Do-it-yourself cleaning and disinfection of household air conditioners. How to clean air conditioner at home

Most of us, modern people doesn't even think comfortable life without air conditioning. It gives a pleasant coolness in the heat, fills the room with cozy warmth on cold days. But the trouble-free operation of the device and the general “well-being” depend on our attitude towards it and the care shown. How to clean the air conditioner yourself and not damage anything in it (after all, this is what you are afraid of)?

Is it necessary to clean

Judge for yourself: every single day, the air conditioner distills dozens of cubes of untreated air through a special system. Dust, mold spores, plant pollen, various microorganisms settle on parts, clog filters, radiator. Result: the power of the air conditioner drops, the consumption of electricity increases. To all this, moisture condenses inside the device - an ideal environment for nasty microbes to safely continue their existence and reproduction on important elements systems.

If you still haven’t found the time to clean (on your own or with the help of specialists) the air conditioner, reap the benefits:

  • Microbes, bacteria, all kinds of microorganisms will multiply at an incredible rate, so the air conditioner will begin to blow out air with a specific musty smell;
  • Condensation will start to drip from the indoor unit, and this drip will last until the drain pipe is cleared;
  • During operation, the unit itself will crackle, make noise, in every possible way remind you of its presence;
  • The filters will turn black and infiltrate your cozy apartment a bit of dirty color.

Proper Care

To clean the air conditioner, you can contact a special company and do not do it yourself. True, the surface cleaning procedure does not require special technical education, so you can handle it yourself in this case. And start cleaning by unplugging the air conditioner from the mains. Further, the description of the process itself may differ slightly from what you will encounter, because the models are different. But in general, it goes like this...

Filter cleaning

Grasp the front grille with your hands, pull it towards you. Gently lift the cover and remove the filters by carefully lifting them from the bottom. Rinse the nets under the faucet with dish gel, for example. Soak a very dirty filter in the bathroom. Add to warm water washing powder, dissolve well. As soon as all the dirt is sour, rinse the mesh. Wait until the filter dries completely, only then insert it into the air conditioner.

The operation of the heat exchanger of the indoor unit and, of course, the purity of the air in the home depend on how responsibly you washed the mesh filters.

If the filters are pocket ones, you won’t be able to clean them yourself, because they are, so to speak, disposable. They will have to be replaced with new ones.

At the bottom of the block there are plugs that need to be removed. Unscrew the screws, pry off the cover at the bottom air filter, separate the bottom from the body. Gently press the latches at the top, remove the cover completely. Vacuum all dusty parts of the unit carefully and thoroughly. Wipe the outside with a damp cloth.

Cleaning the condensate collector and impeller

Next, you need to clean the container for collecting condensed liquid. To do this, remove it from the latches, take it to the side. Do everything with extreme caution, because it is connected to the back of the tank drain hose facing the street. Wipe the container, clean all parts from dirt.

Further behind the container is an impeller. This is a slotted cylinder that distills room air through the evaporator. Vacuum it very carefully. Well, now it is desirable to assemble all the parts in the reverse order.

Condition of the heat exchanger and radiator

Inspect the heat exchanger, radiator. There should be no dust or debris between the plates. Remove light dirt with a stiff brush. If the plates are very overgrown with dirt, resins, grease, do nothing on your own so as not to violate the integrity of the system. The fact is that various cleaners and solvents for fats can damage the protective coating. It's better to call a specialist.

Fight bad odor

Buy a liquid antiseptic or disinfectant solution from the pharmacy. In stores you can find special remedy that destroys bacteria and viruses. Open the lid of the device, pull out the dust screens. Turn on the air conditioner, set it to maximum low temperature, select the maximum airflow. Spray the antiseptic so that the spray is drawn into the radiator. Spray on for a few minutes. The unpleasant smell will disappear in 10 minutes.

How often to clean

It depends on the cleanliness of your home. Determine the time after which you will have to clean the device again. If it seemed to you that the air conditioner began to work worse, look inside the unit. The filter is clogged - carry out the next cleaning earlier, if clean - later. Experts recommend cleaning the filters every two weeks of operation of the device. Do a more thorough maintenance before the start of the air conditioning season and at the end, or at least once a year.

Surely, each person strives to create comfort in his apartment, and therefore they often install an air conditioner that can cool or heat the air and create a favorable temperature inside the room. But installation is one thing, and quite another - do not forget that the air conditioner requires cleaning and constant care. This process is not very difficult if you follow some recommendations.

