How to sheathe the walls of the summer kitchen. Projects of open and closed summer kitchen. Summer kitchen - annex

The convenience of using the summer kitchen on the site is undeniable in its advantages. In hot weather, spending several hours cooking in a small room is not the most pleasant experience. It is especially difficult for housewives during the period of harvesting and harvesting to engage in conservation in such conditions. An excellent help for this in a private house or in the country is the arrangement of a summer kitchen.

Type of summer kitchen

The design of the summer kitchen largely determines its type:

  • A kitchen in an open-air cottage without a roof will not be able to protect its interior in bad weather. Repair of such a site is carried out taking into account that the kitchen utensils are not damaged by rain, and the furniture can be easily hidden if necessary in a private house.

Summer cuisine in the open air should be provided with a room to protect utensils from rain

  • The closed type of kitchen in the country has its advantages. The roof and walls protect both from the scorching sun at its zenith, and from precipitation and strong gusts of wind. Repair in such a country kitchen allows you to use a wider range of materials to create the desired interior.

An open type of kitchen can be improved by arranging a canopy, and sliding structures can be used instead of walls - removable partitions, roller blinds or plain fabric.

Summer kitchen in the country (video)

Interior decoration

The interior decoration of the summer kitchen in the country is subject to the same requirements as in a private house. Materials must meet the following specifications:

  • be resistant to aggressive environments– temperature changes, high humidity, splashes hot water, fat and soot;
  • be easy to care for, a surface that is well washed from contamination without harming the material;
  • be hygienic to prevent the accumulation and spread of harmful microorganisms in the house and in the country.
  • An open-type summer kitchen can have a roof that protects it from minor rainfall.
    The summer kitchen of a closed type is a reliable shelter for utensils from natural influences.

    An interior made using:

    • Stone. This material well protects from heat and at the same time, if necessary, perfectly retains heat. If the kitchen brick walls or a wooden frame, the repair inside the room consists in plasterboard sheathing and natural stone cladding. For floor suitable option will become both stone and porcelain stoneware and even ordinary paving slabs, which will perfectly fit into the overall interior. The stone will be an excellent choice for both a closed summer kitchen and an open one.
    • tree. This eco-friendly natural material is the best suited for the design of the kitchen in a private house. But before making repairs, the tree is treated with compounds that increase its moisture resistance and prevent rotting and the formation of fungus. In the country, it would be appropriate to make a varnished plank floor in the kitchen, and beat the walls wooden clapboard. It is preferable to use a tree in a country kitchen of a closed type.

    The "wooden" interior of the summer kitchen of a private house is in many ways superior to other types of designs.

    • modern building materials. If the design in a rustic style does not suit you, it is not forbidden to equip and furnish the interior of a summer kitchen in a private house like modern apartments. To do this, the surfaces are lined with ceramic tiles or more budget materials - linoleum is laid on the floor, and the walls are painted or sheathed with plastic.

    Work area protection

    The summer kitchen at a private house, like any other, is primarily designed to be a convenient place for cooking. Therefore, when undertaking repairs, remember that the working area and the ceiling must be protected from greasy deposits and lingering odors. For this:

    • line the working area at the stove, sink, cutting table with ceramic tiles;
    • instead of an apron, it would also be appropriate to lay out ceramic tiles panels around the entire perimeter of the kitchen, framing it with a frieze;
    • painting walls and ceilings is the simplest and most economical type of finish, which is easy to update if necessary.

    Summer kitchen in a country house (video)

    Furnace in the interior

    It is customary for a city dweller to cook on a gas stove, but in the country it is not always possible to supply gas to the summer kitchen. Therefore, when performing repairs, it makes sense to think about equipping a summer cottage with a stove and equipping the interior around this original and useful element kitchen utensils.

    A Russian stove with an open fire performs the function of a fireplace and a stove at the same time. It is heated with wood, and therefore it is very useful in situations where the supply of electricity or gas is not possible.

    If laying the oven is not for you, it is not at all necessary to build it yourself. It is much easier to order a ready-made modern design that can run on wood, electricity or gas. Its package may include:

    • oven;
    • hob;
    • B-B-Q;
    • countertop for cutting products;
    • a niche for firewood, as well as shelves for dishes and cutlery.

    A stove or a fireplace is not only an original element of the summer kitchen interior, but also an important functional component of it.

    The design of a semi-open kitchen space can be arranged based on its main element - a fireplace or stove.
    Summer open-air kitchen can freely include such important element interior like oven

    Important Design Elements

    The interior, in which there is a stove, suggests that the emphasis in the room will be placed on it. Therefore, when performing repairs, you should refrain from other bright elements design. At the same time, it is difficult to imagine a kitchen without such important components as a sink, countertop, dining table, chairs.

    If the interior suggests a rustic style, it would be appropriate to furnish the kitchen wooden furniture. Chairs can be successfully replaced by a bench made of rough boards, and stools can be replaced by decorative stumps.

    A stone-clad kitchen pairs well with rattan or wicker wicker furniture. For those who are used to upholstered furniture, soft pillows on the seat will come in handy. By the way, the use of textiles - from towels and napkins to tablecloths and curtains - in the design of the kitchen is justified and can instantly transform general form premises.

    The working area of ​​​​the summer kitchen can be laid out of stone or brick

    Summer kitchen lighting

    During the day, the kitchen in the open area does not need lighting. But it will be useful in the evening. For this, not only ordinary lanterns are used, but also garlands.

    An excellent solution for summer cottages in the evening will be lamps that run on solar panels. They accumulate energy during the day, which you can use for free at night.

