What is better fluff or sintepon in the down jacket. Fillers for down jackets: What is better. Consider all natural fillers

Planning the purchase of a winter jacket for a boy or a girl, many parents are facing the choice of insulation. Pooh or sintepon, what is better?

Its "pitfalls" has one and the second insulation, but, as a rule, they all "pop up" in the process of using the product and deliver inconvenience to buyers.


it nonwoven materialwhich consists of dense polyester fibers, which are laid on each other layers and fasten with a special adhesive.

Already a long time ago, the synthet tube is used as a heater of children's outerwear. Unfortunately, after several styrics, the syntheton loses its heat shielding properties, the fibers are peeling and can look out through the lining tissue.

Jacket for boys on synthepsion

This material is most often used in budget models Winter clothes. Option, with a synther from a synthetone, it is recommended to use only one season. At the same time, it is often not to wash, limited by rubing the particularly contaminated sections with a wet cloth with a detergent. If there is not entirely convenient for winter syntheps, then for autumn or spring - a very good option.


Jackets with Puhat are called "down jackets". For filler, the downs of a goose or duck are used, and the warmest, but also expensive, consider the Gagachi Pooh. Natural material provides heat, eliminates the possibility of overheating and quickly restores the volume after mechanical compression. Such properties are explained by the fluff structure, which consists of separate fluffs that repel or easily enter each other.

In order for the Pooh not rolled into the lumps in it add pen.

Down jackets for girls

Please note, we are talking about a high-quality downhill, cheap fakes do not have the described properties.

Down jackets for boys

And in Finland, the production of down jackets for children of their natural fluff is not welcome. Due to the dangerous effect of the fluff on the health of children. Allegedly through the micro-hole moisture, the insulation can get into the insulation, forming a medium for reproducing harmful microbes and microorganisms, which in turn can cause allergies or provoke an asthma attack.


Most chief factwhich determines the choice is the price of the product. Synturbation is somewhat cheaper, but worse in the qualities, and the fluff is more expensive, but several times better by properties.

As a rule, parents determine their capabilities, the season for which the jacket (winter or autumn) is purchased and make a final choice!

Approaching winter cold forces it seriously think about the choice of warm outerwear. The most popular means of protection against winter jellows in modern conditions is a jacket. She gets its warming properties thanks various insulationwhich can be divided into two large groups: fluff and syntheps. And this means that before each wishing to acquire a warm winter jacket the question arises: what is warmer by fluff or sintepon? Let's try to answer this question by contacting the characteristics of these materials.

What is the difference in the fluff from the synthetic winterizer?

Sintepon refers to the category. It is produced by fastening polyester fibers with each other. Among strong Parties Singrytegone can be called sufficiently high thermal insulation, lightweight material, elasticity, non-toxicity and high moisture resistance. In addition, products made using a synthetone, due to insignificant costs, differ in the available price.

Pooh is a natural insulation and has pretty large time Service man in this capacity. For the production of winter clothes, a gagache, duck or goose fluff is used. The warmth of the Gaga (duck duck) is considered the warmest. The main advantages of the fluff are considerable lightweight, thermal insulation, long-term wear resistance, elasticity and high ability to reiterate initial shape. The fluff as the insulation is qualitatively superior to other types of materials, which makes it much more expensive.

Thus, we managed to find out the obvious pros and cons of two types of insulation. However, it remained open main question: Down jacket on the fluff or syntheps - what is better? It is impossible to give an unequivocal answer on it, since it has a dependence on the purpose of using the product itself with the insulation and the financial capabilities of its potential owner. We offer to continue our arguments by contacting such a piece of clothing as a jacket.

What is better - jacket on the fluff or sinteponta?

So, for harsh winter the best option There will be a purchase of down jacket. Such clothes perfectly holds heat and protects from the cold even at a temperature -40ᵒc. In addition, the jacket from the Pooh Gaga with proper care is capable of faithful to the truth to listen to its owner no more nor less than years up to 20. If you have got up before choosing a synthet or fluff, purchasing a bright jacket for short walks with friends, for late winter or early autumn or to make daily small crossings to a car, you perfectly fit the jacket on Sintegone. Recommended maximum temperature for carrying such clothes -15 degrees of frost. Among other things, the synthetic procession does not apply to the discharge of durable materials. Therefore, purchasing a product on a synthetic procession for a low price, you can safely afford the most trendy model of the season.

