What a blanket is better bamboo or camel. What a blanket is better: from sheep or camel wool

The blanket is considered the main bedroom, which is necessary for a comfortable sleep. Typically, the product is created from wool and fluff, but now synthetic fibers are used. Each fiber has its advantages and disadvantages. What filler for the blanket is better, told in the article.

Choice rules

Modern stores present a rich assortment bedding. Blankets are also produced different species. To do right choice, It is necessary to take into account the following nuances:

  1. Filler. Sleeping facilities are created from natural materials and artificial synthetic fibers. Classic connoisseurs prefer fluff or wool. Such products are warm, pleasant to the touch, have many advantages. The main disadvantage is considered to be high cost, besides, they are not exposed to a full wash. Products are complex in care and have high allergenicity. Synthetic accessories differ among themselves, but serve as a reasonable substitute for classics.
  2. The size. The blanket must correspond to the parameters of the bed, but it is necessary to take into account personal preferences. Products are single, one and a half and double. You can order on individual sizes.
  3. Case. The material should be not only pleasant to the touch, but also easy to remove, stratum, be dense. It is important that the cloth reliably retained the filler. In Russia, covers are usually sold from silk, jacquard, knitwear, satin, bosje.
  4. Heat insulation. In modern high-quality products there is a marking where the level of thermal insulation is indicated. If this information is not, then general data should be followed - the warmest is the warmest synthetic and light down products.
  5. Hypoallergenicity. For allergies, fluffs and wool are not suitable, but the synthetic and bamboo will be an excellent choice.

These nuances are important. Considering them, you can choose a quality product. And what filler is better for the blanket, told further.

Bird fluff

Often applies a filler from Poha Gusey. Fiber animal origin has a high-quality structure and high cost. Downy blankets serve long due to the use of modern material processing technologies. This filler is a choice of practical people. The advantages of fibers include:

  1. Excellent thermal insulation properties and high-quality thermoregulation.
  2. Air permeability. Products create a good microclimate due to the possibility of circulating air masses.
  3. Form resistance. Punchy blankets elastic, perfectly hold the form.
  4. Not big weight.
  5. Durability.
  6. Antistatic effect.

But the filler has disadvantages:

  1. High price.
  2. Insufficient moisture exchange. Pooh keeps moisture, which is why the product is coming.
  3. Allergy. In such products usually come dust pliers.
  4. Special care. These blankets need special storage conditions and constant treatment from ticks.

But this is a blanket with natural filler. If there is no allergies, it is great for children and adults. With the right departure, this bedroom will serve for many years.

Sheep's wool

This filler is considered natural, which has a lower price compared to the bird Pooh. From the advantages of fibers allocate:

  1. Good heat capacity. Blanket with filler from sheep wool Perfectly heats, long retains warmth. In some countries it is used to prevent muscle atony and osteochondrosis.
  2. Air exchange. The fiber creates suitable conditions for air microcirculation.
  3. Balanced by moisture exchange. Sheep wool blankets perfectly absorb and gave moisture, so long remain dry.
  4. Antistatic effect.
  5. Low price.

Such products are available to most people. These blankets often turn out to be cheaper than bird fluff and synthetic fillers. The disadvantages include:

  1. Allergy. Such reactions occur due to the presence of animal wax and dust mites.
  2. Through service life. This period is 4 years old, and then the products are losing the shape and are joined.
  3. Large weight, if compared with cotton.
  4. Completeness of care. Products can not be erased. For them, only superficial chemical cleaning is suitable.

The best blankets for winter include natural filler. If there is no allergies on it, then such products should be bought. Then all the cold will be held in comfort.

Camel's wool

This is a warm filler blanket. Products from it are in demand in Russia, have a low cost, long service life. They serve excellently replacing sheep wool. The advantages of the filler include the following:

  1. Heat capacity. Such products are well warmed even cold in winter.
  2. Air and moisture exchange. Camel wool does not prevent microcirculation of air masses and moisture.
  3. Form resistance. These products are not specified what is happening with many others.
  4. Small weight. These blankets are light and thin.
  5. Antistatic effect.
  6. Durability. Products are capable of serving about 20 years.

But blankets out camel wool Have negative sides:

  1. Allergy. This problem of all natural fillers, because dust pliers are breeding.
  2. Price. Although the price is less than that of down products, but still it is high in comparison with the synthetic.
  3. Tactile sensations. Usually such blanket blankets, so it should be used only with a dense duvet cover and closed cover.


Natural swansdown Now is not used because of the high cost. Its replacement is synthetic - Tinsulyt. This filler is suitable for autumn-Spring Period. His advantages are as follows:

  1. Hypoallergenicity. In synthetics, dust pliers and other pathogenic microorganisms do not appear.
  2. Medium thermal conductivity. Although the blanket is not so warm as natural fillers, but it is better for this indicator of synthetic analogues.
  3. Low weight.
  4. Easy care. The product is easily erased, dries quickly.
  5. Resistance. Tiesusuut is perfectly holding a form.

The minuses in the fiber are as follows:

  1. Electrostaticity. Status accumulates material.
  2. Moisture resistance. Fiber does not absorb and does not produce moisture.
  3. Low microcirculation. The filler is not skipped by air, which is why there is a danger of overheating.


This synthetic filler remains one of the popular for a long time. Filler Blankets Singrytepon cheap, easy to care. The material is used in the manufacture of pillows, blankets, upholstered furniture, warm clothing, mattresses. Created material from nonwoven canvas, in which there are synthetic fibers. To species of synthetics include:

  1. Shershot or Schestepone.
  2. Syntput.
  3. Hollofiber.

These options are considered improved types of standard syntheps and have a number of advantages. Schestepon is in demand, which comprises wool-filled with sheep, which is reliably connected with strong fibers. Due to the presence of artificial fibers, it does not come down.

