Air filter for the apartment. Supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration: why

In modern environmental conditions, it becomes impossible to ventilate a room with an open window, since the risk of penetration of carcinogenic compounds with street air significantly exceeds the estimated benefits of ventilation.

And in a big metropolis, the streets are so dusty that it is simply unreasonable to open the windows.

To overcome this impasse, a home air purifier was created.

Until now, many people treat this unique invention with a grain of salt, trying to understand whether it is harmful to health. So what are home air purifiers, which one should you choose?

The principle of operation of the air cleaner is circular air circulation - from external environment through the cleaner to the outside. The room is cleaned using built-in filters. The home air environment is characterized by the presence of carcinogenic substances (formaldehyde, benzene, nitrogen dioxide), mold, fungi, bacteria and dust impurities in it.

When the air flow passes through the air cleaner, harmful microparticles contained in it settle on the filter of the device.

The greatest concern in humans is the electrostatic air purifier. It converts oxygen into ozone, which in large quantities is hazardous to human health. However, manufacturers produce devices with low ozone emission, which is absolutely safe. It should be remembered when choosing an air purifier, the benefits and harms are distributed in a ratio of 95 to 5%... In general, air purifiers are not harmful to people.

Main types

Everything air cleaners are classified by type of filtration:

  • mechanical;
  • ionic or electrostatic;
  • photocatalytic;
  • combined.

Mechanical air cleaners contain HEPA air filters and carbon filters ... They perfectly clean the air from home and construction dust, cope slightly worse with bacteria and allergens, but ineffective against viruses and gaseous compounds. You can make such an air purifier with your own hands, using filters and a fan.

An ionic air purifier (electrostatic) works with an electrode that charges neutral air particles and attracts them to itself. It copes well with allergens, dust mites, viruses and bacteria, but it is not able to clean the room of toxic gases. In addition, the air purifier ionizer fills the room with freshness.

Air purifier with photocatalytic filter purifies the air in the home using UV radiation... It is effective against any microorganisms, allergens, toxic gases, but is not able to cope with organic impurities.

A UV lamp cleaner completely kills all microorganisms and literally sterilizes the room.

Combined cleaners are characterized by a multi-stage cleaning system and include all of the above filters. With the help of these devices, the air is simultaneously disinfected, cleaned of organic impurities and ionized.

How to choose

When choosing an air cleaner the following factors must be considered:

  1. Room area... All devices have a different range of action: from 10 m 2 to 150 m 2. It is especially important to take into account the area when choosing a device that contains a purifier ionizer, since the ozone concentration emitted by it is calculated for a certain range of action.
  2. Noise level... Devices with mechanical cleaning are characterized by the presence of noise during operation, this is due to the action of the built-in fan. The quietest option is the ionic cleaner.
  3. Dust content... With the greatest accumulation of dust and organic impurities (animal hair), it is more expedient to choose the option with mechanical or ionic cleaning.
  4. Allergic reactions... Any household allergens (dust mites, pollen) are perfectly handled by ionic and photocatalytic filter cleaners. However, if the allergy is caused by animal hair, then the best helper in this matter is a HEPA filter.
  5. Smoke and smells... Devices with an ionizer and carbon filtration will help to cope with tobacco smoke and unpleasant odors.
  6. Disinfection... Maximum air disinfection is achieved by using a UV lamp.

As a rule, the device is turned on daily for several hours or left overnight. Some devices are equipped with an air control function and operate in accordance with the air atmosphere.

Electrostatic and photocatalytic cleaners do not require filter replacement, unlike mechanical ones. Therefore, before choosing an air purifier for your home, you need to decide on the frequency of its use.

Air purifiers for home: top 10

The table shows the most popular models of air purifiers, according to customer reviews.

Rating Name Characteristics (filters, area of ​​effect) Cost, rub)
1 AIC XJ-3800A1 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 60 m 2 16.000
2 Daikin MC707VM Pre-cleaning, electrostatic, ionization. S = 42 m 2 50.000
3 Redmond RAC-3704 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 46 m 2 24.000
4 AIC KJF-20B06 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 40 m2 11.000
5 Boneco P2261 HEPA filter, carbon, ionization. S = 60 m 2 2.000
6 Bork A800 (AP RIH 9935) HEPA filter, carbon. S = 38 m 2 40.000
7 Mitsubishi Electric MA-E83H-R1 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 63 m 2 35.000
8 Shivaki SHAP-3010 HEPA filter, photocatalytic, carbon, ionization. S = 25 m 2 14.500
9 Atmos Maxi photocatalytic, coal, pre-treatment, ionization. S = 30 m 2 14.000
10 Philips AC 40144.5 HEPA filter, carbon. S = 55 m 2 30.000

Filters in air purifiers

The air purifiers use the following types filters:

  1. Pre-cleaning... Conventional mesh filters, which are used in the first stage of cleaning, trap large dust particles, animal hair.
  2. HEPA filters... They represent an accordion assembled on both sides with micro-holes. Cope with spores of mold and fungi, animal hair, dust mites.
  3. Coal... Fight dust and absorb odors with activated carbon.
  4. Electrostatic (ionic).Work on the principle of ionization, provide a high degree of purification, cope with microorganisms.
  5. Photocatalytic... Purify the air with UV radiation. Absolutely disinfect the room from pathogenic bacteria and carcinogenic substances.

Air purifier operating rules

The air purifier should be installed in areas with the greatest accumulation of dust for effective operation.

The device should not be close to the wall, but at a distance of at least 10 cm from it. For the purifier to work, you must turn it on and set the purification mode in accordance with the instructions.

Almost all modern models have electronic control and filter replacement indicators.... Replaceable unit filters must be replaced every 2 months. The ionizer plates should be wiped with a damp cloth at least once a week.

