Calculation of heat according to an individual meter. Why do we pay for heating in summer? How are heating bills calculated? Heating tariffs

Any owner of a city apartment at least once was surprised at the figures on the heating receipt. It is often not clear on what basis heating bills are charged for us and why the residents of the neighboring house often pay much less. However, the figures are not taken out of nowhere: there is a standard for the consumption of heat energy for heating, and it is on this basis that the total amounts are formed, taking into account the approved tariffs. How to understand this complex system?

Where do the standards come from?

The norms for heating residential premises, as well as the norms for the consumption of any utility service, be it heating, water supply, etc., are relatively constant. They are adopted by the local authorized body with the participation of resource supplying organizations and remain unchanged for three years.

To put it more simply, the company supplying heat to this region submits documents to the local authorities justifying the new standards. During the discussion, they are accepted or rejected at meetings of the city council. After that, the consumed heat is recalculated, and the tariffs are approved at which consumers will pay.

The norms for the consumption of thermal energy for heating are calculated based on the climatic conditions of the region, the type of house, the material of the walls and roof, the wear of utilities and other indicators. The result is the amount of energy that has to be spent on heating 1 square of living space in this building. This is the standard.

The generally accepted unit of measurement is Gcal / sq. m - gigacalorie per square meter. The main parameter is average temperature ambient air in cold period... In theory, this means that if the winter was warm, then you will have to pay less for heating. However, in practice, this usually does not work.

What should be the normal temperature in the apartment?

Apartment heating standards are calculated taking into account the fact that the living space must be supported comfortable temperature... Its approximate values:

  • In the living room optimum temperature is from 20 to 22 degrees;
  • Kitchen - temperature from 19 to 21 degrees;
  • Bathroom - from 24 to 26 degrees;
  • Toilet - temperature from 19 to 21 degrees;
  • The corridor - from 18 to 20 degrees.

If in winter time in your apartment the temperature is lower than the specified values, which means that your house receives less heat than the heating standards prescribe. As a rule, worn-out urban heating systems are to blame for such situations, when precious energy is wasted into the air. However, the heating rate in the apartment is not met, and you have the right to complain and demand a recalculation.

And they have repeatedly pointed out the illegality of using such a coefficient.

However, the above ruling reads:

"Establish that if the payment for heating by the population is produced
was carried out monthly (in equal shares) during the calendar year, taking into account the standard (0.016 Gcal per 1 sq. m), then the volume of heat energy
power supplied during the heating season for heating needs until the day
the entry into force of this resolution, determined taking into account
a ratio other than the ratio of the length of the calendar year in months to the duration of the heating period in months (12/7) is subject to revision taking into account the ratio 12/7. "

The consequences of such "legalization" are not difficult to predict.

Coefficient 12/7, increases the monthly standard of heat consumption 12/7 times from 0.016 Gcal / sq. up to 0.027 Gcal / m2, that is, by 59%

While the Rules for calculating the amount of payment for utility services for heating (approved by the RF Government Decree of August 27, 2012 N 857), with amendments and additions dated September 10, 2013, has already approved the calculation method with a 7/12 coefficient:

1. If accepted by the body state power subject Russian Federation decisions on consumers' payment of utility bills for heating evenly for all billing months of the calendar year, the amount of payment for utility bills for heating is determined using the coefficient of frequency of payments by consumers for utility bills for heating (hereinafter - the coefficient of payment frequency), determined by dividing the number of heating months period in a year by the number of calendar months in a year. In this case, the heating utilities are charged in each billing period of the calendar year.

2. The calculation of the amount of payment for utility services for heating is carried out in the following order:

a) the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual thermal energy meter, as well as the amount of payment for the utility service for heating in the i-th residential building not equipped with an individual or general (apartment) metering device for heat energy (apartment) or non-residential premises in apartment building, which is not equipped with a collective (common house) thermal energy meter, is determined by the following formula 1:

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe i-th dwelling (apartment) or non-dwelling;

The consumption rate of utility services for heating in a residential building, established in accordance with the Rules for the establishment and determination of standards for the consumption of utility services, approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306;

K - the coefficient of the frequency of payment, determined in accordance with paragraph 1 of these Rules;

Tariff for thermal energyestablished in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

That is, this is a 7/12 ratio, not 12/7!

