Making a rotary tattoo machine. Homemade tattoo machine (tattoo machine)

This instruction will tell you how to make a tattoo machine at home. In order to get a tattoo, you don't have to go to an expensive tattoo artist or buy special equipment.

With a little effort, it is possible to make the necessary equipment yourself.

To work, you will need to find the following parts at home:

  1. Electric motor.
    A motor from a children's toy with a voltage of at least 12 volts will do. A motor with a lower voltage is not needed - it will be too weak for such a purpose.
  2. Power Supply.
    Any unit with a voltage of at least 12 volts will do.
  3. Gel pen or mechanical pencil (plastic or metal).
    It will serve as the body of the device, as well as guide the needle inside the machine.
  4. Brace.
    This will attach the motor to the gel pen. The staple can be made from metal, for example from a regular tablespoon, by removing the part that is used for food. Instead of a spoon, you can use a toothbrush by heating the plastic handle with a lighter and bending it with the letter "L" (an example is shown in the figure).
  5. Insulating tape.
  6. Needle.
    A regular guitar string is used as a needle (it is better to buy a new string in a specialized store). Choose the thinnest string.
  7. Button with 4 holes.

Assembling the device

Take a pen, disassemble it and remove the ink from the refill.

Rinse the rod well, no ink should remain there. Using a file, grind off the metal tip of the rod so that the string can pass through without effort. Cut the rod about halfway (this is necessary to reduce string vibration).

Preparing the motor: a button must be attached to the motor axle using super glue. Make sure that the adhesive is completely dry before assembling the device.

The connection between the motor axis and the button should be of good quality and not loosen over time. Do not fill the rest of the button holes with glue - they will still come in handy.

If a plastic gear is attached to the axis of the motor, you can not glue the button, but make a hole for the string in the gear with a red-hot needle.

This is done as follows: first of all, the L-shaped bracket and the handle are connected using electrical tape. Tightly tape the clip to the handle with several layers of tape so that the bend of the clip and the top end of the handle are flush.

To the other part of the bracket, the motor from the toy with the glued button should be wound in a similar way.

Now you need to pull the string through the handle and cut it, leaving some margin. Then the end of the string is bent a few millimeters and passed through one of the button holes (or through a hole in the gear).

As you rotate the motor axis, you will notice that the string moves up and down. The end of the string sticking out of the rod is cut in such a way that when the motor rotates, the string is shown from the tip by 3-4 mm. Sharpen the string with a knife-turning bar.

The power supply is now connected to the engine. For convenience, a switch can be attached to the machine. The device is ready to use!

Don't forget about safety and hygiene! Use a new string and a new tip every time! Boil the string in water for at least 10 minutes before use.

These simple rules will help you avoid contracting diseases such as HIV or hepatitis.

This article tells how to make a simple DIY tattoo machine... There are a lot of similar articles on the Internet, but this one is even too detailed. The most important thing is that it describes all the jambs that I encountered in the process (and there were a lot of them).


In this article, I bring up the topic of the ancient art of tattooing. Our friends, fathers and grandfathers beat their first army "partakas" in this handicraft way. For those who believe that a tattoo done in such conditions is unsanitary and ugly, I advise you to take a look. here (Yes, you are right, there are connoisseurs of this style of tattoos, which I am).

To all those who want to repeat:

Let's look at everything in order: 1. The motor may not necessarily be 9V, but this is the most the best option... The motor can be bought on the radio market, for example, I took it out of an old tape recorder.

2. The pen is the most important element our machine, it must meet certain requirements. I have tried many types of pens in order to creating a rotary tattoo machine and finally found the best option. The handle must be capillary, now a little more detail ...

This is what a capillary pen looks like, as you can see, it has a metal tip through which the string fits perfectly, which means this is what we need! The price of such a "tool" is not as high as it might seem to you, for example I bought such a pen for 32 rubles.

We take any power supply unit for 9 volts 1 ampere (you can use a transformer from a game console such as SEGA or the like) and a nail. We connect the transformer to the outlet and wind the plus from the transformer on the string, and the minus on the nail. Then we will stir the nail and the string into the water, but make sure that they do not touch each other. The string is not completely immersed in water, but only by 2 - 3 millimeters. Subsequently chemical reaction metal strings will shatter and sharpen. The reaction must be continued for 15 minutes, then the string must be washed and, as a result, we get the sharpest stake for a tattoo machine.

You can use the usual ballpoint pen type "Bic". Blow out the rod from the paste, take out the ball and, if necessary, slightly widen the hole so that the needle passes freely through it.


Before the actual application procedure for two days, it is best to clean the area of \u200b\u200bthe skin on which the tattoo will be located with a scrub. This will cleanse the skin and keep your drawing quite visible. long time... Still experienced craftsmen recommend removing hair from the surface skin, this will help make the drawing more neat and even.

How to get a tattoo at home?

can take quite a long time. Therefore, it will be better if you leave a few hours in stock. henna tattoos at homeThe application process itself

Elastic gasket

Pin screw

What about paint?

