The most effective means of wrapping and food moths. Best tools from moth

When choosing a drug, you need to be guided by the following requirements:

  • safety for the inhabitants of the apartment;
  • easy use - processing should not require special training and professional skills;
  • availability - the tool must satisfy the price and everywhere in retail;
  • universality - destroy all types of moths and other pest insects.
  • rapidity - It is desirable that the destruction of moths will not stretch for a long period of time;
  • efficiency - the drug should destroy mole at all stages of development and fully;
  • chemically inert - The remedy applied in the apartment should not damage furniture, clothing, textiles.

Taking into account all the listed requirements, it is difficult to choose the best tool from moths, but approach the ideal should try. Consider all the pros and cons of drugs from moths that are on sale.

Characteristics of certain types of insecticides and repellents

The most popular and effective means of combating mole can be divided into two large groups according to the method of action:

  • insecticides - drugs destroying mole;
  • repellents - means that scare insects.

Also all means can be divided in the form of release:

  • spray and aerosol;
  • pills;
  • plates;
  • fumigators;
  • sections;
  • duct tape;
  • sasha and pads;
  • gel;
  • and etc.

Each remedy has its advantages and disadvantages that consider on the example of the most popular drugs from moths.

The most effective from flying butterflies is considered aerosols from moths.

The most popular means in aerosol packaging, according to reviews in social networks, is a raptor. The means is flavored, has the smell of lemon. Aerosol does not leave stains on clothes. Effectively struggles with butterflies, destroys the larvae and masonry of eggs. Protective properties are preserved up to 12 months. The active substance of the drug is the insecticide of the intestinal-contact action Permetin. It provides a rapid effect and guaranteed total destruction of flying and crawling insects. Also, the raptor from moli includes a modern pesticide from the permetric class - tetramethrin, which has a nervously paralytic effect. When contacting the respiratory, digestive system and the entire surface of the body of the substance, the basic functions of the systems block the basic functions and cause insect death.

The smallest drops of aerosols settled on the walls of the cabinet and things, having a prolonged action and penetrating the furniture gaps, destroying moth moth molding.

Apply an aerosol needed by applying it to things. Carpets, furniture, inner surface of wardrobes.

Before processing, things must be cleaned of contamination and sucked. After spraying the rapetor, the room needs to be carried out 30-40 minutes.

Modern pesticides and insecticides for the treatment of apartments do not have toxic action per person. However, the smallest particles when spraying aerosols can cause an allergic reaction, so spraying the funds are recommended, protecting the respiratory organs with a cotton-marry bandage or respirator.

Popular aerosol funds from molia include:

Aerosol can also be used against food moths. Only apply the means to the inner surface of the cabinets and boxes, avoiding its food entering food. Even hermetic packaging is not a guarantee of preservation of products from insecticide.

Spray from mole

Spray from aerosolis is characterized by the size of sprayed particles of the substance. Sprays are equipped with a trigger for spraying the solution. Among the most popular-moskitol. Spray Moskitol with the smell of lavender is suitable for protection against moth of residential premises, allows you to process large surfaces. Insecticide contains two active substances - transflutrine and permethrin. The tool neutralizes odors, destroys the mole instantly and prevents it re-appearance during a year. It is used to protect products from fur and leather, clothing from wool and silk, carpets, soft furniture. Does not leave stains, does not contain preservatives and propellants.

The tool is sprayed on the surface to be processed to easy moisturizing. The bottle (100 ml) is designed for processing 7-9 m2 of the surface. Moskitol is effectively fighting with 6 types of moths and the descendant. Destroys all types of butterflies, larvae and masonry eggs.

Industry produces the following sprays from moth:

  • Delicia. - Professional spray in a large package from all types of home insects. There is no smell. Sprayed with a trigger, does not contain a carrier gas.
  • Shield - spray from moth;
  • Sniper;
  • Argus. - Spray with the smell of lavender. Kills and scares mole, prolonged action.
  • Wenko - Spray from moth contains natural lavender oil.
  • Zitol.;
  • Tornado;
  • Aggressor - The effect of the drug last 8 weeks.
  • Tarol - The drug not only flavoring clothes and shoes, but also protects them from moths and leather, etc.

The effectiveness of sprays is the same as aerosols. Often the manufacturing company produces the same means in the form of an aerosol and spray. It is convenient to use them, but requires the cost of buying several cylinders and time, as you need to carefully process all things and surfaces.

Fumigator from moth

Fumigators are compact devices running from a standard power grid and consuming 4-5 W electricity. Insecticide can refuel in the form of plates or vessel with liquid. The same is equally effective from the ward, fur coat and food moth.

The fumigator from molia has its advantages and disadvantages. It is easy to use, does not require the cost of time on the processing of the room, kills and scares flying insects. If you place the fumigator in the closet, then evaporation from the plate, impregnated with insecticide, affect moth larvae. The disadvantage of the fumigator is that the device is running from electricity. In the absence of current or outlets it is impossible to use it. In order for the fumigator to act in a payable cabinet, an extension is necessary. What is also not very convenient. The action of the insecticide is stretched in time. Sometimes for complete destruction of moths takes several days, and sometimes weeks.

When using a fumigator, it is impossible to accumulate evaporation in the residential area. Insecticide affects the respiratory organs and can cause an allergic reaction or provoke an asthma attack.

The most famous brands of fumigators:

  • Dick-3;
  • Mosquitall;
  • Raid from molia;
  • Dick- 6 wagon;
  • Clean house;
  • Pr -2 et al.