While amendments have already been made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation on the provision of public services (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2013 N 344)

1.In the Rules for the Establishment and Determination of the Norms of Consumption of Utilities,

Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306 (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2006, N 22, Art. 2338; 2012, N 15, Art. 1783):

supplement with paragraph 3.1 of the following content:

3.1. If it is technically possible to install collective (common house) metering devices, the standard for the consumption of communal services for heating in residential premises is determined by formula 5, taking into account the increasing coefficient, which is:

from 2017 - 1.6.

Housing associations of Moscow on the recognition of P, which legalized a multiplying coefficient of 12/7, contrary to the current federal legislation.

Most apartment buildings our country has a central gas heating, the invoice for which each owner receives square meters... Of course, it is worth trusting the information in the receipt, but it is advisable to double-check the correctness of the calculations in order to completely eliminate the possibility of an error. The problem is that many apartment owners simply don't know how to do this. Let's look at such an important issue!

How to calculate the cost of heating in an apartment?

The calculation algorithm is completely determined by the way the house is heated and the available heating devices. Construction equipment options with accounting devices can be completely different:

  1. Only one meter has been installed for the whole house, and individual apartments and non-residential premises are not equipped with metering devices.
  2. There is a common meter, but some apartments and rooms are also equipped with individual devices.
  3. There is no meter in the house, but some apartments have metering devices.

Before proceeding with the calculation of heating, it is necessary to find out which of the methods of accounting for gas consumed is used in the house. Without this information, further actions are simply impossible.

How to calculate the payment for heating in an apartment using a meter common to the whole house?

In order for our calculations to be visual, it is necessary to take some data as an example. Let's say that the metering device in the house showed consumption of 300 Gcal. The area of \u200b\u200bthe most multi-storey building is 8500 m2. The apartment under consideration has an area of \u200b\u200b80 m². Let's take the tariff for the consumed electricity 1,500 rubles / 1 Gcal.

First, we will find out how to calculate heating by the area of \u200b\u200ban apartment, for this we use the following scheme: (300 * 80/8500) * 1500 \u003d 4235 rubles... This amount will be the first in the receipt, since it is the payment for heating in the apartment.

However, let's not forget about non-residential premises, the heating costs of which are distributed among the residents. Let's assume that the living area is 7000 m². Then the calculations will be as follows: 300 * (1-7000 / 8500) * 80/7000 \u003d 0.6051 Gcal... We translate into monetary equivalent: 0.6051 * 1500 \u003d 908 rubles.

The total amount of the receipt in this case will be: 4235 + 908 \u003d 5143 rubles.

How to calculate heating according to the meter in the apartment?

Let's imagine that some apartments, as well as non-residential premises, are equipped with meters. According to the available metering devices, 15 Gcal was spent on heating the non-residential area, and 10 Gcal for other apartments. The needs of hot water supply accounted for 40 Gcal.

First, let's find out how much heat fell on our square meters:

  • if there is a meter, we take readings and multiply by the current tariff: 2 * 1500 \u003d 3000 rub.
  • in the absence of a meter, the rate of heat consumption per 1 m² is taken into account, which is 0.03 Gcal: 0.03 * 80 * 1500 \u003d 3600 rubles.

Now you need to find out how much extra money will go. The following scheme will help us with this: ( 300-15-7000 * 0.03-10-40) * 80/7000 \u003d 0.2857 Gcal.We translate into rubles: 0.2857 * 1500 \u003d 429 rubles.

  • 3000 + 429 \u003d 3429 rubles.
  • 3600 + 429 \u003d 4029 rubles.

How to correctly calculate the heating in an apartment without a common meter?

In this case, the presence of an accounting device in the home is also of great importance. In the first step, we still determine the heating costs of the apartment:

  • with counter: 2 * 1500 \u003d 3000 rub.
  • without counter: 0.03 * 80 * 1500 \u003d 3600 rubles.

Now we need to know the amount for the needs of the house, and this requires information about the area of \u200b\u200bcommon property. Let's say it is 200 m², then the calculation will be as follows: 0.03 * 200 * 80/7000 \u003d 0.0686 Gcal... In money: 0.0686 * 1500 \u003d 103 rubles.

The total amount of the receipt will be:

  • with an individual device: 3000 + 103 \u003d 3103 rubles.
  • in the absence of a meter in the apartment: 3600 + 103 \u003d 3703 rubles.

As you can see from the calculations, the apartment meter significantly reduces the payment for heat energy, so you should think about installing an individual metering device. This will not only save your money, but also allow you to fully control the process of accruals.

How to calculate heating batteries for an apartment?

