Which cat litter is better to choose. What is the best cat litter

Delicate, cute, playful, graceful, independent cats are loved by more than half of humanity, and those who have the opportunity, be sure to keep them at home. Cats (if not spoiled) are rather unpretentious, very clean and know how to deliver the owner a lot of unforgettable minutes. A very good quality of these animals is that they do not need to be walked outside. They go to the toilet at home.

It's great if the owner taught his pet to use the toilet. If not, the question arises of acquiring his own personal toilet for the fluffy. The simplest solution is a plastic tray. Such a seemingly common household item exists in several variations. The first is a tray with a grate. It is also called "dry feet", because they really always remain dry in a cat. During the process, the animal's urine flows through the grate directly into the tray. This type of toilet is very economical, as it does not require constant purchase of filler. But he also has disadvantages. One of the most important is that the contents of the tray must be removed periodically, otherwise the smell spreads through the apartment. And the cat can refuse to go to the dirty pot.

If the grate option didn't work, you need to buy a pot and litter. Cats have a genetic feature for digging a hole for their toilet, and after the process, it is imperative to bury it. She will do the same with filler, so the pot is preferable deep and with a side around the edge. You will also need a scoop to replace the filler. It is better to take it with medium cells, since everything you need falls through into large ones, and everything unnecessary gets stuck in small ones and, thereby, prevents sifting.

What kind of cat litter to take?

It makes no sense to choose the cheapest one, because, as a rule, it will have to be changed much more often than the expensive one. As a result, there is a lot of hassle and zero savings. But even the dearest one does not guarantee an easy life. The manufacturer can increase the price for a promoted brand, to which the cat does not care enough. If she doesn't like such a filler, be it even golden, the pet will choose a corner for herself in the house and will relieve herself there.

So how do you choose cat litter? Experienced cat lovers advise trying a few and staying on the one that the cat will like and suit its owner.

In appearance, there are synthetic and natural fillers. The synthetic ones include silicone and silica gel. They have a lot of merits. The main thing is that they are enough for a long time. In a house with only one cat, a 3 kg bag of silicone filler is enough for a month. In addition, these fillers absorb the smells of the cat's needs, do not have dust and do not create dirt, that is, they do not stick to the paws. Some distributors of cat products claim that best filler for cat litter it is synthetic. However, this product has two major drawbacks. The first is the high price tag. The second is the danger to the health of both the cat and all family members. It is very unlikely that litter, especially for a cat, is made from ecological raw materials. Then its price would be such that it would be suitable only for royal cats. The most famous brands of synthetic fillers are "Cotics", "Fresh Step", "Etiquette", "Trixie", "Siliket".

Natural granular fillers are more democratic. Release them from clay and from sawdust... Clay litter for cat litter is available in different grain sizes. Large pellets tend to clump less well, but are better suited for long-haired cat breeds. Small ones clump together perfectly, but there is a lot of dust from them. In general, when a cat digs a hole in such a filler, the debris is scattered for meters around. Another disadvantage of this product is its stickiness to the paws of the animal. Small, so generally spread throughout the apartment. But he has more advantages. This litter is not very expensive, it takes about 10 kg per month for one cat. It absorbs urine well and neutralizes odors. The most famous brands of clay fillers are domestic "Bars and Murka", and foreign "Prestige" and "Vitakraft Compact".

For cat litter, if it is not scented, it neutralizes odors badly. Another inconvenience is the rapid soaking of the tyrsa, which will have to be changed several times a day.

Wet tyrsa clings to the paws and spreads well around the house, which is also not very convenient. But this filler is environmentally friendly and quite cheap. The most popular brands are "Lesok" (has a pleasant smell of pine needles), "Clean Paws" and "Superket".

Reviews of cat lovers help to choose a litter for a cat's litter. These people are on personal experience convinced which product is better. Many of them advise taking a combined filler consisting of pressed sawdust and silicone granules. Such a mixture lasts longer than pure sawdust, the smell is also absorbed well. And the price doesn't bite. However, it is also impossible to fully focus on the opinion of others, because everyone's cats are different.

