent place of its growing time in early May, when warm weather is installed on the street. It is necessary to prepare a well for landing the Christmas tree in advance. The depth of this fox will depend on how much centimeters stretched the sprout. On the bottom of the pits, pour various mineral fertilizers and compost. Next, it should be placed in a seedling prepared well and sprinkle a slightly earth. In order for the Christmas tree to be faster to take root in new conditions for it, cover the seedling with polyethylene or plastic bottle. Each lazy should open this mini-greenhouse. After one week you need to remove it at all.

Growing seedlings ate

Try to grow spruce from a sapling much easier. But you should be prepared for large financial costs - in specialized nurseries a good seating material is very expensive. As a rule, they are sold in pots. It is best to land them on a plot with a suit of native soil. The main indicators of a healthy seedling:

  • The needles on the ate should be shiny and smooth.
  • The soil in the container is slightly moistened.
  • Roots should not be beyond the borders of the tank.

Sport a seedling in May- and already with the onset of winter, he will be able to get used to the new conditions for himself. It is necessary to prepare a fossa, depth to 60 cm. It is necessary to put drainage (pebbles or broken brick) onto it (pebbles or broken brick), and a layer of a nutrient substrate (peat, hard and leaf land, sand). The substrate will take approximately 2/3 pits. In the event that you have purchased several seedlings at once, then you should be located at a distance of 2.5 m from each other, because after a couple, the top three years the Christmas tree will grow. The exception can only be the dwarf varieties of ate - they can be thrown out of more than one meter from each other. The plant should be very deepened in the well in such a way that the root kidney remains at the soil level. After disembarking, it should be sprinkled with a peat and pour the soil.

The cultivation of Eah Stalky

Wood can be raised in two ways. But in any case should be competent landing In the open soil and good care. In addition to growing spruce from seeds, it can be raised with cuttings. The hauling of the ate is the most popular breeding method among gardeners. The cost of planting material is not very expensive. And you can hit the branch in the park near you, or the forest. Excellent shoots that one, two years old will be able to come. It should be paid to the fact that the top kidney must be on the cutting tree. Unfortunately, without her, a small tree will not grow in heights. Eugene length - 7-10 cm.

Steel ate.

Landing should be made immediately after cutting slenka - autumn or spring. From the bottom it should be cut off all the cheva and put in a special solution for good fortification. A day later, you can land a cutter into a nutritious substrate that saves from perlite, sand and peat. The cuttings must be deepened into the ground for 4-5 cm at an angle of 30 degrees. Next, the twig can be a little pour for two weeks to create greenhouse conditions for it, covering polyethylene or plastic bottle. Two days later, three years with a slightly stupid tree you can cut the cuttings and increase the spruce zone.

Growing ate: Care Rules

Young landings will demand from you due care, because even perfectly rooted seedlings in the absence required conditions Contents may just die. The basics of growing young firs and care are as follows:

Watering. A spruce can be excellent to carry dry weather and live without moisturizing the soil several weeks. But WTO as for the high-breeding varieties of trees, they will not suffer such an attitude towards themselves. They need 10-12 liters of water every week. Watering seedlings, try to avoid moisture from getting. To be able to provide sufficient humidity and avoid rotting the root system, the prioric circles of young Christmas trees are better to mulch. As a mulch, you can use bark or coniferous sawdust.

Mulching of priority circles ate stones.

Podrel. If you provide the necessary care of ate, it will be able to develop perfectly without fertilizer. High-temperature varieties can be subcreamed by various complex fertilizers once a season. Saplings have just needed to constantly pour growth stimulants.

Trimming. It is necessary to form a crown. This procedure will be able to positively affect not only the appearance of the Christmas tree, but also on her health. In the fall and in the spring it is necessary to remove sick branches from the tree. Conducting this procedure, it should not be too carried away - excessive trimming may simply destroy the young fir.

Transfer. Not always the Christmas tree will grow at the place allotted - occasionally you should transplant Christmas trees on another site of the garden. If we take into account the fact that as it is growth, the Christmas tree forms mbocornia in the soil (the root system of the tree connects with fungi), the transplant should be made along with the soil. The most important thing is not to damage the transplantation of this very fragile system. You will not need to prepare a very deep hole for landing, since the roots will develop stirre. On a new section of the Christmas tree, it will take special care - constant soil watering and shading. A large number of eats is not afraid of very strong frosts. But still decorative varieties will need to protect in winter - the twigs can be fed under heavy snow and found. And the young chips seedlings will require compulsory shelter. Prioric circles need to be well to climb late autumn, in order for the root system to be completely covered. The crown of the tree can be covered with nonwoven material or kraft paper.

Heri diseases and pests

Whatever the fir has been beautiful, use the correct care and competent cultivation in order to prevent the disease in plants. Even highly decorative varieties of ate can be safely attributed to resistant plants. They can very rarely affect disease and attacking different pests. But despite this, there is still a danger of damage to coniferous trees, especially with illiterate care for them. Below will tell you about the most dangerous fungal diseases:

Spit. The needle of a tree, affected by this fungus, starts to warm and fall. You can determine this disease without any problems on a very dark color of the transverse strips on the needles.

Gray mold. Most often amazes young plants of dwarf shapes. This disease begins to appear by the appearance on the branches of a gray-white plaque. If not taken necessary measuresThe fungus will be able to fully cover the entire crown of the tree. As a rule, fungi begin to develop due to excessive humidity. She does not love her fir. You should not allow excessive landing launches and not overflowing young trees with water. In the event that you wicked traces of defeat, it is necessary to handle the crown of fungicides.

