The amount of work on the overhaul of houses. Maintenance and overhaul of an apartment building

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Overhaul of Apartment Buildings", owners are obliged to independently pay for overhaul of the entire house. And the regional authorities must, without fail, ensure the timely completion of all envisaged works.

This law also provides for the types of repair work and a list of premises in apartment building in which they should be carried out.

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House overhaul Is the replacement or restoration of house structures or their elements. That is, as part of a major overhaul, those areas of operation that are obsolete or can cause the destruction of the building should be reconstructed or replaced with new ones.

What is included in the overhaul of an apartment building:

  1. Facade and foundation works.
  2. Replacement of engineering communications.
  3. Repair of elevators.
  4. Roofing and basement works.
  5. Installation of general house metering devices.
  6. Installation of ventilation systems.
  7. Renovation inside the entrance.

The Law on Overhaul of Apartment Buildings

In fact, new law delimited the duties and responsibilities for the overhaul of apartment buildings between the owners and the regional authorities. At the same time, the regional authorities are allocated an organizational and control function, and the owners - the collection of funds to pay for repair work.

With the entry into force of the law, all subjects of the federation were obliged to prepare regulatory documents in accordance with the overhaul program.

Each constituent entity of the Russian Federation is obliged to:

  1. Develop and adopt a regional list of works included in the overhaul of the house, determine and establish their terms.
  2. Determine the regional operator (the fund in which the funds will be accumulated and from which funds will be used for capital repairs).
  3. Adopt documents establishing the procedure for work, the minimum amount of contributions, appoint a body to control the performance of work and the expenditure of money.

In turn, the owners of multi-apartment property hold a meeting at which they establish where the money transferred by them for major repairs will be kept.

By law, owners can choose a bank to trust their funds or transfer them to a regional operator's fund.

If the owners cannot independently determine the form of keeping money, then for them this decision is made by the municipal authority.

Who pays?

Before the law came into force, repairs to the structures of apartment buildings were paid from the Housing and Utilities Reform Fund. Now this fund is only responsible for the relocation of residents from the dilapidated and emergency fund.

The payment for the overhaul is assigned to the owners of square meters in apartment buildings. Payment for overhaul is a mandatory item in the monthly payment for housing and communal services, its size is determined individually in each region.

Tenants are exempt from payments for overhaul:

  1. Emergency houses.
  2. Houses, the land plot under which it is customary to withdraw in favor of the state.
  3. The apartments of which are in municipal ownership.

The size of the monthly installment for major repairs of an apartment building is calculated based on the average income in the region. On average in the country, it is 6-7 rubles. for each square meter of property. Contributions may vary for different housing categories located in the same region.

Residents who are not owners, that is, they live in non-privatized apartments under a social tenancy agreement, do not have the right to participate in organizational meetings, namely, they cannot make proposals for major repairs and vote.

Another one important detail if some of the owners of an apartment building do not systematically pay contributions for major repairs, this does not relieve them of responsibility. The missing amount can in no case be taken from the funds of respectable tenants, but can be recovered in court according to the law.

When is it done?

In order for a major overhaul to be carried out in the house, it is first necessary to determine what type of work is needed and what was the reason for the overhaul.

In some cases, it may turn out that the building needs Maintenance, and not capital, which significantly changes the timing of its implementation and financing:

  1. Residents' initiative. To carry out a major overhaul of the house at the initiative of the tenants, you need to convene a meeting of the owners. During the meeting, determine what kind of work needs to be done in the house and hold a vote. If more than 2/3 of the owners vote for the overhaul, then a protocol is drawn up with detailed requirements for the proposed work. The protocol is transferred to the Management Company, which coordinates it with the housing inspectorate. The last instance appoints the timing of the repair and calculates its cost. If the housing inspectorate does not agree with the need for overhaul or agrees to a limited type of work, you can order an independent examination that will confirm the validity of the overhaul. The examination is done for a fee.
  2. Emergency situation. It may happen that no major repairs were planned in the house, but their need arose as a result of the accident. An accident in the understanding of the Management Company is a breakthrough of water supply, sewerage or heating pipes with fluid leakage. Work to eliminate the causes of the accident and replace the broken pipelines are carried out at the expense of capital repairs as soon as possible. That is, if the riser drips with hot or cold water, it should be replaced immediately, and not repaired by applying multiple clamps.
  3. Scheduled renovation. Routine or maintenance repairs are a separate line for homeownership expenses. The line "current repairs" is indicated in the bills for housing and communal services, and residents pay their money on it. Therefore, current repairs are not capital repairs and are carried out on a planned basis, depending on the wear and tear of structures or building elements. Scheduled repairs include such work as cleaning pipes, replacing brackets, stairs, railings, doors, broken glass, maintenance of the building's fittings, and cosmetic repairs.

Differences between current repairs

The main difference between current repairs and capital repairs is the possibility of carrying them out without interrupting the building from operation. That is, if renovation work on the DHW pipeline does not require the shutdown of all residents, which means that the repair is ongoing. The same applies to work on the heating or power supply pipelines.

Routine repairs of an apartment building are carried out periodically and quite often, in addition, scheduled repairs are less costly than capital repairs.

It should be remembered that these two types of repairs have different sources of funding. The types of work on current and major repairs are stipulated in the law and are strictly regulated.

Foundation website

Everything related to the overhaul of apartment buildings and not only can be found on the official website of the Fund for Assistance to Housing and Utilities Reform at

This is a convenient site that does not require registration, where you can view information such as:

  1. What applications have been made to the fund?
  2. Documents, forms and rules for filling them out.
  3. Forms for filling out reports.
  4. List of credit institutions in the country where you can open accounts for the overhaul fund.
  5. Detailed information on materials and technologies modern renovation apartment buildings.
  6. Documentation innovations.

Housing and communal services news from all regions of the country constantly appear on the site. In addition, the phone number is indicated here “ Hotline", By which you can get answers to your questions.

The legislation sets aside a place to describe each of the types of repair work that can only be carried out in relation to the common premises of homeowners, which means that there are differences between repairs and major repairs.

Not only employees of the managing organization should be familiar with these legislative acts, in order to correct organization activities for the maintenance of common property, but also the owners of apartments.

The fact is that sometimes not decent employees of managing organizations pass off some types of activity for others, thereby trying to cash in on the owners' ignorance of the difference in prices and the volume of actions. Also, work on maintaining the house in a tidy condition can be carried out with a significant delay or even skipped altogether.

Let's turn to the legislation. The Urban Planning Code of our country in the article in article 1 in paragraph 14.2 tells about what constitutes a major overhaul.

What kind of repair is a major overhaul? Carrying out such actions involves either replacing or restoring (and in some cases, simultaneous) intervention in the construction of the house and the engineering and technical support of the multi-apartment building.

Thus, we can conclude that the work carried out as part of the overhaul is of a global nature, interfering with the internal structure of the house. This is the main difference between overhaul and maintenance.

The concept of maintenance is significantly different from the above. What is Medium Maintenance Repair? You can get acquainted with this concept in the framework of the Methodological Guide for the maintenance and repair of the housing stock in article 3, paragraph 5.

There is also a decree 279 on major and current repairs, which can be downloaded below. In it you can also find out what belongs to current repairs, and what to overhaul.

The concept of overhaul and maintenance: overhaul is repair in order to prevent wear and tear at a house and carry out global work. Carrying out current ones is planned actions that are performed in order to maintain the normal state and performance of the house.

It would seem that it is very easy for an unknowing person to get confused about what actions are being performed on the house at the moment. In addition, not every owner knows how often this or that repair should be carried out.

Let's try to understand the differences in order to understand overhaul and maintenance, what is the difference? Is the roof repair a major or current repair?

The difference between current repairs and major repairs

What is the difference between current repairs and major repairs?

The main difference between current and major repairs is that current repairs require much less costs than major repairs.

And money is taken to carry out these two types of actions from different sources.

As for the overhaul, it is carried out with the help of funds that are collected through the systematic deductions of residents to the overhaul fund.

The funds form the corresponding mass, which must be spent on carrying out the work. Also, sometimes subsidies from the state come to the fund for the overhaul of a particular house.

As for the ongoing renovation of the building, it is paid for through regular maintenance contributions. Funds are in the account management company and are spent depending on the need.

But in addition to finance, there are other differences in overhaul, which are no less important. Consider these differences between overhaul and maintenance.

Differences in the list of works

What works are related to major repairs, and what to current ones? The list of overhaul works (Housing Code) covers the most difficult actions in an apartment building. These include the change of communications, the replacement of engineering equipment, the installation of new pipes and connections.

How to define overhaul or current? For such actions, professionals from the relevant organizations are invited.... These actions should prevent wear and tear of the house.

Carrying out maintenance is the performance of work that must maintain the condition of the house in a habitable form. The most common action is cosmetic repairs. It is also common to carry out manipulations for home improvement.


The date of the current repair is not negotiated in advance.

The sequence of these actions is determined by the agreement with the management company.

It is this document that establishes the procedure for when repairs should be carried out, how often.

In some cases, tenants themselves may express a desire to carry out repairs and specifically negotiate work.

The overhaul period is determined by an interval of 3-5 years. If the management organization does not carry out overhaul actions, then the owners have the right to ask the district administration to include their house in the list of priorities for carrying out repair manipulations.

And insist that the organization of maintenance or major repairs be carried out. You can find out how the application is drawn up at the city administration.

If the tenants want to force the management organization to carry out current repair work around the house, then they should contact the head of the organization with a complaint.

If the overhaul is not carried out, the tenants can cooperate and apply to the court.


Another difference between major repairs and current repairs is the timing of their implementation. Current repairs are carried out every six months - a year, depending on what is stipulated in the contract between the owners of premises in an apartment building. Residents can ask for general meeting both early and later implementation of these actions.

As for the overhaul, it should be carried out in accordance with the City Planning Code once every three years (), in extreme cases - five years.


Maintenance works are not discussed with the tenants until they are carried out. Residents can make their amendments and proposals at one of the meetings and notify the management organization.

The schedule for the overhaul work must certainly be discussed with the tenants. Since such manipulations can bring some inconvenience to residents, it is necessary to warn them about everything in advance.