Hollofiber or Sintepon: What material is warmer

When buying winter clothes, you should pay attention not only to the style, fabric and finishing of the product, but also on the insulation material, since it is from it to a large extent depends on how comfortable, comfortable and warm the jacket or coat will be. Hollofiber or Sintepon: What will be warmer, more practical and more durable? To find out the answer to this question, you need to carefully examine all the properties of these materials.

Singry procession - lightweight, elastic, bulk nonwoven synthetic insulation, which has been successfully replaced by natural - fluff, feather and sheep for several decades.

The technological process of planting the synthetone is based on the bonding of polyester fibers in a homogeneous web with one of three ways:

  1. Adhesive, with the help of the composition of latex.
  2. Needle-free - on machines with special equipment.
  3. Thermal - under the action of high temperatures.

The latter method is considered the most efficient, since the canvas becomes particularly durable and formatic. The insulation obtained as a result of the thermospace is called Eurosointeteteon.

The selection density scale is rather large - from 40 to 1500g / cm3. For the insulation of various products, they are laying in layers and fasten each other.

Interesting fact! Sometimes natural wool is added to synthetic fibers to increase thermal saving characteristics. The resulting material is called Schestepon and is used when sewing blankets and mattresses for strollers and beds of small children.

Sintepon: for and against

Sintepon is a popular insulation material because it has a whole near positive properties:

  • not big weight Compared to woolen insulation and Vatin;
  • resistance to various deformations;
  • high thermal insulation qualities;
  • low hygroscopicity;
  • low melting point.

The undoubted advantage of synthepsu is the low cost of production, which makes all products with it democratic at prices.

However, the Sinytender has and negative qualities, moreover, very significant:

  • using adhesive compositions Makes insulation unsafe for the body, because, driving when washing, particles of glue can cause allergic reactions;
  • in the process of washing the fiber of the synthet board, they are knocked in lumps that are very difficult to "fluff";
  • the material does not miss the air, so for especially low temperatures Synthetone coats and jackets are not suitable - they can be frozen;
  • singrytegone fibers are able to "migrate" and leak through the upper fabric, giving clothes an untidy and non-primary look;
  • very often, second-rate raw materials are used to produce a synthetic insulation, which significantly reduces both quality and product life.

Nevertheless, the syntheton is still one of the most popular insulation materials used in many industries.

Scope of application

Due to its operational and heat-saving characteristics, as well as the optimal ratio of "price-quality", the synthetone applies:

  • in production soft furniture as a layer in sofas, chairs, puffs and other products;
  • for sewing sleeping bags, tents and various tourist equipment;
  • in the shoe industry for the insulation of winter quilted boots;
  • when sewing the outerwear - children's and adult jackets, coats, overalls;
  • as a filler for blankets, mattresses and pillows;
  • in construction - for the insulation of individual elements of buildings.

Interesting! IN lately Sintepon began to use as a filter material when mounting air Systemsas well as in household air conditioners. His fibers successfully delay even the smallest particles of dirt, completely cleaning the air.

Caring for products

Compliance with the rules of care for things insulated with syntheps, will significantly extend their service life and maintain the initial appearance.

  1. Wash the best manually using liquid detergentsnot containing chlorine.
  2. Overwhelm bedding Singry procession can not.
  3. When washing in the car you need to choose a mode for delicate linen. The water temperature should not exceed 400C.
  4. Synthenone things are not twisted. Clothes freely hang on her shoulders and give a drain of water.
  5. During the machine washing, press modes and drying must be disabled.
  6. If clothes need ironing, then it is necessary to do it carefully: the iron regulator is set to minimal heating and ironing through cotton fabric.

It's important to know! In order for the synthetic filler to be shot down during washing, it is recommended to put in the drum washing machine Together with two or three tennis balls.

