Hang the filter in the aquarium. How to properly install the external and internal filter in the aquarium. Hemianthus Monte Carlo

How to install internal filters?

Internal filters are installed inside the aquarium. The most popular are internal pump filters and airlift filters. They are inexpensive, easy to install on your own, and convenient to use during operation. However, these mechanisms have their drawbacks - they need to be cleaned of dirt almost daily, they are oversized and noisy. Before purchasing such a water purifier, determine if it will fit in your aquarium.

Can you install the internal filter correctly the first time? Quite, if you carefully read the instructions. The machine should be placed in the tank when it is half full of water, when there are plants planted in the ground. Before connecting the filter to the network, it should be assembled in parts and fixed on the wall or above the aquarium.

Water purification devices such as internal filters must be completely submerged in the aquatic environment. There should be another 3 cm of water above the filter. The device itself should not touch the bottom. If you bought an internal filter, or made it yourself, then it is correct to attach it to the glass wall using suction cups.

See how to disassemble, assemble and install the internal filter.

There is an air supply hose included with the branded filters. V homemade device it must also be present, however, the principle of fastening is the same for them. Take one end of the tube and attach it to a special hole in the filter, bring the other end above the water and fix it with a fastening material to the upper edge of the tank wall. The tube must be above the water level, otherwise the air will not be sucked in correctly.

There should be an air regulator on the tube or directly on the filter. Its location affects the strength of the water flow in the aquarium. After installing the device for water purification, the regulator should be correctly set to the middle position. Then observe the behavior of the fish - some will love the flow of water, others will avoid it. Adjust the water flow to keep the fish comfortable.

Internal cleaners should be installed after being completely submerged in water. Before removing it from the water for cleaning, the device must be disconnected from the power supply. Also, you cannot leave the turned off mechanism in water, and turn it on after a long period of stagnation (if it was not cleaned in time).

How to install external filters?

The organization of a home aquarium is always associated with the need to install an internal filter. It is simply necessary for the normal existence of fish, as it saturates the water with oxygen, improves water circulation, and mechanically purifies the water. But for novice aquarists this is often a problem and they wonder how to install an aquarium internal filter.

How to install the aquarium filter correctly?

The internal filter is called internal because it is completely immersed in water. The water level above it, depending on the depth of the aquarium, should be between five and eight centimeters.

The filter is attached to the wall of the aquarium using special suction cups, which in most cases are included in the kit.

A flexible transparent tube, called an air outlet hose, is designed to supply air, one end is connected to the filter spout, and the other is led out to the outside of the aquarium. The tip of the vent hose outside the aquarium should be higher than the one attached to the filter spout.

In addition, when installing the filter, you should pay attention to the fact that the air supply power can be changed using a special regulator, which is located either at the tip of the air outlet hose or on the filter spout. Put it in the middle position at first. And you can adjust the position you need by looking closely at the fish. There are fish species that like strong currents, and there are those that do not tolerate it well. At a low power level of the filter, bubbles may not be, in this case, a slight swaying of water will tell about its proper operation.

After the installation of the aquarium filter is completed and all the parts are connected, you can connect it to the mains. And for the future, you should remember that any manipulations in the aquarium should be carried out with the filter unplugged from the outlet.

How to install an internal filter in an aquarium :: how long should a filter in an aquarium work :: Equipment and accessories

If you decide to set up an aquarium at home, then you cannot do without an aquarium. filter... His choice must be taken with special attention, since the quality of water in your underwater kingdom will depend on this device.


1. Today there are many types of aquarium filters: internal, external, bottom, filter aerators, as well as filters that produce mechanical filter tion (as filter filter thread, sponge or crumb is used), chemical filter tion (using activated carbon or zeolite), as well as bio filter tion (the filter uses microorganisms that purify water from harmful impurities).

2. The filter must be selected based on the volume of the aquarium, as well as the functions that it will have to perform. For example, external filters are easy to use, and bottom filters help create a more favorable microflora in the aquarium, and they need to be cleaned every two to three years. For small aquariums ideal option there will be a filter aerator that combines the functions of purification and saturation of water with oxygen. In any case, before deciding on a particular filter, you should consult with a specialist.