Home air purifier is useful thing, cleaning the air space as much as possible. When choosing a device, you should take into account the area of ​​the room and the factors of its pollution.

The best option is a combined air purifier from dust, carcinogens, allergens and bacteria, which includes a multi-stage cleaning system.

We spend most of our time at home with our family. We try to make our home cozy, filling it with furnishings and things that make our life as comfortable as possible. However, all our furniture, books, stuffed animals and even indoor plants become a kind of breeding ground for dust.

If one of the family members is also a heavy smoker, then the air in the apartment becomes unhealthy. Our immunity decreases, and we often start to get sick with colds. Or even we get a tendency to allergic manifestations.

Young children are especially affected. Their body is too susceptible to the influence of the unfavorable atmosphere in the apartment, which can lead not only to allergies, but also bronchial asthma from an early age.

And then we have a question - how to make the air cleaner and healthier? We will consider how to solve this problem later in our article.

Sections of the article

Why clean the air in your apartment?

The cleanliness of the atmosphere in the apartment is a real problem. Contrary to popular belief, outdoor air is much cleaner than home air. There are a lot of air pollution factors in the apartment, and, first of all, it is dust.

For a year, about 8 grams of dust can accumulate on one square meter.

It consists of microscopic textile fibers, fungus and mold spores, skin particles, bacteria, plant pollen, street soot, tiny saprophytic mites and their waste products.

Half of the components of ordinary house dust are strong allergens... They can cause allergic rhinitis, eye inflammation, coughing, skin irritation and even asthma. Moreover, the longer a person is in contact with the allergen, the higher the chances that the allergy will eventually manifest itself.

Secondly, kitchen fumes pollute the air in the apartment. The smallest droplets of grease and soot create unpleasant specific odor that has nothing to do with the pleasant aroma of delicious food.

And if people smoke in the house, then a third factor appears - tobacco smoke, the smell of which may not disappear for weeks. In a word, the atmosphere in our apartments cannot be called clean. In order for the house to breathe easily, and all households to feel good, the air must be cleaned and humidified.

Methods and methods of cleaning

There are several methods of air purification. At the same time, we will not consider various air fresheners and fragrances among them. They only give pleasant aroma, interrupting kitchen fumes, cigarette smoke and the smell of dust - in a word, they mask the problem, and do not solve it.

In order for the atmosphere in the house to be healthy, it is necessary to purify the air by removing all harmful substances and dust particles from it. How to do it:


How to choose a purifier that will last for many years, will purify the air in the room, solving all the problems associated with pollution and at the same time will not break down and make a lot of noise is not an easy task.

On the Russian market today there are so many climatic equipment that even a professional will not always immediately understand which purifier is better, and for an ordinary person who was not interested in air purifiers before, it is quite easy to get confused.

We do not want to leave you alone with the problem of choosing an air purifier, and we will honestly tell you about all the advantages and disadvantages of different devices. Here are our tips.

Room size

Each air purifier is designed for a certain area of ​​the room, so you need to first decide on the size of the room.
Are you ready to buy an air purifier for each room or will you carry it with you when you are in one of the rooms for a long time?

If in each room, then choose clearly in accordance with: the area of ​​your room - the area of ​​service of the air cleaner.

If you plan to transfer, then focus on area of ​​the largest room in your apartment (house, office). It is better to choose the model of the air cleaner, which will be designed for several large area- the air will be cleaned faster and better.

If the room is very small, then you can choose a car air purifier, which can also be used in the room, and purify the air with one device both at home and in the car.

What problem are we solving?

Decide what problems you are going to solve with the air cleaner. Its price will depend on this. There are many cleaning technologies, each of which solves some problems better, others worse. How many cleaning technologies the selected air cleaner model uses will determine its cost:

  • Lots of dust.

  • Air purifiers with electrostatic (plasma) filters: these filters attract dust with an electric charge, are easy to clean, you do not have to constantly order replacement filters. But if there is really a lot of dust, then the device will not be able to cope with it.

    Also remember that electrostatic cleaners can remove no more than 90% of dust.

    If you need better cleaning (there are children, allergy sufferers, asthmatics in the house), then it is better to choose the following option.

  • Dust allergy.
  • Air purifiers with HEPA filters- remove the smallest dust particles from the air, the cleaning efficiency is up to 99.9%. The best remedy for the prevention of allergies have not yet been invented.

    Air purifiers with electrostatic filters- less effective than with HEPA filters, because dust is attracted to the plates only due to the electric charge, and the plates are located at some distance from each other, i.e. some of the dust flies by. The cleaning efficiency is 81-90%.

    Air washers- purify the air by driving it through a sprayed suspension of water. The water washes away the smallest particles of pollutants, leaving them no chance of returning to the air in the room. The most effective air washes with pre-ionization, because charged dust is better attracted to the drum plates. The cleaning efficiency is 80-95%.

    Air purifiers-humidifiers- humidify with the help of an evaporating filter in the water or water sprayed inside the apparatus itself. Cleaning is also carried out using a water suspension. Cleaning quality 80-90%.

    Air purifiers - ionizers with remote ionization, which generate a large number of ions around the air purifier, are able to remove a maximum of allergens from the air, depositing them on the surface.

    It is important to remember that allergies are caused not only by the dust itself, but also by the dust mites, mold, fungus contained in it, by destroying which, you will eliminate the very cause of the allergy.

    Dealing with dust mites and mold can help photocatalytic air purifiers and, but photocatalysis and ozonation in the selected air cleaner must be complemented by one of the previous cleaning options - a filter that removes the dust itself.

    Photocatalytic air purifiers purify and disinfect the air due to the interaction of UV light and a catalyst, decompose toxic chemical compounds, destroy microorganisms.

    Air purifiers - ozonizers- ozone also decomposes toxic substances, kills microorganisms and microbes due to its powerful oxidizing properties. Ozonizers can be used when there are no people in the room.