Sooner or later, this cooling device will have to be thoroughly cleaned, because a lot of dust and dirt from the house flies into it. It is time to clean when the following nuances are observed when turned on:

  1. The nose began to catch unpleasant odors during the operation of the equipment.
  2. Extraneous sounds are heard that were not noticed before.
  3. Lost power.
  4. Energy costs are increasing.

But it is worth noting that before disassembling and cleaning the air conditioner, it is imperative to disconnect it from the mains. Otherwise, you can seriously damage not only the equipment, but also yourself.

Possible problems with self-disassembly

Before you begin to disassemble your air conditioner, you need to familiarize yourself with some information that will help you understand what can happen in the event of an error:

If the question arises of how to disassemble the air conditioner, then this suggests that the user has never done this before. In this option, it is advisable to start cleaning extremely simple parts that do not require a thorough analysis of the entire system, and entrust all the complex work to a professional.

Cleaning the various components

To produce proper care behind an air conditioner or split system, you will need to find out about constituent parts equipment. That's how you can do it high-quality cleaning and not make mistakes.

Outer Block Processing

The device will overheat strongly when natural debris such as fluff or feathers, as well as dust begins to accumulate on the outdoor unit in large quantities. The power of the air conditioner can drop very much from this, and the power consumption will increase. These signs indicate that the housing must be thoroughly cleaned.

There are several ways to clean the air conditioner unit:

Users are wondering how often they need to flush air conditioners. This will depend on the height of the device:

  1. Those people who live in the area of ​​the first four floors need to be washed before each start-up of the equipment in the season.
  2. Residents of the upper floors can be cleaned once every 2-3 years, since there will be less pollution and dust at a height.
  3. For those who live above the 10th floor, you can limit yourself to cleaning once every 3-4 years.

The indoor unit of the device

Worth noting that the indoor unit should be cleaned needed much more often than external. Some nodes should be treated once every two weeks, others can be done less often. It will depend on how quickly they become dirty and what task they perform.

Main tasks internal filter are air filtration and dust retention, as well as other contaminants. It is this simple device that can make the air much cleaner, and therefore you need to regularly take care of it. Manufacturers recommend cleaning the filter about once every two weeks. This operation is quite simple, but many people forget about it, and as a result they get unpleasant odors in the room or even a breakdown of the entire system.

Cleaning order:

  1. The cover of the indoor unit is removed. Gets a filter. This must be done very carefully.
  2. Place the filter element in a container of soapy water for about 3 minutes.
  3. Then rinse it off with warm water.
  4. Dry the filter naturally. Never use a hair dryer that produces hot air.
  5. The device is put in place.

The filter is a very fragile part, and therefore in no case should it be used for cleaning hot water, abrasives, bleach or thinner. These substances will very easily cause deformation and damage the part. Filters can be pocket or mesh. Pocket has an expiration date. And mesh can be washed and dried repeatedly. In the event that the filter began to work poorly even after the cleaning process , then you just need to change it.

Rotary turbine processing

It is enough to wash the rotary turbine once a year in the fall or at the moment when it simply becomes dirty.


Evaporator grate processing

The evaporator grate is a system of tubes through which freon passes. If rust is observed on the metal parts, you must immediately take the air conditioner to service center for repairs, since it will not work to fix the problem on its own.

The grate is best cleaned once a year before starting the air conditioner or split system. Under no circumstances should metal brushes or any other objects that could damage the part be used.

Purification sequence:

  1. The air conditioner cover opens.
  2. The front grill is removed, which closes the heat exchanger.
  3. Use a soft brush and a vacuum cleaner. Dust and dirt are removed very carefully with a brush, and everything else is collected with a vacuum cleaner.

If you follow the instructions for cleaning, then the heat exchanger will be quite easy to clean. But if there is very strong pollution, then it will not be possible to do without a steam generator.

Cleaning the drainage split system

If you ignore the cleaning of the drainage system, mold will form as a result. Clogged pipes and drains will lead to breakdown of the entire unit. That is why it is necessary to periodically rinse the drainage pan and clean it from dirt, as well as moisture. Mold can easily spread along the walls and fins of the radiator, and this will cause a bad smell.

The drainage system can be cleaned using several options:

When the device is completely put in order, it is also necessary to carry out antibacterial cleaning. With it, you can remove unpleasant odors and get rid of fungi, germs and mold. To do this, the air conditioner must be turned on. full power in cooling mode, and spray air conditioner cleaner inside.