3. Before installing the filter, carefully read the instructions. If you have purchased a chemical filter, then it must be filled with the adsorbent that comes with the kit.

4. Before installation filter prepare your aquarium. Rinse it thoroughly and fill it with water to check for leaks. Drain the water and place the prepared soil on the bottom of the aquarium. If you purchased a bottom filter, then it must first be installed under the ground. Pour in about one third of the water and then plant the plants. If you have chosen an internal filter, then it must be installed at this moment. Attach the filter using the Velcro strips or retaining clip, then fill the aquarium with water to the required level. The external filter can be installed after filling the aquarium with water.

5. After filling the aquarium, turn on the filter in order to check its operation. While the aquarium is equilibrating (about two weeks), the filter must be kept on. As soon as you see that the mud has disappeared from the water, then you can safely populate your underwater world fish.


When buying an aquarium, do not forget that in addition to appeasement from it, you will also take care of its inhabitants and their habitat, that is, the aquarium. Keep it clean regularly.

Location of the filter in the aquarium

An aquarium is a biosystem, a living organism; in order to maintain its viability, you need to have special equipment. It can be internal and external, main and additional.

The main equipment are: compressors that saturate the water with oxygen, filters for water purification, water heaters to maintain the selected temperature mode and lamps for lighting the aquarium.

Internal filters combine 2 functions: oxygen supply and water purification. Internal filters include a pump that pumps water and a filter - an element that can be located both outside and in the filter housing. Installing the internal filter is extremely simple. The arrangement of the filter in the aquarium is as follows: it is attached to the side wall of the aquarium, next to the rear glass. The pump of such a filter must be completely submerged in the water. Only the oxygen hose remains above the water surface for air intake and transferring it through the pump to the aquarium.

Remote filters are placed in a pedestal stand. In the aquarium there are 2 pipes for water intake into the filter and supply pure water... The filter consists of a pump, which is installed on top of the filter, and a filter housing with filter material in it. When installing the filter in the cabinet - stand, you need to make sure that the hoses that connect the pipes and the filter are free. The intake pipe is placed vertically into the aquarium, about 5 centimeters from the ground, while the water supply pipe from the filter is installed at the top of the aquarium and can be located both under water and above water, taking into account the tasks assigned to the filter.

Remote filters are designed only for water purification, and a compressor is used to supply oxygen to the water.

How to put a filter in an aquarium:

    Open the filter, unfasten the covers, then remove the engine.

    Remove baskets with filter elements. The penultimate basket contains activated carbon, remove the packaging from it. Then put the net with charcoal in a basket.

    Place baskets in the filter.

    Reinstall the engine and close the covers.

    Install the water intake tube into the aquarium through the technological hole, putting the tip on it in advance. For fastening, you need to use suction cups.

    Connect the hose to the tube required diameter... This hose can be lowered into hot water briefly, so that he can easily put on the tube. Additional mountings not required here.

    Place tap "in" on the hose. Hold the end of the hose in hot water before installing.

    Install the water supply pipe in the 2nd technological hole. Connect the hose to it, the smallest in diameter "out".

    Connect the taps to the filter with gray tightening washers.

    Place the filter next to the cabinet.

How to install a filter in an aquarium :: aquarium installation :: Equipment and accessories

How to install a filter in an aquarium

A fish tank is not only a home decor element. It has long been proven that watching the behavior of fish swimming there, behind glass, is soothing and relaxing. Thus, the aquarium can act as a stress reliever.
Filtration must be in every aquarium, otherwise the fish in dirty water will not live long. Filters purify water from inorganic substances, remove organic compounds and other substances dissolved in it from water, provide circulation of water and enrich it with oxygen.


1. The process of installing a filter depends on its purpose and type. And according to the location, filters for aquariums are divided into external and internal.