Among pests are the most dangerous:

Spruce tick.It is very difficult to see in a magnificent needle bug, because it is very small. The tree begins to lose its appearance. Needles acquire brown color. Mechanical methods of struggle in this case will be powerless, as it is impossible to remove all bugs and the larvae due to their small size. Here you can help special preparations acaricides.

Hermes. This insect contributes to the captivation of the needles. In these galls, the trouble begins to quickly develop. You can fight the hurmesis, cutting, formed galls and treating the plant insecticides.

Spruce sawder. Very dangerous pest. He is able to hit young Christmas trees. The needles acquire a brown color, and on the branches there is a mud flare. In order to completely get rid of the sawder, you will need to spend at least three times to process the affected branches of ate insecticide.

Coroede. It is quite difficult to fight with pests. Much easier to use in practice effective methods Prevention. It is necessary to constantly monitor the health of their Christmas trees, as bugs begin to hit only weakened plants. With the onset of spring, it is necessary to process landing insecticides.

Spruce wordYou can detect these insects with a naked eye. This pest is a small green bug. The TLL starts to eat cheese fir, sucking all the juices from it. As a result, the branches begin to take off. Also perfectly shows itself in practice in the struggle with the use of insecticides.


Now you understand the technology of growing ate. Try to care for the planted Christmas tree, and then no pests and diseases will be able to prevent her to grow well and develop!

Unlike deciduous trees, the appearance of conifers remains attractive at any time of the year, so many owners seek to decorate their plot by this attribute of Christmas. But before planting a fir on the plot, you should decide on the view of the tree, choose the optimal placement location and properly prepare the soil at the cottage under the plant disembarking.

Choosing a variety of christmas

The main criterion when choosing a type of coniferous wood is the shape of the crown and the height of the adult plant.

When designing a country area, three varieties of fir trees are predominantly used.

  • Ordinary spruce is a type of plant with a height of 1.2-3 meters. Tint of needles from golden to bright green. This species can most often meet in the country.
  • Spruce Sizaya - got its name thanks to the gray color of the tree bark and a gray-blue or ashon. Tall varieties of ate have a cone-shaped crown, and dwarf plants The top has the form of a socket or a ball.
  • Spiny spruce - a tree with a decorative cone-shaped crown, height reaches sometimes 40 meters. Less frequently there are dwarf trees up to 2 m. The needles of such firs are very stuck, it has a color from whitish-blue or silver to turquoise.

Choosing a fir for a small cottage, one should stop on the plant of medium or dwarf height, and tall are suitable for country house With a plot of large square. When designing plots, medium or dwarf species use particularly popularity.

Acquisition or seed search

Trees can be done different ways. It can be chosen in the nursery, bring from the forest or grow independently in the container.

  • Kennels traded with grown trees, digging them in the presence of the buyer, or offer ate in containers. The tree, whose root system is bare, may not live until the landing in the ground. Therefore, it is very important to choose a fir with intact roots and an earthen room that protects them from the exposure to the external environment. It will be much easier to grow so much, because the tree will move well with a transplant, it will be less affected and faster.
  • If the tree breed does not matter, then you can bring a Christmas tree from the forest by choosing a tree from 1 to 2 meters. The tree should be flipped from all sides to extract with a large earthen room. The small trees can be transported from the forest with naked roots, but during transportation to cover them with tarp material, and on arrival immediately fall into the prepared pit.
  • To grow a seedling from a seed, you need to bring out of the forest in the winter opened cones and collect seeds. In a container for planting plants, add an earth, taken from the forest, or pour the soil mixture for coniferous plants. Seeds put in the ground to a depth of 5 mm and put in a cold place.

In the warm period of the year, the Christmas tree should be regularly moistened, and in the cool time to reduce watering up to two times in 30 days. To ensure rest periods, the plant should be periodically exposed to a balcony or to the courtyard. For one year, the fir can grow up to 25 cm in height.

Choosing a place

Since spruce can reach a height of 10 and a width of 5 m, it is necessary to carefully choose a landing space. In natural conditions, the plant feels well at the river, where its root system can get enough moisture. But the tree of the tree does not like the tree, so the care of it implies the improvement of drainage.

The fir strongly depletes the soil, so it can not be squeezed next to the fructural cultures. In addition, it should be borne in mind that in an adult tree a spruce is a rather large tree. Therefore, it is undesirable to plant it under electric wires.

The Christmas trees feel great in surrounded by Berez. They are not afraid of the shadows that birch give, on the contrary - she is even useful to them. Spruce is one of the rare trees that retain their beauty in the shade.

Rooting ate

In the forest you can find and dig a small year old Christmas tree. In order to carefully transplant the tree, you should first fold it around. The pit circle should be equal to the diameter of the lower branches, and the depth is at least 0.5 m.

The roots of the plant must be carefully removed from the ground without shaking down. Then lay fir on dense fabric And carefully pack, noting the color ribbon side of the world. A tree and a bag with forest soil immerse in transport and transport to the landing site, trying not to damage the branches and the root system during transportation.

The soil in the forest is different from the one in the garden. Therefore, it is necessary to take the land from the forest from the place where the Christmas tree was dug.

All the varieties of firings love light soil. On heavy soil types, they grow bad. Before planting plants in poor soil, mineral fertilizer must be made (about 100 grams).

Tree landing

The best time for planting ate - spring or early autumn. At this time, the plant has already passed or has not yet entered the phase of active growth. Coniferous trees grown in a container can be planted and later, since their roots do not suffer.