Warm is considered to be synthelubles produced by combing polyester fibers. It is used in filling pillows and blankets. HolloFier includes hollow synthetic fibers connected using a thermal method.

The advantages of the syntheps include:

  1. Softness.
  2. Beautiful heat saving.
  3. Small weight.
  4. Affordable price.
  5. Strength.
  6. Fast form restoration.

But the synthetone is a danger to health, since the adhesive method is used for the manufacture of material. After multiple styrics, the blanket decreases.


This name implies a group of fillers. It includes microfiber, comforter, holofiber, silicone fiber, ecoiber. Products have differences in appearance, but are similar to properties. A blanket with a hollofiber filler and other fibers have the following advantages:

  1. Hypoallergenicity.
  2. Elasticity of form.
  3. There will be no learing and rolling.
  4. Heat capacity.
  5. A light weight.
  6. Long service life - 10-15 years.

Electrostaticity, moisture resistance is distinguished from the disadvantages. Products have no moisture microcirculation, which is why bad absorption and fluid returns.


This is a plant base filler created by the method of regeneration of cellulose of their stems of bamboo stem. The product is considered environmentally friendly, it is desirable to use it in the summer. Bamboo blanket known as the following positive properties:

  1. Hypoallergenicity and environmental friendliness. There are no allergens, static electricity in the filler. In addition, he does not absorb smells.
  2. A light weight.
  3. Air exchange provides excellent air microcirculation.
  4. Simple care.

But Bamboo blankets has high thermal conductivity. Since it is poorly held warm, fiber perfect for summer. Bamboo has a weak moisture exchange. The material is badly absorbed by moisture. The term of operation is non-dusty - about 2 years.


This modern plant base filler is created from eucalyptus stems by the method of cellulose regeneration. In a different way, he is called lio-cells and tenzel. Products have good thermoregulation, but fairly expensive. From the advantages of fibers allocate:

  1. Hypoallergenicity. In the filler will not be tightened.
  2. Heat capacity. The material is considered one of the warm.
  3. The form. Tentalem has an elastic soft structure, it does not fit and is not deformed.
  4. Permeability of moisture and air.
  5. Simple care and long-term operation.

Blankets with this fiber cost quite expensive. There is a high probability of fake. Some manufacturers replace part of the filler on the synthetics, due to which properties deteriorate finished product.


Another cotton filler recently was considered the usual wool. Thanks to modern technologies changed noticeably this species Fibers, which has become elastic and durable. Due to good thermoregulation and low prices, cotton will be an excellent choice. TO positive properties Refers:

  1. Hypoallarity.
  2. Available cost.
  3. Heat capacity.

But such blankets have a lot of weight. The average product can weigh 2-3 kg. Cotton perfectly absorbed fluid, but it does not evaporate. The filler will quickly deteriorate, so it serves about 1 year.

Conducting fiber

This type of fiber is created using flax processing and wrinkle. Products based on it have an average price. They are considered universal, have several advantages:

  1. Antibacterial and hypoallergenicity.
  2. Fiber does not cause allergies, does not contain pathogenic microflora.
  3. Perfect microcirculation is ensured.
  4. Air and moisture permeability.
  5. Long service life.
  6. Heat capacity.

The product has almost no flaws. It is a versatile price balance and quality.


The filler is classic since ancient times. The material is obtained using a direct reproduction with larvae of a tute silkworm. The blanket is suitable for offseason, but its value is much more expensive than synthetics. The advantages include:

  1. Hypoallergenicity. This is the only appearance of the animal base fiber, due to which negative reactions do not appear.
  2. Antistatic effect.
  3. The service life is over 10 years.
  4. Excellent microcirculation.
  5. Simple care.

There are such products quite expensive. A silk filler blanket has a high thermal conductivity and poor heat retention in winter. And for the warm season it will be indispensable. What a filler for a blanket is better, everyone should solve independently. To do this, you need to take into account your tendency to allergies. In addition, various products are suitable for each season.

What is better to choose for children?

What filler buy a blanket for children? Since the newborn requires special care and hygiene, you need to choose such a product that will not suffer from frequent washing. The filler should be easily overwhelmed, dry quickly, do not form lumps and not to choose odors. What to choose a filler for a blanket for newborns? For winter, the following options will be suitable:

  1. Pooh. Such products are well warmed, keep temperatures, besides are "breathable." But there is a risk of allergies. The fluff filler accumulates moisture, so regular drying is necessary.
  2. Wool. Such blankets for newborns create from pure wool. Allergy will not appear with it, but there is an accumulation of moisture and odors, which requires constant wash.
  3. Wool. Filler light And hygroscopic, absorbs and evaporates moisture. The smells are quickly weathered, and the product always remains dry. For children, sheep wool, camels, South American Lama Alpaca are used. Blankets are quoted, woven, knitted.
  4. Fur. This option is ideal for walking in the cold season. Fur retains heat and prevent overheating. Fur finish usually only external. Synthetic hypoallergenic blankets, easy to maintain, have good heat resistance.

Newborn for the summer it is necessary to choose other blankets, since overheating is possible with winter. For warm times, fleece and bike blankets are suitable, as well as natural plaids and terry bedspreads:

  1. Bike. They include 100% cotton, do not cause allergies, perfectly breathe, lungs, but at the same time warm.
  2. Fleece. The basis is a hypoallergenic material that is perfect for a walk in the summer. The blanket creates a comfortable temperature, but does not overheat.

For children, you need to choose comfortable products that are easy to care. At the same time, each season is a more appropriate option. Quality blankets breathable, warm, lungs.

