The interior of a small kitchen in the apartment. The perfect repair of a small kitchen is simple: tips from an experienced

Many of us cannot boast of a spacious kitchen, but this is not a reason to despair - this is a great opportunity to show all your resourcefulness and great imagination to equip a few square meters of the kitchen so that it is comfortable, functional, practical, beautiful, and even to the space became visually much wider. Design tricks accumulated over the years and an attentive approach to every square centimeter can transform even the smallest kitchen.

The main ways to visually increase the space of a small kitchen are collected in our article.

Colors in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Eternal friend of small kitchens - light color walls, due to which the boundaries of space are slightly moved apart, since it reflects light very well. Therefore, white, beige and all pastel, light shades together with small bright accents can be used for a small kitchen.
  2. Combine in small kitchen more than two colors are not needed in order not to make the space visually heavier.
  3. You can combine not only neutral shades- looks good and fresh when one wall is highlighted in some contrasting color. This creates a certain mood, but the kitchen space does not become smaller from this.
    Photo selection color solutions for decorating a small kitchen

  4. Bright drawings, ornament and other decorations not particularly relevant- they will visually hide the space and make it even more miniature. Therefore, it is better to abandon them in favor of plain surfaces, but if the use of such ornaments is necessary, then let them be as light as possible and stand out quite a bit against the general background, and even better - if the pattern is convex, embossed.

Combining the kitchen with adjacent rooms

Materials for finishing walls and floors for a small kitchen

  1. can be anything: the main thing, and it was not too dark. If the apartment is not only a small kitchen, then it is recommended to use the same material everywhere: linoleum, etc.
  2. In order to stretch a little space in the kitchen laminate or diagonally.
  3. Better do not combine in a small space different and floors: you need to give preference to simplicity, which will give the feeling of a more spacious kitchen.
  4. We give preference flooring with glossy surface for the ability to reflect light and expand the space, so it fits perfectly.

Selection of furniture for a small kitchen

  1. Under light wall color better choose and not too dark furniture, which will be able to merge with the space of the kitchen and dissolve in it. Dark ones, despite their beauty and sophistication, look more massive.
  2. For a small kitchen, it is better to use built-in furniture, which can be made to order, taking into account individual wishes in terms of size, functionality and color.
  3. In any kitchen, and especially in a small one, you need to strive for maximum ergonomics, so try to keep the key elements in this order: refrigerator-sink-worktop or stove. In this case, the natural process of handling the product is observed: get it, wash it, process it, and the kitchen becomes functional.
  4. Usage glass furniture- a great move for a small kitchen: for example, it will not visually clutter up the space, but it will do its job perfectly.
  5. Moving away from stereotypes that square table more compact - on the contrary, round takes up less space and will perfectly complement even a small e. In addition, the lack of corners has a positive effect on the perception of space, and the kitchen no longer seems tiny, but rather cute and small.
  6. Folding tables- an indispensable option for a small kitchen: they save space while a couple of people are having lunch in the kitchen, but in a matter of seconds they change and can already accommodate a company or become a spacious place to work.
    A selection of photo tables for a small kitchen

  7. Common misconception that for a small kitchen it is better to choose miniature furniture. Of course, there is some truth in this rule, but if you fill the kitchen with a huge number of small items, then it will look cluttered, and therefore even smaller. Therefore, it is better to let the furniture be larger, but the number of its items is the minimum necessary.
  8. Visually possible make the kitchen and higher: for this, let one or a couple of pieces of furniture stretch in height. It is good if it is, for example, a refrigerator or a pencil case, and it will be placed at the far end of the kitchen from the entrance.
  9. Separate objects close to each other and also use corner cabinets and shelves.
  10. pay attention on glossy surfaces: if some elements kitchen furniture able to reflect light a little, then this is a huge plus. But the main thing in the pursuit of the most glossy, glassy and reflective surfaces is not to go too far, so keep a balance between them and the most common materials.
  11. Drawers not only expand the space a little and make it more modern, but also more convenient in terms of storing things than swing doors: in this case, everything is in full view, and in traditional lockers the necessary thing can be far away, and it takes a lot of time to remove it , strength and nerves. Facilitates access to products and household items and lifting, folding doors.
    A selection of photos of drawers for a small kitchen