The size of the pockets for planting the plant should coincide with the volume of the earth coma. For small plants of 2-3 years old, there are enough recess of 60 by 80 cm, and if necessary, put a large pit tree must be somewhat larger than the earthen com. The distance between the deepends for large plants should be three meters, for the average - 3-5 m, and the dwarf is enough from 0.5 to 1 m.

Sequence of actions when landing

  1. On the bottom of the pitted pit to ensure drainage stacked brick fragments. The soil is embanked from above. For this purpose, the land from the forest is suitable, mixed with humus.
  2. The plant is placed in a hole along with an earthen room. The root neck in no case should be deepened in the soil, it is properly located to position it with the surface of the Earth.
  3. Carefully cover the roots with soil and slightly seal. It is important to maintain the initial position of the tree in the transplantation relative to the parties of the light. To do this, make a mark with one of the sides of the tree, to then focus on this sign.
  4. The Christmas tree must be fixed, tied to two stakes, and around the tree make an earthen roller to delay the watering water and the formation of a priority circle for laying a mulch from a pinch and sawdust in order to protect against frost, dryness and rodents.
  5. At first, after planting, a seedling requires regular watering and care. In the summer, the soil under the tree should be watered, and in the winter it is not necessary to do this.

Introducing mineral feeding it is necessary next in spring. If the planting ate is done correctly and ensured proper care, it adapts quite soon.

Plant care conditions

Ate love sunlightBut young seedlings need additional care and shading. They may suffer from the Spring Sun, which can lose their needles and lose decorativeness. They are better to plant near the walls and fences, which will initially give them the necessary shadow.

At the same time, it should be noted that the root system takes a lot of space around the ate and can over time to continue to communicate and the foundation of the house. It is unlucky and does not like soil seals, so it is undesirable to completely pull the surface of the earth near the tree. Young seedlings for the winter should be covered with a sweetheart, to clean which is necessary after the cessation of spring frosts. Adults ate enough frost resistant and do not need insulation.

With a long drought, the plant requires additional care in the form of watering. We must carefully monitor the level of soil moisture. When watering, water should be pouring not under the trunk, but in a circle within a radius of 30 cm from the tree trunk. The amount of water for soil moisturizing in hot weather should be from 10 to 12 liters per plant when watering every 7 days.

Blue spruce is a rather demanding plant, which consists of cutting dry and sick branches. This event should be carried out in spring and autumn. When growing blue firings in decorative purposes, it is necessary to provide them with appropriate care, it consists in the formation of the crown of trees. The first time the pruning should be carried out in the year of planting, and then every 2-3 years, cutting the branches by 10-15 cm.

Observing these uncomplicated rules, you can create a picturesque corner in the country, and a healthy and well-kept plant will profitably fit into the landscape of the site. Ate have a lot decorative species And the shades of the needles, so the appropriate instance can be selected for almost any stylistic direction.

Wood care is to properly land, shading, fertilizer, trimming and irrepresentation. Coniferous trees planted on the border of the country area or sides of the road look very decoratively. The plant is quite difficult to adapt and carries out, but if the result is reached, the fir will be year-round to please the eye of his magnificent cheese.

Spruce belongs to the family of pine. It grows in Asia, America and Europe. At home, growing the Christmas tree is not so simple, since it needs careful care. The most common species that grow at home in a pot are spruce and silver spruce. In addition to these varieties, you can still grow arakaria (room fir). Arakaria can be grown at home in a pot all year round, if the village is to create competent care.

Containing rules


In order to grow the Christmas tree at home in a pot, you need to care for her correctly. The village loves bright lighting. It is necessary to grow young specimens in a bright and warm place, while the pot with fir should be removed from the rays of the sun. Otherwise, this can negatively affect the further cultivation of the village.


In the cold season, ate need a coolness. In this season, the temperature regime should vary from +6 to +10 ° C. Forest beauty can easily endure a negative temperature, only at the same time it is required to monitor the soil lump so that it does not freeze.

Watering mode

To grow the Christmas tree in a pot, it needs to provide competent care. Watering is the main component in the cultivation of forest beauty. The tree should be poured abundantly since March and in September.

It is not allowed so that the soil is overly wet or too dry. In winter, the frequency of irrigation is reduced to 1 time in 20 days, if the temperature regime in the room is +6 - + 10 ° C. At a temperature of 0 degrees, the Christmas tree moisturizes once a month. Professionals advise, from time to time spray the tree, especially during the cold weather.


Spruce does not need regular feeding. Summer spruce fertilize just about three times with universal feeding.

Earthy substrate

If you want to grow spruce from seeds, then for this you need an acidic soil. You can purchase an earthen mixture for coniferous plants or prepare it yourself at home. It is required to take a universal soil and soil from the coniferous forest in the same proportions, and all this is mixed.


Surely painful fir tolerates a transplant. It is recommended not to disturb the earthen com and prevent the roots of the roots. Tarlery the Christmas tree needed 2 times a year in about May.


To grow up the Christmas tree at home in a pot of seeds, you need to take seeds from cones that are collected from the middle of autumn and until the end of winter. At home, the seeds are sighable not deeper than half acantimeter. In the period of rooting seedlings, the container must be put in a well-ventilated room.

Saplings, which was marked by a year, grow from 15 to 25 centimeters, it all depends on the type and conditions.

The most common problems

In order to grow the Christmas tree at home in a pot, it is worth sticking to competent care, otherwise there may be problems in growing.

