Fighting crickets in the garden. How to get rid of a cricket in a greenhouse, garden or plot. How to prevent guests from returning

Having settled in the house, the cricket can bring not only happiness and prosperity, as folk signs promise. are not always pleasant for residents and often interfere with normal sleep. There are several methods for solving the problem of how to get rid of cricket in an apartment that will help in such a situation.

Causes of cricket in the house

On the territory of Russia, 2 types of crickets are common: and, which in the warm season prefer to live in natural conditions living in the forest or near buildings. However, with the onset of the cold season, insects often move closer to human habitation in private houses or high-rise buildings where warmth, food and comfort await them.

Appearance and living conditions:

  • belongs to the order of orthopterous insects and prefers to live in warm and fairly humid places: boiler rooms, basements, less often in apartments;
  • house crickets look like grasshoppers, body color is gray-yellow, size is up to 2.5 cm, field crickets have a black shell, both species are decorated with long mustaches;
  • insects have 3 pairs of limbs: rear - for jumping;
  • at home, crickets eat food waste, small insects (cockroaches and moths), when hungry, they can attack their relatives;
  • during the daytime, they clog up in cracks in the floor or in window frames, under skirting boards, in dark nooks and crannies, and hunt at night, making their own specific sounds.

Ways for the appearance of crickets in the house:

  • can come into the world at night;
  • adore the smell of garbage, especially rotting, feeling it from afar;
  • in the hot months, insects look for places with high humidity;
  • easily jump through open doors or windows.

Cricket Control Methods

One of the most safe ways how to get rid of crickets in the house is to dry and ventilate the room well, which the insects will not like and will force them to leave their habitable places.

When a landlord thinks about taking the cricket out of the apartment, the first thing that comes to mind is the desire to catch it. It seems that its "songs" can easily determine the location, then quickly find the cricket. However, this is not easy to do due to the fact that insects very sensitively pick up sounds and vibrations of the air, especially when the “hunter” approaches, and quickly hide.

An effective way to catch crickets is to hang sticky tapes or insect traps, which can be hung in several indoors.

Folk recipes for making traps for crickets recommend:

  • Make a feeder in a deep container, where a solution of sweet molasses with water is poured: insects will come to feast on them, but they won’t be able to get back out.
  • The “trapping pit” for crickets is made from a container consisting of 2 levels: a bowl of milk, sugar and corn flakes is placed at the bottom, and alcohol is poured at the top. Attracted by the smell of sweets, insects will jump around the container, and alcohol fumes will have a detrimental effect on them.

On a note!

At favorable conditions a female cricket that lives in an apartment or house can breed throughout the year. Moreover, during the season, she is able to lay up to 180 eggs, from which larvae will appear quite quickly, gradually growing to adults. And then the number of "singers" in the room will increase dramatically.

If the insects in the house began to multiply, then the traps in such a situation will no longer help and other measures will have to be used:

  • folk ways to scare away insects;
  • chemical insecticidal preparations for the destruction of pests.

Folk remedies

In order to drive the crickets out of the room, folk methods recommend the use of herbal decoctions based on odorous herbs:

  • Wormwood has a pungent odor that can repel many types of insects. To prepare a decoction, take 2 tbsp. l. chopped herbs and boil for 5 minutes, then cover with a lid and leave for 2 hours. After filtering, the solution is poured into a spray bottle and sprayed on floors, walls, window and door frames, baseboards.
  • Feverfew - sold as a powder made from Dalmatian chamomile, which is a good pest repellent. It must be scattered in those places where the cricket is supposedly hiding in order to drive it out.
  • Another method is the use of fumigation with ignited sealing wax: a sharp bad smell, which will force insects to leave the room.
  • An old method that can be used to get a cricket out of a private house: fishing for sweet fruits, in which the pest should be lured out and then caught with a can, and boiling water should be poured over its habitat. Further fate The “singer” depends on the bloodthirstiness of a person: if it is a pity to kill a cricket, then it can be released into the wild away from home.


To drive the annoying "singer" out of the room, it is not necessary to use poisonous aerosols. An odorous hairspray or deodorant with a pungent odor is also perfect. It is sprayed into the cracks where the insect lives. After that, it will crawl out, and then you need to catch the cricket, with effort and sleight of hand.

