Cold water pipe sweats. How to eliminate condensation on cold water pipes - causes of occurrence, solutions to the problem

Most often, the formation of condensation on pipes with cold water associated with poor ventilation in the room. Condensation on pipes results from a large temperature difference between the cold water pipe and the air temperature. 2014 All about plumbing and pipes. © All rights reserved. For example, like this paint from condensation on pipes.

Warm, humid room air surrounds the pipe surface, which has a much lower temperature, resulting in condensation. Can apply liquid insulation "Corundum", which is applied to the pipe surface in the same way as ordinary paint, using an ordinary paint brush. The only thing to remember is that before using any insulation, a pipe that is sweating must be dried.

It looks like a thick-walled pipe with a longitudinal section. This insulation is put on the cold water pipe. Due to this, the sharp temperature drop disappears and condensation does not form. In short, you need to make a thermos for the pipe. Yes, and do not forget to dry the pipe before insulating it.

Leave the toilet door open at night, and if there is no condensation in the morning, then the problem is high humidity with a lack of ventilation. Well, if you do it "as for yourself", you will have to insulate the pipe to prevent condensation.

Why is the cold water pipe sweating?

Each issue has a link to a FREE download of one of the Bonus books. While I lived in the South, and even on the top floor, I did not know about such a problem as sweating pipes of cold water. But now, after moving, I ran into this problem. Let's determine the reasons why pipes sweat, and then we'll talk about methods and materials that can be eliminated this problem.

This list can be continued for a long time, but the point is to wrap the pipe with heat-insulating material from floor to ceiling or from beginning to end in several layers. It is very important that the insulation fits snugly against the pipe and is securely wrapped with tape.

"Misting" of pipes in the bathroom

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to tightly and completely wrap the pipe on bends, as well as on valves! The third method can be combined, that is, first paint the pipes with heat-insulating paint, and then put them in a foamed heat insulator.

After taking the right measures to insulate pipes with condensate, you can say goodbye. And if they did it wrong or there is a leak in the pipe, then there will be less condensation, but it will not disappear. In fact, there are not so many reasons for the deposition of moisture on the surface of the pipe, but each of them has several variations, which significantly complicates the process of finding the root cause.

Fighting condensation on pipes in the toilet

It is made of polyethylene foam in the form of long and hollow cases inside. The formation of tiny water droplets on pipes, both in apartments and in private homes, is common.

Excessive moisture on the pipes causes unpleasant odor and dampness in kitchens, toilets and bathrooms, which contributes to the development of mold and mildew. Most often, the appearance of moisture on pipes is caused by the temperature difference between the surface of the pipes and the room.

Condensation: why pipes get wet

Due to humid air sewer risers and pipes conducting cold liquid are characterized by the appearance of droplet evaporation. The answer to the question of why condensate drizzle forms on bathroom pipes lies in the same reasons as on toilet pipes. The most simple method to eliminate condensation is a simple coating of the pipe with special heat-insulating materials (paint) purchased from building stores.

How to remove condensate from pipes

Such pipes are presented in different sizes... Before using it, wipe the pipe surface from condensation. If it is impossible to purchase an insulating pipe, it is allowed to use polyurethane foam, which is the best remedy in the fight against condensation.

Insulating paint (heat-insulating) for pipes

It is necessary to monitor the thermal state of the pipes: they must be warm, not cold. Its unpopularity is due to the damage to the appearance of the pipes and the entire bathroom. An important reason for the occurrence of moisture in pipes is the presence of cold floors, poor foundations, not insulated walls and basement fumes. Condensation on pipes can cause mold growth and shorten the time between renovation works in wet rooms.

That is why droplet moisture forms on the sewer riser or pipes supplying cold water: humid air fully contributes to this process. If the reason was this, then a thrust should appear, the presence of which can be checked with the help of a lighted match. Another point is the features of the wiring of cold and hot water in the bathroom.

It is not surprising that at the place where the water is supplied to the plumbing equipment (simply the mixer), the cold water pipe “cries”. If she walks in the wall - the decision suggests itself and is associated with more complex work, including repair. Often the reason for the formation of condensation on the pipes in the bathroom is a malfunction of the mixer. The situation is similar to the one described above, with only one "but" - there are much more pipes in the toilet, and they are all laid in a small space.

Now you know what to do if condensation forms on the pipes in your apartment! Condensation accumulates on the pipes due to the temperature drop. The pipe cools down even more and becomes covered with condensation droplets. The most simple and effective method combating condensation on cold water pipes is their rag winding.