  1. The needles become yellow and crept. This is usually due to improper care ( sunny burns, low or high temperature, irregular watering mode.) The affected branches cannot be restored. One can only make changes to the conditions of content and take advantage of drugs that increase the immunity of plants. Funds acquire in special stores.
  2. Igged wrinkled. This suggests that the earth is not completely oxidized. In the upper layer of the soil, the ground should be added from under coniferous plants. You should not leave the trees root, as well as the soil level should not be changed.

If you hold all the listed tips how to properly grow a Christmas tree in a pot, then you can get a beautiful and magnificent fir tree without any difficult difficulties.

On the eve of the New Year, the question of the tree as the main symbol of the holiday is becoming more acute. Opponents plastic wood The apartment understands that firing firing in the forest is not a way out, because it costs it a lot, but it will begin to turn rather soon. The most logical seems to grow and dress up a plant in a pot to the holiday - a minimum of costs, no cleaning, and no Christmas tree will suffer due to traditions.

Is it possible to grow spruce yourself?

As a New Year, in principle, any plant can become, at least a reminisant coniferous, such as cypress or self-sushit. The same one who is looking for light paths and seeks to achieve perfection, it's time to study the question of how to grow a Christmas tree at home, because it is more than real!

The greatest difficulty arising from the cultivation of the tree of the house is the limited possibilities of the urban apartment in terms of providing for ate of the so-called rest period. If you pay attention to the cycle of the life of ordinary forest tree, it is not difficult to note that during the year the temperature regime that it has to be transferred, changes from the heat +30 in the summer to frosts - 30 in the winter months. Christmas trees easily transferring such temperature drops during the year, moreover, these coniferous trees are perfectly adapted to them, and the temperature of the temperature regime leads only to diseases of the firs.

That is why it is better to start growing a Christmas tree in an apartment in the presence of a loggia or another cold and cool place. You should also be ready that after two or three years, the Christmas tree will have to transplant in the natural conditions of the forest, because in nature ate achieves heights of several tens of meters, and for the tree of such dimensions, of course, there is not enough pot from the earth, neither the size of even the largest Rooms.

On average, fir lives about 300 years, but sometimes its age can reach up to 600 years. The oldest tree on Earth is almost a thousand years old, and it grows in Sweden. "Old Tikko" is so called the tree - lives and live in national Park Fulufiellet and revered as the oldest wood organism on the planet.

How to grow fir

You can grow a Christmas tree at home with several simple and accessible every ways.

  • From the seed.

Trying his own tree from the seed, you are guaranteed not to break the law (after all, in some regions of the country, it is forbidden to dig trees in the forest) and get a Christmas tree, almost from birth adapted to the new place of residence in your home.

What you need to do to grow a tree "from scratch":

  • Collect a few mature revealed in the natural conditions of cones you need a spruce.

In the fall, somewhere in October, you need to go to the nearest park or prolel and search for the Christmas tree open cones with seeds in them. If you bring a closed bump home, it will also reveal, but the seeds in it may not be fully matured.

Christmas trees belong to gone plants and they have arisen a lot before coated (color) plants. By virtue of its peculiarities, the viced often displaces other plants from the growing area. The most vivid example of such a neighborhood is trees and birch. First, small spruce, loving humidity and shadow, grow under the crowns of birks, then become higher them, later shadow deciduous trees and scribble the soil, thereby finally exterminating the trees of other species.

  • Plant seeds to the pot and put it in a cold place (the best refrigerator) for a couple of months.

At all christmas trees grow and adapt to absolutely any earth from the swamp to rocky soil, from sand to claybut best of all the fir, of course, will grow on fertile blackloom. It will also be important to add a bit of land from under that fir, under which you found a bump with seeds.

  • Two months later, when the seeds are ready to germinate, you should put the pot on the window sill, on which it is not very hot and not too dark.

By the spring, your Christmas tree will be about 5 cm in size, and after two or three years it will reach the height of the half-meter and will be asked to transplant it into the garden.

  • From a sapling.

If you do not have the opportunity, desire or time to grow a Christmas tree from a seed, then you can immediately buy a seedling ate. It will be a plant without fail in a pot with a closed root system at the age of just two or three years, that is, ready to transplant into open ground.

Seedling ate last years It became popular to acquire precisely before the new year in order to make fun to celebrate, feeling the smell of the needles of the real living tree, and in the spring to transplant it in the park or in the forest.

The ancient peoples of spruce was considered sacred tree, they worshiped her, they cared for her in every way and dressed up. Becoming Christians, Europeans, however, have retained a number of pagan traditions, including decoration of the Christmas tree, only now for Christmas. And Peter I, wanting to be fully consistent with European canons, introduced this tradition and in Russia.

Choosing this way to celebrate the New Year, indeed, you can kill at least two hares: do not harm environmentBy indulging cutting down the trees for the sake of tradition, and contribute to the normalization of the environmental situation by landing a new tree in the spring.

In order for the seedling to take root and felt well in the open soil, it is necessary to study the features of his existence until he turned out to be in your hands. That is, it is better to choose such a tree for which you already have suitable conditions. In other words, if you, for example, want to have a Christmas tree in my yard, then a sapling need to be chosen according to the conditions of your yard, and not hope that a two-year-old tree will be able to adapt to the changed conditions. It is extremely unlikely, and most likely, if the light and thermal mode and the nature of the soil will be too different, the Christmas tree will begin to get root and can even die.

If the "birth" conditions of the tree and those in which you transplant it, almost completely coincide, then it remains only to immerse the Christmas tree in the hole exactly at the depth, on which it was in a pot, and water in case of dry summer (approximately 10 liters of water in Week during the strong heat).