    Repair of a closed-type kitchen must necessarily provide for lighting the room. Electrical fittings for this should be selected with additional protection from water - this will protect against short circuits and fire. In addition to general lighting, it is useful to add a few directional lights. These are mounted on flexible mounts no closer than 70 cm from the working surface.

    Summer kitchen design ideas (video)


    It is possible and necessary to make a summer kitchen not only comfortable, but also attractive. This is not the case where you can save on quality. Not only the taste of the cooked food depends on this, but also the safety of the owners. And by connecting your imagination and decorating the interior with taste, the summer kitchen will become one of your favorite places where it is pleasant to gather and invite friends and neighbors to visit.

    Kitchen design in the country (photo)

    Photo gallery (23 photos):

    No matter how convenient and thoughtful the arrangement of a country house would be, there is rarely any country building does without a do-it-yourself summer kitchen. From early spring to deep autumn cold, most of the cooking, harvesting, processing and conservation of the harvest takes place in the summer kitchen. Here they prepare food for the whole family, relax in the summer in the evening hours, so the kitchen can rightly be called the central place in the country.

    How to find the right solution for your summer kitchen

    Projects and options for summer country kitchen about the same as the dachas themselves. Often, to save money, owners choose the most simple circuits open summer kitchen in the form of a rebuilt gazebo or terrace. The summer kitchen is usually used as an auxiliary room in order to rid the house of smells and streams of hot air from the stove, and the owners and guests from the suffocating atmosphere in summer sometimes. Most of the room is closed from rain and sun with awnings and false walls, but all the same, open summer kitchens, very beautiful and elegant in the pictures, actually remain inhabited only three or four months a year. In the cool and rainy season, the open summer kitchen turns into a country shed for inventory, and the owners have to move into the house, forgetting about outdoor recreation.

    From a practical point of view, closed summer kitchens in the country are more convenient. Properly selected dimensions and arrangement of space will provide comfortable conditions in the kitchen room is no worse than in the open version. The kitchen area in the country house is a living organism, in which everything is important, from the location of the building to the nuances of the interior, every detail needs to be considered, drawn on paper and even look at the photos of the projects of the closed summer kitchen in the country house, given in available sources.

    Initially, before putting the main idea of ​​the project on paper, formulate for yourself options for solving the most fundamental technical problems:

    • The nature of the construction of a closed summer kitchen, its size and location of the building relative to the dacha and the site;
    • How and from what materials it is most convenient to build a summer kitchen;
    • Arrangement of water disposal and water supply systems, power supply lines, ventilation;
    • How to equip a closed summer kitchen, arrange the main kitchen attributes - a stove, a refrigerator, an extractor hood and kitchen furniture.

    Advice! Most rational decision will plan the summer kitchen at the design stage country house and location of the main buildings.

    In this case, two buildings can be made on the same foundation and even with a common wall, which greatly simplifies and reduces the cost of construction estimates.

    Where to build a closed kitchen

    Unlike the open version of the kitchen, which can be placed under a shed or in a gazebo, without much regard for its location, the closed scheme assumes the presence of an insulated foundation, ceiling and walls, which means that it must be placed on the leeward side, closer to the well, away from a septic tank or drain pit.

    There are few options for the location of a closed summer kitchen:

    Important! A closed kitchen, unlike an open version, will require a full-fledged foundation that holds a relatively massive structure of the building.

    The construction of a remote closed kitchen is a little more expensive, but there are no problems with leveling the foundations and roofs of the two buildings, moreover, the design of the summer catering unit can be made completely different from the main cottage building.

    In such a room, you can put a small gas stove with a propane tank, which will be enough to heat the room and cook food for the family.

    We build a closed kitchen with our own hands

    Summer device kitchen room closed type is selected depending on the climate and whether the cottage is used from November to March. For middle lane and northern latitudes, it can be advised to build a closed kitchen in the form of an extension to the cottage from a foam block, on capital foundation. Foam concrete walls perfectly retain heat in the room, even with a significant temperature difference, and during the summer heat they work like a thermos.

    For the southern regions, a frame structure made of wood with large area glazing and, importantly, high ceilings. Such a closed kitchen device provides excellent ventilation, even if the walls are finished with drywall or OSB boards. In addition, in the summer heat it is much more pleasant to be in a wooden house than in a building made of concrete, stone or corrugated board.

    Summer kitchen from foam block

    The technology for adding a closed summer kitchen made of foam concrete practically does not differ from the scheme for erecting any other small-sized outbuildings made of foam concrete. The material for the kitchen box will cost an order of magnitude cheaper, and with proper design, even independent heating will not be required, a small cast-iron stove-stove will suffice.

    It will be possible to start a closed kitchen no earlier than in the fourth or fifth year of completion of the construction of the dacha. We make the foundation for the kitchen room in the same way as for the cottage. Most often it is a strip shallow foundation, reinforced steel reinforcement, which will need to be connected to the steel frame of the foundation of the cottage. At the same time, it will be necessary to lay channels for the sewer pipe and water supply.

    The floor in the closed kitchen must be insulated with expanded clay backfill under concrete screed or laying sheet XPS. If the dimensions of the closed kitchen box do not exceed 3x4 m, then the number of reinforcing bar belts can be reduced to two, one each in the upper and lower wall trim.

    In about six months, the box will give a draft, and it will be possible to lay the roof, insert windows, and perform decorative trim. A closed summer kitchen of this type in autumn winter period can be used as an additional room for flowers and seedlings. In a similar way, you can build a closed kitchen, taken out separately from the main building of the cottage. But in practice, such projects are implemented less frequently, since they cost much more than an extension.