2. Internal filters:
Airlifts are the simplest devices that raise water in a tube using bubbles created by a compressor. Such filters are almost completely immersed in the aquarium, almost to the very bottom. Aerial lifts are installed in small aquariums, spawning and nursery for fry.
Glass filters. A plastic "cup" with a substrate for filtration inside is attached to the electric pump. Such filters often act as water aerators.
Multi-section internal filters are like ducts divided into sections. Such filters combine several types of filtration at once. And each section has its own filtration. These filters are attached to the walls of the aquarium. True, they have a significant drawback - they are large in size.
Bottom aquariums are set up at the bottom of the aquarium. A plate or several connected plates are placed on the bottom and covered with sand. Bottom filters usually act as auxiliary filters.

3. External filters can be multi-section and canister.
Canister filters are installed outside the aquarium and communicate with it through the intake and return hoses. Very roomy. Supports all types of filtration. Some models are equipped with a heater.
Multi-section external filters are very similar to their internal counterparts, except that they are installed outside the aquarium.

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Internal aquarium filters

- are attached and work inside the aquarium. They can be of all types of filtration, that is, mechanical, chemical, biological and combined.

Perhaps these are the most popular and best-selling filters. Their price is an order of magnitude cheaper than that of external filters, easy to operate and clean. As a disadvantage, some aquarists note that they take up space in the aquarium - thereby eating up precious volumes. However, this is a controversial point, because the filter does not take up 1/3 of the aquarium. Well, yes, it takes 2-3 liters of volume, hanging quietly in the corner. It seems to me that this is not a very significant drawback, especially for medium and large aquariums.

An aquarium filter is an irreplaceable item in any aquarium. It performs biological and mechanical cleaning, and also contributes to the saturation of water with oxygen.

The choice of filters in stores is huge, so it will not be difficult to buy a device. But the installation can be difficult.

Installing the aquarium filter for many novice aquarists it becomes a real problem. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to understand the details according to the instructions supplied with the device.

Usually the question is how to install the Aquael filter, occurs less frequently than in the case of filters of other less famous brands... In this case, it is worth adhering to the averaged algorithm of actions.

The installation procedure will be different for external and internal filters, but everyone can cope with the task.

Before proceeding with the installation, you need to understand which filter is right for you.

Manufacturers offer external and internal filters. The first ones are attached outside, the second ones - inside the aquarium. Choice correct filter should be based on the characteristics of a particular aquarium, its size and volume, as well as the abundance of living plants and fish.

Internal filters are the simplest type of filter, held on hooks or suction cups. Water enters the lower part, passes through the filter layers (synthetic wool, foam rubber) and exits through the upper part.

The jet is directed towards the surface, due to which the water is enriched with oxygen. This option is suitable for beginner aquarists with small aquariums who want to independently learn how it works and how it works.

  • affordable price and the ability to purchase at any pet store,
  • low energy consumption,
  • filtration of water sufficient for living in a compact aquarium of fish.


  • takes up space in the aquarium,
  • only suitable for small aquariums,
  • to clean, you need to put your hands in the aquarium, which can lead to microbial contamination of the fish.

External filters are much more expensive, but they will provide high-quality water filtration even in a large aquarium.


  • high quality filtration,
  • easy replacement of filter material,
  • the presence of additional compartments for various fillers,
  • are installed outside, so they do not take up space in the aquarium.


  • rather bulky
  • high price,
  • with strong power, be sure to put the mesh on the end of the tube, otherwise the device may suck in small fish with water.

The installation procedure will directly depend on its type. The connection diagram for external and internal filters is somewhat different, but both can be installed on their own without special skills.


  1. Before proceeding with the installation, you need to fill the aquarium at least half with water, since the filter should not work in an empty container.
  2. All parts of the device must be thoroughly dried before assembly.
  3. Many are worried about the question how deep to install the filter in the aquarium... The internal filter is attached to the suction cups at a distance of about 3 cm from the surface, but so that it does not touch the bottom. If the depth is small, then try to leave more distance on top, but in no case should the device lie on the bottom. The water will constantly evaporate, so the position of the filter should be checked regularly.
  4. The apparatus is immersed in water when it is turned off.
  5. The air intake pipe is led out, and the presence of a fastener for fixing the pipe will be a plus.
  6. After that, you can plug the device into an outlet, and if a current appears, then everything has been done correctly. The wire should hang loosely downward from the outlet.

With the help of the damper, you can adjust the pressure and direction of flow of the purified water. But be sure to unplug the filter before adjusting anything.