When choosing radiators for a home, it is very important to make the correct calculation, otherwise the apartment will be constantly hot or cold. The most accurate data can only be provided by specialists, but independently required amount sections can also be calculated. There is a simplified method that allows you to obtain data with minimal error.

First, we need to find out how much heat output is required for full heating of 1 m²:

  • at standard height a room with only one window opening and one outer wall 100 W will be enough;
  • in the presence of two outer walls, one window opening and a standard ceiling height, 120 W should be taken into account;
  • with two window openings, the same number of external walls and standard ceilings we take 130 watts.

If the room boasts a height of more than 3 meters or the presence large windows, then the value obtained in the calculations must be multiplied by a correction factor of 1.1.

How to calculate heating radiators for an apartment using an example?

Suppose we have a 30 m² room with two outer walls and one window opening. Moreover, the ceiling height is 3.3 meters. The choice fell on heating batteries made of bimetal, the power of one section of which is 220 W (according to data from the model passport). It is necessary to find out how many ribs we need to heat the existing room.

  1. First, we find out the general heat output for the existing room: 30 * 120 * 1.1 \u003d 3960 W.
  2. Now we divide the result by the power of one section heater: 3960/220 \u003d 18 sections.

If we have two windows, then under each of them it is necessary to place a heating radiator, which has 9 sections. This approach will help reduce heat losses and increase heating efficiency. We do the same calculation for each room in the apartment.

As you can see, the correct calculation of heating in an apartment is not so difficult task, with which it is quite possible to cope independently. The main thing is to approach the issue with the utmost responsibility and seriousness!

The calculation of tariffs for utilities for the apartment is carried out in accordance with the Government Decree No. 354 of 2011. The calculation of the cost of utilities in apartments is carried out monthly. The amount of payment depends on the tariffs of the resource supplying company. They are set depending on the level of price regulation by the state. Any premises and utilities are inseparable.

Important Factors

Understanding how to calculate utility bills, keep in mind that the total amount of payment will depend on many indicators. The amount of payments that are charged in apartments different areas, varies ... The formation of the total amount without counters is affected by:

  • room area;
  • type of premises (non-residential and residential);
  • the number of registered citizens in the living space;
  • terms of contracts;
  • standard of consumption of utilities for heating, for water, gas without a meter, light.

If meters are installed, then the calculation is carried out using an individual metering device. The total amount depends on the tariff:

  • water over the counter;
  • for heating according to the general house meter or tariff for heating according to the norm;
  • payment for gas (1 m3);
  • for electricity.

Payment rates are set in the regions at different levels. Local administrations calculate tariffs and alert the population by placing appropriate notices in periodicals. The utility bill also contains information about the rates.

Heat payment

Residents pay for heating the apartment depending on the standards or meter readings. In 2015, they wanted to change the procedure for calculating heating bills in an apartment. Previously, local authorities could choose how to calculate their heating bills:

  • monthly 1/12 of the annual amount of payments;
  • in the volume of actually consumed thermal energy during the heating season.

In 2017, they decided to leave the opportunity to pay for heat as 1/12 of the total amount. How to calculate the heating in an apartment is decided by local authorities.

In 2017, consumers have the right to demand a recalculation of heating on the following grounds:

  • indoor temperature less than 18 0С, in corner rooms - 20 0С;
  • emergency interruption of heat supply during the heating period exceeded a period of 16 consecutive hours, 24 hours in total for a month (if the apartment was more than 12 ° C, the heating recalculation on this basis is not carried out)
  • apartment heating standards may deviate by ± 4 ° C (at night 3 ° C).

The calculation of the cost of heating in an apartment building depends on the established cost of heating at the rate, if general house heating meters are not installed. In the presence of common appliance accounting payment for heating is charged depending on its readings. Many say that meter heating is cheaper. For comparison, it is necessary to calculate the heating in the apartment according to the norm and compare with a similar apartment, where the payment for heating is calculated according to the common meter.

Heat cost calculation methods

The calculations take into account the consumption rate, heating charges according to the standard and the area. Accrual for heating non-residential premises under the new rules is carried out together with accruals in apartments. The standard takes into account the cost of common building heat. On its basis, payment is calculated for each apartment, for non-residential premises.

P \u003d S * T * N, where

P is the cost of heating in the apartment;

S is the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated room;

T is the established tariff for heating the apartment, at which payment is made;

N is the consumption rate.

The calculated results are billed for heating.

How is heating calculated in an apartment with a meter installed? How to calculate your heating bill is subject to availability apartment meters and metering devices in non-residential premises.

