Option for a one-room apartment. Interior design of a one-room apartment

It's good to have a place to turn around. And if he is not? If the apartment is one-room and small area. And I would like to have in it a sleeping place, and an office, and a living room, and even build in devices that are so necessary for a modern family somewhere. Modern technologies, design and fiction come to the rescue here.

Type of layout of a one-room apartment

To date, one-room apartments are presented on the market in two types:

  • studio apartments;
  • standard apartments.

Developers increasingly prefer to offer apartments without internal partitions, which is very convenient in terms of building an individual design one-room apartment

Studio apartments

A feature of studio apartments is the combination kitchen space and rooms into one. Allocated to a separate room are a toilet and a shower, often also combined.

Such features open wide opportunities for the design of a one-room studio apartment.

The absence of partitions allows you to optimally position necessary furniture and equipment.

The modern design trend highlights functional areas in the studio apartment: kitchen, bedroom, guest room, etc. Zones are allocated depending on the needs of specific residents. The photo shows various options organization of functional zones.
Zones can be divided into:

  • permanent;
  • transformable.

If the number of residents is small and a variety of functionality is not required, then the allocated functional areas can be permanent. If there is not enough space for permanent zones, they are made transformable using various solutions: design, furniture. For example, a retractable bed is a transformer (pictured).

In addition, the concept of a unified design of a one-room studio apartment includes a loggia or balcony, if available. The latter can significantly expand the functionality of the apartment. It is quite possible to place one or even several zones on an insulated loggia (examples in the photo).

See the design of one-room studio apartments. Photos taken from all corners the globe. Photos of studios in different styles and decorations.

Standard apartments

The standard layouts of one-room apartments are a small kitchen, a corridor, a combined shower and toilet (less often separate) and a room, plus possibly a loggia and a balcony.

You can do a redevelopment with the transfer of walls (if they are not load-bearing), but in this case, you will need to coordinate the design project of a one-room apartment with the authorities.

But it is not necessary to make such drastic changes. The division into large zones has already been made here, however, additional functionality can be introduced into the existing zonal division. This can be done using the same furniture-transformers. Or kitchen area can be converted, say, into an office.

The photo shows examples of the design of a one-room apartment. A balcony or loggia further expands the small space of the apartment.

In a small apartment, you should always proceed from the importance of zones. Make a list of the necessary functionality, ranked by importance, and build the design of a small one-room apartment in accordance with it.

Proper furniture in a one-room apartment

In a small apartment it is very important to choose suitable furniture. It should not be bulky, functional and necessary. The last point requires clarification. In a small apartment there should be only that furniture, without which it is impossible to do, otherwise you can block all the free space with furniture.

One of the furniture solutions for the modern design of a one-room apartment is all kinds of transformers. Thanks to them, it is possible to combine multifunctionality and expand the much-needed space (the photo shows examples of such solutions).
However, for the convenience of the life of one person, it is quite possible to get by with ordinary furniture.

See the photo of the design of a one-room apartment below. There is a variety of furniture in different styles.

Photo of a one-room apartment Photo of a one-room apartment 2
Photo of one-room apartment 3
Photo of one-room apartment 4
Photo of one-room apartment 5

Design of a one-room apartment for a family with a child

When working out the design of a one-room apartment in which a parent and child will live, it is important to understand that for the normal development of the child, it is necessary to organize your own space. Therefore, no matter how small the space in the apartment is, it is imperative to allocate your own corner for the child.

The task becomes more difficult if there is more than one child in the family, it becomes even more difficult if the children are of different sexes.

In any case, each of the children must have, albeit small, but their own corner of the living space. Otherwise, the design of the apartment does not differ from apartments in which children are not planned to live.

The photo shows possible options for organizing space for children.

In the children's corner, it is desirable to allocate a play area, a place to study, a sleeping place. These may well be transformer zones.

Colors suitable for a one-room apartment

The color schemes used in the interior design of a one-room apartment are a very important component. Color and its combination create a mood, expand the space, give comfort to the room. And for small apartments, this is more relevant, since living space in them is limited. This means that there should be some universalism in the selection of a color palette.

Each color on specific person acts a little differently, and depending on the character, habits, it is necessary to select what is more suitable. There are no unambiguous approaches to the selection of colors, in many respects this is an individual work with the client.
Examples of interior design in different colors are shown in the photo.

The right light in a one-room apartment

In addition to the color scheme, a well-thought-out lighting system plays a significant role in giving comfort to the room. For small spaces, it is important that light can significantly expand the space.

All types of lighting fixtures can be planned for use for lighting: spotlights, fluorescent, LED, etc. It is important that they are harmoniously inscribed in interior premises.

In addition to general lighting, it is desirable to use local, zonal, which will emphasize the functionality of individual zones. The local light is brighter than the general light. Each zone has its own lighting.

IN classical method setting the light, it is customary to divide the room into several zones:

  • lower, dark;
  • medium, in terms of illumination, it also occupies an intermediate place;
  • the top, lightest area.

Such a scheme is the most physiological, as it is closer to natural lighting.

By skillfully manipulating the backlight, you can expand the room:

  • built-in light directed down the wall visually pushes the walls apart;
  • highlighting one of the walls with the cold part of the spectrum - lengthens the room;
  • luminous ceiling - increases the height of the room;


Photos of one-room apartments in different color see below.

Where to see the beautiful design of a one-room apartment?

