Bathroom - separate or combined? Combined or separate? Stages of separating a bathroom with a toilet

Today, often when renovating apartments, the owners strive to combine the bathroom and toilet into one room. On the other hand, many consider a separate bathroom competitive advantage apartments for sale and additional comfort during living. So who is right, and which bathroom is better: separate or combined? It is unlikely that it will be possible to answer this question unequivocally, since in each specific situation the decision will be different depending on the circumstances and requirements.

Benefit from combining bathroom and toilet seen in reduction of waste on repairs... So, you will need to buy not two doors, each of which leads to a separate room, but one. There will also be no partition, and therefore it will be unnecessary to buy materials for its decoration. This is only the visible part of the savings.

The combined bathroom is also good for that due to the absence of a partition, a little extra space, and in modern conditions apartment buildings these square centimeters are very useful. Therefore, a washing machine that did not fit into the bathroom before and was in the kitchen can be moved. If Washer and so it was placed, then the additional space will hardly interfere with anyone: you can install a larger sink, good heated towel rail, clothes dryer, bidet, etc.

But, despite all these significant advantages of the combined bathroom, it will become a huge disadvantage. in a big family... When more than 3 people live in an apartment, it is more expedient to organize either a separate bathroom, or even two bathrooms with a bath and a toilet - an option for wealthy large families.

If your apartment initially has a separate bathroom, then in order to demolish the extra partition, you will need BTI permission and a certain amount of time and nerves to get it. The point is that this service needs to make sure that the wall between the bathroom and toilet is not load-bearing and that it can be demolished. If you decide to divide the bathroom with a partition, then it is unnecessary to ask the BTI for prior permission. Therefore, this paperwork can be considered another small disadvantage of combining a bathroom and toilet.

Another nuance that needs to be taken into account when combining a bathroom is ventilation... In the room where the toilet is located, it is important to ensure proper ventilation and flow fresh air... Otherwise, pathogens will spread throughout the space, and toothbrushes, razors, towels and other personal hygiene items cannot be kept open. Therefore, at a minimum, it is necessary to equip the exhaust duct with an electric fan, and, in addition, to use air fresheners, fragrances, etc.

If you still do not see a separate bathroom in your apartment and decide to dismantle the partition, then do not forget to take care of the problem of construction waste in advance. In addition, electrical wiring can be hidden in the existing partition, so you need to be prepared for unforeseen costs also for electric installation work.

As you can see, the pros and cons of each type of bathroom are in balance, therefore, when choosing, it is worth starting, first of all, from the number of permanent residents in the apartment, as well as from the area of ​​the apartment itself.

When they spend in the apartment overhaul, you should not overlook the bathroom and toilet. V recent times owners of apartments and houses began to make a combined bathroom more often. But is this a tribute to fashion or a practical necessity?

This solution has both pros and cons. In this publication, "Dream House" will help you figure out what is actually best for you - and in which cases a particular solution will be more acceptable.

Combined bathroom or separate

economic benefit of a combined bathroom

Combining a toilet and a bathroom really cuts down on renovation costs. For example, if the toilet and bath are divided into two separate rooms, then two doors are required, and not one. If the bathroom is combined, then, accordingly, interior door required in one copy. An analogy can be drawn for other materials and plumbing fixtures. For example, with a separate bathroom, you will have to spend money on the reconstruction of the dividing partition - this is the purchase of drywall, tiles and other materials accompanying the finishing.

Repair of the combined bathroom

increase in space

When combining a bathroom, the total area of ​​free space increases. There is space for installing an automatic washing machine in the bathroom or other equipment that requires water and sewage. If you wish, you can install a bidet, for which you cannot find a place in a small toilet room, and a good heated towel rail, and a large sink instead of a small washbasin, and a clothes dryer. In general, everything that you could not afford with a separate bathroom.

Combined bathroom design photo

Design of small combined bathrooms

a large family - a separate bathroom or two bathrooms

But, despite the advantages that we described above, the combined bathroom will be extremely inconvenient if more than 3 people live in the apartment. There is a good chance that among them there will be lovers of long-term water treatments or thoughtful reading on a white throne. This will create certain obstacles to meeting the natural needs of other family members. The exception is apartments with two bathrooms, one of which has a toilet. If you are not the owner of such an apartment with two bathrooms, then in the place of residence of a large family it is highly discouraged to combine toilet room and a bathroom.

do you want a combined bathroom? take permission

Another big disadvantage of combining a toilet and a bathroom in our country is the need to obtain permission from the BTI for this action, which does not add Have a good mood and pretty much wears out the nerves. The reason for this is that the wall between the toilet and the bathroom can be load-bearing, and its removal can lead to sad consequences. Therefore, before giving such permission, BTI must make sure that it will not bear destructive consequences. If you want to separate the toilet and the bathroom, then you will not have any obstacles to repair the state - put the partition on your health!