Chemical control agents

When crickets have started up in the house, which it is not known how many and cannot be detected in any way, and there is a possibility of pest reproduction, they can only be dealt with with the help of insecticidal aerosols or sprays designed to kill flying and crawling insects.

Effective pest control:

  • Dichlorvos is the most popular odorless aerosol product. When spraying such insecticides, be sure to wear a respirator or face shield. Price - 75 rubles.
  • Tornado - designed to destroy pests: cockroaches, spiders, crickets, cost - about 90 rubles. for 100 ml bottle.
  • Dr. Klaus is a universal spray against insects that must be sprayed in their habitats, the cost is about 230 rubles.
  • Raid - an aerosol for fighting small insects, the bottle has a special nozzle for processing hard-to-reach places, after spraying, be sure to ventilate the room. Price - 120 rubles.
  • Tarax - a means for the destruction of insects, the price is 120 rubles.

Destruction of cricket nests

To get rid of the cricket in the house forever, it will not be enough just to catch or destroy the "singer" himself, but it is necessary to take into account the options for the female to build a nest so that the next generation of "musicians" does not appear in the house.

Therefore, it is imperative to inspect all the places in the house where egg laying can be located:

  • basement;
  • check all cracks wooden surfaces on the floor, in skirting boards, furniture, in dark corners and hard-to-reach places.

To get rid of nests, you need:

  • vacuum cracks, floors, carpets and corners at maximum power;
  • if necessary, you can invite specialists to exterminate pests in the house;
  • the basement and baseboards should be treated with an aerosol to destroy harmful insects, preferably twice.

Prevention of the appearance of cricket in the house

To avoid the reappearance of crickets in the house, it is necessary to block all ways of their penetration into the room: close up all the cracks, on ventilation holes put a grid, do not allow in the apartment high humidity.

Crickets are insects that make pleasant sounds. But over time, these sounds begin to annoy many. The best habitat for them is nature. But in Lately, crickets are increasingly appearing in homes.

Causes of crickets in the house

Reasons for the appearance of small pests:

  1. Light in the house. Like all insects, crickets love light, especially at night. So they get closer to home.
  2. The insect may be attracted to the smell of garbage. Garbage that sits for a long time begins to rot. The smell is so strong that the insect can smell it from afar.
  3. High humidity in the house. In the heat, the cricket is looking humid environment.
  4. Open doors and windows in the house. WITH open door and windows can appear any insects from small to large.

Ways to get rid

Getting rid of a sing-song bug is not difficult at all. First you need to find it in the house. So, you need to listen to his chirping. Then approach him slowly and carefully, otherwise he will be frightened, and again you will have to look for him. It is very difficult to find it during the day, so it is better to do it at night.

folk method


  1. You can lure the cricket out in the most seemingly simple way. To do this, take a small container. Mix fodder molasses, lemon balm and add a little water. This will definitely get the attention of the cricket.
  2. Ignition of sealing wax. The smell repels crickets. Therefore, the insect will quickly leave the house.
  3. Do not leave water in the open. There should be no damp places in the house. A cricket won't live long without water. Therefore, he himself will go to his habitat.


All kinds of special sprays. They can be found in any store. The spray will help you quickly and easily direct the jet to the target. Once in a bug, he soon dies. Spray can be used to treat places where a small pest may be.

Traps and lures

  1. Special lures. They can be purchased at the store. The bait will help lure him out of the gap.
  2. Sticky stripes. They are absolutely safe for human health. Sticky strips should be distributed where the cricket may be. He will definitely come out of his house and fall into a trap.

mechanical method

  1. The vacuum cleaner is safe. If there are children or animals in the house, then this method is perfect.
  2. With smooth movements, cover the bug with a jar. Not many are able to kill. In this case, it is better to catch and release him into the wild.

Overview of funds

Room processing chemicals should be performed with gloves and preferably with a face mask. After finishing, thoroughly ventilate the room.

Effective pest control products:

The female is able to lay eggs from 50 to 200 pieces, if conditions are ideal, then up to 500 pieces. Therefore, if you do not find a nest in time, then in a month a huge number of small insects will appear in the house.

Where are nests most likely to be found?

  1. Worth checking out the basement.
  2. Cracks in the house. The gap can be in the floor or even in the furniture. Carefully inspect all hard-to-reach places.
  3. Plinth.

