Zoning of a one-room apartment for a family with a child. The secret of correct zoning: the interior of a one-room apartment Apartment zoning options

When the living space, where the family has to live with difficulty, leaves much to be desired, this is reflected in everything. After all, it is quite natural to have separate areas for rest and sleep, eating and preparing food, as well as for work and creativity.

But what about those who were able to acquire only a one-room apartment? There is a great option - to zone the available space! It should be noted right away that this will require a lot of creative effort and imagination from you.

What is the zoning of a one-room apartment for?

The method of creating separate zones is used to expand space studio apartment... It allows you to transform it not only in terms of aesthetics, but also make it more functional.

To do this, you must try to adhere to the basic zoning rules:

  • if the room rectangular, then it cannot be divided along. This will lead to the formation of narrow pencil cases;
  • for rooms with low ceiling heights, continuous partitions from floor to ceiling cannot be used;
  • how less area apartments, the fewer decorative elements should be. Better to give preference to laconic design;
  • minimum use architectural elements, when zoning, preference is given to modern decor techniques.

Basic principles

As you know, a blank wall reduces the usable area, but our task is the opposite. It is necessary to use every centimeter of the apartment to the maximum. Divide it into zones so as not to turn it into casemates. To do this, it is enough to use a few simple techniques, which will be discussed below.

Zoning ideas for a studio apartment

Zoning ideas can be varied.

The sleeping area can be highlighted with a tall cabinet. If we are talking about the zoning of the kitchen and living room, then an elegant bar counter will help here.

Using different levels

This option is perfect for apartments with high ceilings, where you can demarcate the space with the help of podiums. As a rule, a bed or a sofa is installed on such elevations, thus highlighting an area for sleeping and resting.

Zoning styles for a one-room apartment are presented in this video:

On a small pedestal you can make workplace as well as a flower corner. In addition, the space under the podium can be used as additional system storage.

Use of light

As light zoning, local lighting is best when using wall sconces, pendant lights with directional light, floor lamps.

See here how to create a functional and convenient.

With their help, you can literally turn off a certain zone. The second way is to use LED backlight with in different colors glow. Such color contrasts highlight certain parts of the space.

Loggias and balconies

If a one-room apartment has loggias or balconies, then they can also be used to organize a certain zone.

This could be:

  • storage space;
  • resting place or playing sports;
  • work space with a desk;
  • a place for children's games;
  • an increase in the working area of ​​the kitchen, if there is an exit from its side or an extension of the living room.

All of these methods of transforming your home are designed to create the most comfort for you and your loved ones.

Zoning methods

If we consider a standard one-room apartment, then, as a rule, there are already two separate rooms - a bedroom and a kitchen.

Here you can see how to decorate and transform.

The whole difficulty lies in the distribution between them additional functions workplace and living room. In doing so, you must try not to overload one of them.

Here are several zoning options for such an apartment:

  • Bedroom-living room. You can put a sofa bed, which will become the main focus of this space.
  • Kitchen cabinet. Comfortable dinner table perfectly take over two functions at once - eating and working place.
  • Kitchen-living room. If the kitchen is quite spacious, then it is quite possible to place a small sofa and a dining table here.

Zoning options for an apartment for one or two people

If this is an apartment of a bachelor or a lonely girl, then two zones will be enough here: "sleep and relaxation area", "kitchen and dining area". It's another matter when two people already live in the apartment. In such a situation, in addition to the above zones, additional spaces will be required: a living room area and a workplace.

As mentioned earlier, this zoning is suitable for a studio apartment. All the same rules that we described above apply here. It is quite another matter when it comes to a family with children.

Zoning a room for a family with a child

Front married couple with a small child, there is a very difficult task - to plan the apartment so that the child's area and the parent's area are not only cozy, but also multifunctional. Naturally, the lightest and warmest part of the apartment should be highlighted for the child.

It is worth remembering that as the child grows, his space will change and expand. While the baby is still small, a changing table and a crib are enough for him, but soon his corner will need to be supplemented with a play area.

Curtains or screens. Such elements can be placed around the crib, which will create a cozy corner for your baby to sleep.

A high podium can always be equipped with steps that will allow the child to move comfortably.

