Residential building in high-tech style. House projects in a modern high-tech style

We live in modern world and use inventions that half a century ago were fantastic.
The era of technology has also changed the view of architectural structures and the further into the future, the more popular are sharp rectangular shapes, sparkling chrome and maximum glazed structures.

The history of the style

This architectural style originated in the 70s of the last century in Great Britain, which is translated from English. Means - high tech (High Tech). The HI-TEK architectural style is incredible geometric shapes, layouts with big amount space, large areas glazing, as well as new materials where metal, plastic and glass prevail.

A modern home must be environmentally friendly and highly energy efficient. Humanity has not yet managed to fully implement the idea of \u200b\u200ba “smart home”, but it has managed to get very close to it.
Famous high-tech buildings

Artitectural style HIGHTEK contains distinctive features:

The use of high technologies (computers, sensors, electric motors, cameras)
- functionality of the premises
- The minimum amount of decor
- application artificial materials (metal, plastic, concrete, glass)
- application simple forms in exterior and interior design
- metallic bright and silvery colors
- decentralized lighting, play of light with straight and cubic surfaces

HI-TEK from the word high-tech, and therefore a house built in this style should combine the architectural qualities of this style and also have the functions of a “smart home”:

Heating including underfloor heating (floors are installed water heating or electric)
- ventilation and air conditioning controlled by a computer (in essence it is climate control)
- security and fire system connected to the Internet (informs the owner about the state of the house up to the picture from it)
- sensors for water, gas leaks, power grid control (everything is connected to a common server with software for safety)
- video surveillance connected to the Internet (it is also recorded locally or you can watch your home online)
- distribution of audio and video streams among rooms (multiroom) (distribution of sound among rooms)
- management storm sewer, heated steps, stairs, roofs (sewage control, etc., everything is connected to the server)
- control of energy consumption and control of leaks (software analyzes leaks of current or water by sensors)
- management of backup power supplies, diesel generators (backup power in case of disconnection of the main source)
- control of automatic irrigation of the adjacent territory ( computer control watering plants and lawn)
- control of doors, gates, barriers (control and management of all doors and gates)
- control of curtains, blinds, roller shutters (computer control of roller shutters and blinds)
- a central computer connected to the Internet and managing all systems remotely (monitoring the house and managing the owner and the company that serves the house for security)

Interior Design

The idea of \u200b\u200bhigh-tech style is the idea of \u200b\u200bapplying high technology. High-tech style is the application of high technologies in furniture, design elements, ceilings, lighting fixtures, built-in appliances.

The main principle of a high-tech interior is practicality for the owners. Combining multifunctional devices and practical use places of premises thanks to transformable furniture. The backlighting is mainly LED, many spotlights are installed on the ceiling or on the floor. The decor can be in the form of some art elements: vases, statues or simple geometric objects.

Building materials used in the construction of high-tech houses

Metal and its alloys are widely used in the construction of a house, sometimes a frame in the roof, chrome-plated interior elements. Glass is used in parapets, stained glass windows. The windows are as large as possible. In furniture glass tables and interior doors made of frosted glass.

In such houses, the main thing is practicality and there are no architectural excesses for the sake of beauty, such as in the Baroque or Gothic, although the grandeur is felt as in the Empire style thanks to the large and regular geometric shapes subordinated to the global intention of the author. Every detail of the project of a house made in the HI-TEK style will be primarily practical. This type of projects and houses is suitable for those who care not about excesses in luxury, but simplicity, functionality and practicality.

High-tech houses can be built from classic materials, but the main thing in such a house is its content and high manufacturability. The HIGHTEK architectural style is used in the construction of modern office buildings and shopping and entertainment centers.

A variety of high technologies for the arrangement of residential premises allows you to build a house that combines original finishes and high functionality. Modern high-tech style cottages stand out for their strict and original geometry, laconic decor and an abundance of sunlight.

Classic high-tech cottage: a combination of strict geometric shapes and large windows flat roof

A high-tech house is an opportunity to create a comfortable and economical home.

