Summer indoor kitchen projects. Summer kitchens: photos of successful design options, advice on construction and decoration. Types of summer kitchen layouts

Do not prepare food in the kitchen big size- not a pleasant occupation. Hot air, tightness, constant lack of free space, make the cooking process difficult, and sometimes unbearable. There is only one way out - to build a separate spacious summer kitchen in the country house, where there is enough space not only to accommodate a working, but also a dining area, with a large and comfortable dining table. About which summer kitchen is most in demand today, and whether it is possible to build it yourself using standard projects and regular photo, later in our article.

What is a summer kitchen

Summer cuisine in the country - this is an attached to the house or free-standing structure, designed for cooking and recreation. Depending on the choice of materials and the method of insulation, it can be used both during the warm season and constantly.

The type of construction of a summer kitchen can be open and closed. In the first case, the walls of the building are completely or partially absent. They can be replaced by light curtains or. Have closed type there are main walls and windows that reliably shelter the kitchen from rain and wind.

For an experienced carpenter, it will not be difficult to build a canopy over the summer kitchen on his own.

A summer kitchen with a simple project can be safely built in just one summer. This will require basic skills. construction works, required material and tool. Well, for safety reasons, it is advisable to have one or two assistants, since some types of work will be carried out at a height.

Important! Before starting the construction of an object, you should choose a suitable place for it. Not only the aesthetic, but also the practical side of the issue will depend on how correctly this will be done.

We select a place for construction

When choosing a suitable place, first of all, you need to take into account that the kitchen should not be too remote at home. And the point is not even that it will be easier and cheaper to bring communications, but that it should be within walking distance from the main building. After all, you must admit that it is not very convenient to go to cook breakfast, lunch and dinner on the opposite side of the site every day.

In addition, there should be no sources with an unpleasant odor near the summer kitchen. These include sheds and animal cages, fertilizer pits, compost heaps, sewer wells, septic tanks, etc.

Having your own kitchen in the fresh air is the dream of any housewife.

If there is a tree on the site, it is advisable to plan a summer kitchen in the immediate vicinity. On hot days, a table and chairs can be placed under its dense crown. It's no secret that having breakfast outdoors is twice as pleasant.

However, carried away by planning the future structure, do not forget about the rules fire safety, neglect of which can lead to not the best consequences.

The presence of an open flame in a summer kitchen is allowed if it is at least 8-10 meters away from flammable buildings.

Deciding on a kitchen project (photo)

In order for the cooking extension to be practical, functional and convenient, as well as to have an attractive appearance, it is important to choose correct project, in which all the nuances and design features will be painted to the smallest detail.

In addition, it is important that the kitchen fits organically into the overall building and does not disturb the surrounding landscape, so it is advisable to choose the same materials for its construction as for the house itself. This will help you achieve perfect harmony between the two buildings.

As you may have noticed, many projects of summer kitchens whose photos are posted in the article have an original and custom design... This suggests that today the aesthetic component is no less important than the functional one.

Erecting a building on your own

When the place and project for the summer kitchen have been chosen, you can safely proceed to its construction. Like any structure, the construction of a summer kitchen is carried out in four stages:

  1. Site marking and foundation pouring.
  2. Erection of walls (if they are provided for by the project) or support pillars.
  3. Roof construction.
  4. Internal and external decoration.


Since this structure is comparatively not heavy, the need for pouring capital foundation- No. It is quite possible to do without or, most importantly, to be carried out in compliance with the technology.

Important! For those who subsequently do not want to mess with the floor device, it is perfect, the upper base of which will be the floor.

For the construction of a summer kitchen made of glass, a foundation may not be required at all

  • Strip foundation. First, markings are made on the site, which are marked on a plane with fixed pegs with a rope stretched between them. Next, a pit is dug (depth 40-60 cm), along the perimeter of which a formwork made of boards or moisture-resistant plywood is installed on both sides. Then, in order to avoid heaving of the soil, a bedding is made of compacted seeded sand and crushed stone. Before pouring concrete, reinforcement is lowered into the trench and tied with wire using a special hook. The foundation must last at least 30 days. If you are lucky with the weather, you can start construction in 2 weeks.
  • Monolithic foundation. Having previously made a marking of the site, a foundation pit is dug to a depth of 15-20 cm. To strengthen the soil and protect the slab from groundwater, at the bottom of the pit, geotextiles are settled, on top of which a sand cushion is made. Further, the sand is well leveled and compacted tightly with a tamping machine. It remains to put the formwork, tie the reinforcement cage, pour the concrete solution. After complete drying, a reliable and high-quality base for your summer kitchen is ready.

Important! If you plan to use an open type of summer kitchen, it is recommended to make a slab from a monolithic foundation with a slight slope of 1.5º-2º, so that rainwater can drain down on its own.

Walls and roof

If the walls of the summer kitchen are wooden, their construction begins with the construction of a frame, which is made of metal or wooden bars.

  1. At the corners, large (support) posts are installed - 200 × 200 mm in size, and between them additional ones - 150 × 150 mm in size.
  2. The upper strapping beams are placed on the support bars, which will also serve as the basis for the installation of the rafters.
  3. After the building saws are installed, they are made of 50 × 50 mm bars. lathing and counter-lathing are made.
  4. Further, the entire structure is treated with a special composition from fungus and mold, after which the installation is carried out.