If you have never been involved in interior design, it is quite difficult to quickly navigate the rich variety of concepts presented. You can enroll in design courses or download them remotely and try to figure it out on your own, and then implement your own design. In this case, you are not immune from possible errors due to little experience.

Another option is to order a design in a specialized studio. In this case, with a quality approach, designers will work directly with you and take into account your preferences. But good designer usually costs a lot of money.

We suggest to get started with design solutions presented on our website. Even if a particular project is not suitable for something, you can always take something as a basis and rework it.

The photo shows a large number of designs of a one-room apartment for a family, for single living, for a family with children.

Modern design of one-room apartments

Consider some modern styles design of rooms in a one-room apartment, design of the entire apartment.


Loft from the word attic. The style represents a large open space. Some of the industrial elements are used in the interior: brickwork, painted walls, pipes. The style combines old "industrial" decor elements and cutting-edge technology.


Simplicity in design is encouraged. Free space, not overloaded with furniture. The predominance of light shades of earth, the colors black, white and gray. In the interior, everything is simplified and reduced to a minimum. Simplicity of forms and order. The simple form of objects.


An important principle in this style is simplicity and naturalness. Preference light colors and simple furnishings. The modern Scandinavian style tends to be elegant in form and line. The minimum number of decorative elements. Lots of bright light sources. open floor plan.

Art Deco

The style harmoniously combines monumental forms and embellishment, public utility and beauty. New building materials and lighting solutions are reflected. Sculptural compositions, exquisite furniture are used. At the same time, the walls are devoid of pretentiousness and act only as a background. Furniture usually dark colors, Pastel Colored Walls. Can be bright colours in ornaments.

When planning the design of a one-room apartment, first of all, you need to proceed from the functionality of the living space. Get by with a minimum set of necessary pieces of furniture and equipment.
For creating stylish design consider the entire area of ​​​​the apartment as a single space.

Young people and couples most often buy one-room apartments. New housing bought on the secondary market is not important. Before you enter it, it is supposed to make repairs to a one-room apartment. Only the concept is very loose and can mean both a simple wallpaper plywood and redevelopment. We will demonstrate several results of repairs of varying degrees of "severity" in the article. They are completely different, in style and purpose, but all about remodeling 1-room apartments. Looking at the photo, you can apply some ideas in your own practice.

General principles and techniques

One-room apartments usually do not differ large areas. Habitats old building- in Khrushchev - there are about 30 square meters. m, but in new buildings it is already a little more: maybe 40 sq.m or more. In any case, you have to carefully consider the layout and arrangement of furniture: every centimeter counts.

Where to start repairing a one-room? It is necessary to draw a plan with dimensions, and on a scale. The next step is to look at what can be improved.

Moving the door closer to the load-bearing wall

First of all, pay attention to the location of the doors. In old layouts, they were often made in the middle of the wall. This is very uneconomical from the point of view of the use of the area: too large a zone goes into the "dead". We walk in it, and there is no way to put anything. It is much more convenient if the doors are moved closer to one of the walls. Which one is up to you to choose. Moreover, this is a restructuring, not a redevelopment, but it must be registered.

Combining a bathroom

The biggest problem with small-sized housing is very small bathrooms. In old houses, they are just tiny. They don't even have a washing machine. Since the rest of the premises are not pleasing with space, we have to arrange restructuring in order to find a place. Therefore, when starting to repair a one-room apartment, very often they demolish the partition between the bathroom and the toilet. They are definitely not carriers, so there are no problems with matching. This solution alone can give the necessary centimeters.

The second thing they often do is to replace the bathroom with a shower cabin. This decision is not acceptable for everyone, but there is still a little more space. You can either make it yourself from brick, tile, driving the wall into half a brick or putting . How to make a shower cabin yourself read

Remove the partitions between the bathroom and the toilet - one of the repair options

Demolition of pantries

Most of the layouts have pantries. But their location is often so unfortunate that it is better without them. But the vacated space can be taken for appliances or made in this place, a built-in wardrobe. Let them take the same amount of space, but their functionality is much wider.

Demolition of pantries is already a standard solution

Combining rooms with a balcony

Since today new heaters have appeared that allow, with a small thickness, to achieve high degree thermal insulation, it became possible to combine rooms with balconies or loggias. Not only the walls are well insulated, but also the ceiling with the floor. Moreover, it is useful to make floor heating: it is difficult to transfer batteries (project, coordination), but laying a heating cable is possible and relatively easy. A project for such heating is not required.

When combining rooms with a balcony, please note that you can only remove the part that was under the window. Those walls that from floor to ceiling are strictly forbidden to touch. Such an alteration will never be legalized for you: these are external bearing walls and they are responsible for the integrity of the building.

Studio apartment

Another solution popular among young people: the demolition of almost all partitions. Only the bathroom and toilet remain fenced off. All other walls are removed. It turns out the so-called From an ordinary one-room apartment with an area of ​​\u200b\u200bjust over 30 meters, with this type of repair, you can make quite a decent room. There are downsides to this solution: the kitchen is practically combined with the rest of the premises and the smells of food will spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, it must have a powerful hood. This solves the problem.

This option can be modified - make the walls beveled, etc. Just remember that you can expand the area of ​​​​bathrooms and kitchens only at the expense of technical premises. Since in this case this happens at the expense of the hallway, there are no problems. But in this area you will have to do reinforced waterproofing: several layers will be required for sure. Be prepared for the fact that this will be spelled out in the draft agreement.