    The internal walls can be covered with sand-cement plaster, and the ceiling can be sewn up with drywall, painted with a water-based emulsion, as in the living quarters of a summer house, but not everything is so simple. Any experienced summer resident will confirm that the interior design of a closed summer kitchen is seriously different from a regular kitchen room:

    Important! In the stone room of the closed summer kitchen, you can easily build a fireplace or a wood-burning stove. Often, for the sake of being able to use a brick or stone stove with wood in the summer, a summer kitchen is built in the country.

    Taking into account the fact that in a relatively short period of harvesting, harvesting and conservation, just a huge amount of gas and electricity is spent, such a solution will help to save a lot on energy resources.

    In addition, an extension to the house can be carried out on a pile or column basis, due to docking with the bearing wall of the cottage, it is possible to provide the necessary rigidity of the box without the use of traditional reinforcing belts for foam concrete. If you assemble an extension from a steel profile, then the walls can be made entirely of glass, or in this case from a double-glazed window, as in the photo.

    Combined and wooden summer kitchens of closed type

    The summer kitchen box does not have to be built entirely of stone and foam concrete. Often, a full-fledged foundation and part of the walls are built from concrete and brick to the level of window openings. The rest of the walls from the middle are carried out along frame technology from a metal profile, steel pipes or wooden beam. Such designs allow you to build a brick oven or install a cast-iron firebox, abandon the ceiling, and make the roof with a large angle of inclination of the gable roof.

    High ceilings guarantee comfortable conditions for staying in the kitchen at any time of the year, in the summer heat and winter cold.

    The designs of closed kitchens are not limited to stone and combined buildings. It makes no sense to build a closed-type catering unit from stone and brick if the dacha is used only in the spring and summer seasons. It is easier and cheaper to assemble a frame or completely wooden version, it will be cheaper and more convenient.

    One of the most popular solutions is to use closed wooden arbors for summer cottages. This simplifies the development of the layout of the summer kitchen and reduces the cost of designing the building. We can cite as an example one of the most popular Finnish buildings on the project "Villa Albatros", often used as a summer wooden house, a closed wooden arbor, and of course, a summer kitchen.

    The advantages of using such a scheme are obvious:

    1. The design of the summer kitchen building is almost entirely made of pine boards and timber. This simplifies construction, allows you to assemble a box of premises in a matter of days;
    2. The closed kitchen has a huge glass area. In good weather, open windows allow you to get the atmosphere and conditions in the indoor summer kitchen at a level comparable to outdoor areas and sheds;
    3. The foundation is made of piles, asbestos-cement pipes. In one fell swoop, the problem of waterproofing and insulation of a closed building is solved by backfilling with expanded clay and a laid sheet of extruded polystyrene.

    For your information! The octagonal shape of the building is very well chosen. In addition to optimal use inner space, rounded side walls give additional stability to the frame structure even in open, well-ventilated summer cottage areas.

    The unusual shape of the walls requires the use of a special form of strapping and lags under the plank floor, such as shown in the diagram. The roof of the structure has to be assembled from separate eight slopes, but the original dome technology, as in the video:

    The floor inside the closed summer kitchen can be left plank, lay laminated OSB plate or linoleum. If a wooden beam and a board treated with an antiseptic and preservative are used for the summer kitchen, then there are no problems with removing excess moisture in the atmosphere of the room. Otherwise, after a few months, the wood will begin to intensively absorb water and deform with the formation of cracks and crevices.

    If necessary, a closed summer kitchen can be insulated along the outer surface of the walls using the traditional technology shown in the diagram. Mineral felt is laid on the walls, a plaster mesh is attached and a layer of soil and decorative plaster is applied. The corners and the plinth are lined with artificial stone.

    Similarly, you can perform a decorative finish in the style of a Danish house, when the surface of the kitchen walls is finished with waterproof plasterboard, and the elements of the planks and beams of the frame, the ceiling are left open, as in the photo.

    Interesting solutions in the construction of a closed kitchen

    Often, when building a summer kitchen, you have to look for original solutions to the most painful problems associated with the arrangement and layout of the premises. Perhaps, from the point of view of design, such buildings are not masterpieces of design, but in practical terms, without a doubt, these are the most convenient and thoughtful solutions.

    The optimal location of the stove in a closed kitchen

    For example, the rules fire safety it is required to take out barbecues, barbecues, Finnish braziers with an open flame of a firebox to a distance of at least two meters from wooden and flammable materials. If you need to install a brazier with an exhaust hood in the summer kitchen, then the easiest way to do this is according to the scheme shown in the photo.

    The design of the closed kitchen is made in the form of an extension to the frame cottage. This solution allows you to perform summer construction is very light and rigid. The strength of the frame installed on the pile foundation is sufficient to make one of the side walls in the form of a glass panel for the entire height of the ceilings. The main problem is that a heavy stove or fireplace wall with a chimney was taken outside the summer building and lined with natural stone and painted corrugated steel sheet.

    Traditionally, a wood-burning stove requires some modification to the interior of the summer kitchen, for example, walls and ceilings are usually lined with wood in the style of log cabins or timber. The area around the stove in the project must be laid out with non-combustible materials, especially in the area where the chimney adjoins the floor beams and in front of the ash pan and firebox.