Often, a rounded log, brick or stone is used as a material for the walls, which is ideal for this type of building. With such walls, the building can be used all year round, the main thing is to produce them of high quality.

An indisputable advantage is the fact that summer kitchen facade from a log, facing brick or decorative stone does not require additional finishing. Extra costs boil down only to the fact that wood is needed and, but stone and brick.

Deciding on the design of the facade

When choosing a summer kitchen project from the photos that you like, you need to pay attention not only to its shape, size, and functional component, but also to the design of the building. For a summer residence, it is very important that the style of the outbuildings corresponds to the general layout of the entire site as a whole.

This does not mean at all that the building should be a kind of clone of the main structure. Rather, on the contrary, they should not replace, but complement each other, creating common stylistic touches.

In the summer kitchen, special attention should also be paid to the working and dining area, where everything should be as rational and convenient as possible. The space below will help you to organize the space competently. photos of summer kitchens, where it is clearly demonstrated how to beautifully and correctly design various zones.

Work zone - important element in the interior. Try to keep it comfortable and practical

  • Furniture... Do not use upholstered furniture in an open-type summer kitchen best idea... In most cases, it is made of foam rubber, which absorbs moisture well. Therefore, it is better to use wooden or plastic benches and chairs with removable cushions. Also fits well into the interior different kinds wicker furniture that goes well with any finishing materials... For example, a rattan chair or a vine chair will look very nice. If a closed type of kitchen is used, then the flight of imagination should not be limited by anything. In this case, you can use any furniture, including upholstered furniture.
  • Lighting. Correct lighting summer kitchen in the country, regardless of its size - an important stage renovation works... A chandelier suspended in the center or a single lamp cannot always cope with the task assigned to it. To illuminate all areas, it is advisable to use more than one type of lighting. Over working area appropriate place Spotlights in tandem with, and hang a large chandelier above the table.

We hope that this article will help you to competently approach the issue of choosing the right project for your summer kitchen. As you can see sources for inspiration and fresh ideas on the implementation of the plan is enough. Good luck with your construction.

At the dacha, you just need a room where in the warm season you could cook dinner or do some preservation for the winter. And even if there is big house, every hostess just dreams about summer option closed type kitchens.
But how to inexpensively make such a structure with their own hands, users will find out by reading this article.

Features and types of buildings

A closed summer kitchen is a complete separate standing building with running water, electricity. A great place for welcoming guests during the warmer months, family dinners and social gatherings in the evenings, it is the right solution for regions with rainy summers and early frosts. However, use such a construction in winter time not worth it, unless the owners have worried about heating in advance.

Such a kitchen can be an independent structure or an extension to the main house, utility block or bathhouse. It can be equipped with a fireplace, barbecue or oven.

An interesting layout option is a kitchen-house with a terrace or veranda. All the necessary kitchen utensils and equipment are compactly placed inside, and a dining area is formed under the canopy.

In the villages, a variety of structures with a cellar and a barbecue are preferred. But one must take into account the fact that the walls basement will become top the foundation of the kitchen, so they should be made of the most durable material.

It is important to note that if there is no possibility to conduct electricity on the territory of the site, then the right decision will be the acquisition of a diesel-fueled generator, which will provide light for both the building and the kitchen appliances.

The erection of a closed structure is a laborious process that requires accurate calculations and drawings of every detail of the building. Designing a project with the correct dimensions will speed up construction and help avoid mistakes.

Site selection and structural design

The initial stage of the construction of a summer kitchen on summer cottage is the choice of location, and then the design of all its components. And so that the result of the work does not disappoint, you need to remember several features.

The best options for building materials

The choice of building materials directly depends not only on the service life, preferences of the owners, but also on financial capabilities. But today there are many practical examples of successful combinations of cheap materials with more expensive ones.

When erecting summer building the most in demand are:

  • brick;
  • concrete;
  • polycarbonate;
  • natural stone;
  • corrugated board;
  • wood;
  • lining;
  • aluminum.

Do not forget that the summer cottage should emphasize the beauty of the future structure, so it will be appropriate to lay out paths made of gravel or tiles, plant flowers and perennial shrubs... And if you have the financial ability to build an artificial pond.

If the site is fenced with a brick fence, it is good to make a kitchen from the same material or using natural stone... Such a structure is not afraid of influence external environment and will stand for a single decade.

It is much easier to make a prefabricated indoor kitchen from a bar. Such a project will be less expensive, but every detail of the building will require constant maintenance and processing. In addition, wood wears out much faster than brick or stone.

To cover the floor, use:

  • laminate;
  • parquet;
  • linoleum;
  • decorative tiles.

The roof can be covered with:

  • corrugated board;
  • soft roof;
  • metal tiles.

The exterior decoration of the building with siding elements will give the kitchen a modern look.

Laying the foundation

Having decided on the place and having formed a design project, it is necessary to proceed with the construction of the foundation of the building.
When planning open version summer kitchen, one could simply make a small depression in the ground over the entire area of ​​the future structure, cover it with sand. Allow time to stand a little, and lay out a layer of brick or boards. But the basis of a closed kitchen should be a durable and solid foundation, requiring phased installation.

If flooring will be made from decorative tiles, the working surface must first be sanded or a flat cement screed.