How to get rid of nests:

  1. Vacuum thoroughly all corners, cracks, floor, cove R. The vacuum cleaner must be turned on at maximum power.
  2. Call a specialist at home. Qualified specialists can easily find and destroy nests.
  3. Pet. If there is a pet in the house, then it will definitely find a nest with its sensitive scent. You should carefully monitor the behavior of your pet.
  4. Treat the basement, baseboards with a special spray. Air out after a while.

Prevention of the appearance

To prevent the cricket from reappearing, it is necessary to take preventive measures.

How to carry out prevention:

  1. There should be no gaps in the house.
  2. The trash can must be well closed. The smell attracts small pests.
  3. Do not turn on bright lights at night.
  4. Excellent hunters for crickets, these are birds. If you make a house for birds, then you don’t have to worry that the insect will appear again.
  5. The house should always be clean and tidy.

Cricket! An interesting insect, loves a humid environment and dark place, at night the "guests" sing a ringing trill, and only males have this ability. Getting rid of one cricket is not difficult, but when their hordes are able to harm even plants. Crickets love to eat potatoes, carrots, onions, beets, tomatoes, beans, wheat, and corn. The harvest from this is unlikely to become richer.

Crickets can settle not only in the garden and in the garden, but even in private houses or apartments, especially the first floors suffer from this. It is easy to drive it away in an apartment, it is enough to create unfavorable conditions for existence - dryness, or to carry out the treatment with Dichlorvos. At chemical treatment It is better to leave housing for a day, since the poisonous drug is very toxic. If there is only one cricket, then listen to where he sings, put gloves on your hands or plastic bag and try to catch. And with the help of a vacuum cleaner, you can destroy possible egg laying.

But what about when the crickets are in the beds? Not everything is so simple here, and ordinary Dichlorvos will no longer help.

Pest prevention

To avoid having to think about how to get rid of crickets, do a few in the garden, not forgetting. Clear the area of ​​wooden objects, then the insects will not have a place to hibernate.

Ventilate the country house and prevent moisture.

How to get rid of crickets in the country

In the fight for the harvest, all means are good, so we prepare a solution from Karbofos (3-6 g per 5 l of water) or Decis (3 ml per 10 l of water) and spray our beds.
The drug "Lindan" is effective, it will help get rid of crickets and other pests, but it is very toxic and dangerous to humans and animals. Chemical preparations for the destruction of crickets are used no more than 2 times, the last one should not be later than 15 days before harvesting! From chemicals, insects die very quickly.

From crickets help the ECO-drug "Nemabakt". First, it is diluted with water according to the instructions, and then the soil is cultivated in evening time, preferably at the time of rain or watering, so that the drug penetrates well deep into the soil. Insects die within a month, but after 4-5 days after application, they become much smaller. These biopreparations are good in that they are environmentally friendly, i.e. harmless to humans. Processing is carried out during the growing season. They also use the "Delicia" baits, which are laid out on garden paths and in pest areas.

2-3 titmouse or starling will save your crop even without the use of chemicals, these are active enemies of crickets. If you want to bring it for the summer, then temporarily refrain from this idea, as the predator will definitely get to the birdhouses. To keep the birds in the country, do not forget to feed them.

From folk remedies
wormwood grass will help in the fight against crickets. Make a strong decoction (fill a metal bucket with grass, pour water and bring to a boil), then dilute with water 1: 4 and pour over the soil and minks. After 2 days, loosen and shed the broth again. You may not exterminate all crickets, but reduce the number. This tool harmless to humans. In addition, wormwood is laid out in the aisles.

Red pepper powder is mixed with and sprinkled around plants and between rows.

In the summer, the soil is loosened, and in the fall it is dug up, removing all wood chips and a covering film.

Crickets are well known as goodies in folklore: fairy tales, folk signs. Therefore, people often treat them condescendingly and even good-naturedly. But " housing problem ruins their relationship. As soon as an insect settles next to a person, the attitude towards it changes. And this is understandable, because not everyone will be pleased with the endless night trills that can cause insomnia. Insects can do a lot of damage to suburban area. But there are ways, resorting to which, you can do away with an unpleasant neighborhood.

How to recognize a cricket at a glance and sound

The appearance of house crickets resembles other unwanted guests living quarters- cockroaches. This is natural, because they are relatives and belong to the same family of Orthoptera. Grasshoppers and locusts are also considered their relatives.

