Redevelopment of a bathroom and bathroom in Khrushchev. Bathroom in a panel house or how to smartly carry out renovations. What needs to be done before starting redevelopment

In panel houses, especially old ones, the rooms intended to accommodate a bath and toilet have a small area. To increase free space and install all the necessary plumbing fixtures, you often have to resort to combining these rooms.


Combining bath and toilet into panel house impossible to carry out without approval from the BTI and the housing inspection. It goes according to one of two schemes:

  • simplified;
  • complete.

Simplified redevelopment involves dismantling the partition wall without significantly changing the location of the plumbing equipment. In this case, there is no need to prepare a project. All transformations can be carried out using another document - a sketch.

A complete redevelopment includes not only combining rooms, but also increasing the area of ​​the room due to the space of the kitchen or corridor, or installing additional plumbing. In this case, before submitting an application to the BTI, it is necessary to prepare a project, which is usually prepared by an architectural design bureau.

Important to know: Coordination of redevelopment in BTI takes from 1.5 months.

When it's prohibited

In some cases, remodeling a bathtub and toilet in a panel house is unacceptable:

  • expansion on the area living rooms;
  • entrance device from the kitchen or living room;
  • increase without waterproofing device;
  • reduction or dismantling of ventilation ducts.

Ventilation ducts and plumbing closets are common property, and in order to remove them, the consent of at least 73% of the residents of the house is required. Obtaining such permission from neighbors is often quite problematic.

If the partition wall between the bathroom and toilet rooms is load-bearing, then combining the premises is strictly prohibited, as this may provoke the collapse of the apartment building.

Merger Benefits

The redevelopment has some positive aspects:

  • increase in usable area;
  • implementation of design ideas;
  • hiding sewer and water pipes.

Read also: Built a house: how to properly register ownership

The disadvantages include the aesthetic side of the issue, since if more than 1 person lives in the apartment, then using the new premises at the same time will be problematic.

The working process

After receiving all the necessary approvals, you need to start construction work. You can carry out the unification of the bathroom either on your own or with the involvement of third-party specialists.

All transformations are divided into several large categories:

  • dismantling of plumbing equipment;
  • dismantling the wall is the dirtiest type of work, usually takes 2-3 days;
  • sealing one of the two openings with brick;
  • replacement of communications and electrical wiring;
  • leveling surfaces using building mixtures or plasterboard sheets;
  • tiling with ceramic tiles is the longest process that requires precision and skill;
  • installation of a toilet, sink, shower or bathtub;
  • installation of accessories and mirrors.

Tip: When replacing electrical wiring It is better to use solid pieces of wire with double insulation and increased power.

The total time required to combine a bathroom and powder room takes between 2 and 4 weeks.

An important nuance when destroying a partition wall in a panel house may be the reinforcement that is part of the structure. In this case, when dismantling, it is necessary to use not only a hammer drill and a chipper, but also a grinder.

Legalization after repairs

There are cases when people buy an apartment and do not even suspect that illegal redevelopment has been carried out in the premises. If such facts become known after registration of ownership, then the responsibility for approval falls on the shoulders of the new owners.

First, you need to order a sketch or an engineering design, depending on the complexity of the work performed. Then, with a package of documents, contact the BTI for approval.

When approval is received, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion of work and send it to the housing inspection. After which the person receives confirmation that the redevelopment has been registered.

Attention: If redevelopment is carried out without approval and legalization, the authorized body may issue a fine of 2 to 2.5 thousand rubles and an order to return the bathroom and toilet rooms to their original condition.

If, after issuing an order, a citizen does not respond to it properly, then the housing inspection may refer the case to the court for the forced eviction of residents from the apartment.

Read also: How to find a contractor for turnkey renovations in a new building

Is it possible to restore the wall?

Sometimes the new owner of the apartment does not like the combined bathroom and wants to return the partition to its original place. The procedure for this depends on whether the redevelopment has been legalized.

If the merger was carried out without notification and approval from the competent authorities, then the owner simply needs to rebuild the wall. There is no need to fill out any additional paperwork.

If the merger was carried out in compliance with all legal requirements, then the following procedure must be carried out:

  1. Prepare a project or sketch.
  2. Submit documents to the BTI.
  3. Obtain permission to erect a partition.
  4. Build a wall.
  5. Submit a certificate of completed work.
  6. Receive documents confirming the changes made.