Photo: monolithic foundation is ready for building

Construction of walls

If the owners of the summer kitchen plan to use it in late autumn during the first frosts, you need to take care of strong walls so that the room inside does not freeze under the influence low temperatures... Therefore, in such cases, it is better to erect a masonry with a thickness of half or a whole brick.

Photo: masonry process using laces

Lovers of wooden house structures will assemble the walls much faster. Their basis will be a frame made of timber. And as an attachment to the elements, it is better to use metal corners and self-tapping screws. The outer part of the walls can be sheathed with a thin layer of boards.

Interior decoration is carried out using drywall, plastic, lining or plastering.

Installation of roofing

The roof of a closed kitchen should be durable and practical. Therefore, when purchasing materials for its installation, you can opt for:

The shape of the roof depends on the preferences of the owners. A gable roof would be a reliable option.

Photo: construction of a log with a gable roof

If the building will be used in winter, then insulation is recommended mineral wool or other insulating material.

One wing roofing or it is better to make the visor longer to create additional protection for walls during precipitation, thereby extending the life of the entire building.

Interior decoration and interior design

High-quality interior decoration and well-chosen interior design will create a pleasant atmosphere of home comfort.

Getting started with the arrangement, you should pay attention to such nuances.

When creating a closed summer kitchen, it is necessary to accurately calculate every detail of the structure and correctly combine the selected building materials with general style premises, then the resulting structure will become not only a source of pride, but also a favorite place for the family for many years.

Order a gazebo from professionals

Don't have time to build on your own? Please contact the following organizations.

Construction companies

In the fresh air, not only the appetite is stronger, but the food is absorbed much better. In warm weather, you don't want to sit indoors at all. Winter preservation is also easier to do outdoors. In the article, we will tell you how to build a summer kitchen for a summer cottage with your own hands, demonstrate diagrams, drawings, photo and video instructions.

Choosing a type

All types of summer kitchens can be classified into two categories:

  • open;
  • closed.

Closed kitchens resemble a small house-like structure, which often does not have much insulation. The advantage of such a solution will be protection from insects, best protection from bad weather, as well as from the wind. An open kitchen option on one or more sides can be protected with a fabric, wood or other wall. The advantage of such a solution will be a greater unity with nature. Among open types buildings distinguish options:

  • With barbecue. In this case, you have the advantage of cooking favorite dish over an open fire. The barbecue will be available in any weather. If you additionally mount the oven, then you can please your friends with pizza.
  • With a gazebo or pergola. It's nice to sit among the greenery. This is exactly the solution in which the entire structure will eventually be enveloped in grapes, ivy or other climbing plants.
  • Carport adjacent to the house. The easiest way to build. Requires the least investment. But there is a negative point. When cooking, all steam and smoke will go towards the house. This can damage walls or other finishing materials.

Preparation stages

After you have chosen one of possible options, it's time to create a small project.

  • Choosing a location. It is good when there is an opportunity to place the kitchen in a cozy garden, where a pleasant atmosphere of tranquility reigns. At this stage, it is necessary to take into account the proximity of the location of various communications. They will definitely be needed. For electrical appliances wiring will be required. When preparing food, you cannot do without water and after it you need to put it somewhere. Do not place the building close to driveways and roads. Then your meal will not be spoiled. unpleasant odors... If there is a toilet on the street, then it is better to leave it as far away as possible.
  • We dwell on the material for construction. If a closed kitchen is planned, then you can approach it as a frame building, in this case you will need wood. A good option there will be a structure made of foam blocks or bricks. The open one will most likely be made of wood, or one or two of its walls will be made of the material that was listed earlier.
  • We decide on the roof. It will look great on an open building soft tile, but this is a fairly costly solution, although it cannot be ruled out, because the roof area will be small. A good option would be metal or corrugated board. Perhaps, waiting for your turn, you have sheets of slate or ondulin - they will also work.
  • It is also worth considering in the project what equipment is planned to be purchased for the summer kitchen.


A summer kitchen is usually thought of as a lightweight construction. This means that the foundation can immediately protrude and the floor, and, perhaps, pouring is not required at all.

  • First, you need to clear the selected area of ​​all debris and vegetation.
  • A small layer of top soil is removed.
  • One of the corners of the future building is marked with a wooden peg or a metal rod. Next, three more elements are installed. To position them correctly, it is necessary to measure the diagonals for identity. A fishing line or strong twine is pulled between them, which will serve as a guide.

If the building will consist of a canopy, then after these steps you can proceed as follows:

  • The entire perimeter of the marked site is dug to a depth of 30 cm.
  • The bottom is leveled and compacted.
  • Sand is poured inside with a layer of 10‒15 cm. It is also leveled and well rammed.
  • The remaining space is filled with screenings and the final alignment is performed.
  • Next, on our "cake", which has been prepared, paving or other tiles, which are intended for the street, are laid. This can be done on a dry cement mortar, which, after spilling with water, will fix the entire base well.
  • Pits are dug at four corners, their depth should be at least 50 cm. Formwork is installed inside. A crate is made of reinforcement, which will be the basis of a reinforced concrete structure. It fits inside and is filled with mortar. With the help of a vibrator, the entire mixture is rammed. While the concrete has not yet hardened, two metal plates are inserted into the middle, to which we can fix wooden pillars that will support the walls and roof.