Hollofiber: Warm and Fluffy

Translated from the English Hollofiber means "hollow fiber." Indeed, this innovative material consists of thin polyester fibers, inside of which air is located. It is its presence of both outside and inside ensures wonderful warming qualities that this material is famous for.

Each hollofiber fiber is twisted in such a tight spring, which seems like a small ball. In general, the mass of the insulation resembles a fluffy snowdrift or an air cloud.

The method of producing hollofiber was developed and patented in 2005 by the Moscow Plant "Thermopol", producing several types of material:

  • nonwoven canvas - more often goes to the manufacture of outerwear;
  • plates of various thicknesses - are used in construction for structural insulation, as well as in furniture manufacturing;
  • balls are an indispensable pillow filler, blankets and mattresses.

Even at the stage of manufacturing the hollofiber fiber, sterilization is subjected to sterilization, therefore, in the future, during operation, they are withstanding not only numerous washers, but also processing hot steam and even boiling.

Interesting to know! There is a technology in which polyester and silicone fibers are treated with high temperatures in special thermochemers. As a result, the thermophiber material is obtained, which differs from hollofyber with increased heat-saving properties.

Similar characteristics have another modern insulation material - Tinsulyt. The difference between it and hollofiber is that the tensulete in its properties is similar to natural swan or the Gagachi Pooh - the same weightless and warm.


On the operational characteristics of Hollofiber reminds high quality cotton, but in contrast to it, the synthetic material is much more resistant to abrasion, does not get into the communion and does not lose the initial form.

In addition, Hollofiree is inherent in the following qualities:

  • high level of heat and sound insulation;
  • air permeability;
  • increased elasticity and softness;
  • resistance to numerous deformations;
  • hypoallergency and safety;
  • high elasticity;
  • lack of static electricity.

Hollofiber is not subject to rotting, the effects of mold, pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, does not accumulate odors, therefore it is an indispensable material in bedrooms and children's rooms.

Where applies

Under the shopping brand "Hollofiber" many different products are produced. The most common areas of using this insulation are:

  • tailoring of outerwear - jackets, coats, overalls, raincoats;
  • production of pillows, blankets and mattresses;
  • making upholstered furniture;
  • filling of children's toys;
  • insulation of buildings under construction;
  • air system filtering.

In addition, the hollofiber canvas is used even in aviation and space industry.

Hollofireer Care Rules

Jackets and coats with holofiber on heat are not inferior to the down jackets, and care for these products is much easier. It is enough to remember several uncomplicated rules.

  1. Hollofiber is erased by hands or in a typewriter, pre-soaking products is not required.
  2. You can use a machine spinning on small circulation and drying in a centrifuge.
  3. Hollofiber perfectly transfers the cleaning by any chemical means.
  4. After drying, the clothes are vigorously shake enough to give her the original appearance.
  5. Ironing for holofiber products does not apply.

It's important to know! If the pillow or blanket after long storage nevertheless lost the form, it is enough to remove the insulation, to fall into his hands and put back. It is for this purpose most of the holofiber products have a zipper.

What is better - syntheps or hollofiber

Carefully familiarize with all the characteristics of the synthet and hollofiber, you can understand what the difference between these two materials.

  1. Safety. If a synthet substances can be released under some conditions, then the ecological purity of the holofayber allows you to successfully use it into clothes or bed of a small child.
  2. Stability to deformation. The product from Sinytender is easy to find out: two or three washers filler "compete". Hollofiber retains the shape after dozens of stays in a washing machine.
  3. Heat insulation. Hollofiber is warmer: even forty-portous frost is not afraid of the jackets. Sintepon is mainly designed for autumn-Spring PeriodWhen the thermometer bar is almost not lowered below the zero mark.
  4. Durability. Blanket, pillow or jacket with holofiber serves much longer than synthetone.

The only advantage of the synthet board can be called its low price, but on the background of the above mentioned it looks not too impressive.

In general, the right to select the insulation material for outerwear, fillers for home furnishings or bedroom accessories remains for the buyer.