Interesting: When selling an apartment that has illegal alterations, you can lose up to 15% of the property value.

Layout options

Before combining a toilet with a bathroom in a panel house, you need to clearly plan what will happen in the room after changing the space. Additional equipment can be installed on the increased area:

  • shower cabin;
  • corner bath;
  • cabinets or shelves;
  • washing machine.

You should also consider which wall to move the coil to, or leave it in its original place as a heated towel rail.

An alternative option when remodeling a bathroom and toilet room is to combine it, followed by the construction of a partition made of thinner material, such as plexiglass. It takes up less space and does not visually hide meters.

Design secrets

Combining a bathroom and toilet room will not provide much additional square meters. To visually increase the area of ​​the room, you can use the following tricks:

  • walls and floor must be in light colors and have an identical pattern or design;
  • glossy ceiling expands the space;
  • compact furniture saves meters;
  • built-in lamps add coziness;
  • doors can be made sliding;
  • cabinets and shelves made of glass will make the bathroom “airy”.

Bathroom and toilet are the two main types of premises in which redevelopment is most often carried out. Redevelopment work is not always an easy process, and not only because of the volume of work to be done. Any redevelopment requires mandatory compliance of the entire construction process with existing SNiPs and building legislation standards Russian Federation. What standards are provided for work in “wet” areas of living space?

Basic Rules

In apartment-type residential premises, it is strictly forbidden to carry out redevelopment work, the result of which will be the location of a plumbing unit, shower or toilet above the living space of the apartment of neighbors, including kitchen premises. This is described in detail in paragraph number 3.8. sanitary and epidemiological standards and regulations numbered 1.2.2645-10 and paragraph number 9.22 of building codes and regulations No. 31-03-2003. Exceptions are provided for redevelopment work in two-level apartments - in such premises it is permissible to place sanitary and hygienic premises above kitchen space lower level of your own apartment.

That is, when planning to move or expand a bathroom, toilet or shower area, you can count on meters occupied by non-residential space - corridors, storage rooms, utility rooms. Any attempt to increase the area of ​​a bath or toilet by adding square footage above the living space is illegal. By carrying out such redevelopment, you, according to the norms of construction law, lower the level of living conditions for your neighbors. If such a fact is revealed, you will face administrative punishment, and you will have to eliminate all the consequences of your own initiative at your own expense.

You can use the living space on the floor below without breaking the law only if you live on the first floor (above the basement) or if there is a non-residential premises under your apartment, for example, a basement or a store.

The above information fully applies to the work of moving the bathroom. Moreover, work on redevelopment of plumbing units often affects the installation of sewerage systems - pipes have to be moved. Transfer sewer pipes It is not always possible to carry out in compliance with all the requirements for their location, and therefore it is wiser not to touch the pipes at all, but to make sewer connections using specialized pumps.

Waterproofing during redevelopment

The second significant point in the redevelopment of bathtubs, showers, and other types of sanitary facilities is the mandatory work to ensure waterproofing of the floor covering. The requirement is regulated by building codes and regulations No. 2.03.13-88.

Let us explain in more detail: if reconstruction work or moving “wet” areas to another place has gone beyond the level of the previous location, it is your direct responsibility to completely remove the previous coating and replace it with a new one, with increased waterproofing properties. You will not only need to carry out everything necessary work in this direction, but also to draw up a special document upon completion - an act. This act requires mandatory certification by the author’s supervision authority or management company.

It is also important to understand that all redevelopment work is carried out in accordance with the agreed construction project(Appendix 1 to the resolution of the Government of Moscow No. 508). A private person cannot develop a project, project activities in the Russian Federation can only be carried out by organizations that have an SRO.


The law of the Russian Federation also regulates the arrangement of floors in the premises of a bathroom, toilet, plumbing unit (you can read in detail about the requirements in paragraph 4.11 “Technical requirements and rules for design, installation, acceptance, operation and repair (in development of SNiP 2.03.13-88 “Floors”) .

According to the text of this document, flooring in the “wet” type zone being reconstructed, it is always laid below the finished floor level by 15-20 millimeters. Simply put, you will have to lay the floors in the redesigned space below the floors in other rooms or install a special high threshold at the entrance to the room.