Small combined bathroom

Combined bathroom design

ventilation problem in combined bathrooms

Of course, we are talking about apartment bathrooms combined with a toilet, because a private house is more likely to have a window for ventilation. Lack of fresh air is fraught not only with unpleasant odors, but also with the spread of bacteria, therefore, it will not be possible to keep toothbrushes, shaving accessories, towels and other personal hygiene products open in a poorly ventilated bathroom.

It will be necessary to improve ventilation in the combined bathroom, for this you can install, for example, an electric fan in the provided opening of the exhaust duct. This is the smallest thing to do when deciding to combine a bathroom and toilet. Also, do not forget about high quality air fresheners, ionizers.

Combined bathroom or separate

possible difficulties in dismantling the partition when combining a bathroom

It is also worth remembering that when dismantling the partition that divides the bathroom into separate rooms, a large amount of construction waste is generated. You should think about this in advance and decide where to take out rubble and other consequences of destruction, since your neighbors, most likely, will not be happy if you organize a local landfill for construction waste on the staircase.

Combined bathrooms with a toilet often do not cause much delight among the owners of a small apartment or small house... After all, a bathroom combined with a toilet is a problem for many people, since the family often has to divide the territory. And especially, this discomfort is felt in the morning and evening hours: someone needs to brush their teeth, someone needs to take a shower, and women need to wash off their makeup and so on.


Connected rooms often lack windows and lack good ventilation. Therefore, in such rooms, a built-in hood (electric fan) should be installed. This is necessary because the use of all kinds of air fresheners cannot hide unpleasant odors, which will always be in rooms where there is no circulation of clean air.

Therefore, it is not entirely hygienic to have towels, toothbrushes and other personal items in a poorly ventilated room. Thus, even if you plan to make a partition in the combined room, the question of the availability of ventilation also remains relevant.

Shower cabin

Typically in small apartments the area of ​​a bath with a toilet is from 3 to 4 m2. Accordingly, it is very difficult to find extra space for a washing machine, bedside tables for a washbasin, a laundry basket, since the main area is occupied by a large bathtub. In this case, a shower cubicle will help to save space, thanks to which you can almost halve the number of valuable meters. In fact, the massive bathtub is intended for water prophylactic treatment, but from a hygienic point of view, showers are much more practical.

So which is better: combined or separate bathroom? A connected bathroom with a toilet is justified if the room is not the only bathroom in the dwelling and when the room is used by no more than three people. Therefore, despite the widespread desire to increase the area by destroying unnecessary wall partitions, you should first think about possible consequences this action.


A large room (from 8 m2), filled with air and light, has all the necessary plumbing fixtures and special furniture. And if the dwelling has an additional bathroom, then it is difficult to find cons in a shared room.

A functional bathroom provides its users with:

  • bath;
  • large washbasin;
  • places for the location and installation of a washing machine, bidet, toilet or jacuzzi.

At correct zoning you can functionally divide the area. And also do original interior, underfloor heating and arrange a lot of interesting accessories. Then in such a room you will want to do not only cosmetic procedures, but even breed houseplants that diversify the design with plant motifs.

Combined bathroom

Naturally, not everyone can afford to make the combined rooms cozy and spacious. However, if you want to increase the area, it is still possible by adding a few meters to the room, where there used to be a pantry or closet.

Separate bathroom


  • small area;
  • the front door is uncomfortable;
  • confined spaces create a sense of discomfort.

Small area and incorrect door location

A separate bathroom has two of the most significant drawbacks - incorrect door location and limited space. These two factors make it difficult to place the sink in the toilet. However, if you change the design and make an opening for the door in a different place, then the washbasin can be placed in the corner of the room or in the wall opposite to the toilet. But still, when the area is very small, then this decision will be inappropriate.

Separate bathroom

The discomfort

Unfortunately, confined spaces make most people feel a little uncomfortable. For these reasons, if a separate bathroom cannot be combined, then you should visually increase the space by means of competent lighting, light colors and mirror surfaces. In this case, care must be taken that the space is well ventilated.


When two people live in a small apartment, then a separate bathroom is the best option... Therefore, many tenants of small houses want the bathroom in their home to be divided, so that each inhabitant of the apartment will feel absolutely comfortable.

