How to remove a plastic window from its hinges. Do-it-yourself dismantling of plastic windows. Basic and additional parameters

All sorts of situations happen in life. And it so happened that for some purpose you needed to remove one of the sashes of a plastic window in one of the rooms. It doesn’t matter for what purpose this is done, since it in no way affects the process itself. So how to remove the sash of a plastic window with your own hands?

Preparing tools

To remove the sash, no special tools are required. There are, of course, special pullers designed for this procedure, but we will focus on available tools, namely, those tools that are at hand in every house or apartment, that is:

  • screwdriver;
  • knife;
  • pliers.

Instructions on how to remove the sash of a regular plastic window

Regardless of the design, anyone can remove the sash of a plastic window with their own hands. But first you should delve a little into the essence of the design. If earlier the sash window was with ordinary wooden frames It was possible to remove them from the awnings by simply lifting them up, but with plastic windows everything looks a little different. Only the lower one now resembles the structure of the previous canopy. The top one is held on a pin (rod), which has to be pulled out. The sash rotates on it. So, how to remove the sash of a conventional plastic window:

That's it, the removal process is complete. The back sash is installed according to the same principle. We insert the lower rod into the bushing, put it in its place, lock it, adjust the middle of the upper part of the canopy so that the removed rod fits freely through it. We quietly hammer it into place, put on the decorative panels, and everything is back in its place.

Video instructions are provided below.

How to remove the flap of a plastic window. Instructions

Now that we have figured out how to remove the sash of a conventional plastic window from its hinges, let’s figure out how to do this with a folding modification (transom).

Here, before you take on the canopies, which in this case are located in a horizontal position, you should first deal with the limiters. There will be no difficulties with this either if you follow the instructions.

Removal process for limiters

Since removing the flap of a plastic window is hindered by limiters that prevent the sash from falling down when opening wide open, they should be disconnected. Depending on the type of fittings that are equipped with a plastic window, there should be a small lever at the edge of the stopper on the side of the window right on the sash, by turning which we force the stopper bar to jump off the slot holding it. We turn the lever, remove the bar (in some cases it may be necessary to pry off the edge of the bar with a screwdriver), we have dealt with one limiter. Now we proceed to the second, following the same scheme.

When the sash is freed from the restraints, you can begin to remove it from the horizontal canopies according to the same principle as was described in the first case. We remove the decorative casings, determine in which side the canopy with the pin is located, take it out and, opening the lock, remove the sash from the pin of the second canopy.

The sash is mounted in its place in the same way. First, we deal with the canopies, then we put the holes of the limiter bars onto the slots on which they were previously held. We turn the locks and sashes.

Video instructions for the process are presented below.

We hope that the question of how to remove a plastic window sash has been completely resolved. Have a good mood and success in everything!


Sometimes you have to deal with the problem of removing a plastic window in order to repair or bring something in. Even if you are going to use dismantling services from some company, it will be useful for you to know how to remove a plastic window simply and with your own hands. This knowledge will not be superfluous, because you will be able to control the process.

Window installation is carried out with the sashes removed, then they are mounted in place. Dismantling occurs in the same way, only in reverse order. This procedure will make the window lighter, protect it from damage if you need to remove the entire structure, and protect you from possible injuries if the sash is accidentally opened.

In order to dismantle the window correctly, you need to know how to remove the sash from a plastic window . To do this you will need a simple set of tools:

  • Hammer.
  • Pliers.
  • Several screwdrivers.

To release the sash, you will need to open it using the handle and find the hinge in the upper corner. Using a hammer and a small screwdriver or medium nail, you need to pull out the pin that holds this hinge. Once the fastening element is removed, it will be possible to lift the structural element and remove it.