Choosing the size of the blanket

Considering the options that the filler for the blanket is better to take, the size of the bed should be taken into account, as well as individual preferences. Standard sizes are currently available. For adult blankets come:

  1. Single and one-hour - 140x205, 145x215, 150x200, 160x210 cm.
  2. Classic double - 172x205, 170x200, 175x210, 180x2015 cm.
  3. Double (Eurostandard) - 200x220, 220 x240 cm.

There is I. non-standard optionswhich can be ordered individually. For children, products are sold with dimensions 100x140, 110x150 cm. Duvet covers are selected with a reserve by 5-10 cm. In width and height.

Option sewing and finishing

Blankets other than the above parameters are divided by the method of sewing and finishing:

  1. Cassette assembly. This is the most popular option. The workplace of the product includes sections of a certain shape with filler. The size of the cells is 10 or 15 cm. This method of sewing protects against deformation and damage. In addition, the blanket will serve for a very long time.
  2. Unidirectional firmware. This is a hardware stitch type in the same plane. It is simple and cheap, but not reliable, since there is no full-fledged filler fixation.
  3. Kaostetetep. This is a quilted product with machine decorated processing, which allows you to create a beautiful pattern. The blanket has high-quality fixation, but insufficient reliability and versatility.

Choosing a suitable product

It is advisable to take into account the size, price tag and color, as well as compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards. What filler to choose a blanket depends on different factors. It is important that the products are hypoallergenic, hygroscopic, heatmam, with good air microcirculation. Other nuances should be taken into account:

  1. For summer and offseason, silk or bamboo fiber with excellent thermal conductivity is suitable.
  2. In winter, with the onset of spring and late autumn will be more comfortable to sleep under products from eucalyptus or cotton. But the fluff and wool fit.
  3. The universal all-season option is considered flax.
  4. Children and pregnant women are better to choose light products.

Each blanket filler has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as features. Products should be chosen based on the season. It is important to take into account the material of the case. The quality product is able to give comfort. And in order to extend the life of its operation, it is necessary to care correctly and regularly.

How to choose a blanket on the filler? To do this, you must familiarize yourself with the characteristics of each material. There is no universal version for all people, because all different. Each person may choose for itself the most appropriate option, given the season, its health and individual preferences.

In the context of the Russian climate, it is impossible to do without a blanket. More recently, it was customary to transmit bedding for inheritance. But the times of total deficit passed, and manufacturers offer a huge range of a variety of blankets for every taste and wallet. Buyer, coming to the store, chooses products for sides and dimensions. But you should turn special attention On the filler, because when choosing a blanket, this criterion is the most important. So what better filler for the blanket?

Variety of goods

Manufacturers offer to choose whole line A variety of fillers. Traditional natural materials, such as wool, fluff, feather or silk, remain market leaders. Plant fillers made of bamboo, buckwheat husk and medicinal herbs conquer popularity from consumers. And artificial, such as silicone, hollofiber, sintepon, are in demand due to their good characteristics and relatively small cost.

Is artificial or natural?

What is the best filler for the blanket, chooses the consumer, because everyone has their own preferences. One is hot and in minus 30, while others are freezing into the most hot summer day. Before buying it is worth paying attention to the characteristics of a particular material. Natural warm warm, but artificial does not cause allergies and cheaper.

Natural wool filler

All wool fillers are distinguished by durability. They are very warm and at the same time they skip the air well. But they need delicate care.

Camel's wool

In nature, the camel can withstand large temperature differences in the desert - from heat to frost. Under the cold heat, and the warm time is not hot. Wool does not electrify, and under such a blanket sleep will be pleasant. It is especially valued for the ability to absorb moisture and at the same time remain dry.

For people susceptible to frequent colds, such a blanket is simply indispensable. Wool has a powerful therapeutic effect: neutralizes toxins, removes articular pain, facilitates arthritis and radiculitis.

Caring for a blanket from camel wool is not complicated, it can be erased by hand at 30 ° C or subjected to dry cleaning. When buying it is worth sniffing the product. If there is a persistent smell of wool, then the purchase is better to refrain - the wool did not pass full cycle Cleaning was either broken production technology.

Sheep's wool

Thinking up which blanket is better to enjoy safer, it is worth paying attention to the wool's sheep. There are thin blankets suitable for cool summer nights (density 150 g / m 2), universal (density of 300 g / m 2) and very warm (400 g / m 2). Such bedspreads perfectly pass the air and retain heat, while they absorb moisture. Thanks to the natural curl of sheep, their wool holds a long form and does not fit. Sheep wool is resistant to ticks and other pests. In addition, it normalizes heart rhythms, reduces rheumatic, muscle and articular pains. If necessary, the blanket can be sized manually at 30 ° C or to go into dry cleaning.

Goat Pooh, Cashmere

Blankets from incredibly light and warm. When answering a question, what filler for the blanket is better, buyers' reviews about cashmere only positive. They possess all the positive characteristics of woolen fillers and do not cause allergies. Such a blanket can not be washed - only dry cleaning. So that it serves longer, it should be regularly aired into the shadows. Such a covered one minus is a high cost.

Vegetable fillers

Choosing, with which filler it will last longer, it is worth paying attention to the new markets - blankets with vegetable materials. Thanks to modern technologies, advanced fiber processing methods have appeared, which allow linen from plant raw materials with excellent characteristics.

  • Bamboo - The fastest growing plant on Earth. For its cultivation, fertilizers and chemicals do not use. All useful properties of this are saved in bamboo fiber amazing Plants. This fiber absorbs well and evaporates moisture, perfectly passes the air and keeps heat. In addition, the bamboo is able to remove toxins and radioactive elements from the body, relaxes the muscles, stimulates blood circulation. It does not irritate the skin, it does not cause allergies, does not absorb odors. When leaving such a blanket does not require hassle, it can be boldly to wash in a typewriter at 40 ° C. Dry it is recommended in unfolded.