This option of the base will be relevant in the case when the soil is dense enough. In cases where groundwater may be very close to the surface or displacements of the top layer are noticed, a more solid base must be provided. Also, if you plan to finish building a stove or barbecue on such a foundation, then separate concrete supports will need to be laid for them.

In order to make a foundation slab, we need to take the first three steps from the previous instructions. Next, we take on the following:

  • Cooking 8 pieces of reinforcing rods. Four of them should be 10 cm shorter than one of the sides of the future structure, 4 others should be 10 cm shorter than the other. If the building is square, then they will all turn out to be the same size.
  • We lay four of them in the shape of our future structure and fix them to each other. Then, every 40 cm, we tie longitudinal and transverse jumpers. Prepare the second mesh in the same way. We connect the two gratings with jumpers to such a height that the future slab rises above the surface by at least 5 cm.
  • We lower the entire structure into the middle of the dug hole, install the formwork and fill it with concrete. We ram with a vibrator. We level it with slats and let it stand for several weeks.
  • In fresh concrete around the perimeter with a step of a meter, metal plates can be placed on the width of the future timber for the walls. Or it can only be done in the corners.

It is very important that the floor is above the ground. Thanks to this, rainwater will not flow. It is also good to make a slight slope of the floor so that rainfall that will be blown in by the wind can flow freely into the drain or simply through the door.

In the case when it is planned to build a closed kitchen made of brick or foam block, this version of the foundation may be enough. Also, for these needs, you can build a strip shallow or columnar foundation. In this case, such a large-scale excavation is not carried out.

  • A trench is being dug to a depth of 50 cm around the entire perimeter of the future kitchen. The width will depend on the thickness of the walls. In any case, the foundation should be 10‒15 cm wider.
  • A layer of sand is poured onto the bottom, which is leveled and spilled with water.
  • A metal base-lattice is made according to the principle as in the previous instruction. She fits into a trench.
  • Formwork is installed with the expectation that the future foundation rises 20-30 cm above the ground.
  • Fill in cement mortar, ram and align it. Let it stand for 2-3 weeks.

The supply of all communications must be carried out in parallel with the laying of the foundation, so that later you do not have to hammer holes in it or dig under it. To prevent the pipes from being clogged with mortar, they must be closed in advance with a cloth and plastic oilcloth.

Open kitchen

This option can be built most quickly. We have already laid the foundation and support for the supports. If you plan to close the kitchen on one or both sides with walls made of bricks or other material, then the first step is to start building these partitions.

  • At the corners of the future walls, we dig a metal square pipe or profile 50 × 50 mm into the ground. We set it up by level. We do this so that the planks are close to the masonry. They will guide us.
  • Pull the fishing line between them. We raise it to the height of the first row of bricks that will be laid. We set it up by level.
  • Cooking cement-sand mortar in a ratio of 1: 3. This will be sufficient for our purposes.
  • We make masonry, focusing on the stretched fishing line, and also periodically recheck ourselves with a level.
  • As soon as the first row is completed, raise the line for the next and so on until the very end.
  • In order for the structure to be more stable, a reinforcing mesh can be laid in the seams.

If you do not plan on having walls of this nature, then the process will be much easier.

  • We fasten a beam to the metal plates that we laid during the manufacture of the foundation, which will serve as a support. When the whole structure is of great length, then it is necessary to foresee the necessity of mounting 3-4 pillars on one side in advance. Their length should be equal to the height of our building, and the dimensions of the sides should be 15 × 15 cm or 15 × 10 cm.
  • We set them in level so that they are strictly vertical. The beams of one wall should be longer so that we can organize the roof slope.
  • We immediately reinforce our posts with the upper strapping. It can be made from the same logs. We fix it using metal corners.
  • To give greater stability to the entire structure, you can install two jibs near each post. They can be fixed to the support with self-tapping screws, and to the base with an anchor bolt.
  • We mount beams for our future roof. In order for them to better hold in the places of their abutment to the harness, it is better to perform cuts. We fix it with metal corners.
  • We make a crate under the flooring, as recommended by the manufacturer. We lay the roofing material.
  • To create more coziness, one side (or more) can be sewn up with wooden lining or a block of house. On the other, make a wooden lattice. You can equip supports for climbing green plants.

In the case when it is planned to build a pergola, after laying ceiling beams you don't need to do anything else. They can be stained or varnished. Further, the plants themselves will do their job, creating a shade when they fully grow.

Closed kitchen

At the design stage, it may have been decided to erect walls from a foam block or brick, then this can be done according to the principle with the installation of vertical landmarks, which was mentioned above. The walls may not be too thick. In some cases, laying in half a brick is allowed. But always consider the weight of the future roof. In the future, the outside of the building can be sheathed with siding or a block house. For interior decoration a block house, lining or other material that will be resistant to frost is also suitable, because it is unlikely that someone will constantly heat the room on purpose in winter.

A timber is laid on the walls, which will act as a Mauerlat. Its size can be 10 × 15 cm. It is fixed with anchor bolts or studs, which must be bricked up during the construction of the walls. Under it, it is imperative to lay waterproofing in the form of roofing material or bikrost. A rafter system is installed on the logs. It can be for both gable and shed roof(for this option, it will be enough to make one wall higher than the other, then beams are simply installed between them). The lathing is mounted on the beams and the roofing is laid. The ceiling is hemmed from the inside.