Schedules of intervention in the system of various communications should be announced to citizens in order to enable them to prepare in advance for all inconveniences.

Why is there confusion?

Sometimes citizens are confused about what specific work is being carried out in their house and do not understand what a major overhaul is, what a current one is.

This arises due to the fact that the management organization does not sufficiently inform the people living in the house about what exactly is happening with the common areas.

For example, when an engineering equipment is being repaired, it can easily be confused with a replacement. The fact is that the managing organization does not always inform citizens about what specific manipulations are being carried out and it is easy to confuse one with the other.

In addition, few tenants control the process of carrying out repairs in their home.... How to distinguish major repairs from current ones?

A frequent and widespread case is land improvement work. This activity can be carried out both as part of a major overhaul and as part of the current one. It is easy to mislead citizens and make them think that work is being done for them that is more global than what was done in the framework of current actions.

Both major and current repairs are mandatory procedures that must be carried out on time. They allow the house to remain in working order and not be in disrepair for a long time.

If you want your management company to carry out all actions in accordance with the law and perform the necessary manipulations with the house on time, you yourself must be aware of the current legislation and its constant change, understand that there is a difference between major and current repairs.

Know your rights and then no one can violate them.

Repair work, as a rule, depending on the frequency of carrying out, is divided into two types: maintenance and overhaul.

List of overhaul works

Lists of types of overhaul works are contained in departmental acts (Regulations, Norms and Rules .., Instructions, Recommendations, and so on ..). These lists of types of work vary depending on the type of capital construction object, its purpose.

The types of work are given in the annexes to the departmental regulations, the texts of which are given in the attachment to this publication:

Appendix 8. List of works on capital repairs of buildings and structures ( Resolution of the USSR State Construction Committee of 12/29/1973 N 279 "On approval of the Regulations on scheduled preventive maintenance industrial buildings and structures "(together with" MDS 13-14.2000 ... "))

Appendix N 8. An approximate list of works performed during the overhaul of the housing stock ( Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock")

Appendix 9. List of works on capital repairs of buildings and structures ( Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia of 28.09.2001 N 276 (as amended on 24.01.2006) "On approval of instructions for the technical operation of buildings and structures of institutions of the penal system")

Table 2.3. The list of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings to be included in the scope of work financed from the funds provided for by Federal Law N 185-FZ ( )

Definition of the concept of "overhaul" in the normative legal act

Major overhaul- repairs carried out to restore the technical and economic characteristics of the object to values ​​close to the design values, with the replacement or restoration of any component parts ( Order of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of 13.12.2000 N 285 "On Approval of the Standard Instruction for the Technical Operation of Heating Networks of Communal Heat Supply Systems").

Major overhaul- carrying out the complex construction works and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and moral deterioration, not associated with a change in the main technical and economic indicators of the building and functional purpose, providing for the restoration of its resource with partial replacement, if necessary, of structural elements and systems of engineering equipment, as well as improvement of operational indicators ( Resolution of the Moscow Government dated July 30, 2002 N 586-PP (as amended on December 23, 2015) "On approval of the Regulation on a unified procedure for pre-design and design preparation of construction engineering communications, structures and objects of road transport support in the city of Moscow ").

Overhaul of capital construction objects(except for linear objects) - replacement and (or) restoration of building structures of capital construction objects or elements of such structures, with the exception of load-bearing building structures, replacement and (or) restoration of engineering and technical support systems and networks of engineering and technical support of capital construction facilities, or their elements, as well as the replacement of individual elements of supporting building structures with similar or other elements that improve the performance of such structures and (or) the restoration of these elements ( (as amended on 06/18/2017)

Overhaul of buildings and structures

Overhaul of buildings and structures includes work on the restoration or replacement of individual parts of buildings (structures) or entire structures, parts and engineering equipment due to their physical wear and tear and destruction for more durable and economical ones that improve their performance ( Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 16.06.2014) "On approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")).

Overhaul of the building- a set of construction and organizational and technical measures to eliminate physical and functional (moral) wear and tear, which do not involve changes in the main technical and economic indicators of a building or structure, including, if necessary, the replacement of individual or all structural elements (with the exception of irreplaceable ones) and engineering systems equipment with their modernization. Overhaul does not extend the service life of buildings, since it is determined by the most durable elements that cannot be replaced during repair ( "Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings financed from the funds provided by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services "(approved by the State Corporation" Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services " 02/15/2013)

Overhaul of an apartment building

Overhaul of an apartment building- carrying out and (or) providing the works and (or) services provided for by this Federal Law for eliminating faults of worn out structural elements of the common property of owners of premises in an apartment building (hereinafter referred to as common property in an apartment building), including for their restoration or replacement, in to improve performance characteristics common property in an apartment building ( Article 2 of the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ (as amended on June 23, 2016) "On the Fund for Assistance to the Reform of the Housing and Communal Services").

Overhaul of the common property of an apartment building: a set of works (services) for the replacement and (or) restoration (repair) of structures, parts, engineering and technical support systems, individual elements that have lost during operation the bearing and (or) functional capacity load-bearing structures an apartment building for similar or other improving indicators to their standard state, when the volume of such work exceeds current repairs ( )

Overhaul types

Complex and selective overhaul

Overhaul is subdivided into complex overhaul and selective overhaul.
a) is a repair with the replacement of structural elements and engineering equipment and their modernization. It includes works covering the entire building as a whole or its individual sections, which compensates for their physical and functional wear and tear.
b) is a repair with full or partial replacement of individual structural elements of buildings and structures or equipment, aimed at full reimbursement of their physical and partially functional wear and tear.
Attribution to the type of overhaul depends on the technical condition of the buildings scheduled for repair, as well as the quality of their layout and the degree of internal improvement ( "Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings financed from the funds provided for by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services "(approved by the State Corporation" Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services " 02/15/2013))

Complex overhaul: replacement, restoration and (or) repair of the common property of an apartment building or its individual parts, made in relation to most of the common property of an apartment building ( "GOST R 51929-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Terms and definitions" (approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of 11.06.2014 N 543-st)

Complex overhaul- covers all elements of the building, provides for the simultaneous restoration of all worn out structural elements, engineering equipment and an increase in the degree of improvement of the building as a whole, eliminates physical and moral deterioration. Carrying out the next comprehensive overhaul of a building or structure is inappropriate in cases where the demolition or transfer of buildings or structures is planned in connection with the upcoming construction of another building or structure on the site they occupy, reconstruction of the building is supposed, the dismantling of the building is planned due to general dilapidation. In these cases, work should be carried out to maintain the structures of the building or structure in a condition that ensures their normal operation during the appropriate period (until demolition or reconstruction) ( )

Selective overhaul: replacement (restoration) of the common property of an apartment building or its individual parts, carried out in relation to a smaller part (some parts) of the common property of an apartment building ( "GOST R 51929-2014. National standard of the Russian Federation. Services of housing and communal services and management of apartment buildings. Terms and definitions" (approved and put into effect by the Order of Rosstandart of 11.06.2014 N 543-st)

Selective overhaul- covers individual structural elements of a building or its engineering equipment, while eliminating physical wear and tear of individual elements and technical systems building. Selective overhaul is carried out in cases where a comprehensive overhaul of a building can cause serious interference in the operation of the facility, with significant wear of individual structures that threatens the safety of the remaining parts of the building, with the economic inexpediency of carrying out a comprehensive overhaul according to the restrictions given in the definition of a comprehensive overhaul ( Decree of the Moscow Government dated 09.29.2010 N 849-PP (as amended on 07.07.2015) "On approval of the Regulations for the overhaul of real estate objects owned by the city of Moscow and transferred to trust management")

Emergency overhaul- repair or replacement of all structural elements, devices, systems of engineering equipment that have failed due to accidents, natural disasters, terrorist acts and vandalism ( Decree of the Moscow Government dated 09.29.2010 N 849-PP (as amended on 07.07.2015) "On approval of the Regulations for the overhaul of real estate objects owned by the city of Moscow and transferred to trust management")

Overhaul of external engineering communications

For overhaul of external engineering communications and improvement facilities include work on the repair of water supply networks, sewerage, heat and gas supply and power supply, landscaping of courtyards, repair of paths, driveways and sidewalks, etc. ( Resolution of the Gosstroy of Russia dated 05.03.2004 N 15/1 (as amended on 16.06.2014) "On the approval and implementation of the Methodology for determining the cost of construction products on the territory of the Russian Federation" (together with "MDS 81-35.2004 ...")

Overhaul of roads

Overhaul of the road- a set of works on the replacement and (or) restoration of structural elements of the highway, road structures and (or) their parts, the implementation of which is carried out within the established acceptable values and technical characteristics of the class and category of the motor road, and in the implementation of which the structural and other characteristics of the reliability and safety of the motor road are affected and the boundaries of the right-of-way of the motor road do not change ( Art. 3 of the Federal Law of 08.11.2007 N 257-FZ (as amended on 07.02.2017) "On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation")

Overhaul of the road surface- a complex of works in which a complete restoration and increase in the performance of road pavements and pavements, road beds and road structures is carried out, worn structures and parts are replaced or replaced with the most durable and durable ones, the geometric parameters of the road are increased taking into account the growth of traffic intensity and axial loads cars within the limits corresponding to the category established for the road being repaired, without increasing the width of the roadbed along the main length of the road ( Order of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region of June 29, 2015 N 125-RV "On Approval of the Rules for Improvement of the Territory of the Balashikha Urban District of the Moscow Region")

The term of the overhaul. Reasonable time

The timing of the overhaul is either established by the parties, or established by regulatory legal acts (NLA). In the absence of an indication of the timing of the repair in the contract or normative act, then it is carried out within a reasonable time.

The concept of a "reasonable time" is traditional for civil law and is mentioned repeatedly in the provisions of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (see Art. 314 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, in relation to pledge relations - clause 4 of Art. 345, clause 1 of Art. 358 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

A reasonable time frame for major repairs depends on the condition of the property, its properties, climate characteristics, features of major repairs, technical capabilities and other reasons.