Updated: 31.07.2018 16:12:20

The cat tray is important attribute keeping the animal clean. The type of filler used largely depends on how quickly the animal will get used to its "farm", as well as how convenient it will be to maintain the tray by the owners.

What are the fillers for cat litters

The first criterion of distinction is composition. Fillers can be:

  1. Silica gel - These are granules of dried pieces of polysilicic acid, the most economical type of filler, suitable for adult cats;
  2. Clay the most natural for animals due to the proximity of the material to natural soil;
  3. Woodyfrom the pressed sawdust the most environmentally friendly and do not raise safety issues.

According to the principle of action, fillers are divided into clumping ones, when the liquid, absorbed by the material, forms a lump; absorbent ones do not change their structure, but retain moisture and odors.

The experts of the EXPERTOLOGY portal determined best brands fillers, based on the opinions of cat owners, veterinarians and general characteristics materials.

Rating of the best silica gel fillers

Nomination a place Name of product Rating
Best Silica Gel Cat Litter Fillers 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7
4 4.7
5 4.6
The best clay litters for cat litter 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.8
4 4.7
5 4.6
6 4.5
The best wood litters for cat litter 1 4.9
2 4.8
3 4.7

Best Silica Gel Cat Litter Fillers

Transparent or slightly tinted silica granules vary in size, which is selected taking into account the size of the cat. The material actively absorbs water, increasing in its own volume, which ensures its efficiency. True, all silica gel fillers must be kept in a dry room in a completely sealed package, otherwise their effectiveness decreases due to the absorption of moisture from the air. Also, in view of the peculiarities of a significant increase in volume, used crystals should not be thrown into the toilet - this can lead to blockages.

American Fresh Step Crystals opens the rating of silica gel fillers - one of the best materialsable to deal with unpleasant odors in the litter box. Moreover, this ability in granules lasts up to 30 days when used in accordance with the recommendations.

Fresh Step Crystals are formed, smooth, dust-free granules, they do not stick to the paws and do not injure them, so the house remains clean after the cat goes into the litter box. In addition, the softness of the granules contributes to the silent stay of the animal in the toilet.

Some users report low odor immunity, which may be due to insufficient amount of pellets in the tray (for example, a large cat will need more material), the use of crystals that have already been moistened, or health problems in the cat. These disadvantages apply to all types of silica gel fillers.


    Smooth granules without sharp edges;

    No dust - up to 99% pure material;

    The particles do not stick to the paws;

    Long-term retention of odors and moisture.


  • High price from 436 rubles per 1 kg.

The second place was taken by Smart Cat silica gel for cat litter, produced with a neutral scent and flavored with lavender, apple and even orange (which is strange, because cats do not like citrus smells).

Granules perfectly absorb moisture and odors, are safe for human paws and legs. The peculiarity of flavored litters is the creation of a light trail of orange, lavender or apple esters, but some users still noticed the withdrawal of cats from trays with such contents and henceforth preferred the Smart Cat without fragrances.

Despite the declared absence of dust, owners of tetrapods note the dustiness of the filler.

You can buy Smart Cat from 224 rubles per 1 kg.


    Retention of odors and light aromatization of the air (when using scented granules);

    Optimal cost;

    Quiet use.


  • The filler is a little dusty, small particles are carried around the house on the paws.

The popular brand N1 Crystals offers pet owners a versatile litter tray as well as antibacterial. The latter is recommended for use in homes with small children, allergy sufferers and sick animals - the material prevents the reproduction and spread of pathogens.

N1 Crystals absorbs odors and moisture as well as the previously considered fillers, and the third place for the product was due to the increased content of crystalline dust, which adheres to the cat's paws and is carried around the house. Some users have found a way out - sifting the contents of the package through a sieve, but this is not always a convenient procedure.

The cost of silica gel N1 Crystals starts at 97 rubles per 1 kg.


    Absorption of odors and moisture;

    The inability to develop and spread bacteria;

    Low price.


  • There are a lot of dust particles in the packages.

