Family onions for greenery before winter. Shallots for the winter. Video: shallots - a full cycle from planting to storage

Many do not plant family onions. The reason is that small bulbs grow. But if you know the agricultural technology of family onions, then you can grow bulbs of 150g or more.

Onion widespread vegetable crop onion family. Bulb onions are small-sized (1-2), medium-sized (2-3) and multi-sized (4-5 or more).
In the common people, multi-pronged bows are called family bows. Seven I am a lot.

The largest bulb of the family onion

Shallot onions should also be included here. This is a type of onion, but with a smaller bulb and tender leaves. Immediately pay attention, not feathers, but leaves. Feathers are found in birds, while plants have only leaves.

For its exquisite taste, shallots are considered gourmet onions. These bows are often confused and called "who is in what much." Therefore, for convenience, we will call all these bows Family.

Planting dates for family onions

Onion is a cold-resistant plant. Its root system grows intensively at a lower temperature than leaves. This biological feature makes it possible to plant at an earlier date.

root system onion develops at temperatures from + 2° to + 25°С, tolerates frosts down to minus 4-6°С. The onion leaf grows well at a temperature of +15-25°C, withstands frosts down to minus 7°C and tolerates heat at +35°C.

If you delay planting and the temperature of the air and soil is high, the leaves will immediately begin to grow. The root system will no longer be as powerful and this will affect the results.

If there is enough moisture in the soil during the period of leaf growth, the plant is in no hurry to form a storage organ. It continues to increase the number of leaves and their size, thereby creating the basis for the formation of a larger and larger bulb. The more powerful leaves on the plant, the larger the bulb will be (taking into account varietal characteristics).

With a lack of moisture, during the growing season, plant growth stops, and the bulbs begin to form at the stage in which the drought caught them.

For normal onion growth, a water regime with low air humidity (60-70%) and high humidity soil. This culture makes especially great demands on water in the first period of growth, when the process of swelling and germination takes place. planting material, the leaf apparatus increases in volume, the bulb begins to form. During the growth period, additional watering is required.

Family bows often reproduce vegetatively. Since several bulbs grow in the nest, some are left for planting. The rest go to food. And so every year.

Is it possible to plant family onions before winter?

Family onion is a completely adult and mature plant, despite the size of the bulb. A bow planted before winter shoots, even small ones. Partially, the bow can shoot at a very early planting in a cold, protracted spring. But this happens extremely rarely.

The Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding (SibNIIRS) has developed varieties that can be planted before winter. Of the varieties for winter planting are recommended: Siberian yellow, SIR-7, Ginger, Sophocles, Seryozhka, Krepysh, Albik, Garant and a number of new Siberian hybrids. But these are not multi-pronged onions, but shallots.

Agrotechnics of family onions, features

To understand agricultural technology, it is necessary to imagine the structure of the bulb.

On the bottom of the family bows there is a heel - the place where the daughter bulbs are attached to the bottom of the mother bulb.
If you cut off the heel, we will see the location of the roots, in the form of a horseshoe. The rudiments are visible on the cross section.

Usually, for planting, I use a bulb weighing about 100g. If you plant a whole bulb, then all the buds will sprout, and > 8 medium-sized bulbs will grow. The amount depends on the variety. The larger the planting bulb, the more new bulbs are formed, but small ones.

How to grow a large family onion?

To grow large family onions, it must be prepared for landing. First of all, it must be cleaned from dry scales, to juicy ones. Various pathogens often hide under dry scales. Then the bulbs are pickled in a solution blue vitriol-1st. spoon for 10 liters of water. Etching time 20 min. Pickled onions are rinsed with clean water.

During storage, the onion dries slightly and loses nutrients. To restore the supply of moisture and nutrients, onions must be soaked in nutrient solutions of any complex fertilizers.

To do this, cut off the heel, to clean white scales. Don't be afraid to cut off the excess. The beginnings themselves are deep. Even if one or two are damaged, there are many of them in the bulb. If two of the six rudiments are damaged, then the remaining four will give a decent harvest. Damaged buds do not grow. But it’s better not to injure much, cut off only the heel to the bottom. Removing dry scales and trimming the heel of the bottom facilitates the access of moisture, primarily to the roots, therefore, first of all, a powerful root system for strong plant growth.