Entrance to the bathroom

Russian building codes strictly prohibit the arrangement of the entrance to a sanitary and hygienic area with a toilet from the side of living rooms - bedrooms, halls, kitchens (clause 3.9 of SanPiN, the entrance to such a room must always be from the corridor or other non-residential space type. There is an exception to the rule - it is permissible to arrange an entrance to the area with a toilet from a residential premises if there is a second bathroom with a toilet, the entrance to which comes from the corridor or other non-residential area. The arrangement of hygiene zones without installing a toilet allows the organization of an entrance from a room of any type.


According to clause 11.5 of Appendix 1 of Decree No. 508 issued by the capital government, it is strictly prohibited to reduce the zone in any way natural ventilation. All these tempting additional meters of space are common house property, and not the property of the owner of a particular residential premises. To obtain permission to use ventilation and sewer shafts, you will need to organize a special meeting, in which all residents of your house must take part.

The meeting is organized to obtain the consent of the remaining residents for your redevelopment activities that affect common property (clause 5, Appendix 3, resolution No. 508 issued by the Moscow government). In practice, implementing all the above measures turns out to be extremely time-consuming, so experts in the field of apartment redevelopment recommend not getting into the ventilation and sewer space, but looking for other options for increasing the area of ​​the bathroom and toilet.


There are other nuances that must be taken into account when carrying out remodeling work in bathrooms, toilets, and sanitary facilities. It will be difficult for a person who is little familiar with the standards in the field of construction legislation to comply with all the requirements without violations, therefore, when planning work on the reconstruction of premises with redevelopment, it is best to seek help from professionals.

They can help you develop correct project redevelopment, have it approved by the necessary authorities, and after all the work has been completed, draw up the necessary documentation in the form of acts and have them certified. Contacting design and construction organizations is beneficial, first of all, due to the significant savings in personal time and money - you do not have to study all the building codes yourself and study the list of authorities in which you need to coordinate the redevelopment of the apartment.

Moreover, for the development of a project to expand a bath or toilet, there are standard projects, applicable to most modern apartments. Taking advantage finished project(and by making the necessary additions and changes to it), you will be able to quickly go through the approval stage and begin directly to work.

August 16, 2016
Specialization: master of internal and exterior decoration(plaster, putty, tiles, drywall, lining, laminate and so on). In addition, plumbing, heating, electrical, conventional cladding and balcony extensions. That is, the renovation of an apartment or house was done on a turnkey basis with all the necessary types of work.

I think that those who have a bathroom in a panel house will agree with me that the room is quite cramped, and it is much better to combine a bath with a toilet when renovating. Of course, any renovation costs money, but if you decide to do it once, you will get a decent and comfortable bathroom that will last for several decades. I want to tell you how to do such work, and also show a video in this article.

Combining a bathroom with all the ensuing consequences

I will say right away that combining a bathroom and toilet in a panel house can be done not only by removing the partition separating the toilet. You can remove all the partitions and then build them again from plasterboard, but we will not do this and will limit ourselves to internal changes.


It should be noted that the combination of a bathroom and toilet in a panel house is always summarized by the fact that their dimensions are too small. So, for Brezhnev’s nine-story buildings it is 1.5 × 1.35 m, and for houses of the P-44 series it is 1.7 × 1.7 m:

  • I’ll say right away that buildings of this type have never had brick partitions installed - it was either flat slate, or reinforced gypsum, which is why we will use the example with gypsum (this option is more common);
  • but you need to start not with, but with the dismantling of old plumbing - this is not only bathrooms (bathtub, sink and toilet), but also water supply and sewerage;
  • our goal at the moment is to remove all the old pipes up to the risers, and then make new connections from them with our own hands;

  • it is quite difficult to break a reinforced gypsum partition with a hammer or a hammer drill, so here you need to go a different route;
  • break the plaster on the partition around the perimeter to make a strip 5-10 cm wide, and you will have an opening Free access to the reinforcement, which you simply cut with a grinder;
  • and here you will need instructions on the order of cuts - first you cut the bottom, then the top and only then the sides - this dismantling is the most convenient and safe;
  • you might want to suspended ceiling, in this case, you will have to dismantle the ceiling in the bathroom - there are exactly the same reinforced panels as on the partitions, only it is very dangerous to work here. Therefore, when cutting, you need to install supports so that the panel does not fall on the cutter.— it is not particularly heavy, but it can cause injuries;
  • I also recommend removing the partitions near the load-bearing wall and replacing them with plaster so that the ventilation pad remains intact. In addition, you will have the opportunity to do good foundation for an electric boiler, securing it between the gypsum board and load-bearing wall a thick board and hide the piping there;