Choice of cleaning agent

To clean air conditioners and split systems, you can purchase special preparations. On the shelves of stores, they are presented in a large assortment. Mostly it is foam in cans or aerosols. They are usually used to clean the drainage system or heat exchanger.

Sprays and aerosols for equipment


The disadvantage of such funds is a high expense. Usually the spray is enough for two times, and if there is severe pollution, then with the help of an aerosol it is generally not possible to cope with the task.

Cleaning foam

In most cases, foam is used to clean the heat exchanger. Cleaning sequence:

Regardless of which cleaning method to choose, the external unit and filter cleaning can be done with ease with your own hands. As for deep cleaning internal system, then it is best to contact a professional for this, because if you make the smallest violation, this can lead to the failure of all equipment.

When cleaning is done on your own, you need to create all the conditions for work, remove everything superfluous from under your feet, and it is advisable to call a second person for help.

If you have never done a deep cleaning of the cooling device before, then first you can study the video instruction on how to remove the air conditioner yourself. In such reviews, visual information will be provided, and the work process will be simplified. There is different models cooling systems (Samsung, Philips, Electrolux), but the components are the same for everyone, and therefore the video will help you figure it out.

Cleaning a home air conditioner is a responsible task in which mistakes cannot be made.

Attention, only TODAY!

Air conditioners, or split systems, have ceased to be a luxury, they are installed in almost every home and office. The task of the climate system is not only cooling, but also the creation of a microclimate in the room, purification of the air from the dust present in it.

The device experiences a colossal load, distilling cubic meters of air per day, while pollution settles on all its parts. To prolong the life and increase the efficiency of the air conditioner, it must be cleaned regularly. This is usually done by special services, but armed with the necessary information, you can easily clean the air conditioner yourself.

The instructions for any air conditioner indicate that the climate system needs regular cleaning, not only outside, but also inside. To understand why it is necessary to clean the air conditioner, you need to familiarize yourself a little with the principle of its operation and components.

Split system - a complex of two blocks: one is outside the premises, the other is inside. The outdoor unit contains:

  • fan;
  • compressor;
  • valves that regulate the movement of freon (refrigerant);
  • filter;
  • capacitor.

The interior of the air conditioner consists of:

  • front panel;
  • drainage system (thin channels and sump);
  • radiator and heat exchanger (evaporator);
  • filters;
  • electronic control system.

The principle of operation of split systems is based on the ability of freon to move heat. Modern air conditioners during operation not only cool the air, but also purify it (some models ionize). When air circulates, dust, moisture, animal hair, human hair and other contaminants enter the split system from both sides, which affects the operation of the device:

  • destroy parts;
  • increase energy consumption;
  • reduce the efficiency of the air conditioner.

In humid rooms, mold can form inside the air conditioner, the spores of which, together with dust, are carried throughout the room during operation of the device. People who are in such a room notice a deterioration in their condition, difficulty breathing, allergies, and often suffer from colds. Young children suffer the most from this.

If you ignore the cleaning of the split system, this can lead to damage to the device and costly repairs or replacement of the device.

That is why timely cleaning of air conditioner parts should not be neglected.

Signs of pollution

The annotation for the split system indicates the frequency with which it is necessary to clean various parts. Note, this information average, in fact it depends on several factors:

  • air pollution in the room;
  • frequency of use;
  • indoor humidity;
  • distance of the air conditioner from the ground (the higher it is located, the cleaner air outside).

There are several signs that signal that the air conditioner is dirty:

  • during operation, uncharacteristic sounds are heard: crackling, gurgling;
  • appears bad smell;
  • water is dripping from the appliance.

Another feature- the climate system is clearly not coping with its main function of cooling.

Guide for self-cleaning the air conditioner at home

Companies that install climate systems offer services for their maintenance, including cleaning. Calling a specialist is not cheap, in most cases this process can be easily done on your own.

Before you start cleaning any part, you must unplug the air conditioner and prepare tools, detergents and disinfectants, a dry cloth, brushes and brushes with soft bristles. As an antiseptic, you can use special liquids for air conditioners or available remedy- chlorhexidine.