You will find some ideas for repairing a one-room apartment in the video. The real object, filmed before the repair, then - the main stages and already "after".


Having decided what you want to do in your one-room apartment during the repair, you can submit the project for approval. It's not a fast thing. In the meantime, take care of the calculation of materials and their purchase. The advice is this: start a separate notebook or file - whoever is used to it. For each type of work, allocate a separate page where you write everything that needs to be done about this. First, all the work that is needed, then - in detail all the required materials. And right down to nails, anchors, screws (with dimensions), adhesive tape and other trifles, which are innumerable.

Arranging furniture in a one-room apartment is a creative process

After completing the development for each type of work, draw up common list materials: sum up the quantity. Then you can start looking for places to buy. Some can be found online, some in stores. Small things are often taken carelessly, but they prefer to make more or less large purchases by visiting stores. And this is correct: the quality cannot be determined from the picture. Therefore, first call, check the prices, then go to the addresses, look and feel. And feel free to ask questions. While you collect all the materials, the documents will be ready.

That's when the actual work begins. Do repairs in the apartment on their own or hire a team - everyone decides this issue for himself. If hired different people on the different types works, careful control is necessary during the whole process, since having made their “piece” of work they will disappear. Those masters who come after them will nod that their predecessors did everything...wrong.

It is impossible to give clear instructions on what to do and why: too various works maybe, but in general the order is:

  • Dismantling / installation of partitions.
  • Modernization of engineering systems (ventilation, plumbing) and electrical wiring (, electrical wiring in rooms through).
  • Window replacement.
  • Alignment of walls, ceiling, plaster.
  • Heating system installation.
  • Filling / flooring.
  • Finishing work.
  • Furniture arrangement

If some work is not needed, just omit them. But if planned overhaul, then all of them are necessary, especially in old apartments.

Repair of a one-room apartment: interior design

If the renovation is going on in an already lived-in apartment, you are definitely connected with those items that you already have. Some of them will be replaced, but most will usually remain. Since the premises are already inhabited, you can already imagine quite clearly where you can put new things/equipment, and when looking at them in a store or in a photo, you can quite accurately determine how they will “fit” into the existing space and environment.

One of the ways to increase the area during the repair is to dismantle the partitions. Only this is an option - no one will ever agree on moving the kitchen to the place of the bedroom. Miracles can only happen on the first floor

When planning the interior in a new building, everything is more complicated and easier. Easier - you start everything from scratch and no old things. You can choose a style, color, texture, without being tied to existing elements. But the room is still unfamiliar, and it is difficult to imagine how this or that thing will look. In this case, design programs that allow you to present projects in volume will help. Just drawing a plan is not enough: not everything that looks good on a piece of paper will also be good in volume. Often there are other situations: what looked bad on the sheet turns out to be a godsend in volume. Therefore, first develop a plan on a sheet, and then transfer it to a three-dimensional image. Only immediately with the dimensions, otherwise it is a waste of time.

At this stage, keep track of the little things. In which direction does the door open, what size is it, and how convenient it will be. And this applies not only to doors - entrance and interior, but also doors in cabinets and lockers. At the same time, we do not forget about the aisles: in order to be able to pass normally, the places should be 70-80 cm, but a little more is better. Further we will be based on specific examples.

From a one-room 32-meter apartment to make a two-room

In a typical Khrushchev building with an area of ​​32 meters, repairs were made, during which a separate bedroom was allocated. And the modifications are minimal. The partition enclosing the corridor (rather, just a door) was removed, the side wall was continued, with its help they fenced off part of the living room, turning it into a bedroom.

Just pay attention: the apartment is corner. The room has two windows. This made it possible to get two full, albeit small rooms.

When designing the interior you want to see after the renovation in your one-room apartment, rely on your daily activities.

Let's start with the doors. Here you are. You need somewhere to put your bags, sit down, take off your shoes, hang up your clothes. Place all this in the hallway. First of all, the closet. In this case, he took a seat opposite the door. In the photo - the entrance hall in this apartment, a view from the kitchen. To make the room lighter and more voluminous, the door in the closet opposite the kitchen is made of a mirror. It reflects the light, illuminating during the day better than lamps.

If you look from the side of the door, there are two doors on the right: to the bedroom and living room, straight ahead - the kitchen.

Next is the kitchen. Arriving with packages, you will inevitably find yourself there. Here, like everyone else: refrigerator, stove, sink. The refrigerator is located to the left of the window. All other equipment is along one wall, with a small "entry" on the side.

There is a sofa in the living room along one of the walls. At first they planned a corner, but I liked it more.

This small room still fit a coffee table and cabinet with appliances.

Now it's a bedroom. There is a full bed in it, there was even a place for a chest of drawers, above which there was a TV. Between them remains the standard width of the passage: just 70 cm.

It turned out pretty cute and functional. The pictures were taken immediately after the repair: many little things are simply not there yet, so everything looks somewhat official. The hosts (a young couple) have already received guests. 8 people fit in their small living room))

Repair in a one-room apartment 40 meters

An apartment for a young couple, designed by a specialist. Almost no remodeling has been done. The main alterations touched the bathroom.

The remaining "advantages" of the layout were beaten with the help of "design tricks". The plan of this 1-room apartment after renovation looks like this.

There is a small built-in wardrobe in the hallway. It is simply necessary. A small wall was specially placed under it.

The most serious limbers touched the bathroom: instead of a toilet, they made a technical room. There is a washing machine, boiler, storage systems.