In women's clothing store, a down jackets, a semi-coath and a coat with different insulation, so involuntarily asked the question with which filler to choose the winter down jacket, so as not to freeze the cold in it? An important adaptability of the down jacket keep the heat is a filler. The durability of the product depends on the quality and properties of the insulation, and the preservation of the original properties even after a couple of seasons socks.

You can find single or two-layer fashion jackets on sale. different style. For the Russian winter, two-layer are suitable, and a single-layer jacket is quite suitable for the European and southern regions, it can withstand temperatures up to minus 12 degrees, and there is no less.

Before you start choosing a down jacket for winter, in accordance with, let's figure it out with its stuffing and study the entire list of applicants for filling the winter jacket. So, manufacturers as filler choose artificial synthetic fibers and natural materials.

Natural were in priority for a long timeSince they perfectly kept warm, but they require complex care and creating specialists for washing. New-fashioned synthetic slightly inferior on heat shielding properties and some even exceed natural insulation. The main advantages of synthetic insulation are ease of care and hypoallergenicity.

Each type of filler has its own characteristics and features. Want to figure out what filler is the best? Let's study the quality and properties of each of them.

What a filler for the down jacket is the best: types and descriptions of materials

Consider all natural fillers

Pooh. It may be duck, swan, gagachi fluff. Jacket stuffed with them proper care will last for more than 10 years. Thanks to this filler, the jackets are stuffed with the Pooh received their name "down jacket". The advantages of the material: high heat saving ability, ease, softness and durability.

On the photo Natural filler for the female jacket down

As for the shortcomings, it will take the high cost of the final product (although it is formed not only because of the filler, but also depends on the fabric of the coating, style and brand). To care and washing down down jacket based on the Pooh required special conditions. Sensitive people Allergic reactions occur during socks.

Among all downs, the expensive and the warmest is pooh Gaga. It is used to insulate the products for women living in harsh climate conditions. Jackets with gagachi powder suitable for country rods, long walks in the fresh air.

Goose and duck fluff The most common option. Recently, it is often mixed with synthetic fibers to reduce cost. In principle, it affects little on the heat-saving abilities. Yes, and judging by the reviews of women's jackets with duck and goose in a mixture with artificial fibers, it is easier to wash and preserve their properties after manipulations in the machine.

Feather + Pooh. Pretty frequent filling for female jackets and coats. The pen on one side heshes the product, and on the other hand creates a kind of base for volume. On the personal experience I will say that the jacket with the pen gives back to washing at home.

For information: P wow to designate on the labels of the manufacturer in the word "dOWN. " Inscription "fEATHER "means mixed type Feather with Pooh. Word "IntelligentDown "indicates that the combination of the fluff and synthetic filler is used here. Want to know how to choose a good down jacket female along the filler, you will have to learn these characteristics by heart. In addition to these inscriptions, the label may be the designation "Cotton "or"polyester. " This means that wool, batting or sintepon used for filling.

The label also indicates the ratio of the down component to Peru (fraction on the label). 70/30 or 80/20. Usually the first digit is the percentage of the pen. Specify interest ratioBefore you buy a down jacket. Normally - 70-80%. It is with this figure that the product will be adapted to harsh climates and a cold winter.

Looking a little forward, I will say how to determine how to determine the syntheps or fluff is in the down jacket. To do this, squeeze the filler through the cloth with two fingers through the cloth, and take it between your fingers. Singry procession, hollofiber and other artificial filler will be heard the creaking, it will be like sliding between your fingers. The fluff does not make up such sound, and if the filler is created in combination of the fluff and pen, then between your fingers you will feel thin feathers, they are quite tangible to the touch.

it natural material For filling jackets. The down jacket is called conditionally, since there is no fluff. Winter jacket or semipal coated wool preserves heat and is inexpensive. Often, for filling, use sheep or camel wool.

Disadvantages: The final product has a lot of weight, and when washing it gives shrinkage. Allergic reactions also causes. Recently, manufacturers practice the blended type of downpouring downs, it is wool and synthetic fibers. Thanks to this combination, such jackets are well washed at home in washing machines.