The part of the fan located outside the room should be cleaned 1-2 times a year. The main part of pollution - leaves, small branches, poplar fluff, insects. Their presence interferes with the normal operation of the heat exchanger and leads to overheating and compressor failure. Replacement of this part - expensive pleasure, therefore it is recommended to remove contaminants from outdoor unit before spring and autumn.

The cleaning process consists of several stages:

  • removal of the case;
  • manual removal of large contaminants;
  • small particles and dust can be removed with a car or conventional vacuum cleaner;
  • cleaning the fan blades with a damp cloth or sponge. The procedure must be carried out carefully so as not to damage the electrician;
  • flushing the radiator fins with a jet of water from a car wash or ordinary water supply.

After that, all parts are wiped with a dry cloth. Assembly of the block can be done only after the surfaces are completely dry.

If the air conditioner is installed on the second floor and above, it is better to entrust the process of cleaning the outdoor unit to a professional team, since such work requires special equipment.

How to clean the indoor unit

The working part of the split system, located indoors, needs more frequent flushing. The bulk of the dirt in this unit is house dust, skin particles and grease deposits, so the cleaning process is a little more difficult.

Before starting work, you need to turn off the system and remove the housing cover. She also needs to be cleaned, but this is done more for hygienic purposes, dirt is removed with a soft, damp cloth.


Air conditioners can be equipped with 2 types of filters:

  • mesh (flat or curved) - a regular grating with thin cells that traps dust;
  • pocket. It has several levels of cleaning; expensive models are equipped with it.

The filter cleaning algorithm is as follows:

  • dismantle the filter element (how to do this can be found in the instructions for the split system);
  • remove dust with a brush or vacuum cleaner;
  • soak the filter in warm water with detergent;
  • rinse out of the shower head;
  • if there were traces of mold on the filter, treat with an antiseptic (you can use special liquids for air conditioners or ordinary chlorhexidine);
  • air dry;
  • fix the filter in place.

Pocket filters are not cleaned, but replaced with new ones. You can buy them in specialized stores.

Cleaning the filter does not require special skills and a lot of time. This process is recommended to be carried out as it gets dirty, on average once every 2-6 weeks.

Evaporator and radiator

The heat exchanger of the air conditioner can be cleaned independently only superficially. Removal of contaminants inside them must be entrusted to a professional.

I would like to note that regular cleaning of the surface of the radiator and evaporator will significantly delay the time for contacting the service department and save a fair amount of the budget.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • removal of the housing cover, protective grille and filter elements;
  • removal of dust accumulations using a small paint brush or vacuum cleaner. The thin plates of the heat exchanger are easily damaged, so the movements should be light and directed from top to bottom;
  • to remove mold and mildew, turn on the recirculation mode at the lowest temperature and spray antiseptic liquid near the radiator.
  • assemble the air conditioner in reverse order.

It is enough to clean the heat exchanger in the air conditioner once a year. If traces of corrosion are found during processing, it is necessary to call specialists from the service center to check and adjust the freon level or replace the part.

drainage system

The removal of condensate formed during cooling of the air in the air conditioner is carried out drainage system. It consists of a shallow pan and a hollow tube through which the liquid is discharged to the street.

Together with the condensate, dust, wool, and sometimes mold also form there. If you do not systematically clean the drainage system, the drain pipe will become clogged, and the air conditioner will begin to leak and exude an unpleasant odor.

The process of cleaning the drainage system is carried out as follows:

  • removal of the outer casing of the air conditioner;
  • disconnection of the pallet and tube fasteners, followed by the removal of parts;
  • the bath is washed running water with detergent and pour antiseptic (chlorhexidine can be used) for 15-30 minutes;
  • for cleaning drainage channel you need a vacuum cleaner. It is turned on for blowing air and connected to the channel;
  • filling the channel with chlorhexidine for 15 minutes;
  • re-blowing.

Before installing the drainage system, it is recommended to check the quality of its cleaning. To do this, pour 1-1.5 liters of water into the pan. If there are no leaks, the drainage system is ready for use.

Performing a systematic cleaning of the air conditioner, you need to pay attention to the condition of all parts, including the housing and seals. If damage is noticeable on them, you need to call specialists from the service center.

Guide self service split systems in the apartment can be seen in the video.

How to use the air conditioner correctly?

The declared service life of climate systems is from 7 to 12 years, provided correct use. In order for the split system to last as long as possible, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  • do not turn on the air conditioner when the outside temperature is below 0, unless it is provided by the manufacturer;
  • at least once a month, clean the filters and inspect the condition of the indoor unit;
  • if signs of malfunction appear, immediately turn off the air conditioner and call specialists;
  • comply with all the rules specified in the instructions;
  • once a year (before the start of active use), carry out a professional technical inspection of the system.