  12. Thanks to modern artful furniture there are a lot of storage places in the kitchen: retractable carousels, vertical drawers, grid-containers, in the area, etc. If you are using a seating area for your kitchen, then remember that this is not only a great way to make the most of the space in terms of seating, but also storage space, as most models have spacious drawers under the seat.
  13. Storage locations can hide in the most unexpected places, for example, under the table. So, under the round table, a small cabinet for all sorts of little things will feel good. If the table is covered with a tablecloth on top, then it will not be visible at all, and when sitting at the table it will not interfere either.
    Photo - Storage places for kitchen utensils in a small kitchen

  14. If the dining table often plays the role of a worker, where you read the press, solve crossword puzzles, etc., then all the necessary things can be put in a basket, box or small vase - it will be neat, and the papers will not be scattered all over the kitchen.
  15. If the kitchen and living rooms are connected, then it is already easier to achieve a feeling of spaciousness, especially if use or move the dining table away from the kitchen area.

Appliances for a small kitchen

Lighting in a small kitchen

  1. Proper natural and artificial- a guarantee that the kitchen will be perceived more spacious. If a artificial lighting completely in our hands, then things are already worse with the natural. Therefore, it must be used to the maximum, which is why it is better to hang light translucent light curtains on the windows.
  2. To do the window is visually larger, a – higher, maybe a little higher than the top edge of the window.
  3. The more artificial light in the kitchen, the better.. Ideally, you need to provide lighting for each zone. small space: one central lamp, sconce near the dining table, spot lighting of the working area.
  4. If the kitchen area is very small, then you can choose a multi-lamp lamp that will evenly illuminate both the working and dining areas. Pay attention to those models in which the angle of inclination of the lamps and their direction is adjustable.
    A selection of photos - lighting a small kitchen

Curtains and textiles in the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Instead, you can use or for the kitchen: they allow you to let the right level of light in, and at the same time they are not able to take up much space. But it is better to refuse curtains and heavy fabrics immediately.
    A selection of photos - Curtains for a small kitchen

  2. In order for the kitchen, trying to become as visually as possible, not to lose the proper comfort for upholstery, pillows, potholders, you can use fresh colorful drawings: cage, stripe, pea, etc.
  3. All elements textiles should also be as light as possible in order to merge a little with furniture, walls, and eventually blur the boundaries of a small kitchen.


  1. Whatever the kitchen, everyone has a lot of dishes and other utensils, so their storage is always problematic. The way out is to organize storage locations wherever possible. So, a variety of hanging cabinets are perfect, open shelves that maximize the use of wall space, as well as long handles- they will become a place for towels, potholders.
  2. It will not be superfluous to conduct an audit and analyze, what utensils are really constantly used, and which one has been idle for several years. Therefore, in the kitchen we leave everything we need, and what is required on holidays or once every five years we take it out to, a barn, etc.

Accessories for the interior of a small kitchen

  1. Even in the kitchen area of ​​6 square meters. m. there will be place for cute accessories, which will make the space more comfortable. So, the designers recommend hanging the paintings and photos you like not on standard height, and a little higher or lower - such a seemingly simple trick will help divert attention a little and make the kitchen a little larger.
  2. If you would like to hang a few photographs or paintings, place them one above one, and not side by side - this way you can slightly stretch the room in height.
  3. Although the design of a small kitchen cannot do without accessories, overdoing them also cannot resist, otherwise their abundance will distract attention and litter the room.
  4. In a small kitchen no place for large plants- they need to be changed to small flowerpots with small fresh or artificial flowers.
  5. Any small space expands with a mirror: It can be placed on one of the walls using an interesting frame. Another variant - mirror doors lockers, glossy furniture etc.
  6. Generally all transparent and shiny objects that reflect light well, is the perfect accessory for a small kitchen. For example: it combines both light and transparent elements, but this solution is only suitable for rooms with an ideal ceiling

    As you can see, there are a lot of options to equip a small kitchen: there are many ideas that will help you create unique design kitchens with a minimum area, so that it remains fully functional, cozy, and, most importantly, that the walls and furniture do not put pressure on those present. A few tricks, skillfully combined in the territory of one kitchen - and it already looks much more spacious than before.