I try to do without chemistry and use Humistar or Biohumus for soaking onions - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Soaking time 8-10 hours.

Then I put the onion in a bucket, close the lid and put it in any unheated room, until the roots grow (3 - 5 mm).

How to cut family onions before planting?

Now we need to cut it in half. Onions are cut not to increase the number of planting units, but to obtain larger bulbs in the crop. In each half, there will be a smaller number of primordia than in the whole bulb. Each half will grow 3-4 marketable bulbs. The feeding area will remain the same, and fewer bulbs will receive more nutrition.

We cut the onion into halves, trying to leave about the same number of roots on them.

In other words, after the heel is cut off, we turn the bulb 90 ° and cut it in the center of the “horseshoe” of the roots. I don't process cuts. They dry out a bit on their own.

Cut the whole onion

They cut the family bow. The bow is ready for planting.

Preparing the soil for planting family onions

After harvesting potatoes, I sow winter rye.

The whole next season, it grows to full ripeness, and leaves before winter.

I don't do anything in this area.
This is what the field looks like in the spring before planting.

Planting a family bow

The first time I come to the country at the very end of April or at the beginning of May. I try to plant onions faster, at least until May 5th.

By folk calendar this is the day of Luke - the day of onions. So I plant onions to Luka. Sometimes April is warm and (if possible) I plant earlier. How ripe the soil is.

If you measure the temperature of the soil, then the most suitable + 5 ° C. You can do without a thermometer, just look, when the soil stops smearing, you can plant.

I have constant beds with a width of 0.9 m. Passages 0.5m.

In the spring I rake the straw into the aisles and slightly loosen upper layer beds cultivator Swift.

Then I make furrow grooves 3-5 cm deep at a distance of 20 cm from each other -15 cm-20 cm-20 cm-20 cm-15 cm. I spill the grooves with water from a watering can without a strainer.

I sprinkle moistened grooves with a mixture of ash and Zemlin (the same diazinon) from an onion fly, 1 liter of ash + 1 package of Zemlin is enough for 4 grooves 10 m long.

In the grooves I lay out the halves of the onion at a distance of 23 cm in a checkerboard pattern. It turns out landing in equilateral triangles with a side of 23 cm.

Planted onions spud with a rake on both sides, like potatoes.

Under these "dunes" it is warm and humid. Luke likes this.

The longer the day and the higher the temperature during growth, the more closed scales, the better bow in the future will be stored, the deeper and longer it has a dormant period.

Family onion care

Until the leaf grows to 10 cm, I do nothing. I don't even water. Let the roots go deeper in search of moisture. I don't do any dressing. I don't spray anything. Didn't notice any pain.

Onions grow very quickly and it's time to mulch the beds. To mulch an onion bed, you need to chop up a decent bunch of organic matter.

Moisture is better preserved on mulched beds, and onions grow well. I mulch to the height of the heaped rows (about 5 cm - 10 cm) with mowed weeds, immediately after crushing it, without drying it. Drying, the mulch covers the bed with a dense porous layer.

I water onions once a week. 200 liters of water goes to the garden. From the beginning of July, I stop watering.

At the end of June, the bulbs begin to separate and the number of bulbs in the nest can be counted. The optimal quantity is 3-5 pieces.

If the quantity exceeds 5 pieces, then you can normalize - remove the extra bulbs.
The remaining bulbs will grow larger.

When to rake a family bow?— at the beginning of July. You can simply move the soil around with your finger. The bulb will be in full view. In the sun, the bulb will ripen faster.

Cleaning the family onion

End of July. The bow is ready to be harvested.

“It should be noted that there should be no delay in harvesting onions after leaf lodging, as this leads to an increase in losses during winter storage.

This is explained by the fact that the bulbs remaining in the ground absorb moisture from the soil, which activates growth processes and shortens the dormant period.