  • Tobacco smoke, any other smoke.
  • Photocatalytic air cleaners - ionizers, it is better if they are with an electrostatic filter, because it is easier to wash it from the deposited nicotine tar. If you choose a HEPA filter, you will have to change it quite often. Photocatalysis breaks down the toxic elements of tobacco smoke, ionization disperses the smoke, and an electrostatic filter precipitates tar and purifies it with micro doses of ozone.

    Air purifiers - ozonizers decompose smoke into harmless carbon dioxide and water.

    Air washers- less effective, because do not have time to capture most of the smoke that rises rapidly upward, and water itself is not so effective against smoke.

    Air purifiers with carbon filters- they also do not have a high degree of efficiency, since it is rather problematic to quickly drive the smoky air through the air cleaner body (so that the smoke particles are adsorbed by the filter).

  • Unpleasant odors (car, industrial emissions from the window, the smell of the kitchen, burning, rot, from pets, finishing materials, office equipment, etc.)
  • Photocatalytic air purifiers - decompose any odors in the presence of people.

    Air purifiers - ozonizers- oxidize and break down any chemical and organic components in the air, including odors.

    Air purifiers with carbon filters- odor molecules are adsorbed in micropores on the surface of coal granules, but the efficiency of the carbon filter will be several times lower than the photocatalytic one.

  • Air disinfection.
  • If children or yourself often get sick, during epidemics viral diseases, in children's institutions, etc., then you better choose photocatalytic air purifiers - disinfecting, disinfecting the air using ultraviolet radiation and photocatalysis reactions, in which most microbes, bacteria and viruses die.

    Air purifiers - ozonizersthe best choice since ozone is 2-3 times more effective than ultraviolet radiation, i.e. processing time will take much less. In standard mode, such devices are capable of disinfecting air using ionization.

  • Significant dryness of the air in addition to its pollution.
  • Air purifiers-humidifiers - humidify and purify the air through filtration. Air washers - purify the air with water and humidify it at the same time.

How much money are you willing to spend?

Decide whether you are ready to bear the additional costs of maintaining the selected air purifier or whether you want to buy it now and spend a minimum of money in the future on keeping the air clean.

If spending does not scare you, you can safely choose air cleaners with filters, they have the highest degree of air purification, because several stages of air purification are better in any case. If additional costs are burdensome for you, then choose filterless air cleaners: air cleaners - ionizers, ozonizers, photocatalytic, electrostatic (plasma) air cleaners.

If you choose an air purifier with replaceable filters (not photocatalytic, not electrostatic or plasma), be sure to check that it has an ionization function.

Air passed through any filter loses its natural charge and becomes absolutely "dead"; it is unsafe for humans and animals to be in such air, because inhalation of it leads to various diseases.

Cleaning the appliance

It cleans the air for you, but you, in turn, must clean it, otherwise it simply will not be able to work and will break.

If you are ready to approach it everyday, choose an air washer or an air purifier-humidifier - in them you will have to change the water every three days and add water when it runs out.

If it is easy for you to take care of your air purifier once a week- Your choice of electrostatic (plasma) air purifier. The electrostatic plates (filter) should be rinsed in it about once a week.

If you want to spend a minimum of effort and remember to clean the device only once a month, then you should choose an air purifier - ionizer, photocatalytic purifier, air purifier - ozonizer or a purifier with replaceable filters (usually HEPA filters), which are sufficient to vacuum once a month.

How often are we going to use it?

It is optimal that it always works, and the air in the room is constantly clean and has high quality indicators necessary for your health.

If you plan to operate the air cleaner around the clock, and savings are relevant for you, choose an air cleaner with low energy consumption (see the parameter - power consumption).

If periodic use of an air cleaner is optimal for you, then air washers or air purifiers-humidifiers are unlikely to suit you, which cannot be left idle with flooded water for a long time. it can turn sour.

If you are ready to drain the water every time, disassemble the air cleaner and dry the parts, then the choice of air washers or air purifiers-humidifiers should not scare you.

What features are needed?

A few fan speeds are enough for you to select more intensive or background air purification and reduce noise at night? Or do you want your air purifier to have maximum capabilities - a timer for automatic cleaning in certain modes, air pollution sensors, a hygrometer (for measuring humidity), night illumination, the function of air disinfection in the absence of people?

As you understand, all the additional "bells and whistles" cost extra money, so decide right away whether you want to have them, or you will not use them and will only get confused in a large number of buttons and modes. It all depends on what exactly you want to get: for someone it is essential to have all kinds of functions, and someone simply does not want to understand them. So decide right away so you don't regret it later.

How disturbing are extraneous noises?

If the noise is not a matter of principle, you can skip this point, if not, then choose an air purifier with a night mode of operation that has a reduced noise level, or generally silent air purifiers are air purifiers - ionizers or photocatalytic air purifiers, devices without a fan or with the possibility of its complete shutdown.

Where to place the purchased cleaner?

There are models that need to be installed at a height of approximately 1.80 m from the floor, there are floor models that are wall-mounted or plugged directly into the outlet (with a plug on the body).

This is really important because Having chosen the wrong model of air purifier now, you can then simply push it into the far corner, where it cannot optimally purify the air, and you will still breathe dirty air and get sick.

In addition, many air purifiers effectively purify the air when installed at a certain distance from the wall, usually 10-50 cm, this must also be taken into account when choosing a place to install the device.


Choosing an air purifier for asthmatics and allergy sufferers

The air we breathe contains a huge amount of harmful elements that irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and gradually poison the body. Prolonged exposure to such conditions leads to a weakening of the immune system and the development of diseases hazardous to health.

Numerous studies have confirmed that the air we breathe contains dust, stroke spores, eggs dust mite, skin flakes and more.

The only salvation in this case is the purchase of a special air purifier for allergy sufferers and asthmatics.