In order for the device to serve for a long time and properly, it is necessary:

  1. regularly clean it from dirt,
  2. do not leave it off in the water, otherwise all the inhabitants of the aquarium will be poisoned,
  3. turn off the device before placing your hands in the water,
  4. it is permissible to turn on the device only after complete immersion in water,
  5. before cleaning the device, turn off all electrical appliances in the aquarium and only then can the device be removed from the water.


On the market today you can find a huge variety of filters, some even combine two functions at once - cleaning and aeration. But experts still recommend buying these mechanisms separately.

Regardless of the choice of filter, it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. For many Chinese devices, it is impossible to buy spare parts, so in the event of a breakdown, the device will most likely have to be thrown away.

In this regard, it is better to overpay a little, but purchase a reliable filter with the possibility of repairing it.

The internal filter, as mentioned above, is placed inside the aquarium. This simple design usually chosen by novice aquarists. The filter material is often cheap foam rubber. The material must be removed and washed periodically.

Such devices are good at a low price, they are not difficult to purchase at any pet store, and they can be easily repaired.

External filters are more sophisticated devices. In mind big size is not placed in the aquarium, but outside. It has several stages of mechanical and biological treatment and is used by experienced aquarists to keep especially demanding fish.

Such a device can work for quite a long time without special maintenance. And the cleaning procedure involves only flushing the stages of mechanical water purification.

Do not touch the "place of residence" of beneficial bacteria, so as not to damage the bacterial colony.

During the operation of the device, it is necessary to periodically check the reliability of the fastening of all elements in order to prevent possible water leaks. Such devices should be bought only from well-known and trusted manufacturers who have service centres, and also you can easily buy spare parts for repair.

The installation of the internal filter does not take much time, the problem is quite simple, so novice aquarists will also cope with the task.

  1. Please select suitable option filter in the store, if necessary, consult with the seller who will help with the selection of a device for your aquarium.
  2. Unpack the device, read the instructions.
  3. Fill the aquarium with water, but temporarily remove the fish.
  4. Submerge the device in water so that the top layer of water is at least 15-20 mm.
  5. Place the device on the wall of the aquarium using the hooks or Velcro that should be included. This will fix it at the desired level.
  6. Make sure the tubing to which the hose is attached comes out to the surface.
  7. Plug the device into a power outlet and check that the filter works.

It remains only to regularly check the operation of the device and carry out cleaning so that the fish are comfortable.

Each manufacturer may have its own nuances in the installation, but in general, the installation algorithm is as follows:

  1. Prepare a few rags in case of leaks and a pad of soft material.
  2. Unpack the box with the device, take out the contents. The device itself, hoses, internal sponges, filling, plastic water outlets should be available.
  3. We assemble the external filter according to the manufacturer's instructions. There should be indicated the sequence of connecting the parts to each other. The taps on the lid of the device must be closed for now.
  4. We turn to the preparation of external elements - for the release and for the intake of water. The fence piece is a long, rounded tube that goes down into the aquarium at one end. The outlet piece is a short, curved tube that fits at the other end of the aquarium. You also need to calculate the length of the hoses so that it is enough for the distance to the cabinet.
  5. The next step is to launch the device. It is necessary to fill the filter with aquarium water by gravity. To do this, you need to connect the water intake hose with a threaded clamp (located on the cover of the device). Now you can turn on the tap and the water will flow. It is necessary to track that water does not start flowing out of the second hole. As soon as the appliance is full, the inlet hose must be shut off. All that remains is to connect the outlet hose, and almost everything will be ready to start.
  6. The water outlet hose must also be filled with water. To do this, connect it to the filter and overlap it. Water must be poured into the free end, and then connected to a plastic outlet in the aquarium.
  7. It remains to open both taps on the filter and plug the device into an outlet. If everything was done correctly, you will see how the water begins to mix.

Many people face a problem after installation - the water does not flow. This may be due to an air lock in the filter tubes. To solve the problem, you need to turn the device on and off several times. If this does not help, then the hoses must be freed of water and refilled.

