The warmer female down jackets. How to choose the warmest female down jacket? Female down jackets with fur: advantages and disadvantages

With the arrival of cold weather, as it is impossible, by the way, you think about the question of how to choose a down jacket. And how to do without this warm and lightweight outerwear, if you are young and moving, prefer a jacket that does not shine movements, and dress in a sporty style?

Well, it's time to the store. Only first think about it - for what signs are you going to choose a down jacket?

The main thing, when choosing a down jacket for the winter is a filler. In Russia, for some reason the down jacket is called every jacket, equipped with insulation, even if it is artificial origin. But on the degree of naturality of the filler directly depends on the amount of heat that this jacket is capable of keeping.

We selected the very following important adviceHow to choose a down jacket for the winter:

1. If the tag is written english word dowN. (Pooh) - everything is in order, before you the down jacket, which has full right to be called. In addition, the word is most often present fEATHER., That is, the pen, because of one fluff, the jackets are very rare. Pay attention to the percentages of the content of these two components of the filler. For cold edges, it is recommended to purchase a truly warm jacket, that is, from 70% fluff and 30% pen. If you have a warm winter, or you do not plan to spend a lot of time on the street, or you have a fur coat, you can stay on the down jacket with a ratio of 60/40 or 50/50. By the way, they will cost cheaper. If you are going to use a down jacket for fishing on nature or skiing - choose the most warm jacket, 80/20.

2. Are you not going to wear synthetics? So, immediately refuse products, on the tag of which is the designation polyester, Cotton.or wool.. Under the guise of the jacket, you are trying to "make" a jacket on cotton, Vatin or Sinytender.

3. Pooh should be striking with smooth small blocks. Ideally, the sections do not exceed 20x20 cm. In larger downs, it is welcomed and deprived you of such necessary protection from cold. Inside each block, the fluff should be distributed evenly. Take the jacket and make sure that there are no lumps.

4. For a urban resident who does not fond of skiing, a single-layer down jacket is quite enough. And there are two-layer - they are better stored heat and slowly skip cold.

5. The filler must be easily and quickly recovered after compression. Therefore, it will be worthwhile. Sources part of the jacket in your hand, then let you go sharply and watch - whether fabric was quickly dealt? There is something more reliable way: Check the tag, there must be a compression ratio, it is indicated by the letters F.P., that is, Fill Power. On a high-quality down jacket, you will see the number 550 or more.

6. After trying on the jacket, you will be able to make the feathers do not pierce the fabric. If you feel tingling - it will be very uncomfortable in this down jacket!

7. And again we look at the label. Looking for DIN EN 12934 designation - it indicates high-quality fluff treatment. This means that the fluff and feather were properly washed, dried and disinfected before filling the jacket.

The most important thing is "stuffing" - we checked. But there are also other details that also affect the quality of the jacket.

The accessories must be strong and reliable, ideally, a bag with spare buttons or buttons is attached to the jacket.

- Seams on high-quality down jacket - smooth and strong, without crawling threads. The lining is also stitching that it does not allow to roll over the pollow.

Cuffs of sleeves, bottom jacket or waist belt should be in the form of a gum - it guarantees that there is no cold for the down jacket.

It is very good if the down jacket is unfastened to the hood and fur finish. This will facilitate the washing or cleaning process. It is even better if the product is equipped with a "bottom t-shirt" - knitted "second jacket" without sleeves, which can also be unfounded.

Product high Quality It is necessarily supplied with a small bag where the fluff sample is located. So do all self-respecting manufacturers.

If you can not find the information you need (the country-producer, cleaning methods, the ratio of the fluff and pen, etc.) on the label - refuse to buy! Such a product is uniquely impossible to be called quality.

How to care for the down jacket

But finally, all the steps of picky check are passed, you made sure that the down jacket, bought herself reliable protection from winter cold. Now that the jacket is worn as long as possible, it is necessary to care for it.

Wash Must occur at a temperature of up to 40 degrees, in the carer mode. Washat down down jackets! The effects of water should be brief. Dry the down jacket on the battery means ruthlessly crushing his life. Experts advise dry the jacket in the deployed form, in a ventilated room or on the balcony. It is necessary to simply decompose the down jacket on a thick terry towel and wait for a towel to absorb all moisture. From time to time, the jacket must be turned over.