You can go simpler and stop at the wireframe version. For him, we need bars of the same size as for the vertical columns from the instructions for open kitchen... We make the foundation out of them. We lay them along the perimeter of our foundation on two layers of roofing material or bikrost, which will serve as waterproofing. We make a bandage between them. To do this, at the edge of each log, there is a depression half the depth and width equal to the width of the log. Checking the diagonals. We fix them together with self-tapping screws and internal metal corners. Next, we fix it to pre-prepared plates or anchors to the foundation.

We mount corner support posts from the same timber. With a step of 60 cm, we install additional vertical supports from a board measuring 10 × 5 cm.For greater rigidity, we fasten the jibs for each main support. We carry out the upper strapping and install the rafter system for the future roof. We do this by analogy with the open kitchen option.

Home stretch

Even if a barbecue or stove is planned in our kitchen, this does not exclude the presence of a gas or electric stove which are much more convenient to use. It is necessary to take care of the installation of the sink, mixer, as well as the support for the dishes on which it will dry. It is good if there is a cabinet in which you can hide cutlery, as well as pots. You need to take care of the dining table, as well as comfortable furniture on which you can relax. For greater comfort, it is better to carry out the main and decorative lighting.

For an open kitchen project, it is best to ensure that everything lighting, preferably with IP68 protection. In this case, you do not have to worry about any elements being damaged by rainwater.

Don't go casual about your summer kitchen project. Let her be in a sense design solution... After all, it will serve not only as a place for eating, but also as a recreation area with family and friends.

The need for availability summer kitchen in the country in most cases, there is no doubt, except perhaps for the small size of the plot on which to build a house, and there is simply nowhere. And in fact, such a building adds to us a fair amount of comfort at the summer cottage, especially if we additionally give it the functions of a dining terrace, a gazebo for friendly and family gatherings and a convenient area for preparing meals on an open fire of a barbecue or barbecue.

Summer kitchens in the country: photo

The main difference is that, despite the decoration, various materials in decoration, the formation of walls, roofs, flooring, the main function should be cooking and storing food supplies, therefore it is around this that the whole room should be built, and already additional options, such as a dining area with upholstered furniture and a large table, decorative fireplace, near which you can sit, an area for children's games, and so on - all these are optional acquisitions.

So, if in the project you do not see a convenient cooking zone, conveniently and ergonomically placed devices and utensils, then such a building can hardly be classified as kitchen.

There may be many reasons why we will need in suburban construction. One of them is fire safety requirements if you live in an area without centralized gas supply and use compressed gas cylinders for cooking.

In this case, it is imperative not only to remove the kitchen outside the residential building, but also to make it as ventilated as possible in case of a sudden gas leak.

The second reason is that country houses in many respects are not designed to withstand the significant above-zero temperatures, which are so frequent in the summer months, working indoors on such days becomes a real test of strength.

And in a separate building, you can come up with not only a ventilation system or completely open walls, but also choose building materials so that the air inside the room remains cool, even in the most intense heat. This, by the way, is also useful for high-quality storage of all food supplies, which, according to the norms, cannot be stored in the refrigerator. You can and should pay attention to these qualities of materials when choosing one or another summer kitchen in the country, projects, photos which you liked.

Summer kitchen in the country projects

Easy-to-use types summer kitchen in the country, projects which we will look at in this section, each have their own advantages and their own functional purpose, which will suit one or another owner. Some of them are complex and will require you to attract professional builders, but for those for whom it is not a problem, it will be useful simple projects open spaces with one retaining wall.

First of all, you should decide whether your brand new kitchen will adjoin the house, as, that is, it will have a common foundation and roof with the building, or it will stand completely apart, maybe even at a sufficient distance from a residential building.

The second option is good for large plots, where such a building can become a real landscape center, next to it there will be a barbecue area and a gazebo. Swimming pool, playground, that is, places for the whole family.

The second choice you have to make is to design it completely closed, completely open, or combine both approaches. The advantages of the closed type can be called the best thermal insulation, as well as the ability to use the room not only in summer, but also until late autumn, and in the presence of heating, also in winter.

On the other hand, most summer cottages are not provided for year-round living and a capital, closed structure will cost much more to build, and these functions will be absolutely useless.

Also, the cost of the project will largely be influenced by your desire to make an oven or hearth inside for cooking dishes on an open fire. Most often summer kitchen in the country with barbecue, photo which you may have seen includes a brick multifunctional oven, the design is practical enough, comfortable and gives you many new culinary possibilities.

But its weight is so great that it is necessary to think over a serious foundation, and its construction and strengthening of the existing one is a significant part of the construction budget.

Let's analyze one of the interesting summer kitchen projects in the country with barbecue... In the photo you can see a building with a solid supporting main wall, along which all communications necessary for cooking will be located, and on the rest, framed by short brick walls, there will be a dining area and a gazebo for receiving guests and country dinners.

The presented model is developed in three versions at once, depending on your preferences and choices, which we have already discussed above.

Walls can be fully open to allow maximum light through and fresh air, can be complemented by dense wooden or plastic blinds which will give the necessary shading. The third option is glazed walls, inside of which a closed room will be obtained, suitable for use in the cold season.