In addition, the normative legal act may provide for both specific terms for the repair, and the procedure for determining them, and the frequency of certain types of repair work may be established.


; Appendix 8 to the Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee of 12/29/1973 N 279 "On Approval of the Regulations on the Preventive Maintenance of Industrial Buildings and Structures" (together with "MDS 13-14.2000 ...")

Appendix 8



I. Foundations

1. Changing wooden chairs or replacing them with stone or concrete pillars.
2. Partial re-laying (up to 10%), as well as reinforcement of stone foundations and basement walls, not associated with the building superstructure or additional loads from newly installed equipment.
3. Restoration of vertical and horizontal insulation of foundations.
4. Restoration of the existing blind area around the building (more than 20% of the total area of ​​the blind area).
5. Renovation of existing drains around the building.
6. Change of single collapsing stone and concrete pillars.

II. Walls and columns

1. Sealing cracks in brick or stone walls with clearing furrows, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
2. Installation and repair of structures that strengthen stone walls.
3. Re-laying of dilapidated brick cornices, lintels of pit parapets and protruding parts of the walls.
4. Re-laying and repair of separate dilapidated sections of stone walls up to 20% of the total volume of masonry, not associated with the superstructure of the building or additional loads from the newly installed equipment.
5. Reinforcement of reinforced concrete and stone columns with clips.
6. Repair and partial replacement (up to 20% of the total volume) of columns, not associated with additional loads from the newly installed equipment.
7. Change of aggregates in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames (up to 40%).
8. Replacement of dilapidated crowns of log or cobbled walls (up to 20% common surface walls).
9. Solid prokonopatka log or cobblestone walls.
10. Partial change of claddings, backfills and slab heaters of frame walls (up to 50% of the total wall area).
11. Change or repair of plating and insulation of wooden plinths.
12. Repair of stone plinths of wooden walls with their re-laying up to 50% of the total volume.
13. Repositioning and replacement of worn-out clamps of log and cobbled walls.

III. Partitions

1. Repair, change and replacement of worn out partitions with more progressive designs of all types of partitions.
2. During the overhaul of partitions, partial redevelopment is allowed with an increase in the total area of ​​partitions no more than 20%.

IV. Roofs and coverings

1. Change of dilapidated wooden roof trusses or their replacement with prefabricated reinforced concrete.
2. Complete or partial replacement of dilapidated metal and reinforced concrete trusses, as well as replacement of metal ones with prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
3. Strengthening of trusses when replacing the types of coverings (replacing wood slabs with prefabricated reinforced concrete, cold coverings with warm ones, etc.), when suspending lifting devices, as well as during corrosion of units and other elements of metal and prefabricated reinforced concrete trusses.
4. Partial or complete change of rafters, mauerlats and battens.
5. Repair of supporting structures of skylights.
6. Repair of devices for opening the bindings of skylights.
7. Partial or complete replacement of worn-out elements of coatings, as well as replacing them with more progressive and durable ones.
8. Partial (over 10% of the total roof area) or continuous change or replacement of all types of roofing.
9. Reconstruction of roofs in connection with the replacement of the roofing material.
10. Partial or complete replacement of wall gutters, slopes and coverings chimneys and other protruding devices above the roof.

V. Interfloor ceilings and floors

1. Repair or change of interfloor floors.
2. Replacement of individual structures or floors as a whole with more progressive and durable structures.
3. Reinforcement of all types of interfloor and attic floors.
4. Partial (more than 10% of the total floor area in the building) or continuous replacement of all types of floors and their bases.
5. Reorganization of floors during repairs with replacement for stronger and more durable materials. In this case, the type of floors must comply with the requirements of standards and technical conditions for new construction.

Vi. Windows, doors and gates

1. Complete replacement of dilapidated window and door blocks, as well as the gates of industrial buildings.

Vii. Stairs and porches

1. Partial or complete change of landings, ramps and porches.
2. Change and strengthening of all types of stairs and their individual elements.

VIII. Internal plastering, facing
and painting work

1. Renewal of plaster of all premises and repair of plaster in the amount of more than 10% of the total plastered surface.
2. Change of wall cladding in the amount of more than 10% of the total area of ​​the faced surfaces.
3. Continuous anti-corrosion painting of metal structures.

IX. Facades

1. Repair and renewal of cladding with an area of ​​more than 10% of the cladded surface.
2. Full or partial (more than 10%) renewal of plaster.
3. Complete renewal of rods, cornices, belts, sandrids, etc.
4. Renewal of stucco details.
5. Solid color with stable compounds.
6. Cleaning the facade with sandblasting machines.
7. Change of balcony slabs and railings.
8. Change of coatings of protruding parts of the building.

1. Complete transfer of all types heating furnaces, chimneys and their bases.
2. Re-equipment of furnaces for burning coal and gas in them.
3. Complete re-laying of cookers.

XI. Central heating

1. Change of individual sections and units of heating boilers, boilers, boiler units or complete replacement of boiler units (in the event that the boiler unit is not an independent inventory item).
2. Repair and replacement of expanders, condensation traps and other network equipment.
3. Repair and relocation of foundations for boilers.
4. Automation of boiler rooms.
5. Transfer from stove heating to central heating.
6. Change of heating registers.
7. Connection of buildings to heating networks (with a distance from the building to the network no more than 100 m).

XII. Ventilation

1. Partial or complete change of air ducts.
2. Change of fans.
3. Rewind or change electric motors.
4. Change of gates, deflectors, throttle valves, blinds.
5. Partial or complete change of ventilation ducts.
6. Change of heaters.
7. Change of heating units.
8. Change of filters.
9. Change of cyclones.
10. Change of individual chamber designs.

XIII. Plumbing and sewerage

1. Partial or complete change of the pipeline inside the building, including water supply and sewerage outlets.

XIV. Hot water supply

1. Change of coils and boilers.
2. Change of the pipeline, parts and pumping units in general, tanks and pipeline insulation.

XV. Electric lighting and communication

1. Change of worn out sections of the network (more than 10%).
2. Change of safety guards.
3. Repair or restoration of cable channels.
4. During major overhaul of the network, it is allowed to replace luminaires with other types (conventional ones with fluorescent ones).


XVI. Water supply and sewerage facilities

a) Pipelines and network fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the anticorrosive insulation of the pipeline.
2. Change of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without changing the diameter of the pipes. In this case, replacement is allowed cast iron pipes for steel, ceramic for concrete or reinforced concrete and vice versa, but replacement of asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones is not allowed (except in emergency cases).

3. Replacement of worn fittings, valves, fire hydrants, plungers, valves, water columns or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
4. Change of individual pipes of siphons.

b) Wells

1. Repair of the cage of wells.
2. Change of hatches.
3. Stuffing the trays again to replace the destroyed ones.
4. Replacement of worn-out wooden wells.
5. Renewal of plaster.

c) Water intakes and hydraulic structures

1. Dams, dams, waterways, canals

1. Change or replacement of fastening of banks or slopes in the amount of up to 50%.
2. Replenishment of swollen slopes of earthen structures.
3. Change of ryazh.
4. Renewal of the protective layer in the underwater parts of reinforced concrete structures.
5. Change of gratings and nets.
6. Repair and replacement of panel gates.

2. Water wells

1. Construction and dismantling of an oil rig or installation and dismantling of an inventory rig.
2. Cleaning the well from collapses and silting.
3. Removing and installing a new filter.
4. Casing the well with a new casing string.
5. Replacement of water and air pipes.
6. Recovery of the well flow rate by torpedoing or flushing with hydrochloric acid.
7. Cementation of the annular space and drilling out of cement.

d) Treatment facilities

1. Repair and replacement of completely waterproofing.
2. Repair and renewal of plaster and ironwork.
3. Re-laying of brick walls and partitions up to 20% of the total volume of masonry in the structure.
4. Sealing leaks in reinforced concrete, concrete and stone walls and floors of structures with concrete dismantling in separate places and concreting again.
5. Continuous gunning of the walls of structures.
6. Repair of drainage around structures.
7. Replacement of tank hatches.
8. Replacing the grilles.
9. Replacing the loading of filters, biofilters, aerofilters.
10. Change of filter plates.
11. Replacement of pipelines and fittings.
12. Re-laying of the drainage system of the sludge platforms.

XVII. Heating

a) Channels and cameras

1. Partial or complete change of coverings of channels and chambers.
2. Partial or complete change of waterproofing of channels and chambers.
3. Partial re-laying of the walls of brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
4. Partial relocation of drainage systems.
5. Repair of the bottoms of canals and chambers.
6. Renewal of the protective layer in the reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.
7. Change of hatches.

b) Pipelines and fittings

1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.
2. Renewal of the waterproofing of the pipeline.
3. Change of individual sections of the pipeline (due to pipe wear) without increasing the diameter of the pipes.
4. Change of fittings, valves, expansion joints or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
5. Replacement of movable and fixed supports.