  • Buckwheat husk.Blankets with such a filler are an eco-friendly product with a powerful therapeutic effect. Under such a blanket is not hot, it is not intended for cold premises. In other cases, sleep under it is comfortable. Buckwheat husk It does not cause allergies, it has a light massage effect on the whole body. To wash it, of course, it is impossible, but the manufacturers have provided this nuance and produce buckwheat blankets in special covers.
  • Cotton,or simply vata., Known for a long time, he keeps warm well, does not hold moisture. But problems arise when the blanket should be washed. It will not fit into the typewriter, it does not wash it in his arms - it is very heavy, and dry cleaning will cost expensive.

Silk blankets

Provided people do not wonder what is better than the filler for the blanket, and buy bed linen from silk. This material does not have drawbacks, perhaps, except for one price.

Silk is perfectly holding heat, it is not pleasant, ticks do not come in it, and the silk allergies occurs extremely rarely. For production, fibers of two species are used - divorced specifically for industrial products and wild. The alignment view is more expensive, the blankets are thinner and easier. On the sight he is white with pearl shine. Wild silkworm has a coarsest fiber, which needs to be bleached and exposed to additional processing. Such fiber does not shine and looks white as cotton.

Silk blankets should be tired. But wash only in expensive dry-cleaners with specialized equipment. Light pollution or stains can be caught hand with warm water with adding special Tools For delicate fabrics.

Punch blankets

Blankets with filler from the fluff - classic. They are light, practical and very warm. Now you can meet and winch the fluff, and penguins, and goose. The most expensive blankets are from the gagache fluff. But dying and feather blankets are complex in care, and besides, they can become a source of allergies.

Synthetic fillers

The chemical industry produces a number of materials that are easy to care, inexpensive and durable. And today, many buyers do not think about what filler for the blanket is the best, and choose artificial.


The cheapest possible species fillers. But it is rapid products from it quickly. In addition, unfair manufacturers are used cheap syntheps (it is made of recycled plastic bottles), which, just that does not differ in high quality, can also be toxic.


This is the most popular of synthetic fillers. Blankets with such a filling light, air, warm. According to some indicators, they even exceed woolen and dying. Hollofiber is felling and antisticate, does not absorb moisture, but leads it out. The material absolutely does not cause allergies and is ideal for those who suffer from asthma. To care for such a blanket is also easy. It can withstand multiple machine washing at average temperatures using any detergents. To extend the service life, it is not recommended to press the blanket, it will also dry out in the fresh air.


Siliconized material in the form of balls. Blankets with such a filler do not absorb odors and dust, withstand high temperatures, not completely toxic. Comforter perfectly holds the form and maintains heat. The blanket can be boldly to wash at 30 ° C in the car, press and even dried. After washing it is necessary to decompose on a flat surface and to dissolve the filler.


Such a filler is available at a price, it absorbs moisture well, but quickly crushed and comes in disrepair.

It is impossible to say unequivocally, with which filler is better to buy a blanket. Buyers reviews are based on individual preferences. But when buying should pay attention to another aspects.

  • It is worth sniffing the blanket before buying. No extraneous smells bed linen Will not be! If there is a smell, it says about the unscrupulousness of the manufacturer.
  • Fitting products need to be forgiven. Of course, the standards are allowed in the feather inlet, but not more than 2% of the total mass. If barbed feathers feel under the fingers, this product does not meet the standards.
  • Must be a little more bed, by 5-10 cm.
  • If people with different temperature sensations sleep in one bed (one is always cold, and another is hot), it is better to take two separate blankets with various fillers.
  • The heat coefficient of the blanket is indicated on the label points. Five points - the warmest.

Children's blankets

Buying blankets for a child is a separate topic. Kroch can not tell parents about discomfort or inconvenience. Therefore, you should choose a particularly careful blanket for a child. What filler is better to solve parents. Under the woolen baby will be warm and comfortable, but if a child has a tendency to allergies, then a silicone or bamboo blanket should be chosen.

Choosing a blanket individual

Every person is individual, and therefore unambiguously say, the blanket with which filler is better to choose, it is impossible. Each chooses the goods under their preferences, for its convenience. But, choosing bedding, you need to take into account all the factors, including the state of health. The buyer decides what is better than the filler for the blanket, depending on the requirements imposed on this subject.

Wool, fluff, cotton and even soybean and eucalyptus - from which only do not produce blankets. To understand this issue before buying bedding is very important: your comfort depends on the filler during sleep, regulation of temperature and humidity of the body and even the likelihood of allergic reactions. The most effective way to make the right choice is to contact the expert consultant that we have done for you.

Helps us Lyudmila Ushakov, lead manager shop madam-posteli.ru..

All fillers for blankets are divided into natural and synthetic, but today we will talk only about the first category as more environmentally friendly.


Puffs of waterfowl - classic among fillers blankets. This option is suitable for those who love the blankets bulk, soft and lungs, but at the same time warm. This is an eco-friendly option, but in rare cases, the fluff can cause allergies. In order for the blanket not to be shot, it is important to pay attention to the tailoring technology: cassette dying blankets have separate compartments for the fluff, providing uniform filling. Quilted blankets are worse than the fluff, so suitable only for a small amount of it, for the summer option.

Many it seems that dying blankets must have the lowest price in the market. This is not true. The price depends on the producer country, the quality of raw materials, the quality and type of the proprietary fabric, the technology of sewing, the degree of heat - as a result good blanket It will cost expensive. If you wish to save, you can choose a blanket for the production of Russia or of Eastern Europe and with gray (and not white) goose down: with others equal conditions Such a blanket is always cheaper.
Some dying blankets can be washed. True, it is difficult to do it in the home conditions: a volumetric blanket is too closely in washing machineand it is good enough. Therefore, it is better to give it to dry cleaning.