This procedure is suitable if the window has not yet been installed. The task of removing a plastic window sash from its hinges is more difficult, since the pin cannot be knocked out: the window opening will be in the way. It will become impossible to knock it out from above, since there is little room for maneuver in the presence of a slope. You can try using pliers and remove this structural element by pulling it down. You can’t just pull it out: you need to press down the spindle from above with a flat object. A large screwdriver, chisel, or other object of a similar shape that can fit into the distance between the hinge and the slope will come in handy.

Method of dismantling a double-glazed window

Removing the frame from a plastic window is not as easy as it might seem. The difficulty is that it is not possible to reach the external slope.
If this is not possible, and this structural element needs repairs, you can try to dismantle the frame. Knowing how to remove a plastic window can be useful if you are going to stick stained glass film, tint glass, or change a double-glazed window. This will help reduce the cost of the work being carried out.

First of all, before starting work, you need to remove the mesh from the window and remove unnecessary elements that can be removed, including bars, if any. If the work is carried out on the balcony, you need to clear the area for the work. You need to start work by removing the beads holding the glass unit. These elements can be easily pulled out with a screwdriver and can be found around the perimeter of the glass.

Mark the numbers on the removed glazing beads. When reinstalling the double-glazed windows, they need to be installed in their places, otherwise the glass will not fit smoothly and will not hold well or will fly out.

The bead must be knocked out carefully; the blow is directed towards the center of the glass. You need to start with elements located vertically. The top one is removed last. Someone needs to hold the double-glazed window: it may fall after it loses its last support.

It is also advisable to remove a plastic window using two people. This will make the work much easier, allowing you to do it faster and more accurately, without accidentally breaking the glass. After removing the glass unit, you can get to the window elements located outside without having to pull out the frame.

You need to insert the glass in the reverse order. The top bead is installed first, then all the others. The side ones are the longest, it is most convenient to place them last, otherwise they can be bent. You can hammer them in with a hammer, but it is recommended to use a rubber one so as not to break the glass unit.

Removing the bead

Removing from hinges

Knowing how to remove a plastic window from its hinges may be useful if, for example, you need to replace or repair the sash or remove it to dismantle the window. To carry out this procedure, it is necessary to free the hinges from the plastic covers. After this, the sash will need to be opened slightly to ensure easy access to the loop. You need to start removing from the top pad, then move to the bottom.

The top hinge is disassembled first. You will need to pull the rod out of it using pliers. After this, tilt the sash towards you and remove it from the lower hinge.

Complete dismantling

If it is not enough to simply remove the sash of a plastic window with your own hands, you can try to remove it entirely. If you need the dismantled window to remain intact, it is recommended to hire specialists for this; if the integrity of the glass unit does not matter, you can try

We cut through polyurethane foam

remove it yourself. The difficulty is that in the absence of experience, installers very often break them themselves. window unit, and replacing it is expensive. There is a risk of the structure falling onto the street.

For dismantling you will need:

  • Remove the window sashes.
  • Cut the frame.
  • Take it off.
  • Remove low tide.
  • Remove the window sill.

The reader already knows how to remove a plastic window from its hinges and how to remove a plastic window sash. When cutting the frame, things are more complicated. Every cut is made hand saw, for this it is better to use a metal file. Please note that the work is dusty and there will be a lot of small particles.

The cuts will help you easily dismantle the frame; after they are made, the structure can be pryed with a crowbar and pulled out. Before this, it is necessary to cut off all the mounting foam that holds the window; if the frame is screwed, you can notice this by opening the sash; the fastenings are first unscrewed. You can try to get the frame without cuts. This is much more complicated, but there is a chance that the structure will remain intact and will be useful for installation somewhere else.

Are you planning to replace your windows and don’t know which one to choose? - the best choice, buyers have long appreciated them, read


We begin work on dismantling old windows by preparing the room. Carpets need to be removed household appliances, small furniture and valuables, providing unhindered access to the place of work.

Required Tools and materials

Bulgariannail pullerDrillHammerknifeHacksawHammerLevelScrewdriver



IN last years plastic windows confidently occupy a place in the arrangement of premises. This is due to their strength, reliability and lightness, and most importantly, in harsh winter conditions, correctly installed windows reduce the penetration of cold air into the house.