A filter that purifies water should be in absolutely every aquarium. Otherwise, there can be no question of normal life in a small home reservoir. Special equipment produces mechanical, chemical and biological water purification. This creates comfortable conditions for the life and reproduction of aquarium inhabitants. Therefore, it's time to talk about how to properly install the filter in the aquarium.

A water filter for an aquarium needs a good one. And it is better to look for it in specialized stores. This is the only way to be sure that the equipment will rid the water of silt particles, remove waste products of fish and their neighbors, and cleanse drugs and also, if necessary, normalizes the chemical parameters of water by adjusting its acidity and hardness.

They produce internal and external filters. How they differ from each other and how to correctly install each - we will consider further.

Internal filter and its installation

This type of water filter is only placed inside the aquarium. The equipment is divided into pump-action and airlift equipment. The peculiarities of each is that they are available to anyone, that is, they are sold at a budget price. Therefore, it is not surprising that internal filters have many disadvantages. For example, appliances need to be cleaned every day, they take up space in the aquarium and make noise.

However, such filters are very common. Before buying from a sales assistant, you need to find out if the model is right for your aquarium.

Novice hobbyists may not install the internal filter the first time. And this is despite the simplicity of the design of the apparatus. However, the difficulty can be avoided by knowing how to properly install the filter in the aquarium. The device is placed in the aquarium when it is half filled with water, the soil has been laid in the home reservoir and the plants have already been planted. Before connecting the equipment to the network, it must be assembled according to the instructions and fixed in the aquarium.

It is important to know that the internal filters must be completely submerged in water. Moreover, another 2-4 centimeters of water should be poured over the device. But he should not reach the bottom of the aquarium.

As a rule, the apparatus is attached to glass walls with suction cups. A small flexible hose is included with the internal filter. It is required for air supply. One end of it is attached to a special hole in the device, while the other is brought out to the surface of the water and fixed with a special attachment to the upper edge of the aquarium wall. The hose must be above the water level, otherwise the air intake will not be correct.

There must be an air regulator on the hose or on the filter itself. How it is located determines the strength of the current in the aquarium, which the equipment creates. Once the filter is in place, it is best to set the regulator to the middle position. Next, you need to follow the fish. Some may like a strong current, while others, on the contrary, and they will begin to hide from him.

The aquarist should remember that the internal filter can only be turned on when it is completely immersed in water. But before removing the filter from the water, it must be de-energized. It is important not to forget that it is not recommended to leave the switched off device in water. Moreover, you cannot turn it on after idle time, if it has not been cleared.

External filter and its installation

The external filter differs from the internal one, first of all, by the price. The purchase and maintenance of such a device hits the wallet hard. However, the financial costs are more than offset by the numerous advantages of the equipment. The main one is filtering materials and special fillers, which do not need to be changed frequently.

The external filter will not be annoying, since it works almost silently, this is especially noticeable if it is designed for large aquariums with a volume of 40 to 80 liters. In such a device, biological filtration is already provided.

It is worth noting that such filters are usually purchased by experienced aquarists, since several important rules must be followed while working with the device.

The external filter works according to the following principle: water from the aquarium slowly flows through a special container of the apparatus, which is filled with filler with filter materials, then this water returns through a hose back to the aquarium.

The external filter is cleaned in a completely different way than the internal one. And you need to free it from dirt only in aquarium water (it is poured into a separate container). Here you need to completely replace the filter material. This is done in stages. This is necessary so that the biological balance is not disturbed in the aquarium.

Before properly installing the filter in the aquarium, you need to study the accompanying instructions and strictly follow the recommendations. First you need to assemble the filter, put all the fillers and internal sponges in place. In this case, both taps, where the hoses are to be connected, must be closed.

The internal filter will work properly and clean the aquarium if it is installed significantly below the water level (no higher than 20 centimeters). Together with the external filter, there are two hoses, they are designed for water intake and discharge. Both should be mounted at opposite ends of the aquarium.

As soon as all the elements are connected to the device, the filter must be filled with water from the aquarium (for this, gravity is used). Otherwise, the air in the hoses may interfere with the operation of the device.

To release air locks first you need to connect and open the water intake hose. Wait for the filter to fill. Water may leak out of the hole for the second hose, so be careful not to let this happen. Once the filter is full, shut off the inlet hose.