Wool perfectly keeps heat, regulates humidity, is famous for its abilities to take stress and normalize blood pressure. it eco-friendly materialHowever, difficult in care, and it is not the best suitable for allergies. For care, woolen blankets are given in dry cleaning, but some models of camels and cashmere blankets from Denmark and Germany can be washed in a typewriter. Of course, they are more expensive than average - precisely because of this feature.

Woolen blankets produce both woven and quenched with filler. The most popular materials are sheep and camel wool, less common blankets of yak or alpaca wool (they are simply less in nature). Exclusive in this category - cashmere blankets. Nice that woolen blanket good quality It will cost cheaper than a dying blanket of the same level.

Sheep's wool

A blanket from sheep wool is the most inexpensive version of a woolen blanket. When buying, pay attention to the cloth's fabric: it should be cotton (satin, perkal or tick) without synthetic threads. The filler should not have inclusions of the type of seatic and barriers and a sharp smell (maximum - a small smell of natural wool).

Camel Wool and Camel Pooh

Blankets from camel wool - my absolute favorite. They are light and durable. Camels in the desert withstand sharp temperature differences - up to 40 degrees, but the structure of their wool helps to preserve the constant skin temperature. Therefore, under such a blanket it is impossible to frozen in winter, and in the summer, under a lightweight blanket from camel wool will not be hot.
Camel wool really has good energy, relaxes, helps from joint pain, improves overall well-being. If you want to show the maximum care for loved ones or pamper yourself, choose the blankets of the production of Mongolia from the camel fluff (up to 80-85% fluff as part) with young camels, they are called "Tylak". We have a series of blankets with an identical name.


This is truly exquisite material. Very nice to the touch, warm and light, it does not olive, does not roll and does not fall apart. But its main advantage is hypoallergenicity. Such blankets make sense to buy woven for tactile pleasure. Blankets some european manufacturers Even you can wash at home.

Vegetable fiber

Cotton, Lena, Silk, Bamboo, Eucalyptus and Soy - fillers of summer and demi-season blankets. They are not so warm as fluff and wool, but in summer they can even bring the desired coolness due to excellent thermoregulation and masterfully support the balance of humidity. These are the most eco-friendly materials.


The eucalyptus filler is a viscose fiber obtained from eucalyptus wood. The general name of this Lyocell fiber, but best Mark. - Tencel. It is pleasant to the touch, silky, perfectly absorbs moisture (much better cotton), does not cause allergies, has antibacterial properties. It does not multiply dust pliers and fungus. Eucalyptus blankets can be not only summer, but also all-season, but the more filler and the warmer the blanket, the more harder. Interestingly, eucalyptus fiber is obtained by a chemical path, but it is not synthetic.

Bamboo and soy

With bamboo, the same story as with eucalyptus is a viscose fiber, natural and artificial at the same time, but not synthetic. The bamboo fiber has a beautiful air exchange, there is even a cooling effect in the summer. If you do not freeze in winter, a bamboo blanket can be all-season, but if you want something warmer and easier by weight, soybeans will suit. Bamboo and soy blankets are easily erased in the typewriter, dry quickly. Great pluses are hypoallergenicity and affordable price.


Silk - hypoallergenic and having antibacterial properties filler, designed for both summer nights and not too cold winters (it all depends on the amount of filler). Natural silk has severe medical and prophylactic properties, protects against colds and cardiovascular diseases. According to some buyers, he also facilitates rheumatism and arthritis.
The silk filler is sufficiently heavy and does not have a large volume - and this feature has its own fans. The minus material is that most of the silk filler blankets, especially Chinese production, can not be washed or subject to chemical cleaning.

Cotton and Len.

Cotton and flax are perfect for summer blanket. They "breathe", dismounting moisture due to high hygroscopicity, creating a suitable microclimate during sleep and providing freshness in the hottest nights. Everything else, they are inexpensive.

Always see not only on the filler, but also on the type of fabric cover: the unfortunately or low quality cover can greatly reduce the properties of the whole blanket. The quality of the filler is conveniently checked if there is a special transparent window in the blanket, although this option happens most often from silk blankets (and rarely - in other types).
The price of a blanket with any filler depends on the size, heat and manufacturer. You can always pick up optimal option According to the needs and budget. Let you not frighten the price of most natural blankets: this is a contribution to your health and purchase that will serve long years. It's worth it.
If you want one blanket served round year, you can buy a blanket on the "4 seasons" buttons - these are two bonded blankets of different density. One is suitable for the summer, the second on the offseason, and two together - on cold Winter. But such a blanket has a serious minus: the buttons are short-lived. Therefore, I advise you to buy 2 blankets - light and warm (or all-season).

Photos: Ecotekstil.ru, Mota.Ru, Madam-posteli.ru, Lejeboka.ru

Each person daily pays special time to sleep. Exactly this important time For the body. When we sleep, our body relaxes and rests, restores lost energy, so you need to create favorable conditionsso that nothing prevents calm healthy sleep. After all, from the way we rest at night depends on the mood and well-being throughout next day. What will we warm the winter in the evening or in the cool summer nights as not a favorite blanket? In this article you will find the answer to the main question :?

If you decide to purchase a blanket, pay attention to the following characteristics:

Technology tailoring

According to the technology of sewing, the blanket is divided into three types: quilted, karoscper, cassette.

It is manufactured on special segal machines. In such products, the filler is securely fixed thanks to a special extraction.

It has greater thermal insulation than quilted. It is usually manufactured manually due to the complexity of the pattern.

- The most expensive and most practical, representing individual sections (cassettes), each of which is a filler. Due to partitions, the filler will not move and move. Most often, such technology is used for dying blankets.

The size

To suitable sizeYou need to decide on the size of the bed and the number of persons for which this blanket is intended, i.e. one or two people will hide them.