In addition to the shape of the insecticide, the fumigator from moth is characterized by the material from which the housing is made. It can be plastic, ceramics, glass. Depending on the material and firm manufacturing fumigators, the price of the product varies. By efficiency, all brands are the same - act on all types of flying insects.

Many remember on pills from moths, as Naphthalene was produced in such a form. Now exists wide selection Tableted tools from moth:

On a note!

In order for pills to work more efficiently and did not damage clothes, it is necessary to place them in the package - gauze bags that can be decomposed in the corners of the cabinet or hang under the clothes on the hanger.

The advantage of tablets is low cost. If you change the tool in accordance with the recommendation on the package, then the mole will forever leave the cabinet. The disadvantage of the tablets is that they have a small validity period: from several weeks to several months. They do not kill insects, and scare away that it does not guarantee the return of pests. However, simplicity of use and low price attract buyers.

Plates from moths made different materials - Cardboard, polymers. Plates are saturated with insecticides and repellents with different odor. Kill and scare mole, her larvae, leisure. Easy to use. there is suspended optionsCompleted in the form of hangers.

Success, judging by consumer reviews, use:

For sale and plates filled with gel. According to the method of action similar to the plates and suspension. The gel is in protective packaging with a comfortable hook suspension. According to the reviews, the RAID is very effective with a lavender or cedar smell. The gel is valid for 4 months, then the packaging should be replaced. Beautiful flavors of clothes and scares mole.

In addition to the listed funds from moths, sachets are released, bags, pads filled with dry lavender flowers, geraniums, mints, etc. They use folk remedies that help get rid of insects. Environmentally friendly, do not cause allergies.

Trap from moth

Several on another principle there is a trap from moths. This plate with an adhesive grain-based adhesive mixture and natural resins impregnated with pheromones. On the back side - glue strip with which the trap is attached to the wall of the cabinet. Very effective from, since it is not toxic and there is no smell. Such traps ruler Raptor protection against food moth (odorless) are in demand.

Similar traps it:

  • Aeroxon Food Moth trap;
  • Argus glue trap, etc.

Attention! Traps are placed in closed from drafts, dry, cool place. After gluing the hands thoroughly wash with soap.

In addition to glue, stationary electronic traps from flying insects are produced. So, Eco Sniper GH1m with the help of UV diodes attracts insects, the fan sucks them into the drive. The device can serve the room with an area of \u200b\u200b30 m2, operates from the network and consumes 2 W. The weight of the device is only 3 g, it is compact, silent, environmentally friendly.

A large selection of money to combat mole in residential premises allows you to make a choice in accordance with preferences and wallet. What a means is better - to solve consumers.

Food mole is dangerous pestthat dwells in the kitchen infects food, making them unsuitable. Insects usually fall into the apartment together with spoiled food products brought from the market or from the store. They can also penetrate the room through open windows, doors or ventilation system.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most effective means designed to combat food mol.

Best remedies for moths in the kitchen

Spray "Moskitol"

The insecticidal drug includes substances Permeter and transflouthallowing you to effectively get rid of moths and its larvae. The tool does not leave marks, does not have an unpleasant smell, it guarantees protection against pests for up to 12 months.

  • Mode of application. Aerosol should be sprayed on interior surfaces Kitchen cabinets at a distance of 20-30 cm.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Volume: 200 ml.
  • Shelf life: 3 years
  • Average cost: 200 rubles.
  • Contraindications. The drug is safe for health, but it is not recommended to use people who have increased sensitivity to the components included in its composition. After processing the room, it should be aircraft for 30 minutes.


Hello! I work directly in SanEpidemstation. Professional experience tells me that such a means against kitchen moths as Moskitol is very good when it is necessary to quickly destroy both the larvae, imago and adult females and males. In general, I always liked the whole series of this company. The price is decent, storage time, conditions of application, effect - everything is proportionate. Besides for kitchen premises The tool is not considered toxic, only it is necessary that the food does not fall into food, on the dishes. To avoine is then room, and wash all the lockers. Beautiful remedy against moths for general cleaning!

Means "Moskitol" - Overview:

Spray "Bros"

The remedy has high efficiency due to its components that provide protection against moths for up to 4 months. Spray can easy to use, it is characterized by instant effect, has a pleasant smell and leaves no trace after the treatment.

  • Mode of application. Spray need to spray on the inner side of the furniture at a distance of 25 cm.
  • Manufacturer: Germany.
  • Volume: 150 ml.
  • Shelf life: 4 years.
  • Average cost: 250 rubles.
  • Contraindications: It is recommended to conduct a procedure in protective clothing, in the absence of children and pets. After the processing is completed, it is necessary to thoroughly wash your face and hand, to ventilate the room for 30 minutes, and then make a wet cleaning.


Hey! I wanted to say two words about the spray ride. Once my parents asked me to help them choose some repellent against moths in the kitchen. I did not know what better, I chose a bump and took a bottle. They checked him in practice and called me later to say: "Thank you!". The means, it turns out, acts almost instantly, besides, they did not have to leave anywhere, waiting for the effect for a long time, as when using tablets or plates. In short, Mom remained very satisfied with this brand.

Tablets "Deesmol"

To destroy insects, you can use special tablets, which include plasticized polyvinyl chloride. The effectiveness of the means is saved on the 4ndels, after which it is replaced with a new one.