Detergents For washing the down jacket must be selected carefully. Special powders and liquids have antibacterial qualities, do not allow multiply in the poch of microorganisms, prevent rotting. If you want your jacket not to absorb water and remains the same warm and cozy, is not enough for the purchase of special tools for his washing. And we also advise you to spend money on the purchase of a water-repellent spray that you need to sprinkle a down jacket after each washing, then even the rain can not spoil you from a walk!

These rules of care are pretty simple, and the pleasure of the purchased branded jacket will last, at least 5 seasons. So - forward, in the store, for such a fashionable, beautiful, warm and comfortable downhole!

Since the 1970s, Europeans began to wear this clothing for sports, and then it has become everyday. It was then that the down jackets have gained popularity around the world. Products are valued for warmth, variety of colors, styles, affordable prices. Now many women have down jackets that are well warmed in winter.

What brands down jackets are considered the most common? Today, premium products are popular. Among them are products of French, Finnish, Canadian manufacturers. Each product is originally in its own way, so you should choose a thing based on personal preferences.

Canadian manufacturers

The Northern State is famous for the release of high-quality jackets. Some are sold already for a long timeAnd others appeared not so long ago, but they have already firmly entered the world market. Canadian down jackets are famous for high quality. Popular brand belongs:

  • Canada Goose. The products of this brand are very warm, for which they received recognition around the world. For the manufacture of clothes, fluff and feathers that fell natural way. Fur is used only natural, thanks to which the down jackets will not allow frozen in severe frosts. But there are models and without fur.
  • Pajar. The company produces products from high-quality materials that do not rustle and do not shine. The down jackets are very light and warm, because the fluff and feather are used as a filler. Hoods are equipped with a layer of rabbit fur, and inner side Cuffs stitch knitted. For decorating applied genuine Leather.
  • Moose Knuckles. Canadian down jackets of this brand are sewn in a sporty style. In the manufacture of natural cotton and nylon are applied. Thanks to the special impregnation, the product becomes warm and wear-resistant.
  • Mackage. Products of this company are light, practical and stylish. As decorative finish Genuine leather and raccoon fur are used, and fillers serve the fluff and feather.
  • Nobis. Clothes are made of water-repellent and windproof tissues. Down and feather fillers are perfectly protected from frost, and the presence of deep does not allow to freeze the face. Products combine simplicity, style and excellent quality.

What jacket brands are still popular? Clothes of such a plan create not only in Canada, but also in other countries of the world. there is famous brands as well as children's products.

Add DowN.

The Italian manufacturer has been producing high-quality jackets for many years. And all products are very warm and light. All parties are required to be checked for quality, due to which each new product becomes better than the previous one.

Many brands of female jackets produce enough expensive products, but the ADD brand is popular with a combination of excellent quality and affordable price. Clothes ideal for everyday life And sports, because it is convenient and practical.


IN last years Positively popular in Russia. Products are highly valued due to the available cost and excellent quality. When sewing, technological tissues are used, and the filler serves a goose down.

In the assortment you can find clothes different sizes. Products are distinguished by original trim and stylish appearance. And they are sold much cheaper than the down jackets of famous brands.


Stylish and high-quality jackets are created on a computerized factory in Finland. In the manufacture of clothes, careful treatment of a high quality goose fluff is performed. Thanks to this, hypoallergenic products. All models are sewn from technological fabrics, so perfectly protected from frosts.

Materials are processed water-repellent impregnation. Few other jacket brands can boast the attractiveness and functionality of products. Classic clothing is perfect for everyday life.


The feature of this brand is the originality of the silhouette and the luxurious type of fabrics. Professionals use natural fur, thin skin. The range includes sheepskins, jackets, coats. Each product has original details: cuffs, belt, collars.

In addition to materials, the quality of the down jacket is determined by the skill of cut. The products are very convenient due to the uniform load on the seams. Not all brands use protective equipment from external influences, and FOCE does it.