Next, a hose is connected, which releases water, its valve is closed and the hose is filled with water. Only after these manipulations can it be connected to the water drainage system from the aquarium. Next, it is already allowed to open both taps and plug the filter into the outlet. And here the main thing to remember is that only if all the rules are observed, you can count on the correct and efficient operation of the filter. This means to guarantee comfortable conditions for the inhabitants of the aquarium.

Dear readers, I welcome you to the pages of the myaquaworld .ru site. Today I propose to discuss options for installing an internal filter pump in an aquarium. In this article, we will look at the mounting methods, flow direction, pros and cons of different assembly options.

It just so happened that, due to their availability, compactness and ease of use, as well as installation in an aquarium, pump filters become the first filters for beginners. There are a huge number of models produced at the moment. But today we will not dwell on the choice of a specific model. We will talk about how to properly install the already selected and purchased filter in the aquarium.

Any internal filter pump consists of two parts: a motor pump and a filter part. The motor pump is the very pump that drives and creates a flow of water through the filter element. And the filtering part is a compartment with a filtering element located in it. It is he who is responsible for purifying water from turbidity and suspended particles. By design, all internal filters are hermetically sealed, so the only way to use them is to completely immerse them in water.

Mounting methods

Manufacturers call the main methods of attaching filters to glass:

    With the help of suction cups.

    With an optional bracket.

    Combined (suction cups + additional bracket).

Suction cups

Attachment with suction cups is the simplest and most effective. This option makes it easy to remove the filter from the water. Suction cups are located on the body of the device itself and are removed from the aquarium with it, or they are performed on a separate site. In this case, the filter is attached to the bracket using grooves or latches and, if necessary, removed from the water separately.

It is also worth noting that over time, the suction cups lose their elasticity, and the reliability of the fastening decreases. In this case, they are replaced with new ones. In addition, the filter, installed on the suction cups, not on clean glass, but on the bacterial film, tends to slip off from its original location. Therefore, the place where the filter is installed must be thoroughly cleaned of slippery deposits.

Additional bracket

Attaching with an additional bracket is more reliable, as it allows you to hook onto the edge of the aquarium with a special plastic hook. The filter installed in this way is not in danger of slipping. However, manufacturers often complete their products with a bracket that is designed for installation on thick glass (used either in large aquariums or made of plexiglass). As a result, it is not possible to securely fix the device in the aquarium, which serves as a source of extraneous sounds. Also, the presence of a hook brought out of the container can lead to the impossibility of installing the aquarium lid or to the need to pass it through one of the specially made windows. These slots are not always well placed in terms of where the filter is located, and can also unfortunately influence the design of your aquarium by dictating where the filter is to be installed in the tank.

Maintenance of the filters installed on the bracket is the most convenient, since you do not need to put your hands in the water to remove the product from the aquarium.

Combined method

The combined mounting method is the option of installing the filter at the same time using suction cups and a bracket. This type of installation is distinguished by the most reliable fixation of the product in the aquarium, although it collects the disadvantages of both types of mounts.

Conditions for effective work

A number of conditions are required for the effective operation of the internal filter:

    The filter must provide sufficient water flow through the filter element, that is, it must have adequate performance for the aquarium size of your choice.

    Placement of the filter in the aquarium should eliminate the presence of stagnant zones.

    The filter must be accessible for maintenance and cleaning.

    The installation of the device in the aquarium should lead to the realization of the objectives pursued.


Filter performance is determined by the amount of water in liters passed through the filter element per unit of time. It is the main unit that determines the filtration rate, and should be selected from the condition that 4-5 volumes of your aquarium should be pumped through the filter per hour.

Lack of stagnant zones

Placement of the filter in the aquarium should eliminate the presence of stagnant zones. This means that the filter must create a flow of water in the aquarium with such a force and direction that there are no areas or zones in the entire volume where there is very little or no water flow. This ensures that the entire volume of the aquarium will be served by the filter. It is unacceptable that only part of the filter is filtered. interior space due to blockage of the flow by decorations, direction of flow across the aquarium, etc. In the case of using large volumes or containers made of very long, it will be reasonable to use several filters installed on opposite sides. Many modern models filters are equipped with a number of devices that help to implement this rule. For your convenience and customization of devices for specific conditions, manufacturers equip filters with flow regulators, rotary knobs and diffusers to move water in the direction you need.