Separate toilet

Today, quite often spacious apartments have two bathrooms. This allows you to make in the apartment both a combined one, located next to the bedroom, and a separate bathroom (guest), where there is a washbasin and a toilet. As a rule, the latter is located near the exit from the apartment, next to the kitchen, or on the second level, if there is one. And if guests are a rare occurrence in the house, then a special children's toilet can be made from the second bathroom.

Decide which bathroom is better: separate or combined must be the owner of an apartment or house, coordinating all intentions with other residents, as well as based on the possibilities of housing planning.

Separation of the combined bathroom

Have you been planning to clean up your bathroom for a long time, but you constantly did not have enough money or time for this? And then the moment came when the room waited in its hour. If it was once decided to combine a combined toilet with a bathroom, and now you want to make the rooms separate again, but you don’t want to re-make the partitions from bricks? Then you can make a small wall that will perform a protective function, dividing the washbasin and the toilet with a bathtub.

Thus, the layout looks like this: along the length of one wall there is a washing machine, a toilet and a washbasin, and along the other is mounted corner bath, at the same time, the placement of a chrome dryer is planned along the entire height of the room near the bath. The latter will perform not only its main function, but it is also necessary for heating the room.

Stages of separating a bathroom with a toilet

  1. The working process began with the fact that you need to remove the linoleum, and then tear off the concrete floor, which can sag in certain places, and it can also have deep cracks.
  2. After that, the old pipeline should be replaced with a new one, consisting of plastic. In this case, the sewage system from intact cast iron can be left in its original form. The plumbing should be hidden under the tiles. To do this, use an angle grinder and a puncher to cut through the wall.
  3. Concrete screed can be made without using building mixtures... For these purposes, it is enough to use a solution of 3 hours of cement and 1 hour of sand. When the composition hardens, the surface of the screed should be poured with a self-leveling mixture.
  4. If you don't want to make a brick parting, replace it with moisture-resistant drywall.
  5. If the walls in the room are crooked, then their irregularities need to be plastered with a mortar of cement and pitch. And in order for the composition to stretch easily, a little lime must be added to it.
  6. Once the plaster is seized on it with a sharp object, such as a nail, you need to draw lines to enhance the adhesion of the plaster to the tile.

At the end preparatory work you should start laying tiles and installing plumbing elements. By the way, you can do all the rough work yourself. But it is better to hire professionals for tiling.

Combined bathroom

Tile laying

  1. First, you need to make a markup of the places where the tiles will be placed.
  2. You need to lay the product from the upper corner, and the lower part of the tile should rest on the rail nailed earlier.
  3. In our case, the tiles are laid on the basis of ceresite. When it grabs (one and a half or two hours), the rail is removed and you can start laying a new row.
  4. Laying the initial row is not easy work, because laying the tiles from top to bottom is not very convenient. But then, thanks to the vertical markings, the tiles are laid much easier (from the bottom up) and the workflow will go much faster.
  5. By the way, to save money in the process of styling tile on a vertical surface, ceresite is applied pointwise to the edges of the product. But in the case of floor laying it is better to apply ceresite to the entire surface.

Now you know how to make a separate one from a combined bathroom. So stock up necessary materials and feel free to start dividing the bathroom!

Combined bathroom

Combined bathroom

Combined bathroom - design option

Combined bathroom with bathtub

Combined bath with toilet

Combined bathroom with toilet

Separate toilet

Combined bathroom

Separate bathroom

Combined bathroom

Combined bathroom

Combined bathroom with a toilet

Which is better: a separate or combined room, a bath, a toilet? Why?

    If there are more than three people in the apartment, then only separate ones. And the three of us can't get through)) .. okay .. you can wait in the bathroom. And if someone has an urge to use the toilet, but someone decided to take a bath?)) It's not good .. before you take a bath, you have to bypass everyone with a question .. won't you go to the toilet? Quot ;. Plus, if guests often come .. then it's also not convenient.

    A combined bathroom is justified only in small apartments .. then when to make a combined bathroom this is the only way to put a washing machine ..

    Of course, a separate bathroom is better. If you are taking a bathroom, and someone close to you, living with you, wants to use the toilet, and even not for a little, you will have to wash and bullet out of the bathroom. And besides, this will definitely happen exactly when you feel like washing yourself. Anyway, I want to get some relaxation from the bathroom procedures away from the thinking room.