Economy Products

High-quality jackets are sewn from reliable materials, have perfect cut and cost enough. If there is no possibility to purchase such clothes, you can choose something from the economy class assortment. Popular brands include:

  • Icebear;
  • Chiago;
  • Oskar;
  • Rufuete;
  • Cattail.

Clothing of these brands is created in China using cheaper materials. For example, a mink is replaced with a fur of a raccoon or rabbit. At the same time, the latter look no less luxurious than expensive materials. Filler - Pooh and feather. Products possess bright design, practicality and affordable cost.


Almost all the brands of the downstairs are paying a lot of attention. This is exactly what the Finnish company Luhta is received, which won the market through the creation of high-tech clothes. The assortment features designer jackets, sports clothing. In any product to walk very comfortable.

In sports jackets combined original design, functionality, attention to detail. A feature is the presence unusual finish. Everyone can choose a stylish thing for himself.

Down jackets - perfect clothes for winter, spring and autumn. Compared to other upper products, they are very comfortable. Among the large range must be the original down jacket suitable only for you.

What is warmer - fluff or hollofiber? There is a large number of people today. There is a wide range of modern down jackets, which are made of fluff or holofayber. The listed materials have certain differences that can significantly affect the final choice of a potential buyer.

Features and features of the fluff jacket

It is worth noting that the most common insulation is a fluff, which is a natural savings of a constant temperature, while Hollofiber can be attributed to synthetic materials. Also, we should not forget that the cost of jackets with such fillers is significantly different from each other. Answer the question: "What is better - fluff or holofiber?" - Help the advice of manufacturers and sellers of such goods.

Female, children's or men's down jacket, in which there is a fluff from the fluff, it is customary to consider the highest quality and most warm as possible. But the cost of such a product will be high, since the composition of the presented jacket includes the Pooh. A large number of manufacturers today can reduce down jackets using gray fluff. Then every person can buy a product at a nice price, although the color of the filler will not affect the quality.

Natural insulation - fluff - is a natural material that is designed to protect against in the cold season. Good down jacket It should include the following ratio - 60% fluff and a minimum of 40% of the pen. The perfect top should contain at least 90% fluff and only 10% pen. If the compositions of such insulation are equal to each other, then this model will not protect a person from a strong frost, it can be worn at an air temperature not lower than zero.

Fluff Filler Filler

To fully determine that warmer - fluff or holofiber, you need to learn about the disadvantages of the product from natural materials. Every person must remember that during the choice of outerwear for the cold season, it is necessary to take into account whose feather was used.

Most optimal option - This is a goose. Unfair manufacturers can produce jackets from a chicken pen, which is distinguished by incredible loneiness and does not give the necessary amount to maintain heat.

You can highlight the main drawbacks of the fluff and pen:

  • difficulties during washing (it is best to take such clothes in dry cleaning);
  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction;
  • pooh is a favorable medium for reproducing a large amount of ticks.

Hollofiber filler properties

Coat on holofiber is incredibly light and warm. This material is a hollow siliconized synthetic fiber, which has high thermal insulation indicators. It is worth noting that a specially intended silicone coating can prevent the accumulation of moisture inside the insulation. Presented material allows you to provide high degree Insulation. Silicone coating prevents regular accumulation of moisture inside the holofayber, resulting in excellent elasticity and heat.

A holofiber coat has a small weight and volume, therefore, it can achieve high thermal insulation parameters. Such a product will serve a person for a long timeAnd you can care for him at home, periodically wiping with a damp cloth. This filler will be a pleasant surprise for those who have given preference to the last jackets until today.

Advantages of Hollofiber material

This material is used as excellent alternative Puhu. The following advantages and advantages of hollofiber are available:

  • The material does not accumulate inside the excess moisture. This is especially important if a person is in field conditionswhere there are difficulties with drying things.
  • Hollow-fiber jackets greatly restore their original shape after a strong crumple. It concerns packaging and storage of clothing in the summer months.
  • This material is a hypoallergenic.
  • Hollofiber is as simple as possible. It is possible to wash it in any washing machine, but at the same time you need to choose only gentle modes and use weakly alkaline powders.