Cat Step, an antibacterial, odor-blocking silica gel cat litter, ranked fourth. Crystals absorb liquid, but their resource is shorter - for most users, the duration of use is not 2-3 weeks, but 1-2 weeks, which is especially important for large animal toilets. Granules are also distinguished by an increased size, possibly from that by a coarser structure - the sound of a cat using the tray is heard more clearly.

Hardened crystals and faeces must be removed as they form, leaving only clean granules.

The cost of Cat Step per kilogram is on average 78-82 rubles.


    No dust;

    Antibacterial effect.


    The granules are quickly absorbed;

    The size and flowability of silica gel are not quite comfortable for cats.

Closes the rating of silica gel litters for cat litter PRETTYCAT - a widely advertised and demanded material for a litter box. It absorbs moisture, but very quickly and the resource of granules is much less than the manufacturer claims - 1-2 weeks instead of a month when used adult cat... PRETTYCAT crumples up, making it easy to keep the litter box hygienic.

There is no dust in the packages, the granules are different in blue Is a danger for families with small children. Also, filler for small kittens is not suitable - crystals are too big for them and will most likely be perceived as a toy.

The cost of PRETTYCAT per kilogram is approximately 246 rubles.


    Convenient packaging with a zip lock;

    Clumping filler.

    Blue color (can be attributed to the disadvantages).


    Large pellets suitable for medium to medium sized cats large size;

    Reduced filler resource.

The best clay litters for cat litter

Clay is the closest in composition to natural soil, so cats walk best on clay fillers - they absorb well, retain a lot of odor, easily get over with paws for burying, however, the cost of a kilogram is slightly higher than that of middle-class silica gels. Fillers differ in particle size and the type of clay used.

The leading position among clay litters for cat litter was taken by the unique product Ever Clean Multi-Crystals from bentonite and additional blue and green crystals, with the assistance of activated carbon contributing to masking the smell, while there are no flavors in the filler. The composition additionally contains antibacterial additives to prevent the multiplication of pathogens, which is especially useful for sensitive, sick animals.

Concrete used for the manufacture of granules with a size of 0.5 ... 2.0 mm perfectly absorbs water - up to 5 liters per 1 kilogram of clay, the tray can not be renewed for up to 2 months.

The peculiarity of Ever Clean Multi-Crystals is combined granules, a piece of coal is hidden under the bentonite shell. This layering of the crystal provides the most reliable protection against odors. The blue and green components block the secretion that was not immediately absorbed into the main granules.

The manufacturer's recommended layer thickness for Ever Clean Multi-Crystals in the tray is 7 cm or 5 kg per insert. Moistened areas harden, they should be removed as they form, and only thrown into the trash can.

The cost of the filler is about 120 rubles per kilogram.


    Complete elimination of odors;

    Antibacterial effect;

    Small pellets, convenient for the animal;

    Corresponds to a period of use up to 2 weeks with careful removal of lumps.


  • The granules stick to the paws (sometimes).

The experts gave second place to Fresh Step Extreme Clay cat litter with triple odor control system. It is made of light clay (1 kg is 2 liters of granules) with high absorption. By absorbing moisture, the granules release the natural aroma of cleanliness and freshness, trapping the unpleasant odor inside with the help of activated carbon.

The peculiarity of the Fresh Step Extreme Clay litter is the use of the Fresh step system, which is activated as soon as the cat enters the litter box and throughout the entire stay of the animal in the litter box. It also prevents the growth of foul-smelling bacteria between visits to the litter box.

The cost of Fresh Step Extreme Clay filler is about 213 rubles.


    Reliable protection against odors;

    An efficient system deodorizing Fresh step;

    The lightness of the material.


  • In the composition of the fragrance (an allergy in the animal may occur).

Canada Litter Scoopable Baby Powder cat litter has a delicate scent of baby powder - it is soft for the receptors of the cat and at the same time refreshing, while the granules absorb moisture and "lock" unwanted odors. The raw material for production is effective sodium bentonite, characterized by high absorbency - up to 350% of its own weight. The filler poured into the tray can work for several weeks, you only need to remove the lumps that form.

The filler receives the third place for a relatively high consumption - the manufacturer recommends pouring a layer of 10-12 cm, you will need a tray with high walls. If used in a low chute, the fill will need to be renewed more often.