Accessibility for service and cleaning

Selecting the correct location for installing the filter in the aquarium should ensure easy access to it for maintenance and cleaning. It's no secret that over time, the filter element, and the pump itself, becomes clogged with particles of dirt, fish waste, etc. This is logical, because for this we install the filter in the aquarium. Therefore, even the most high-tech and modern device will require maintenance and cleaning after some time. For internal pump filters, this means removing them from the aquarium. Therefore, at the stage of planning the design and choosing the place of installation of the product, it is necessary to attend to the convenience of this process. Since disassembling part of your design, moving driftwood and damaging plants for weekly cleaning of the filter element will only bring negative emotions.

Realization of goals

The installation of the device in the aquarium should lead to the realization of the objectives pursued. This imposes certain requirements on the functionality of the filter used. If you intend to operate the filter in aeration mode and do not additionally install a compressor, then at least a special nozzle must be included in the device. As a rule, the additional purchase of non-included accessories can bring additional difficulties in finding original accessories or selecting compatible ones.

Modes of operation

For the most part, all pump filters, in addition to their main purpose (water filtration), can also perform additional functions... This is aeration, circulation, sprinkling.

Consider these options:


The main version of the filter pump. For its implementation, no devices are required, since this is the main thing for which we use the filter. Without water circulation, there will be no water flow, which means that filtration will not take place either. A non-circulating filter does not fulfill its primary function. Sometimes an expanding nozzle is included with the product, which forms a wide flow of water, which reduces vortex flows in the aquarium while maintaining the original performance. In addition, this use case is also the most preferable from the point of view of noise. However, when using the filter in circulation mode, it is worth taking care of organizing aeration (at least at night) using a compressor or an additional aerator pump.


Most commonly used function of pump filters. For this, the manufacturer equips its products with an additional nozzle, which is a special diffuser with an attached air intake hose. Often a blowdown regulator is installed at the end of the hose. This use of the appliance reduces the amount of equipment used to maintain the aquarium. However, it is worth remembering that the intensity of aeration will greatly depend on the performance of the filter and its installation depth.

With the selected and unchanged performance of the filter, with an increase in the depth of its installation, the intensity of aeration decreases, and when a certain depth is reached, it stops altogether.

Also, the main difference between the aeration performed by the filter and the aeration performed by the compressor is the inability of the pump to blow the bottom layer of water with air. In addition, there is a potential danger of fish being killed at night if the filter stops due to heavy contamination (if, for example, you went on vacation). In addition, among the disadvantages, one can note a decrease in the productivity and efficiency of filtration in relation to the circulation mode, as well as elevated level noise.


This mode is performed using a special attachment called "flute" and additional adapters and mounts. Sprinkling allows very intense vertical mixing of water layers without creating strong streams. This solution is most justified for the use of high-performance filters in herbal aquariums, where the intense current has a detrimental effect on the plants. In this case, the flute is positioned along the long edge of the aquarium and water is ejected through small holes along its entire length. The closer the length of the flute is to the length of the aquarium, the more intense the water circulation and the weaker the flows created in it.

Small-sized flutes are installed directly on the filter housing and do not require additional fastening, while long ones are installed using suction cups on the wall of the aquarium and connected to the pump with a plastic tube or flexible hose.

The classical arrangement of the flute assumes installation above the water level. This arrangement ensures the saturation of water with oxygen, due to its intensive mixing upper layers and also helps to get rid of the bacterial film. Of the minuses, it is worth noting that this solution is the most noisy of all the options for using the internal filter pump. The noise level is 8 dB higher than when the product operates in the circulator mode and 2 dB in the aerator mode. In addition, there is a noticeable decrease in pump performance due to the need to pump water through narrow holes in the flute.