The formation of tiny water droplets on pipes, both in apartments and in private homes, is common. This process is typical summer season and covers the surface of both gravity sewer and "cold" water pipes... The phenomenon of condensation itself is not a problem. But its significant accumulation, followed by dripping, leads to the formation of puddles on the floor, as well as to the risk of flooding the neighbors below. The accumulation of condensate on pipes can significantly shorten the operating period of a water supply system, leading to unplanned repairs. Excessive moisture on pipes causes unpleasant odors and dampness in kitchens, toilets and bathrooms, contributing to the development of mold and mildew.

Most often, the appearance of moisture on pipes is caused by the temperature difference between the surface of the pipes and the room. In addition, poor ventilation of the room contributes to condensation on pipes with cold water. Due to humid air, sewer risers and pipes conducting cold liquid are prone to drip evaporation.

Cause of wet pipes in washrooms

Humid evaporation is caused by excessive vapor in the air or temperature difference... The most common causes of condensate settling on pipes in a toilet are:

  1. Poor ventilation of the room. You can verify the presence of this particular reason by leaving the door open at night. toilet room... Detection of dry pipes in the morning indicates poor-quality convection.
  2. Continuous tank leakage. Due to the non-heating of the liquid inside the pipe, it is constantly changing cold. The pipe cools down even more with condensate droplets covering it. This problem can be eliminated by checking and putting in order the outlet valve and tank taps.
  3. Leaking neighbors. In this case, it is possible to temporarily eliminate the condensate moisture that occurs on the pipes by winding several bandage turns with the end dropping into any container. In this case, it is important not to forget about the timely pouring of the accumulated water.

"Misting" of pipes in the bathroom

The answer to the question of why condensate drizzle forms on bathroom pipes lies in the same reasons as on toilet pipes.

  1. Insufficient ventilation. During operation, the convection system becomes clogged and dusty. It is necessary to unscrew the grate, which serves as a blocking of the circulation channel, and carry out its thorough cleaning. The reason for the appearance of condensate moisture is confirmed by the appearance of a draft, which is checked using match ignition.
  2. The peculiarity of laying a water distribution system in the bathroom. Often, pipes are installed at close quarters without proper thermal insulation. This is what causes condensation to appear on the cold water pipes leading to the mixer. When making eyeliner open type any heat insulator is allowed. When it is laid in the wall, more serious and complex manipulations are ahead, including repairs.
  3. Failure of the mixer. The liquid dripping from it becomes not only a financial nuisance, but also the reason for the constant cooling of pipes. Even at night, there are heat exchange processes between pipes and air. It is possible to solve this problem by fixing the crane.
  4. Leaking riser from neighbors. This problem can be solved only for a certain period of time. A bandage or rag is wound around the pipe, the ends of which are brought out into a previously prepared container. Thus, the water will directly drain into this container, thus preventing the formation of a puddle.

Tips for removing condensate moisture from pipes

To avoid wet spots on the floors, pipe sleeves are installed that are three times the wiring itself. Thanks to the installation, long-distance repair or replacement of pipes is facilitated.

First, you need to strengthen ventilation system... Room humidity up to 50 percent is considered normal. Then the leakage of the cistern and mixer is eliminated. If the improvement of ventilation and repair of fittings does not cope with the appearance of condensation on the pipes, then before the in-wall installation of pipes, it is advisable to provide an additional thermal insulation layer that prevents a significant temperature breakdown on the surface of the device. The simplest method to eliminate condensation is to simply coat the pipe with special heat insulating materials (paint) purchased from hardware stores. It should be borne in mind that paint is applied to the surface of a dry pipe with cold water previously disconnected.

It is worth thinking about purchasing special insulating pipes equipped with a cut. These pipes are available in various sizes. Before using it, wipe the pipe surface from condensation. If it is impossible to purchase an insulating pipe, it is allowed to use polyurethane foam, which is the best way to combat condensation.

You can use a reliable tool "Grafotherm", which promotes the formation of a film on the pipe, minimizing the formation of condensation. If the reason for the moisture in the pipes is a leak in an adjacent riser, then you need to talk to your neighbors about replacing the pipes.

After taking a bath or shower, you must leave the bathroom door open. It is necessary to monitor the thermal state of the pipes: they must be warm, not cold. The simplest and most effective method of dealing with condensation on cold water pipes is to wrap them with rags. This method is economical and quite effective. Its unpopularity is due to the deterioration of the appearance of pipes and the entire bathroom.

An important reason for the occurrence of moisture in pipes is the presence of cold floors, poor foundations, not insulated walls and basement fumes. Unfortunately, this problem can be eliminated by cosmetic repair will not work. We'll have to apply more global measures. In addition, can fail weather, for example, rains and prolonged frosts, or a nearby body of water. For such cases, it is advisable to use a moisture absorber, which is purchased and installed on the table. The most reliable way to protect pipes from condensate liquid is to purchase an air conditioner that heats the air.