Features of high-tech houses

The architectural style is harmonious combination external design buildings, selected finishing materials and interior decoration items. The Hi-tech house, despite its diversity, is easily recognizable by several details.

The idea is to demonstrate the equipment installed in the house, select the rest of the finishing elements to match its style and color scheme... High technologies: the system " smart House"Built-in appliances, an abundance of lighting, is a central element of the interior, which is only complemented by furniture and textiles.

High-tech interior accent - modern technology for a comfortable life

The external architecture of such houses consists of regular shapes, mostly cubic. The priority of houses is functionality, so often buildings are asymmetrical, with an abundance of protruding elements. The roof can be partially glazed to increase the level of illumination (a technique known as "second light") or equipped with a terrace. Large-scale functional elements in rooms such as elevators and stairs are often located outside the building. Also, the premises are often represented by separate "cubes" connected to each other.

The materials for the construction of such houses are metal, concrete and glass, emphasizing the "futuristic" building. Interior and building fashion involves the use of natural materials in the interior decoration of the home, therefore there are also wooden houses Hi-tech, combining traditional material and high technology.

High-tech wooden house - a combination of traditional material and futuristic architecture

The decoration of the premises as a whole is carried out without intricate details and small decorative elements, therefore, the “eye rests” on the interior open spaces and an abundance of natural and electric lighting.

The color scheme of the houses is based on two or three basic shades, complemented by bright, catchy decorative elements. The overall impression of the houses is somewhat "cold", and to soften it, main and auxiliary lighting is used abundantly, giving the rooms a coziness.

Neutral colors and an abundance of lighting add coziness to strict geometry

Windows in similar residential buildings large, with thin frames used, frameless glazing is also common. Often, the photo of a Hi-tech house shows fully glazed buildings, which gives the buildings "airiness" and increases the level of illumination.

Advantages and disadvantages of high-tech house projects

High-tech house projects attract high functionality, which is achieved by using modern technologies. Engineering Communication are performed using solar panels, biofuels, wind turbines and other energy saving methods without compromising the comfort of the owners. Often, engineering systems are carried out on the outer surface of the house, simultaneously performing a decorative function.

Built-in furniture and an abundance of "podiums" mask modern communications, while lighting draws attention to itself

The priority of convenience and comfort over visual effects leads to the creation of comfortable and spacious living spaces, into which large-sized furniture, massive appliances or decorative elements... The decoration is initially neutral, using light and discreet colors, so the interior is easily complemented by bright objects.

The general impression of such houses is “life in the future”, active use of the achievements of modern technology. The living space gives the owners a futuristic atmosphere, far from the "mass" interior decoration.

Despite these advantages, the style is not suitable for lovers of classic cozy houses with an abundance of textiles. High-tech house projects put the functionality of technology, as well as convenience, "at the forefront", so the interior often looks like an analogue of an industrial premises or an office of a large company.

High-tech in its "original form" diluted classic curtains and cozy textiles

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer. You can communicate directly with representatives by visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise Country".

High technologies and furniture of a futuristic design are not the most affordable finishing elements for a residential building. Large-scale projects and prices of turnkey high-tech houses involve serious financial investments.

Classic Hi-tech is often complemented by softer and more familiar to the eye interior styles: minimalism, loft, eclecticism.

Video description

Examples of high-tech houses on video:

High-tech projects: a variety of interior design

Spacious and well-lit living spaces allow for a variety of styles for interior decoration... Despite the fact that Hi-Tech is a fairly young design style, it already has several subdirections, and each of them has its own characteristic features:


The peculiarity of minimalism is the functional use of all available surfaces, therefore the number of partitions is minimized in the interior, and shelves and similar structures are most often built into the walls so as not to attract attention. The color scheme is chosen as neutral and light, individual elements can be bright shades to create an interior accent.

The combination of functional minimalism, high technology and traditional lighting creates an original, cozy atmosphere

The combination of diffused lighting and strict geometry of pieces of furniture creates a laconic and cozy atmosphere, while the eye does not get tired of the abundance of colorful decor. In terms of decoration, minimalism is the ideal style for high-tech house projects, allowing you to "add color" without the risk of "overloading" the interior. This is especially true for domestic market, where most owners prefer to contribute to the decoration of the home after the completion of the designer's work.