At the expense of making tattoo ink at home, it should be noted that it is better not to prepare it yourself. You can also fork out for special mascara. It will be safer than using pen gel or brilliant green. You understand that such materials are not very good for such an event.

It doesn't matter which paint you choose in the end. You should immerse the tip of the needle of the turned on machine for ten seconds into it, and then stick it under the skin. This principle is used throughout the entire workflow.

Connect the power supply.

You can use any charger that is rated for a voltage no lower than the electric motor you are using. For more convenience, you can install a switch or button.

After you are done with the tattoo machine, discard the needle and tube (pencil or pen).

If these instructions are neglected, you risk infecting the wounds, and a beautiful tattoo will not work. Before applying paint, the skin must also be treated with special antiseptics.

What other options are there?

  • First you need to assemble the handle. Insert the handle shaft into the shell (base).
  • Now you need to take the motor, attach it to the curved metal plate, and then use electrical tape to firmly secure the plate to the handle shaft.
  • Then you need to take a piece of cork in the form of a circle, combine it with the mini-motor (put it directly on the shaft).
  • A prepared string must be attached to the motor. The string must be placed in the shaft of the handle, and then attached to the motor. The free end of the string must be bent and then inserted into the plug on the shaft. For your tattoo machine to work perfectly, you need the string to protrude from the shaft by no more than 1.5-2 mm. Therefore, you need to get rid of the extra part of the string.
  • The device will be ready for use as soon as you wrap the motor with electrical tape. It is best to make multiple layers of winding for safety.
  • You can see how to make a tattoo machine in the video below on the page. It shows in detail and clearly how to make a tattoo machine yourself.
  • Now you know how to make a tattoo machine at home. If you want a more voluminous tattoo machine, choose a larger motor. Before using the machine for its intended purpose, you need to thoroughly disinfect it with alcohol and then an antiseptic. After disinfection, turn on the machine, dip it in special ink and you can start creating your masterpieces.
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The very concept of "tattoo" (now a tattoo) was born in the 20s of the XX century in correctional colonies, in other words, in the zones. Although the tattoos themselves appeared much earlier, back in ancient world, soldiers pricked symbols, animals, etc. on the body. And in the 20s of the last century, tattoo became a "secret" language. In those years, a person had tattoos on his body, which means that he has definitely served time, but now the tattoo has lost its initial meaning, it is being pierced for the sake of decorating the body.

Between the tattoo and the tattoo there is one very a big difference - a tattoo does not exist for beauty, it carries a history, and it is from the tattoos that you can understand what kind of person stands in front of you. Now times are different, those same thieves 'eight-pointed stars that only recognized thieves' authorities heated up can be found on the chest of a teenager in pink shorts, who has no idea what kind of stars he has pinned on himself. For such an act in the zones of the USSR they ripped off the skin from the prisoner, and now ...

The second feature is that the tattoo is NEVER multi-colored - black mascara that looks green under the skin is the true color of the tattoo.

For a long time I was engaged in tattoos (just tattoos, not tattoos), a lot of time has passed since then, but recently I discovered the typewriter with which I worked. More than a dozen of these machines have been made, a very convenient and light thing for those who are fond of tattoos. Today I will tell you how a DIY tattoo machine is made.

Homemade tattoo machine

The foundation - a helium pen, which first needs to be disassembled. After that, remove the tip of the paste and drain all the gel. Then we take a very thin needle and press on the ball so that it falls out. In the resulting hole, the needle will work for us.

Itself needle made of sharpened (the edge, which actually prick) guitar strings. A spiral is often wound on the strings, we need to rewind this spiral.
Why is a string good? It perfectly holds the paint (gel), does not rust or deform, other materials (steel, nichrome, etc.) cannot cope with this task in such conditions.

Engine (motor) - any low-power DC electric motor from a toy car, player or tape recorder, with an operating voltage of 3-9 Volts. For example, a normal 4.5-Volt engine from a player at 6 Volts can rotate at a speed of 3000 rpm, taking into account the friction forces, the revolutions are reduced to 2000, we divide this figure by 60 (1 minute-60 seconds) and we get the number 33. What's 33? This is the number of times the needle enters and exits in one second, that is, a wound is obtained like from a razor, and this is normal, since only a high-speed tattoo machine can apply a high-quality tattoo.

Flywheel, in fact plays the role of a crankshaft. Such a flywheel is on all electric motors from tape recorders, we only need a plastic flywheel (they are also made of brass). Next we need to drill a hole on the flywheel. If it is not possible to drill, then the hole can be made with a heated needle or a small nail. The hole is made at a distance of 1.5-2mm from the center of the circle, keep in mind that this distance is the stroke of the needle.

After that, we take the string and bend the limb (0.5 cm) 90 degrees from the unsharpened edge, this section should enter the hole on the flywheel. It turns out that when the motor rotates, the needle will move vertically. The length of the string itself depends on the type of handle, so we select it by experience.