Thermal insulation complement of pipes

Under the very simple option This implies the purchase of factory heat-insulating raw materials, for example, K-Flex, penofol, energoflex and others. In addition, preference is given to porous materials, polypropylene foam, basalt fiber raw materials, self-adhesive tape, and so on. That is, any heat-insulating raw material can act as pipe insulation. If the acquisition of such material is not possible, then it is recommended to use:

While I lived in the South, and even on the top floor, I did not know about such a problem as sweating pipes of cold water. But now, after moving, I ran into this problem.

It turns out that a sweating pipe of cold water can produce a puddle of up to 5-7 liters of water per day. This is completely unpleasant and unnecessary. What to do?! Let's figure it out!

The pipes are sweating, what to do. The answer is simple

Indeed, the answer is simple, but the solution must be complex and may have several options. Let's determine the reasons why the pipes sweat, and then we'll talk about the methods and materials that can be used to eliminate this problem. By the way, pay attention, it is possible that micro-holes appeared in the pipes due to old age, through which water seeps. but if there are no leaks, then read on.

Why cold water pipes sweat

The answer to this question lies in the 7th grade physics textbook, it seems. Condensation on pipes results from a large temperature difference between the cold water pipe and the air temperature. Thus, moisture from the air condenses on the colder water surface. The more moisture in the air and the colder the pipe, the more condensation will occur.

Of course, if the water in the pipe does not move (that is, no one consumes it in the whole house), then the pipe temperature will approach room temperature and the amount of condensate can be reduced to zero. But in the house, water is being analyzed all the time, so the pipe is cold all the time.

That is, there are two reasons: humidity and low temperature cold water supply pipes.

Now we figured out why the cold water pipe sweats and we will fight this ailment.

To prevent cold water pipes from sweating

  • It is necessary to insulate pipes as much as possible
  • Find water leaks from neighbors (a plumber from the management company will help you with this)
  • Improve indoor ventilation

The most important and simple measure is pipe insulation. How to insulate our cold water pipe? First of all, I'll make a reservation right away that it doesn't matter what material - metal, carbon fiber, polypropylene, metal-plastic, gold, silver .., your pipes are made, they will sweat without thermal insulation!

Thermal insulation of cold water pipes

The easiest option is to wrap with thermal insulation material:

  • Thermal insulation flex
  • K-Flex ST
  • Thermal insulation for polyethylene foam pipes
  • Heat-insulating cylinder
  • Thermal insulation "Energoflex"

This list can be continued for a long time, but the point is to wrap the pipe with heat-insulating material from floor to ceiling or from beginning to end in several layers. Minimum thickness the layer of thermal insulation should ultimately be at least 3 centimeters, and preferably five.

It is very important that the insulation fits snugly against the pipe and is securely wrapped with tape. In places where aesthetics are needed, you can wrap with tape with metal foil.

The disadvantage of this method is that it is difficult to tightly and completely wrap the pipe on bends, as well as on valves! Also, it is not always possible to do such a trick in hard-to-reach places.

Insulating paint (heat-insulating) for pipes, so as not to "sweat"

In this case, you can use a more expensive but convenient method.

There are paints for thermal insulation of surfaces and pipes as well. To insulate the cold water pipe, wipe it from moisture and apply 4-5 layers thermal insulation paint on the pipe. Each layer must dry, after which the condensate on the pipe is wiped off again and the next layer is applied.

The third method can be combined, that is, first paint the pipes with heat-insulating paint, and then put them in a foamed heat insulator.

As I already said, both metal pipes and plastic (polypropylene, metal-plastic) sweat, therefore, it is necessary to cover all types of pipes.

But! Before applying thermal insulation to a pipe, it is necessary to carefully check if there is a micro-hole somewhere in the pipe, from which water is dripping out. Especially often, such a trick lies in metal pipesoh. If condensation forms over the years, then the metal pipe rots at an amazing rate, resulting in micro-holes and micro-leaks. Therefore, be careful not to redo it later! Most often, such micro-holes are formed in places near the floor or ceiling (in these places the most favorable conditions for corrosion of metal pipes).

After the correct measures for the thermal insulation of pipes with condensate, you can say goodbye. And if you did it wrong or there is a leak in the pipe, then there will be less condensation, but it will not disappear.

My advice to all, do not skimp on thermal insulation. It's better to be confused once than to suffer every day from dampness (which is unhealthy), mold, odors, and just constant puddles ..