I pull out the onion when the dew dries. He lies on the beds all day long. In the evening I clean the attic. There, the harvested onion is ripened and dried. After drying, the leaves are sneezed by hand. I don't use scissors.

Even if it is damp and cold during harvesting, family onions ripen well and dry under the roof. Secondary germination does not threaten him. He has a long dormant period, which was confirmed by the past, far from hot summer.

After onions, I sow, all over the plot, peas - oat mixture. Siderata from this mixture and go before the winter. In the spring I plant potatoes, right on the straw.

Storage of the family onion

I take the dried onions home, along with the entire crop.

This is how onions are stored for food. Onions for planting, different fractions, I store in separate boxes.

In the kitchen, the temperature is sometimes quite high, but the onions keep well. The storage temperature of the bow for planting is +19 +22 degrees, otherwise the bow will go to the arrow.

The family onion keeps well. In many ways, it is better than a simple onion. You just have to want to grow it.

Growing onions from sets.

G. Kazan. Tatarstan.

© Sergey Kleopatrov (2012) (address of S. Kleopatrov's page in My World - https://my. mail. ru/mail/kleopatrov/ mail - [email protected] ru)

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Traditionally, planting onions just before winter is more in demand in most regions of our country. Looking at the root of the problem, much depends on right choice suitable winter varieties, varieties of onions, as well as determining the optimal planting dates. In addition, the choice of the landing site itself and, of course, the skillful preparation of the beds play an important role. If you are still gnawed by a wormhole of doubt, check out our recommendations and tips to help you better understand this problem.

Why you should definitely plant winter onions

Planting onions before winter has many advantages:

Video: advantages and features of planting onion sets before winter

Winter onion varieties for planting

Not all varieties of onions are suitable for planting before winter, although local zoned varieties, as well as those grown from seeds (nigella), as a rule, are perfectly adapted to winter sowing. However, it is still worth paying attention to the following proven varieties of winter onions:

  • Stuttgarter Riesen (sharp in taste, perfectly stored, smallish);
  • Shakespeare (not so sharp, stored a little worse, but the bulbs are larger);
  • Senshui (spicy, large, for long-term storage);
  • Arzamas (sharp, lies well, smallish);
  • Bessonovsky (local);
  • Danilovsky (islandish, well kept, smallish);
  • Radar or Raider (islandish, well kept);
  • Red Baron (island, for long-term storage);
  • Strigunovsky (sharp and excellently stored, but too small);
  • Sturon (sharp, perfectly stored);
  • Ellan (sweet in taste, well stored).

Note! For autumn sowing v northern regions southern (heat-loving) varieties will definitely not work and vice versa.

What onions can be planted before winter

In autumn, you can plant virtually any kind of onion (chernushka, sevok on a turnip, batun on a feather, shallot, although they are planted only in spring), however, each of them has its own slight differences in cultivation practices.

Black onion(it is called so because its seeds are like coal, black) it is very easy to sow. The timing is not fundamental, it is even better to sow it in frozen soil, for example, already in November or December (but, of course, it is better to make grooves in advance when the earth is easily dug). Also practiced is direct sowing on frozen ground, followed by powdering the soil (but it will have to be stored in the house, because it must be free-flowing). Mulch on top.

Video: winter sowing of black onion and spring result

When to plant onions in the fall before winter: the optimal timing

When sowing onions in winter, your main task is to choose a time so that the bulb has time to take root before frost (freezing of the soil), but does not have time to germinate (otherwise it will die). Typically, this takes 1 to 2 weeks. Therefore, do not rush too much, as well as put it off until later. First of all, you need to focus on climatic features your region of residence and current weather conditions.

Note! There is nothing to worry about if the onion sprouts 1-2 centimeters. But a sprouted green feather 5-7 centimeters high can hardly survive the winter, especially without snow.

You can more accurately determine when to plant onions before winter by monitoring the temperature: if it stays stable for a week in the region of + 5-7 degrees, and according to the weather forecast, a gradual drop to zero is expected, then it's time to plant winter onions.