The cost of Canada Litter Scoopable Baby Powder is low - about 63 rubles per kilogram.


    High degree absorption;

    Lack of chemical additives;

    Light scent of baby powder.


  • High consumption according to the manufacturer's recommendation.

Another Canadian litter for cat litter, Eurolitter Baby Powder, which, by the way, also has a powdery smell, took fourth place in the clay litter category. Granules of optimal size absorb moisture well and block most of the odors inside, but do not fully collect volatile substances, from which some "odor" can still be felt if the tray is not cleaned in time. Otherwise, it is a worthy solution for a domestic cat and punctual owners.

The cost of clay granules Eurolitter Baby Powder is about 60 rubles per kilo.


    Effective absorption;

    No dust in packs;

    Affordable price.


    • There is a flavoring agent;
  • Some users report incomplete absorption of odors.

Fifth in the ranking, Better Way Flushable cat litter from the USA is the first to differ in the type of clay for the production of granules - the process uses zeolite in combination with the previously mentioned bentonite. Natural zeolite has a unique ability to absorb moisture and odors without losing crystal structure.

The consumption of Better Way Flushable is standard - it is necessary to maintain a level of 7-10 cm in the tray and after the cat goes to the toilet, eliminate the formed lumps. By the way, the manufacturer allows you to throw it out into the toilet - this is possible thanks to natural zeolite, which retains its shape with limited swelling.

Filler price for 1 kg - from 124 rubles.


    Safe and completely natural composition;

    The granules clump and can be flushed down the toilet;

    Optimal size dust-free granules.


  • There are no pronounced ones.

The rating of clay litters for cat litter is completed by the product of the ProNature Holistic brand. These are clay granules, in addition to absorbing moisture, they additionally mask unpleasant odors added to the composition with natural eucalyptus oil - not all cats like it, but the owners simultaneously provide animal care and freshness in the room. True, this is possible only with timely cleaning of spent swollen granules and feces.

Unfortunately, the dislike of some cats towards the ProNature Holistic litter box is not the only drawback of the material, the difficulty of finding it in the store is another difficult task. However, those who are lucky will have to pay from 85 rubles per 1 kg.


    Dust-free refined clay granules;

    Intensive absorption of moisture and odors;

    Low price.


  • The smell of eucalyptus is not tolerated by all cats;
  • Rarely on sale

The best wood litters for cat litter

Fine wood sawdust is one of the most environmentally safe species fillers for cat litter. In fact, its production is the recycling of waste of logging materials. Fillers manufacturing enterprises clean up and press sawdust by means of simple installations and pack the product into bags. Trees recently felled by the element can also be involved. This is the main reason for the low price of wood pellets, which, by the way, are more practical than ordinary sawdust - they do not stick to the paws so intensely, and the granules crumble only when wet. In any case, the material used will rot in a few years without special efforts nature, for which fans of eco-products love it.

Cat "s Best Eko Plus

The leader among wood litter for cat litter is Cat's Best Eko Plus. It is much more effective than analogues - liquid in volume up to 700% is retained in the capillaries of wood fibers, which, moreover, block the smell and mask it with its own ether, from which to remove the tray it is possible a little less often, although it is recommended to do it in a timely manner.No improving additives are used for production, only natural wood, predominantly coniferous.

Used Cat "s Best Eko Plus can be flushed down the toilet in small quantities - it, like toilet paper, completely soluble in water and does not form sewer blockages (if permitted by local waste disposal regulations). In addition, soft sawdust in granules is comfortable for the paws of cats and they go into the tray with pleasure.

The closing rating of the cat litter "Clean Woody Paws" is declared as non-stick to the paws of the animal, the veracity of this judgment has been confirmed by the owners of cats using the material. "Clean feet" are compressed pellets. They absorb moisture and odors without scattering. The effect was achieved by tighter pressing, from which the lumps become more rigid and are often perceived by the animal as toys. Accordingly, this filler is not suitable for training a kitten to the tray.

From a practical point of view, "Clean Paws Wood" has no claims to quality, and the granules fall apart very rarely, with timely cleaning wet wood the problem is excluded.