The device is effective when it works around the clock and eliminates the appearance of dirty air. This is especially true for asthmatics and allergy sufferers, in whose apartment a cat, dog or other pet lives.

If the allergy is caused by any pollen in a certain season, then it is allowed to turn on the purifier only for a certain period. And in general, for asthmatics, it is important to constantly be in conditions clean air, therefore, turning off the device is not relevant. As a result, the less the purifier consumes, the better.

Modern models are equipped with different types of filtering elements - plasma, washers, ionizers, ozonizers and catalysts. Each of them has individual characteristics(they will be discussed below).

If you want to get a quality product, you should not save. Today, cleaners from companies such as Daikin, Venta, Electrolux and others are popular. Their advantages are the ability to clean the air from dust, mites, bacteria and even viruses. Thanks to the correct selection of filters, the air at the outlet of the purifier is always perfect.

It is easy to get confused in the variety of air purification devices. Hundreds of different models, differing in configuration, price, functionality, manufacturer and other parameters. But if you highlight the most important criterion, then the principle of operation of the device, that is, the type of filter element, stands apart.

Allergy sufferers and asthmatics should highlight the following options:

  1. Electric air ionizer.
  2. The device that is in the greatest demand. Purpose - air purification from tobacco smoke, soot and dust.

    The main advantages are - affordable price, low noise, minimal power consumption and efficiency.

    When buying such a device, you should give preference to models that provide bactericidal ozonizer... In this case, the air is cleared not only of dust and smoke, but also of toxins, viruses and dangerous bacteria. Such a device can be turned on for the whole day.

  3. Nera filter.
  4. A product capable of quickly and effectively cleaning indoor air. The element is designed in such a way as to trap dust particles of any size.

    When using such a purifier, it is possible to reduce the level of allergens in the air to zero.

    In addition, after installing the device, you do not have to worry about the need for frequent maintenance - it is enough to clean the filter with a vacuum cleaner once every 30-40 days. Replacement frequency is twice a year.

  5. Photocatalytic cleaner.
  6. The principle of operation is based on the use of UV rays together with a catalyst. Such a filter destroys all hazardous substances and eliminates unpleasant odors. The advantage of the device is its durability and ease of maintenance. The resource of the purifier is 3 years or more. Disadvantages of the device - noise, excessive energy consumption, high price. If you don’t spare the money to buy the product, then the result of the device will not disappoint.

When choosing a device, allergy sufferers and asthmatics should pay attention to humidification modes some cleaners. The following options are possible here:

  1. Humidification based on the principle of cold evaporation.
  2. In this case, the air is saturated with moisture by passing through a moistened sponge, which is additionally treated with an antibacterial composition. The filter, working on this principle, cleans the air from dust, eliminates bacteria and microorganisms hazardous to health. At the exit, it is possible to obtain clean and well-humidified air.

  3. Hot steam principle.
  4. In this case, the room is saturated with moisture due to the evaporation of water under the influence of temperature. Many people confuse the operation of such devices with an ordinary teapot... These are two different things. In a steam humidifier, water is heated using two electrodes. As soon as the water boils away, the device turns off. The advantage of the product is clean steam at the outlet, no scale and salt, an affordable price.

  5. Ultrasonic devices.
  6. These devices are most in demand today. Their advantages are reliability, functionality and high-quality air purification (with mandatory humidification). The humidity level is adjusted manually or automatically.

The modern market for purifiers is represented by a large number of models specially designed for allergy sufferers and asthmatics, in which it is easy to get confused.

Below are six of the best cleaners that are noteworthy and have a high level of effectiveness.

IQAir Allergen 100.

A device from Switzerland that can make the life of asthmatics and allergy sufferers easier. The device is based on two powerful filters. The first one "filters out" small and large dust grains, and the second one retains miniature particles with a size of up to 0.003 microns. It turns out that the filter eliminates absolutely all pollutants that are present in the room.

Room area in which IQAir Allergen 100 is effective - 80-90 square meters... The device has six speeds and is controlled by a remote control.

The manufacturer provides a weekly timer that provides a program to turn off and on the device. Additional options include child protection and filter replacement indication.

Advantages - reliability, compactness, cleaning quality. Disadvantages - difficulty in choosing filters, price.

Aic AC-3022.

Air purifier from Italy. The device effectively cleans an area of ​​28 square meters.

Advantages - the presence of six operating modes, several filters (HEPA filter, carbon filter), compactness, low noise level, modern design... In this case, the manufacturer gives a 3-year warranty for the device.

Installing such a cleaner is a chance to get rid of smog, fungus, unpleasant odors, and mold.

There is only one drawback - the high price, which often scares off economical buyers, as well as poor stability on some surfaces.

Amaircare 1100.

Cleaner from Canada with 3-step cleaning. In the pre-filter, the largest elements are eliminated, then there is a HEPA filter that removes smaller particles, and the last is a VOC filter that removes different vapors.

Pros - fast air purification, five-year warranty, ability to clean large rooms.

Disadvantages - high price, increased noise.

Aic KJF-20B06.

Another quality cleaner from Italy. This device has six stages of protection and, according to manufacturers, eliminates 99% of indoor pollution.

Air purification is carried out using a carbon and photocatalytic filter, UV light, HEPA filter.

Advantages - the presence of a color display and a timer, high degree air purification, the ability to remove dust, smog, unpleasant odors and other harmful impurities.

Disadvantages - search problems replaceable filters, for the purchase of which you have to spend a lot of time. The price is 21,000 rubles.

Daikin MCK75J.

A solid Japanese purifier that guarantees perfect air purity and optimal humidity.

A well-thought-out system of filters guarantees high-quality removal of any impurities (chemical and mechanical), as well as microorganisms hazardous to health.

A sponge filter is provided inside the device, which cleans and humidifies the air passing through it.