  • Mode of application. Tablets need to be wrapped in gauze and put in the cabinet at the rate 3 gauze bag per sectionvolume 1 m3.
  • Manufacturer: Russia.
  • Complete set: In one package contains 3-4 tableted tools.
  • Shelf life: 12 months.
  • Contraindications: Tablets contain components, unsafe for human health, they are recommended to be stored separately from food, in places inaccessible to children


Hello! My name is Sergey. I want to tell about the "Desmol" tablets that I had once to buy to remove the mole from the kitchen, the bark is already the month there. He devoured almost all the grandmother's corn, which she left for seeds for planting, spoiled a couple of packages with a cereal, also climbed into the banks. I had to throw everything out, but on all the cabinets decompose the pills. It must be said that the Dezmolev pills worked perfectly, the mole really fed, and we just wipe the larvae and thrown away. So pills act!

Trap "Raptor"


I "lucky" one day to fight with a moth in the kitchen cabinets. I, somehow, feared to apply an aerosol in those places where I have dishes and products. Therefore, it was considered the optimal exactly any suspended options or folding - for example, tablets. I bought after all the trap, which glues on the wall of the cabinet and does not interfere with anyone. There is no smell completely none, it already suggests that the toxins do not allocate. But on the mole, it acts as a fragrant bait, delicacy. They soldered to her and deceived. The only thing that larvae needs to be deleted in a separate way. I just took one trap and myself glued the larvae to her, and then threw it away.

Aeroxon trap


Trappers "Aerockson" helped me overcome such an unpleasant phenomenon as mole in the kitchen. It was enough to put them on the cabinets and all the winged pests began to fall into it, like flies on the adhesive tape. The plate is attached well, once only one trap fell, but it is probably because of the dusty wall of the cabinet. Therefore, before gluing, it is necessary to make sure that there is no dust on the surface. When you change traps, there are no traces on the wall of the furniture, which can already be noted as an additional plus. In principle, if someone does not happen the type of dead insects in their kitchen, then the traps are suitable. But the nest still needs to be removed. Therefore, all packages with moth and their larvae must be thrown out and bring out of the house.

Pyrethro powder


Hello! Alena, 31 years old, I live in Moscow. I do not know where it takes mole in the kitchen, I generally, sometimes it seems that it arrives from the neighbors. I once had just managed to remove mole in a storeroom and a closet, as in 4 months she was already settled in the kitchen. In ventilation, is it overwhelming?! I bought Pyrethrum on the advice of colleagues at work and made a solution from it. Then he removed everything from the cabinets, sprinkled from an ordinary sprayer, and after a day had already noticed the effect. Some worn milk bugs. I have not seen more moths. This is still, then I do not know how will, but it seems to help Pyrethrum.

The appearance of moths in the apartment is an almost natural disaster. It infects food, spoils expensive carpets and clothes. Her larvae love to enjoy woolen and fur things. Will not pass I. three daysAs a remarkable pellet pattern appears on the beloved pullover, and some clothing items will simply turn into a duch. Using special chemicals, you can quickly get rid of this attack.

The main types of chemicals against moths

Mol is a common pest, so the range of means to combat it is quite wide. On store shelves can be found:

  • sprays and aerosols;
  • fumigators;
  • plates;
  • flavored tablets and balls;
  • sticky traps and ribbons.

When choosing chemicals, take into account the scales of the disaster. Do not spray the shelves of cabinets by sprays if there are no signs of pest appearance. Use tablets for damps. If the moths can be seen, you will need an antimole aerosol. With a serious deception, take into service for several types of drugs. First, process the infected things insecticidal sprays, to control, spread sticky traps, as well as use repellent (in the form of tablets or sachets) to maintain the effect of chemical exposure.

Repellents are odorous substances that scare insects. Insecticides - chemical compoundsrendered toxic poisoning effect.

Pray aerosols: Overview of famous brands

This is the most common form of release, since to spray insecticide is convenient, and the result is visible instantly due to the high concentration of active substances. Moth, getting into the cloud of the drug, die in place. Aerosols have a powerful effect on the larvae of insects. Most sprays include insecticides of a group of pyreroids.

Synthetic pyrethroids are an analogue of natural pyrethrines, which are contained in pyrethrum powder - dried and crushed colors of the Dalmatian chamomile. For substance, the selective action is characterized, low toxicity. Under the action of light and water, pyrethroids decompose, forming non-toxic products. They have a third hazard class for humans and domestic animals (moderately dangerous) and second (high-hazardous substances) for bees.

When working with aerosols, observe precautions:

  • use protective equipment - gloves and mask;
  • do not inhale chemicals;
  • processed clothing in front of the sock give in dry cleaning, because the development of allergies on the components of the drug is possible;
  • sprayed on the surface of the shelves of cabinets, temporarily leave the room;
  • over the next three days after processing, regularly ventilate the rooms.


Under this name, drugs based on phosphate compounds understand. They are known and widely applied for decades. main reason Popularity - versatility: chemical components kill creep, and flying insects. The average price is 150-200 rubles. Famous stamps:

To destroy butterflies, moths in wardrobes are sprayed for a certain time, given the approximate consumption: two seconds per 1 m 2 area. The active phase of actions occurs after 15 minutes. The drug is aggressive: even updated formulas have high toxicity and can harm the person. Therefore, use it with an explicit need - if the pests divorced a lot, and other means do not give results.

You can not spray dichlorofos on bed linen, surfaces and cabinets, where products, medicines, hygiene and cosmetics are stored.

Moskitol (Mosquitall) from mole

it effective Based on the permethrin, intended for the destruction of moths and larvae moth. It is also effectively in the fight against the leisure. The aerosol is treated with any clothes regardless of the type of fabric, as well as carpets and upholstery of furniture. The volume of the bottle is small - 150 ml, its cost is about 150 rubles. With proper spending it is enough for a long time. The effect of aerosol use lasts up to six months.