The cost of granules is low - from 32 rubles per 1 kg.


    Dense granules do not crumble when wet and do not stick to the paws of the animal;

    Odor absorption;

    Low price.


    Very dense granules are sometimes perceived as a toy;

    Not suitable for litter training;

    Sometimes it still sticks to the paws.

Attention! This rating is subjective, does not constitute an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before buying, you need to consult with a specialist.

All owners of mustachioed pets, no matter whether they are British or mongrel cats, have to use this important materialas toilet filler.

The quality of the litter determines the cleanliness around the litter box, the amount of unpleasant odors, the convenience of cleaning the toilet, and, most importantly, the convenience of using the toilet for a cat.

Therefore, the question often arises: which toilet filler is better? In this article, you can read how to choose the right cat litter, reviews of cat owners on the use different types fillers in the comments, as well as familiarize yourself with comparative characteristics different types of fillers.

The main function of the filler is to absorb urine and remove any unpleasant odors it exudes. Therefore, the filler material must be highly absorbent and safe for both cats and humans. In addition, the filler should be fairly simple and easy to handle, and easy to dispose of after use.

Today there are several types of filler materials, both natural and synthetic. These can be wood-based or mineral-based materials; there are also fillers made of silica gel and bentonite. It should be noted that newsprint, often used as a cheap filler, is poorly suited for this purpose, since it does not retain odors at all, does not absorb urine well, and also poses a health hazard to the cat.

Correctly selected filler will help avoid problems with, and also one reason will be less why in the wrong place.

Types and characteristics of cat litter:

Among all the types of fillers currently found on sale in pet stores, the following can be distinguished:

Wood filler for toilet

The biggest advantage of wood fillers is their low price. Moreover, fillers of this type are very effective and easy to use. Typically, wood fillers are supplied in the form of sawdust pellets.

When liquid gets in, sawdust perfectly blocks unpleasant odors, in addition, sawdust usually does not cause allergies in animals.

Granules are available in several sizes, with large granules for adult animals and small ones for kittens.

However, wood fillers also have one drawback - they can contain large and sharp wood chips that can injure the animal. However, such chips can usually be easily spotted and removed.

As already mentioned, paper does not possess good characteristics to absorb moisture and retain odors, but fillers on this basis have one indisputable advantage - an extremely low price.

In addition, fillers from grain processing waste are often used.

The most widespread of this type of fillers are fillers from corn raw materials.

In our country, such fillers are still rare, largely due to their relatively high price, but it more than pays for the excellent qualities inherent in this type of fillers.

Corn fillers are made from a porous core of the cob and are therefore excellent at absorbing moisture and retaining odors, safe for humans and animals, and most importantly, have a long shelf life.

However, these fillers also have a drawback - the relatively low weight of the granules, so such filler can be easily scattered on the floor by a cat or a person.

Perhaps the most popular class of fillers today are those based on minerals and clays.

As a material for these fillers, bentonite clays of various types are usually used.

Bentonite fillers have excellent absorbent properties, they form well lumps, which are easy to sift out of the toilet and remove.

However, the ability to retain odors in bentonite leaves much to be desired, in addition, these fillers generate a lot of dust and can stick to cat's paws.

In addition to bentonite, opalcristobalite is often used as a filler material, this type of filler usually has good qualities and a reasonable price.

Typically fillers of this type are made from the volcanic mineral zeolite.

Due to the fact that the zeolite contains microscopic pores, it perfectly absorbs all liquids and retains unpleasant odors.

Sometimes other components are added to the zeolite to improve the properties of the material.

Zeolite, as an environmentally friendly product, has excellent absorbent properties and is very good at eliminating unpleasant odors.

The principle of "work" of the zeolite-based cat litter is the uniform absorption of moisture by the absorbent.

Cat urine does not stay in top layer filler, and is evenly absorbed into its granules.

Silica Gel Cat Litter

The highest quality fillers are still considered to be silica gel.

Silica gel is a white crystal with very high absorbency and long life.

Although silica gel litter can cost several times more than other litters, its long lifespan can cost the cat owner less.

Silica fillers are also usually supplemented with special substances that improve absorbency and eliminate unpleasant odors.