Artificial fillers: Advantages and Disadvantages for down jackets

Syntheton . Popular and most cheap Material For down jackets and coats. Recently, it was fisted modern species Fillers and rarely began to use clothes. Benefits:

  • well keeps warm;
  • is not a hydroscopic material;
  • after wetting quickly dries;
  • it is washing in the machines of washing machines.

Disadvantages: Loses volume after the first washing, and after a few styrices, it is knocked in lumps, the exception is quilted products.

. Beautiful material for filling down down jackets. This is a European membrane insulation from the manufacturer Libeltex.

Benefits of Isosoff:

  • has low weight;
  • well repels moisture, does not absorb her;
  • even the thin layer perfectly retains heat;
  • products with filling isosoft can be washing in a washing machine;
  • the jacket on Isosoft will quickly dry, does not lose the primordial view for long socks.

Disadvantage - high cost.

Artificial insulation of synthetic spiral fibers. It is used as a heater for female, children's clothing. According to the reviews of the holders of the jackets on Hollofiber, this is a real find for the Russian cold winter.

The following advantages of this material are noted:

  • a light weight;
  • not knocked down when washing;
  • inexpensive and affordable;
  • volumetric material;
  • hypoallergenic.

It is believed that Hollofiber is poorly passes air, but if it is used together with the tissue coating of the jacket, such a lack disappears.

. The insulation is made of high-circuit polyester fiber twisted on the helix. Around the fibers is air. It is also called artificial swan Pooh. Fiber thickness 60 times less than the thickness of the human hair. It has a high ability to keep warm. To achieve identical characteristics, thickness is required 10 times less compared with conventional fillers. Initially, Tinsulyt was developed on request NASA for cosmonauts and polar explorers. Currently, this insulation is considered the warmest and subtle from the fillers for down jackets.

Advantages of Tinsuwita:

  • low weight with large volumes;
  • has elevated thermal insulation properties;
  • in the process, the socks are not knocked in lumps;
  • it tolerates washing well, it is not deformed and not coming after long-term use;
  • environmentally friendly hypoallergenic material;
  • does not absorb smells;
  • after wetting does not give shrinkage;
  • quickly dries.

Of the disadvantages: may cause the body overheating, it is expensive and accumulates static electricity.

Syntheluch. This is a fluffy bulk mass of synthetic fibers with a hollow structure. It consists of white spring fibers, intertwining, they form a dense structure. There are several types of syntapuha, among them siliconized down. Twisted polyester fibers are additionally processed by silicone emulsion. This allows them to not cling to each other, save the volume for a long time.

The characteristics of the insulation are as close as possible to the fluff.

Advantages of syntapuha:

  • ecology and hypoallergenicity,
  • the material does not absorb odors, dust does not accumulate;
  • high wear resistance, it does not destroy;
  • antibacterialness, microorganisms and fungi do not live in synthetic fibers;
  • air permeability, ensures ventilability
  • sustainable for deformations, the primary form is returned after compressing, stretching;
  • water resistance, fibers after wetting quickly evaporate moisture, but even wet they retain heat-insulating properties;
  • it tolerates washing well, does not give shrink;
  • in care, down jackets on Syntipeukh are well erased in cars.

So, if we compare fillers for down jackets, what better, then you can note the following: if you are looking for light and warm down jacket, then your choice is a synthepus filler or tenesulete. For allergies, it is also better to choose synthetic insulation, they do not cause allergic reactions and do not contribute to the reproduction of microorganisms. All adherents of natural insulation are recommended a combination of pen + down, they possess the best operational characteristicsthan 100 fluff or pen. If the label indicates the proportion: 80% fluff (down) in a combination of 20% Feather Feather, you will not freeze in the down jacket even in extreme weather conditions.

Recently, it is increasingly on the tags of clothing opposite the word "filler" you can find the following phrase: spray-bonded wool. Many of my girlfriends and blog readers ask what it is for the filler, as he behaves in winter, and how to care for him.