Hi all! Thank you for visiting the blog “Your Designer”! Continuing the theme, today I want to talk about the design of a small kitchen. No matter what size your kitchen is - 5, 10 or 16 square meters - most likely it is the center and soul of your home. After all, it is here that we spend most of our time preparing breakfasts and dinners, communicating with family and friends, celebrating important events and make plans for the future. Therefore, our main task is to make even the most modest kitchen visually more spacious and as functional as possible.

white kitchens

If you have a very small kitchen, the most win-win color for it will be white (milk, cream, Ivory). White cabinets, countertop and kitchen apron, complemented by contrasting decor, will make even the tiniest room more spacious and super-stylish. You can learn more about white kitchens.

If you choose white for the floor as well, you will get a modern kitchen. scandinavian style. No wonder this style is most often used in the interior of small apartments.

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen

If there is a need for additional storage modules, use the full height of the wall. Place in the most upper cabinets food supplies and rarely used utensils. The bottom drawers are for essentials only.

If you install cabinets from floor to ceiling, they will blend into the wall and visually disappear into the room. This is a very effective technique in the design of small rooms, which I have already talked about.

Another trick that serves the same purpose is choosing kitchen cabinets the color of the walls. At the same time, do not be afraid of deep, rich colors: in dark rooms, the borders visually disappear, which makes you think that the room is larger than it actually is.

Use cabinets with transparent doors. This will make the kitchen airy and more spacious. However, in this case, you should carefully consider filling the cabinets. Otherwise, you can achieve the opposite effect.

Open shelves work on the same principle. If you at least partially use open shelving, the kitchen will seem more spacious.

Choose the lightest and most elegant furniture: a small table with a glass top, bar stools with elegant legs, transparent chairs ... Massive wooden table and heavy chairs will look bulky, which is the last thing we want to achieve.

Multifunctional furniture is more relevant than ever in a small kitchen. Check out the folding chairs sliding tables or, for example, these mobile tables on wheels, which serve as both a work surface and an additional storage module:.

When designing a small kitchen, choose a simple style and a minimum of details. Ornate kitchens in classical style irrelevant for small rooms (although, in my opinion, they are already just as irrelevant for large ones ...)

Pro combination of kitchen and living room I already wrote. This is perhaps one of best solutions for very small kitchens.

Hello again, dear readers! New day, new discussion.

Today, your attention is the topic of how to solve the issue of small kitchen design ideas. The question is already familiar to many and, I dare say, very painful ... After all, every housewife so wants to have a big, beautiful and comfortable kitchen. But!

An insufficient amount square meters you can safely compensate with a good idea to create a functional space, while pleasing the eye and soul.

legacy of the past

I think many of us have an idea of ​​​​what a Khrushchev-style apartment is. Low ceilings, small windows, small area, and kitchenettes in general for inches.

Together we will try to figure out what the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdesigning a kitchen in Khrushchev should be, so that it would be pleasant not only to eat, but also to cook in it.

The very first thing I would like to say is that if there is a balcony, then you can combine it with the kitchen!

Yes, I do not argue, it takes both money and time.

But in this way you will be able to increase the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room well. On the new meters, now belonging to the kitchen, it will be possible to put a refrigerator or a small dining table.

Another important point.

In practice, I know that ready kitchen sets designed for fairly large rooms. Therefore, you, the owners of babies, will need to make the kitchen to order.

In this, I, personally, see only pluses!

We always remember that what less area, the brighter we make out the design.

Highly good reception to increase the space - the use of mirror surfaces in the interior.

In our case, this may be an apron. We choose a small table, preferably without sharp corners, i.e. round.

Additional spot lighting above the work surface and a ceiling chandelier in the very center.

Less meters - more imagination!

This is how the process of creating the desired interior is arranged with small area: there is little space, but everything needs to be placed, and even so that it is comfortable and looks beautiful.

Well, turn on the imagination to the fullest!

Think about what space you do not use in the kitchen? It's hard to answer right away, right? And if we focus, then this is what we have.

A place in any room from the middle of the wall to the ceiling is the best place to place shelves, cabinets and similar structures. So we apply this idea to create a kitchen design with an area of, say, 6 square meters.

We have already agreed that we make the kitchen to order. In order to fit all the necessary utensils, we need lockers. We make them up to the ceiling, so much so that even a fly does not fly between them. Yes, sometimes you have to stand on a chair to get the right saucepan, but everything kitchen will be in the kitchen, and not anywhere else.

Another little trick is transformable furniture. For example, folding chairs that can be placed against the wall when they are not needed. A table with one leg, like in a train car: if you want to eat, they lifted the lid, finished the meal, lowered it. Everything is simple!