The advantages of the device are excellent humidification, quick dust removal, compactness and stylish appearance.

Disadvantages are the complexity of care, the frightening smell of ozone, and the complexity of parsing instructions. Another disadvantage is the high price.

Philips AC4084 / 01 (China).

Purifier-humidifier, which is designed for fast and high-quality air purification in any room. Thanks to the additional humidification option, the device is doubly effective for asthmatics and allergy sufferers.

Within a few hours after switching on, you can feel the freshness and purity of the air, thanks to several degrees of cleaning.

Pros - quick moistening, high-quality cleaning, the presence of an automatic mode. In addition, the manufacturer provides a built-in hygrometer.

Cons - large size, difficulty finding a paper filter, small water container.

A modern apartment does not experience a shortage of home “dust generators”; many household items, from plush toys to books, make their “feasible” contribution. In addition to "generators", there are always plenty of devices and things in the house that attract this dust. A desktop computer, for example, for short term accumulates an enormous amount of dust inside, and even if it is cleaned once a month, it is still not enough.

How a typical photocatalytic air purifier works with the Aircomfort / AIC model

To reduce the amount of dust, various electronic devices have been invented that suck this dust into themselves in one way or another. Then the dust can be washed off, cleaned off, thrown out together with a filter ... In general, today we will talk about dust collectors, they are also air purifiers. Go!

Electrostatic cleaners

The most common option in terms of price / performance ratio are electrostatic air cleaners. They are missing expendable materials, and the principle of operation is based on Coulomb's law: the air ionized in the device begins to move and captures dust particles, which receive electric charge a certain sign. The plates, which have the opposite potential, attract particles of dust and gases, thereby purifying the air.

Such devices with high efficiency They purify the air from fine dust, soot and tobacco smoke (from particles less than 1 micron in size), giving as a bonus comfort, freshness and the smell of ozone in the case of a built-in ozonizer. Such an additional device is only beneficial, since in small concentrations ozone performs a bactericidal function, destroying harmful viruses, bacteria and toxins. Ozone also oxidizes phenolic resins, pesticides and unpleasant aromatic compounds.

The computer case-like nightstand is the Design Air's electrostatic air purifier

A tangible advantage of such devices is noiselessness (that is, complete - due to the absence of moving elements) and low power consumption (28-40 W). If the first indicator is critical for you, it makes sense to think about purchasing electrostatic cleaners.

Returning to the device of the ionizer, we can say that by itself it is useful without additional options, since the air is initially charged with ions. But passed through any filter, it loses its natural charge and becomes "dead". It is rather unpleasant and generally unsafe for humans and animals to be in such air, since this can provoke various diseases... A built-in or separate ionizer corrects this annoying drawback.

The Maxion vertical air purifier is simple, but has both an ionizer and an ozonizer

Now there are quite a few manufacturers of such purifiers, from Korean Maxion and Japanese Daikin to Russian "Super-plus", Fanline, AIC, Atmos and other semi-well-known Russian-Chinese brands. Due to their simplicity of design, such devices are easily disassembled for cleaning, and it is recommended to do this about once a week for daily or round-the-clock work. The procedure is simple: we wipe off the accumulated dust and fumes from the plates with a damp sponge or napkin, and, if desired, blow out the open internal parts.

Electronics and technology

As far as control is concerned, all dust collectors are quite simple. Power button, power regulator, as well as a separate button for turning on the UV lamp, if any. In the case of more sophisticated models, these may not be mechanical buttons, but touch buttons, you can also see an LCD display, a timer, a remote control remote control and filter management.

In general, when choosing a purifier, both electrostatic and any other, it is hardly worth focusing on electronic bells and whistles. The main thing, we repeat, is the type of filter (or filters) that you will eventually choose, as well as the area of ​​the room for which the device is designed.

Replacement filter cleaners

Such dust collectors offer air purification using HEPA filters (yes, the same type as in vacuum cleaners), whose advantage lies primarily in the ability to effectively clean air of particles with a size of 0.34 microns or less (see above figures for electrostatic cleaners). Therefore, they are recommended and indicated for allergy sufferers and children.

The disadvantages of such systems are more significant, and they lie in the price of HEPA filters, which are recommended to be changed at least once a year. Actually, this is where their description is exhausted, and the advantages of such air purifiers are only in their low power consumption (desktop models consume about 5 W) and a low price (from 1000 rubles).

Due to their high cost, HEPA cleaners are not very popular, but they are often used in conjunction with photocatalytic cleaners, and less often with electrostatic cleaners. They are produced by the same vendors that provide us with all other types of cleaners. It is difficult to find dust collectors exclusively with a HEPA filter, except perhaps the old ones, combined only with carbon filters - like the one we know from Boneco humidifiers.

Photocatalytic cleaners

Today, this particular type of air purifier is considered the most effective - but at the same time the most expensive in terms of electronics. Photocatalytic air purifiers purify and decontaminate the air through the interaction of UV light and a catalyst. Ultraviolet light hits the catalyst surface (usually titanium dioxide), and natural substances with a high oxidizing capacity (ozone and higher oxides) are formed. They decompose all contaminants that have fallen on the catalyst surface, and the size of the destroyed particles is on the order of 1 nm (a value comparable to the size of molecules), which allows us to speak of them as the most effective types of air cleaners.

Photocatalytic cleaners also decompose toxic chemicals (odors, smoke) into harmless substances (mainly water and carbon dioxide) and destroy microorganisms. Decomposition occurs at the molecular level, so the photocatalytic purifier does not accumulate anything anywhere: there is no need to change the filter, and the air becomes clean in a completely natural way.

Another significant advantage of photocatalytic cleaners is the long service life of the filter element: over time, only the UV lamp will need to be replaced, but its service life can be either a year or 3 years, it all depends on the model.