    An excellent option can be considered the arrangement of a summer kitchen in the country electric stove and oven. The availability of electricity is critical for processing and storing food, but the light in the country house can disappear for many hours, so often in the interior there is a gas oven with a cylinder along with a microwave and a conventional electric oven. In addition, experienced summer residents know what to preserve and process into salads and jams. harvested crop with an electric stove in the country is difficult due to the low heat output.

    Variants of glazing and interior of a closed summer kitchen

    In the summer heat, a closed kitchen in a country house can turn into a real hell if the size of the windows and the operation of the ventilation systems leave much to be desired. The simplest solution involves installing four to five windows for a timber frame building instead of the traditional two window openings.

    The sashes can be opened in ventilation mode or thrown wide open, depending on weather conditions and air temperature in the country.

    In addition, the traditional stone closed kitchen has always been inferior to the open scheme in terms of illumination and quantity. sunlight penetrating into the room. Today for modern dacha and summer kitchen maximum number natural light becomes an unrecognized standard in the construction of summer country houses.

    Regardless of whether the closed kitchen is attached to the cottage or framed as a separate building, the larger the window, the higher the comfort inside the building. In this case, it is important not only to glaze the closed kitchen, but to correctly position the window openings in the structure of the building.

    Traditionally, the summer closed kitchen in the country is divided into two main areas - the dining room and the working one. The place where family members are located for lunch or relaxing over a cup of tea should be as open to sunlight as possible. It does not make sense to equip the working area with large windows, because due to high humidity and temperature fluctuations, the glass will regularly fog up with condensate and fumes from everything that is cooked on the stove.

    In addition, it is important to correctly install a window for a brick stove, if any, in a summer room. Such a window is placed to take air from outside the kitchen in cold weather in order to avoid drafts and heat loss inside the room.

    For small-sized summer kitchens, often combined with covered veranda, as an exception, the size of the windows can be increased to the maximum.

    For a summer kitchen room combined with a gazebo and a dining room, the size of the windows is increased to the maximum, the larger the room, the more difficult it is to achieve good level illumination. The window can reach the basement and occupy more than half of the wall surface.

    The interior is very nice and internal design summer kitchen, which is finished with tinted wood and natural stone. Often, such solutions are resorted to if the summer kitchen is part of a summer house built from timber or rounded logs.

    For more traditional stone and frame buildings, interior lining or decorative plaster is used. Part of the walls adjacent to the stove or stove can be lined with tiles or ceramic mosaics.

    To get rid of the shortcomings inherent in closed and open schemes summer catering unit, often built in the country combined options, in which part of the walls and window frames are removable. At the same time, the walls, floor and ceiling are insulated, and after the return of the removed glazing, such rooms are easily converted into a closed or winter version.


    The most unusual and practical of all summer kitchens of a closed type can be called a building in the country, assembled from a 20-foot sea container, photo. In such a room it is difficult to be in the heat, but in spring and autumn the building fully lives up to expectations. If the site for the future dacha was only purchased and does not have full-fledged buildings suitable for temporary use, like a kitchen, such closed building can simultaneously serve as a storage place in the country for inventory and some accessories, even a scooter or walk-behind tractor. Subsequently, it is enough to overlay the room with bricks, make a full-fledged stove and sewerage, and you can perfectly cook dinners and preserve fruits - vegetables in the country for many more years.

    summer kitchen, whether simple gazebo with a barbecue or a solid structure with a stove and communications - this is a building of essentials in any area. After all, country life is unimaginable without a barbecue, gatherings on outdoors, as well as without seasonal preservation of products. In this article, we presented 11 tips, 70 photo ideas and several videos that will help you create your ideal summer kitchen.

    What summer kitchens are there?

    They can be roughly divided into three types:

    1. Open (for example, barbecue gazebo, terrace or patio)- a simple frame building without insulation, often without walls (fully / partially) and even a roof. In fact, an open summer kitchen is a shed or gazebo with a barbecue / oven and a dining area that can only be used in summer. It is good because it is comfortable to cook and eat in it, and communicate with guests on fine summer days. An open kitchen is easier, faster and more economical to build than a closed one. In winter, a summer building with a canopy can be used as a warehouse for storing the household. The disadvantages of an open kitchen include the limited period of use of the structure, as well as the lack of protection of furniture, appliances and kitchen inhabitants from insects, rain, wind and sun. For the winter, all furniture and appliances will have to be cleaned in a dry room.

    Classic summer kitchen with barbecue and stove in the yard of a country house in the Moscow region

    1. Closed (for example, a grill house or a veranda)- capital covered structure / annex with insulation and glazing, sometimes even heated all year round. In fact, this is a real house, consisting of a kitchen and a dining room. The closed summer kitchen is good because you can cook and eat in it even in bad weather with rain and winds. Thanks to the walls and roof in such a house, you can equip a full-fledged kitchen with a refrigerator, microwave, gas /electric stove , dishwasher, TV and other equipment. True, on warm days, cooking in a closed kitchen will be as hot as in the main house. Also keep in mind that its construction will cost you more than an open building.

    1. Combined- this type of building combines an open and covered space under one roof. Also, this category includes a summer kitchen combined with a bath. Such a kitchen is good for everyone and has only a couple of disadvantages - doubly complex design and increased budget.

    Now let's look at the characteristics of freestanding and attached kitchens:

    • Freestanding- are good because they allow you to place the hearth away from the house so that smells, smoke and noise do not penetrate the house. It makes sense to build a freestanding summer kitchen if you have enough space on the site, if it has, say, beautiful garden or a pond if you want to decorate the area with a nice new structure.
    • Adjoining the house- a terrace or veranda can become an excellent summer kitchen, because it is much easier and cheaper to build (one wall has already been erected) or re-equip, and it is very convenient to move between the house and the annex. True, the minus of the summer kitchen on the veranda / terrace is that the smoke, heat, smell and fumes from the stove will fall into Living spaces, and part of the kitchen will remain walkable.