Basically, the size of the blankets are divided into the following categories:

  • one-time (single);
  • double;
  • children's;
  • for newborns

Unambiguous parameters for blankets do not exist. Standards in all countries are different. We give examples of the most common sizes of blankets.

For example, in Russia, the standard one-time standard is 140 x 205 cm, double - 172 x 205 cm. There are also European standards: for a semi-third 155 x 215 cm, for a double - 200 x 220 cm. In Italy and Germany, dimensions are distributed - 200 x 200 See also "Royal" size of a double double blanket 220 x 240 cm, designed for very large beds or folding.

For children's blanket standard size It is 110 x 140 cm. Blanket for newborns is usually 120 x 120 cm.

When choosing a size, take into account the possibility of selecting a suitable duvette.


Usually, the blanket is inhabited by natural, environmentally friendly and practical fabrics that provide hygroscopicity and air dryness of the finished product. In order to be enjoyable to cover with a blanket, the following materials are most often used as his upholstery: cotton, knitwear, silk, jacquard, which are well holding the filler and paste air.

Filler composition

Perhaps this is the main criterion for which attention should be paid. After all, it is the filler that supports the necessary body temperature, provides hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity of the product for comfortable sleep.

Fillers for blankets are natural (fluff, wool, cashmere, silk, bamboo, liocell, cotton) and synthetic (sintec, polyester, holofiber).

Punch blankets are characterized by ease, air, softness and sufficient volume.

The most warm and light blankets are made from a gagachy fluff, which does not absorb moisture compared to other dying counterparts. However, the cost of such products is not for everyone by pocket. More accessible among down blankets, but less warm and lungs are goose blankets in combination of fluff and feather. When choosing such a product, it is necessary to pay attention to% Poha and Feather's ratio. The composition of the pen in the filler should not exceed 40%.

Woolen blankets - heavier down, it is recommended to those who do not tolerate cold, as well as older people with sore joints, because These blankets have healing properties. A blanket made of wool has good moisture-forming properties, and also maintains a stable internal microclimate.

Camel wool is one of the warmest.

Sheep's wool blanket is a rough and cheap analogue compared to camel wool blankets, but it is distinguished by unique medical propertiesdue to the presence of a natural animal wax.

Cashmere Blanket - The perfect blanket for people who are accustomed to luxury with a sophisticated taste.

Cashmere is thin and pleasant, gentle and soft. Cashmere blanket will be warmer than the usual woolen and tender than silk. It also has hypoalgenity.

Silk blankets have many advantages. They perfectly support microclimate. Silk blanket can warm up not only in summer, but also in the winter season, it all depends on the amount of filler. The silk filler has a rather tangible weight. Also on silk blankets do not appear bacteria and ticks. In addition, such a product will well absorb moisture and will not cause allergies. The disadvantages of the silk blanket include complex care and the high cost of the product.

Most affordable in price and not inferior in quality silk blankets are bamboo blankets. Bamboo blankets are distinguished by hygroscopicity and breathability. Such a blanket will be comfortable to hide even in a hot summer night.

A blanket with a filler from Liocel looks like silk in its characteristics. Liocell is subtle, but at the same time fluffy fiber, the basis of which is the cellulose eucalyptus. Such a filler absorbs excess moisture, providing a comfortable, dry and warm sleep.

Wadded blankets . The inexpensive natural filler for the blanket serves wool. By virtue of its naturalness, it provides good thermoregulation and hygroscopicity of the finished product. But over time, cotton swipes, going to lumps and acquires unpleasant odors.

It should be noted that microbes, fungi and dust mites, which can cause an allergic reaction in dust and woolen blankets. Therefore, allergies are ideal for synthetic blankets.

Modern synthetic blankets are not inferior on the operational characteristics of the rats with natural fillers. Distinctive features Synthetic products are hypoallergenicity and their low cost. In addition, such blankets are unpretentious in care, they are easily amenable to machine washing and fast drying. At the same time, it is important to note the main drawback - their low airports.

Sintepon - the most affordable filler. Cyntheter blankets have light weight and differ high thermal insulation propertiesBut at the same time they quickly lose their shape and the air is poorly missed.

Polyester has qualities natural filler (such as wool). He is pleasant to the touch, not worse in care (washed with high T˚). Polyester blankets are very soft and warm, because This material is able to keep the heated air well.

A blanket with a holofiber filler can be easily erased in a washing machine, while not fearing the fact that it will lose its former shape. According to its properties, a blanket from a holofiber looks like a flouse of a fluff, but in contrast to the dying is hypoallergenic.

The degree of heat

Most often on packing blankets indicate the degree of heat transfer in the form of special points. The more points, the warmer there will be a blanket. For choosing a blanket Pay attention to this indicator. On very warm blankets indicate five points. Four points mean that the product is warm enough. On the all-season blanket put three points. Two points you will see on light blanketwhich will warm in cool days. There will be one point on the summer.

But, unfortunately, not all manufacturers indicate the degree of heat on the packaging in the form of points. In this case, it is possible to determine the warmth of the blankets on the density of its filler.

For a very warm winter blanket, choose a filler with a density of 420 gr / m², such a blanket will warm in the coldest nights of those who are inclined to freeze. For all seasons, a blanket with a density of 300-350 gr / m² is suitable. For cool nights in the offseason, blankets with filler density from 220-280 gr / m² will be perfect. Light blankets are suitable for warm summer nights, with a density of 200-220 gr / m². Such criteria are relevant for all fillers, with the exception of synthetic and dying.

Regardless of the weather and room temperature during sleep, you should be comfortable, not cold and not hot. Choosing a blanket, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from your own preferences, taste and opportunities. Each of us has its own temperature mode. Therefore, for yourself the degree of warm blankets, consider the reaction of your body to cold and warm. Those who always feel cold, should be preferred with heavy filler blankets (camel wool, cashmere). And those who do not carry overheating, it is worth choosing lighter blankets (silk or bamboo).