The principle of dismantling the riser for replacement: 1 - fan tee, 2 - revision

  • if there is a sewer riser running through your apartment, then it is quite possible that you will want to change it, since you can often pierce them with almost a finger, and you will not be able to replace it on all floors at the same time (tenants will refuse);
  • therefore, you will need to make a cut - step back from the ceiling 20-30 cm and make the first cut, then cut the pipe under the revision (most likely there is one) and remove this part;
  • now, slowly loosening the pipes, pull it out of the fan tee or together with it, just be careful not to damage the socket below;

  • now on cast iron pipe put on a reduction with an enlarged socket, and install a fan tee at the bottom;
  • we cut off a piece of pipe without a socket, the length from the tee to the reduction, put a coupling on it and connect it, as shown in the photo above.

Before dismantling, go around the neighbors above and ask them not to use the sewer temporarily. But for insurance, still keep a basin handy.

Pipe routing

So, in this case, you will have to forget about the word “grooves” - they cannot be made in concrete panels. No, technically, of course, this is possible, but it is strictly not recommended.

If you have removed the plaster partition from ventilation gap, then in its place, naturally, you will install moisture-resistant drywall, which will cover all the pipes. Those pipes that you cannot close are placed in a box, which is also made of plasterboard, and then covered with tiles.

Even if you manage to hide some pipes, you won’t be able to get away with the riser, and in any case you will need to make a box. You can do this from wooden slats, but much more reliable from metal profiles, as in the top photo - the price is a little higher, but the quality is many times higher.

For the water meter and shut-off valves, you need to leave a hatch that must be closed with something. E it could be a plastic door that you can buy in a store, or removable tile on magnets. Try to calculate the hatch so that it fits the whole tile, it will be much more beautiful, since you won’t have to glue the tile scraps.

PPR Welding Standards

I would like to draw your attention to welding polypropylene pipes. At the top is a table that shows the soldering depth and heating time, and these parameters cannot be neglected.

If these numbers are smaller when soldering, then the connection will be weak, but if it is more, then the burr or flow inside will increase and this will reduce the internal diameter, or even block the permeability.


Now, regarding the drywall that you will need to purchase: for the walls you will need moisture-resistant sheets, since you will be laying tiles on it, but it is not necessary to mount them on the ceiling.

Always used for ceilings ceiling panels, and GKLV is installed there only if it will fit ceramic tile, but this happens extremely rarely.

For each wall sheet you need four profiles in length, that is, 40 cm apart, but not three, as some do. But for the ceiling, you can use a square installation, where each cell will be 60x60 cm, or make a lathing across the sheet every 50 cm. Personally, I always use the second method, it’s more reliable and faster.

In any case, you will have joints that need to be strengthened, but just putty is not enough here - it should additionally be covered with serpyanka (adhesive mesh tape) and only then putty. Also, you will definitely need to seal not only the joints, but also all the screw heads, but be sure to prime the walls (ceiling) first.

When you are renovating a bathroom in a panel house, it is very important how you attach the drywall to the metal profiles. The head of the screw should be recessed 0.5-1 mm below the surface - it should rise above it or be too recessed, as this will tear through the paper. To ensure that you do not make mistakes, you can use a special attachment with a bell, which serves as a limiter and all the screws will be tightened correctly.

Ceramic tile

Now we can start laying tiles - our room area has become larger, and thanks to plasterboard we have ideal smooth walls and ceiling. However, space still needs to be managed wisely.

To make the tile look good, it is calculated so that there is a whole line. And the trimmed row will be at the bottom, and it is laid last. That is, installation begins from the second row, and the first is laid only after the floor is laid - the wall tiles will overlap the floor tiles.

Laying is done on a tile, which is applied with a notched trowel with a tooth length of 10 mm, only some apply glue to the wall, and some apply glue to the tiles. There is no difference in technology here - personally, I most often use the second option, but for the floor I prefer the first option.

Since there is no need for tiles under the bathtub, you should measure its height and length and place the tiles above it. Then you simply slide the tubs under the row of tiles and seal the contact area with external putty.

You may want to put tiles on the ceiling too - this is quite possible, but in this case you just need to make the frame more powerful. That is, run profiles across the sheet every 40 cm, and not every 50 cm, as is done in standard situations.