Very often, this type of air purifier is combined with ozonizers and an electrostatic or charcoal filter to trap larger particles (remember, for electrostatic filters, this figure is less than 1 micron). It is clear that all this increases the price, and before choosing photocatalytic cleaners, it makes sense to think about the really necessary set of additional functions.

Photocatalytic filter from Russian manufacturer Atmos is combined with HEPA filters

The downside of photocatalytic cleaners can be high level noise. This is especially true for inexpensive models with a price of about 4-6 thousand rubles, their noise can reach 55 dB.

Also, the disadvantage of photocatalytic cleaners is their higher power consumption compared to electrostatic models: it can reach 65-80 watts. Everyone who is not lazy sells photocatalytic air purifiers in Russia: the same AIC, Daikin, NeoClima, Ballu, Panasonic, Timberk, Atmos, REDMOND, Zenet and others.

Air wash

We have already briefly mentioned the combination of a purifier and a humidifier in the article about humidifiers, and now we will once again mention these very expensive (on average 15-20 thousand rubles), but space-saving devices. They humidify the air and purify it at the same time: water is used as a filter.

The principle of operation of such a system is simple and effective: dirty air blows over a grounded water surface, dirt particles "stick" to the water surface under the action of electrostatic forces, and then dissolve (settle) in the water.

Of the disadvantages of such a system (in addition to the high price), less high-quality cleaning compared to photocatalytic and HEPA filters, as well as more time consuming: because part of the device is a humidifier, water must be periodically (once every 1-2 days) changed and refilled.

There are options when the design of the air washer is not limited to a combination of a humidifier and a purifier. To this can be added multi-stage air purification (mechanical, electrostatic, and actually "washing"), the presence of a room disinfection operating mode and a temperature controller. And also everything else that comes to mind of the manufacturer. And there are many of them: Electrolux, Daikin, NeoClima Panasonic, Polaris, Stadler Form, SUPRA, Atmos, Fanline, Venta, Boneco, BORK and other popular manufacturers of household appliances.


Regardless of which type of air purifier you choose, it is better to have one at home than not at all. They clean the air excellently (the degree of superiority is determined by the size of the particles captured, which is indicated for each of the types, and the amount that you are willing to spend on them), so purifiers are an obvious and unambiguous category. must have both for smokers of all stripes, and for lovers of candles, aromatic and others. The author's practice shows that soot accumulates on electrostatic plates after an evening with candles so much that they need to be cleaned the next day. And imagine if all this settles in your lungs, and you have to breathe it!

The question of price here, in fact, is secondary, because most of these purifiers are in the price range from 3 to 10 thousand rubles, with rare exceptions.

About the harvester number zero - an air conditioner with a dust collector, we will tell in one of the following materials about air conditioners in general, and split systems in particular. Moreover, summer has almost come, and for residents major cities such a thing is becoming more than relevant.

By default, air exchange in the apartment is provided by natural exhaust ventilation. Think of the holes with grates in the ceiling in the bathroom and in the kitchen. From them there are ventilation ducts from the apartment to the common house exhaust shaft, which opens onto the roof. Through these channels, stuffy air is removed from the apartment to the outside. But it is necessary not only to remove the air, but also to supply fresh air from the street.

Air can enter the house through open windows. But as soon as they are closed, the outside air ceases to flow into the apartment. And without an inflow, there is no exhaust. On the other hand, dirty air with exhaust gases, allergens and bacteria enters the apartment through open windows. If you are allergic, then in the summer poplar fluff, pollen of plants and flowers are added here. And in winter, when the immune system is already weakened by the fight against viruses and microbes, open windows give you "dangerous" drafts, which does not bode well for your health.

Why ventilation is needed?

without supply ventilation

With traditional ventilation through the windows into the apartment gets in dirt, noise, bacteria and odors.

With forced ventilation

Inflow Provides ventilation and cleans incoming air simultaneously.

Therefore, more and more people are asking the question: " But not Do you need ventilation in the apartment?"

The answer is simple:

Supply ventilation is needed for the apartment

She may be central or compact. Central is when under suspended ceiling or there is a ventilation unit on the balcony, which drives air through pipes that run through all the rooms.Such ventilation "eats up" a lot of space, requires serious renovation works and is expensive.Central ventilation makes sense if you have a private house or an apartment undergoing a major overhaul.

If the apartment already has fine finishing, then it will be a pity to break the interior for laying the air ducts. It is easier and cheaper to install compact supply ventilation:ventilator or breather... These are small appliances that are wall-mounted and supply fresh air through a through duct.

We assumed that most of the readers' apartment has already been renovated, therefore, in this article, we paid attention to compact ventilation. Let's figure out what you should pay attention to before buying a ventilator.

1. Performance

According to the norms, the minimum productivity is 30 cubic meters of air per hour for one person. To ensure that there is enough fresh air for all family members, it is desirable that there is a fan in the supply ventilation. The more powerful it is, the more fresh air it will bring.

2. Air filtration

City air is an explosive mixture of exhaust gases, dust, industrial emissions, and also allergens in the spring. Hold up this whole cocktail can good system cleaning with multiple filters. For large particles - a filter of class G (coarse cleaning) or class F (fine cleaning), for small particles - more efficient filters of class H (so-called HEPA filters), for harmful gases - carbon filters.

3. Price

The cost of installing ventilation in panel house(and in a brick one too) depends on the parameters of the ventilator. In any case, compact devices are much cheaper than central supply and exhaust ventilation for an apartment with air filtration. It costs about 100 thousand rubles and even more. You can buy supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration for a price of no more than 22 thousand, and a supply valve - 2-3 thousand.

4. Extra options

There are compact supply ventilation systems with heated air in the apartment, with a different number of fan speeds and, accordingly, with different noise levels, and so on.

Below is a comparative table in which you can evaluate different types of supply ventilation for all the listed parameters.