    A separate bathroom allows any family member to use the bathroom and toilet at the same time. Combined increases the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe bathroom and gives great opportunity equipment layout. Therefore, when deciding the issue, it is necessary to take into account the composition of the family, the list and dimensions of the equipment to be placed. Both options have their advantages and disadvantages, it is necessary to choose the most suitable option individually.

    if space permits, then I would make one shared bathroom (bath or shower and toilet), and the second only toilet. but if the layout does not allow this, then a separate bathroom is better. as practice shows, it is much more convenient)

    Of course, for comfort, it is better when the bathroom and toilet are separated in the apartment, except for the moment when the apartment has another additional toilet, then the bathtub can be combined with the toilet.

    A combined toilet and bath is more likely to be suitable for an apartment or house where one person lives, well, in the most extreme case, two. But if this is a big family, and even one that often loves to receive guests and friends, then only a separate bathroom !!!

    If one or two people live in an apartment, then the advantages of a combined bathroom are obvious - due to the removed partition, the bathroom becomes much larger, in it, due to a more rational layout, you can place everything you need. And if the bathroom is used by more people permanently living in the apartment, then a separate one is still better so that no one has to dance under the toilet while waiting for another family member to shower.

    I would never agree to a shared bathroom, my husband and I argued about this when we were doing the repairs. Personally, I don't like it when all family members use it at the same time. I believe that everyone should have privacy at least in the toilet! A combined bathroom is a terribly inconvenient thing when guests are in the house. Someone else will be able to go to their own, and the guest is obliged to wait and endure. It is also terribly uncomfortable when the child is in the house. And if someone sat down in the toilet, and the child needs to wash the ass, then the child needs to wait in a dirty diaper, which is not very pleasant.

    It all depends on the specific conditions. If this is a standard small-sized apartment, where the area of ​​the bathroom is at least 4 square meters, then it is better to combine - it will be at least a little more spacious. If the area allows (say, 8-10 square meters per bathroom area), then it is better to divide, and the more family members, the more relevant it is - after all, someone needs a bathroom, and someone has an urge to use the toilet. If the possibilities are even greater, it is better to have a spacious combined bathroom with a toilet and a bidet, plus the so-called. guest toilet which can be used when the bathroom is busy.

    I like this option more - the toilet and the bath are separated, as it is convenient for the reasons that both can go to the toilet and the bath at the same time. For example, in our apartment, the bathtub is in the room, in the corner .. and the toilet is on the side of the front door.

    Everything depends on the composition of the family. When we first got married, we lived in a two-room apartment with a combined bathroom: there was an opportunity to go there and washing machine there was enough space to supply (but the dimensions of the separate bathroom, which was originally provided for, were simply impossible to turn around).

    Now our family has grown up to 4 people and it has become just the same problem (!) - children always get us out of the bathroom, they always need it more, at the same time. Therefore, in our new treshka we are doing a complete redevelopment, the bathroom and toilet will be separate, but not the same as in the original layout: we make a bigger bath with the ability to put in a washing machine, and the toilet has a small sink - a washstand and hygienic shower(this is instead of a bidet). I hope it suits everyone.

    Separate. Why? Well, at least so that one of the family members can calmly relax in the toilet, read, dream and not think that at any second they can knock on the door and ask to vacate the room for taking a bath.

    but I like more joint, because there is more space and it looks very cool, but I agree that it is necessary to take into account which family members live in this apartment, for example, a shared bathroom with a bath is perfect for my husband and I, we are not ashamed of each other and we are very convenient) As they say in taste and color)

    A separate bathroom is good because if the bathroom is occupied, then the toilet is free. Now they even began to build houses so that a separate bathroom and toilet do not resemble the size of a toilet on an airplane. As for the secondary housing, when the house is not new and has not been built for the last five years, the bathroom and toilet (if they are separate) are so small that there is nowhere to put a washing machine at all. That is, in not new houses, plus a combined bathroom is that there is at least a little free space there.

    I had a place and an opportunity, I made a separate toilet and combined a van with a toilet in another room .., so it's easier, especially if the family is large ..

    We do not use the bath all the time, so I am in favor of a combined bathroom. more space and everything is at hand. Recently we made repairs, removed the washing machine from the bathroom and now we have another small room.

    Each option has its own pros and cons, if we talk about apartments in Soviet-built houses, and not modern ones, where two bathrooms are possible for one apartment. The shared bathroom is more spacious, there is no need to clutter kitchen space a washing machine, because it can be installed in a combined bathroom, and it's just good, convenient and pleasant: there is enough space.