We switched our cat to silica gel filler, and felt a huge difference between wood filler. For us, it is easy to clean: the filler does not need to be constantly cleaned, only to remove solid excrement - once a month fell asleep and that's it. And for a cat - a constantly clean, odorless tray.

In many ways, the question of choosing litter for the toilet is a question of the cat owner's preferences and the cost of the litter. But there are a few things to consider when choosing. For example, wood litters, as the safest for the health of the animal, are better suited to those cats that suffer from allergies or skin diseases.

Fillers made of silica gel, due to their economy, are suitable for those owners who have several cats at once, but it should be noted that these fillers are of little use for kittens - it is better to use lighter natural fillers for them.

It is worth paying attention to the "opinion" of the cat itself about the filler. A puddle left in the wrong place may be the most eloquent indication that the cat litter is not suitable.

Various brands of filler manufacturers

At the moment, fillers are produced by many companies, some of which offer whole lines of fillers, and the quality of fillers from domestic companies is often not worse quality products from foreign manufacturers.

Among foreign silica gel fillers, such brands as Fresh Step and Catsan are especially popular, and among domestic ones - Murzik and Kotyara. They all have an acceptable cost and great quality... However, you should not ignore the products of other manufacturers.

High quality clay clumping litters are represented by brands such as Ever Clean, Pi-Pi-Bent, Cat's Choice and Barsik. Wood fillers are usually produced by domestic firms, for example, fillers such as Kotyara, Murzik and Barsik.

It is worth talking a little more about some famous brands and their products.

Cat's Best are German-made natural fir fillers, which are distinguished by high quality and environmental friendliness.

The Fresh Step brand from the American firm Clorox is known for its clumping clay and silica gel fillers.

One of the oldest domestic brands is the Chistye Paws line. It combines high quality bentonite and wood fillers.

The well-known American manufacturer of lumpy fillers Ever Clean. Its fillers are distinguished by a unique composition, from a mixture of minerals, clays and activated carbon.

Cat's Choice has a variety of low-cost product lines, from wood waste and bentonite with a variety of additives.

Pi-Pi-Bent is a domestic line of bentonite fillers. The line includes special litters for cats and kittens.

Also among the domestic brands it should be noted "Kotyara". Silica gel, bentonite and wood fillers are sold under the Kotyara brand.

As you can see, the choice of various fillers is very large today. The owner of the cat just has to come to the store and choose the litter that best suits his needs and the needs of his pet.

Friends, it’s very interesting to know which cat litter did you prefer? Does your cat like litter?

How to choose cat litter?

Cats are now very popular as pets both in city apartments and in private houses. Someone prefers long-haired beauties, someone likes the owners of short fur, others cannot live without their favorite bright exotic appearance. But whatever the kitten is, he needs to provide comfortable conditions existence.

Cats are known to be neat and very picky about their own toilet. That is why the owner will need to make every effort to find the right filler. Consider the most popular varieties of cat litter.

About the purpose

Cat litter is a special composition that absorbs the urine of the animal and helps to get rid of unpleasant odors. Its use is very convenient: the cat's pot is always in order, the filler absorbs moisture, remaining dry and without causing discomfort. The animal will not be unpleasant to re-enter the tray, and the unpleasant smell of ammonia will not spread throughout the house.

Now manufacturers offer several types of cat litter, so each owner will be able to pick up the most suitable option. Interestingly, the first use of special materials to improve cat pots began in 1948. Then the absorbent properties of clay were revealed, which began to be used as the basis of the filler. But earlier, ordinary sand was used for similar purposes. Modern owners can choose from a number of better quality materials.

Most often for the manufacture of filler sawdust, shavings and minerals are used. It is possible to use such a composition in closed trays or open type... To choose the right product for your murka correctly, you should take into account a combination of such factors:

  • operating principle;
  • composition;
  • the size of the granules;
  • cost.


The peculiarity of such a litter for cat litter is that when it gets wet, it does not change its structure. It needs a complete replacement every 7-14 days. If there are several cats in the house, the frequency of replacement increases. Filler subdivided into two types - woody and mineral.