Thus, the approximate time for planting onions before winter for the middle zone (Moscow region) is the end of September and until the second half of October, for Siberia and the Urals - until the last days of September, for the south - October-November.

By the way! Planting onions before winter is possible be carried out simultaneously with .

How to plant onions before winter

If you like planting onions before winter, do not neglect the selection of a place for planting, as well as the preparation and processing of the bulbs themselves.

Site selection and garden preparation

Optimally choose the sunniest place in the area where in spring the earth warms up faster and earlier snow is falling, while there moisture must not stagnate because everyone can't stand it.

The bed itself for planting onions before winter should be prepared in advance. The soil must be quite loose and fertile, and by acidity - neutral. To improve it, add humus or compost, superphosphate (15-20 grams per 1 sq. Meter) and wood ash (or you can sprinkle holes or grooves with it before planting - this is both a fertilizer and an excellent tool to prevent various rots).

Podzimny onions can be planted on the most ordinary beds, and on high ones (usually grows even larger, but not much), and even in a greenhouse. In the latter case, it will rise much earlier. If you don’t have a greenhouse, then when the snow melts, you can speed up ripening by making a mini-greenhouse - by placing arcs or simply covering the garden plastic wrap or spunbond.

Then plant

It is very good to plant winter onions in the garden where tomatoes, cucumbers, and potatoes used to grow. You should not plant if celery, radish and carrots grew in this place, that is, root crops.

Preparation and processing of bulbs before planting

First you need to calibrate the planting material. Select and discard all diseased (rotten), too dry and damaged bulbs. Then the remaining bulbs are first laid out in piles (and then planted separately):

  • oatmeal (up to 1 cm in diameter) - on the head (turnip);
  • sevok (with a diameter of 1 to 2 centimeters) - on the head and partly a feather (greens);
  • large (more than 2-3 centimeters in diameter) - only on greens (very early).

Important! How larger size bulbs, the better the greens will be. In fractions that are too small, the feather will take a very long time to develop and will be quite small.

Important! Many gardeners advise disinfecting planting material before planting, for example, by soaking for 5-10 minutes (but in the spring 20-30 minutes) in potassium permanganate or a solution of copper sulfate, followed by drying for 12-24 hours. But it should be borne in mind that dry bulbs tolerate sharp cold snaps better than swollen ones, besides, the latter can begin to germinate too quickly.

Advice! However, if you don't want the set to shoot, you can warm it up in one of the following ways:

  1. Dip the bulbs in a warm solution of potassium permanganate (50-60 degrees), and then spill the grooves with boiling water right before planting.
  2. Fold the bulbs in a canvas bag and hang near the battery for 2-3 days (but not to touch).

Video: planting onions before winter - optimal timing how to prepare a garden bed, at what distance and at what depth to plant, how to mulch or cover for the winter

Direct fit

Step-by-step instructions for planting winter onions before winter:

Note! The need for mulching and shelter for the winter depends on the climate of our region. If you have snowy winters without much frost, then you can not cover anything.

Video: planting onion sets before winter

Onion care after planting before winter

With the onset of spring, when the snow melts and the soil begins to thaw, the entire shelter should be removed, because the ground under it, on the contrary, will only warm up longer.

Caring for winter onions in spring and summer is quite simple - you need it, feed(nitrogen in early spring, for example, ammonium nitrate, a little later - phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, for example, all the same ash, superphosphate, potassium monophosphate), weed and sometimes thin out.

Advice! If you plant winter onions more often, then in the spring, during thinning, you can pull out the bulbs for greenery, as well as get rid of the weak and those that have begun to shoot. The remaining bulbs will continue to grow per head, while optimal distance between them should be about 8-10 centimeters.

Video: thinning winter onions

Harvest and storage

As a rule, in the middle of summer - in July (already the first half of the month), winter onions can be removed from the garden.

Video: when to harvest winter onions and how to prepare them for storage

By the way! If you don't know what to plant after harvesting onions in summer (July-August) then help you

In order to achieve a full-fledged harvest of winter onions in a good way, use our tips and advice, because it is very important to correctly determine such fundamental things as planting dates, appropriate varieties and other subtleties in growing, caring for and harvesting onions.