The beauty of such a layout is that on the same usable area that, say, you get a place for full cooking with excellent brick oven where you can cook real culinary masterpieces. In addition, this oven can also be used as heater if you use its compartments designed for this.

Summer kitchen in the country with your own hands

You shouldn't think that summer kitchen in the country with their own hands- this is exclusively our invention and there is no such thing in the whole world. In fact, in countries with any climate, it is very common to find just such models that allow you to cook in small closed patios, backyards of houses, and, regardless of whether the summer is hot or not. The point is the pleasant process of cooking, especially the dishes on the grill with coals - barbecue. Only for her alone, you can already install kitchen appliances under.

The purpose of the examples shown summer kitchen with barbecue in the country, projects which you see above, prove what to organize exit kitchen can be very compact and for this only the essentials are enough. To the list mandatory elements it includes a barbecue oven with a lockable lid that you can use as needed, as well as a regular stove that turns on when there is simply no point in wasting coals. In addition, you certainly cannot do without a sink with water, cupboards and a work surface that is comfortable and wide, on which you can prepare everything for cooking. We can optionally place our favorite electric kettle, multicooker and microwave oven, without them we can't go anywhere in the modern cooking zone. How not to do without a refrigerator, let it be not big, to which we are used to in city apartments, but compact, where you can safely hide all food supplies (let's not forget that store food where mice and cats can reach them , it is necessary with special care and precaution).

Summer kitchen in the country with barbecue

Buying a barbecue oven is usually quite expensive, besides, we are more accustomed to a barbecue brazier, on which you can fry both meat and vegetables with the same success. Here is just the difference between the previous options and summer kitchen in the country with barbecue in the fact that this open fire is absolutely necessary the right approach... A special metal hood is placed above it, which prevents, firstly, the spread of soot and odors, and secondly, protects the interior from the dangers of open fire.

Examples include summer kitchen in the country, projects with barbecue can be both the most common and quite original, with ideas that can greatly simplify and improve their use. So, for example, in one of the photos you can see a project in which the area of ​​the building is divided into two unequal parts. On one there is a cooking zone and a wood-burning barbecue, and in the second, separated by a capital wall, there is a recreation area and a dining room, moreover, these zones will not be visible from each other, which can create comfortable privacy. This is clearly recognized as very convenient and practical, since it combines the advantages of both open and closed kitchen layouts.

Closed summer kitchen in the country

The last section will focus on model examples closed summer kitchen in the country, which is the progenitor of all other projects. All the conditions and requirements that are put forward to the structure are fulfilled here - it is compact, cool, all the main kitchen devices fit perfectly under the roof. Yes, you can't put a brazier under the roof, but is it so important when you can comfortably cook in the rain, and on cool summer evenings, and no less chilly autumn mornings.

The interior of such a room should be made in a minimalist style so as not to emphasize once again its small size. Use light, clean colors and materials that are easy to maintain, as dust will accumulate here a little more than usual.

In addition, there is also combined options when an enclosed space is located next to open veranda, on which chairs and a table are placed. Between them you can make not only a door, but also sliding window rising up or to the sides, and these two rooms, if desired, will merge visually into one.

In the warm season, especially during the conservation period, the presence of a summer kitchen greatly facilitates the cooking process and makes it more enjoyable. For construction, it is not necessary to hire specialists - all stages can be completed independently. If you choose the right materials, a summer kitchen will not cost too much, which is of great importance for an economical owner.

Summer kitchens can be closed and open structure... Both types are widely used in summer cottages and suburban areas... To determine which of the types to choose from, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

Closed kitchen

This kitchen has windows, doors and a roof like a complete home. There are options combined with a sauna or summer shower, cellar, workshop, with attached veranda for eating and resting. Usually, light materials are chosen for construction and do not insulate the building, therefore, the premises are not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens made of bricks and foam blocks, which are more durable and can be insulated if necessary.

The advantages of closed structures:

  • a closed kitchen requires more materials, therefore it is more expensive;
  • additional calculations will be needed for the project;
  • the construction process is more laborious and time-consuming.

This option is more suitable for country houses where the owners live permanently. But in the country, which is empty in winter, the construction of a closed kitchen is not always justified.

Open kitchens are built according to the principle: a concrete or tiled base, support posts around the perimeter, a canopy roof. An oven is installed under a canopy, kitchen table, shops. Sometimes the kitchen is made without a canopy, if it is used exclusively for cooking on vacation on clear days. Building material for an open kitchen, wood, brick, natural stone are most often used.

Summer kitchen - project with barbecue


  • you can not use the room during a cold period;
  • no protection from wind and insects;
  • weak protection from rain and dampness;
  • products must not be left.
  • all the furniture that will be there must be hidden for the winter in closed dry rooms, otherwise it will quickly rot.

Where to build

The location of the kitchen is of great importance. The utility yard and cesspools should be as far away as possible, but communications, on the contrary, are closer. You will have to supply water to the kitchen, connect electricity, so it is best if the building site is near the house. You cannot choose a place in the lowland, otherwise the floor will damp. A closed kitchen can be attached to the house, and an open kitchen is best placed in a garden or by a pond, away from the road.