XVIII. Access and in-plant railways

a) Subgrade

1. Widening of the subgrade in places of insufficient width to normal size.
2. Treatment of the subgrade in places of landslides, erosion, landslides, abysses.
3. Restoration of all drainage and drainage devices.
4. Restoration of all protective and strengthening structures of the roadbed (sodding, paving, retaining walls).
5. Restoration of regulatory structures.
6. Correction, filling of bridge cones.
7. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade).

b) Track superstructure

1. Cleaning the ballast layer or renewing the ballast with bringing the ballast section to the dimensions established by the standards for this type of track.
2. Change of unusable sleepers.
3. Change of worn out rails.
4. Change of unusable fasteners.
5. Straightening curves.
6. Repair of turnouts with replacement of individual elements and transition bars.
7. Change of turnouts.
8. Repair of the bridge deck.
9. Changing the flooring of the level crossings or replacing the wooden one with the reinforced concrete one.

c) Artificial structures (bridges, tunnels, pipes)

1. Partial change of elements or complete replacement of worn out superstructures.
2. Partial re-laying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total volume).
3. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total).
4. Shotcrete or grouting of the support surface.
5. The device on the supports of reinforcing reinforced concrete shells (shirts).
6. Repair or complete replacement of insulation.
7. Change of bridge beams.
8. Change of anti-theft bars.
9. Change of wood flooring.
10. Change of flooring from reinforced concrete slabs.
11. Change of counter rails.
12. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, excluding piles.
13. Replacement of wooden packages with reinforced concrete spans.
14. Partial re-laying of stone and brickwork arches and walls of tunnels.
15. Injection cement mortar for the lining of the tunnel.
16. Repair and replacement of drainage devices in tunnels.
17. Repositioning the head of the pipes.
18. Change of elements of wooden pipes (up to 50% of the volume of wood).
19. Change of elements of reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

XIX. Car roads

a) Subgrade

1. Treatment of the subgrade in places of landslides, landslides, erosion and depths.
2. Restoration of all drainage and drainage devices.
3. Restoration of all protective and strengthening structures of the roadbed.
4. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade or road as a single inventory object).

b) Road clothes

1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
2. Laying an asphalt concrete leveling layer on a cement-concrete pavement.
3. Arrangement of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.
4. Change of cement-concrete pavement to a new one.
5. Strengthening the asphalt concrete pavement.
6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.
7. Paving the pavement.
8. Profiling of dirt roads.

c) Bridges, pipes

1. Partial re-laying of stone and brick supports (up to 20% of the total volume).
2. Repair of concrete supports (up to 15% of the total).
3. Replacement of damaged elements of wooden bridges, with the exception of piles.
4. Change of wood or reinforced concrete flooring, as well as the replacement of wooden flooring with reinforced concrete.
5. Complete change or replacement of superstructures.
6. Repositioning of pipe heads.
7. Change of elements of wooden, reinforced concrete or concrete pipes (up to 50% of the volume).

d) Sites for cars, road construction
and other machines, storage areas, as well as sites
grain receiving points

1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (trays, cuvettes, etc.).
2. Paving cobblestone areas.
3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.
4. Repair of concrete sites with the laying of a leveling layer of concrete.
5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
6. Covering with asphalt concrete sites listed in items 2 - 5.

XX. Electrical networks and communications

1. Change or replacement of unusable fittings.
2. Replacing hooks with traverses.
3. Change of wires.
4. Repair and replacement of end and connecting cable sleeves.
5. Repair or replacement of grounding devices.
6. Change of supports (up to 30% per 1 km).
7. Installation of cable wells.

XXI. Other structures

1. Repair, change or replacement for other supports of overpasses for air laying of pipelines.
2. Repair or change of platforms, ladders and fences of overpasses for air pipeline laying.
3. Repair or replacement of individual columns (up to 20%) of crane trestles.
4. Repair or replacement of crane beams of crane trestles.
5. Repair of galleries and racks for fuel supply of boiler houses and gas generator substations with a change (up to 20%) of structures without changing the foundations.
6. Change or complete replacement of wooden fence posts (fences).
7. Repair or replacement of individual concrete and reinforced concrete pillars (up to 20%) and fences (fences).
8. Repair of individual sections of infills between fence posts (up to 40%).
9. Repair of individual sections of solid stone fences (up to 20%).
10. Repair of individual sections of solid adobe fences (up to 40%).
11. Repair of chimneys with the change or replacement of the lining, with the setting of hoops, with the restoration of the protective layer of reinforced concrete pipes.
12. Repair and replacement of individual links of metal chimneys.
13. Repair of ash and slag discharges with complete replacement of individual pipeline links (without increasing the diameter).
14. Repair of loading platforms with a complete change of wood flooring, blind area or asphalt. Change of individual supports or sections of retaining walls (up to 20%). In the event that the unloading platform is part of a warehouse facility (ramp), a complete change or replacement of all structures is allowed.

An indicative list of works performed during the overhaul of the housing stock; Appendix 8 to the Resolution of the Gosstroy of the Russian Federation of September 27, 2003 N 170 "On approval of the Rules and norms for the technical operation of the housing stock"


1. Inspection of residential buildings (including a complete survey of the housing stock) and the preparation of design estimates (regardless of the period of repair work).
2. Repair and construction work on the change, restoration or replacement of elements of residential buildings (except for the complete replacement of stone and concrete foundations, load-bearing walls and frames).
3. Modernization of residential buildings during their overhaul (redevelopment taking into account the downsizing of multi-room apartments; installation of additional kitchens and sanitary facilities, expansion of living space due to auxiliary premises, improvement of insolation of residential premises, elimination of dark kitchens and entrances to apartments through kitchens with a device, with necessary, built-in or attached premises for staircases, sanitary facilities or kitchens); replacement of stove heating with central heating with the installation of boiler rooms, heat pipelines and heating points; roof and other autonomous heat supply sources; re-equipment of furnaces for burning gas or coal; equipment with systems of cold and hot water supply, sewerage, gas supply with connection to the existing main networks at a distance from the input to the point of connection to the mains up to 150 m, the device of gas ducts, water pumping, boiler rooms; complete replacement of existing central heating systems, hot and cold water supply (including with the obligatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on the installation of steel pipes); installation of household electric stoves instead of gas stoves or kitchen fireplaces; installation of elevators, garbage chutes, pneumatic garbage disposal systems in houses with an elevation of the staircase of the upper floor of 15 m and higher; transfer of the existing power supply network to increased voltage; repair of television antennas for collective use, connection to a telephone and radio broadcasting network; installation of intercoms, electric locks, installation of fire-prevention automation and smoke removal systems; automation and dispatching of elevators, heating boilers, heating networks, engineering equipment; improvement of courtyard areas (paving, asphalting, landscaping, fencing, wood sheds, equipment for children's and household playgrounds). Repair of roofs, facades, joints of prefabricated buildings up to 50%.
4. Thermal insulation of residential buildings (work to improve the heat-shielding properties of enclosing structures, installation of window fillings with triple glazing, installation of external vestibules).
5. Replacement of intra-quarter engineering networks.
6. Installation of metering devices for the consumption of heat energy for heating and hot water supply, the consumption of cold and hot water on the building, as well as the installation of apartment hot and cold water(when replacing networks).
7. Reconstruction of non-ventilated combined roofs.
8. Architectural supervision of design organizations over the overhaul of residential buildings with full or partial replacement of floors and redevelopment.
9. Technical supervision in cases when subdivisions for technical supervision of capital repairs of the housing stock have been created in local government bodies and organizations.
10. Repair of built-in rooms in buildings.

List of works on overhaul of buildings and structures; Appendix 9 to the Order of the Ministry of Justice of Russia dated September 28, 2001 N 276 (as amended on January 24, 2006) "On approval of instructions for the technical operation of buildings and structures of institutions of the penal system")

Appendix 9


1.1. Foundations.
1.1.1. Changing wooden chairs or replacing them with stone or concrete pillars.
1.1.2. Partial re-laying (up to 15%), as well as reinforcement of foundations and basement walls under the outer and inner walls and pillars of stone and wooden buildings, not associated with the building superstructure or with additional loads from newly installed equipment.
1.1.3. Reinforcement of foundations for foundations of stone buildings that are not associated with the superstructure of the building.
1.1.4. Restoration of vertical and horizontal insulation of foundations.
1.1.5. Restoration of a settled existing or device of a new blind area around the building (more than 20% of the total area of ​​the blind area) in order to protect the soil under the foundations from erosion or waterlogging.
1.1.6. Repair brick cladding foundation walls from the basement separate places with the transfer of more than 10 bricks in one place.
1.1.7. Partial or complete restoration or installation of new waterproofing in basements.
1.1.8. Partial or complete re-laying of pits at the windows of the basement and basement floors.
1.1.9. Replacement in wooden buildings rotted wooden foundation chairs on new wooden, brick, concrete or reinforced concrete pillars.
1.1.10. Renovation of existing drains around the building.
1.1.11. Replacement of single collapsing stone and concrete pillars.
Note. At the expense of funds for major repairs, it is possible to artificially consolidate the soils of the foundations of the foundations by chemical, thermal and other methods.

1.2. Walls and columns.
1.2.1. Re-laying of brick plinths (more than 10 bricks in one place).
1.2.2. Sealing cracks in brick or stone walls with clearing furrows, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
1.2.3. Installation and repair of structures that strengthen stone walls.
1.2.4. Re-laying of dilapidated brick cornices, lintels, parapets, pits and protruding parts of the walls.
1.2.5. Full or partial re-laying and fastening of separate dilapidated sections of brick walls (up to 25% of their total area in the building), not associated with the superstructure of the building or with additional loads from newly installed equipment, as well as the replacement of individual crowns in wooden buildings, also not exceeding 25% the common surface of the walls.
1.2.6. Strengthening the walls with tension and metal ties.
1.2.7. Change of fillings in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames (up to 40%).
1.2.8. Sealing cracks in brick walls with excavation and clearing of old masonry and installation of new ones, with bandaging seams with old masonry.
1.2.9. Restoration of the waterproofing layer throughout horizontal plane along the edge of the foundation.
1.2.10. Fastening or strengthening stone walls that deviate from the vertical position and have deformations.
1.2.11. Re-laying of dilapidated cornices, parapets, firewalls, pits and protruding parts of the walls.
1.2.12. Repositioning of individual, worn-out, window and door lintels.
1.2.13. Warming of dilapidated wooden walls by stripe boards on the roofing or with additional boarding and backfilling with fine slag.
1.2.14. Partial disassembly of existing interior walls and the laying of new ones (up to 25% of the total volume) associated with the redevelopment of premises.
1.2.15. Replacement different types aggregates in walls with stone, reinforced concrete and metal frames(up to 50% of the total wall area).
1.2.16. Change of dilapidated crowns of log or cobbled walls (up to 20%).
1.2.17. Solid prokonopatka log or cobbled walls.
1.2.18. Partial change of cladding, backfill and slab insulation of frame walls (up to 50% of the total wall area).
1.2.19. Change or repair of plating and insulation of wooden plinths.
1.2.20. Repair of stone plinths of wooden walls with their re-laying up to 50% of the total volume.
1.2.21. Repositioning and replacement of worn-out clamps of log and cobbled walls.
1.2.22. Strengthening reinforced concrete and stone columns with clips.
1.2.23. Repair and partial replacement (up to 20%) of columns not associated with additional loads from newly installed equipment.