Remember, a blanket, like any other thing, requires timely proper care. Specialists advise adhere to simple rules:

  • The blanket must be tired at least once a week.
  • The synthetic blanket should be erased in a washing machine monthly.
  • For woolen blankets, only manual washing is acceptable at water temperature not more than 30 ° C, with the addition of special detergentdesigned for wool.
  • Silk blankets are better to give in dry cleaning, where professionals will make their job. The only thing you can do yourself is to periodically dry it and shake it.

We hope that after our advice, you will not only easily navigate in the soul, but also make profitable purchases. We wish you warm and pleasant nights.

A person sleeps about a third of his life, so everyone wants to ensure this part of the existence comfort and comfort. On modern market You can find enough wide selection Blankets that differ in both the material of the outer surface and the inner filler. To pick up proper option, It should be studied sufficient number information about each type. This will help weigh all the advantages and disadvantages, as well as compare them with direct competitors. IN winter time The choice of a blanket depends on how well the product keeps heat, but the comfort of the use and ease of care is also not forgotten.

Cotton blanket

Cotton blanket - not the most practical thing

Wat is one of the most traditional insulation that are used in blankets. Judging by the reviews, it is very effective and is inexpensive. Just a few decades ago, cotton blankets were almost the only option suitable for winter time, while now there is from what to choose. Thick products are not suitable for winter, because they can cause bond overheating.


  • the cotton filler absorbs moisture well;
  • remarkably maintains heat;
  • the material does not cause allergic reactions in humans.


  • wool blanket is sufficiently heavy;
  • the filler does not allow the "breathe" blanket, creates a greenhouse effect under it;
  • the blanket is complex in care, it is not easy to clean, wash, and even dry cleaning may not lead to proper result.

But nevertheless, many people have old wool blankets, so they should be aware of how to care for them, so that the filler does not turn into a pile of lumps:

  • the blanket is not recommended to wash, so much easier and safer it is simply hit from dust;
  • you can also use the vacuum cleaner by selecting the most powerful mode.

If you still firmly decided to wash your cotton blanket, you should follow the following rules:

  • the material in no case is not recommended to press, so it is necessary for drying it just to hang so that water flows down;
  • so that the surface does not fill under direct sunlight, it should be kept to protect anything;
  • during washing, the blanket should be hit so that no lumps are formed, so it can be done only manually.

Silk blanket

This option will like those who love the luxurious appearance of products and pleasant tactile sensations. Warming parameters depend more on the quality of the filler. Silk is not always the warmest for winter period.


  • the material is reliably protected from insect pests, dust pliers do not tolerate silk and do not settle in it;
  • silk filler does not cause allergies;
  • the service life of the material reaches about 10 years;
  • the blanket is pleasant to the touch and has positive energySo resting under it is easy and pleasant.

Unfortunately, it does not work out without minuses:

  • silk blanket has a lot of weight, so not everyone is suitable;
  • it is difficult to care for the material, it is impossible to expose chemical processing or washing;
  • the blanket requires a very delicate care: during storage it is not recommended to turn it tight, it should always be straightened;
  • product high Quality It is quite expensive, whereas in budget models, the quality level is very low.
  • frequent regular ventilation;
  • when dirting, the blanket must be given only to a delicate dry cleaning, but they may refuse to work with such material;
  • in order not to accumulate inside dust, it is desirable to keep the product in a duvet cover, and during storage - in the package.

Duvet blanked

Punch blankets

This type of filler is favorably featured by the parameters of the maintenance of heat, practicality and ease of caring from the above-mentioned options. The main material for packing products is natural goose or duck down. Goose blankets are soft, and duck more massive and heavy. The most expensive models are made from the Pooh Gagara, which has also therapeutic properties.

The high cost of the material is due to the fact that it is possible to collect down the fluff at that time when the bird will end the nesting period. From one bird, you can collect about 30 grams of the fluff, so that the cost of one blanket comes around 10-20 thousand dollars. Here are also considered simpler and affordable options.


  • elasticity - perfectly and not mind;
  • easy - the product does not create unpleasant pressure during sleep;
  • softness - allows you to comfortably hide, does not form rigid angles;
  • long service life;
  • aeration - provides good air circulation;
  • perfectly retains heat in winter;
  • the universal version for summer and winter, in the warm period under it is not hot.


  • it is not recommended to use in rooms with great humidity, the fluff here quickly reaches;
  • natural fluff is a good medium for habitat dust mites that cause allergies.

Even with disadvantages can be struggling by proper care:

  • to prevent the appearance of ticks, the material should be subjected to natural temperature treated: to endure in the summer in the sun, and in the winter - to the frost;
  • it is advisable to shake the product every day, it contributes to its ventilating and disintegration of the filler;
  • at the time when it is not used, it is desirable to keep it in a spaced form;
  • place for storage and use should have a level of relative humidity of not more than 65%;
  • you can wash in the car on delicate modes, but for greater preservation it is better to use the services of dry dry cleaning.

Synthetic blanket

Synthetic is a very warm filler for winter, distinguished by a high level of practicality. Synthetic blankets will become indispensable for summer residents that will use them in unheated room With a large level of dampness. After all, dying and woolen fillers quickly answer, unlike synthetics. One of the best in the ratio of the price and quality of artificial fillers is, or as it is also called "Swan Pooh".

He deserved its popularity thanks to the following advantages:

  • without problems carry any level of humidity;
  • it's easy to care, it is not amenable to dumping and does not forms lumps during washing;
  • does not cause allergies in humans, unlike natural fillers;
  • during storage it can be packaged as close as possible and even long storage Thus, he will not lose its original shape.