  • From the twig.

Another popular way in virtue of its effectiveness is a way to grow Christmas tree yourself - from a twig or a cutlery, as professional gardeners call it.

A twig of about 20 cm long needs to be cut off in spring or autumn from the top of the beautiful and healthy fir, the age of which is at least 5 years old, a little clean from the needles at the base and land in the ground - in the pot at home or in a greenhouse on the street. In order for the cuttings guaranteed to take root, it is possible to soak it up for half an hour in a weak solution of manganese, and only then fall into the ground. After planting the cutlets it is better to cover with a film and maintain the temperature of the soil at 21-26 degrees Celsius, and the air temperature is not lower than 4-7 degrees. The first days before the appearance of the roots, it is necessary to water the new seedlings several times a day, and then reduce the amount of water as they arrive and strengthen in the soil. It is important to remember that Christmas trees do not like heat and straight sun rays, but also do not tolerate complete darkness.

How to transplant spruce from the forest

If you have a house on your land, and you want to start adultery to admire the adult Christmas tree as quickly as possible and drive around her dances for the new year, you can transplant the tree directly from the forest. Here the most important thing is not to damage the root system is already enough adult tree and when landing, mix the land from your site with the one from where the tree is taken.

Take the tree is best in the fall or spring, giving him a rich watering and protecting the first time and, if necessary, from the scorching rays of the Sun and other extreme weather events, which can badly affect the already experienced stress trees.

In general, conifers do not like frequent shifts of their place of residence, so you should not hope for the idea that some time a Christmas tree can be kept in the apartment, then planted in an open soil, and make it several times with the same tree. Sooner or later, with his favorite, he will have to part in favor of more natural conditions for her.

But there is also an option when there are not an ordinary forest tree growing at home, but a specially derived breed. You can watch the video below for the cultivation of such instances.

How to grow spruce at home (video)

  • View: conifer
  • Flowering period: May, June
  • Height: 30-35m
  • Green colour
  • Perennial
  • Winter
  • Teoteluby
  • Resistant to drought

Green plantings on the country site is and fresh air, and natural decor, and great functional tool To build landscape design. Perfectly in any climatic belt of Russia, coniferous inhabitants of forests are coming, among which are slim Christmas trees with lush, thick cheese. It is no secret that the aroma of the resin is also useful for people, and for plants, so everyone who takes care of their health, be sure to plant ate. Consider in more detail how to grow fir and use it to decorate the garden plot.

  • Spruce in landscape design
  • Purchase seedlings in nursery
  • Cultivation of seed trees
  • Transplanting forest tree
  • How to plant a fir?

Spruce in landscape design

To begin with, we offer you to see you a video - you may find answers to your questions in it:

Let's start with the fact that all sorts of varieties ate is a wonderful material for the formation of the style of a country area, which is why when choosing a planting material it is worth paying attention to coniferous varieties.

Due to the thick beautiful crown, the shape of which can be adjusted depending on the purposes, high and low ate are successfully used to compile such compositions as:

  • rokaria;
  • hedges;
  • topiari;
  • single and group landing.

The combination of low coniferous plants with neatly formed kroons, stone and decor from natural materials Suitable for decorating the territory and in regular and in natural styleTherefore, rocaria with fir as a key element is very popular.

Rocarium is still good and because they require small investments with a maximum aesthetic effect: almost all plants can be raised with their own hands, and the stones are found right in the cottage, bring from the river shore or from a career

Living spruce hedge is a magnificent fenceful element that can be planted around the perimeter or between two different functional zones. High, tightly planted trees will completely replace the fence, and miniature decorative plants Decorate the territory and create a natural natural atmosphere.

In this case, low, but close to each other, planted trees are rapidly decorative than the functional load - they separate the rocarius zone from the rest of the territory

Having a small Christmas tree at the cottage, you can practice the art of Topiari - create a geometric figure, a spiral or another simple three-dimensional object from a lush fir crown. Here, one of the properties of coniferous plants is useful - slow growth (3-5 cm per year).

Start comprehending Azov Topiari better with the least complex shapes - cube, pyramid or ball, and then go to more complex configurations, such as spirals

Against the background of brick and wooden buildings and fences, the groups of rarely planted fories of different heights look beautifully, and a single high christmas tree can become the center of the recreation area or an excellent partner background for a gazebo (benches, garden decor).

Many specially planted fir to celebrate New Year and Christmas in nature. The holiday carried out in the fresh air is more interesting and more fun of a banal family feast, and the process of decorating a tree by garlands and toys - a real magic ritual who will remember the whole life

Water acquisition or reproduction methods

If you chose a fir as one of the plants to decorate your site and even decided on a variety, you need to think about where you take it. The easiest way is to buy a ready-made seedling in the nursery, but many are not looking for easy ways and try to grow a tree on their own, from seeds or twigs. There are those who consider the most endless and strong specimens taken in a natural environment, that is, dug in the forest.

Consider the nuances of each method and consider the features of the reproduction of ate in more detail.

Purchase seedlings in nursery

If you already have a ready-made designer project, and it lacks only a few coniferous trees for its implementation - you can quickly buy seedlings in the nursery. This is relevant and in the event that you need some rare, exotic variety, which is difficult or for a long time to grown on your own.

Saplings of conifers, like other plants, are sold in pots of various sizes, depending on the magnitude of the plant. Having planted the Christmas tree into the ground, it is necessary to fully maintain a com "native soil," so the tree is pregnant better and faster.