In the bathroom, in order to fit everything you need in a small area, they abandoned the bathroom. It was replaced with a shower box. It turned out compact.

The color scheme of the kitchen is very interesting: gray tones with bright pink accents. Table unusual shape made to order, like .

So that the cabinets do not take up much space, it was decided to occupy only one wall. There's even a big fridge here. So that the place above it does not “walk”, a locker is hung above it. Also note that the wall cabinets are almost ceiling-high: on upper shelves put what is used infrequently.

To prevent the pink stools from looking too defiant, photo wallpapers are pasted on the wall. They harmonize the entire interior.

View from the stove

Many interesting solutions and in the room. To the right of the entrance there was previously an empty seat. It is occupied by a full wall closet. This solved two problems: there is where to put things, and the room was made more square.

It is divided into two zones by a translucent shelf-partition: work and rest. Zoning is emphasized by different wallpapers, as well as by the presence of a carpet in the recreation area.

In this article, we will offer you ten ideas for creating the most functional interior one-room apartment, dividing the space of a single room into several zones, arranging an office in one room and cozy bedroom, and also talk about ways to visually expand the space in the "odnushka".

A one-room apartment, of course, cannot be called the most spacious home for a family, but since you only have such a fairly modest living space at your disposal, you need to make it as functional and comfortable as possible. We hope that the tips offered in this article will help you cope with this difficult task.

The only room in the apartment becomes a living room, a bedroom, an office, and a nursery. Combining such a large number of functions in a small area is certainly difficult, but with the help of modern design techniques it is quite possible.

The first idea - we are trying to get rid of everything superfluous

Before proceeding with the design of the space of the only living room of your apartment, you should think carefully about what you cannot do without in this room, and what can be taken outside of it.

Most worst case arranging the “odnushka” is a completely cluttered room in which, due to the abundance of furniture, there is simply nowhere to turn around. Therefore, you should clear the space as much as possible and get rid of everything superfluous.

For example, if the corridor in your apartment is quite large, it is here that you should install spacious wardrobe, which will become the main storage place for the family wardrobe. Then in the room itself it will be possible to install only a light wall for books, souvenirs and other trifles.

If the apartment has a balcony or loggia, they can also be used to get rid of unnecessary items. Just organize a well-thought-out storage system, for example, order or buy ready-made racks, otherwise, instead of a living room, it is the loggia that will turn into a warehouse of unnecessary things. In general, all items that can be stored in an unheated room can be taken out to the balcony.

In typical "Khrushchev" there is usually a pantry that can be converted into dressing room. We already wrote about this arrangement option in the article "Storage places in a small apartment". You can also think about moving the work area, that is, a table for a computer or laptop to the kitchen, but this way of freeing the living room from excess furniture is not suitable for everyone. If the kitchen itself has a very small area, additional functions she can't take over.

Now, when only the necessary pieces of furniture are left in the room, you can think about the design of the interior design.

Of course, you can’t do without storage places in the only living room of the apartment. But let it not be a massive closet crammed with things, but a light wall that can simultaneously serve as a TV stand

The second idea is minimalism as a way to make the room more spacious.

This advice is a logical continuation of the previous one. As an interior style, minimalism is ideal for creating a space freed from everything superfluous, leaving the owners with only the most functional and necessary pieces of furniture and decor.

Conciseness, which is the hallmark of minimalism, will allow you to leave enough free space even in a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe living room, to avoid excessive pomp and pretentiousness, which will simply be inappropriate in a one-room apartment. “Less is better, but better” is an excellent principle for arranging a one-room apartment.

If you do not accept minimalism in its purest form, considering this interior design option too cold and devoid of individuality, adopt certain principles of such an interior. So, of course, you don’t need to completely avoid decor, but also overload the room with details, for example, decorate low ceiling lush stucco or placing a huge picture on a small empty space of the wall between the TV and the wall is not worth it.

Strict lines, neutral shades, laconic facades, an interior where rare decor items coexist with exceptionally functional furniture - minimalism, like no other style, is suitable for creating a bright and not overloaded with details interior of a one-room apartment

The third idea is a podium as a way to hide a sleeping place

How to make a podium bed with your own hands, we already wrote in one of our articles. In a one-room apartment, such a design can be a panacea for the lack of free space for installing a spacious closet or double bed.

The latter option is the most convenient for one-room apartments, because you will definitely find a place for a sofa to watch TV or receive guests, but for a double bed or bed for guests - not always.

Of course, a podium with a hidden berth will have to be built to order or independently, to purchase a comfortable and reliable system"rolling" the bed under the flooring, materials for finishing the top and a good mattress. However, all these expenses will be more than paid off by convenience - you just have to pull out the drawer and the already made bed is at your service - as well as saving space incomparable with other methods.

On the podium itself there can be a seating area, workplace or a playpen, but the sleeping place will be securely hidden inside the structure during the day

Fourth idea - transforming furniture

Another invention created specifically for small rooms. IN big houses there is simply no need for such multifunctional or “masking” furniture - here the table is just a table, and the bed is just a bed. For modest "odnushki" this option is not suitable - since the room itself performs many functions, then the furniture should be appropriate.