General background noise

Circulation mode

Aeration mode

Sprinkler mode

If you nevertheless appreciated all the advantages of this installation option and decided to use it, then as measures to reduce the noise level, you can recommend the direction of the streams of water coming out of the flute onto the glass of the aquarium. Applying this method, however, will reduce the aeration efficiency.

Sprinkler mode with the direction of the water flow from the flute to the glass

It is believed that in herbal aquariums, the flute should be placed below the water level in order to avoid mixing of its upper layers, which leads to the loss of dissolved carbon dioxide. With this option, the installation does not saturate the water with oxygen, the bacterial film does not break, however, the noise level is commensurate with the noise of a pump operating in circulation mode. However, in this case, to carry out aeration at night, it is necessary to raise the flute above the water level (if the noise from the aquarium does not interfere with your sleep or it is installed in non-residential areas) or organize air purging in other ways.

Video of different filter modes

Internal filter operating modes

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When purchasing a home aquarium, you need to take care not only of the selection of beautiful fish, but also of the creation good conditions for their life. During the life of the fish, the water in the aquarium gradually becomes cloudy from the remains of food, medicinal and vitamin preparations. In addition, fish need the presence of oxygen in the water, otherwise they will swim all the time on the surface or even get sick.

Why install a cleaning system in an aquarium?

Aquarium filters can easily cope with water purification due to the presence of special barriers that retain contamination. According to the principle of purification, these devices are divided into three types:

    with mechanical filtration (direct retention of small impurities using a sponge or compressed crumb);

    with chemical filtration (water purification using activated carbon or other substances);

    with biofiltration (water purification using bacteria).

Outside or inside?

According to the method of placement, aquarium filters are divided into two types - internal and external... As a rule, external ones are more powerful and are more often used for cleaning relatively large aquariums. But if desired, a filter of any kind can be used in both small and large aquariums.

In this case, the choice is determined rather by the personal preferences of the owners. Someone likes it better appearance an aquarium with one or another type of cleaning, someone considers one of the types of attachment more convenient for themselves.

Objectively, some main characteristics of different types:

    the internal filter does not take up extra space inside the aquarium;

    the external one is more convenient to maintain, since to clean it, you do not need to transplant the fish and act in the water, pulling out and then reinstalling the device;

    the external filter has a higher cleaning ability due to the fact that it has the ability to use several filter materials placed in different containers;

    there is also an opinion that an external filter enriches the water with oxygen better, so it is preferable to choose it for those fish species for which this moment is especially important.

As a rule, the installation of an internal filter in a home aquarium is not difficult, thanks to the presence of a special suction cup-mount. There are only a few things to consider.

First, the device itself needs submerge completely... Above top there should be at least 1.5-2 cm of water.

Secondly, the flexible hose connected to the filtering part must be brought out to the outer wall of the aquarium. It is through it that air is supplied to the water.

Otherwise, it's pretty easy to install. So, how to install a filter in an aquarium:

Let us add that it is better to set the air speed regulator to the middle position at first, and then debug the work based on the comfort of the fish. Some fish like to swim in strong currents, while others, on the contrary, feel uncomfortable in such conditions.

Never work in water with a plugged-in appliance! First you need to make sure that it is turned off and only then adjust its operation. It is also impossible to leave the filter turned off for a long time, since its functions are very important for fish.

How to install an external filter

It is important here first of all correctly assemble the structure itself... It consists of a filter itself and two hoses, one of which takes dirty water into the purification system, and the second takes it out already purified.

    Follow the instructions in the box to carefully assemble the filter. It can consist of several containers filled with special material. The system cover should snap firmly into place. (If not, check for overflowing containers).

    Only then connect both hoses. The water outlet hose is shorter than the inlet hose.

    Then fill both hoses and the filter itself with water, and only after that it will be possible to connect the device to the network.

In summary, installing an aquarium cleaning system is straightforward. You just need to choose suitable model, follow the instructions and follow basic safety rules:

    Do not leave the switched off device on long time in water. Moreover, do not turn it on without cleaning it after that. Otherwise, the fish may be poisoned.

    Perform all manipulations in water only after disconnecting the device from the mains.

    Never operate the filter when it is not immersed in water, otherwise it may be damaged.

    Remember to periodically clean the entire system.