Hollofyber varieties

Such a material like holofiber can be divided into canvas, layers and balls. In turn, the canvases are the following types:

  • Soft. The composition of such a material is exclusively hollow highly arranged polyester microfiber, which is represented in the form of a spiral or springs. Jackets Hollofiber from software is sufficiently soft and pliable. The presented view is widely used for manufacture. upper layers Clothes, children's furniture and many other things. It can be used for clothing newborn baby.
  • Medium. The canvas is quite sensitive to the microclimate of each person. It is used similarly to "software". The main difference is the density, so manufacturers produce children envelopes from this material, pillows, coats and other outerwear.
  • Volumetric filler is quite voluminous and light. It is widely used during the production of outerwear.

Hollofiree functional qualities

It is worth noting that Hollofiber acts as insulation and filler. This material can be used as a high-tech alternative to famous syntheps, batting, wool, latex, foam rubber, mineral Wat.. People of different ages Could appreciate such a heater like Hollofiber. Reviews of it are only positive, so many consumers are satisfied with their purchase.

The applications of this universal material are diverse. It is used for sewing and filling furniture, as well as as a heater for the apiary, filler of the outerwear and children's toys. This list can be continued for a long time. The best holofiber has established itself as a heater for outerwear. It is thanks to him a large number of people feel great in winter and cold months.

So better - fluff or holofiber? Experts recommend to give their preference to the second option. It is able to perfectly hold the heat due to its unique structure of the fiber, which is represented as a spiral spring, where special is formed.

Positive properties and quality Hollofiber

Products from this material are capable of listening to their owner a long time. Hollofiber is absolutely not toxic material, so it will not cause allergies in humans. Also he does not absorb a variety of smells from ambient. Products are not related to flammable, therefore consumers when choosing prefer such material like holofiber. Feedback from people who wear upper clothes with this filler are most often positive and advisory.

During socks, products based on holofiber, you can not worry about that it will face or lose her tidy appearanceSince this material always returns its form. In especially cold months, such a filler will be perfectly retaining heat.

Disadvantages of holofayber

Many people very seriously refer to the process of buying such winter clothes like a jacket. Hollofiber or Pooh is the personal preference of each consumer. It should be noted that the down product may cause little child Or an adult allergic reaction, so the jackets with such a filler are not suitable for everyone.

You can select the only lack of holofiber - this is a promise of manufacturers that the outerwear will not accumulate static electricity.

How to put a holofayber jacket?

Wash the jackets from holofayber and care for them is simple enough. They can be put in ordinary washing machines. When the thing was strongly stained, it just needs to soak for a while. After that, dirty places, such as collar, cuffs and pockets, should be processed using a brush. The jacket is perfectly dispensed with the usual washing powder at 50 degrees. All of the above recommendations will help readers not only to determine that warmer - fluff or holofiber, but also prompt how to properly pick up the top clothes for each family member.

Editor's response


Heat tapes are warm due to air, which is kept fiber materials inside.

Thinsulate (Thinsulate)

Created in the USA as a material for spaces. It consists of microfolocons that are thinner than 50 times. This is holding a lot of air with a small amount. From Tinsulyta, not only insulation for clothing, but also hats, gloves.

Features: Looks like a structure on natural fluff, but one and a half times warmer and much more durable. Breathable, does not absorb moisture, does not lose form when washing.

Temperature mode: up to -60 ° C. For active walks at -15 ° C sufficiently density of the insulation 150 g / m².

Isosoft (ISOSOFT)

Belgian insulation, which consists of thin fibers of a spherical shape. Holds warmth very well. But now many Chinese fakes have appeared, so it is better to buy clothes of famous brands.

Features: Elastic, breathable, does not absorb moisture, quickly dries.

Temperature mode: up to -40 ° C. For a certain temperature range, its insulation density is calculated. If the label is written "100-150 g / -m²", the clothes do not suit the frost. More 200-250 g / m² - designed for a harsh winter.


Due to the hollow polyester fibers in the form of springs, the insulation is well kept air. In order not to buy a fake, look for the designation "TM" Hollo-Fiber® "on the product label. There are similar insulation of other brands - their fibers differ in form and some properties: Fireberk, Fireburskin, Holloofan.

Features: Does not succeed, does not miss moisture, air-permeable.