Following these steps will ensure trouble-free operation of the air conditioner for a long time.


In addition to regular cleaning, it is very important to properly prepare the air conditioner for active use. Summer is considered the traditional season for split systems, but some models are also used to heat rooms in the winter.

In the middle of spring or early summer (depending on the region), it is recommended to do the following:

  • clean the heat exchanger in the outdoor unit;
  • check operation in all modes;
  • replace air filters if necessary.

If the air conditioner does not have an all-season unit, it is used for heating at temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero. In late autumn or winter, be sure to inspect all parts of the device. V outdoor unit it is possible to mount a device for heating the compressor and a “warm” drainage system.

Air conditioners provide a normal microclimate in the room. Using humidifiers in parallel with a split system will significantly increase the efficiency of the latter.

To improve the quality of work and extend the service life, it is necessary to carry out preventive inspection at least once and, if necessary, clean contaminated or failed parts. You can do it yourself, but this does not eliminate the need for professional service. Any air conditioner loses at least 5% of the coolant per year, its lack affects the operation of the entire climate system.

Through any climatic equipment during its operation, a large amount of air is distilled, containing in its composition not only oxygen and ozone. The distilled air contains a lot of mechanical inclusions of different fractions, dust, bacteria and spores of pathogenic fungi, fluff and pet hair.
Perhaps all these contaminants would still be in the air if there were no filter elements in the design of the air conditioner. These filters require periodic cleaning or replacement. Filters are cleaned at various times recommended by the manufacturer. They depend on the design of the air conditioner, its power and purpose. Sometimes cleaning is carried out, focusing on the "clinical" performance of the equipment.

Cleaning of climatic equipment - terms and reasons

Situations that make it necessary to clean a household split system do not occur often. However, sooner or later the user climate technology faces this problem, and, naturally, he is interested in how to clean the equipment - call the master, use the help of a specialized team of a cleaning company, or try to clean it on your own.

We will try to give accessible answers to some common air conditioner cleaning questions that users have, so that you know what work you can do yourself, and which can only be done by specialists.

The main question that most users of air conditioners are interested in is: “Why do you need to clean the split system yourself?”. It is clear that this is better handled by a specialist to whom you will pay a decent amount of money for this work. But is it worth parting with hard-earned money, giving it away for work that is no more difficult to do than cleaning, for example, an ordinary vacuum cleaner?

After all, it would never occur to anyone to call a specialist to clean it.

An air conditioner that has not been cleaned for a long time accumulates a large amount of dust inside, the presence of which necessarily leads to various problems, including:

The microclimate in the room worsens significantly. Dust settles on all parts of the air conditioner, spreads throughout the room. It contributes to the appearance of allergic attacks in people who are in this room. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically ventilate it.

The air conditioning equipment stops functioning effectively. This is because dust and dirt accumulated in the filter elements of the air conditioner will not be able to circulate freely.

The efficiency of the equipment is significantly reduced, which is due to the fact that a large amount of dust has accumulated on the heat exchanger.

The risk of damage to the air conditioner increases, as air resistance increases, as a result of which the load increases, which the fan motor cannot withstand.

Cleaning the air conditioner according to its clinical indicators

The most striking manifestation of the fact that the air conditioner has not been on maintenance for a long time is an unpleasant smell that appears from indoor module equipment. This indicates that fungi and mold develop in it.

Every time you turn on the device, you contribute to the fact that disputes, in the amount of millions, spread throughout the room. Naturally, they are deposited in the respiratory system of its inhabitants, which can cause terrible diseases such as asthma, allergic manifestations and various kinds dermatitis.

As soon as you feel that a moldy smell is coming from the device, you should immediately start cleaning the inside of the air conditioner and its filter elements. If cleaning is not done in a timely manner, it is likely that you will soon have to repair your climate control device.

But not only the appearance of a smell indicates the need to clean the split systems. These activities are necessary if:

  1. The power of the air conditioner is reduced.
  2. The energy it consumes increases.
  3. Lines and connecting fittings are covered with ice.

Step-by-step cleaning of climate equipment

You can clean the air conditioner yourself in three stages:

  1. Clean or replace the air conditioner filter.
  2. They clean the "insides" of the internal module.
  3. Perform preventive cleaning of the outdoor unit.