Modern style

Interior country houses and apartments combines simplicity of decoration, neutral color range and an emphasis on the use of natural materials. Modern style is a combination of the popular Scandinavian, abundant in white, and modern, in the center of which - bright elements unusual shapes.

Modern interior in the high-tech house: catchy household appliances, plain walls, futuristic lighting and strict geometry of space

High-tech houses are most often decorated using this style, which allows you to preserve the original idea of \u200b\u200bthe architect, widely use modern technologies, but at the same time make the house unique. Plain walls, characteristic of the modern style, allow you to decorate them with paintings by artists, use bright curtains and textured bedspreads.


The peculiarity of this style is the "unity of opposites", a harmonious combination of interior items and finishing materials different styles and eras. Most often, objects are united by texture or color scheme.

Eclecticism is not always catchy. A mix of classic chairs, futuristic home, modern sculpture and retro ottomans

Textured wallpapers, parquet flooring, bright draperies for window decoration, as well as bedspreads and pillows in rich shades "dilute" the utilitarian and visually cold style, giving high-tech frame houses coziness and warmth. The peculiarity of such an interior is the need to choose items in moderation, so as not to "overdo it" with decoration.

Modest size and originality: a frame house using the high-tech style in the design of the roof and porch

High-tech style facade decoration

Give ready country house the shade of this style is easy, finishing the facade with a combination of composite panels and classic wall plaster. Shade wall panels can be different, the contrasting combination will emphasize the futurism of the residential building.

High-tech in the style of facade design: strict geometry, a combination of glass and stone

Regardless of the materials chosen, the surface of the facade must be cleaned with sandpaper, a leveling solution must be applied to the cracks, then a layer of insulation must be laid (this can be mineral wool), plaster it and fix it metal profiles... After that, the wall is primed and plastered, or composite panels are installed.

In the process of building a house, the high-tech facade is styled by installing large frameless windows, doors and even glass-trimmed roofs. In addition to the visual component, glass elements saturate the premises with natural light.

High-tech house projects: photo and video

How high-tech houses can look like: photo interesting examples housing in modern construction:

Video description

Interesting and original houses Hi-tech on video:

And a selection of projects in the photo:

One-story houses

High-tech one-story houses are suitable for economical owners of small land plots.

Classic compact high-tech house: a combination of concrete, stone and wood in decoration

Spacious house with a garage, a swimming pool and an extensive terrace: an option for owners of spacious plots

High-tech style one-story house interior: minimalism with classic elements

Two-storey houses

High-tech two-story houses are more often ordered for large families, as well as owners who often host guests.

Stylish lighting of the spacious two-story project and a panoramic window give space to the premises

The classic version of the Hi-tech house: illumination of external surfaces, garage and frameless glazing

Registration two-storey house: original accessories and an abundance of light give a sense of spaciousness

Non-standard solutions

Although high-tech houses in themselves can be considered non-standard designs, especially memorable projects can be distinguished among them.

High-tech comfort class roof terrace

Panoramic windows - an elegant addition to the high-tech style

Facade finishing modern home High-tech wood and plaster gives the building a touch of classic housing

Hi-tech is not always a flat roof. Compact house with a gable roof and a miniature terrace

Engineering communications and metal elements - not a hindrance for creating aesthetic housing with panoramic windows


Laconic and original, Hi-tech is suitable not only for lovers of modern technology, but also for fans of spacious rooms with an abundance of lighting. The decoration of the house is carried out in several architectural styles, emphasizing the comfort, space and laconicism of the high-tech solution.

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high tech – .

Total area - 44.1 m 2.
5.4 x 6.6 m.

Price - 9 000 rub. (ER + AR)

Total area - 61.9 m 2.
9 x 11 m.

Price - 12 500 rub. (ER + AR)

High-tech modern house project 70

Total area - 72.4 m 2.
6.3 x 6.6 m.