A unique combination of components gives good result: Moskitol has already saved any fur coat


As part of the funds are all the same chemical substances - Tetramethrin and permethrin. The product manufacturer claims that the aerosol can be sprayed on all tissues, including fur and skin. It does not leave traces after processing, has the smell of lemon, but the aroma is very caustic, chemical and little similar to natural. Therefore, when choosing this aerosol, take care of the security tools. In order not to inhale harmful evaporation, it is better to leave the processed room immediately after spraying. Estimated protective effect - 12 months.

Raptor aerosol - powerful tool from moth, but has a caustic smell, although with lemon notes


In this preparation, one acting chemical component is permethrin. As in other aerosols, the instructions indicate the possibility of its use for processing any tissues. Guaranteed protection is 6 months. The smell is a lavender, non-disgust. When processing does not leave the divorce, it is economical: the balloon is enough to make two processing of the entire wardrobe. The price of the drug is about 100 rubles per 140 ml of the product.

The smell of aerosol Arzol really lavender

Use of fumigators

This device can help in the fight not only with mosquitoes and flies. Special plates and liquids from moths and larvae, well-known manufacturers are not produced, but anticomarine pills are made on the basis of the same chemical as many means from moli - Vaport.

Vaporine (Emppenrin) is an insecticide, which is part of the tablets and liquids for electrical informants, as well as plates designed to protect products from fur and wool from damage to insects.

As a result of heating, the chemical impregnation of the plate or evaporation of the fluid from the bottle is released. The content of poisoning components in this case is less than in aerosols and sprays, so the method is safer for humans. But its effectiveness is doubtful, since the use of electrical phumens is required to comply with the rules:

  • the maximum duration of the device is not more than 8 hours a day;
  • the need for open window indoors for its inclusion.

Perhaps this will scare the moths, but to combat larvae, the effect of the substance should occur in the closed chamber space - closet, drawer. In the fight against mol, effective heat pulp.

Electrofumigators are not the most an effective way Combating Moli.

Heat Pouch Raptor (Express Mountain Elimination System)

The principle of operation is based on a slow thermal evaporation of the active substance - transflutrine - insecticide of contact and inhalation activity. Thanks to its high volatility and penetrating ability, adult insects and larvae are destroyed 10 times faster than when using funds based on other pyrethroids. For heating, a special warmer is used. In five minutes of contact with air, heating is heated to 65 ° C, the substance evaporates, the molecules are settled on clothes, effectively protecting moth larvae and egg layers on any fabrics. The duration of the effect is the minimum of four months. Product price is about 250 rubles.

The heat pulp Raptor installed in the closet provides fast and long-term protection against moths at all stages of its development.

Tablets and balls from moth

This form of repellents from larvae and butterflies is quite common. They are produced with eucalyptus flavors, lavender, lemon. The packaging is on average up to 50 rubles, and the method of use - it's easier to come up with: just decompose on the shelves of cabinets, on pockets of clothing several pills, balls.

Naphthalene balls

This is "Babushkino" agent, proven over the years, effective and inexpensive. But the effect of using naphthalene tablets is exceptionally warning. The active ingredient is a solid hydrocarbon of an aromatic row of oil and coke - does not destroy no moths of wrapped moths with larvae, no eggs. In addition to balls, manufacturers offer other form of release - briquettes and plastic sections with retainers.

Studies have proven carcinogenic properties of naphthalene: the substance is harmful to humans and pets.

Photo Gallery: Naphthalene Based Products

To protect against moth naphthalene in the form of briquettes, lay on the shelves in the wrap cabinet with naphtaline are easy to use and well scare mole naphthalene in tablets - classic option

Greenfield Tablets (Greenfield)

They are produced in the form of balls from the talc with a special impregnation of essential lavender oil with the addition of synthetic substances. Application Standard: The sections and shelves of cabinets lay down several tablets. You can also place a couple of pieces in your pockets. The scare effect on the use of the drug lasts up to 6 months. Sachet weighing 100 g costs about 30-50 rubles. There is enough of such a quantity to defense against moth large cabinet. Some does not suit too sharp smell, which will destroy for a long time. Others note that it is relatively pleasant and not absorbed into clothes.

Tablets Greenfield - a means that mole is afraid

Balls clean home

Preparation provides reliable protection Things from natural fibers from moths and its larvae, as well as from the leather. The method of application does not differ from other products of this type:

  1. Open bag and get balls.
  2. Describe them among things prepared for storage (wool wardrobe items, fur products). Consumption: 2-3 pcs. On each shelf, drawer, box or section.
  3. Replace balls after six months of use.

The tool copes with the task. But many pushes a strong chemical smell of naphthalene.

Balls from moths often have an unpleasant smell for man, but they are well scared by moths

Plates from mole

These are cartons with chemical impregnation. They look like pills from mosquitoes for fumigators. They are laid out in places attractive for insects. Plates are protected from moth larvae, preventing the reproduction of adults. Unlike balls, they are not subject to destruction, which simplifies the use. Means of safer many drugs from moths and cheap.