Condensation on the piping is a frequent occurrence. This does not make the bathroom more attractive, but rather, on the contrary, becomes a problem. Wet pipes fail much faster, humidity rises and mold begins to form. The issue must be resolved as quickly as possible. What to do if the cold water pipes start to fog up and condensation begins to form? First of all, do not panic, any malfunctions in the operation of your bathroom must be eliminated. You just need to familiarize yourself with the ways to deal with unwanted moisture and get down to business.

Causes of condensation

Tenants apartment buildings often we meet such a phenomenon as "sweating pipe" with cold water. The reasons for the occurrence can be different. The nature of the appearance of water droplets on pipes in the bathroom and in the toilet is slightly different. In the combined bathroom, the main reasons are:

Poor ventilation is often the cause of condensation in the bathroom.

  • insufficient;
  • continuous dialing;
  • malfunction (leaks a valve that blocks cold water);
  • large difference in temperature between water and ambient air in the room;
  • high humidity or leakage from neighbors on top.

The bathroom should be well ventilated, air circulation allows you to remove unwanted moisture. During continuous operation of the tank filling system, moisture condenses not only on the riser, but also on the wiring. A dripping mixer all the time causes a similar problem.

A broken faucet can also cause high humidity in the bathroom.

Each of the reasons can independently cause "fogging" of the riser or pipes for the distribution of cold water, but, as a rule, the cause is precisely a combination of several points.

Advice! If the humidification of the pipes began suddenly, remember what changes you made in your apartment in recent times... The reason may be the change of windows, and the installation of any other equipment that increases the room temperature.

What threatens the "sweating" pipe

Condensation on pipes is not just water droplets. First of all, it is an aggressive environment for. In conditions of high humidity, the material corrodes and quickly fails.

Under continuous humidification conditions, a damp smell appears in the room. In addition, in places of high humidity, wonderful conditions are created for the development of various bacteria, including mold and all kinds of fungi. Constant human contact with this kind of "neighbors" is extremely undesirable and can cause malfunctions in the body.

For metal pipes, constant moisture is fraught with rust

If the appearance of condensation or its abundance is not detected in time, puddles may form on the floor. If they are not eliminated in time, then the time for repair work on replacement can be brought closer. flooring in the bathroom.

What to do if pipe fogging is detected

If you notice in the bathroom that the riser or other pipes related to the cold water supply are covered with small drops of water, then a number of actions should be taken to find out the cause. Our algorithm will help you:

Important! If all faults in the water supply system have been eliminated, the ventilation is working correctly, then the appearance of moisture is due to the temperature difference.

Installing new windows or additional systems heating necessarily affects the room temperature. If the temperature difference between the water in the pipe and the air in the room is more than 17 ° C, then condensation will certainly appear.

We get rid of the problem with the help of special devices

If the reason for the "sweating" pipes was determined by the temperature difference, then the first need will be to insulate the cold water riser. A variety of materials can serve as insulation, they all differ from each other in price, appearance and degree of insulation.

The easiest option is purchase of foam pads thermal insulation material ... They look like soft pipes with a cut along the length. The insulation is put on the pipe like a cover and glued. It is very important not to be mistaken with the size. If you purchase an overlay of a larger diameter, then there will be no effect, as well as with a smaller size (you cannot glue this one).

Insulation pad for cold water pipes

More expensive, but very effective method - application of heat-insulating paint. To insulate the cold water riser, it is necessary to apply 4-6 layers of the substance, allowing each layer to dry completely. When working with paint, it is important to provide forced ventilation of the room. To do this, you can use a conventional fan.

Heat insulating paint

For greater effect, you can combine the two previous methods. Make sure that the coating is completely dry before putting the insulation cover on the painted pipe. It is also allowed to apply a layer of paint on top of the insulating nozzle, but only after it is well fixed.

Another means for insulation is a plastic pipe. bigger sizeworn over the main one. The resulting airspace is filled polyurethane foam.

Important! When carrying out any work on the insulation of the pipe, it is necessary to completely dry it in advance from the formed drops.

Each of these methods is very effective, but if you have not counted on your funds to purchase expensive coatings, you better use the old proven method - create thermal insulation yourself.

DIY thermal insulation

It is not so difficult to make insulation for the cold water riser yourself. For this we need:

  • sandpaper;
  • rust converter (eg phosphoric acid);

Rust remover

  • strong thread;
  • cotton fabric (old things can be used);
  • epoxy putty;
  • putty knife.

An old sheet or duvet cover works well as insulation. A variety of bandages and other materials can be used. Large and wide canvases are best cut into strips up to 10 cm wide and rolled into rolls.