Types of apartment ventilation systems

Supply ventilation type Performance Filtration Extra options Price with installation
Supply valve

from 0 to 54 m3 / h
for one room

No No 5 900 rub
Ventilator from 10 to 160 m3 / h
for one room
either a charcoal filter,
or coarse filter G3

no air heating,
low noise level,
7 speeds

22 490 rbl
Breezer from 30 to 130 m3 / h
for one room

three filters:
fine filter F7,
HEPA filter H11,
carbon filter

heating from -40 ° С to + 25 ° С
with climate control,
average level noise,
4 speeds

28 900 rub
Central supply ventilation about 300-500 m3 / h
for the whole apartment

additional filters
for a separate surcharge:
coarse filters G3-G4,
fine filters F5-F7,
carbon filters

water or electric
air heating,
low noise level,
at extra charge
you can install modules
cooling and humidifying the air
about 100,000 rubles
+ expenses for
additional modules
+ repair costs

Installation of the ventilation system in the wall of the apartment

With the exception of central ventilation, other types of supply units practically do not differ in the complexity of installation. Both for supply valves, and for ventilators, and for breathers, it is required to drill a through channel in the wall to draw air from the street.

A special installation is used for drilling diamond drilling and industrial vacuum cleaner... The installation process takes 1-2 hours and does not spoil the finished repair. Unlike the installation of central ventilation (we talked about this at the beginning of the article).

Conclusion: compact ventilation is the best choice

In all respects, compact supply ventilation is not inferior to central ventilation. As for the cost, it is cheaper to install 2-3 ventilators or breathers for a typical apartment than to spend the same money on central ventilation. And the same amount for repairs after laying the air ducts.

1. Choose a supply valve if you live in an environmentally friendly and warm region, you want to protect yourself from street noise and you only need minimal ventilation (at the level of a slightly open window).

2. Choose a ventilator if you live in the same warm and environmentally friendly region, but you want more intensive ventilation than an open window.

3. Choose a breather if you live in a noisy and dusty city and you need a lot of air - not only fresh, but also clean.

The wider the range of equipment, the more difficult it is to navigate this variety. Still, humidifiers, ionizers, ozonizers and sinks are fighting only for the purity and humidity of the air. The most common question from buyers - how does a sink differ from a humidifier and what is better to buy for a home? We will consider the main characteristics of sinks and help you make the right choice.

Washers and humidifiers really have a lot in common: both types of gadgets are designed to raise the level of relative humidity in the house.

The differences begin with the expansion of the functionality - the sink not only saturates the air with moisture, but also cleans it of mechanical impurities: dust, small fibers of fabric, wool, pollen and even particles of smog and tobacco smoke. The humidifier itself cannot clean the air, it only evaporates the water, releasing cold or warm water vapor.

The mechanism of action is also fundamentally different. The washers work on the principle of hydro-filtration. The fan draws in the air flow from the room and directs it to the rotating drum, consisting of several discs. The drum constantly rotates and is irrigated with water, thus, the water itself becomes a filter - the air is hydro-filtered. The dirt adhered to the drum gets into the water and settles in a special tray, and the cleaned and humidified air stream is sent outside.

There are now two main types of air purifiers on the market, differing in the shape of the drum.

  • Conical drum sinks. In these devices, instead of the traditional circular disc, a cone-shaped rod rotates in the center of the water tank. When rotating, the rod carries water upward, creating a curtain of small droplets through which polluted air passes.
  • Round drum sinks create a water curtain thanks to rotating discs, always moistened with water due to a special relief or membrane membranes. A powerful fan is installed above the disc to increase evaporation.

On sale, models with a conventional round drum are much more widely represented - in terms of efficiency and principle of operation, they are no different from their conical counterparts, but they emit much less noise and are easier to maintain.

Serviced area

One of the main reasons for negative reviews for air washes is the incorrect calculation of the area. The fact is that when buying a sink, you should focus not on the area of ​​the entire apartment, but only on the area of ​​the room where the device will be installed. It is not possible for a sink to raise the humidity in the whole house, and the reason is not in insufficient power, but in the weak air convention in the room and the presence of walls, therefore the humidified air remains within the same room.

Tank volume and water consumption

Obviously, the more powerful the sink, the faster the air in the room will be saturated with moisture. The average indicator of water consumption must be indicated in technical characteristics device: the minimum value is considered to be a flow rate of 200 ml of water per hour, high - from 500 ml / hour.

To ensure that the volume of the tank is guaranteed to be enough for a full working cycle, you can focus on average values. At a flow rate of 300-500 ml / hour, the water tank should mix in at least 5-7 liters of water.

Noise level

In general, sinks are much louder than a conventional humidifier. The noise level differs depending on the model, but even the quietest devices usually reach 20 dB in the minimum power mode. In the normal mode, the noise from work is comparable to the sounds that the computer system unit emits.

So that the hum of the device does not irritate and interfere restful sleep households, it is better to immediately purchase a sink with support for the night mode, which mutes the operation of the fan.

Expendable materials

Manufacturers often emphasize that air cleaners are more economical than other air cleaners due to the lack of replacement parts.

However, many models of the middle and upper price segment are additionally equipped with silver-plated ionizing rods for water purification, fine outlet filters (HEPA), as well as bactericidal and sorbent filter cassettes. All of these are consumables that require regular replacement, so it makes sense to clarify the cost and availability of components before purchasing.

Additional functions

It is worth noting that, unlike the usual one (for which water is recommended in advance), washing is less demanding in terms of water quality. But the above-mentioned operating noise level and high price raises the question the right choice devices.

Hybrid air purifiers are quite popular. Most often, an air ionizer is integrated into the sink, but the expediency of the purchase is still questionable. Firstly, both functions are rarely equally well implemented, and with strong ionization, humidification and cleaning are less effective. Secondly, the sinks themselves are quite expensive, and the advanced functionality increases the price additionally, so it is often more rational to buy two separate devices.