  1. Arch. In one pack 10 plates. Impregnation contains Emppenrin Insecticide (Pyreroid). The drug has a pronounced fragrance of lavender, used in closed rooms - places of clothing storage of fur and wool. It is better to lay the plates in the upper pieces of furniture - drawers, antlesol: the spread of the smell and the evaporation of the chemical impregnation occurs from top to bottom. Consumption: no more than 2 packs by 15 m 2. If there are many larvae, to combat them more pieces will need, since the radius of the acts in the plates is small. Price - about 30-50 rubles per box.
    To protect one large thing, use at least two plates Arch
  2. Glorus. Israeli remedy for moths and its larvae. Does not contain chemicals, so safe for humans. Do not use in large quantitiesoh, it is necessary to ventilate the room well, especially if people who are prone to manifestation of allergic reactions live in the house. The plates have a pleasant citrus fragrance, as they are impregnated with an orange essential oil. There is a product with a lavender aroma. There is no insecticide in the composition, therefore it is rather a means of preventing moth appearances in the closet. Packaging price out of 10 pcs. - 40-70 rubles.
    Safe remedy for moths - plates Antimol impregnated with lavender or orange essential oils
  3. Dr. Klaus (Dr. Klaus). Plates are available in two versions: with lavender odor and bio (odorless). The active infection of the impregnation is an extension at a large concentration (4%). It affects the pest, destroying the larvae. The effect is fast and maintained at least 6 months. Thanks to a comfortable form, the means is easy to use in any furniture. It leaves no spots on clothes. Suitable in quality budget option: Packaging (10 pcs.) It will cost about 30-50 rubles.
    Preparation from Moli Doctor Claus contains a large amount of insecticide, but does not smell
  4. Paper RAID pendants. This is something mean between the plates and sections with the crochet. The feature is that cardboard plates contain round holesWith the help of which they are fixed on clothes hangers. Insecticide impregnation - transflutrine. Several pieces are riveted on the hanger of expensive fur coats and cashmere coats. The tool has a floral aroma, but rather sharp. The promised effect of the use of paper suspension: 3 months. Cost: 150 rubles per pack (12 suspension).

    RAID paper suspension with spring flowers are used to protect the most valuable wardrobe items.

Sections against moth: Compact and safe

The effect of the means is similar to the balls and plates. The differences lies in the method of application and installation. The sections are the same plates, but placed in a plastic hook with a crochet or with a sticky ribbon at the base for mounting to the wall of the cabinet, plinths. Their advantage is to reduce the direct contact of the person and its things with a repellent during use.


Sticky traps and tapes are not toxic. They lure small butterflies moths. When the pest is flown, it sticks to the adhesive substance. For such a principle, traps are working, for example, Swissinno or Aeroxon. They are attached to any surface. Recently there was a special tape against moth - Ferokap (Ferokap). The adhesive stuff contains pheromones that attract males. But the action applies only to the edible mole:

  • cereal;
  • mill;
  • dried fruit;
  • barn.

The trap limits the reproduction of pests and prevents the appearance of larvae in food products. Its action on a wrapping mole has not been detected.

To access the pest in the housing of the trap there are four holes in the entrance

The best remedy for moths is a means that provides the highest possible and full effect with a minimum of problems with the acquisition and use. At the same time, it may sometimes be necessary to urgently eliminate moths, and the cost of means for this will not be particularly significant. In other cases, gradual protection is required without special labor costs. For each of these cases, select individual means from moths, best options which we further and consider.

Any means against moth can be attributed to one of the following groups:

  • aerosols or solutions for spraying (sprays) - these funds allow you to quickly destroy mole in the apartment as quickly as possible, but a number of flaws are not deprived of
  • fumigators - not everyone knows, but they can be used not only against mosquitoes, but also to be used as means against molia, and destroying insects at all stages of development and existing stretched time
  • sections from moths designed to scare adult insects
  • folk remedies for, with proper use It is also fairly effective, especially in combination with modern drugs.
  • traps intended for the extermination of butterflies.

If the wardrobe is infected with the moth, it is obvious that it is necessary to immediately destroy all the pests - otherwise they will simply turn clothes into a bunch of leaky rags. It is best in this case that aerosols are suitable, allowing to destroy all adult individuals and caterpillars in a few hours.

Aerosols are the most effective means from moths from the point of view of the destruction rate, but the use of them is associated with large temporary and labor costs. In addition, you will have to breathe insecticides during and after processing, which is not always acceptable for people prone to allergies.

Fumigators also cope well with the destruction of pests, but their effect is stretched in time and the moth destruction will be required to several weeks. However, they are very easy to use - the fumigator is enough to turn on the outlet (you can stretch into the closet the extension) and forget about it. At the same time, the concentration of insecticides in the air will be lower than with massive treatment with an aerosol means, therefore the danger of allergic manifestations will be much lower.

Sections and folk remedies are intended only to scare moth butterflies, and destroy the pest larvae with their help will not work. So if clothes are already amazed by larvae, scare them economic soap Or lavender oil is useless.

Special sticky traps for moths are used mainly to destroy butterflies in the kitchens. Especially high efficiency, they do not possess, but as a strengthening means in the struggle will be quite useful.

Pray aerosols

Aerosol from moths is, in fact, a solution of a powerful insecticide, which is under sufficiently large pressure in the cylinder. Being sprayed in the room or wardrobe, such a means from moths in an air apartment penetrates into the respiratory tract of butterflies and pest larvae and leads to their poisoning.

There are contact aerosols - they can penetrate into the insect organism even through the chitinous cover.

On a note

For man modern means From moths in the form of aerosols, almost harmless. Only when they get large quantities in the respiratory tract, they can cause side effects in the form of dizziness, nausea or acute allergic reaction. Under the rules for using aerosol funds, such trouble is practically excluded.

The use of aerosols is perhaps the most time consuming among all other funds. When dealing with a wrapping moth, they need to be treated as the surface of the cabinet, and all the clothes, carpets in the apartment and the upholstery of the furniture. Usually one bottleneck is missing for it. A few hours later (each tool - its own period of action) in the room it is necessary to carry out cleaning, and things are wrapped or venting. Such a processing carried out in full compliance with the instruction will fully remove the wrapping, fur coat and furniture mole.