Before proceeding with any work, it is necessary to completely disconnect the climate system from the electrical supply. For effective cleaning The internal filter elements of the air conditioner perform several steps in sequence, as described below:

It is recommended that you carefully read the instruction manual first. It indicates how to properly remove the filter from the split system. In the most expensive models climatic equipment has a drum filter element, which functions much more efficiently than a flat one, since its curved surface is in contact with air with a larger plane.

Before cleaning, lay a piece of polyethylene film or paper - if the equipment has not been cleaned for a long time, then it internal surfaces and a lot of dust has accumulated on the filter.

The next step in cleaning the filter element is to dismantle the equipment cover and remove the protective grid that holds the filter in place and protects it from any damage.

Next, the filter is dismantled and cleaned. To do this, first clean the dry filter with a vacuum cleaner or dry brush, and then rinse it under running water. cold water. Dry the filter element naturally, since it can deform if dried with hot air.

When the filter is completely dry, reassemble the air conditioner in reverse order, and then connect the power cord to the mains.

Do not wash the same filter element more than eight times, as exposure to water adversely affects its bandwidth affecting the efficiency of all climate control equipment.

Self-cleaning of the indoor unit of split systems

You can clean the indoor unit of the split system yourself at home.
In addition to replacing or cleaning the filter elements of the indoor unit of the air conditioner, you can independently clean the evaporator heat exchanger from dust that accumulates and settles in it. The evaporator heat exchanger is the main part of the air conditioning equipment, which must be kept perfectly clean if you want the air conditioner to work well.

Cleaning the indoor unit of the air conditioner.

This design is assembled from tubes in which freon evaporates, as a result of which the evaporator is cooled. The airflow is cooled as it passes through the heat exchanger.

To clean the split system evaporator yourself, you must perform the following steps:

  1. The climate system is being de-energized.
  2. The protective grille is removed. In this case, the instructions given by the manufacturer must be strictly followed.
  3. Using a vacuum cleaner and a thin brush, clean the heat exchanger and the space between the tubes and the valves from dust.

If you notice that metal surface the heat exchanger has traces of corrosion, be sure to contact the service center. Otherwise, Freon may leak.

Assemble the device in reverse order

Sometimes it is necessary to clean the fan, which is in indoor unit, from dust and fatty deposits. However, we do not recommend doing this work yourself. It is best to seek help from a service professional.

When cleaning the split system evaporator, do not use a hard brush or metal objects - they can easily damage the freon line and adversely affect the heat exchanger.

Cleaning the compressor block of split systems

A split system usually has a design in which its external unit must be located outdoors. This creates some difficulties and impossibility self cleaning. Therefore, in order to fulfill cleaning works invite professionals.

Independent cleaning of the external unit of the split system.

You can wash the external unit of the air conditioner yourself. To carry out this work, you must perform the following steps:

De-energize the climate device, after which the plug is removed from the socket.

Using a soft brush and a cloth, the body of the unit is cleaned of dust and dirt.

A regular hose connects to a water supply or car wash. A jet of water is directed inside the equipment, thoroughly washing everything inside without opening the case of the external unit of the air conditioner.

After conscientious washing, excess water is removed from the equipment body.

After familiarizing yourself with the process of self-cleaning the air conditioner, you will be able to carry out these works. With timely and thorough cleaning of the equipment, you will decently extend its service life.

V modern houses getting bigger and bigger household appliances for the most varied purposes. One of the newest devices gradually entering our lives are air conditioners.

Like any other automatic devices these products require maintenance. Today we will tell you how to clean the air conditioner yourself right at home, without resorting to calling the masters.

Regular maintenance of household appliances

Air conditioner problems

During the operation of the device, you will immediately feel that it does not work at full capacity, that its insides are clogged. In order not to breed mold and bacteria inside the machine, it will need to be cleaned. The indoor unit is located in our apartment, so it will not be difficult to get to it, the outdoor unit is outside, but it will rarely need to be approached.

Do not worry, anyone can cope with this task with their own hands, even without general idea about the operation of such technology. To bring your unit to life, it will be enough to clean its filter from dirt, inspect the insides and pay a little attention appearance. The indoor unit is exposed to less pollution than the outdoor unit, but the operation of the device depends entirely on its functioning.