1.3. Partitions.
1.3.1. Repair, replacement and replacement of worn out partitions with more progressive designs.
1.3.2. Partial redevelopment with an increase in the total area of ​​partitions (up to 20%).
1.3.3. Repair of partitions with the replacement of unusable straps and boards in an amount of more than 2 m2 in one place.
1.3.4. Strengthening the sound insulation of partitions by upholstering them with an additional layer of hardboard, cardboard or other materials, followed by applying a layer of plaster, wallpapering or painting.
1.3.5. Replenishment of the backfill of two-layer partitions, followed by boarding and all finishing works.

1.4. Roofs and roofs.
1.4.1. Replacement of formwork boards in places of grooves and cornice slopes.
1.4.2. Replacement of dilapidated roof structures with a roof made of ready-made reinforced concrete elements coated with tar paper, roofing felt and other roofing materials.
1.4.3. Full or partial replacement of dilapidated metal and reinforced concrete trusses.
1.4.4. Strengthening of trusses when replacing types of coatings (wood slabs with precast concrete, cold coating - with warm, etc.), as well as with corrosion of units and other elements of metal and precast reinforced concrete trusses.
1.4.5. Partial or continuous change of rafters, Mauerlats and roof battens.
1.4.6. Repair or replacement of worn metal roof railings.
1.4.7. Repair or replacement of worn outdoor fire escapes.
1.4.8. Arrangement of new manholes on the roof, dormers and transitional bridges to them.
1.4.9. Repositioning of smoke and ventilation pipes on the roof.
1.4.10. Complete replacement of dilapidated wall gutters, slopes and coverings around chimneys and other protruding devices above the roof.
1.4.11. Reconstruction of light lanterns with low illumination of premises for a large one.
1.4.12. Repair and painting of supporting structures of skylights.
1.4.13. Repair of mechanical and manual opening and closing devices for light lantern bindings.
1.4.14. Partial or complete replacement of worn-out elements of the coating, as well as replacing them with more progressive and durable ones.
1.4.15. Partial (more than 10%) or complete change or replacement of the roof (all types).
1.4.16. Reconstruction of roofs due to the replacement of roofing materials.
1.4.17. Repair of coatings around smoke and ventilation pipes, firewalls, parapets and other protruding parts on the roof.
1.4.18. Strengthening parapets, steel fencing gratings, repairing ventilation shafts, gas ducts, sewer risers and other protruding parts on the roof.
1.4.19. Restoration and repair of ladders for the safety of cleaning chimneys on roofs with soft surfaces or steep slopes.
1.4.20. Maintenance of outdoor fire escapes for access to the roof.

1.5. Interfloor ceilings and floors.
1.5.1. Repair or change of interfloor and attic floors.
1.5.2. Replacement of individual floor beams, extension of the ends of the beams with prostheses with all subsequent work. Replacing the pick between the beams.
1.5.3. Replacement of individual structures or floors in general with more progressive and durable structures.
1.5.4. Strengthening all elements of interfloor and attic floors.
1.5.5. Shotcrete reinforced concrete floors if damaged.
1.5.6. Partial (more than 10%) or continuous change of sexes (all types) and their bases.
1.5.7. Reconstruction of floors during repairs with replacement for stronger and more durable ones, while the type of floors must comply with the requirements of norms and technical conditions for new construction.
1.5.8. Recovery concrete base under floors with a new floor installation.
1.5.9. Re-laying of clean plank floors with leveling of the logs and adding new material.
1.5.10. Re-laying of parquet floors with fixing or replacing the battens.
1.5.11. Re-laying of floors on joists in the first floors with correction or replacement of the base and restoration of brick posts.
1.5.12. Repair or replacement of walls of underground channels.

1.6. Windows, doors and gates.
1.6.1. Complete replacement of dilapidated window and door blocks, as well as gates.

1.7. Stairs and porches.
1.7.1. Partial or complete change of landings, ramps and porches.
1.7.2. Change or strengthening of all types of stairs and their individual elements.
1.7.3. Replacement or repair of handrails and handrails of stairs over 5% of their total.
1.7.4. Arrangement of new porches.
1.7.5. Change of metal stringers or welding of damaged parts of stringers.

1.8. Internal plastering, facing and painting works.
1.8.1. Renewal of plaster of all premises and repair of plaster in the amount of more than 10% of the total plastered surface.
1.8.2. Upholstery of walls and ceilings with dry plaster.
1.8.3. Restoration or replacement of wall cladding in the amount of more than 10% of the total area of ​​cladding surfaces.
1.8.4. Renewal of stucco details inside the premises.
1.8.5. Painting of window sashes, doors, ceilings, walls and floors after overhaul of these structures.
1.8.6. Oil painting of radiators, heating pipes, water supply, sewerage, gasification after overhaul of the system or new installation of it, if the costs are carried out at the expense of overhaul funds.
1.8.7. Continuous anti-corrosion painting of metal structures.

1.9. Facades.
1.9.1. Repair and renewal of cladding with an area of ​​more than 10% of the cladded surface of the facades of buildings with the replacement of individual tiles with new ones or plastering these places with subsequent painting in the same color as the facing slabs.
1.9.2. Full or partial (more than 10%) renewal of plaster.
1.9.3. Restoration or alteration of rods, cornices, belts, sandrids and other protruding parts of building facades.
1.9.4. Complete replacement and installation of new drainpipes, as well as all external metal and cement coatings on the protruding parts of the facades of buildings.
1.9.5. Restoration of modeling and stucco decorations and details.
1.9.6. Continuous painting of building facades with stable compounds.
1.9.7. Change or installation of new gratings and fences on the roofs and balconies of buildings.
1.9.8. Cleaning of facades and plinths with sandblasting machines.
1.9.9. Change or reinforcement of all supporting and enclosing structures of balconies and bay windows.
1.9.10. Change of coatings of protruding parts of the building.
1.9.11. Restoration of old or installation of new gates.
1.9.12. Oil painting of facades of wooden buildings.

1.10. Stoves and hearths.
1.10.1. Repair, alteration and installation of new stoves, kitchen hearths, embedded boilers and chimneys for them.
1.10.2. Complete re-laying or installation of new heating stoves, chimneys, ventilation ducts and chimneys and their bases.
1.10.3. Conversion of heating stoves from wood-burning to gas heating or to heating with solid fuel.

1.11. Central heating.
1.11.1. Installation of central heating instead of the stove with the adaptation of the existing room for the boiler room and installation of the boiler room. In some cases, if it is impossible to adapt the existing premises to the boiler room, it is allowed to add an extension to the existing building with a building area of ​​not more than 65 m2 or to build a new boiler room building.
1.11.2. Change of individual sections and assemblies of heating boilers, boilers, boiler units or complete replacement of boiler units (if they are not independent inventory items).
1.11.3. Replacement of the existing central heating piping.
1.11.4. Repair and replacement of expanders, condensation traps and other network equipment.
1.11.5. Arrangement of external furnaces and accessories for boilers for a blast furnace.
1.11.6. Change and re-installation of additional sections of heating devices and individual sections of the pipeline.
1.11.7. Repair, relocation or re-installation of foundations for boilers and other equipment.
1.11.8. Boiler room automation.
1.11.9. Change of insulation of pipelines that have fallen into disrepair.
1.11.10. Repositioning of the boiler and chimney lining.
1.11.11. Placing patches on a steel boiler, boiler, steam boiler, tank.
1.11.12. Manufacturing and installation of a new casing.
1.11.13. Restoration or installation of new lining and lining of central heating boilers.
1.11.14. Replacement of worn-out metal chimneys from boiler rooms.
1.11.15. Change of heating registers.
1.11.16. Connection of buildings to heating networks (with a distance from the building to the network no more than 100 m).

1.12. Ventilation.
1.12.1. The device of a new, restoration or reconstruction of the ventilation system.
1.12.2. Partial or complete change of air ducts.
1.12.3. Change of fans.
1.12.4. Rewind or change electric motors.
1.12.5. Change of gates, deflectors, throttle valves, blinds.
1.12.6. Partial or complete change of ventilation ducts.
1.12.7. Change of heaters.
1.12.8. Change of heating units.
1.12.9. Change of filters.
1.12.10. Change of cyclones.
1.12.11. Change of individual designs of ventilation chambers.

1.13. Plumbing and sewerage.
1.13.1. Restoration or installation of a new internal water supply and sewerage system of the building, pipelines, including water supply and sewerage inlets and their connection to the water supply and sewerage networks. The length of the line from the nearest water supply or sewer outlet to the street network should not exceed 100 m.
1.13.2. Installation of new indoor water intakes.
1.13.3. Installation of additional inspection chambers on existing yard lines or street networks at the points of connection.
1.13.4. Relocation of underground water and sewer pipes.
1.13.5. Replacement of cast-iron lavatory cisterns with flush taps with alteration of the piping and shortening of the flush pipe.
1.13.6. Replacement of taps, valves and sanitary fittings.
1.13.7. The device of water pumps.
1.13.8. Installation of new sanitary facilities.

1.14. Hot water supply.
1.14.1. Change and installation of new hot water supply.
1.14.2. Change of individual sections of the hot water supply pipeline.
1.14.3. Replacement of worn-out tanks, water heaters and water heaters.
1.14.4. Repair of tanks, coils and boilers, associated with complete disassembly and replacement of individual units and parts.
1.14.5. Change of pipeline, parts and pumping units in general, tanks and pipeline insulation.
1.14.6. Change and installation of baths, showers and fittings for them (shower nets with piping, water taps, flexible hoses).

1.15. Electric lighting, communications and power wiring.
1.15.1. Installation of new electric lighting in residential and public buildings and connection to the mains supply.
1.15.2. Replacement of worn-out lighting electrical wiring with the change of installation fittings (switches, knife switches, plugs, sockets, sockets), and during a major overhaul of the building - the installation of a new electrical wiring.
1.15.3. Installation of new and replacement of group distribution and safety boxes and shields.
1.15.4. Reconstruction of the electrical wiring with the installation of additional fittings in connection with the redevelopment of the premises.
1.15.5. Automation of electric lighting in the stairwells of buildings.
1.15.6. Replacement of metering devices and protection devices for electrical installations.
1.15.7. Repair or restoration of cable channels.
1.15.8. Replacement of luminaires with other types (conventional for fluorescent, etc.).