There are almost 4,000 species of crickets worldwide. Most prefer hot countries with a humid climate. Only 40 varieties can be found on the territory of the CIS. Of these, the most famous and often caught the eye of a person:

  • field cricket living in fields, meadows and deciduous forests;
  • brownie, choosing a neighborhood with a person, climbing into a dwelling and buildings adjacent to it.
Cricket - a representative of the order of Orthoptera

In their natural environment, crickets often live in close proximity to humans. They choose to live in dilapidated buildings with high humidity and many cracks. House crickets love:

  • warm cellars;
  • warehouse and industrial premises;
  • heating plants.

In the cold season, insects move to more comfortable (warm) conditions.

The diet of a cricket depends on its habitat. In nature, he eats plant foods, and in the house he can “eat” the remains from the human table.

Insect portrait

cricket body small size, slightly flattened, covered with a hard shell of yellowish-straw color. There is also a darker color with a peculiar pattern of specks, spots and stains. The head is shaped like an egg. The eyes are located on the sides. Main distinctive features portrait of an insect - a long mustache. Often they are larger than the cricket itself.

Outwardly, the cricket looks like a grasshopper, but they differ in the way they fold their wings.

For active movement, the cricket has three pairs of legs and well-developed wings. Actually, the exceptional musical abilities of these insects are contained in the structure of the latter.

How and why crickets sing

Chirping sounds are made exclusively by males to attract individuals of the opposite sex during the mating season, as well as to mark boundaries and intimidate the enemy. The mechanism of the appearance of the “song” is associated with the structure of the wings, namely, with the presence of veins and folds on them that emit a characteristic sound. When the wings touch, there is vibration and chirping. The principle is very similar to the interaction of the bow and violin strings.

The "musical instrument" of a cricket has a more complex structure than that of a grasshopper. Therefore, his trill is more diverse in terms of melody and tonality.

The principle of “playing” music with wings is very similar to the interaction of a bow and violin strings.

Video: what does a cricket sound like

How a cricket becomes a man's neighbor

Cricket can settle in an apartment, a house and in the territories adjacent to it.

Methods of entry into the home

Interestingly, crickets can be found even on the upper floors of new buildings. There are several ways to "settle" them in a dwelling:

  1. "Intelligence service". If for some reason one of the residents breeds "night musicians", the insects can visit the neighbors after leaving the place of detention.
  2. "Moving". Crickets can get into the apartment along with food and things from the old place of residence.
  3. "Territory Expansion". If these insects have already settled in the garden, then nothing prevents them from looking into the house.

In order to “register” in a person’s house for a long time, a cricket, like any other living organisms, needs a constant source of food. In this matter, everything is simple: insects are omnivores. Of course, in their natural environment, they mainly eat plant foods, but sometimes they can also be predators, having refreshed themselves with other insects.

Getting into a human dwelling, crickets do not face the problem of food. They are always happy with the leftovers from the table. Slices of fruits, vegetables, bread crumbs, drops of drinks are an excellent diet. If there are pests in the apartment, such as cockroaches or moths, crickets will also eat them.

Field cricket in the garden

A field cricket likes to visit summer cottages and gardens: this is natural, because the insect lives in nature, and trying to get closer to the source of food, it moves closer and closer to vegetable and fruit plantations, including penetrating into greenhouses, the humid climate of which is the most suitable for it favorable.

Field cricket is the most common species of the cricket family.

This lover of plant foods can cause considerable damage to the crop, especially if the crickets have gathered big company. Thanks to a good appetite, insects can equally easily harm the most different plants. They will love:

  • Strawberry;
  • cereal crops;
  • corn;
  • beans;
  • tobacco;
  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • cabbage;
  • potato.

Crickets can bite into the stems of plants at the very root or severely damage the leaves. From this landing may die.

How to expel a cricket - an uninvited guest

When a "night musician" appears in the apartment, for many, a period of sleepless nights may begin. There is also little good from crickets at their summer cottage. Therefore, they try to get rid of insects as soon as possible, until they have bred. After all, singing, by which we learn about the appearance of a guest, just serves to attract females.

Usually, the following methods are used to breed crickets:

  • mechanical;
  • folk;
  • chemical.