Price - 14 500 rub. (ER + AR)

High-tech 100 house project

Total area - 96.7 m 2.
7.5 x 11 m.

Price - 20 000 rub. (ER + AR)

House project High-tech 112

Total area - 112.6 m 2 .
6.5 x 10.5 m.

Price - 23 000 rub. (ER + AR)

Two floors, flat roof, garage, balcony.

High-tech house project 170

Total area - 173.9 m 2 .
13 x 14 m.

Price - 35 000 rub. (ER + AR)

House project High-tech 900

Total area - 900.0 m 2.
21 x 21 m.

Price - 180 000 rub. (ER + AR)

House projects

The section presents projects of houses in the style high tech... All presented house projects have 2 floors, flat roof, carport or garage. They are designed for construction from modern sip panels, but can be modified to build a house at a cheaper price frame technology... These high-tech house projects are optimal for installing a modern home heating system - the Antares Comfort air heating system.

High-tech 44 modern house project

Total area - 44.1 m 2.
5.4 x 6.6 m.

Price - 9 000 rub. (ER + AR)

Two-storey, flat roof, balcony, sauna.
High-tech 44 modern house project is designed for 1-2 people.

High-tech 60 one-story house project

Total area - 61.9 m 2.
9 x 11 m.

Price - 12 500 rub. (ER + AR)

Single storey, flat roof, garage.
High-tech 60 one-storey house project is designed for permanent residence 1-2 people.

High-tech modern house project 70

Total area - 72.4 m 2.
6.3 x 6.6 m.

Price - 14 500 rub. (ER + AR)

Two floors, flat roof, balcony.
High-tech Modern 70 house project is designed for year-round living of a family of 2-3 people

High-tech 100 house project

Total area - 96.7 m 2.
7.5 x 11 m.

Price - 20 000 rub. (ER + AR)

Two floors, flat roof, garage, balcony.
High Tech 100 house project is designed for year-round living of a family of 2-3 people

House project High-tech 112

Total area - 112.6 m 2 .
6.5 x 10.5 m.

Price - 23 000 rub. (ER + AR)

Two floors, flat roof, garage, balcony.
High Tech 112 house project is designed for year-round living of a family of 2-3 people

High-tech house project 170

Total area - 173.9 m 2 .
13 x 14 m.

Price - 35 000 rub. (ER + AR)

2 floors, flat roof, garage, balcony, winter Garden.
High Tech 170 house project is designed for year-round living of a family of 3-4 people

House project High-tech 900

Total area - 900.0 m 2.
21 x 21 m.

Price - 180 000 rub. (ER + AR)

2 floors, flat roof, garage for 2 cars, balcony, swimming pool.
The High Tech 900 house project is designed for year-round living for 1-2 families of 4-6 people

The high-tech style was born in the late 70s mainly due to English designers and architects, although in England itself this style became popular only in the 80s and 90s.

High-tech house projects primarily express prestige, they emphasize the image of their owners as modern and wealthy people.

High-tech house projects are distinguished by straight shapes and lines, they widely use modern decoration Materials - metal, glass, plastic. Engineering systems at home are sometimes tried to be placed outside, expanding inner space... In such homes, many small lamps are often used to create the effect of spaciousness.

High-tech house projects are often equipped with every conceivable, state-of-the-art engineering system - air heating and ventilation, central vacuum cleaner, various Smart Home systems.

The name “Hi-Tech” in translation from English into Russian means “high technologies”. This immediately explains the whole concept of this architectural direction. The first high-tech house projects appeared in the 70-80s. last century in the UK. Bright, unusual - they differed sharply from the traditional idea of \u200b\u200ba living space. However, their functionality, calibrated proportions, as well as high-tech filling were highly appreciated.

Today, Hi-tech objects have begun to appear more and more often not only in the homeland of style, but also in many countries of the world, including Russia. Such a building will fit equally well into the urban landscape as well as into the suburban landscape.