Calculate the tiles on the ceiling so that there are equal rows around the perimeter. In any case, you will need to trim them, but if you cut only the bottom and side rows on the wall, then the entire area is visible equally.

Since you still have to grout the joints, constantly monitor their cleanliness so that the glue does not bleed through. If this happens, it is better to wipe it off immediately before it dries. In any case, the next day, when you draw out the crosses, be sure to do this, just do not damage the icing.

No matter how well the tiles are laid, they will not look beautiful if the seams are poorly sealed. Rub them in with a soft rubber spatula and, after using the spatula, go along the seam with your finger without gloves - it will turn out slightly deeper and will look much better.

Please note that the grout dries much faster than tile adhesive, and the dried substance is very difficult to remove (you can scratch the glaze), so wipe the grouted surface 20-30 minutes after treatment, until the mixture has dried.


If you decide to combine a bath and toilet in a panel house, it means that you want to enlarge the bathroom, and this in turn allows you to add an automatic washing machine, since there is room for this in the room. To increase space, some even abandon the bathtub and install a shower stall.

If you still have questions on the topic, write them in the comments, I will be happy to answer!

August 16, 2016

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A small bathroom and toilet in panel houses or Khrushchev-type houses creates inconvenience for residents, and it is often impossible to install modern equipment in them. Combining a bath and toilet allows you to solve the problem of insufficient square meters. What is allowed when redeveloping this room in an apartment, what documents are needed and the consequences of non-legalization await the residents?

Do's and Don'ts

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In cases where redevelopment is appropriate, it should be carried out with caution, since the transfer of plumbing equipment may affect utility networks, which can cause an accident: flooding or collapse of supporting structures.

In addition, when carrying out repairs, it is imperative to waterproof the floor, since this room is classified as “wet”; it will be impossible to legalize the redevelopment without observing this rule.

Can be performed during redevelopment:

  • reinstallation of equipment in the bathroom and toilet;
  • installation of devices for high power consumption;
  • change of heating and gas devices;
  • re-equipment, expansion of openings for doors, arches in load-bearing walls, creating them yourself is prohibited;
  • changing the floor structure, if its structure is not affected, then it is necessary to draw up a hidden work report, for example, for waterproofing;
  • replacing doors, if they do not lead to an expansion of the dimensions of the premises;
  • if the work does not involve changing the façade of the building, then approval is not required;
  • it is possible to coordinate the installation and dismantling of non-load-bearing walls and partitions between rooms, except between apartments;
  • installation of nets to protect against sand and insects.

Important: you cannot increase the area of ​​the bathroom at the expense of the living space, living room or bedroom. Also, you cannot place a bathroom in the kitchen if there is a room in this place on the next floor.

Such a layout will not be approved due to non-compliance with the requirements of the regulatory, technical and sanitary framework.

Safety rules also prohibit:

  • place the entrance to the bathroom from the living room or kitchen; from the bedroom it is possible to make an entrance only if a wheelchair user lives in the apartment;
  • if there are two toilets, then the door of one of them should still not go to the kitchen;
  • waterproofing must be carried out completely during repairs, this means that you need to remove the old screed and put a new one, lay tiles or other materials on top waterproofing material, these works are reflected in the act of hidden work, otherwise an autopsy is performed to establish the fact;
  • the floor in the bathroom should be no lower than 1.5-2 cm than in the rooms; if necessary, concrete should be poured and a new screed installed in residential premises; the need for such work can be eliminated by installing a dividing threshold.

Interesting: for comfortable use plumbing equipment requires compliance with the standards for the area in front of them. So, in front of the shower or bathtub there should be at least 70 cm, in front of the toilet - from 60 cm, in front of the washbasin - from 70 cm.

Replacement of sanitary equipment with identical sizes is carried out without notice. service company, on whose balance sheet the house is placed, and authorized organizations in the field of housing construction. When changing the installation location of appliances, for example, a bathtub from one place to another, or rearranging a toilet, approval of the redevelopment is required.

The most commonly used redevelopment scheme is combining a bathroom and toilet. This allows you to install a shower cabin and free up space for washing machine or additional equipment.

The wall between rooms is usually not load-bearing. Its demolition does not require drawing up a project declaration; approval of the sketch is sufficient.

This especially applies to top floors. In addition, by eliminating one doorway, space is created that can be used to install furniture. Sometimes, according to the initial redevelopment project, deficiencies with the placement of plumbing equipment can be solved by moving the devices to new locations.