What is worth buying for the only living room of the apartment:

  1. Folding sofa with a spacious drawer for linen and other things. A surprising number of useful items are placed in a drawer under the sofa, ranging from pillows to winter shoes “hidden” for the summer. Well, you can’t do without a sleeping place that develops for the day in the “odnushka” at all.
  2. Armchair bed. An excellent "safety" option for a friend who decides to stay the night. And it doesn't take up much space, and you can sleep comfortably. By the way, for a child who has already grown out of the playpen, but lives with his parents in the same room, it is also perfect.
  3. A table-cabinet, a table that "leaves" from under the bed, just a folding or folding table for a family dinner, working at a computer and receiving guests.
  4. The bed, which “hides” in the closet for the day, turns into a table, an ordinary sofa, rises to the ceiling, and so on.

The only disadvantage of such transforming furniture is high price, since reliable models simply cannot be cheap. In addition, transformers often have to be ordered in advance so that they answer general style room and size.

At night - a full bed, during the day - a sofa and shelves for books. This is what a transforming bed looks like in business

Fifth idea - a wardrobe with open shelves as an option for dividing space

One of the most good options zoning the only living room of the house - the use of shelving or cabinets with open shelves. Such structures will not be a serious obstacle to sunlight, but at the same time they will reliably hide, for example, the owner's bed or the child's bed.

If a closet that rises almost to the ceiling seems too bulky to you or interferes with creating effective system natural light, you can choose a relatively low design. In general, it is enough that the rack is flush with the headboard, sofa or playpen, which will be hidden behind its shelves.

The advantages of such structures include their mobility - if desired, the rack can be easily moved to another place, as well as the ability to use open shelves on both sides. And the main drawback can be considered precisely openness - the rack turns into an exhibition of books or souvenirs, it will not work to store various household trifles on the shelves.

A light rack with open shelves made it possible to single out a separate cozy sleeping area on the territory of the room.

The sixth idea is a screen, a light partition, a curtain

You can divide the space of the “odnushka” into several functional zones not only with the help of a rack or a cabinet with open shelves. Designers suggest using all kinds of screens for these purposes, light mobile or stationary partitions, curtains and even carpets.

One of the most simple ways to quickly organize an isolated corner for sleeping and relaxing is the use of chipboard boards, which are interconnected by piano hinges. Such a screen can first be pasted over with the same wallpaper that decorated the walls of the entire room. You can also play in contrast and choose a brighter shade of paint or wallpaper with a different pattern to finish a light partition. When creating such a screen, the edges of the plates are pasted over with the same wallpaper or covered with paint matched to the tone.

Glass partitions are not very popular because of the too cold, office appearance, but fans of high-tech style will do just fine.

Another option for dividing a room is a bar counter, which, moreover, can become not only a place for receiving guests, but also a work desk.

A branch screen will immediately give the room an exotic style, and if such an interior is not to your taste, you can replace it with a dense fabric curtain

The seventh idea - we attach a balcony or loggia

In the conditions of a cramped one-room apartment, joining a loggia or balcony becomes literally a dream of the owners, although it requires additional costs, as well as coordination of redevelopment.

However, all these costs and efforts are paid off by the appearance of a cozy separate or completely connected area with the room, where you can place a bed, a computer desk, children's Corner for games and so on.

A less expensive way to attach a balcony or loggia is not to demolish the entire wall, leaving the existing window sill, which can become a table, aquarium stand or bar counter.

In any case, you should consider the heating system of the attached area and design it in the main style chosen for the entire room.

Eighth idea - options for placing a crib

A one-room apartment is a good option for a young couple or a person who has not yet had time to start a family. But cases when a family with one or two children lives in the “odnushka” are far from uncommon.

In such a situation, one of the main problems of the owners is the placement of a children's bed. Consider several options and design tips:

  1. If the room already has a niche or an alcove, it is in this cozy corner that you should place a sleeping place for a child. A light curtain - and the niche will become a separate children's bedroom. In some apartments, in such originally planned alcoves, not only a bunk bed is placed, but also a small desk.
  2. Experts do not advise placing a baby bed by the window - a draft, too bright sunlight, a hot radiator - such a neighborhood cannot be called useful for a child.
  3. A long elongated room can be divided visually or with the help of screens and partitions into two zones - for children and adults. Sometimes, to highlight the corner of the child, it is enough to place a bright rug in this part of the room. And let it be the adult zone that will be a walk-through, so that the baby, who usually goes to bed before his parents, does not bother anything.
  4. A baby bed can also be placed on the podium.
  5. A loft bed that leaves enough space on the lower bunk for computer desk or a play area is a great option for a one-room apartment.
  6. At first, a playpen installed by the parents' bed is quite enough for a newborn. And it will be possible to create a full-fledged children's corner for an already grown up baby who needs a real bed.

This room already has a niche where the playpen fits perfectly. This option can be called optimal, and if you hang a light curtain in the opening, then the nursery will turn into a cozy and hidden corner from prying eyes

Ninth idea - the optimal color scheme

Relatively color solutions designers are unanimous and recommend choosing an interior designed in neutral tones, with separate splashes of bright colors. Via different shades you can emphasize the division of the room into separate zones, visually expand the space by choosing light colors, so underestimate the importance of color in creating comfortable interior not worth it.

The ceiling should definitely be preferred in plain, light beige, white, light green or pale yellow. Remember that dark corners and walls will make a small room even cramped, so these options should be avoided.

You should not get carried away and decorate the interior in one single color scheme. In a room with pink curtains, light red walls and a scarlet sofa, even a very balanced person will feel uncomfortable. It is better to choose two or three primary colors that blend perfectly with each other. The following combinations are considered classic: beige and chocolate, pink and white, yellow and blue, brown and green, mustard and terracotta, blue and gray. Generally White color goes well with all shades, but bright red, blue and dark green in the interior should not be much.