Video: growing winter onions - from planting to harvesting for storage

In contact with

Since it has smaller bulbs (up to 20-50 g).

But gardeners who grow shallots note the following benefits:

  • Excellent taste qualities, considered a gourmet onion;
  • Early maturity: after planting, the bulbs appear in 50-80 days. Greens can be used 3-4 weeks after planting;
  • Good keeping quality (stored up to two years under normal conditions);
  • High yield.
  • Contains large quantity useful substances than ordinary onions;


From one bulb, up to 10-15 new bulbs are formed different sizes That's why it's called family.

  • Practically does not form arrows;
  • Shallots are resistant to cold, the bulbs remain viable even when frozen.

How to plant a family onion, which one to plant and how to care for it in the spring, I will tell in this article.

The zoned onion varieties are the most popular: Interseason, Grasshopper, Siberian Yellow, Sprint, Cascade, Kuban Yellow, Emerald.

Variety Emerald grade Siberian yellow grade Cascade

For planting in the fall, the most suitable variety is the Interseason.

When is the best time to plant family onions?

Most often, shallots are planted in the spring with the help of vegetative propagation bulbs that can be cut into several pieces for planting. This is due to its precocity.

Is it possible to plant family onions before winter?

With a short or rainy summer, even an early onion may not have time to produce the right amount of crop. Therefore, for growing family onions on a feather and a turnip, it can be planted before winter.


Better, since the family onion practically does not give, that is, onions small size, and if you plant larger bulbs in the fall (more than 1-1.5 cm), then most of them will go into the arrow in the spring.

Winter planting with seeds

  • Onions are best planted in a sunny place, in the soil without stagnant moisture;
  • Sow seeds in August or September. By the onset of frost, a rosette of leaves appears, which will winter;
  • Before planting, the seeds are soaked for 3 days, while the water is changed 3 times a day;

  • The soil must be moist. Loamy and chernozem is best suited, the worst is acidic soil, before planting it must be limed. It is preferable that the previous crops were cabbage, legumes, tomatoes, potatoes and cucumbers;
  • Before planting, the land is watered;
  • Contribute to 1 m 2 half a bucket of humus, 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate and double superphosphate, a glass of ash;

  • The seeds are buried 1-1.5 cm into the grooves, the distance between which should be 20 cm. The distance between the seeds in a row is 10 cm;

  • Seal;
  • Mulch the bed with peat, straw, etc. when it gets cold;

  • When snow falls, it must be thrown on top of the mulch for greater insulation.

Planting before winter with the help of sevka

  • Planted in late September-early November;
  • Before planting, it is heated for 8 hours at a temperature of 40 degrees to prevent further development of diseases;
  • Planted in rows at a distance of 10-15 cm to a depth of 3-4 cm. The distance between the bulbs should be 25-30 cm;

  • The earth is compacted and covered with mulch from sawdust, straw, humus, etc.;

  • When snow falls, it must be thrown on the bed to keep warm.


  • In the spring, with the onset of heat, the mulch should be removed;
  • Watering should be rare when drying;
  • Onions should be weeded when weeds appear;
  • Loosening must be careful so that the roots are not damaged;
  • If onions are grown to produce turnips, then pinching off the feather is not recommended;
  • With yellowing and lodging of the feather, onions can be harvested;

  • 8-10 days before collection, watering should be stopped;
  • The collected onion can be collected in braids or cut off a feather at a distance of 3-4 cm from the bulb;
  • Store in a dry place.

Thus, a family onion, despite the modest size of the bulbs themselves, will please with an early and rich harvest.

Of the many varieties of onions, one can single out one of those that domestic gardeners love. This is a family onion that gets its name from the way it grows. Relating to the multi-germ, it grows not one, but several bulbs in one "family".