    11 tips for building, furnishing and designing a summer kitchen

    No matter how thoughtful and beautiful your summer kitchen is, its unfortunate location on the site can complicate both construction and further operation. Therefore, the place is the first thing to think carefully about.

    • From a practical point of view, it is more convenient when the summer kitchen is located close to home. So it is easier for the inhabitants of the dacha to move between objects, and holding engineering communications cheaper, faster and easier. However, from an aesthetic point of view, a place near the "sights" of the site that you can admire (for example, near a reservoir or garden) is better suited. The following factors are also bonuses: protection from the wind, privacy from the eyes of neighbors and proximity to trees that can shade the building and create coolness in it on hot days.

    Summer kitchen at the cottage by the pond

    • Unsuitable places for a summer kitchen: near the road, garage, toilet, cesspools / compost pits, chicken coop and other places where unpleasant smells, noises, exhaust gases, etc. can interfere with your rest.

    Tip 2. Grill, barbecue, oven or oven complex? Solve this issue before developing / selecting a summer kitchen project

    • If the stove is the heart of the city kitchen, then the grill, barbecue or oven can be called the heart of the country kitchen. Before you start designing, think about what kind of hearth you need: a grill, a brazier, a stove, or even a stove complex? Should the grill be stationary or portable? Coal or gas? With or without chimney? What size and where will the fire source be located? A lot depends on your choice - from the type of foundation to the shape of the roof. So, for example, for the construction of a stove, you will have to take care not only of the foundation, chimney and cladding, but also provide a place for storing firewood in the project.

    Understanding the features of different types of outdoor hearth will help you.

    Stationary gas grill built into a brick structure

    Tip 3. Do you want to build a summer kitchen with your own hands quickly and on a budget? Build an open gazebo made of wood, with a light roof, without solid walls and a stove

    In this case, instead of a monolithic or pile-strip foundation, you can get by with a columnar foundation. The building itself will consist of 4 (or more) pillars and a one-/double-pitched roof with a light roof, for example, made of polycarbonate. This is very simple design, which you can actually build with your own hands in just a couple of days and with a minimal budget.

    The following selection of photos presents design options for simple summer kitchens.

    A simple summer kitchen in a country house in the suburbs

    For the construction of a summer kitchen with your own hands, it is easiest to use wood. True, larch or teak should be preferred to pine, as they are stronger and, moreover, age beautifully

    Simple summer kitchen from a bar with a shed roof

    However, there is a way to make a summer kitchen with your own hands even faster and cheaper. Fold the platform from paving slabs, set up one or two large garden umbrellas, arrange furniture, install a sink and a portable grill and start cooking!

    On the one hand, the cellar in the summer kitchen is very useful, because it is so convenient to store food in it like in a refrigerator. On the other hand, its creation significantly increases the cost and complicates construction. Especially if we are talking about an open building, because then the cellar will have to be insulated and protected from leaks. Even in the main house, you can do without a cellar and a basement, let alone a summer kitchen.

    Tip 5. The summer kitchen, the facade of the house and the landscape should be designed in the same way.

    When choosing or developing a summer kitchen project, considering options for its decoration, keep in mind that it should be combined with the facade of the house and other buildings on the site. So you create a real summer cottage complex and achieve a sense of order. It doesn't have to be a 100% match. color scheme, decoration, architecture and style, but objects must have something in common. The photo below shows an example of a modern summer kitchen on the terrace. wooden house from a beam.

    • The closer the summer kitchen is located to the house, the more similar both buildings should be.
    • If there is an object on the site that is out of the “big picture”, say, a hastily built bathhouse, then the design of the summer kitchen can be planned in such a way that it combines the features of both the bathhouse and the house. So some randomness of the building will be corrected.

    In an open kitchen, the floor can be sheathed:

    • A wooden board covered with oil or wax for outdoor use (lacquer is less suitable, as it will begin to crack over time and require re-coating).

    Outdoor kitchen in the country house with a floor finish made of larch deck boards coated with a matt azure based on alkyd resins

    • Terrace board (made of wood-polymer composite).

    • Stone or special street tiles. True, such a floor requires a strong foundation and a large budget.

    • By the way, we recommend to refrain from too dark a floor, as crumbs, dirt and puddles of water will be especially noticeable on it.
    • If the floor of the open kitchen has a slight slope (1-2 cm), the rainwater that has got inside will drain on its own.

    Tip 7. Stick to the "working triangle" rule when planning your kitchen

    In the arrangement of kitchens, there is a rule of the so-called. "working triangle", which consists in the fact that the three working areas (sink, stove and refrigerator) should be in reasonable proximity to each other, forming a triangle. Ideally, it should be equilateral. Thanks to this layout of zones, the kitchen is as convenient as possible.

    • In the summer kitchen, this rule is not always applicable in its pure form, because it can be too small , narrow, elongated, irregular in shape, instead of a stove, it most often uses a stove, grill or barbecue, and there may not be a refrigerator at all. However, try to get as close to the ideal as possible and do not line up work areas in one line.

    So, for example, if in your summer kitchen the source of fire is a barbecue and it is taken out of it, then the sink and food preparation area should be installed as close to the exit as possible.