It is advisable to clean the air conditioner filter from dirt every month during the dense operation of the device. If there are people in the house who suffer from asthma or allergies, then you will have to clean more often, for example, once a week. However, when the procedure for cleaning the device with your own hands is worked out, you will do everything automatically.

Even a simple layman will be able to take care of home air conditioning

What threatens us ignoring the cleaning and cleaning of the air conditioner:

  • first of all, a dirty filter will affect the quality of the device, and the air coming out of it will not be as fresh and clean as it should be;
  • due to accumulated dirt, the indoor unit of the device will exude an unpleasant odor;
  • the internal radiator of the device will overheat due to poor cooling, which will certainly affect the entire drainage system;
  • the air cooling system will become unstable, after which the device will make various noises and crackling sounds that we would not like to hear at home;
  • the drainage system of the device will come into a very neglected state, from which it is possible that condensate will drip right into the apartment, and not leave through the tube outside the house;
  • if you want to clean the air conditioner, you will face great difficulties in the form of a huge amount of dirt, mold and other unpleasant contaminants inside the device.

Such conditions will create a favorable environment for the occurrence of mold, microorganisms, mites inside the device, and as a result of an unpleasant odor. Therefore, in order not to bring the unit to such a state, it is easier to clean it correctly yourself at home, or call the masters a couple of times.

Cleaning the Machine

The most important and simplest action that we can do with an air conditioner with our own hands is to clean its filter. The filtration system in many devices is identical, there are some features in the models different manufacturers but they are minor. It is very easy to replace the filter or clean it at home, as the documentation for the device will tell you about.

The entire algorithm of actions to help clean the filter is painted and drawn in the instructions. There you can also find general theory the operation of the appliance, the method of cleaning its other elements, such as a radiator, an outdoor unit.

Removing and cleaning the filters of the device from accumulated dirt

The list of processes for cleaning the filter with your own hands looks like this:

  • to remove the filter from the device, you need to open the cover of the air conditioner located on the indoor unit, most often you just need to lift it up;
  • to remove a small amount of dust, it is convenient to use a vacuum cleaner;
  • if the appliance has been cleaned for a long time, and the dirt is old, then take the grate to the bathroom and wash it under running water, while do not use detergents, water is enough;

Detergents should not be used, since they can damage the filter itself, as well as during operation, the parts of the composition remaining on the grates will pollute the air entering the apartment.

  • after washing, the filter must be dried without fail, and only then placed in the indoor unit;
  • for air conditioners, special formulations are sold that allow you to disinfect its insides, they are sprayed in the air, and the device, driving it away, is cleaned, to do this, turn it on like a fan and spray the composition;
  • wipe the outer part of the device, including the blinds, with a damp cloth, after which the device can be assembled and run in normal mode.

Some air conditioners are equipped with disposable filters for air purification, which must be replaced with new ones as they get dirty. Pay attention to this point when buying a device.

As in many other devices, the air conditioner has a radiator (heat exchanger), which is located under the filter or immediately under the cover. You can clean it from dust with the same vacuum cleaner if you reach the hose. Washing the inside of the device is highly discouraged, especially with your own hands, without the help of experts. The instructions for the device talk about steam cleaning, but only professional specialists can clean the device in this way.

Maintaining the device in working order is not at all difficult

Once or twice a year, you will have to clean the external unit of the air conditioner from the dirt, located on the street, on the wall of the house. Most often, the outdoor unit is cleaned after the winter. It is very good if the device is fixed in an accessible position, if not, you will have to call the masters.

In many high-rise buildings, cleaning the air conditioner from the outside without special devices is not possible. Arrange with neighbors and call a team to clean all devices on your side of the house, prepare immediately after winter for the arrival summer season when the device is in dire need.

To clean the outdoor unit, you will need to remove the protective grille, clean it of dust and dirt, after which you need to inspect the insides of the external part of the device and vacuum them. Since this part of the device is located on the street, a large amount of dirt accumulates in it, which we need to remove. After all the cleaning procedures, the block is assembled.

Popular brand air conditioner outdoor unit

In case of various breakdowns of the device, do not try to repair it yourself, unless, of course, you are a certified engineer and specialist in refrigeration. Call the professionals, let them see what is leaking, why the unit is not cooling.

For the normal operation of the device, carry out regular care for it, there are no particular difficulties in this. But a clean and ready-to-use device will help you regulate the microclimate in your apartment, refresh the hot air and ventilate the room.