1.16. Gas supply.
1.16.1. Installation of additional gas equipment in apartments with its connection to the gas network.
1.16.2. Gasification of individual apartments.
1.16.3. Change of individual sections of the gas pipeline.
1.16.4. Replacement of worn-out equipment (gas stoves, water heaters) with new equipment.

1.17. Elevators and lifts.
1.17.1. Re-installation of elevators with all types of construction and installation work.
1.17.2. Full or partial replacement of electrical equipment and elevator cargo winches.
1.17.3. Reinforcement, full or partial change of metal structures and mine enclosing nets.
1.17.4. Complete or partial change of electrical wiring in mines.
1.17.5. Dismantling and installation of elevator equipment in connection with work to reduce noise in rooms with constant presence of people.
1.17.6. Elevator automation.

2. Structures

2.1. Water supply and sewerage facilities. Pipelines and network fittings.
2.1.1. Partial or complete replacement of the anticorrosive insulation of the pipeline.
2.1.2. Change of individual sections of the pipeline without changing the diameter of the pipes. At the same time, it is allowed to replace cast-iron pipes with steel ones, ceramic ones with concrete or reinforced concrete ones and vice versa, but it is not allowed to replace asbestos-cement pipes with metal ones (except in emergency cases).
The length of the network sections, on which a continuous change of pipes is allowed, should not exceed 200 m per 1 km of the network.
2.1.3. Change of worn fittings, valves, fire hydrants, plungers, valves, water columns or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
2.1.4. Change of individual pipes of siphons.

2.2. Water supply and sewerage networks. Wells.
2.2.1. Well masonry repair.
2.2.2. Change of hatches.
2.2.3. Stuffing the trays again to replace the destroyed ones.
2.2.4. Replacement of worn out wooden wells.
2.2.5. Renewal of plaster.

2.3. Water supply and sewerage networks. Treatment facilities.
2.3.1. Repair or replacement (completely) of waterproofing.
2.3.2. Repair and renewal of plaster and ironwork.
2.3.3. Re-laying of brick walls and partitions (up to 20% of the total volume of masonry in the structure).
2.3.4. Sealing leaks in reinforced concrete, concrete and stone walls and floors of structures with concrete dismantling in separate places and concreting again.
2.3.5. Continuous gunning of the walls of structures.
2.3.6. Repair of drainage around structures.
2.3.7. Replacement of tank hatches.
2.3.8. Replacement of grilles.
2.3.9. Replacing the loading of filters, biofilters, aerofilters.
2.3.10. Replacement of pipelines and fittings.
2.3.11. Change of filter plates.
2.3.12. Re-laying of the drainage system of sludge platforms.

2.4. Heating. Channels and cameras.
2.4.1. Partial or complete change of coverings of channels and chambers.
2.4.2. Partial or complete change of waterproofing of channels and chambers.
2.4.3. Partial re-laying of the walls of brick channels and chambers (up to 20% of the total surface of the walls).
2.4.4. Partial re-laying of drainage systems.
2.4.5. Repair of the bottoms of canals and chambers.
2.4.6. Renewal of the protective layer in the reinforced concrete structures of channels and chambers.
2.4.7. Change of hatches.

2.5. Heating. Pipelines and fittings.
2.5.1. Partial or complete replacement of the thermal insulation of the pipeline.
2.5.2. Renewal of waterproofing pipelines.
2.5.3. Change of individual sections of the pipeline without increasing the diameter of the pipes.
2.5.4. Change of fittings, valves, expansion joints or their repair with replacement of worn out parts.
2.5.5. Replacement of movable and fixed supports.

2.6. Car roads. Earthen bed.
2.6.1. Treatment of subgrade in places of landslides, landslides, erosion and depths.
2.6.2. Restoration of drainage and drainage devices.
2.6.3. Restoration of protective and strengthening structures of the roadbed.
2.6.4. Change of individual structures of artificial structures or their replacement with other structures, as well as a complete change of pipes and small bridges (if they are not independent inventory objects, but are part of the subgrade or road as a single inventory object).

2.7. Car roads. Travel clothing.
2.7.1. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete slabs.
2.7.2. Laying of an asphalt concrete leveling layer on a cement-concrete pavement.
2.7.3. Installation of asphalt concrete pavement on roads with cement-concrete pavement.
2.7.4. Change of cement-concrete pavement to a new one.
2.7.5. Strengthening the asphalt concrete pavement.
2.7.6. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces.
2.7.7. Paving the pavement.
2.7.8. Profiling of dirt roads.

2.8. Warehouse and other sites.
2.8.1. Repair and restoration of drainage structures (trays, cuvettes, etc.).
2.8.2. Paving cobblestone areas.
2.8.3. Reconstruction of crushed stone and gravel surfaces of sites.
2.8.4. Repair of concrete sites with the laying of a leveling layer of concrete.
2.8.5. Leveling and replacing individual cement-concrete sites.
2.8.6. Coverage of sites with asphalt concrete.

2.9. Electrical networks and communications.
2.9.1. Change or replacement of fittings.
2.9.2. Replacing hooks with traverses.
2.9.3. Change of wires.
2.9.4. Repair and replacement of end and connecting cable couplings.
2.9.5. Repair or replacement of grounding devices.
2.9.6. Change of supports (up to 30% per 1 km).
2.9.7. Installation of cable wells.

2.10. Other structures.
2.10.1. Repair, change or replacement for other supports of overpasses for air pipelines.
2.10.2. Repair and replacement of platforms, stairs and fences of overpasses for air pipelines.
2.10.3. Repair or replacement of individual columns (up to 20%) of crane trestles.
2.10.4. Repair or replacement of crane beams of crane trestles.
2.10.5. Repair of galleries and ramps for fuel supply of boiler houses and gas generator substations with a change (up to 20%) of structures without changing the foundations.
2.10.6. Change or complete replacement of wooden fence posts.
2.10.7. Repair or replacement of individual concrete and reinforced concrete pillars (up to 20%) of fences.
2.10.8. Repair of individual sections of fencing elements (up to 40% infill between posts).
2.10.9. Repair of individual sections of solid stone fences (up to 20%).
2.10.10. Repair of individual sections of solid adobe fences (up to 40%).
2.10.11. Repair of chimneys with the change or replacement of the lining, with the setting of hoops, with the restoration of the protective layer of reinforced concrete pipes.
2.10.12. Repair and replacement of individual links of metal chimneys.
2.16.13. Repair of ash and slag discharges with complete replacement of individual pipeline links (without increasing the diameter).
2.12.14. Repair of loading platforms with a complete change of wood flooring, blind area or asphalt. Change of individual supports or sections of retaining walls (up to 20%). In the event that the unloading area is part of a warehouse facility (ramp), a complete change or replacement of all structures is allowed.

The list of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings to be included in the scope of work financed from the funds provided for by Federal Law N 185-FZ; Table 2.3 ( "Methodological recommendations for the formation of the scope of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings financed from the funds provided by the Federal Law of July 21, 2007 N 185-FZ" On the Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services "(approved by the State Corporation" Fund for Assistance to Reforming Housing and Communal Services " 02/15/2013)

This list is formed on the basis of the revised lists of overhaul works recommended by the above regulatory documents within the framework of the types of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings, determined by Article 15 of Federal Law N 185-FZ. In this case, it is assumed that the provisions of these guidelines apply to apartment buildings subject to capital repairs without termination of their operation. As a result of the overhaul, all necessary work to bring the common property of an apartment building into a technically sound state by restoring or replacing all parts of structures and engineering systems that have shorter service lives between successive (in terms of the standard service life) major overhauls than the supporting structures.

2.3.2. Consistent and methodological linking of technological processes to the list of works given in Table 2.3 of these recommendations is contained in Section 3.

Table 2.3

The name of the types of work in accordance with Part 3 of Article 15 of Federal Law N 185-FZ

Subspecies and list of works

Repair of in-house engineering systems of electrical, heat, gas, water supply, sewerage

1. Repair or replacement of engineering systems:

1.1. Cold water supply, including:

1.1.1. Repair or replacement of water metering units;

1.1.2. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.1.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including on the branch from the risers to the apartment;

1.1.4. Repair or replacement in the complex of equipment of booster pumping units

1.1.5. Repair or replacement of equipment, pipelines and fittings of a fire water supply system

1.2. Repair or replacement of the hot water supply system, including:

1.2.1. Repair or replacement of TRZh, heat exchangers, boilers, pumping units and other equipment (as part of common property) in the complex for the preparation and supply of hot water to the distribution network;

1.2.2. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.2.3. Replacement of shut-off valves, including on the branch from the risers to the apartment.

1.3. Repair or replacement of the sewerage and drainage system, including:

1.3.1. Repair or replacement of outlets, prefabricated pipelines, risers and hoods;

1.3.2. Replacement of valves, if any;

1.4. Repair or replacement of the heating system, including;

1.4.1. Repair or replacement of distribution lines and risers;

1.4.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including on the branch from risers to heating devices in residential premises;

1.4.3. Rearrangement or replacement of heating devices in public places and replacement in residential premises of heating devices that do not have disconnecting devices;

1.4.4. Installation, repair or replacement in the complex of ITP equipment (individual heating points) and in the presence of booster pumping units

1.5. Repair or replacement of the gas supply system, including:

1.5.1. Repair or replacement of in-house distribution lines and risers;

1.5.2. Replacement of shut-off and control valves, including on the branch from risers to household gas appliances in residential premises;

1.6. Repair or replacement of the power supply system, including:

1.6.1. Repair or replacement of the main switchboard (main switchboard), distribution and group boards;

1.6.2. Repair or replacement of in-house distribution highways and risers of communal and apartment lighting;

1.6.3. Replacement of branches from floor panels or boxes of apartment meters and installation and lighting fixtures communal lighting;

1.6.4. Replacement of electrical networks to power the electrical equipment of elevators and electrical equipment to ensure the operation of engineering systems;

2. Modernization of engineering systems, including:

2.1. Mandatory use of modernized heating devices and pipelines made of plastic, metal-plastic, etc. and a ban on the installation of steel pipes

2.2. Transfer of the existing power supply network to increased voltage;

2.3. Replacement of lighting devices for the needs of municipal lighting with energy-saving ones;

2.4. Re-equipment of heat points and water metering units;

3. Replacing stove heating with central heating

with device

boiler rooms,

heat pipelines and

heat points;

roof and other autonomous heat supply sources

4. Equipment by systems

cold and

hot water supply,


gas supply

with accession

to existing backbone networks with a distance from the input to the point of connection to the highways up to 150 m,


gas ducts,

water pump,

boiler rooms.