Open kitchen construction

There are many options for building an open kitchen, but the main stages are always the same: marking and preparing the site, arranging the foundation, installing load-bearing supports, installing the roof and interior arrangement of the room.

For work you will need:

  • level;
  • shovel;
  • pegs and twine;
  • tape measure; sand and gravel;
  • cement mortar;
  • pieces of reinforcement;
  • timber 150x150 mm;
  • Circular Saw;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hammer and nails;
  • metal squares;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • primer.

Step 1. Markup

The selected area is cleaned of all excess and sod is removed. One of the corners of the building is determined and a peg is driven into the ground, and then the width and length of the area under the kitchen are measured from it. Peg beacons are placed in each of the corners and a string is pulled between them. They check the correctness of the markings along the diagonals - they must be of the same length. After that, inside the marking, the soil is selected to a depth of 15-20 cm, leveled and tamped.

Step 2. Pouring the foundation

The bottom of the pit is covered with an even layer of sand, leveled, well compacted. If necessary, communication pipes are laid along the bottom, rubble is poured on top. A reinforcing mesh is laid, metal rods 20 cm high are inserted in the corners of the site, and formwork from boards is installed around the perimeter. The height of the formwork above the ground surface should be about 10 cm; using a level on inside the formwork marks the line for pouring the mortar so that the site is flat. Knead and pour it into the formwork, guided by the markings. The communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution may get inside. The surface is leveled with a rule, after which the foundation is left to dry completely.

Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be made of a columnar type using bricks. The markup is done in the same way monolithic foundation, after which square-shaped pits are dug up to a depth of 50 cm.The bottom of the pits is covered with sand and compacted, then a metal bar is inserted around which brickwork... The height of the foundation posts is checked by the level. If necessary, the posts are leveled with an additional layer of cement.

On the bars of the reinforcement, the lower strapping of the bar will be attached, which is joined by the "in the paw" method. The beam is laid on roofing material, previously glued with bitumen to each column. The subfloor joists are mounted on the lower strapping. edged boards.

Step 3. Installation of bearing supports

In the lower ends of the beam, holes are drilled for reinforcing bars protruding from the foundation. The front pillars are made 20 cm higher than the rear ones, so that it is more convenient to mount the canopy. Bars are installed at the corners of the platform, set in level, and then fixed to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Along the upper edge, the pillars are connected with a strapping made of timber, and horizontal jumpers are mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor.

Table. Roof slope depending on the coverage

Roof materialWeight sq. m (without base), kgApproximate durability, yearsRoof slope, deg.
Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
Cink Steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
Roofing material4-13 13-15 4-27
Shingles40-50 60 and more30-45
Asbestos cement14-20 40-45 27-50

Step 4. Installation of the canopy

Boards treated with a primer are nailed to the upper harness along the width of the structure every 50 cm. The internal joints must be reinforced with metal squares so that the canopy does not disperse in strong winds. A waterproofing material is laid on top of the boards, thin slats are stuffed and sheets of slate are laid or

Step 5. Floor device

The most optimal solution will be facing with tiles. It is not afraid of moisture, is easily cleaned of dirt, easily tolerates temperature extremes. Wood flooring in an open kitchen, it quickly deteriorates under the influence of atmospheric moisture, dries up from the sun, is damaged by insects, and therefore requires regular maintenance. So, take the tile, tile adhesive, notched trowel and start the flooring. Lay out the tiles from the corner: apply a little solution to the back surface, apply it to the floor and level it.

In the photo - porcelain stoneware tiles for the street

To make the seams as even as possible, special plastic crosses are used, which are inserted at the joints. Laying is constantly controlled by the level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If you plan to install a barbecue in the kitchen, you do not need to cover the floor under them. After the completion of the work, the seams are cleaned of dust and mortar residues, and then rubbed with a special mixture.

Step 6. Kitchen arrangement

For greater comfort, the space between the floor and the horizontal lintels can be sheathed with boards or closed with wooden figured gratings, leaving the doorway free. They install a stove, benches and a table, supply electricity and water. In conclusion wooden surfaces covered with wood stain and varnish or painted, protecting the wood from environmental influences.

Prices for various types of building boards

Construction boards

Construction of a closed kitchen

Closed kitchens are also very diverse, but the most convenient and easiest to implement is frame structure from a bar on a columnar foundation. For cladding, it is recommended to use lining or OSB boards.

In the process of work you will need:

  • Circular Saw;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill and screwdriver;
  • building level;
  • shovel;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • dry planed timber 100x100 mm;
  • boards 25 mm thick;
  • long cord and pegs for beacons;
  • roofing material;
  • cement mortar;
  • construction studs;
  • working off;
  • nails and screws;
  • sand.

Step 1. Marking the site

The selected area must be prepared: level the hills, remove tall grass, stones, debris. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located, and put 2 beacons on it. The distance between the pegs is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line, measure the length of the side walls from each beacon and also put marks. A cord is pulled between the beacons, and the diagonals are measured in the resulting rectangle. If they are equal, the markup is correct. In the center of each side of the future kitchen and at the intersection of the diagonals, pegs must also be driven in - these are marks for intermediate pillars.