Choosing a spruce in the nursery, consult a specialist in the main factors of cultivation that relate to the size of an adult tree, its winter hardiness and endurance, light conditions, irrigation mode, etc.

Buying a seedling, pay attention to its viability, which is easy to determine the following signs:

  • fresh, brilliant, not pesting partially needles;
  • gentle shoots on the tips of the branches;
  • natural, not deformed form of branches and trunk;
  • couplings are not amazed by a rusty or whiten flare;
  • at easy pressing, the twig bends, and do not break.

Too little pot indicates that the fir dug specially for sale and broke its root system.

Cultivation of seed trees

If you have enough time for garden work, you can grow the growing of various varieties of seeds. The best are species growing in your area. The ripening time of cones depends on the climate, but for reproduction, it is recommended to collect late autumn.

The bumps are stored in a dry cool place, protected from wind and direct sunlight. About 2.5-3 months before sowing, seeds are taken out (they are also called nuts) and subjected to stratification to increase the germination

To prepare seedlings, the seeds are withstanding the day in clean water, after half an hour, insulting in a weak (0.5%) solution of manganese. Then immersed in the containers filled with wet sand, and stored before sowing in the cold - snow or refrigerator.

Sowing spent in mid-April, and it is better to use a greenhouse with sawdusts for this. The sandy soil is covered with a thin layer (1.5-2 cm) sawdust, seeds are placed on it, topped with the same layer of coniferous sawdust - create conditions close to natural, but more comfortable for growing

If you decide to plant seeds into open ground, you will have to arrange additional protection. It may be a frame of rods, protecting from a sharp wind, and a layer of x / b fabric.

In August, a peculiar defense is cleaned, and instead they make a shelter from a thick layer of dry leaves. Instead of open soil, there are sometimes drawers, but the cultivation conditions remain the same.

After 2, less likely after 3 years, seedlings are planted into the ground with a 40-50 cm interval. Before disembarking, too long or damaged roots must be removed, and the remaining a short time put in a mortar

A special care regime will be required: moderately wet soil (in the heat - an additional watering) and 3-month-old summer feeding. A borologist or a 0.1 percent hydrophone solution diluted with water is suitable as a fertilizer.

Dorost seedlings last another 3-4 years. All this time they need to loosen, fertilize, water around 1 time per week. Mandatory feeding is produced in spring, before the start of swelling swelling. Mineral nutritional mixture suitable:

  • manure - 450-500 g;
  • potash Selith - 10-15 g;
  • superphosphate - 25-30

Everyone is thoroughly mixed, distributed into the ground around the seedlings, neatly stick to a small depth (8-10 cm) and watered so that the fertilizer is absorbed into the soil.

After 6-7 years you will get a Christmas tree, ready for landing for a permanent place. Them, as usual, land in early spring, keeping the roar lore

How to grow a Christmas tree from the branch (cutting)

Sealing is used to reproduce decorative species. Twigs chopped at the beginning of spring (in April) can be rooted in the same year, later - only the next year. Many prefer August-in-law when shooting grave and begin to aute, but there is a winter method that is successfully used for all conifers, including for fir trees.

We bring to your attention a master class in winter shining ate, which is home to the home rooting of seedlings with the possibility of further spring landing in the ground. With the help of garden scissors or a secaterator cut off required amount Side sprigs. From the end of the cut, the "heel" should be preserved - a piece of last year's wood. A large "heel" will have to trim so that it is not to drop wood.

Coupling from the bottom close to the "heel", gently cut off with a knife, as they do not need and will interfere with the development of future roots

Many breeds of coniferous trees are perfectly bypass without additional stimulants, however, sprinkles in this regard and requires, especially in winter, a particular attitude towards himself.

The treated twigs are placed in a vessel, up to half filled with epined solution (4-6 drops of 200 ml of water), and withstand 12-14 hours

The storage material for cuttings will serve as a sfagnum, which perfectly absorbs moisture.

While the cuttings are gaining strength in epin solution, we prepare for them a protective "shirt" - soaked dry sphagnum in clean water

We take a film and lay it up with a long ribbon on the table. Along the ribbon distributing the intricate sphagnum - it will play the role of a substrate for growing fir cuttings.

The cuttings lay out on the prepared basis in the following order: First, each twig is fed to the stimulating powder (for example, "corneumine"), then the bottom is placed on a ribbon with moss

We fold the film twice in such a way that the roots are pressed to the sphagnum and wrapped in the film, and the tops of the cuttings are free.

Roll off the film with distributed cuttings gently into the roll so that it turns out to be sufficiently dense, but not close to the development of roots

It turned out a kind of bouquet - in this form and coniferous cuttings will be stored until the spring landing in the ground. So that the film does not spin, it must be tied with a twine or pull the rubber band.

The storage space should be light and cool - storage room or veranda. If on the cottage wooden windows with double frames, cuttings can be placed between glasses or suspend the side, strengthened from direct sunlight

Winter shutdown is good because small roots appear by the period of spring landings.

The rooted twigs in April can be planted into the garden - not at a permanent place, but in a pot or a drawer for rearing. The perfect option is well lit, ventilated greenhouse

For two years, the seedlings are finally rooted and strengthened, then it will be possible to plant them into open ground, at a permanent place of growth.

Transplanting forest tree

Hike for fir in the forest will end safely if you remember a few simple rules:

  • dig a tree in autumn or spring when the soil is soft enough and wet;
  • if you transplant spruce in summer, try to save the roar of the earth;
  • an instance is not above 1 m, a maximum of 1.5 m; The more the tree, the longer his roots and the higher the probability that you damage them;
  • more magnificent and sturdy Christmas trees grow along the edges of the forest, on the knocked, away from thick thickets.