Epoxy putty

Next, you need to clean the pipe itself and degrease the surface. A conventional acetone-based nail polish remover can do this. The next step is to treat the riser with a rust conversion agent.

After careful preparation, insulation can begin. Apply a layer of putty and, without waiting for it to dry, tightly wrap the pipe with a cloth from bottom to top. Wrap the fabric so that each turn overlaps the previous one and is saturated with putty. At the end, secure the bandage tightly with thread.

Noticing that condensation often appears on the pipes in the bathroom, do not delay solving this problem

After drying, apply several more layers of insulation. The final stage will cover the pipe with putty. When the homemade casing is completely dry and solid, it can be sanded and painted to match the wall.

Don't leave a problem with high humidity without attention. Not only depends on this appearance your bathroom, but also the integrity of the cold water pipes.

How to get rid of condensation in the bathroom: video

Condensation on pipes: photo

Whatever one may say, but condensation on pipes through which cold water flows is a common phenomenon. The same laws will have to be opposed to the laws of physics. It seems, well, just think, the pipe damped once or twice. But then someone from the family asks: "Where do we get mold from?"

Condensation on pipes in the toilet

Moisture condensation occurs either due to a high vapor content in the air or due to temperature differences. If condensation settles on pipes in the toilet, first check the ventilation... The easiest way is to leave the toilet door open overnight. If you find dry pipes in the morning, the problem is insufficient ventilation.

The second common reason is constant leakage from the reservoir. The water in the pipe does not have time to warm up and is constantly replaced by cold water. The pipe cools down even more and becomes covered with condensation droplets. The reservoir inlet valve and taps should be checked and repaired.

Of course, the riser pipe can also "sweat". This means that one of your neighbors has the above leakage problem. As a temporary measure, several turns of a bandage can be wound around the pipe, and the end can be lowered into some container. The main thing is to pour out the accumulated water in time. Of course, there is nothing more permanent than a temporary phenomenon, but someday you will get tired of controlling the rescue can and you will take care of the thermal insulation of the pipe. It can be wrapped in unnecessary rags, but this is not very aesthetically pleasing. On sale there is a special thermal insulation made of porous material that looks like foam rubber. The thick-walled soft tube with a longitudinal cut is easily installed on the crying area and the problem can be considered solved. Please note: thermal insulation should be installed on pre-dried pipes.

Condensation on pipes in the bathroom

If condensate settles on, proceed in the same way. The riser gets wet - the neighbors are to blame, the pipe going to plumbing device - the tap jams. The same way check the "culpability" of the ventilation in the intake opening. In the same way as in the first case, it is advisable to protect the pipes with thermal insulation. The chemical industry offers another option - the Grafotherm product. The dry pipe must be rubbed with a preparation and the formed film will prevent the formation of condensation. Chemical processing nevertheless, it is worth considering as a temporary measure and not relaxing. If there is no condensation on the pipe, this does not mean that the air humidity has magically stabilized and you can not look for the root cause.

How to remove condensate from pipes

Thermal insulation deserves a separate discussion. As mentioned above, you can remove condensate from pipes if you put them in a special insulating material. But if you don't have one at hand?

Polyurethane foam can save the situation. You need to buy a corrugation with a diameter slightly larger than your problem pipes, cut it into easy-to-use segments and lengths to put on the pipes. On this, mockery of oneself and the material enters the home stretch. Fill the intertubular space with polyurethane foam and, in fact, the mission is completed.

There is another way to organize thermal insulation from available tools. You will need:

  • sanding paper;
  • rust converter (phosphoric acid);
  • thick strong thread;
  • strips of fabric;
  • epoxy putty;
  • putty knife;
  • acetone.

A great way to find a use for old sheets along the way. They will have to be mercilessly cut into bandages 5-6 cm wide and rolled into rolls. The more bandages you prepare, the less interruptions you will have to take.

The pipe must first be sanded to ensure reliable adhesion of the material to the pipe. Then moisten a rag with acetone and wipe the pipe to degrease the surface. The next step is treatment with a rust converter.

After the pipe is dry, an epoxy putty is applied to it. It should look like thick paint and not run off. The material hardens quickly, so you have to work quickly. The prepared pipe is wrapped with a cloth, starting from the bottom and pulling the strip well. The turns of the fabric should overlap and soak in the filler. Tie the last turn tightly with a thread.

When the first layer of putty is completely polymerized (see instructions), two or three more layers of fabric insulation are applied in the same way. The work ends with the application of an epoxy layer. After that, you need to wait until everything is dry. Then the pipe should be sanded and painted to match the color of the wall.