Children's Corner. It can include a wardrobe and study area, as well as a bunk bed. All this is a single structure, a small mobile home for a child and an excellent solution for zoning your one-room apartment.


Zoning your one-room apartment is a task within the power of everyone. Moreover, the imagination of designers who have come up with dozens of options does not stand still. Our task is to define our personal preferences and assess the opportunities provided by the living space.

Watch the video on how you can zone a one-room apartment:

Zoning is a design that visually divides a room into several sectors. It is used when it is required to allocate a working area, a recreation area and sleeping place... There are many ways to zon a room.

Dividing the room into separate zones helps to functionally place objects, perform decoration and create a comfortable environment.

There are several purposes for which zoning is needed:

  1. Division into zones, taking into account their direct purpose: a working corner, a sleeping place and a dining area.
  2. Sector creation common use and private.
  3. Create sensation more space... Correct zoning creates optical illusions that visually expand the area.
  4. Multifunctional use furniture. Applying transforming furniture or creating interesting designs. As an option, .

There is a lack of space in a one-room apartment, so it is worth practicing minimalism. It is necessary to remove all unnecessary and small items. For example, pillows on the couch and items on cabinets create unnecessary volume. They should be removed.

You can revise the functionality of the premises and possibly make redevelopment. Part of the kitchen can be taken under the work area. An excellent solution can be the use of furniture - a transformer.

An important task of zoning is space optimization. Screens and curtains can be used to divide the room into separate sectors.

There is also vertical zoning. In which you can equip a sleeping place on the second floor or working area.

The following actions can visually increase the space:

  • mounting large mirrors and application light shades in cladding;
  • it is better to decorate ceilings in white;
  • it is necessary to increase the lighting and add lamps under the ceiling;
  • you should not clutter the walls with paintings, one accent spot is enough;
  • furniture is best purchased from transparent materials and light shades;
  • it should be limited to three colors in the interior, one of which should be a light color;
  • will increase the space of wall murals with perspective.

Replacing blank walls

There are great ideas for zoning a living room or other rooms without the use of deaf structures:

  1. A great option is to use decorative designs. For small apartments, products with smooth lines.
  2. Arches do not take up free space on the floor and subtly divide the room. Similar designs can be performed in varied design and will fit into any interior.
  3. With the help of screens and partitions, it is possible to short time make redevelopment.
  4. If the room has high ceilings, then a podium with steps is effectively used. So it can be highlighted.

In this case, the podium is used as a way to store things or a place to store a bed.

To increase the functional area will help sliding doors... A small rise can be decorated from the end with beautiful highlights.

Zoning with furniture and finishing materials

You can highlight the living room or bedroom area using furniture or skillfully selected finishing materials... The following solutions are suitable for dividing the space:

  1. Unusual modules for storing souvenirs and books.
  2. Plant stands.
  3. A variety of shelving or TV stand.
  4. Dressing table with a mirror.

Such furniture can become a leading accent in the interior.

Modules for storing things are popular; they can be fixed on special brackets, which will add originality to any interior.

One of effective ways dividing a room into zones is the use of multi-level ceilings and floors.

Simpler stylish solutions are also used:

  1. The use of textiles as facing material.
  2. Usage various materials for wall decoration.
  3. Application of various coatings for ceilings and floors.
  4. Using repeating trimmings to different zones or rooms.

Such original techniques not only correctly zone any room, but also create comfort and coziness.

Having a small margin square meters, at times, it is quite difficult to decide how to make the zoning of a one-room apartment. It is not easy to solve such issues as: what to put where, how to organize the sleeping area, choose a meeting place for guests. In addition, the question of the location of storage places is added, especially if the whole family lives. In today's article, we tried to make a photo selection of successful design solutions that will help to put everything in its place by properly organizing the space. Carefully study the proposed options and maybe you will find something for yourself.

Zoning of a one-room apartment: photo of a successful re-equipment of the area

The layout of a single room can be left in its original form or combined, thereby increasing it. For this, all possible interior partitions, after which the zoning of a one-room apartment is carried out.

Photos show how good decision there will be a balcony joining with the organization of a study or a place for rest. Complete or partial removal of the kitchen-room wall also gives additional squaring. Moreover, the remaining lower fragment can become a bar that separates the kitchen.