Did you know that with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe apartment, doors are an unaffordable luxury ???


But it certainly has its own truth.

In order not to occupy an already small space, we remove the doors from the hinges in general, or as an option we put a compartment door.

Turn on the designer

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to hire an interior designer. Actually, that's why we share with you ideas on how to do it yourself.

Fortunately, our men are jacks of all trades and are able to help their wives, if not in creating a kitchen design idea with their own hands, then at least in the process of technical work.

So, let's start in order. First, after numerous online consultations, we draw, save in our imagination or on a computer a picture of what we want to reproduce in the kitchen.

Then we dismantle old furniture, we are happy to get rid of old wallpaper and tiles, in general, we give the room a "rest" and prepare for a new transformation.

If the lighting of the preliminary version of your kitchen was quite satisfactory, we leave everything as it is, and if not, we consult with specialists regarding the installation and installation of additional sockets, light bulbs, etc.

And last of all, we are engaged in a window and a door (if we still decided to install it).

And now we begin the stage of creating a new interior for the kitchen. I would advise you to abandon the wallpaper in favor of paint. This is a fairly practical and quite effective solution. Fortunately, today you can find a lot of color options, besides, they are also washable. Repainting later will be much easier than re-pasting the wallpaper.

But if you still want wallpaper, glue one wall, but do not forget that the picture should be small.

To design an apron today, there are several interesting options. A lot of this will depend on your budget. The most expensive option is stone or marble. The most economical tile.

But the most original- this is glass, under which even your family photos can be placed! Or a mirror surface, which in an understandable way will create the illusion of more space.


For the window the best option there will be a roman blind. It is very convenient and practical.

Making a bar at home

I don’t know about you, but I really like kitchens with a breakfast bar. It looks very stylish and impressive, agree?

Do you have enough space for such a solution?

And the bar counter is just creepy as you want?

We dare!

Only in our case, of course, it will replace our dining table. I think it's clear why.

The designers did a good job and created a lot of ideas for both large and small kitchens with bar counters. So go ahead with your dream, as they say!

In most options, the counter is a logical continuation of the work surface in the kitchen, especially in the corner version. Therefore, with a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room, such a solution even plays into our hands. Of course, you should forget about lockers above and below the bar, but resorting to accessories we get additional space for glasses, stacks and mugs.

But, in order to avoid visual clutter of space, feel free to order a bar counter made of thick, impact-resistant glass. There are many options for the location of this design element.

It's up to you how to properly prioritize in the kitchen.

Having corner kitchen, the question of placement will disappear almost immediately. But if the room has the shape of a rectangle, you can use the window sill to place the bar. Great solution will combine both components to make a "sill-rack". Eating and watching what is happening outside - in my opinion, wonderful!

We embody the most daring desires

Yet we are lucky to live in the twenty-first century! There has never been such a variety of styles, shapes, materials as today. The main thing is not to rush to extremes and responsibly approach the issue of designing a small kitchen in modern styles.

It is very important not to overdo it with "modernity".

It is very important for today's women that the place where they spend a lot of time is as comfortable, cozy and very functional as possible.

One of the most popular trends in design is modern. This style represents the simplicity of lines, without frills and unnecessary knick-knacks.

Everything is clear and crisp.

natural materials, from which kitchen sets are created, are designed to create not only a cozy atmosphere, but also reduce the impact of harmful particles on our health.

In this style, the so-called "islands" are very often used, which are located mainly in the center of the room and serve as both a work surface and dining table. Even with small sizes premises, if desired, you can install this element. Glossy, perfectly flat surfaces are characteristic of Art Nouveau. A wide variety of color combinations.

Eclecticism, i.e. combining styles is also fashionable, but in a small kitchen it is better not to use this option.

Breaking stereotypes

When you want to break away from even the most fashionable solutions, which still represent some kind of standard design idea, we resort to unusual, bold ideas that make our small kitchen just a magical place.

Your attention is a design similar to a cylinder, in which absolutely everything is calculated!

The base of such a kitchenette rests on an axis and, accordingly, rotates, making it possible to maximize the use of space. Great option for a small space.

In conclusion, I would like to say, whatever the design idea of ​​a small kitchen, do not lose sight of a single detail that can drastically change the impression.

Measure, imagine, discuss, and only after the hundredth conversation act.

Do not hurry!