Step 2. Preparing the foundation

Dig holes with a shovel in the places marked with pegs to a depth of 40 cm; the size of the pit should correspond to two laid flat cinder blocks. The walls and bottom of the pits are leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is covered and tamped. 2 lower cinder blocks are laid on the sand, covered with a solution, a construction pin is inserted in the center so that it rises above the soil surface by about 25-30 cm.Then a second row of cinder blocks is placed on top across the first, again a solution and a third row. The finished posts must be of the same height and level.

Step 3. Installation of the bottom trim

The lower harness consists of two rows of timber knocked together. All the bars are abundantly coated with used oil, paying special attention to the cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the lower row, you need to make holes for the studs, and in the upper row, cut grooves for the floor crossbars. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the timber, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbeam.

Pieces of roofing material are laid on top of the pillars, putting them directly on the pins. Lower bars applied to the posts, note the location of the stud, drill holes of the appropriate diameter. Then they are laid on the foundation, pins are threaded into the holes and the nuts are tightened. The ends of the studs should not protrude above the surface of the timber; on the contrary, it is better when they are slightly recessed into the wood. Check the piping with a level around the perimeter to avoid distortions. Now you need to lay the top row of beams, nail them down, insert the floor beams into the grooves. For greater reliability, it is better to strengthen the internal joints with metal plates with screws.

Step 4. Summer kitchen - log house

This summer kitchen is excellent appearance, environmentally friendly and retains heat well inside the room. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with fire-retardant impregnation in order to exclude the possibility of damage to the wood by insects.

It is worth remembering that the log house will shrink for several years, so it is not recommended to additionally sheathe the walls of the summer kitchen.

To make the walls even inside the room, each log is cut along the entire length with a plane or grinder. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut out for joining ("in the paw" method). This method was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the logs will be used without residue, and secondly, even if the corner joint has a small gap, this will not affect the functionality and convenience of the summer kitchen.

To build a crown, we lay two logs opposite each other. We put two more on them perpendicularly. We adjust this square to a single plane so that it lies clearly horizontally on the lower trim of the future summer kitchen. Next, the marking, cutting and laying of the following logs is carried out, between which we lay insulation, for example, moss or felt.

The openings under the doors and windows of the summer kitchen will be cut down in the future. Themselves double-glazed windows and Entrance door together with the accessories will be installed after the completion of the roof installation process. We bring to your attention a photo report of the construction of a 7x3 m summer kitchen.

Video - Cutting "in the paw"

Step 5. Roof installation

From boards with a section of 150x50 mm, trusses for the roof are knocked down, reinforced inside with spacers and mounted to the upper strapping. The ends should protrude 10-15 cm beyond the perimeter of the walls. The distance between the trusses is approximately 1.5 m. The fastening of the roof elements to the trim is carried out using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafters, a ridge is stuffed along the farms, and then the roof frame is sheathed with boards. Profiled sheeting, slate or other roofing material is laid on the crate.

How windows are installed incorrectly

Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m. (+ -5 cm). Ridge height: 1.5 m. (+ -5 cm.)
Supporting-columnar blocks (one bedside table measuring 400x400x4000 mm. Consists of four cement blocks with dimensions 200x200x400, interconnected with a sand-cement mixture).
Base strappingNon-planed timber with a section of 100x150mm. The harness fits in 1 row per edge.
Sex lagsNon-planed timber 40x150 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
Log houseProfiled timber with a section of 90x140 mm, natural moisture
Assembly of a log houseThe blockhouse is assembled on metal dowels (nails 200 mm).
Assembly of log cornersAssembling a corner into a "warm corner"
Mezhventsovoe insulationA linen-jute cloth is laid between the crowns
PartitionsPartition beam 90x140 natural humidity.
FloorDouble floor: subfloor: edged board 20 mm .; finishing floor: grooved batten 36 mm. ( chamber drying).
Insulated with 50 mm KNAUF mineral wool, 2 layers of ONDUTIS insulation is laid.
Ceiling beamsNon-planed timber 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
CeilingThe ceiling is hemmed with clapboard conifers(chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with 50 mm KNAUF mineral wool, ONDUTIS insulation is installed.
Rafter structureBar 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 1000 mm.
Roof lathingThe lathing is made of 20 mm edged board. (across the board).
According to the project, the kitchen is gable.
GablesSheathed with softwood clapboard (chamber drying). Ventilation grilles are installed in the gables of the kitchen (to prevent the formation of condensation).
Celestials and cornices (eaves)Sewn up with lining of conifers (chamber drying). Overhang width: 350 - 450 mm (4 lining).
Roofing materialOndulin, color at choice: red, brown, green.
WindowWooden double glazed, installed according to the project. The size of the window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
DoorsPaneled. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
Room decorationAll corners and joints in the kitchen are sealed with a plinth; window, doorways are surrounded by a casing.
TerraceSupport posts are installed with compensation lifts (jacks) for shrinkage. Terrace decoration: railings - carved, balusters - turned. Steps are installed at the entrance.

Step 6. Kitchen arrangement

When the main processes are completed, you should come to grips with the internal arrangement of the kitchen. The walls can be sheathed with plastic or, since the frame sheathed with plywood does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Then they install a stove, a sink, connect electricity and water, arrange kitchen furniture. On this, the construction of a closed kitchen can be considered complete.

Prices for drywall and sheet materials

Drywall and sheet materials

Video - DIY summer kitchen