The possibilities of applying aerosols against kitchen moths are very limited - they can be output or adult butterflies, or leap the larvae in advance disabled beds and cabinets. The dislocation sites themselves are larvae - banks and bags with products - processing with these means are not subject to, since it is unacceptable to enter insecticides on food.

When combating aerosols, the inner surfaces of the cabinets are processed to destroy unnoticed butterflies and larvae. In this case, such funds from food moth destroy only individual individuals and are not sufficient measure for the complete removal of food moths from the apartment. Still, the main part of the population of the pest is larvae in food products, and if at least a few individuals remain there, sooner or later the number of moths in the room will be restored.


Aerosol Arzol is a known remedy for moths for fur coats, other fur products, coats, wool. It has a pleasant smell of lavender, does not leave traces on clothes and furniture. Suitable for handling carpets, curtains and bed linen, in addition to moths also destroys the leisers.

Arous is produced in two versions - simple Arch and Arous expert. Arous expert does not smell and can be used to handle textiles in stores and exhibition halls.

The price of one cylinder Armenol is 165 ml - approximately 60 rubles, Arous expert - 70 rubles.

"We have mole in the apartment from the previous owners. They lavender in the cabinets there, but somehow not particularly effectively. But I twisted all the butterflies with two Balons of Armor, and I understand the same caterpillars with them. In general, the best remedy for moth is Arch. Along not a one thing bitwise after that I found. "

Olga, Tver

Raptor "Protection against Moli"

Raptor "Protection against Moli" has a pleasant smell of lavender and very effectively destroys all the active stages of insects - Imago and larvae. It is intended primarily to remove wrapping moths.

This remedy for moths today is quite easy to buy - it is sold in all stores and in the markets, and widely advertised. It is a little more expensive than Armenia - about 90 rubles per cylinder in 175 ml, the action is saved for 12 months or until the next washing.

Mosquitall "Moth protection"

Mosquitall "Protection against moths" is also a fairly effective remedy for moths, as well as armor with a pleasant smell of lavender. It is used for any tissues and types of clothing, according to its properties, it is practically no different from Arch.

The cost of one cylinder Moskitol per 200 ml is about 100 rubles.

"We all asked what a means is better from moths, we were advised to buy Moskitol, or a section, or spray. Bought both that. First, everything was exposed to aerosol, then weighing for the prevention of the section. And the result is obvious - there are no moths. "

Andrei, Kharkov

Aerosol "Clean Home"

In general, it is practically no different from other aerosols listed above against moths. According to respondents, this is a completely effective means, and a rather economical - a cylinder by 150 ml is enough for two-time treatment of things, carpets and furniture upholstery in a one-room apartment.

The tool has a light herbal smell, one balloon costs about 60 rubles.

Extramit aerosol

Extramitis is a practically full analogue of armor, but from another manufacturer.

It smells like a lavender, easy to use, destroys insects for several hours and retains efficiency for six months.

Fumigators from mole

Fumigators from moths are used less as aerosols due to the fact that their action is stretched in time: a complete extermination of butterflies and larvae must be waited for several days (up to two weeks).

The principle of operation of fumigators is simple: a plate with insecticide and aromatic substances is inserted into the device, and after turning on the outlet, it begins to warm. The poisoning substance evaporates and fills the room or wardrobe. The concentration of insecticide in the air is very small to cause harm to man, but sufficient for insect poisoning.

Sometimes, instead of plates, special fluids for fumigators are used.

The minus of the fumigator is the need to turn it on into the outlet. This complicates its inclusion in the cabinets (extenders needed), and also limits its use in houses without electricity. But in general, the fumigator - good tool From moth, especially when there is no time to engage it with aerosols.

Dick-3 is a small device (dimensions - 95x60x50 mm), or refilled by liquid, or operating on the plates, works with standard network parameters, consumes about 4.5 watts.

Initially, the Fumigator Dick-3 was designed to combat mosquitoes, but perfectly copes with a mole through the use of tablets with a universal repellent in it. There is a device about 30 rubles, and rather durable. The same is equally effective, both against the intake and against food moth, however, in the kitchens and in the dining room, it should be used with caution, preventing the clusters of the insecticide vapor in the cabinets with food.

Fumigator Mosquitall

The Mosquitall device is a practically complete analogue of the previous device. When working, this agent effectively destroys moles and mosquitoes in a room to 30 square meters. m.

"When we needed to find a remedy for moths in the kitchen, we all checked and found the main nest on the loggia where our products are stored. Some old packages with buckwheat and peas thrown out from there, and for interest they hung a fumigator from mosquitoes, which in the summer we take to the cottage. The week was collected by the dead butterflies, the caterpillars were thrown several times, and then the whole moth sharply disappeared. Apparently, this tool acts equally on all insects. "

Alexandra, Minsk

Fumigator RAID

The RAID device is very similar to the Dick-3 and works on the same principle, but it is somewhat more expensive due to brand fame.

Works on the plates. When buying a fumigator and 10 plates, the entire kit will cost 120 rubles.

Sections from molia

Some hostesses believe that the sections are the best remedy for moths. The arguments of them are simple - aerosols and fumigators are chemicals with strong insecticides. The base of the sections - natural essential oils, harmless and pleasant on the smell.

In this there is common sense, however, at the same time, the sections do not allow to destroy the mole: they only scare off butterflies, and the larvae themselves calmly eat and develop next to them. Often of the caterpillars, which are accustomed to certain scares, butterflies are displayed, also resistant to them.