Flat roof house projects

Residential buildings of Hi-Tech design, as already mentioned, for the most part have a flat roof. This feature has several advantages. Projects of houses with a flat roof immediately acquire additional usable space, which the owners of the house can use at their discretion - a place to relax, a mini-front garden, a playground or a barbecue hall. There are also buildings with swimming pools on flat roof, but such a solution is only appropriate for countries with year-round hot weather.

Flat roof house designs will become ideal option for those who care about the environment and want to save on heating bills. Installation of solar panels on the roof of such buildings has long been practiced abroad. However, before you start using additional meters at your own discretion, even at the planning stage, designers and developers should pay attention to such points as reinforced fasteners, waterproofing, insulation.

Interior decoration of the Hi-Tech house

The interior filling of the rooms should be in perfect harmony with appearance Hi-Tech buildings. High-tech flat roof house designs are distinguished by an abundance of metal or silver metallic color... In such a room there is no place for traditional decor; it is replaced here by functional elements of the building - stairs, ventilation pipes etc. The room is, as it were, turned out to the wrong side - everything that architects usually hide is on display here, skillfully played with design techniques - color, cut-and-light, or mirrored surfaces. Such details are thought out in advance so that external communications not only visually harmonize with the general architectural concept, but also do not interfere with future residents.

High-tech houses are the embodiment of excellent architectural solutions and fresh technologies. They are multifunctional and ergonomic, and the most complex ones are hidden behind the external simplicity. constructive decisions... Many useful functions have been thought out here, such as automatic switching on and off of equipment, heating control, the most modern communication systems. In a further article, we will consider the features of high-tech private houses, as well as some successful projects.

Features of style in architecture

Ultra-modern high-tech houses surprise with their unusual shapes, their construction can be attributed to the most expensive projects, but in the process of operation they fully cover the costs due to the availability of modern technologies. The exterior of the house is characterized by such basic features as:

- Large dimensions of buildings, which provide a lot of free internal space;

- The predominance of geometric lines using cubic shapes;

- The walls of the building have smooth surfaces without unnecessary decor or minor architectural forms;

- For buildings, the characteristic colors are white, black, gray (silver);

- The maximum amount of glass - the room must be spacious and bright, therefore large panoramic windows, whole facades are glazed. Moreover, glass has special film, which is capable of repelling ultraviolet light, which saves from overheating in summer period;

- Flat flat roofs are a kind of style attribute. The roof can be glazed or equipped with a base for a recreation area, an ornamental garden, a sports ground;

- The presence of comprehensive lighting of the facade;

- Concrete, glass and metal are used as building materials, although you can find modern projects, erected from a bar or having exterior decoration siding under a tree.

Also worth noting are the large terraces, which are often completed with a gorgeous pool.

The peculiarity of the high-tech style is manifested not only in the external architecture, but also in the presence modern methodsallowing to make living the most economical. For instance, innovative way thermal insulation makes it possible to reduce heat loss by half. Solar panels and wind generators provide an autonomous supply of electricity to the building. Own wells, rain collection devices - all this allows to provide residents with maximum comfortable conditions accommodation.

Variety of high-tech style

Today there are several architectural styles. They are certainly united by general idea building houses of the future - beautiful functional buildings that amaze with their design and availability the latest technologies... However, they also have their own characteristics.

Industrial direction

Projects carry the spirit of industrial production, embodying their features. In particular, the facades include various open communications, pipes, metal cables and beams, fastening elements, deliberately displayed. For private houses, such elements are rarely used, they are mainly inherent in global projects of industrial enterprises.

Hi-tech with geometric architecture

This direction is the most common in the architecture of residential buildings. Simple and complex geometric lines, cubic forms of buildings located at different levels can be traced here. Houses with spacious terraces and loggias are especially graceful.

Bionic high-tech

Unlike the previous two types, bionic architecture is aimed at convergence with natural elements... An example would be a high-tech house made of wood, an environmentally friendly and surprisingly durable raw material. Outwardly traceable common features directions - flat roofs, global glazing, a terrace, but the structure no longer seems so laconic. Houses can repeat natural elements: to look like a cocoon, cobweb, shell, etc.