Repair or replacement of elevator equipment found unsuitable for operation, if necessary, repair of elevator shafts

Repair and replacement of elevator equipment with its modernization, including:

1. Repair or complete replacement of elevator equipment found unsuitable for use;

2. Repair, if necessary, of mines, replacement of attached mines;

3. Repair of machine rooms;

4. Repair, replacement of automation elements and dispatching of elevator equipment;

5. Equipment of devices required for connection to existing systems; automation and dispatching of elevator equipment

Roof repair

1. Repair of roof structures:

1.1. From wooden structures:

1.1.1. Repair: with partial replacement

Rafter legs


Solid and discharged battens made of bars

1.1.2. Antiseptic and fireproofing of wooden structures.

1.1.3. Insulation of the under-roof (attic) floor

1.1.4. Repair (replacement of dormer windows)

1.2. From reinforced concrete rafters and roof decks:

1.2.1. Elimination of malfunctions of reinforced concrete rafters and roof decks;

1.2.2. Insulation of the under-roof (attic) floor

1.2.3. Repair of screed for roofing;

2. Replacement of roof coverings

2.1. Complete replacement of the metal roof covering with the device of abutments;

2.2. Complete replacement of a roof covering made of rolled bitumen materials (roofing felt) on a roof made of welded materials with a device for abutments

2.3. Complete replacement of the roof covering made of piece materials (slate, tiles, etc.) with an abutment device

3. Repair or replacement of the drainage system (overhangs, gutters, gutters, trays) with the replacement of drainpipes and products (external and internal);

4. Repair or replacement of roof elements

4.1. Repair of manholes on the roof

4.2. Repair of air vents, repair or replacement of dormers and other devices for ventilation of the attic space;

4.3. Change of caps on the tops of smoke ventilation blocks and ventilation shafts;

4.4. Change of coverings of parapets, firewalls, add-ons

4.5. Repair (plastering, painting) and insulation of smoke ventilation blocks and elevator shafts

4.6. Restoration or replacement of the fencing on the attic roof;

5. Reconstruction of non-ventilated combined roofs to ventilated ones with insulation of the under-roof (attic) overlap

Repair basements common property in apartment buildings

1. Repair of sections of basement walls and floors

2. Insulation of walls and basement ceilings of basements

3. Waterproofing walls and basement floor

4. Repair of technical rooms with the installation of metal doors.

5. Repair of air vents, basement windows, pits and external doors

6. Sealing of passages of inputs and outputs of engineering networks in the outer walls (performed when repairing networks)

7. Repair of the blind area

8. Repair or replacement of the drainage system

Insulation and repair of facades

1. Repair of facades that do not require insulation

1.1. Repair of plaster (textured layer), including an architectural order;

1.2. Repair of facing tiles;

1.3. Painting over plaster or textured layer;

1.4. Repair and restoration of sealing of horizontal and vertical joints of wall panels of large-block and large-panel buildings;

1.5. Repair and restoration from the side of the facade of sealing joints of window and doorways common areas;

1.6. Painting from the side of the facade of the window frames;

1.7. Repair of enclosing walls;

1.8. Repair and replacement of windows and balcony doors(as part of common property);

1.9. Repair or replacement of external entrance doors.

2. Works on the repair of facades requiring insulation

2.1. Repair and insulation of enclosing walls with subsequent surface finishing

2.2. Repair of windows and balcony doors (as part of common property) or replacement with windows and doors in an energy-saving design (window blocks with triple glazing, etc.) with their subsequent insulation (sealing)

2.3. Repair of external entrance doors with their subsequent insulation or replacement with metal doors in an energy-saving design

3. Works common for both groups of buildings

3.1. Repair of balconies with replacement, if necessary, of consoles, waterproofing and sealing, followed by painting

3.2. Reinforcement of canopy structures above entrances and top floors with subsequent surface finishing

3.3. Reinforcement of eaves block structures with subsequent surface finishing

3.4. Change of window sills

3.5. Change of drainpipes

3.6. Repair and insulation of the basement

Installation of collective (common house) resource consumption meters and control units (heat energy, hot and cold water, electrical energy, gas)

Installation of collective (common house) consumption meters:

Thermal energy for the needs of heating and hot water supply;

Consumption of cold water,

Electric energy,

Resource control nodes, with equipment for automation and dispatching devices to provide remote accounting and control;

Repair of foundations of apartment buildings.

1. Work on the repair or replacement of foundations.

1.1. Sealing and jointing of joints, seams, cracks in foundation elements. Protective layer device.

1.2. Elimination of local defects and deformations by strengthening the foundation.


1. During overhaul of structures and engineering systems as part of the common property of an apartment building, as defined by Federal Law 185-FZ, at least 50% of each structure and engineering system is replaced.

2. Household heating systems as part of common property include: risers, heating elements in common areas, in residential premises - branches from risers to the first disconnecting device (in its absence - to the place of interface with a heating device, heating element), regulating and shut-off valves; collective (common house) heat energy metering devices, as well as other equipment located on these networks.

3. In the event that during the execution of work on the overhaul of structures and engineering systems as part of the common property of MD, due to technological and design features of repaired (replaceable) structures and engineering systems, it is necessary to dismantle or destroy parts of the property that is not part of the common property of the MD, work on its restoration is carried out at the expense of capital repairs, which should be provided for in the design and estimate documentation.

4. In the event that a heating system with a hidden pipeline laying is designed in an apartment building, which is not repairable (Appendix 2), during the overhaul, it is allowed to re-install the heating system with an open laying of pipelines and heating devices, heating elements, including in living quarters.

Home maintenance process with big amount apartments have a lot of sides, each of which deserves a separate consideration. Civil servants collect payments for repairs (current and capital) from apartment owners with enviable regularity.

In most cases, this amount is simply included in the bill for housing and communal services, being highlighted in a separate line. Not everyone thoroughly studies the information from the payment receipt before depositing funds to the current account of the management company, so they may not even notice such a contribution.

Others notice a line about repairs. It indicates the amount to be paid, but they do not know what they will be repaired on, and who will do it. Let's take a closer look at the definition of overhaul of a comfortable house. In our country, the practice of paying for many public services has developed on the basis of the “worldwide by string” principle.

And taxpayers do not always know for sure that:

  1. Excise taxes on purchased tobacco or alcohol go to the federal treasury and are used for the benefit of the people.
  2. The transport tax, which is paid by all car owners, goes to the creation of modern highways and the repair of existing ones.

A similar situation is developing in the field of housing and communal services. The leadership of this organization came up with and implemented a fairly well-working scheme. Overhaul requires large financial costs that cannot be avoided. If it is not produced or delayed, then equipment, communications and even building structures may fail.

No one is immune from such situations, because not all of them occur on schedule or signal the necessary intervention. However, in the absence of major repairs, there is a real threat to the life and health of people living in an apartment building. If it is carried out for each house built only at the expense of budgetary funds, then this can entail negative consequences:

  1. The growth of other types of taxes to cover budgetary expenditures.
  2. Exhaustion and deficit of the budget.

To solve this problem, the management of housing and communal services, together with legislators, created a simple scheme:
once a year (or another calculated period of time), each owner of housing in an apartment building is obliged to pay for the next line in the receipt for housing and communal services. At the moment they are about 500 rubles.

The creators of the law believe that such a fee will not be a burden for homeowners. In addition, all this money will be earmarked and will go exclusively to the overhaul of your home. Eventually major renovation will come from two sources: contributions from apartment owners and the federal budget.

Distinctive features of overhaul

A large number of citizens of our country want to understand what kind of work their hard-earned money will go to. Based on the name, it follows that overhaul is expensive, important and complex work. But what are the differences between current and overhaul?

To better understand the difference, it is worth considering the highlights of the maintenance. The latter is carried out by housing and communal services workers as needed. Current repairs are performed in the event of emergencies or equipment failure. But the differences are noticeable in the list of possible jobs. Current repair includes the following activities:

  1. Painting the facade of an apartment building and common areas (this includes an entrance, a vestibule, etc.).
  2. Partial restoration of foundations, roofs and other structures.
  3. Replacing burnt out and stolen light bulbs in public places on the territory of the house.
  4. Repair of the entrance lobby and installation of means of restricting access: intercom, lock with a code. Repair of springs, door closers, door handles and other elements.
  5. Works related to the main ones are carried out on a first come, first served basis. The list of work on the overhaul of apartment buildings includes:
  6. Thorough analysis of the condition of the foundation, roofing and facade cladding of a multi-storey building.
  7. Detailed examination and diagnostics of all communications in the apartments of residents and common houses.
  8. Work on the installation and maintenance of metering devices for the consumption of housing and communal services at the level of the whole house.
  9. Thermal insulation measures, which includes the repair of the facade of a high-rise building.

How to change this list

The presented list gives a clear picture of the fact that during a major overhaul, utilities are required to approach all issues thoroughly. Before starting work, diagnostics and analysis of the information obtained are carried out. This emphasizes the need for regular holding.

The laws issued allow apartment owners to edit this list, or rather to supplement it with arbitrary services. But do not forget that they will be performed out of your pocket, therefore, it is worthwhile to approach it responsibly and thoughtfully. With an increase in the number of services provided as part of a major overhaul, the value of regular contributions will also grow.