Examples of zoning of a one-room apartment: photo of a studio apartment

A studio apartment, where wall forms are practically completely absent, has a maximum usable area. There are fragmentary partitions here. Zoning of space in a one-room apartment (photos are presented in the article) is carried out with the design of surfaces with different finishing materials. A podium step and a two-level suspended ceiling will effectively divide the zones.

Zoning a room in a studio apartment photo

If you decide to leave the original layout or the presence of structures does not allow dismantling, check out how the zoning of a room in a one-room apartment is organized in this case. Often, the bedroom is "masked" by partitions (curtains), and the living room remains in sight.

In such tight conditions, it is not appropriate multilevel ceilings and differing flooring... Examples of zoning of a one-room apartment in the photo in the article demonstrate the use of "air" glass or plasterboard partitions-shelving, contrasting but harmonious combination of shades of finishing materials, multi-level lighting.

Zoning ideas for a one-room apartment: a photo of the designation of territories by decoration

Combining contrasting types of finishes is an effective approach to designating territories. Considering in the photo the design of a one-room apartment with zoning of the kitchen-living room, it is clear that most often differing floor coverings are laid. For example, in the area of ​​the countertop, tiles are preferable, and the living room is decorated parquet board, carpet, laminate. This also applies to wall decoration, its texture, color palette. Dinner Zone often decorated with photowall-paper with pleasing to the eye paintings. The ceiling surface can have tiers, geometric patterns from plasterboard, projecting demarcation lines.

Wallpaper zoning of a one-room apartment: a photo of a harmonious design

The simplest, most economical way out is to zoning a one-room apartment with wallpaper. Photos in the article show interiors where wallpapers differ in color palette and texture. At the same time, there is absolute harmony design and integrity. Fragments of furniture from one zone are combined with the colors and finishes of another zone. Zoning ideas for a one-room apartment include wallpaper that enlivens a particular corner, a combination of patterned canvases with monochromatic ones, as well as alternating ones, where the patterns are located in different directions.

Zoning with curtains of a one-room apartment: photos of stylish interiors

Curtains will help to divide the room into "islands". Firstly, zoning with curtains of a one-room apartment, as the photos show, gives the room a special home comfort without taking up useful space. They can be displaced at any time by uniting the interior, and double-sided canvases, moreover, will create their own special atmosphere for a particular area. Most often, curtains are used to frame the sleeping area, which especially needs rest. Moreover, the curtains can be replaced at any time by changing the design concept.

Zoning of a one-room apartment: photo of partitions

The greatest visual effect of delimitation is achieved by partitions of different configurations. The zoning of a one-room apartment, as the photos show, with the installation of original plasterboard forms, in addition to the main task, also significantly embellished the interior. For very tiny areas, it is worth giving preference to low shelving-type partitions or even installing glass structures.

How to make zoning in a one-room apartment: a photo of using a functional podium step

A stepped podium (fashionable these days) will create a spectacular zoning of a one-room apartment. The photos show both its low forms and more complex ones. For example, pay attention to the interior, where the podium has a pull-out bed or a lot of drawers, pedestals for storing various accessories. Small podium, not exceeding 15 cm, is appropriate in the kitchen-living room, highlighting the working area, and it is better to place a large (functional) one by the window, placing on it computer desk, sofa or child's corner.

Zoning of a one-room apartment: photo selection of correct lighting

Adequate lighting assumes general as well as local lighting... Consider the zoning of a one-room apartment from the photo. Above the countertop, it is better to place a spot system with bright light, and the dining area can be additionally equipped with a chandelier. A sconce or a floor lamp will be placed near the sofa. Low pendant lights will perfectly complement your bar counter.

Small studio apartment: interior and zoning with a photo selection

A tiny area often forces you to resort to organizing a studio apartment. For example, the zoning of a one-room apartment (photo of a loft interior) 18 sq m is best done in this way - to get rid of interior walls and use glass fencing structures. Transparency will make the interior spacious and light. Making out individual sites small room, often use low open racks, installing them perpendicular to the walls. In addition, they can store necessary things (souvenirs, books, etc.). If there is a pantry in the layout, convert it into a bedroom or kitchen area.