Sections from moths are most effectively used as a preventive means after the destruction of moths by other drugs.

Sections Raptor is a fairly common tool that can be bought in most household stores. Sections are available with different flavors, every 0.5 kV. m. The cabinet must be switched to 2 sections. Protects from pray for 4 months.

"Raptor has a good remedy for moths. How much I suffered with this infection, and only after the suspended plate, the raptor she began to disappear. He picked mezzan several times, and the plates are hanging there constantly. It seems, now it became very good. "

Nadezhda Georgievna, Moscow

We are produced in several forms - in the form of a plate suspended between clothes on a hanger, in the form of the blocks attached to the wall and in the form of bags with dry spirits.

Stand from 50 to 120 rubles.

Folk remedies from molia in the apartment

According to the effectiveness of its action, sections are almost identical, moreover - some sections are manufactured on the basis of folk remedies. They also do not destroy mole (with the exception of naphthalene subcommitted today), but it is successfully scared. At the same time, most of these funds are available inexpensive.


Against moths used dried lavender flowers - butterflies do not bring their smell. It is possible to use lavender oil or fragrance, but it is stumbling and more expensive. Usually, just dry flowers are placed in a gauze bag and hang or fold out in cabinets and chests.

On a note

One of the types of sections from Mosquitall moth is lavender flowers impregnated to enhance the effect of lavender oil.


For a long time it was believed that naphthalene is the most effective remedy for moths. Of all the folk agents, it only possesses an insecticidal action.

However, due to the permanent and large-scale use of naphthalene, some populations of moth managed to work out resistance to it, and in addition, the doctors found carcinogenic properties from this substance. As a result, today to buy this remedy for moths is very hard, and it is almost nowhere in itself.

Tobacco to scare moth

Against pray can be applied as smoking tobacco - butterflies do not like his smell - both live plants of ordinary and fragrant tobacco.

In the first case, the dry grass is poured into the gauze bags and declined in the cabinets or in the pockets of clothing. In other cases, a pot with lively fragrant tobacco simply holds in the apartment.

The strong smell of Gerani mole practically does not tolerate. Accordingly, if you have to keep this bush near the wardrobe, then mole can go there only when the owner of the apartment owner with clothes.

Orange peels

Orange peels are a folk remedy for food moths and a ward. They effectively scare off butterflies and at the same time absolutely do not affect food products.

In the bedside tables and cabinets should regularly update those crusts that have time to exhale.

Specificity Food Mol

In general, it is afraid of the same means from which the intimidation is dying. But the struggle against the food mol is specific due to the fact that it is impossible to simply destroy it insecticides, without recovering most of the products. Even the best remedy for moths can lead to poisoning when causing food or dishes, and therefore the elimination of food moth requires accuracy and caution.

The fight against this pest in the kitchen can be carried out according to the following plan:

  1. All reserves of croup, sugar, pasta are checked. If somewhere found mole, the product is thrown out or, if it allows its specificity, roasted in a pan and sieved.
  2. In the cabinets and on the shelves where the products were stored, antimole aerosols or fumigators were treated (means of wrapping moths are suitable), repel discharge drugs - lavender, orange peels, garlic.
  3. Flying butterflies moths are destroyed manually, you can additionally spend sticky tapes from flies.
  4. The rules of prevention are complied with pray to the room.

For proper approach From food moths in the kitchen usually manage to completely get rid of one week.

Useful video: how to get rid of moths by folk remedies

Small butterflies, inhabitants, among knitted and fur things, in the upholstery and inside upholstered furniture interfere with the quiet life of the owners. Flying insects spoil the grocery stocks and garder objects.

Unfortunately, small pests are often noticeable when their number is rapidly increasing. Often, tenants do not know what means from moths in the apartment are most effective. Tips for experienced owners and professional disinsectors will help you quickly get rid of voracious butterflies.

Causes of pests

Mol dwells not only in the dwelling, where they are very followed for cleanliness, the mess reigns. Of course, old things, sweated furniture, litterness affect the appearance, reproduction of harmful insects, but the houses of the owners also suffer from the invasion of pests.

The reason is the abundance of products and quality things from natural materials. Expensive fur, wool, cereals, furniture with good fillers - All you need to voracious butterfly.

Mol penetrates a dwelling in a few ways:

  • flies from the street or from the corridor;
  • the larvae are in the fur coat, knitted things purchased in the store, in the market or presented with relatives;
  • grain mole and larvae are in packages with flour, croups;
  • flying pests hide in upholstered upholstered furniture.

In the apartment lives a few types of moths:

  • . Start in croups, flour;
  • handling. Brown butterflies live among the folds of clothing;
  • fur coat. The larvae of harmful insects feed on the corneum layer of natural fur and wool;
  • furniture. Settled inside upholstered furniture, torn sofa packing, chairs and upholstery;
  • cabbage. The pest is actively multiplied among cabbage leaves.

How to get rid of moli with folk agents

How to get rid of moths in the apartment with the help of folk remedies? Natural antimole components operate "gently", do not harm the health of residents and pets. Doctors recommend using them if there are weakened people, allergies, little children. Most of the moths are cheap. Available products There is always on sale, but essential oils and herbs - in the nearest pharmacy.

Lavender against voracious butterflies

Mode of application:

  • dry flowers;
  • make bouquets;
  • wrap marley;
  • stripe on the cabinets.

Lavender ether suitable:

  • soak fragrant oil with fragrant oil;
  • put tampons in the chest, on the shelves of cabinets.

Tip! Lavender did not succeed? It is suitable for wormwood with a smell, screking volatile pests. The method of application is the same as for lavender.