Sharpening the string can be done with a zero or a file, or on a grinder.
The motor can be attached to the handle with glue, but it is advisable to make an attachment from a sheet of aluminum, then fix the stand in a convenient place with tape or tape.

This homemade tattoo machine is powered by charger for a cell phone or from compact batteries.

As you can see, there is nothing super complicated in manufacturing, everything necessary materials can be found at home. Everyone can make such a tattoo machine with their own hands.

In order to get a tattoo on the body.

First, I suggest you watch the author's video about the craft:

Many people, regardless of their faith, wealth, age, in one way or another want to express something in order to be different from the other gray mass of people. All this is done in different ways: some dye their hair, get piercings or join one of the many subcultures, and some get tattoos. Few greet such an expression, but still there are such people. Getting tattoos in special institutions is very expensive pleasureso I want to show the making homemade device - tattoo machine.

To make the device, we need the following components:
- helium pen;
- pen or aluminum wire (about 12 cm;
- a motor (for example, from a tape recorder or a toy car), the more powerful the better;
- guitar string;
- Power Supply;
- insulating tape;
- lighter;
- sandpaper or a small sander.

Let's proceed directly to manufacturing.

First, take a handle, light a fire and use it to bend the handle:

Next, use pliers to "flatten" the bent tip of the handle:

You need to attach an eccentric or gear to the motor and fix everything with a glue gun:

Cut off half of one handle and use electrical tape to fasten one handle to the other:

You should have a construction like this:

After that, we take a small piece of a metal stick, heat it up over a fire and carefully "melt" it into the eccentric:

After that, we glue the flattened part of the end of the handle, which we made at the very beginning of manufacturing, and carefully glue the motor to the handle:

We take a string and thread it through the eccentric and through the handle:

We pull the string over the eccentric and fix it.

Using a point soldering iron, we fix the wiring from the motor:

We need a power supply unit with wiring, which you can remove from charging to your phone. We attach the wiring from the charging socket to the motor, and from the motor we connect the wiring to the wiring leading to the plug and then to the outlet:

Using glue, we attach our nest to back side flattened end of the handle:

To get a tattoo on your body, you do not have to buy an expensive machine or seek help from a professional tattoo parlor. This equipment can be made at home with little effort. If you look back in history, you can see that the first tattoo machine was made by Samuel O'Reilly, who took elements from the equipment for copying documents as a basis to reproduce the reciprocating movements of an electric typewriter.

Initially, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary parts that will make up the future product. For this you will need:

  • helium or ballpoint pen;
  • the thinnest string 15 centimeters long;
  • motor and bushing, which can be removed from the tape recorder or purchased on the radio market;
  • small plastic tube.

For the translational movement of the needle, you need to find a gear that can be taken from the same tape recorder. Its diameter should correspond to the size of the engine shaft. This is necessary so that the gear fits snugly on the shaft and cannot rotate. The final component of the product is an energy source that will create a voltage of 3-5V. To do this, you can use a regular power supply.

Before you do homemade tattoo machine, you need to squeeze a ball out of the paste. The paste itself will act as a guide for the needle. We push the string through the paste shaft. In the event that the string cannot pass through the small hole in the rod, you can cut off the rounded part in the place where the ball was previously located. You can also sharpen the string slightly to make it easier to pass through the handle. Before doing this, you need to make sure that the size of the string matches the length of the rod.

Then we take a plastic tube and bend it over low heat so that an angle of 90 degrees is obtained. We attach the engine on one side of the tube, and the handle on the opposite side. You can fix it with electrical tape. When this stage is completed, it is necessary fasten the string to the bushing... To do this, a loop is made in advance at the end of the string, which must correspond to the diameter of the sleeve.

The loop must be made so that it is not tightly tightened, but, at the same time, does not dangle freely on the bushing. Using a soldering machine, the sleeve is soldered to the gear. In doing so, the correct distance from the sleeve to the center of the shaft must be maintained. This directly affects the depth of the needle entry into the skin.

It is also necessary to take into account that the smaller the gear is selected and the closer the sleeve is to the center, the more blows will be applied. By moving the handle towards the motor, you can adjust the speed of the blows. If you want to correctly make a homemade tattoo machine, the assembly video will be a good visual aid.

To check the resulting product in operation, you must first prepare a solution based on black ink. To get a more accurate drawing, the sketch of the tattoo is first applied to the skin with a regular pen. During tattooing, there is no need to rush to press the needle against the body so that it can drive enough paint. If an even black cut remains on the body after the machine, then the machine is working properly. Before applying the tattoo, it is imperative to treat all parts of the machine with alcohol so as not to infect the skin under the skin.

Making a tattoo machine yourself, of course, significantly reduces financial costs. However, it is worth taking into account the disadvantages of such a solution. Making a tattoo yourself with such a machine is not very convenient. The process itself can be accompanied by unpleasant sensations. This, in turn, can be reflected in the quality of the picture.

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