    • If the kitchen is small, then you can build the kitchen L-shaped. For narrow kitchen(for example, on the veranda) a two-row layout may be suitable. IN square shaped kitchen U-shaped layout will fit best.

    If only a single-row layout is possible in your summer kitchen, then a compact mobile island / peninsula will help make it more convenient.

    Tip 8. The dining area should be at least 2 m away from the barbecue / stove

    Ideally, the distance between dining table and a brazier / oven / grill should be approximately 3 m. In this case, smoke, heat and odors will not disturb vacationers, and chips, ashes and sparks will not spoil the look of the dining area.

    Tip 9. Use furniture that will withstand outdoor conditions

    The kitchen and dining furniture in the summer kitchen must withstand high humidity and temperature changes, so luxurious wooden furniture, laminated chipboard / MDF furniture, as well as furniture upholstered in fabric or leather should be discarded.

    But for the summer kitchen, the following options are suitable:

    • Veneered MDF furniture;
    • Wooden garden furniture (folding structures are especially suitable, which, at the end holiday season can be easily moved to the pantry);
    • Wrought iron outdoor furniture;
    • Stainless steel furniture (if you don't want to clean kitchen set for the winter period, choose stainless steel furniture);
    • Wicker furniture made of natural wicker, rattan or plastic;
    • Plastic furniture (eg, polycarbonate).

    The photo below shows an example of the design of a summer kitchen-terrace with an all-season stainless steel set.

    In this selection of photos you can see ideas for furnishing a summer dining room.

    Often summer residents forget to pay enough attention to the lighting of the summer kitchen. But it is with its help that you can create real coziness and comfort.

    • Ideally, artificial light in the evening should be soft, even and multi-level. To do this, the room should be illuminated not with one chandelier, but with several lamps: floor / pendant lights, wall sconces, spot spots, suspensions, table lamps, floor lamps and / and or garlands of light bulbs.
    • With the help of light, you can divide the space into zones, for example, in the kitchen and dining room. So you will have the opportunity during evening meals to hide the work area in the dark and illuminate only a beautiful table.

    • To make it comfortable for you to cook in the evenings, install the backlight directly above the work area. If you limit yourself to a lamp installed behind it, while cooking, your back will block the light.
    • Metal, plastic, wooden and wicker lamps with additional water protection are suitable for lighting an open summer kitchen. Ideally, these should be garden lamps.

    • Solar-powered lanterns can be installed around the summer kitchen and along the path. They store energy during the day and turn on automatically in the evening. True, they give little light, and on cloudy days they do not charge at all.
    • With the help of hedges, pergolas or screens with climbing plants you can make the summer kitchen more secluded, close the view on the unsightly places of the site.
    • Decorative plantings, flower beds and bushes can mark the boundaries of zones, hide the foundation and simply decorate the summer kitchen and the general view of the territory.

    In the warm season, especially during the conservation period, the presence of a summer kitchen greatly facilitates the cooking process and makes it more enjoyable. For construction, it is not necessary to hire specialists - all stages can be completed independently. If you choose the right materials, the summer kitchen will not cost too much, which is of great importance for the economical owner.

    Summer kitchens can have a closed and open design. Both types are widely used in country and suburban areas. To decide which type to opt for, you should study all the advantages and disadvantages of such buildings.

    Closed kitchen

    This kitchen has windows, doors and a roof like a complete home. There are options combined with a bath or outdoor shower, cellar, workshop, with an attached veranda for eating and relaxing. Usually, light materials are chosen for construction and they do not insulate the building, so the room is not used in winter. At the same time, there are kitchens made of bricks and foam blocks, which are more durable and can be insulated if necessary.

    Advantages of closed structures:

    • a closed kitchen requires more materials, so it is more expensive;
    • the project will require additional calculations;
    • the construction process is more laborious and lengthy.

    This option is more suitable for country houses where the owners live permanently. But in the country, which is empty in winter, the construction of a closed kitchen is not always justified.

    Open kitchens are built according to the principle: a concrete or tiled base, supporting pillars along the perimeter, a canopy roof. An oven is installed under a canopy, kitchen table, shops. Sometimes the kitchen is made without a canopy if it is used exclusively for cooking on vacation on clear days. building material for an open kitchen, wood, brick, natural stone are most often used.

    Summer kitchen - a project with a barbecue


    • do not use the room during the cold period;
    • no protection from wind and insects;
    • poor protection against rain and dampness;
    • no food left.
    • all the furniture that will be there must be hidden for the winter in closed, dry rooms, otherwise it will quickly rot.

    Where to build

    The location of the kitchen matters a lot. Khozdvor, and cesspools should be as far away as possible, but communications, on the contrary, are closer. You will have to supply water to the kitchen, connect electricity, so it is best if the building site is near the house. You can not choose a place in the lowland, otherwise the floor will be damp. A closed kitchen can be attached to the house, and it is better to place an open one in a garden or near a pond, away from the road.

    Construction of an open kitchen

    There are many options for building an open kitchen, but the main stages are always the same: marking and preparing the site, laying the foundation, installing load-bearing supports, installing the roof and interior design.

    For work you will need:

    • level;
    • shovel;
    • pegs and twine;
    • tape measure; sand and gravel;
    • cement mortar;
    • pieces of reinforcement;
    • timber 150x150 mm;
    • Circular Saw;
    • drill;
    • screwdriver;
    • hammer and nails;
    • metal squares;
    • self-tapping screws;
    • boards 25 mm thick;
    • primer.