Redevelopment of a bathroom in a panel house is carried out taking into account the type of construction. For example, work in Khrushchev will be significantly different. It is better to entrust installation and construction to a company with SRO approval, this will make it easier to legalize the redevelopment.

In panel houses interior walls constructed of metal and building gypsum. Next, one of the doors of the bathroom, usually a toilet, is blocked. Then, if necessary, utility pipes are moved and replaced, and everything is completed by finishing the walls and laying tiles. The main thing is to preserve the air cushion and ventilation duct even when installing a suspended structure.


The redevelopment process is regulated by the norms of the Housing Code, in particular on the definition of “redevelopment” and “redevelopment”, the procedure for their approval and implementation. Based on this, the grounds for holding violators accountable for unauthorized actions are spelled out.

In Moscow, the redevelopment procedure is regulated by Government Decree No. 73.

Construction and technical work is carried out in compliance with certain SNiPs and the requirements of the Town Planning Code.

Based on current legislation, the following types of work are permitted without approval:

  • dismantling built-in furniture, cabinets;
  • air conditioner installation;
  • the formation of an opening in the non-load-bearing wall of the interior partition.

Redesigning the layout should not cause the following consequences:

How to coordinate the redevelopment of a bathroom and toilet

Redevelopment is carried out in two ways:

In a simplified manner, if they are not affected bearing structures premises

To carry it out, a sketch is sufficient. To do this, you need to request a floor plan from the BTI and mark the planned changes in red on it. In this form, the document is submitted with the application and title papers to the authorities authorized to approve changes.

Scheme for minor rearrangement of equipment inside the bathroom and toilet, installation of new equipment, if the work does not concern changes in the thickness, shape or other parameters of ventilation shafts, since their arrangement is provided for in the original design of the building.

In addition, these parts of the building belong to common property owners of premises in apartment building, accordingly, their dismantling or replacement requires obtaining consent general meeting owners. The number of votes in favor must be at least 73%

Standard redevelopment according to the project

Such changes affect the load-bearing structures of the room and their functional purpose. They can be expressed, for example, in the demolition of the partition between the bathroom and the toilet, moving the room to another additional area, for example, a corridor or storage room.

This method is also applicable in cases where it is necessary to install new equipment, a bidet or shower, since water consumption in this case increases. Approval is also required from the management company if the apartment is not installed individual counter consumption, and the calculation takes place using a common household appliance

When developing a project, you need to pay attention to the outlets of sewer pipes, the placement of ventilation and electrical wiring.

The development of project documentation should be carried out by a specialized organization that has the appropriate SRO approval and specializes in the development of construction acts. This will save time on obtaining permission from the Housing Inspectorate.

Rearrangement of the premises, which consists of rearranging plumbing equipment, refers to redevelopment and is required for approval, even if the partition has not been demolished.

In practice, redevelopment also occurs separate bathroom. Typically, such changes are favorable when a large family lives in an apartment due to the separate use of the bathroom and toilet.

What documents will be needed

The set of papers depends on the major changes in the design of the premises.

It is necessary to provide to the construction supervision authorities:

  • a sketch on a copy of the BTI floor plan under a simplified procedure or a redevelopment project;
  • sample application;

  • cadastral passport;
  • agreement with neighbors if changes affect their living quarters;
  • permission from the Housing Inspectorate;
  • certificate of compliance of the work with those specified in the sketch or project;
  • approval of redevelopment from BTI;
  • the applicant's identity card or a notarized power of attorney from a representative.

Interesting: carrying out work to change the structural elements of the premises and change their functionality is possible only in houses obtained under agreements on shared participation in construction, only after receiving a certificate of ownership certified by Rosreestr.

For an apartment in municipal ownership, it is additionally required to obtain the consent of the property manager - the district administration that provided housing under a social tenancy agreement or on the basis of a warrant. When several people live in an apartment, each person needs permission for redevelopment, the same applies to shared ownership.

In the absence of the consent of at least one of them, the redevelopment procedure is carried out only through the court by force.

If it is necessary to register changes in the unified state register, it will be necessary to produce a new cadastral passport and a technical passport of the BTI with the amendments made. These documents are transferred to Rosreestr. You will also need to provide receipts for payment of state fees to the accounting authorities.