They grow family onions on a feather, for immediate consumption, for winter storage. The multi-growth type of onion has its own characteristics:

Varieties of family onions

Family onions have many varieties, of which amateur gardeners have identified several particularly noteworthy ones for cultivation. Each variety is good in its own way, has a number of differences in external data, the number of bulbs in the germ, and taste:

Planting a family bow

The family bow has one important feature- He loves for a long time be at rest. Therefore, it will not work to grow two crops a year. This feature should be noted by fans of growing greens on the windowsill.

For good harvest plant onions no earlier than January. For forcing in a pot, you need to choose the largest bulbs, then the abundance of feathers will exceed all expectations.

Soil preparation

"Family" is a frost-resistant species. Practically not afraid of frost or heat. Preparing for sowing middle lane Russian gardeners start from the beginning of April. You need to plant family onions in areas that are as open to the sun as possible. Loose and well-fertilized soil is the key to a good harvest.

Onions are best planted on next year after leguminous melons, potatoes and cereals. The place where you can plant a family onion is changed annually. After harvesting, planting onions on the same bed is possible only after 3 years.

Onions should not be planted in acidic soils; heavy ones should also be abandoned. Harvest in such soils is almost impossible to obtain.

It is imperative that during the digging of the earth and the formation of the beds, wood ash (1 cup), humus (5 kg), superphosphate (2 tbsp. Spoons) are added to the soil per 1 sq. meter. If the earth is clay, then 5 kg of sand should be added.

planting material

Proper preparation of planting material is very important. To do this, it is calibrated by selecting live (not dry) large onions. Peel off excess husks, trying not to damage the one that fits the pulp.

However, it is possible to thin out the “family” at the end of June, and the result of thinning can be used as food in the form of young heads and feathers.

Spring landing

Onions are planted at a time when the soil has warmed up to + 2 ° C. Frost should not be feared, plants tolerate drops in air temperature to -6 ° C. There is a belief: in order for the onion fly not to eat the crop, plants should be planted before May 5th.

However, planting seed in well-warmed soil is not recommended. Enough warm earth and air stimulate the active growth of the feather. Consequently, the root system will not develop, resulting in a low yield. A bed for a family bow is formed with a width of 100-150 cm. Bulbs can be planted in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. The distance is chosen according to the size of the bulbs of the future harvest (the larger the expected fruits, the greater the distance).

Planting a family onion in winter

Family onions are suitable for planting in the soil before winter. Landing is carried out from September to November. Choose samples that do not exceed 2 cm in diameter, since larger ones can go to the "arrow" in the spring.

Pre-prepared selected planting material:

Care, cleaning and storage of onions

Care family bow minimal, but still required:

They begin to harvest when more than 70% of the feathers have turned yellow and wilted. Watering is stopped one to two weeks before harvest.

Approximate harvesting time: end of July / first decade of August. Ripe fruits are dug up in sunny windy weather, in the morning, after the dew has subsided.

Onion heads, along with the remains of feathers, are left to lie on the ground until the evening. After collecting and moving a dry room for the night. Onions are dried for about two weeks for fresh air. The readiness of the crop is determined by the dryness of the neck. After it has matured, the feathers are cut off, the bulbs are sorted out and placed in boxes. The room where the onion will be stored should be dry and warm.

Many do not plant family onions. The reason is that small bulbs grow. But if you know the agricultural technology of family onions, then you can grow bulbs of 150g or more.

Onion widespread vegetable crop of the onion family. Bulb onions are small-sized (1-2), medium-sized (2-3) and multi-sized (4-5 or more).
In the common people, multi-pronged bows are called family bows. Seven I am a lot.

The largest bulb of the family onion

Shallot onions should also be included here. This is a variety of onion multi-growth, but with a smaller bulb and delicate leaves. Immediately pay attention, not feathers, but leaves. Feathers are found in birds, while plants have only leaves.

With its exquisite taste, shallots are considered gourmet onions. These bows are often confused and called "who is in what much." Therefore, for convenience, we will call all these bows family.

Planting dates for family onions

Onion is a cold-resistant plant. Its root system grows intensively at a lower temperature than leaves. This biological feature makes it possible to plant at an earlier date.