Modern high-tech house projects

Having decided to build a high-tech house, you can go one of two ways - order the construction of typical project with ready-made documentation and miscalculations or develop an individual one, where all the wishes of the future owner will be taken into account. Construction according to a standard project will be somewhat cheaper, and work can be started at short time, but an individual layout can be much more comfortable. Which method to choose depends on personal preference. We will consider several of the most interesting projects.

Small one-story house

For owners of small plots who want to find a comfortable beautiful home, you can choose the option of a small one-story building that will perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape. This is a good option for bachelors or older couples who prefer outdoor living.

As shown in the photo, the style is pronounced by the presence of a cubic shape, a flat roof, large windows, and also white, gray flowers facing. AT this project the premises of the living room, dining room and kitchen are combined, so the interior space is quite light and spacious, and the two bedrooms located on opposite sides of the house make it possible to feel complete privacy.

Two-storey cottage with garage

Two-storey buildings have special advantages. First, they give more possibilities for the implementation of special architectural forms, arrangement of multi-level terraces, garages, etc. Such a house has a larger usable area and is suitable for a full-fledged family. As a rule, the first floor is occupied by common areas of use, not separated by walls: a living room, a kitchen, a dining area, and on the second tier there are bedrooms and children's rooms. A garage located under the same roof as the house is a modern rational decisiontypical for high-tech projects.

This layout saves space adjoining territory and provides ease of use. In addition, there is a noticeable saving on heating the garage and laying communications. The convenience of the layout also lies in the fact that the roof of the garage is successfully used to organize a terrace, the exit to which opens from the hall of the second tier. Let's pay attention to how the garage area is successfully separated from the living space by a walk-through vestibule, which delays unpleasant odors and noise.

High-tech house with an exploited roof

A flat roof gives more privileges for rational distribution of space. A good option there will be an arrangement of recreation areas here, where you can arrange necessary furniture, issue decorative garden and even build a pool. The last option will require very accurate calculations construction plan, strengthening the foundation, since the building will be quite heavy. It is necessary to think in advance about the system of water supply to the pool and its drainage. Flat roof can also be used for the installation of solar panels, which will significantly save on electricity - now it is quite popular in european countries and not only.

Luxurious slope house

Someone may be scared off by building a house on the side of a mountain, first of all, by its danger and high cost. Despite this, many such houses have been built, and, according to experts, the construction of a house in mountainous terrain has many advantages.

Firstly, the cost of such a site is much less, which can already be saved on, and secondly, a simply charming panoramic view opens from the window. Such houses are not afraid of floods, and it is possible to get a cascade structure with spacious terraces on each floor, as shown in the photo.

The basement floor often goes deeper into the relief on one side, and on the other it goes out. Here, a garage or utility room is most often organized, although the opposite option with a garage on the upper tier is not excluded (depending on the possibility of an entrance).

A few words about the interior

The interior of a high-tech house is, first of all, a layout of space with a minimum of partitions. Here, the rooms merge as much as possible, giving the environment light and air. Besides natural light, which freely enter the house through the panoramic windows, deserves attention and additional night illumination, which should be bright enough, therefore there are quite a lot of lighting devices in the interior.

The first floor is occupied by a single territory, including a kitchen with working area, dining room and living room, from where a staircase leads to the next tier. All equipment located in the cooking area should be built-in, not clutter up the space. The walls are decorated in light colors, and the decor is practically absent - accent elements in the form of colored pillows, shades, etc., can play its role. At the same time, the room will not be cold and empty - they will create comfort soft furniture, rugs, warm fireplace.

On the second floor there are private rooms: bedrooms, children's rooms, etc. Designer furniture of unusual shapes, original lighting, which will emphasize both brevity and sophistication of style.

High-tech houses - photos and projects

In our gallery you can see a lot beautiful photos high-tech houses. Single-storey and multi-storey, cubic and rounded - they all amaze with their combination of beauty and modernity. Perhaps familiarization with the photo selection will help you to design the house of your dreams. Happy viewing!