Before applying specific methods of dealing with crickets, try to start by simply ventilating and thoroughly drying the room. In a dry climate, insects will not last long: they will either die or run away. This method is the easiest and safest.

Delicious food traps

To prepare the trap, you need a deep bowl. It needs to be filled with a special delicacy, a mixture of water and molasses. Insects fall into the sticky mass, trying to eat. The so-called trapping pit has a more complex mechanism. The design is based on a container with two levels. They put it on a bowl. The bait is placed in the bottom tank. For example, you can make a "breakfast" of sweet corn flakes with milk. Alcohol is poured into the top container. The smell of food will attract insects, and the fumes of alcohol will destroy them.

Store bought sticky traps can also be used. They also tend to have an attractive sweetish aroma.

Adhesive tape is hung where uninvited guests were seen

"Grandma's" recipes

Crickets can also be brought out by folk methods:

Is it easy to catch a cricket

Use mechanical method Fighting crickets is not easy and troublesome. Insects are active more often in the dark, so this should be a night hunt. Turning on the light, you need to quickly overtake the enemy using a fly swatter. You can pre-determine habitats, relying on sounds.

Crickets don't sleep. Due to their good hearing and quick reactions, they rarely allow a person to get closer than a couple of meters. To catch them, they prepare fragrant baits from food and destroy insects during their meal.

In a private house, you can pour boiling water over places of shelters (crevices) with boiling water.

Pets are excellent cricket hunters. Cats and dogs easily catch and eat insects. And for exotic animals, such as lizards, crickets are just a delicacy.


If there are a lot of crickets in the apartment, and their number continues to grow, then you should turn to the use of chemicals. The same means that are used for baiting cockroaches will do. So, bait gels are used against adult insects. For example, the popular drug Brownie. It is available in a special syringe dispenser. The composition is applied in dotted lines to the places where crickets may live. Usually it is enough to walk along the line of skirting boards.

One pack of brownie powder is enough to process 50 square meters

Effective preparations based on Dichlorvos in aerosol form, for example, Neo, CRA-DEO, Varan.

When carrying out insecticidal treatment, it is necessary to observe safety precautions:

  1. Put on a protective suit, plastic goggles, a respirator. For protection of hands - gloves.
  2. The doors and windows of the premises are closed, people and animals leave the dwelling. They even take out an aquarium with fish.
  3. spray can with chemical preparation shake several times and start spraying. Treat all habitats in which crickets have been seen. The composition must be sprayed on all surfaces, not disregarding the corners of the room. It is optimal to do this from a distance of 25-30 centimeters. The container is kept away from the face to prevent poisonous fumes from getting on it.
  4. The room is left after the completion of pest control for 6 hours.
  5. After the specified time, windows open and ventilate the dwelling for at least half an hour. Dead insects are removed with a vacuum cleaner, passing them in the corners and at the baseboards. Be sure to throw the filter away from home.
  6. After doing a wet cleaning.
  7. After 40-70 days, re-treatment is carried out.

To destroy crickets, insecticides are also used in powder form, for example, Tarax. The drug has its own features of use:

  1. It is diluted with water in the ratio recommended by the instruction and the room is treated.
  2. The insecticide forms a film when it dries. After contact with it, insects die.
  3. At the time of processing the premises, the inhabitants will have to leave it.
  4. Negatively affect the effectiveness of the drug sunlight and fat.

Any broad-spectrum insecticide is suitable for cricket control.

In addition to the extermination of adult crickets, their eggs must also be destroyed. Usually masonry is located in the carpet pile. It is advisable to carry out the treatment with a vacuum cleaner with a special filter that can draw in the smallest particles.

Advantages and disadvantages of various cricket control methods - table

Sealing wax
  • Effective remedy, drives away insects;
  • you don’t have to leave the apartment for a long time;
  • easy to use.
  • The smoke irritates the eyes;
  • care should be taken when fumigating.
Wormwood infusion
  • Natural remedy, does not contain chemicals;
  • harmless to people animals;
  • no pungent odor.
Cooking takes time.
  • natural remedy;
  • simple method of application;
  • no need to pre-prepare the drug.
  • You will have to remove traces of the powder after the eviction of uninvited guests;
  • the powder is spread around the apartment.
Duct tapeInsects do not need to be caught.Tapes stick to hair and skin, leaving unpleasant marks.
Hunting with improvised meansNo harm to health.An ineffective remedy if there is more than one cricket in the house.
  • The most effective method;
  • destroys all insects.
  • Processing must be repeated;
  • for the duration of the work will have to leave the house;
  • extra care is required when working.
Ventilation, humidity reduction
  • Safe for animals and people;
  • no need to kill insects.
  • You can cool the room and dry the air excessively;
  • in some cases, this can be harmful to the health of the inhabitants of the house.