The root system of onions develops at temperatures from + 2° to + 25°С, tolerates frosts down to minus 4-6°С. The onion leaf grows well at a temperature of + 15-25 ° C, withstands frosts down to minus 7 ° C and tolerates heat at + 35 ° C.

If you delay planting and the temperature of the air and soil is high, the leaves will immediately begin to grow. The root system will no longer be as powerful and this will affect the results.

If there is enough moisture in the soil during the period of leaf growth, the plant is in no hurry to form a storage organ. It continues to increase the number of leaves and their size, thereby creating the basis for the formation of a larger and larger bulb. The more powerful leaves on the plant, the larger the bulb will be (taking into account varietal characteristics).

With a lack of moisture, during the growing season, plant growth stops, and the bulbs begin to form at the stage in which they were caught by drought.

For normal onion growth, a water regime with reduced air humidity (60-70%) and high soil moisture is necessary. This culture makes especially great demands on water in the first period of growth, when the process of swelling and germination of planting material takes place, the leaf apparatus increases in volume, and the bulb begins to form. During the growth period, additional watering is required.

Family bows often reproduce vegetatively. Since several bulbs grow in the nest, some are left for planting. The rest go to food. And so every year.

Is it possible to plant family onions before winter?

Family onion is a completely adult and mature plant, despite the size of the bulb. A bow planted before winter shoots, even small ones. Partially, the bow can shoot at a very early planting in a cold, protracted spring. But this happens extremely rarely.

The Siberian Research Institute of Plant Growing and Breeding (SibNIIRS) has developed varieties that can be planted before winter. Of the varieties for winter planting are recommended: Siberian yellow, SIR-7, Ginger, Sophocles, Seryozhka, Krepysh, Albik, Garant and a number of new Siberian hybrids. But these are not multi-pronged onions, but shallots.

Agrotechnics of family onions, features

To understand agricultural technology, it is necessary to imagine the structure of the bulb.

On the bottom of the family bows there is a heel - the place of attachment of the daughter bulbs to the bottom of the mother bulb.
If you cut off the heel, we will see the location of the roots, in the form of a horseshoe. The rudiments are visible on the transverse section.

Usually, for planting, I use a bulb weighing about 100g. If you plant a whole bulb, then all the buds will sprout, and > 8 medium-sized bulbs will grow. The amount depends on the variety. The larger the planting bulb, the more new bulbs are formed, but small ones.

How to grow a large family onion?

To grow big family bow, it must be prepared for landing. First of all, it must be cleaned from dry scales, to juicy ones. Various pathogens often hide under dry scales. Then the bulbs are pickled in a solution of copper sulphate -1st. spoon for 10 liters of water. Etching time 20 min. Pickled onions are rinsed with clean water.

During storage, the onion dries out slightly and loses its nutritional value. substances. To restore the supply of moisture and nutrients, onions must be soaked in nutrient solutions of any complex fertilizers.

To do this, cut off the heel, to clean white scales. Don't be afraid to cut off the excess. The beginnings themselves are deep. Even if one or two are damaged, there are many of them in the bulb. If two of the six rudiments are damaged, then the remaining four will give a decent harvest. Damaged buds do not grow. But it’s better not to injure much, cut off only the heel to the bottom. Removing dry scales and trimming the heel of the bottom facilitates the access of moisture, primarily to the roots, therefore, first of all, a powerful root system develops, which ensures strong growth of the plant.

I try to do without chemistry and use Humistar or Biohumus for soaking onions - 1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water. Soaking time 8-10 hours.

Then I put the onion in a bucket, close the lid and put it in any unheated room, until the roots grow (3 - 5 mm).

How to cut family onions before planting?

Now we need to cut it in half. Onions are cut not to increase the number of planting units, but to obtain larger bulbs in the crop. In each half, there will be a smaller number of primordia than in the whole bulb. Each half will grow 3-4 marketable bulbs. The feeding area will remain the same, and fewer bulbs will receive more nutrition.

We cut the onion into halves, trying to leave about the same number of roots on them.