Wood litter for cat litter

The choice of those who prefer to use only natural products. For the production of recycled paper, compressed wood chips (mainly pine) are used. Perfectly absorbs smell and filler from cedar or aspen sawdust. Some unusual materials can also be used in the composition: corn cobs, dried orange peels or wheat bran. Sawdust, when moisture gets on them, swell, retaining the smell. Among the advantages of wood the filler is the price - this is the most cheap option filler for cats, but due to its low weight, the sawdust will quickly spread throughout the apartment.

Replacement will be required twice a week, but shavings or sawdust are completely safe for cats and humans. This product can be used for both adult animals and kittens.


It is very convenient in that it needs to be replaced every 14 days. For its manufacture, minerals with a porous structure are used. Due to granules it is possible remove odor, the tray and paws of the animals will always remain dry, but from of this type the filler will be a lot of dust. The used compound should not be flushed in the toilet.


Lumpy litter was first used in England in the 1950s. The principle of its operation is simple: when wet, its granules combine and stick together, forming a dense lump. By removing such a lump from the tray, a complete replacement of the contents could be avoided. The composition of such fillers is different:

  • clay (light types are most often used);
  • quartz, quartz sand;
  • aluminum silicates;
  • minerals;
  • bentonite.

Approximately 60% of manufactured products in the world belong to the group of clumping litters for cat litter. At the expense natural composition these fillers are environmentally friendly, they absorb moisture and odor very effectively.

Important! If this type is chosen, then you need to remember - once every two to three weeks, the contents of the tray should be completely replaced, the pot itself should be thoroughly rinsed.

Kitten owners should monitor their pets very carefully: crumbs can swallow crumpled filler, which will be very harmful to them. Also, experts warn - Do not flush the used material down the toilet. The approximate thickness of the granule layer for reliable protection against odor and moisture is at least 8 cm.

Silica gel

This filler is a granular sodium silicate with a high absorbency index, it removes moisture very well and neutralizes unpleasant odors. The average size one granule - from 0.5 mm to 3.5 mm. For production, polysilicic acids are used, which make it possible to obtain small granules with colored blotches. When using such a filler, remove solid waste from the tray and distribute the granules so that the moisture spreads evenly.

The advantages include a long term use - the contents of the tray can not be changed for a month (if there is only one cat). If a characteristic smell of ammonia appears and the gel crystals acquire a darker color, then it is time to change the filler. The product is among the most economical options, despite the fact that the packaging costs about 180-200 rubles, it will last for a long time.

Japanese stamps

For the manufacture of these compositions, natural natural ingredients are used, while their consumption is very low, therefore such products are very economical. Can be distinguished several options for such fillers:

  • made of starch and paper, interesting in that it changes color when wet;
  • from cellulose interspersed with coal, clumping;
  • tofu - made from compressed soy fibers.

Any of the Japanese formulations can be flushed down the drain.

Choosing the best option

When choosing a filler, the size of the animal should also be taken into account. Granules are classified into three types:

  • large;
  • medium;
  • small.

The larger the cat, the larger the pellets it will need. So, for kittens only small options... And for large moons, you should choose a filler with larger granules, otherwise small lumps will get stuck in the animal between the fingers, causing discomfort.

It is very important to take into account the fact that cats have a strong sense of smell, therefore, a composition with a pronounced citrus aroma will not work for cats, but with a delicate lavender scent it will be more pleasant for them.

For many years, the manufacturer of the product has not left the position of the leader, which, of course, indicates the quality and prevalence of the filler. It is best to purchase this option for kitten owners: small granules will be very convenient for crumbs and will help them quickly learn to potty. The product allows you to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment: urine, getting on the granules, induces them to curl up into neat lumps that will reliably keep the smell. Such lumps do not spread throughout the house, it is enough to remove them with a special spatula and add some more funds to the vacated area.

"Barsik" will not cause allergic reactions in cats, and will help the owners save money - this is one of the cheapest options. The only negative is that you cannot flush it in the toilet.