If there is a general house heating meter, payment is made as follows. Calculation of payment for heating the house:

the consumed volume of heat energy, which is shown by the heating meter, is multiplied by the total area of \u200b\u200bthe house.

How the heating in the apartment is calculated, if the installation of a general house meter for heating and individual metering devices was carried out. The calculation of the payment for heating in the premises takes into account:

  • area;
  • indications given by the general house heating meter;
  • apartment meter readings;
  • meter readings for payment for heating non-residential premises;
  • heating tariff according to the general house meter.

The heating bill, which the owner of each apartment and the user of the rented premises receives every month during the heated season, takes into account the personally consumed energy and heat referred to general house needs. How is the heating fee calculated in this case? Payment for heating is made according to an individual meter, taking into account the readings of the general house heating meter. Heating in an apartment building in non-residential premises is calculated by analogy with apartments.

How are heating bills calculated in an apartment building? The heat consumed for general building needs is distributed in proportion to the heated area occupied by each non-residential building and apartment.

How to calculate the cost of heating if metering devices are not installed in all rooms? In this case, the calculation of the amount of payment for heating is carried out according to general house meters. Heating by the meter installed in the apartment will be considered when all rooms are equipped with metering devices. Separately, it is necessary to find out how heating is considered in a multi-storey building. The heating of the main area is divided proportionally among all residents.

Heating of non-residential premises is also charged. If the house does not have a meter, heating in the non-residential premises is paid according to the standard, depending on its area. The calculation of the price of heating by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room, heating without meters is applied. The amount depends on how the heating of the apartment in the house is calculated. The heating bill must be paid in the month of receipt. Otherwise, debts are formed.

Gas payment

When installing an individual gas heating device or using gas appliances, you should find out the procedure for paying for gas without metering devices. The calculation for gas is carried out according to the established norms. How are utility bills for gas supply calculated? The price is set based on the tariff, standard consumption and the number of registered citizens.

Payment for utilities for gas supply in households is made according to metering devices, if not only gas stoveand other gas equipment.

How is the payment for heating in an apartment equipped with a gas boiler charged if the meter is not installed or is out of order? Household heating bills are calculated based on:

  • average monthly consumption rate;
  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe heated premises;
  • the number of registered persons;
  • improvement degree (availability of centralized supply hot water).

Payment for heating in non-residential premises is made based on the readings of the meter.

How heating is calculated in houses with gas boilers? Heating payment in households is calculated based on meter readings. The owners receive not receipts for centralized heating, but a bill for gas heating.

Water use

Consumers know that it is more profitable to pay for water by the meter. Payment for cold and hot water supply is charged separately.

It is easy to calculate the water consumption by the meter: the consumed volume is multiplied by the established tariff. In this case, separate meters for cold and hot water should be installed. They are used to calculate utility bills for water consumption.

Payment for sewage utilities must also be calculated by the meters. Any online calculator will be able to give you the required amount if you enter the current and previous readings for water according to the meter (the consumption of cold, hot water, drainage is recorded separately).

If a general house meter is installed, then residents have to pay for the expense for general house needs. That is, the payment for utilities for such a metering device increases due to:

  • various leaks;
  • underestimation of indicators of metering devices by neighbors;
  • unregistered resident citizens.

In the absence of metering devices, the amount of water consumption without meters will be calculated at the rate per person. The calculation rules are set as follows. To find out how much to pay, you need to multiply the rate of water consumption per 1 person in cubic meters by the corresponding tariff. The total amount will depend on the number of residents.

Moscow has introduced increasing coefficients to stimulate the setting of metering devices. If you have the opportunity to install a meter, but you do not, then you have to pay 1.5 times higher than the estimated amount. Since 2017 - 1.6 times. And given the high consumption rates, utility bills for water supply hit the budget well. We pay the amounts calculated taking into account the multiplying coefficients, because otherwise debts will accumulate.


When figuring out how to calculate utilities, you should remember the need to figure out how to calculate the consumed electricity. The utility bills calculator will help to simplify the task.

Payment is made according to the indications of electricity meters. It should be included in the overall calculation of utility bills. The calculation of utilities in terms of the supply of electricity is done as follows: the consumed volume is multiplied by the established tariff.

In the absence of a metering device, its malfunction, the calculation of utilities for power supply is carried out as follows:

the established standard for 1 person is multiplied by the tariff and by the number of citizens living.

It will not work not to pay for light, because the premises and utilities that are provided are connected. The electricity supplier will simply disconnect the house or apartment from the network.