In other words, after cutting off the heel, turn the onion 90 ° and cut in the center "horseshoes" of roots. I don't process cuts. They dry out a little..

Cut the whole onion

They cut the family bow. The bow is ready for planting.

Preparing the soil for planting family onions

After harvesting potatoes, I sow winter rye.

The whole next season, it grows to full ripeness, and leaves before winter.

I don't do anything in this area.
This is what the field looks like in the spring before planting.

Planting a family bow

The first time I come to the country at the very end of April or at the beginning of May. I try to plant onions faster, at least until May 5th.

According to the folk calendar, this is the day of Luke - onions day. So I plant onions to Luka. Sometimes April is warm and (if possible) I plant earlier. How ripe the soil is.

If you measure the temperature of the soil, then the most suitable + 5 ° C. You can do without a thermometer, just look, when the soil stops smearing, you can plant.

I have constant beds with a width of 0.9 m. Passages 0.5m.

In the spring I rake the straw into the aisles and slightly loosen the top layer of the bed with the Swift cultivator.

Then I make furrow grooves 3-5 cm deep at a distance of 20 cm from each other -15 cm-20 cm-20 cm-20 cm-15 cm. I spill the grooves with water from a watering can without a strainer.

I sprinkle moistened grooves with a mixture of ash and Zemlin (the same diazinon) from an onion fly, 1 liter of ash + 1 package of Zemlin is enough for 4 grooves 10 m long.

In the grooves I lay out the halves of the onion at a distance of 23 cm in a checkerboard pattern. It turns out landing in equilateral triangles with a side of 23 cm.

Planted onions spud with a rake on both sides, like potatoes.

Under these "dunes" it is warm and humid. Luke likes this.

The longer the day and the higher the temperature during growth, the more closed scales, the better the onion will be stored in the future, the deeper and longer its dormant period.

Family onion care

Until the leaf grows to 10 cm, I do nothing. I don't even water. Let the roots go deeper in search of moisture. I don't do any dressing. I don't spray anything. Didn't notice any pain.

Onions grow very quickly and it's time to mulch the beds. To mulch an onion bed, you need to chop up a decent bunch of organic matter.

Moisture is better preserved on mulched beds, and onions grow well. I mulch to the height of hilled rows (approximately 5 cm - 10 cm) with mowed weeds, immediately after crushing it, without drying it. Drying, the mulch covers the bed with a dense porous layer.

I water onions once a week. 200 liters of water goes to the garden. From the beginning of July, I stop watering.

At the end of June, the bulbs begin to separate and the number of bulbs in the nest can be counted. The optimal quantity is 3-5 pieces.

If the quantity exceeds 5 pieces, then you can normalize - remove the extra bulbs.
The remaining bulbs will grow larger.

When to rake a family bow?— at the beginning of July. You can simply move the soil around with your finger. The bulb will be in full view. In the sun, the bulb will ripen faster.

Cleaning the family onion

End of July. The bow is ready to be harvested.

“It should be noted that there should be no delay in harvesting onions after leaf lodging, as this leads to an increase in losses during winter storage.

This is explained by the fact that the bulbs remaining in the ground absorb moisture from the soil, which activates growth processes and shortens the dormant period.

I pull out the onion when the dew dries. He lies on the beds all day long. In the evening I clean the attic. There, the harvested onion is ripened and dried. After drying, the leaves are sneezed by hand. I don't use scissors.

Even if it is damp and cold during harvesting, family onions ripen well and dry under the roof. Secondary germination does not threaten him. He has a long dormant period, which was confirmed by the past, far from hot summer.

After onions, I sow, all over the plot, peas - oat mixture. Siderata from this mixture and go before the winter. In the spring I plant potatoes, right on the straw.

I take the dried onions home, along with the entire crop.

This is how onions are stored for food. Onions for planting, different fractions, I store in separate boxes.

In the kitchen, the temperature is sometimes quite high, but the onions keep well. The storage temperature of the bow for planting is +19 +22 degrees, otherwise the bow will go to the arrow.