Always approach the issue of alteration responsibly! And do not give up your desires because of the small area.

Today you can find many solutions and options. Share your ideas with us, your friends, look at our page, find ideas for yourself and your home here! Good luck and good luck with your repair!

Decorating the interior of a small kitchen is not an easy task, but it is quite doable. The main difficulty is to achieve maximum functionality and comfort in a limited space.

Of course, having larger area, it will not be difficult to achieve the goal. However, not everyone has this opportunity.

Almost all kitchens in high-rise buildings of old buildings are a small room with low ceiling and minimal amenities.

You will be surprised, but even for such a room there are many design solutions, which will radically change your small kitchen and present it in the most favorable light possible.

Household appliances in the interior of a small kitchen

Those times when cooking was only a heavy duty and took a lot of time and effort are long gone.

Now, many newest species household appliances are ready to help the hostess and significantly facilitate her work.

However, the question of how to compactly place such an abundance of devices in a modern small kitchen remains open.

First of all, it would be nice to conduct a complete audit in your kitchen. You will certainly find a lot of items that no one uses - they just gather dust on the shelves, taking up precious space.

The same goes for new acquisitions. Before you get some ultra-modern miracle of technology, think about whether this item will be really useful in everyday life or is it just a temporary whim.

The second thing you should realize and remember is that it will simply not work to fit all the equipment that you like on four or five square meters.

Do not forget that you also need to allocate a certain place for dining and working area, arrange furniture. Therefore, you will have to limit yourself to only really necessary and multifunctional devices.

Most often in the interior of a small kitchen you can see built-in furniture and appliances. It occupies a minimum of space and, at the same time, is very convenient to use.

If desired, the equipment can even be built into the wall, which will instantly unload kitchen space and will make it possible more design ideas.

If the family is small, then rational decision will replace the oversized gas stove on a two-burner hob, and a huge refrigerator for a smaller model.

The rest of the little things, like an oven and a microwave, can be fixed in a special way on the wall, which will also significantly free up such space that is necessary for the design of a small kitchen.

Popular design ideas for small kitchens

All small kitchens are divided into several main types. It all depends on the house you live in.

A standard kitchen in an apartment is a room with a gas water heater, windows and doors. Everything else can be chosen at your discretion, armed with design ideas for a small kitchen in 2017.

There is various equipment and with drawers. The long wall serves to place a refrigerator, sink or stove there.

6 square meter kitchen corner location sinks. Such a design idea for a small kitchen involves a neat set without sharp corners and sharp transitions.

The sink is built into the radius table, which is a harmonious addition to the interior. Usually, long wall in such a room it is allocated under the stove, refrigerator and work area, which diverts attention from the loaded short wall.

Another idea for a small kitchen that allows you to make it more spacious is the absence of a refrigerator in it.

Of course without it household appliance it's hard to imagine any kitchen at all, but maybe you have the opportunity to place it elsewhere. Thus, you can use the freed space for arranging additional furniture or a kitchenette.

One-piece kitchen set, located in one line along the wall. This option is the least expensive and very easy to implement.

For a kitchen furnished in this way, minimalism or, so fashionable today, hi-tech is ideal. In addition, furniture and appliances are always in front of the hostess, which makes working in the kitchen more comfortable.

Choosing furniture for a small kitchen

A properly selected set for a small kitchen should create a feeling of lightness and be as comfortable as possible. give preference better furniture from natural materials of soft tones.

The original option for a small kitchen is glass furniture. A transparent table, chairs or ceiling will look very unusual and compact in a small space.

Another good option is the minimum number of small, but very roomy pieces of furniture. What you definitely shouldn’t do is load the kitchen with countless small-sized cabinets and chests of drawers - you won’t achieve anything but the effect of chaos.

To draw attention to the ceiling in the kitchen, you can install a tall or cabinet in the farthest corner. Thus, you will make the whole room visually higher than it actually is.

It is better to choose a tabletop oval or round shape. A fairly common option is retractable tables that can be mounted into a wall or into the top drawers of a chest of drawers. For a small family, a small transparent table is suitable, and the second one is folding, you can use it only when guests arrive.

Wall and ceiling window design for a small kitchen

If you look at a few photos of a small kitchen decorated by designers, then you will not find large patterns or artsy drawings in the interior.

Wall, floor and ceiling decoration is best done in one color, using only a few strokes to create an accent. In another case - and so without that small space will look even busier.