If, after trying all the methods, you do not solve the problem with crickets in the house, then you should resort to the help of professionals and order pest control. This is a troublesome procedure, since you will have to leave your home for a while, and after a long time to put everything in order: ventilate, clean furniture and interior textiles.

Crickets can get into the house from nearby plants.


To prevent the reappearance of crickets, preventive measures should be used:

  1. Seal all cracks, cracks through which crickets can enter the house.
  2. Pin Mosquito nets to prevent insects from entering your home.
  3. Be sure to close the trash can tightly so that the smell does not serve as a bait.
  4. It is important not to leave crumbs on the table, immediately removing the remnants of food.
  5. Dampness in the premises is unacceptable. Be sure to warn employees management company or employees of sanitary services about the accumulation of water in the basements.
  6. Residents of the lower floors or private houses require special attention. In the evenings, it is necessary to close the curtains, lower the blinds so as not to attract uninvited guests from the world of insects with bright light.
  7. To illuminate the yard, it is recommended to use medium-power lamps, preferably yellow light.
  8. Ventilation grilles should be covered with a fine mesh.
  9. The greenery next to the dwelling is trimmed regularly, climbing plants it is not recommended to plant close to housing.

How to protect your garden from crickets

To combat crickets in a summer cottage, you can use biocontrol methods, mechanical methods and chemicals.

Biosecurity is the control of the number of insects, because crickets become pests of crops only when a large “company” of them gathers. There are two ways to influence the number of individuals on the site:

  1. Use special preparations such as Nemabakt and Antonem-F. Spray them on the soil to kill the larvae. Preparations are environmentally friendly and not dangerous to human and animal health.
  2. Natural control is exercised by birds. It is necessary to install feeders and birdhouses, and the birds will become reliable helpers in the fight against crickets.

Just a few tits will help clear the garden of crickets

TO mechanical way cricket control includes loosening the soil in autumn and summer period, as well as cleaning construction debris on the site.

If, nevertheless, a large number of crickets have divorced in the garden, then potent drugs are selected to destroy them, since the insects are very tenacious. For spraying use:

  • Decis solution - 3 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • Karbofos - dissolve 6-12 g of the product in 10 liters of water.

The use of chemistry is justified only if a lot of insects have bred.

It is very difficult to get rid of crickets, since there is practically no specialized funds, while cricket with compounds designed to combat domestic insects, for example, such as ants and, is almost impossible. The fight against these insects can be made effective, there are several ways to get rid of them.

1. Catch a cricket

As you know, crickets cause the most anxiety to the residents of the apartment precisely with the sounds that they make at night. However, crickets not only sing, but also actively move. If one cricket lives in the house, the easiest way to get rid of it is to do it at night.

2. Create conditions that are far from natural

Crickets live in high humidity, which is why they most often settle in bathrooms, since it is here that the conditions are as close as possible to the natural environment for crickets. If the conditions change and in, or in any other room in which the cricket settled, it becomes very dry, the insect will have to find a habitat, or it will simply die due to lack of moisture. Fighting cricket with dryness is quite simple, in addition, this method allows you to get rid of the insect quickly enough without the risk of harming the health of a person or animals living in this apartment.

3. Chemical attack

Some insect control chemicals are known to be very effective and can be the best help in controlling crickets. However, this method should be used only if a family of crickets has settled in the house and it is simply impossible to get rid of them by other methods. However, when using poisonous agents, such as Dichlorvos, for example, it is worth remembering that they are dangerous to people and animals, and also very toxic. That is why, when using this method, you should take care not to stay in the treated apartment for at least a day, and then ensure that the housing is thoroughly ventilated.

It is difficult to get rid of crickets, in many respects precisely because even specialized pest control services do not clean houses from these insects. However, it is always worth remembering that the methods of dealing with crickets described above are very effective, although extremely simple, with their help you can even short time clean the house of crickets, as well as prevent their further appearance in the home.