Barsik is an economy product made using improved technology, thanks to which the used filler can be flushed in the toilet. It does not get stuck between the fingers of the animal, quickly and effectively neutralizes odor and moisture, has pleasant aroma... The product is perfect for owners of long-haired cat animals, as its granules will not get tangled in the coat.


Among the advantages of the product should be attributed not high cost and quality. Ideal for large cats. But you shouldn't use it for kittens. This filler can be flushed in the toilet, it is completely safe for animals and people, does not cause allergies, quickly and effectively helps to get rid of unpleasant odors.

Product released and with large granules that are suitable for a large animal. It is different affordable price, the ability to quickly absorb odor and moisture, but it cannot be flushed in the toilet. Packing volumes - 3.5 or 4.5 kg.

Wood filler Kuzya will help teach the most capricious pet to use the tray. Thanks to its natural smell, it becomes attractive to the cat, making him want to go to the potty. This option is not carried around the apartment and is consumed quite economically.


Woody biodegradable filler, popular in Russia, masks the unpleasant odor very well, helping to keep the apartment clean and cozy. Many owners report that cats enjoy using the litter with great pleasure. This completely natural product will help to spread a light coniferous aroma throughout the apartment, while perfectly absorbing the unpleasant smell of ammonia and moisture. Due to its antibacterial properties this option is good for the health of pets.

Other popular options

Choice cat litter - an important and responsible business, to which the owner must approach carefully and meaningfully. Among the diversity that exists you can choose the most suitable options, which will suit both the owner and the animal.

Now on the market for pet products, there is a large number of different fillers for. They help to identify the place of a permanent toilet for a cat, as well as hide unpleasant odors and, thereby, make the life of a person and a cat in the same apartment more convenient and pleasant.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clumping Fillers

One of the most popular types of cat litter is clumping. The principle of its action is that the moisture that gets on the particles of the filler substance is gradually absorbed into them, forcing them to stick together, as a result of which dense lumps are formed, which can be easily removed with a scoop with holes. After that, fresh filler is added to replace the removed one. Additionally, such formulations use flavoring additives that eliminate the appearance of unpleasant odors.

There are many advantages of this type of filler. First, it is made from natural ingredients that are completely safe for animals and humans. There are woody clumping litters and clay-based mixtures. The second advantage of this type of filler for the tray is the ease of cleaning and low consumption of the substance, because every day you have to clean not the entire tray, but only clean it solid waste and the resulting lumps. The third advantage is that many cats like this litter, as in its appearance and action it is similar to where cats go to the toilet in the wild.

The disadvantages of such a filler can be considered its higher cost compared to many options, as well as the fact that this type may not be suitable for use by several cats. The fact is that when only one cat or cat walks into the tray, moisture has time to be absorbed into the granules of the substance and create a lump. When one toilet is used by several animals, the litter simply does not have time to clump. This, in turn, gives rise to other disadvantages, namely: insufficient protection against odor and the spread of filler granules on the animal's fur and paws around the house. However, if you split the trays and make sure that only one animal went to one toilet, this problem can be easily avoided.

Rating of clumping litter for cat litter

In fact, many owners have their own opinion about which cat litter is best to choose. For some, the first place when choosing comes out the price and economy, for others the result of absorption and the absence of odor. But the owners of long-haired cats will definitely pay attention to how strongly the filler clings to the fur and spreads around the house. We present a list of the most popular types of clumping fillers.

Ever Clean... This brand of lumpy aggregate is especially appreciated for its economy and its very high ability to form lumps, which can then be easily removed from the tray. It has a unique composition in comparison with other fillers, which includes mixtures of various clays, minerals and adsorbents.

Fresh Step... One of the best modern clumping fillers (although there are non-clumping options in the company's lineup). It is made from a special type of clay, which provides excellent absorbency and reliable protection against odors.

Clean feet... It is a domestic brand that produces absorbent and lumpy fillers. Quite budgetary in cost. This bentonite clay-based filler does its job well.

Cats Choice also made from bentonite clay. High quality in combination with a low cost make this litter one of the favorites of cat owners.

Clumping filler from the company Pi-pi bent popular due to its wide range of varieties, in which there are both options with flavors and without them, as well as fillers for kittens and adult cats.