Orange and Mandarin

Safe, easy way to remove the winged aggressors:

  • wash citrus, wipe, remove the crust;
  • dry the natural product in the oven or in the sun;
  • dry crusts decompose on drawers with clothes, remove into the separation with fur coats, fur caps, knitted things.

Fir oil

The method of use is the same as the ether lavender. Bright coniferous aroma Score annoying insects. Fir oil does not cause allergic reactions, gives things by barely caustic smell.


Simple available tool From moths and larvae in the apartment:

  • multiple garlic heads to disassemble to the teeth, clean each;
  • cut garlic into two or three parts, decompose on drawers and cabinets where moth can get;
  • as the cloves dry out, put on the same place.


Available means for scaring the voracious larvae and adult individuals. Masting leaves or strong cigarettes.

Experienced hostesses advise pouring tobacco to fabric bags, decompose in the pockets of the fur coat, inside the fur hats. Cigarettes should also lie near things exposed to the attack of voracious insects.

Tip! Does there are children or future mom? Tobacco as a scaping means will not suit. Optimal optionorange crusts, fir oil, garlic or cedar bark.

Review of chemical drugs

How to deal with mole in the apartment with the help of chemicals? Many owners believe that you can only withdraw flying pests chemicals. Indeed, the effect of the use of potent compositions will be noticeable. But how will the tenant transfer?

How to reduce the risk of toxic damage to respiratory organs, prevent allergic reactions? The answer is simple: first experience safe folk Methods Combating mole. If the result is not reached, only then use chemicals.


Plates to put in the closet, the dresser, where the volatile pests are most often closed. Many types of plates are allowed to apply not only in wardrobes, but also in the kitchen. Sections against moths are valid for six months. The components of the sections highlight the smell, unpleasant for harmful insects. Gradually flying pests will disappear from the room.

Many owners use Moskitol plates, raid, Arch and Raptor. Manufacturers produce funds from moths with a pleasant smell and without it, with comfortable cabinet mounts.


Manufacturers offer safe method To eliminate flying pests. Inside the tank is a substance that attracts male individuals. The reproduction of pests gradually ceases under the influence of the components, the population is reduced, over time the moth disappears.

The device is safe for people, there are no toxic vapors and harmful effects on hearing organs. Popular traps for Mosquitall moths and raptor.


Chemicals are destructive effect on adults and larvae, but often cause allergic reactions, have nasty smell. Not always suitable for use (there are children, weakened people).

Important moments:

  • to achieve a noticeable effect, it suffices to spray repellent in places of accumulation of pests and larvae;
  • chemical drugs need to be sprayed in protective clothing;
  • before processing the room, all family members should leave home;
  • you can return a few hours after processing (on the instructions for each repeller specified this period of time);
  • before returning households, it is important to carefully wipe the surfaces with a soap-soda solution to remove the residues of chemicals, prevent the poisoning of toxic substances.

Effective aerosols:

  • Raptor.
  • Dichloofos (neo, eco).
  • RAID.
  • Clean house.
  • Difox.
  • Extra mit.


Tool B. plastic container with sprayer. Many drugs have high degree toxicity. Chemicals in the form of a solution destroy insects are suitable for the prevention and control of flying pests.

The remedy needs to be sprayed on knitted, fur things, handle cabinets. Often mole dies after the first processing.

Popular compositions:

  • Argus.
  • Tornado.
  • Mosquitall.

Prevention of appearance

Simple actions will protect food and household things from the attack of voracious butterflies. We'll have to spend a couple of days to prepare the upper clothes for the winter, but the result is worth it. To protect croup, flour, whole grains will be required for at least the cost of time and strength.

Basic Prevention Rules:

  • kitchen cabinets are regularly cleaned from scattered flour, cereals, sugar. Surfaces are desirable to wipe with soap solution, sometimes with vinegar;
  • each type of croup is stored in a closed container. Once a week you need to inspect bulk products, check if the food mole did not start. The pest is easy to learn in a romeary, gray-white cobweb on the grains;
  • cereals Store in a dry place: dampness accelerates product damage, creates favorable conditions for breeding insects (and not only moths);
  • score of flying pests in the kitchen will help garlic, lavender, wormwood, holper, orange peels;
  • store warm things in the closet, but without packaging in dense plastic bags. No ventilation, elevated temperature and humidity - perfect conditions for breeding pests;
  • in summer knitted hats, scarves, sweaters, fur products put on the balcony or hang on the linen rods so that things are well delighted in the sun. Ultraviolet is destroyed for larvae;
  • to remove warm clothes for storage only after a careful inspection to identify the younger pests. Mole often hides in the folds, under the collar, near the seams - these zones check more carefully;
  • when the larvae is detected, the thing needs to be obtained, clean from insects, wash, dry in the sun or curb on the balcony at low temperatures (if the mole is found in winter);
  • a fur coat and a hat from natural fur is desirable to give in dry cleaning: experts will figure out how to get rid of insects and not spoil the dear thing;
  • it is possible to remove the storage item only after processing with natural or synthetic composition against moth;
  • winter shoes with fur insoles and natural insulation also to ventilate, clean, decompose wormwood or lavender bouquets, orange peels or hypership;
  • the timely audit of the wardrobe, the use of natural disgusting means is a simple way to identify voracious insects, get rid of butterflies until they are too much.

In the invasion of flying pests, it is important not to slow, buy effective means from moths in the apartment, carry out processing. Prevention suitable vegetable components and synthetic preparations.

In the next video, you can learn several ways to deal with the mole with the help of wormwood:

Attention! Only today!