The cheerful sofa looks especially bright and cozy against the background of neutral walls. In such a bright room, even rich dark furniture would be appropriate.

The tenth idea is a properly equipped lighting system

One light source in such multifunctional room won't be enough. Imagine a situation when you want to read, and the second half is already sleeping - the light of a large chandelier will definitely interfere with it.

When arranging a lighting system in the only living room of an apartment, one should be guided by a simple principle - each functional area You need your own lighting fixture. Do not forget about the wall lamp near the bed and work desk, a night light or a dimmed lamp near the crib, and so on.

It is necessary, of course, to create a room lighting scheme even at the repair stage; if necessary, you should contact a specialist and take care of reliable wiring. And remember that lighting should be combined not only with the main style of the interior of the room, but also with each other. Many manufacturers offer chandeliers and sconces with the same shades - this choice will not make a mistake with the design.

In principle, a massive chandelier with numerous shades can be completely abandoned; it is better to create a spot lighting system.

Spotlights, sconces above the bed - the lighting system of a one-room apartment should be as thoughtful as possible. Lack of light can be as much of a problem as a huge chandelier that is too bright.

The arrangement of the only living room of the house requires a special approach. Often, in pursuit of maximum functionality, the owners forget about beauty and harmony, about the basic principles of creating a cozy interior. We hope that our advice will be useful to those who plan to turn their modest "odnushka" into an attractive and comfortable home.

Design of a one-room apartment - redevelopment, styles in interior design, zoning options and trendy color schemes. In our article, you will learn everything about the interior design of a one-room apartment from 23 to 40 square meters.

How to increase space in a one-room apartment

The design of a one-room apartment most often comes down to making the most efficient use of every square meter (including all additional rooms, such as an entrance hall and a loggia or a balcony), as well as space in height due to thoughtful storage systems.

In order to arrange everything conveniently in a one-room apartment (from furniture to decor), you should turn to popular design techniques in design that have already been tested by experts.

  1. Light colors have a positive effect on the perception of a small room

    In the interior of a one-room apartment, it is best to use light shades that visually expand the space.
    This feature is associated with the effect of reflecting sunlight, which makes the apartment brighter and more spacious in appearance. By the way, dark contrasts also have a positive effect on general view a small room and the whole apartment as a whole, so you should not refuse them.

  2. Open floor plan allows for more space

    If you can redecorate a one-room apartment and turn the kitchen and living room into one room, do not miss this opportunity!
    The open plan kitchen-living room always looks good in a modern interior. The zoning element in this case can be a partition, a sofa, a table, a chandelier, or even color accents.
  3. Mirrors to visually enlarge the space

    The mirror finish of walls, furniture and any details in the interior also allows you to increase the amount of light in the room, natural or artificial - in different time days. can be both very small and occupy the whole wall. Use them in such a way that they fit into the overall symmetrical composition of the interior (for example, on both sides of a bed or sofa) or place them along the entire length of a narrow wall (for example, in a hallway).
  4. Glass partitions and furniture, transparent acrylic furniture

    The addition of any transparent elements is only welcome in the interior design of a small apartment, as they are visually invisible, therefore they do not load the picture.
    Glass partitions with matte or colored ornaments look especially good, they are very decorative.
  5. Venetian-style furniture with mirrors

    Decoration with mirrors for furniture was invented in Venice, where the mirrors themselves were invented. Italian masters are able to very skillfully decorate chests of drawers, console tables and entire wardrobes and without. By the way, minimalist options are better suited for a small room.
  6. Kitchen island in a studio apartment

    The kitchen island will allow you to more effectively use the space that you would otherwise give only for the dining group, which is also used for culinary affairs.
    A kitchen island can contain items such as: stove, sink, Dishwasher, as well as a bar counter and a built-in hood (or have a hood-lamp under the ceiling).
  7. built-in Appliances and electronics

    The more built-in appliances and electronics you can afford, the more comfortable the apartment will be. For example, it is better to build in a microwave and a coffee machine than to take up space on the countertop.
    If the refrigerator is integrated into the headset, then there will be one or two more storage shelves on top.
  8. Furniture with a glossy reflective surface

    Glossy furniture, as well as glossy ones, will help visually expand the space, creating not only a beautiful and elegant image, but also glare, reflections of the sun from windows and other light sources.
  9. Built-in storage furniture

    Any furniture for storage, whether it be a wardrobe, hallway or kitchen set, should be built-in to make the most of every centimeter of space.
    This strategy will help you avoid unsightly gaps between pieces of furniture.
  10. Use the wall along the window

    The use of a wall along the window is highly desirable. Here you can place the sofa with its back to the window, organize a seating area, put a desk. The transfer of the radiator in this case must be agreed even before redevelopment.

Zoning options in the design of a one-room apartment

In an open or conventional odnushka, it plays a very important role, since there is quite a bit of living space, and to ensure privacy for different zones and all family members is simply necessary.
Below we look at the most popular small apartments.