Spray-bonded wool is environmentally friendly, safe material. On the jacket or jacket label, it is designated as follows: Spray Bonded Wadding. It is made of natural cotton and cotton cotton wool. This is soft, wear-resistant and breathable material. By technical properties This filler is close to the biofer. He possesses high quality Thermal insulation does not cause allergies, it is not amenable to rotting and corrosion, does not roll, it has air permeability. Be sure that microorganisms, mole and other insects will not start spray-bonded wool in the filler. Spray-fastened wool will not climb through the seams and roll into the lumps. It will help you withstand the most severe frosts.

I hope I answered the question of which filler for the down jacket is the best and now you know for winter.

Pros and cons Hollofiber filler.

The cold has come, and most people climbed into cabinets behind down jackets and jackets. Many winter is associated with large duby jackets filled with goose down, as well as with fur coats. But now the market has a huge number of topwear filled with holofiber. In this article we will deal with that this is for the filler and its features.

This is synthetic non-woven fiber Polyesters groups. According to the structure, it is very similar to a synthetic procession, but is distinguished by the lack of use of glue during production. Based on Hollofiber Spiral Silicone Fiber, which is fastened by soldering at high temperatures. As a result, long fibers are obtained.

There is a lot of positive properties of this material:

  • Small weight
  • Excellent thermal conductivity and ability to keep heat
  • Low price
  • Hypoallergenicity
  • Does not absorb smells
  • Not electrified

There are no negative sides of this insulation. Unless it is a little heat capacity inferior to goose Peru.

Now the market has a huge number of outerwear with holofiber. This is due to low price. The down jacket is one and a half times cheaper than natural. At the same time, it is not inferior in quality. Before answering about temperature normsIt is worth determining the filler density. From this figure depends minimum temperature operation.

Temperature standards:

  • Density of 100 g / sq.m. - from + 10 ° C to + 5 ° C
  • Density of 150 g / sq.m. - from + 5 ° C to -10 ° С
  • The density is 200 g / sq.m. - from -10 ° C to -20 ° C
  • Density of 300 g / sq.m. - from -20 ° C to -30 ° C

In principle, the material is made of the same fiber, but by different technologies. Syntheston is a type of silicone fibers, like holofiber, but all the fibers in it glued. In holofiber, the strings of each other are combined with a soldering at high temperatures without the use of glue. Inside the fibers of the emptiness that makes material is easy And very warm. Thus, holofiber is much easier and warming upright.

Sintepon - not the most best insulationSince he wet and accumulates moisture. At the same time, the material has a low thermal insulation. It is an order of magnitude higher at Hollofiber.

The competitor Hollofaybera is natural down. Products from it are as warm as possible. But the fluff has one huge drawback - the price. In addition, fluff in rainy weather winks. There are also some difficulties when washing down down jackets with natural pen. If you take into account all these indicators, the holofiber is the perfect option.

Women's Winter Coat, Winter Jacket, Children's Jumpsuit, Blanket, Pillow, Mattress: Better on Hollofiber or Singry Training?

Disadvantages of synthesis:

  • Low thermal insulation ability
  • Accumulate moisture
  • Absorbs odors
  • Sufficient heavy

Accordingly, hollofiber is deprived of these flaws. That is why such a filler is better. Due to the special method of siliconization, Hollofiber does not accumulate moisture, so successfully used for the production of blankets and pillows.

If there is a choice between hollofiber and syntheps, when buying a children's overalls, select the first option.

Women's Winter Coat, Winter Jacket, Children's Jumpsuit, Blanket, Pillow, Mattress: Better on Hollofiber or Singry Training?

Yes, products from this filler can be smelted to the car. It should take into account the peculiarities of the upper fabric. After all, holofiber can be erased even at a temperature of 80 ° C. But due to the fact that the down jackets are painted and made and cloaks, then optimal temperature Washing is 40 ° C. At the same time, the products can be pressed, because the holofiber perfectly crashes after washing and pressed. It does not need to shake like fluff.

You can wash not only down jackets, but also blankets, pillows and bedspreads with holofiber. It is these products that can be stuck. Only now there is no need to ditch into dry cleaning. You can wash yourself in a washing machine.

Hollofiber is an excellent filler that will serve excellent alternative Natural fluff. It is so warm, but much cheaper.

Video: Hollofiber filler