Despite the impressive set of advantages, synthetic has a number of flaws:

  • the heating level is inferior to natural dyed blankets, you have to select options with a large thickness ( modern manufacturers produce two-layered models with synthetic filler that can be connected to each other);
  • the filler does not provide good level air exchange, so with time the effect of the greenhouse is created;
  • synthetic does not absorb moisture;
  • it is not recommended to use people who suffer from hypertension, shortness of breath and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

However, the rules of care for such a blanket are as simple as possible and convenient:

  • the material easily transfers washing in an automatic machine, while not losing positive characteristics and does not lose a decent appearance;
  • it is enough to wash the blanket once every three months;
  • the service life is about five years with active use.

Camel Wool Blanket

Camel blanket

This is one of the best options for the winter period, advantages in much more than minuses. For those people who want to sleep in warmth and comfort in winter time, it is worth paying special attention to them.

Camel wool is one of the most valuable insulation of animal origin. There are two main varieties: quilting and blanks.

Woolen plaids are ease and well suited for winter time. So that the wool is not colrused, it is recommended to use duvettes. Even thin products are well warmed in the cold.

The quality of the quilted blanket depends on the density of the filler. According to this parameter, several types of sleeping facilities are distinguished:

  • lungs;
  • lightweight;
  • all-season;
  • warm.

Warm are suitable for the harsh winters, while all-season can become universal option For any time of the year. Determine the density can be used on the product label.

  • If the density of the filler is 420 g / m 2, then the blanket will be very warm and is suitable for the time when the house has not yet included heating, and for people who marry any weather.
  • 300-350 g / m 2 have all-season models, they are suitable for use at any time, except for the summer period.
  • The density of 220-280 g / m 2 has lightweight blankets. They are best used in summer, early autumn and late spring.
  • 200 g / m 2 are used primarily for the summer period.

Many modern models Consist not from pure camel wool. The exact composition should be indicated by the manufacturer on the label. Popular models - 80% camel and 20% sheep wool.

Much popularity I. positive reviews This species received due to its advantages, among whom it is worth noting the following:

  • the ability to self-clean - the entire sweat that absorbs the material for the night, quickly dishes outward;
  • excellent heat retention parameters, allowing to provide comfortable conditions for sleep in winter;
  • has a long service life, which can be about 15 years old with proper care;
  • remove nervous tension and has a health effect, relaxes the body and removes muscle tensions;
  • due to the fact that there are lanolin in wool, the blanket has therapeutic effects;
  • used for prophylaxis with rheumatic and orthopedic diseases, as well as at osteochondrosis;
  • lanolin acts on the skin of cosmetic, rejuvenating it with constant contact by improving blood circulation.

But here there are their drawbacks, let not so significant as the advantages:

  • camel blankets are categorically contraindicated to people with wool allergies;
  • dust mites can be reached in the product, and the material may be subject to moth attack;
  • as a rule, natural wool products are expensive.

To maintain such a valuable purchase in good condition so that it serves as long as possible, it is necessary to follow such recommendations:

  • the blanket can be erased in an ordinary automatic washing machine (Delicate and gentle modes are suitable);
  • as a cleaning agent, use soft powders or liquid gels;
  • some products can be processed only in dry cleaning, you should carefully study the label;
  • in the summer it is worth carrying out products from home or leave on open balcony for venting;
  • washing should be done every six months.

The best camel wool is produced in Mongolia. Often, under the guise of this material, you can purchase a fake or a thing with a large content of sheep wool. The best way Check the naturalness of the material - set fire to several hairs of the filler. Camel wool burns slowly, rolls into a black ball and smell like a burning hair or a pen. If you spend on the product with a palm, it does not leave a feeling of dryness like sheep wool.

Bamboo blanket

Bamboo Fiber Blanket

Bamboo fiber can be attributed to the category of new products - as a filler it began to be used only recently. A blanket with bamboo fibers is considered one of the best options for the winter period - at the level with camel wool. Material has deserved its popularity thanks to the following advantages:

  • excellent quality thermoregulation that for warm winter blankets is the main parameter;
  • does not cause allergies, thanks to which it is suitable for almost all people;
  • good hygroscopicity - material without problems absorbs and evaporates moisture;
  • does not accumulate static electricity;
  • the composition has honey pectin, providing a beneficial effect on the skin, gives it elasticity, smoothness and other positive qualities;
  • has dust-repellent properties;
  • well regulates the temperature at different periods of the year, so it is suitable for both summer and winter;
  • material is distinguished by durability of use.

Bamboo fiber practically has no shortcomings. However, you can not always buy 100% natural blanket. The fact is that some manufacturers refer their products to bamboo even when natural vegetable fiber contains only 10%. Thus, when choosing should be very careful to pick up a decent model.


Naturally, all the advantages and disadvantages in theory cannot give a complete picture of the picture that will be in practice. Each person has its own winter blanket requirements and, based on this, the main priorities are chosen. Also, the criteria of choice depend on how much a person is frustrating, and from other purely personal factors.

In the modern market, if you drop the budget of the purchase and consider not only cheap options, the undisputed leaders are blankets from camel wool, bamboo fiber, as well as synthetic fillers. Captive blankets, although they are used mainly to those who already have it, it is better to change the modern - such fillers are more practical.

It is also important to choose a blanket in appearance. For example, ordinary quilted blankets are not very reliably fixing the filler inside. The best way of fastening is a cassette, a stitch in the form of rhombuses or rectangles, which reliably protects the material from migration.

Judging by user reviews, not all advantages in practice are so rainbowed as in theory. For example, the blanket can be wrapped in your own automatic machine. If it wureswards, then simply squeeze the drum due to the large mass. Also, not all models provide in the summer coolness, so the issue of universality remains open. But if you need a very warm blanket for harsh winters, it is worth paying more attention to the heat capacity of the filler, as the only correct indicator.