5th place: Boneco W1355A

Distinctive features of Boneco sinks are the increased evaporation surface and the most simple operation. The embossed drum discs retain more moisture and accelerate the evaporation process, and built-in operating modes are responsible for ease of use. The sink can be safely turned on at night, even the low-noise night mode has an adjustable intensity. A transparent water tank with a comfortable handle makes it easier to take care of the device.


  • serves an area of ​​up to 50 sq. meters;
  • volumetric tank for 7 liters;
  • average power, water consumption 300 ml / h;
  • silver ionizing rod;
  • several operating modes (night and intensive);
  • light indicator of water level;
  • quiet operation (up to 27 dB);
  • auto shutdown when the tank is empty;
  • low electricity consumption (20 W).


  • the rod will have to be changed (designed for 2 seasons);
  • when water is taken from the reservoir, there is a loud gurgling;
  • cost from 13 150 rubles.

4th place: Winia AWI-40

Smart Korean sink Winia AWI-40 independently cope with dry air. The built-in hygrometer accurately determines the humidity level, the value is displayed, and the device automatically saturates the air with moisture and maintains the set level. A capacious tank and high water consumption allow you to significantly speed up work and practically do not require owner intervention: the battery life exceeds 14 hours.


  • antibacterial discs;
  • tank volume 7 liters;
  • there is an ionization mode;
  • built-in gyrostat;
  • double filtration system;
  • touch control and LCD display;
  • high water consumption (450 ml / hour);
  • there is an intensity regulator and a night mode;
  • very low electricity consumption (up to 15 W).


  • noise level 46 dB;
  • plaque quickly accumulates on the pallet;
  • cost from 13,990 rubles.

3rd place: Xiaomi Mi Air Purifier 2

Even those who are far from the world of technology and are not too actively interested in gadgets have heard about the phenomenal success of Xiaomi, now the company produces and climatic technology... Washer Mi Air Purifier 2 received a branded laconic design, flawless assembly, and, of course, a set of Smart-functions - you can control the operation of the purifier using a mobile application. In the same place, the device leaves information about the air quality in the house and informs about the need to replace the filter.


  • cost from 7,700 rubles;
  • supports Wi-Fi and smartphone control;
  • 2 built-in modes (night and automatic);
  • the ability to create your own regime;
  • automatically monitors the level of humidity and adjusts the work in real time;
  • coverage area up to 47 sq. meters;
  • there are indicators for air quality, water level and filter replacement;
  • timer operation is provided;
  • there is protection from children;
  • 2 filters (outlet and pre-cleaning) retain up to 99.9% of microparticles.


  • an adapter is needed for the cable plug;
  • the output HEPA filter must be changed every six months;
  • all consumables must be ordered.

2nd place: IQAir HealthPro 250

Swiss air purifier with universal functions for cleaning dust, gases, smoke. Equipped with a motor unit and filters: preliminary, carbon and main, against dust. The device is controlled electronically via the display.

The pre-filter PreMax F8 with a working surface of 2.8 m² is made of fiberglass. It protects the engine from dust, it also cleans the air. The V5-Cell MultiGas filter against gases and odors consists of activated carbon in granules and impregnated activated alumina. The main filter is a high-quality and ultra-modern HyperHEPA, which traps dust from 3 nanometers, it becomes an additional shield against viruses in the room. The device informs the user about the status of the filters and the time remaining until they are replaced.

The IQAir HealthPro 250 purifier has a power of 150 W at a productivity of 50-440 m³ per hour. The fan is equipped with six speeds, so you can change the speed and noise level at night. 60 dB - maximum noise at the highest operating speed, at the first power level the noise level is 45 dB.

This model is designed for cleaning areas up to 85 m².

Most of the reviews on the device are positive.


  • high efficiency;
  • large air exchange;
  • large area of ​​impact;
  • several built-in filters;
  • positive results of tests of air purification from heavy particles;
  • elimination of unpleasant odors;
  • reducing the level of formaldehyde in the air;
  • relieves allergies;
  • there is a weekly timer;
  • 6 speeds of work;
  • not very noisy;
  • there is a filter status indicator;
  • economical (filters must be changed every 1.5-2 years);
  • build quality;
  • manual in Russian;
  • can be installed on casters;
  • Convenient carry handle.


  • high price;
  • expensive filters;
  • large;
  • heavy (16 kg);
  • the need for regular filter replacement;
  • inconvenient installation of the lower filter unit;
  • does not humidify the air;
  • angular design;
  • no display backlight;
  • no air quality sensors;
  • inconvenient remote control.

1st place: Daikin MC707VM

The rating is closed by the MC707VM multifunctional air washer. The multi-device device equally effectively copes with humidifying and cleaning the air in the house thanks to the proprietary Flash Streamer technology and a biofiltration system. In a minute of operation, the air cleaner manages to destroy bacteria with an electric discharge, collect electrified dust, remove dust mites and even small spores of fungus and mold. The list also includes another useful function - high-quality deodorization, which works by binding particles of an unpleasant odor.


Question healthy eating a child for any mother comes first. Perhaps this is why they came up with such a seemingly strange device as: the ability to first steam food, and then grind them in mashed potatoes here - what mother does not dream of this?

If the controversy surrounding the benefits of ionization is still ongoing, then the issue of humidifying and purifying the air is resolved unequivocally: it is useful, harmless and even necessary for people sensitive to allergens. A correctly chosen sink will perfectly cope with the tasks assigned to it, and, which is not unimportant, will not harm, because during the operation, substances hazardous to health are not released. Do not worry about the possible waterlogging that can be caused by steam cleaners.

The flip side of the coin is the still not very loyal cost of modern air cleaners and their components, as well as the need for careful filter care.

  • Updated in January 2019