Inclusion in the list of additional services takes place exclusively at the general meeting
owners by voting. The point in expanding the list is when there is a need to improve one of the important systems at home (security, fire, etc.). Representatives of the management company or HOA have the right to put to a vote the question of including the following services:

  1. Modification of the access door by installing the latest model of an intercom or video intercom.
  2. Installation of a video surveillance system at the entrance and common areas on the territory of a high-rise building.
  3. Replacement of outdated doors and fire or disturbance warning systems.

Principles of calculating the regular payment for the overhaul of a multi-storey building

The legislation unambiguously interprets a simple rule that the size of the annual payment for the formation of the general fund for the overhaul of a building cannot be less than the indicated amount. In 2015, this value does not exceed 100 rubles per person. But at the general meeting of apartment owners, a decision may be made to increase the total amount of sponsorship of works. Then the amount of the contribution for each tenant will be calculated based on the total number of apartments in a high-rise building.

According to the basic rule of fundraising, the amount of contributions is not affected by the number of registered or living people. All neighbors will pay equally. However, in some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the calculation may be different. The entire amount is divided not by the number of apartments in the house, but by the number of adults registered at this address.

As planned, contributions should be monthly instead of annual, and their value is determined by the authorities of each individual region of Russia. The most recent and reliable information is on the official website of the Regional Capital Repair Fund. It also contains links to laws that govern the rights and obligations of residents.

Residents of Russia have only 2 reasons to avoid payments on this line in the receipt:

  1. Establishment of the fact that the apartment building is in disrepair and will soon be demolished.
  2. If there is a decision to transfer the plot under the house to the disposal of the city authorities. This fact also gives the right to receive all deposited funds back to your account.
  3. Russians, whose income does not exceed the subsistence level, also have privileges. If they have subsidies for utility bills, then they will increase in proportion to the amount of payments for overhaul. This is how the state treats people in difficult financial situations.
  4. When buying a home, for which there are arrears in payments for housing and communal services and contributions for major repairs, the debts are transferred to the new owner. It is worth remembering that the amount of payments for this service changes from year to year, so you should occasionally look into the Housing Complex to get fresh data.

It becomes clear that overhaul includes almost all types of work to improve the condition of common property. It can be concluded that the amounts deposited into the general account do not go into oblivion, but will return to us in the form of specific services rendered that will help make life in an apartment building more comfortable and more confident. For all questions and complaints, you should contact the Department of Major Repairs in your area.

Overhaul of a house and other living quarters is a matter of life improvement. The innovation, which was added to the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, states that the owners of square meters in multi-storey buildings undertake to make cash investments in repairs. Given such changes, questions arose that require answers about what the overhaul means, what types of activities are being carried out. The nuances are outlined in the current legislation, so you should study the legality of actions and amendments.

Repair of apartment buildings, provided for by legal regulations, is carried out by special organizations that are assigned to real estate.

Features of the overhaul procedure

Major, large-scale repairs are determined by each real estate subject independently, but fees are held regularly. The state website of housing and communal services contains all the information directly from each region of the country. There is also publicly available information about the rights and capabilities of each owner, their obligations.

The legislation provides for two points when a person is removed from monetary obligations:

  • when the property is in disrepair and is subject to demolition;
  • land under real estate of municipal importance.

If the earth regional significance, then the apartment owners are exempt from monetary contributions, and they are also refunded the amounts handed over. The state also took care of the owners of low-income apartments. Owners with a subsidy can increase it so that the funds will be enough for payments for major repairs. The legislation provides that citizens with a minimum income will not feel the costs.

If a situation arose that the owner bought a home with debts for utilities or debts for paying for overhaul, then the owner, along with the real estate, acquired debts.

Overhaul of residential premises can be of different scales, depending on the condition of the property and the needs of the residents.

Repair provisions

What kind of work is included in the overhaul is up to the residents.

You should also own information, which is considered to be changes, the list of works is highlighted with the following points:

  1. Insulation of walls, facades, basement, repair and insulation of parts of the house.
  2. Restoration of fire escapes, gutters, as well as insulation of window openings and sound insulation.
  3. Foundation and basement restoration works.
  4. Overhaul of the roof of an apartment building.
  5. Basements, roofs, as well as refurbishment of doors and platforms on the floors.

What is not included in the overhaul of an apartment building is distinguished by the following points:

  • House heating;
  • water supply, drainage systems;
  • electrical equipment;
  • internal work;
  • gas pipes, garbage chutes.

In some residential premises, attention is paid to elevators, and this item is subject to mandatory consideration by the housing commission. From the definitions it is noticeable about the repair that it consists of different types of work, they directly relate to improving the quality of life at a particular facility. It is also important to control the expense of funds, because monthly contributions must pay off all the necessary manipulations related to home improvement. In the regions there is a controlling department that decides the main points that relate to overhaul.

The list of work on the overhaul of multi-storey housing is services that directly relate to the quality of life.

Concept designation

The designation of the overhaul is listed in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation, the following designations are distinguished that large-scale repairs are the restoration of real estate. The procedure for carrying out major repairs is indicated for each home by the apartment owners, so to find out where the money is going, you just need to contact the head of the commission.

Overhaul includes the elimination of any malfunctions of the property of a multi-storey building. They also replace broken materials and structures. Of course, the nuances and features of the work depend on the material condition, taking into account the possibilities, you can improve the infrastructure of the house and territory.

Overhaul of the building depends on the work performed, therefore, the following activities are distinguished:

All work is carried out as needed, the selected aspect is decided only by the commission, by the tenants themselves, who donate money for repair work. Overhaul should be carried out both by employees that provide housing and communal services, and by the owners themselves.

Overhaul of the common property in an apartment building is carried out at the expense of the apartment owners, while the types of work are chosen directly by the residents.

Types of repair work

They are divided into both scheduled overhaul and unscheduled or emergency. The second type is carried out if there is an emergency, when you need to respond quickly and eliminate all the consequences of an unforeseen event. When it comes to major repairs in an emergency house, then this will require a special permit. All activities can be carried out with a threat to tenants, if such arose before the alleged demolition.

Overhaul and current repair work of the premises are different, so you should not confuse them, because the rights and obligations of all parties to the process depend on the designation.

There are such types of repairs:

  • unscheduled;
  • emergency;
  • current;
  • capital.

In the documentation, the types of repairs have different responsible persons. After all, current repairs are the responsibility of the person who rents the premises, and major repairs are the responsibility of the person who rents them. This division clearly denotes the obligation, as well as the people responsible for it. It is worth remembering that each type of repair work is paid for from separate sources. Each of the types has its own characteristics, different volumes of work.

Current repairs are carried out systematically, its purpose is to prevent more serious breakdowns and destruction. All the main subtleties are spelled out in the standards of housing and communal services.

A major overhaul of the common property in an apartment building replaces the ongoing repairs that take place during the recorded period. If tenants refuse any type of repair, then there is a good reason for this.

Current repairs are carried out as planned with preventive purposes, does not need to interrupt the usual mode of life. The price is not high, but this approach will keep the building up and running. Of course, there is no exact division between the types of repairs, because all activities concern the same structures and structures.

With the help of periodically carried out repairs, the life of the element is extended, overhaul replaces breakdowns, but for a fee.

It is worth remembering that overhaul is paid from real estate accounts, in turn, current repairs are paid by housing and communal organizations. It is important to separate the concept of reconstruction and capital repairs of real estate, because these two concepts have a different focus.

What is a major overhaul is determined by the commission or by the residents themselves, the frequency and volume of work are appointed by the inspectors.


For the repair of housing, contributions are made, which is established by the tenants themselves from the need and scale of changes, other nuances. The legislation stipulates that all tenants and apartment owners are required to finance the repair of common property.

All contributions are kept in special funds and reproduced in the following ways:

  1. Each house has a bank account where money is kept. Expenses are recorded and monitored by a specially created commission, but each tenant has the full right to view all expenses and overheads.
  2. Collective accounts as a way of collecting contributions are practiced in certain municipal districts. The collection of money is supervised by the head of the commission, who organizes the renovation activities.

The overhaul is subject to fundraising. In every region and municipal area the minimum is set, which is approved by law and is mandatory. The amount to be paid is calculated taking into account the tariffs for utilities, the availability of other real estate. Therefore, contributions for major repairs are individual for each citizen.

The following factors also affect the amount of the contribution:

Important information in the Housing Code of the Russian Federation: activities that are not included in the stipulated minimum are carried out for additional cash contributions.

Overhaul in new buildings is carried out by the developer, this is a prerequisite for buying a home. The definition of the activity, as well as the types of work, are indicated in the purchase and sale agreement.

You can find out about major repairs of apartment buildings online on the Housing Fund website. You can find out if repairs are included in utilities, you can contact the commission, which is directly responsible for this house.

A kind of activity that is paid from contributions

An article from the RF ZhK indicates all activities that are aimed at the reconstruction of the building, such legislation has been adopted at the state level. For a new building, other rules apply, that only the developer controls the overhaul of the premises and all the nuances that relate to changes in the sale of real estate. Whether it is possible to refuse overhaul is decided by a specially created commission, which, if one owner refuses, takes into account the interests of the residents of an apartment building.

The repair includes the following items:

  1. Roof repair, works that improve stability and prolong the performance of the roof.
  2. Elevator - service life up to 25 years, this indicator is influenced by the intensity of operation, its technical characteristics.
  3. Work inside the house.
  4. Basements, foundations are repaired as needed.
  5. The front part of the house is being repaired at the expense of the residents.

Whether major repairs are included in monthly payments depends on the regional department, as well as on the housing commission. The regional department, in addition to the services included, is expanding the list and adding additional repairs that relate to the improvement of the beautification of a residential building. You can find out what it includes on the organization's website. The owners of the real estate undertake to monitor the common property and put in order the attached territory, while refusing to overhaul is possible only by the decision of the commission.

Major repairs are changes that are provided for by legal regulations and are monitored by legal authorities. If the tenants refused to renovate, it is required to indicate the reason for the commission to give the necessary permission. You can enter the management community using the voices of the residents of the building.

The list of works and services for the overhaul of an apartment building is constantly being improved and updated with new useful suggestions.