  1. Zoning partition up to 1.2 meters high

    This type of partition is decorative, it does not really provide privacy from either side, but for the perception of the interior it looks logical and modern. Such a partition can be with books, decor and souvenirs.
  2. Kitchen island or dining group

    Zoning with an island or a table with chairs or armchairs is almost always good decision. Usually the culinary area is located strictly on the side of the headset, and the bar counter is on the side of the sofa or bed.
  3. Stained glass partition wall

    To create a separate small bedroom in a one-room apartment, a stained glass partition with partial glazing is just perfect. The more glass there is, the more natural light from the window in the bedroom the room behind will receive.
  4. Plasterboard partitions

    But drywall partitions with niches, built-in storage systems, electronics and lighting can be a replacement for real walls anywhere. By the way, drywall partitions are enough budget option zoning.
  5. Glass box or glass sliding doors

    To accommodate a bed or a nursery rooms in a one-room apartment, glass doors are often used, including sliding ones, as well as glass niche boxes.
    This option is quite expensive, but it looks just luxurious.

Trending styles in interior design

The design of a one-room apartment is very dependent on the chosen style. So, the appearance of furniture, colors, decorative techniques and even textiles directly depend on the style or the chosen theme.
Consider the most popular in 2018-2019. interior design styles relevant for small apartments.

  1. The interior of the apartment in style is always extremely concise. Furniture in white, gray and black is often used here, as well as materials such as white and black marble effect porcelain tiles and pale shades for parquet.

  2. An apartment in style always looks trendy and very interesting, it has a lot of textures, contrasts and embossed finishing materials. Decorative bricks are often used here, decorative plaster under concrete, rough wood and even stone.
  3. Bauhaus style odnushka design

    in the design of the apartment looks quite simple, but it is also easier to implement than other design projects.
    Most often, the cheapest finishing materials and simple furniture are used here, but an interesting modern layout successfully beats the space.

  4. in the design of small apartments is now very popular. We are captivated by light colors, the absence of expensive parts and furniture, and the feeling of spaciousness.
    Bright or pastel accents will add a certain atmosphere to a fairly inexpensive interior.

  5. in the design of a small apartment is more expensive than others, but looks luxurious.
    It is chosen by those who also love and, but in a small apartment they try to make luxury and chic suitable for a small square.
    Here you will find a lot of high-quality textiles (luxurious curtains, expensive finishes with upholstered furniture, trendy carpets), mirrors, as well as trendy lamps and glossy decor items.

Popular layouts and ideas for redevelopment of a one-room apartment

When furnishing their small apartment, each owner sooner or later thinks about redevelopment, since the architectural design of your house does not always correspond to the image ideal apartment.
We present to you the most best options redevelopment for one-room apartments ranging from 23 to 40 square meters. meters.

  1. Layout of a one-room apartment of 23 square meters

    In the design of this small apartment with an area of ​​​​only 23 square meters, the layout simply delights with its rationality. The kitchen is located in the hallway, the living room is in the area former kitchen, and the bedroom - in place of the living room. The bathroom was also enlarged by the living room.
  2. Layout of a studio apartment of 30 square meters
    The layout of a studio apartment usually accommodates only a sofa or only a bed, but with sufficient square footage (for example, 30 square meters), you can afford both.
    Look at how well on the layout above the bathroom is moved from the area with the hallway to the side so that the kitchen is located in the most successful way.
  3. Layout odnushki 38 square meters

    When your one-room apartment has an area of ​​​​38 square meters (excluding the loggia), then you can even afford a separate dressing room. In this case, the designer decided to leave the kitchen as a separate room, but in the living room there is a sofa and a folding chair, and there is an office on the loggia.
  4. Layout of a one-room apartment of 40 square meters
    Designing an apartment of 40 square meters can be quite difficult. On the one hand, there is enough space for two people to live, but on the other hand, there are only two windows. How to be?
    On the plan of the apartment above, you will see that it is not worth sacrificing either the kitchen, or the dining room, or the living room when decorating an apartment of 40 square meters. meters.
  5. Layout of a one-room apartment with a separate bedroom

    If you're considering remodeling a studio apartment to have a separate bedroom, check out this beautiful floor plan.
    Here, in place of the kitchen, there is a bedroom, in place of the living room, a living room was formed, and in the corridor - an open-plan kitchen.

Fashionable colors in apartment design

In the process of registering an apartment, you have to take care of and. This key moment in the decoration and choice of furniture, since each item or material you buy must be subject to a special order.
In 2018-2019 The most popular colors are beige-chocolate, coffee-gray, gray-white, snow-white with pastel accents.

  1. Beige-chocolate color scheme

    Beige and chocolate shades in the design of a one-room apartment are very common. They are traditional for the design of apartments in Russia, and are relevant for small apartments. Their plus is that you can buy cheaper traditional furniture if you want.
  2. Chocolate white color scheme

    One of the most modern color schemes for small apartment design is chocolate white and chocolate gray. They include saturated shade dark chocolate, which is usually used in the design of a kitchen set and sofa, and other pieces of furniture and decoration are often decorated in a light palette.
  3. Gray and white option for a small apartment

    This color scheme is often used for the interior of a one-room apartment in scandinavian style, as well as Bauhaus and minimalist styles.
    Gray and white interior looks modern and at the same time concise enough not to visually burden the space with bright prints, colors and patterns.
  4. White with pastel accents

    This color palette is usually based on white, one or two wood tones for furniture, and pastel accents. The apartment is bright, but because of the wood it is quite traditional, so it looks cozy.
  5. Black and white color scheme

    The black and white color scheme is perfect for all minimalist and laconic interiors. In addition, it is very easy to choose textiles and decor here - just use one of two colors!