    The downside here is also obvious. Let's say that not one person lives in an apartment, but a family. Moreover, for example, representatives of three generations (children, parents, grandparents). It will be very difficult to divide the toilet and bath, very difficult. Of course, you can get used to it - but the minus is obvious. But if one person lives - it's just wonderful.

    A separate toilet is inconvenient due to the fact that the locations intended separately for the toilet and the bath are so small that it becomes scary to get fat - what if you can't fit in there? with fear of getting fat is a definite plus, albeit a joke).

    The convenience of a separate bathroom is the opposite of the lack of the first option - here two family members can do business at once: someone to wash, someone to write, and so on)

    It seems to me that it is better to have a separate bathroom, since if someone is washing in the bathroom, the other will not be able to get into the toilet.

    Most likely separate. Since the combined bathroom is not convenient because when one person takes a bath and a shower, the other has to sit and wait, which is not always possible.

    I lived in one where the toilet is separate, and now I live in the apartment where I am together. It all depends on how many people are in the house, how the residents of the apartment wash and splash for a long time ?! For me, a separate toilet is still much more convenient. Sometimes one wants to wash, and the other, excuse me, is impatient.)

    I am in favor of a combined bathroom. At one time, we broke the wall and there was extra space where we placed the washing machine. Otherwise, I don't even know where she would stand. And then it's just convenient. BUT! There are some nuances:

    1) Depends on the number of people living in the apartment. Be prepared for the fact that if the toilet is busy, then you will not get to the bathroom.

    2) Depends on the number of bathrooms in the apartment. In new houses, one combined bathroom and a separate toilet are often built. Then it's much easier.

    Bottom line: comfortable, saves space, but ideal for a small family.

    It depends on how many people live in the apartment, if there are one or two people, then it is better to have a combined bathroom (now many unite), after visiting the toilet, you can immediately wash your hands, and not grab the handles of two doors with dirty hands.

    Apartments with separate dignity have always been appreciated. knot. Since the combined toilet with a bath creates some inconvenience. Moreover, if several people live in the apartment. If someone will wash, and someone will itch to use the toilet, then the second will have to endure. A combined unit is good if you have a second toilet in your apartment. Such apartments are now not uncommon in new buildings.

Regardless of what kind of bathroom in the apartment is provided initially, combined or separate, during the repair, you can put or, on the contrary, demolish the partition. When does it make sense to do this?

The advantages of a combined bathroom

Combining a bathroom and a toilet seems like a costly affair - after all, you need to demolish an entire wall, albeit a small one. In fact, the cost of these works is offset by savings in finishing. You only need one door instead of two, and you will need to cover one less wall with tiles. Therefore, it is more profitable to repair a combined bathroom.

Due to the absence of a partition, the space in the bathroom will become noticeably larger. And this is not only visual effect... The combined bathroom will fit both a washing machine and a large bathtub, even if before that they did not fit in any way in size. You can even fit a normal one! And we know that drying in a small bathroom is also a pleasure.

Combined bathroom: disadvantages and difficulties

If your family has more than two people, a shared bathroom can become a source of inconvenience and even conflict. Someone likes to soak in the bath longer, someone keeps a collection of books in the toilet, and the more people in your family, the more likely these addictions will start to interfere with the rest. This problem is solved by the presence of a "guest" bathroom, in which there will be a second toilet and, probably, a shower. But this option, of course, is not suitable for everyone. It will be safer to leave the partition between these functional rooms intact.

Difficulties can arise at the stage of demolishing the partition. First, you first need to obtain permission from the BTI, because the wall between the bathroom and toilet can be load-bearing. You will have to spend a lot of time and effort on checking and issuing a permit. When erecting a partition, you do not need to receive any confirmation.

Secondly, in the partition there may be hidden wiring... If you do not know for sure, then the demolition of the wall must be carried out with care, and, if cables or a junction box are found, the work may require additional costs.

Another subtlety when combining a bathroom and a toilet, which is important to remember, is ventilation. The proximity of hygiene items, such as toothbrushes, and the toilet requires good ventilation. Since there are no windows in the toilets in apartments, you will need to take care of additional ventilation.

What's the bottom line?

It is safe to say that deciding whether to combine or separate a toilet and a bathroom is only based on a specific situation. If you have a small bathroom and small toilet, and you want to increase their functionality, then the demolition of the partition - correct solution... If you have a large family, and you do not want to compromise your comfort, then it is better to isolate the rooms. In the end, you can get by with a shower instead of a bath and fit everything necessary equipment on the saved space.