It is important to dig a fir correctly. There is a circle with a circle formed by the lower branches around the trunk. The depth of the groove is about half a meter. Carefully remove the tree from the soil, trying to keep the land on the roots. Put it on a piece of thick fabric, wrap and secure the resulting bundle on the wheelbarrow. Grab a couple of buckets "native" soil so that the Christmas tree makes faster in new conditions.

Do not forget about one important nuance - before the apartment, you definitely mark on the branches of the side of the world, north and south to plant a tree, focusing on them

How to plant a fir?

Trees dug in the forest and buying seedlings have general rules landing. There are two periods when the spruce is better leaving - the beginning of spring and late autumn (before the onset of cold weather). Some varieties, for example, blue spruce, preferably planting precisely in spring, so before you decide to plant a fir, specify the features of the landing of the variety you purchased.

Choose a plot that is most suitable for growing coniferous wood - lit by the sun or slightly shaded. Take care of the drainage in advance, because ate, growing in wetlands, are poorly developing and losing their cheva. An ideal place for planting is a sunny patch with low groundwater and with a fertile, rich in humid soil.

Low decorative ate perfectly feel inside flower arrangements and stony gardens, on well lit alpine Gorki and in rocaries

The order of planting ate the following:

  • I dig a hole with a depth of 50-60 cm, a diameter of 60 cm on the surface and 30-35 cm at the bottom.
  • We arrange drainage from a 20-centimeter layer of a mixture of sand and rubble (or gravel).
  • Of the dug soil, sand, peat and humus (in the same parts) we prepare the soil mixture. Add 100-150 g nitroammofosk to it.
  • Partially fill the pit soil mixture, moisturize.
  • We place the root comedry in the well.
  • We fall asleep free places by the remaining soil, align.

We carry out peat mulching around the root cervix, which is located at the level of the surface of the soil. Additional peat introduction will warm the roots and keep moisture.

Wood or peat mulching is attractive and from aesthetic point of view, in addition, entering into the upper layer of soil of such elements such as oak bark, prevents weeds

In addition to landing and care for fir, we will consider the rules of trimming, watering and protection against disease.

Features of coniferous breeds

It is necessary to water the fir, depending on the growing season, age and size, but in any case the soil around the tree should always be slightly moistened. This can be checked by squeezing in the hand of the earth. If it crumbles - watering time has come. Watering should be carefully, distributing water around the entire root coma. The average water consumption for the 2-meter village is 10 liters 1 time per week.

Small seedlings require special regime - Several times a day in small portions, as the roots are located at the surface itself and quickly die. In addition to irrigation, do not forget about spraying, after which the spruce sparkles in the sun clean shiny chevings.

If you do not constantly live at the cottage, choose drought-resistant species for planting, such as a blue fir tree. In the hot period, it is enough to water once every and a half or two weeks.

Although spruce belongs to slowly growing trees, it needs to be pruning from time to time. Preventive trimming is carried out once a year, at the beginning of spring, new shoots began to grow. It is also called sanitary, as they are removed mainly patients or dry twigs. Easy breaking is on the benefit of the whole tree - the sun's rays penetrate deep into the thick crown.

Decorative trimming, on the contrary, is carried out in the middle of the summer, after the end of the growth of new shoots. Sometimes spill the top, if the growth of the tree is needed into the width, and not height. The work is carried out with a sharp tool, while the spike locations are treated with a special solution - by mangartan and garden water.

To remove thick dry branches, manual and rod saws, smaller twigs - a garden secator, and for decorative haircuts - special garden scissors

Often the trees and other coniferous rocks threaten diseases. The most common - infections of fungi, resulting in cropping crowns and even death. It is necessary to deal with them with various methods.

To begin, it is necessary to remove damaged chevy and sick branches, then saturate the soil to root and treat the tree with immunocytophypte, a faucet, zircon, or any other drug enhancing. Some diseases, such as the root sponge or polishing rot, are not amenable to treatment, so the tree needs to be cut, the stump to reverse, and the surrounding soil is carefully treated with fungicides.

Sickness SHUTTE - appearance on branches of red spots, yellowed and shrinking needles. Spitze are treated with the drugs, strobe, falcon, quadris, starting from May and until the end of the summer

And at the end - a few tips from a professional about choosing and growing various decorative varieties.

Spruce - coniferous plant that performs the role of classic territory decoration. Blue fir applies to the number of disappearing species, therefore is listed in the lists of the Red Book. This factor affects the cost of seedlings. But why spend money on the purchase of young trees, if you can grow up with your own hands? How to grow spruce from seeds, we will try to understand together, because in addition to the economy of finance, the gardener gets a healthy, adapted to the plant environment.

Owners of country estates are massively purchased blue ate cuttings for further cultivation, even despite high cost. All because not everyone has the concept of how to grow spruce from seeds, but you will know exactly.

Features of blue conifers

The main difference between the coniferous of this species - the eyelack color. When growing spruce at home from seeds, it is possible to get a tree with 30% spiny painted into a noble blue, the rest acquire the classic green tint. Therefore, many are interested in the question: "How to grow spruce from seeds at home and get a high-quality seedling?".

How to get a high-quality seedling at home cultivation?

Three ways of reproduction of fir trees are distinguished:

  • vaccination;
  • drawing up;
  • growing from seeds.