As such, the material from which plastic windows are made has long term guarantees (up to 50 years). Therefore, if you decide to renovate your home in order to install new windows (you are not satisfied with the color, size, etc.), then after dismantling the old windows, you should not write them off as trash. If you are not satisfied with the window elements, then you can successfully add them. You can also use them in other rooms, even sell them or do a good deed for your friends.

Naturally, first of all you should remove them correctly and carefully. Of course, you can invite a specialist for this, but the work is not difficult, so dismantling can be successfully completed plastic windows You can do it yourself.

In this material we will try to describe step by step how to dismantle plastic windows.

Before you begin, first, as with all work, you should definitely prepare.

Dismantling PVC windows: preparation

We begin work on dismantling old windows by preparing the room. It is necessary to remove carpets, household appliances, small furniture and valuables, ensuring unhindered access to the place of work. Furniture, if any, cover plastic film, because dismantling PVC windows- although not long, but very dusty work.

To dismantle plastic windows, most likely you will need tools such as: a knife with replaceable blades or just sharp knife, chisel, screwdriver, spatula, small crowbar or lever, screwdriver (if you don’t have it, then a simple Phillips screwdriver), hacksaw, hammer drill (if you don’t have it, you can get by with a chisel), pliers, and, of course, a hammer.

Dismantling plastic windows on video:

Removing a glass unit

The first step when dismantling a plastic window, both in the case of fixed windows and casements, is to remove the double-glazed window, since it is the heaviest and most fragile component of the entire structure. This work must be carried out with great care and precision to avoid damage to the latter.

In the case of a sash, you must first remove it. Window hinges - connections between sashes and window frames - come in several types. The most convenient for disassembling are the hinges of the usual design. You need to pull out the metal rod holding it from the top hinge of the sash, then, carefully lifting it, remove the sash from the bottom hinge. Removing the window in this way has the advantage that when the window is subsequently installed at its destination, there is no need to adjust it. If the design of the hinge does not allow you to remove the sash, or you cannot get to it, then in all cases you should unscrew the screws that secure the hinge to the frame and carefully remove the sash.

In the case of a fixed window, remove the glass unit, which is attached to the frame with plastic beads with inside. Beads should be removed starting with the longest one. A small spatula with rounded edges is ideal for removing glazing beads. The tool must be carefully inserted between the bead and the sash, starting from the middle.

The glazing beads, as a rule, fit perfectly to the sash, and to each other at an angle of 45 0, but do not be alarmed, when lightly pressed with a spatula, a gap will form. After removing the last bead, very carefully remove the glass unit. As mentioned above, a double-glazed window is the heaviest and most fragile component of the entire structure, so working with it requires special vigilance. If possible, use mounting suction cups.

"Output" for the frame

The next step when dismantling a plastic window, after we have freed ourselves from the fragile components, is to provide an “exit” for the frame. To do this, you should knock down the plaster that is adjacent to the inside of the slopes. The matter becomes easier if your slopes are made of plastic or plasterboard. In the case of plaster, carefully knock it down using a hammer drill or chisel so as not to damage the surface of the plastic windows. In the case of plasterboard or plastic slopes, we disassemble the structure by first removing the F-shaped profile, then unscrew the plastic or plasterboard slopes. At the last stage, remove from the plastic window frame starting profile, which is also attached to the frame with self-tapping screws.

Dismantling the ebb and window sill

The ebb on the plastic window is attached using several self-tapping screws. You need to unscrew them and remove the ebb with a light tug.

The window sill can be removed quite easily. As a rule, it is attached only to polyurethane foam. Remove the window sill with a gentle jerk. If the window sill is long, then start dismantling from the middle, moving towards the edges.

Removing the window frame

If the window is secured with anchor plates or self-tapping screws, then unscrew using a screwdriver or a simple Phillips screwdriver. If this is not possible, simply tear them out using a nail puller or pliers; this will not cause damage to the structure.