Fashionable color accents in interior design

Popular color shades, which will be discussed below, are usually used for accents in interior design. If you have already chosen the main color scheme for your studio apartment interior above, then you can move on to “coloring” it with beautiful and attractive accents. Below you will find out which shades will be fashionable this and next seasons.

  1. Dark blue-reds: purple, lilac, plum

    Shades of a dark blue-red spectrum look simply magical in a light and modern interior.
    Use them for large parts - upholstery sofa, curtains and carpet to make the effect worthy.
  2. Bright green-blues: turquoise and mint

    Two interesting shades - turquoise Mediterranean lagoon and pale mint - ideal for modern interior. Both of them are more often used in interiors with a white or pale gray color scheme.
  3. Dark reds: marsala, scarlet, burgundy

    Today, dark and rich red shades are in fashion, for example, such as: marsala, scarlet, burgundy, chestnut, Indian red.
    Bright shades of red are also popular - fuchsia, magenta, purple-pink and a delicate pale shade - rose ash.
    These shades are best suited for use in textiles.
  4. Intense blues: teal, Persian blue, azure

    Intense blues are most often found in minimalist interiors - pale grays, black and white or white and gray. They are used in the design of furniture items. medium size and in small decor.
  5. Pale greens: light green, lime, chartreuse, pistachio

    Another trendy line of shades is pale green. Enchanting chartreuse, fresh lime, traditional light green and delicate pistachio will look great in almost any bright interior.

In the design of a one-room apartment, the specific choice of furniture plays the biggest role. For small spaces and small rooms, there is special furniture, such as a kitchen set with a worktop of small depth, modular coffee tables, sofa beds and much more.
Most best ideas we have compiled for you in the list below. You will be convinced that for a small apartment you can find something comfortable and stylish.

  1. Invisible furniture to match the color of the walls

    If the color of your furniture matches the color of the walls, then you will get a stunning effect - it will seem to become less overall. First of all, this applies to kitchen units, wardrobes, chests of drawers and other large items.

  2. On the bright kitchen bright kitchen apron creates a special effect - a focal point to which the attention of each guest is riveted.
    It turns out that your kitchen becomes a real work of art, and the backlight makes it even stunningly beautiful!
  3. minimalist kitchen set

    The more minimalistic and modern your kitchen set will be (regardless of the chosen interior style), the more concise and nice interior small apartment you get.
  4. sliding doors or sliding doors between rooms

    Sliding doors keep you safe square meters your odnushki from being completely cluttered with things. They do not take up space either open or closed and look very modern.
    Use them not only between the main rooms, but also between the corridor and the bathroom, the room and the loggia.
  5. Expensive household appliances and electronics

    In the interior design of a small apartment, the overall image is very important. Even if you add inexpensive furniture luxurious household appliances and high-quality electronics, you will get a presentable, high-quality and comfortable interior.
  6. Bed-transformer, folding sofa

    Any transforming furniture saves space in small apartment, but even better if it is a transforming bed or a folding sofa. They will save you from having to have two large pieces of furniture at once. main room apartments.
  7. Bed and folding chair for a child

    When making a one-room apartment for three (a couple and a child), it is best to do zoning plasterboard partitions. True, in this case there is a chance that the bedroom or nursery will turn out to be rooms without a window.
    If you live in a studio, it is best to put a double bed and a folding chair next to each other, opposite the TV.
  8. The washing machine can also stand on the loggia

    The placement of the washing machine is a cornerstone in the design of a small apartment. It can be placed under the bathroom sink (yes, it is possible!), under the bathroom countertop, on the loggia (if you supply water and drain), or you can simply build the washing machine into the kitchen set.
  9. The more built-in lighting, the better

    In the evening, the appearance of any apartment changes significantly. It is very easy not to take into account such a thing as built-in spot lighting in the design of a one-room apartment, especially if you are saving your money. Nevertheless, know - the more it will be, the better.
  10. A microwave shelf is never redundant

    Ideas as small and affordable as a microwave shelf, IKEA folding chairs for guests or modular coffee tables keep a one-room apartment from being a real mess. Use them!
  • For the first time we meet in the apartment, which will be discussed. It is necessary to see the object, its advantages and disadvantages. You share your wishes, provide the necessary dimensions, or the designer himself takes measurements. We will calculate how much the design project will cost
  • We create a sketch, a preliminary sketch, on the basis of which we will continue to work. We produce drawings, three-dimensional visualization and a detailed plan. Decide on materials.
  • Next, we calculate the estimate for the repair, if you decide to entrust it to us.
  • We draw up a contract for the provision of services. We sign the necessary papers and get to work. The designer coordinates and controls the repair process in order to solve unforeseen technical issues the idea didn't hurt.
  • After completion, we take out construction debris, do wet cleaning. Next, we place decor elements, add completeness and style to the image of the room.

Price for the design project of a one-room apartment

As in the case of other premises, we calculate the cost by footage, a package of documents and services, and the level of complexity of the project.

The price for the design project of a one-room apartment can only be calculated if there is information regarding the footage and the level of complexity. The more major changes, such as redevelopment, the more working drawings and calculations to be done. Calculate the preliminary estimated cost in individually our operator will help you.

Why you should contact us

  • We are in the top 10 best repair companies in Moscow
  • We guarantee 3 years of service. Fixing deficiencies.
  • We hire only citizens of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus
  • We pay a penalty for missed deadlines.
  • We control the quality from the foreman to an independent expert.
  • We buy the rest of the material.

Take advantage of our renovation and design services. To place an order, call or leave a request on the site.