When increasing the area of ​​the premises or installing new equipment, permission will also be required from the management company on whose balance sheet the house is located, which calculates utility bills.

When going to court, if it was not possible to agree on a sketch or project in the usual manner, it is necessary to draw up statement of claim and state in it the reason for filing the petition: refusal of the authorities to register changes, other property owners or residents to approve the redevelopment.


If the apartment was inherited from the former owner with modifications that were not included in the technical documentation, it is necessary to legalize the changes made. Otherwise, it will be impossible to dispose of the apartment until the housing is restored to its original condition and the consequences of the redevelopment are eliminated or permission is obtained from authorized government agencies.

In the absence of permitting documentation, a protocol of administrative violation will be drawn up. The fine for cases in this category is 2.5 thousand rubles. For individuals. However, if, as a result of making changes to the premises, the load-bearing structures were affected and destruction occurred, then the perpetrators are held financially liable on the basis of civil law.

So you intend to improve your living conditions- decided to change the layout of the bathroom. According to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, any redevelopment, either planned or already completed, must be approved. For example, in the capital, such permits are issued by the Moscow Housing Inspectorate (MZHI). What documents need to be collected and how to proceed?

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

There are two schemes for approving the redevelopment of a bathroom: simplified (according to the sketch) and complete (according to the redevelopment project).

1. Simplified diagram(remodeling a bathroom according to a sketch). You can obtain permission using a simplified scheme in two cases:

  • If you do not plan to increase the size of the bathroom at the expense of other premises. But you are simply going to dismantle the partition between the bathroom and the toilet.
  • If you change the location of plumbing fixtures (sink, toilet, bathtub) without increasing their number. That is, it is possible to coordinate the transfer of the toilet to another wall based on the sketch. But you can’t put a bidet next to it (which was not included in the project): you’ll have to prepare a project.

  • 1 of 1

On the picture:

Even in country houses It is not so common to find bathrooms with a separate exit to the garden or a floor-to-ceiling window.

2. Redevelopment according to the project. Coordination of the redevelopment of the bathroom is progressing more complex scheme- according to the project - in the following cases:

  • If you plan to increase the area of ​​the bathroom by adding a corridor and other non-residential premises (storage area), excluding the kitchen.
  • If you want to move the bathroom to the territory of other non-residential premises with a separate entrance. And at the same time, there will be no direct access from the bathroom to the kitchen or living room.
  • If you plan to increase the number of plumbing fixtures, for example, install a bidet or hygienic shower in the bathroom. This entails an increase in water consumption and requires approval.

It is important to know

It is important to know. There is no need to approve the replacement of plumbing fixtures with similar ones (unless, of course, you plan to move them from their original locations). But reducing or changing the shape of ventilation and other communication ducts is strictly prohibited. An exception is the documentary confirmation of the management company that these changes do not worsen the ventilation conditions of the building or other engineering systems. In addition, in cases of expanding bathrooms through the corridor, in most Moscow Housing Institutions you can obtain permission without ordering a technical report and design. It is enough to provide instead a diagram of the flooring and waterproofing.

Inconsistent bathroom remodeling It is prohibited to expand, arrange or move the bathroom so that there is a kitchen or Living spaces the neighbors below, or the kitchen of the neighbors above was located above it.
The law thus protects the rights of your neighbors. This refers to the official (according to BTI documents) location of neighboring premises, and not the actual location - often illegal. In the majority residential buildings the layouts of all floors are standard and you need to navigate according to your BTI plan, unless of course the neighbors have legalized their redevelopment and made these changes to the BTI (which can be confirmed by the technical passport of the BTI, which they will kindly provide you with).

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On the picture:

1. Call an inspector from MZHI to the apartment (submitting an application or calling MZHI);

2. Obtain hidden work certificates (device new scheme and waterproofing of floors) - filled out and signed by the construction organization that performed the work (with a certificate of admission to the SRO) or the management organization (DEZ, HOA);

3. Receive certificates of completed reconstruction from the MZHI inspector - after he goes to the apartment and compares what was done with what was agreed upon and checks the reports of hidden work. Sign these acts from the builders and management company and return them to MHI.

4. Call a BTI technician to the apartment for measurements (submitting an application and paying a bill to the district BTI) and provide access to the apartment for the BTI technician.

5. Then receive a new technical passport of the BTI with a new layout - make sure that all changes in the plan correspond to reality, there are no red lines or special marks in the apartment plan.

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