    Step 1. Markup

    The selected area is cleared of all unnecessary and the sod is removed. One of the corners of the building is determined and a peg is driven into the ground, and then the width and length of the platform for the kitchen are measured from it. Beacons-pegs are placed in each of the corners and a twine is pulled between them. Check the correct markings on the diagonals - they must be the same length. After that, inside the markup, the soil is selected to a depth of 15-20 cm, leveled and rammed.

    Step 2. Foundation pouring

    The bottom of the pit is covered with an even layer of sand, leveled, well compacted. If necessary, communication pipes are laid along the bottom, crushed stone is poured from above. A reinforcing mesh is laid, metal rods 20 cm high are inserted at the corners of the site, formwork from boards is installed around the perimeter. The height of the formwork above the ground should be about 10 cm; using the level inside the formwork marks the pouring line of the mortar so that the site is flat. Knead and pour it into the formwork, guided by the markup. The communication pipes are closed with plugs, otherwise the solution may get inside. The surface is leveled with a rule, after which the foundation is left until it dries completely.

    Also, the foundation for the kitchen can be made of a columnar type using bricks. Markup is done in the same way monolithic foundation, after which they dig square-shaped pits up to 50 cm deep. The bottom of the pits is covered with sand and tamped, then a metal bar is inserted, around which brickwork. The height of the foundation columns is checked by level. If necessary, the columns are leveled with an additional layer of cement.

    A lower trim made of timber will be attached to the reinforcement bars, which is joined using the “paw” method. The beam is laid on roofing material, previously glued with bitumen to each column. Subfloor logs from edged board.

    Step 3. Installation of bearing supports

    In the lower ends of the timber, holes are drilled for reinforcing bars protruding from the foundation. The front racks are made 20 cm higher than the rear ones, so that it is more convenient to mount the canopy. The bars are installed at the corners of the site, leveled, and then fixed to the base with metal plates on anchor bolts. Along the upper edge, the pillars are connected with a strapping of timber, and horizontal jumpers are mounted at a height of 70-80 cm from the floor.

    Table. Roof slope depending on the coverage

    Roof materialWeight sq. m (without base), kgApproximate durability, yearsRoof pitch, deg.
    Sheet black steel3-5 20-25 16-30
    Galvanized steel3,5-6 30-40 16-30
    Ruberoid4-13 13-15 4-27
    Roof tiles40-50 60 and over30-45
    asbestos cement14-20 40-45 27-50

    Step 4. Mounting the canopy

    The boards treated with a primer are nailed to the upper harness along the width of the structure every 50 cm. The internal joints must be reinforced with metal squares so that the canopy does not disperse in strong winds. A waterproofing material is laid on top of the boards, thin slats are stuffed and sheets of slate or

    Step 5. Floor arrangement

    by the most optimal solution will be tiled. It is not afraid of moisture, is easily cleaned of dirt, easily tolerates temperature changes. wooden flooring in an open kitchen, it quickly becomes unusable under the influence of atmospheric moisture, cracks from the sun, is damaged by insects, and therefore requires regular maintenance. So, take the tile, tile adhesive, notched trowel and start laying the floor. Lay out the tiles from the corner: apply a little solution to the back surface, apply to the floor and level.

    In the photo - porcelain tiles for the street

    To make the seams as even as possible, special plastic crosses are used, which are inserted at the joints. Laying is constantly controlled by the level, otherwise the coating will be uneven. If installation or a barbecue is planned in the kitchen, it is not necessary to veneer the floor under them. After completion of work, the seams are cleaned of dust and residues of the solution, and then rubbed with a special mixture.

    Step 6. Arrangement of the kitchen

    For greater comfort, the space between the floor and horizontal lintels can be sheathed with boards or closed with wooden figured gratings, leaving free doorway. They install a stove, benches and a table, supply electricity and water. In conclusion, wooden surfaces are stained and varnished or painted, protecting the wood from environmental influences.

    Prices for different types of building boards

    Building boards

    Construction of a closed kitchen

    Closed kitchens are also very diverse, but the most convenient and easy to implement is a frame structure made of timber on a columnar foundation. For sheathing, it is recommended to use clapboard or OSB boards.

    In the process of work you will need:

    • Circular Saw;
    • jigsaw;
    • drill and screwdriver;
    • building level;
    • shovel;
    • hammer;
    • roulette;
    • dry planed timber 100x100 mm;
    • boards 25 mm thick;
    • long cord and pegs for beacons;
    • ruberoid;
    • cement mortar;
    • building studs;
    • working out;
    • nails and screws;
    • sand.

    Step 1. Marking the site

    The selected site needs to be prepared: level the hills, remove tall grass, stones, debris. Now you need to determine where the facade line will be located, and put 2 beacons on it. The distance between the pegs is equal to the length of the facade. Perpendicular to this line, the length of the side walls is measured from each beacon and marks are also placed. A cord is pulled between the beacons, and diagonals are measured in the resulting rectangle. If they are equal, the markup is correct. In the center of each side of the future kitchen and at the intersection of the diagonals, it is also necessary to drive in pegs - these are marks for intermediate pillars.

    Step 2. Foundation preparation

    They dig holes with a shovel in places marked with pegs to a depth of 40 cm; the dimensions of the pit should correspond to two cinder blocks laid flat. The walls and bottom of the pits are leveled, a 10 cm layer of sand is covered and rammed. 2 lower cinder blocks are laid on the sand, covered with a solution, a construction pin is inserted in the center so that it rises about 25-30 cm above the soil surface. Then the second row of the cinder block is placed on top across the first, again the solution and the third row. Finished poles must have the same height and be located on the same level.