Utility calculation

It is necessary to take into account the fact that the premises and utilities are one when figuring out the features of how to calculate utilities.

The total amount of payment for utilities will consist of payment:

  • heating by the area of \u200b\u200bthe room or by the counter;
  • electricity;
  • water;
  • gas;
  • the cost of maintaining residential premises.

The calculation of the amount of utility bills includes the calculation of the rent. To find out how to calculate the rent, you should contact management company or homeowners association. They will tell you what is included in the payments and state the amount that tenants must transfer each month.

Every citizen has the right to independently check housing and communal services tariffs by raising the corresponding regulations... If he does not agree with how the heating in the apartment is considered, then you can write a statement to the Criminal Code, the heat supplier, or resolve controversial issues in court.

When figuring out how to calculate utilities, keep in mind that the rent includes the cost of maintaining residential premises, management, maintenance and security. The calculation of utility bills is carried out according to the square of the occupied premises.

Also, the amount of payment for heat depends on whether the house is equipped with common or individual meters.

How much does heating cost in 2018

Heating the premises is charged at different rates. The difference by regions of the Russian Federation can be checked according to the table:

From July 01, 2018, heat tariffs should increase. For residents of homeowners associations and management companies, this procedure will become noticeable only with the onset of the first cold weather. On average, prices will rise 100-130 rubles.

New rules for calculating the tariff for heating

Heating prices for 1 m3 in Moscow are adjusted in accordance with inflationary processes.

In 2017, Muscovites received receipts where utilities were increased by 6.7 percent.

In 2018, the average monthly price for 1 m 2 will increase by another 5.5 percent.

On average, Muscovites will pay 200 rubles for utility services. more.

How heating charges are calculated

What the fee is composed of is decided by the executive authority and the supplier organization. The principle of justice is present here.

In practice, the hosts two-room apartments pay less than the owners of three-room and multi-level areas. But, unfortunately, in some regions and regions of Russia, prices are artificially high.

This circumstance is due to the fact that there is one monopolist in the region, which, however, is a violation of the law on competition.

The regulation of this issue has been transferred to local authorities. So, in the Orenburg region, the calculation procedure involves the use of a coefficient for 7 months of 0.0210; for annual consumption - 0.0360 (Resolution 686-p of 08/17/2012)

Let's give an example of calculation.

So, the heating season has begun. According to the meter, the volume of total household consumption for the first month of autumn (September) is 150 gigacalories. The entire area of \u200b\u200bthe premises in the house is 7,000 sq. m. The owner's living space is only 55 sq. m. m.

Heating cost is calculated using the formula:

S pom. / S total. * OOP * T,

S pom. - the area of \u200b\u200bthe room (apartment for which heating is paid);

S total - the total area of \u200b\u200ball premises in a residential building;

OOP - the volume of general household consumption;

T is the tariff for the region.

We make a calculation:

55/7000 * 150 * 1600 \u003d 1 thousand 886 rubles - payment for September.

How to calculate the payment for heating in the absence of individual meters, in the presence of a common house

Apartment buildings in Russia are often equipped with collective metering devices.

It is worth noting: if in residential buildings (apartments) there are no individual meters, then all owners pay bills depending on the total amount of heat consumed.

Payment is made only after delivery (not charged in summer).

How the heating fee is calculated in the presence of general and individual meters

In 2018, there is a unified payment scheme for heat energy. The amount of consumption per month depends on the general and individual needs. The reading difference is recalculated in the first quarter of the next year.

How to calculate heating in an apartment in the absence of meters

In the absence of a counter, a uniform payment method is applied. The formula in this case does not change, as does the amount of charges.

The invoice for heating the premises goes to the owner's address both in the winter months and in the summer.

According to Appendix 2 of the Regulation of Resolution No. 354, the amount to be paid is charged depending on the following parameters:

  • the area of \u200b\u200bthe premises that belongs to this owner;
  • the tariff approved by regulatory legal acts;
  • coefficient of periodicity of payment.

For accrual, you need to know the number of "cold" months in a given area. During this period, heat is supplied to all apartment buildings: on average in Russia it is 200 days, or 7 months. When we count like this, we divide seven by 12, and the coefficient of periodicity is 0.583;

  • thermal energy consumption standard.

All indicators are multiplied.

Calculation example.

The payment for the use of heat is calculated at individually... It is possible to reduce the size of the amounts in the receipt by installing individual meters on batteries, the power of which is regulated. You should also save hot water consumption. Let the cost of housing and communal services be not so significant!