Zoning of a one-room apartment with a child: a photo of the design of a mini-nursery

Since the family is forced to huddle in a single room with their child, he needs to select the warmest, brightest place by the window. Zoning of a one-room apartment with a child (photos successful decisions see the material) is carried out by separating the children's area with curtains, not bulky (translucent) partitions, shelving or sliding structures.

The design of the podium step is appropriate. A special plus is the presence of a balcony. By attaching it to the room by partially demolishing the opening, and insulating it, additional space is provided for installing a desk.

Decorating the interior of a one-room apartment with a child, using zoning, as shown in the photo, you will significantly increase the free area. It is better to install a sofa here, which, if necessary, folds down, turning the bedroom into a living room.

Very often, the owners of modest odnushki are faced with the question of how to zoning a one-room apartment. And how to equip one-room apartment if at all design solutions only 18 sq. m? And if you also need to fit as much as possible, including children's Corner? The task is not an easy one, but it is quite real.

Main zoning rules

In order to divide the room into 18 sq. m, it is important to correctly zone it. For this, some tricks will come to the rescue, namely:

  • Apply bright hues... This idea will allow you to create such necessary volumes and lightness, at least visually. It is also very important that the colors are in harmony with each other, create a pleasant balance.

Advice! Use a slightly lighter color for the ceiling than for the walls. Also, flat lighting fixtures that can be used to visually increase the height of the roomplace mainly on the ceiling.

  • Use any physical means of zoning, namely: podium, arch, screen, rack, sliding partition... This will allow for successful separations, such as separating the children's corner and the parent's bed. The main idea is to add functionality that in no way affects the usefulness of the space.

Partitions in a one-room apartment (photo)

  • For creating optical illusion and visual expansion rooms 18 sq. m use mirrors and any reflective surfaces. They can also carry out zoning of a one-room apartment into a bedroom and a living room.

How to furnish a 1-room apartment (photo)

  • If you manage to choose the right furniture, then it is also quite capable of successfully zone a room... In confirmation - numerous photos and design one-room apartment-Khrushchev with a similar zoning method.

Advice! Place the sofa not as usual against the wall, but separate it with a sleeping place or area for a child. So you will carry out zoning and thereby not establish a single obstacle. interior space and you will be able to organize, albeit small, but separate zones.

  • If the apartment is 18 sq. m there is a balcony or loggia, at their expense it is quite possible to expand the area that is so lacking. Important good insulate there and install high-quality double-glazed windows - this will create complete comfort.

Design of a one-room apartment with a child: the secrets of proper zoning

If it is necessary to separate a place for a child and for parents in a one-room apartment, then there are also several secrets. First of all, the zoning methods will depend on the age of the child (see zoning photos for different ages).

The first situation is Small child preschool age... A bed for parents and a crib in a one-room apartment should fit here. A place for a child should be comfortable and functional, especially if it is a newborn.

Advice! The children's area in a one-room apartment should be the brightest and warmest place.

Please note that as the child grows up, the nursery space will need to expand and increase its functionality. Key ideas:

  • Installation screens or curtains around the bed. This will create the necessary cozy place where the baby will sleep well. Also, bright light will not penetrate here and wake the baby, but at the same time, the mother will be able to perform all the necessary manipulations without any problems: feed, change clothes, change a diaper, lull.
  • Use a special kids wallpaper set for coloring if the kid is preschool age. Great idea- paint the wall special paint, which allows you to write on it, like on a blackboard with crayons. This technique will allow you to separate baby place from an adult.

Bedroom in a studio apartment

  • A good idea at first would be to zoning a one-room apartment with a child canopy that covers the bed.
  • If space is limited at all, and a growing researcher needs space to active games, do bunk bed: below there will be a sleeping place for parents, and a child can climb up.

Advice! If you have high ceilings in your apartment, you can literally raise the student's sleeping place to the ceiling. To do this, you need to make a strong frame on which to mount the stairs. The distance to the ceiling of 1-1.5 meters is quite enough for a comfortable sleep, and if you think over the sliding doors, the teenager will be able to get a real corner for his personal space, which is very important at his age.