Next, using a hacksaw, carefully cut the mounting foam around the entire perimeter of the window. If the slopes are plastered on the outside, then it would be more appropriate to cut off the foam using a knife with replaceable blades. Next, carefully remove the frame from the opening. To avoid damaging the surface, use a rubber mallet. In the absence of the latter, use a simple hammer, attaching a shock-absorbing layer (a piece of rubber or board) to the frame.

Dismantling of fittings

For greater safety, unscrew the protruding parts using a screwdriver or a Phillips screwdriver: handles of the window locking mechanism, blind handles, grooves for mesh, etc. Also take out the connecting rods of the handles, if any, and collect all the disassembled parts in a box or bag so as not to lose them. If desired, make “what - from what” labels.

OK it's all over Now. After removing the debris, dismantling the plastic window can be considered complete. Good luck with your renovation.

Plastic windows can last for several years without any problems. But if any breakdown occurs, it will be possible to remove the plastic window from its hinges without any problems, without damaging it.

However, before this you need to carefully inspect the hinges. If they are damaged and/or there is corrosion on them, then it is recommended to remove the window very carefully so as not to completely break them. It is advisable to replace the hinges immediately.

In order to remove the sash from the hinges, you need to remove the plastic caps that protect the hinge structure and at the same time serve decorative element. To get rid of them, you need to pry them off with a knife or screwdriver (can be removed without tools). They are easy to remove and very difficult to damage, as they are made of high-quality plastic.

It is important to choose the right tools. You will need: screwdriver, knife, tweezers, pliers (most often you only need a screwdriver). Select the size of the screwdriver based on the size of the fasteners. You may need some persistent tool - a long stick, a crowbar. The tool should not be too long or sharp.

Removal process

To remove a plastic window sash you need:

  1. First you will have to loosen all the adjusting bolts using a screwdriver. suitable size. There is no need to remove the bolts from the structure. If the bolts are rusty or difficult to give in, wash the structure thoroughly (you can wipe it with vinegar). However, the design of some upper hinges is completely disassembled.
  2. Then you need to pull out the rod. This can be done using passages or a screwdriver. Don’t be afraid to use force, since the rod and the structure itself are made of durable material and breaking them is problematic. Also, in order for it to come out without problems, it is recommended to thoroughly rinse the structure (you can wipe it with vinegar or alcohol).
  3. When the rods are removed from both sashes, you can begin to remove the window itself. You need to raise the window (you may need to apply additional tools). Do this carefully so as not to damage the plastic or glass.

When the window is removed, you can begin more detailed repairs. To replace the hinges, you will have to completely remove them not only on the top part, but also on the bottom; you will also need to take some measurements to select the right size hinges.

In some cases, it is necessary to remove a window from its hinges, for example to lubricate them, replace hinges, or completely replace windows.

How to remove a plastic window sash

To change windows or lubricate hinges, you will need to remove the sashes on the windows. To do this, you need to close the sash and turn the handle to the closed position, but not all the way so that the window is not tightly closed but does not open itself. Remove the protective plastic caps from the hinges by first prying them off with a screwdriver from below. The lower cap is removed strictly vertically upward, and the lower one horizontally towards the room.

Let's remove the pin from the hinge and replace the windows

Then take a flathead screwdriver and press down on the pin protruding from the top hinge. The pin will come out a little from the bottom; you will need to pry it with a screwdriver and pull it out. When pulling out the pin, it is necessary to support the sash in the area of ​​the top hinge. When the pin is pulled out, you need to turn the handle to the open position.

Window replacement

Then, holding the sash on both sides in the upper part, you need to slightly tilt the sash away from the frame and pull it up so that the window sash is removed from the lower pin. After this, the plastic windows are replaced or the hinges are lubricated.


This video shows how to remove a plastic window in order to tighten the hinges on plastic windows or completely replace plastic windows with new ones.