Sensitive method: Features

This is the easiest way to grow a new coniferous tree. The planting material is rooted in a greenhouse, since the open soil has a negative effect on the still faster coniferous plants. So, planting ate begins with the selection of stalks. Winter cuttings are best suited, which give results up to 4 times faster. The most favorable period for rooting is the moment of swelling of the kidneys. The main thing in reproduction ate - do not forget to maintain the temperature regime and the required level of moisture.

Blue spruce grown in such a way, after 5 years, it reaches 1 meter in height. At this point, the tree can be transferred to the permanent place of growth.

Cultivation of seeds from seeds

How to grow spruce from seeds? This process is distinguished by painstaking and durability, and the result depends on the selection of the material and how high-quality it was.

Selection of seeds

For the cultivation of any plant, with their own hands, selective selection material, which is better not to buy, and get it yourself. To grow seedlings, spruce use seeds derived from coniferous plant fruits - cones. Colleging collection is carried out in mid-February. it perfect timeTo collect full fir seeds. The cones are placed in a tissue bag and lay next to the heating device or fireplace, which contributes to the rapid opening and free access to the grains. A few weeks later you can get seeds without damaging them. After the bumps are revealed, the seeds of the seeds fir erase each other to cleanse the winner. Washing under flowing water Allows you to get rid of the fatty film formed due to the release of essential oils. At the final stage of training, the planting material is well dried.

To provide full protection Seeds from bacteria, they are washed with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, after which we wipe the tissue flap. Prepared seeds are folded into a glass jar, which, tightly closed, placed in the refrigerator. The conditions in the freezer are maximally resemble natural (during the cold season), where the seeds are found until mid-March.

How to grow spruce from seeds yourself? It is very important to get a good planting material, which, however, can be in the market if necessary. The main thing is to know a good manufacturer.

Preparing the soil

So that the blue spruce from seeds at home has grown healthy, it is recommended to prepare a plot before setting up instances.

Important! Do not sow the seeds of Blue ate in places where you grow vegetable crops - they do not get along and quickly die on the beds.

The optimal environment for growing is the land from the lawn grass, mixed with the soil taken from under the coniferous tree. Using in greenhouses implies two fit techniques:

  • straight into the ground;
  • in an additional container.

Seasy seeds in pots, do not forget to prepare a peat mixture, with the addition of limestone flour and ammophos in proportion 6: 0.035: 0.020 kg. The mixture is crumpled in the container in which the planting was carried out. The pots themselves are buried deep into the earthen embankment in the greenhouse.

Important! Choosing the first way to planting, an additional upper surface is poured over the ground layer - from sawdust and peat.

Seed seeds

To begin with, determine the most favorable date for the planting ate. A seedlove will feel comfortable in nature if the ambient temperature is located in the area + 19 ° C (+ -1-2 ° C).

Important! After changing the temperature regime (i.e., after the refrigerator), they can only be stored for 50 hours.

Before landing, the planting material is treated with a solution of Fundazola: 20 g per 10 liters of water.

Planting fir is carried out in well-moistage soil. If the fir will be grown in greenhouse conditions, then the containers deepen into the ground by 1.5 cm, and the film is stretched from above. If on the open soil - first tram the ground in the hole, after which the seeds are laying, covering them on top of a peat mixture and a thin layer of sawdust (about 1 cm).

Important! The distance between the individual seeds should be at least 3.5-6 cm.

Germination of seeds

The first shoots can be observed after 10-14 days. If fir seedlings are placed close to each other, there is a need to disperse them. Of the total row of plants, only the strongest copies are left, observing the distance between them up to 7.5 cm.

When the rapid seedlings go to the active growth phase, it is necessary to maintain the optimal conditions for the cultivation of the needles, which are as follows:

  • cancel watering and enter into practice light spraying of shootouts with water - 2 times a day;
  • maintain temperature mode: minimum temperature - + 13O C, maximum - + 15O S.

Important! Remember that night frosts and direct sunlight falling in the afternoon affect the rapid young chew.

A month later, the seedling of a young blue spruce reaches a height of 3-4 cm. Experts note that indirect scattered sunlight well affects the growth rates of instances. Since the small needles are unstable to diseases affecting the plants, namely to the root rot, there is a need for special protection: it is first necessary to introduce a fungicide, after - treatment with an insecticide solution.

Transplant plants

How to grow seedlings ate from seeds, you already know, but it is not possible to make it qualitatively without transplanting annual plants. The procedure is carried out in early spring. After reaching the seedlings of the required level, it is important to sear the specimens you bred in order not to lose plants.

Penches are prepared before transplanting, which tram and sprinkle with a layer of an earthen mixture from under a coniferous plant.

How to spend a transplant?

Little Christmas trees dig out of the soil, separating the rooted roots of individual instances. It is necessary to carry out this work quickly, but carefully, so as not to damage the root system and do not give it to dry.

Blue spruce, from seeds at home grown, requires special care. Often this is the standard rules.

Interesting! By the third year, he survives less than half of seedlings.

Three years later, from the date of seeding, the seeds are re-transplanting plants. It is done to ensure a sufficient place to roots ate. During this period, the Christmas tree is seated at a distance of 1 m from each other.

Are you wondering how much a spruce is growing from seeds? And we have an answer to this question. After 5 years, you will have a full-fledged spruce, exceeding 1 meter in height.

Such a bluish-green beauty will be a real garden decoration or successfully complement landscape composition. Growing plants with their own hands is quite difficult, but due to the exercise of the process and in the case positive resultWhen it turns out that the efforts were not in vain, you will certainly be proud of your christmas tree.