    Step 3. Mounting the bottom trim

    The lower harness consists of two rows of timber, knocked together. All bars are generously coated with used oil, paying special attention to cuts, and then dried. In the beams of the lower row, you need to make holes for the studs, and in the upper row, cut grooves for the floor beams. The depth of the grooves corresponds to half the thickness of the beam, and the width is equal to the thickness of the crossbar.

    Pieces of roofing material are laid on top of the pillars, putting them directly on the studs. Lower bars applied to the poles, mark the location of the stud, drill holes of the appropriate diameter. Then they are laid on the foundation, the studs are threaded into the holes and the nuts are tightened. The ends of the studs should not protrude above the surface of the beam, on the contrary, it is better when they are slightly recessed into the tree. Check the strapping with a level around the entire perimeter to avoid distortions. Now you need to lay the top row of beams, nail them, insert the floor beams into the grooves. For greater reliability, it is better to strengthen the internal joints with metal plates with screws.

    Step 4. Summer kitchen - log house

    This summer kitchen is wonderful appearance, environmentally friendly and retains heat well indoors. However, it is extremely important to treat the material with fire-retardant impregnation in order to exclude the possibility of wood damage by insects.

    It is worth remembering that the log house will shrink for several years, so it is not recommended to additionally sheathe the walls of the summer kitchen.

    In order for the walls to be even inside the room, each log is hewn along the entire length with a planer or grinder. At the ends of the logs, grooves are cut for joining (the "paw" method). This method was not chosen by chance. Firstly, the logs will be used without a trace, and secondly, even if gusset will have a small gap, then this will not affect the functionality and convenience of the summer kitchen.

    To build a mortgage crown, we lay two logs opposite each other. We put two more perpendicularly on them. We adjust this square to a single plane so that it lies clearly horizontally on the lower trim of the future summer kitchen. Next, the following logs are marked, cut down and laid, between which we lay a heater, for example, moss or felt.

    The openings for the doors and windows of the summer kitchen will be cut down in the future. The double-glazed windows themselves Entrance door together with accessories will be installed after the completion of the roof installation process. We bring to your attention a photo report of the construction of a summer kitchen 7x3 m.

    Video - Cutting "in the paw"

    Step 5 Mounting the roof

    Roof trusses are knocked down from boards with a section of 150x50 mm, they are strengthened inside with spacers and mounted to the upper trim. The ends should protrude beyond the perimeter of the walls by 10-15 cm. The distance between the trusses is approximately 1.5 m. The roof elements are fastened to the trim using metal plates and bolts. After installing the rafters, a ridge is stuffed along the trusses, and then the roof frame is sheathed with boards. A corrugated board, slate or other roofing material is laid on the crate.

    How Wrong Windows Installed

    Summer kitchen 7x3 mProject
    Kitchen heightHeight from floor to ceiling: 2.15 m. (+-5 cm). Skate height: 1.5 m (+-5 cm)
    Support-columnar blocks (one bedside table measuring 400x400x4000 mm consists of four cement blocks measuring 200x200x400, interconnected by a sand-cement mixture).
    Base bindingUnplaned timber with a section of 100x150mm. The harness is laid in 1 row on the edge.
    Sexual lagsUnplaned timber 40x150 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
    log cabinProfiled timber with a section of 90x140 mm, natural humidity
    Log house assemblyThe log house is assembled on metal dowels (nails 200 mm).
    Assembly of log cornersAssembling the corner into a "warm corner"
    Mezhventsovye warmingA flax-jute cloth is laid between the crowns
    PartitionsPartition timber 90x140 natural humidity.
    FloorDouble floor: draft floor: edged board 20 mm; finished floor: grooved floorboard 36 mm. ( chamber drying).
    Insulated mineral wool"KNAUF" 50 mm., insulation "ONDUTIS" is laid in 2 layers.
    Ceiling beamsUnplaned timber 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 700 mm.
    CeilingThe ceiling is hemmed with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). The ceiling is insulated with 50 mm KNAUF mineral wool, ONDUTIS insulation is laid.
    truss constructionBar 40x100 mm. with a laying step of 1000 mm.
    roof lathingThe crate is made from a 20 mm edged board. (through the board).
    According to the project of the kitchen - gable.
    GablesSheathed with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). Ventilation grilles are installed in the kitchen gables (prevent the formation of condensate).
    Celestials and cornices (roof overhangs)They are sewn up with clapboard of coniferous species (chamber drying). Overhang width: 350 - 450 mm (4 linings).
    roofing materialOndulin, color to choose from: red, brown, green.
    WindowWooden with double glazing, installed according to the project. The size of window blocks is 1x1.2 m. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
    doorsPaneled. Casing bars (swarms) are installed in the openings.
    Room decorationAll corners and joints in the kitchen are sealed with plinth; window, doorways are surrounded by a platband.
    TerraceSupport poles are installed with compensation lifts (jacks) for shrinkage. Terrace finishing: railings - carved, balusters - chiselled. Steps are installed at the entrance.

    Step 6. Arrangement of the kitchen

    When the basic processes are completed, you should come to grips with interior arrangement kitchens. The walls can be sheathed with plastic or, since the frame sheathed with plywood does not look very aesthetically pleasing. Then they install a stove, a sink, connect electricity and water, and arrange kitchen furniture. On this, the construction of a closed kitchen can be considered completed.

    Prices for drywall and sheet materials

    Drywall and sheet materials

    Video - Do-it-yourself summer kitchen