Temperature mode: up to -40 ° C. For 20-25 degrees, frost fits insulation with a density of 250 g / m².


So that the membrane does not lose their breathable properties, keep clothes in a case (polyethylene or fabric) and erase special means manually without soaking.

In high-quality winter clothes, you can be sought in the snow, ride a hill or skiing, without grunting and not sweating. For this, not only the insulation, but also the membrane - thin filmwhich glues to the fabric. A drop of water can not pass through it, but the sweat molecules can. The main task of the membrane is to create and maintain a special microclimate under clothing.

GORTEX system (Gore-Tex)

The membrane is made of Teflon, developed by once for cosmic needs. In the film a lot of microscopic holes.

Advantages: Well repels dirt and water, protects against wind, "breathes", does not allow the body to cool.

Disadvantages: Pores of the membrane can cooled and clogged over time. So that this does not happen, wash clothes every 1-2 months and do not wear in very heavy rain if there is no special coating on it.

Simpatex system (Sympatex)

Analogs - Ultimex, Sofitex, Cyclone, Transactive

The membrane is a very thin layer of polymer tissue. Pores in it are missing. It "works" due to the difference in the pressure of the water vapor outside and from the inside.

Advantages: Does not miss water, protects against wind, "breathes", due to the absence of pores, it does not arise and in the wet state does not lose its properties, has the ability to stretch.

Disadvantages: "Breathable" properties are a little worse compared to the Gortex. - Effective with very high external humidity.

How to wear membrane clothes

Membrane clothes may not be insulation, then it is suitable for very active walks, sports.

First layer: It can be a long sleeve t-shirt or turtleneck, tights (ratings, trousers) or a heat pack. Synthetic must be present, as pure cotton absorbs, and does not fall moisture.

Second layer:clothes from fleece or wool (with a small addition of synthetics). But it is not necessary to wear it at temperatures above -15 ° C, if the upper clothes have a high-quality insulation from 100 g / m² and higher.

Third layer: Jacket / suit / overalls.

Label, check that there is all the necessary information On the properties of the fabric and filler, the correspondence of the pen and the fluff, about the manufacturer. There must also be a recommendation for the care of the product. Interest ratio Pooh and feather - one of the most important characteristics, which is indicated by two digits, for example, 70/30 (70% fluff, is the most common version of the insulation). Residents northern Regions It is necessary to ensure that the percentage of the fluff is not less than this figure, and in warm edges you can down downand with a 50/50 ratio. However, more than 75-80% of the fluff is also not necessary, since the content of thermal insulation properties reach the maximum, and it does not become warmer with increasing the number of fluff.

The following quality indicator is the elasticity of the fluff, that is, the ability to restore after compression. To determine elasticity, manufacturers compress one ounce and check to which sizes it will be restored. Good down down Must have this figure at least 550, and the most models are 800. If this is not listed on the label, try to measure the elasticity yourself. Fold the sleeves of the jacket inside and roll the product into the tube. The more compact it turned out, the better the fluff. Thereafter down down Must quickly filled with air and straighten.

On the label, find the abbreviation of the CLO, which is thermal insulation. If the number 1 is indicated next, it means that a person in this jacket will heat at -15 degrees, the figure 3 - at -40. Sometimes manufacturers indicate standards, guest and certificates. For example, DIN EN 12934 EUROPEAN STANDART means that the Pooh complies with the European Quality Standard, it passed washing, soaking, drying, sterilization.

Check that the fluff jacket is packed in several packets embedded and evenly distributed throughout the product. Otherwise, it can fall to the alert. The jacket should also be shown. There are solid fabric models that breaks the seams and sections to give down downat an elegant look. If feathers climb through lining or seams, this is a poor quality jacket.

In addition to the fluff, there are other insulation: syntheps, holofiber ,. Qualitative materials may be as warm and comfortable. The label with the word "down" means natural down, "Wool" - woolen batting, "POLYESTER" - Singrytegon. If the label is written "Cotton" is an ordinary cotton wool, such down down do not buy. The warmest and expensive jackets are made of a gagache fluff, but they are more likely to suit very strong frost or life outside the city.