When installing a cornice, hang it as high as possible, ideally under the very ceiling. With this technique, you can make the ceiling visually higher. When choosing curtains, it is better to stop at a light translucent tulle, because penetrating into the kitchen sunlight able to visually expand the space.

As you can see, you just have to remember certain rules and subtleties, as well as show a little imagination, and the most outstanding small kitchen turns into an ultra-modern multifunctional and stylish space.

Small kitchen design photo

Small kitchen owners small apartments, as a rule, they believe that nothing interesting can be created on a minimum area, since there is crampedness everywhere, lack of comfort, an eternal problem with the arrangement of kitchen furniture and various household appliances. But for every problem there is a solution, which we will talk about in this article.

Remember: a tiny kitchen is not a sentence. Right Design a small kitchen is a step towards solving the problem of lack of space.

A creative approach to arranging a modest-sized kitchen will definitely bear fruit. Tips experienced designers will help turn a nondescript, uncomfortable room into a corner where you and your household will be pleased to be.

Examine photos of small kitchens, equipped according to all the rules. You might get some interesting ideas. Pay attention to these tips. Change the usual way of looking at things - and your kitchen will sparkle in a new way!

single space

Small nondescript furniture, modest accessories, boring colors, clutter small parts visually reduce the space, split it into unnecessary zones.

How to proceed:

  • Combine the details of the kitchen set with a worktop with a glossy surface;
  • Choose facades of a large area;
  • Remember: no sharp transitions between parts of the kitchen wall.

The illusion of a single space visually expands the boundaries of the room.


Do not clutter up the room. Arrange the furniture in one line. boxes, crates, kitchen utensils hide under the table, put away in cabinets and niches.

Use "dead zones" for wall cabinets:

  • Under the ceiling;
  • Above the doorway;
  • Above the refrigerator.

Small kitchen style

Your task is to create an interior without unnecessary details, pretentiousness and many small accessories. Several styles meet these requirements:

  • Japanese. Strict lines, grace, a combination of light and dark tones, furniture simple shapes. natural materials. original lamps. Textiles of simple textures and colors.
  • High tech. Glass, metal, gloss. Cold tones. Sharp lines, innovative developments in furniture design. No fancy accessories. Maximum comfort.
  • Minimalism. Strict forms. On the surface - a minimum of objects. No bulky parts. An interesting combination of colors is allowed. Walls of unusual shades are welcome, including light ones.
  • Modern. Interesting furniture and accessories. Bold color combination. Designs of any form. The abundance of non-traditional materials, glass, mirrors, gloss and metal. For young couples or one person.

Do not use the following styles:
  1. Palace, baroque. Require space. Pretentious details, a minimum of straight lines. Heavy, expensive fabrics. Bulky furniture.
  2. Country. An abundance of accessories, small parts, lockers and boxes. The color scheme narrows the space. There is no way to create a single line in furniture design.
  3. Classic. Requires spacious rooms. Mandatory heavy, rich textiles of rich colors from dense velvet fabrics. Wrong color scheme.
  4. mediterranean style balancing on the verge of "for" and "against". On the one hand, gentle, light tones and the color of azure. On the other hand, there is an abundance of details, the use of wood. Lots of small cabinets. Splitting the facade into zones. You can't do without a talented designer.

Furniture for a small kitchen

When choosing furniture for work and dining area adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose modern kitchen sets. Them stylish design, the presence of systems that open and close cabinets and drawers, provides convenience for the hostess in a cramped kitchen.
  2. Small furniture creates a clutter effect. Facades and drawers of the largest possible size create the illusion of a single space.
  3. Choose facades with glossy surfaces. So you visually expand the space.
  4. If possible, arrange the furniture with the letter "G". The space in the corner, where the sink can easily fit, will not be empty in vain.
  5. Use glass in the interior. glass table almost invisible in a small space.
  6. A round or oval table takes up much less space than a square one.
  7. The color of the headset should be in harmony with the color of the walls. For a tiny kitchen, a combination of shades of the same color is ideal.

The ideal solution is cabinet doors that open up, not to the sides. This design is more expensive. You will quickly appreciate its advantage.

Colors and patterns

Many homeowners already know what colors to use in small spaces. Let's remember the rules:

  • Give preference light colors. deep dark colors leave for spacious rooms;
  • Use gloss. Thus the maximum of light is reflected;
  • The background with a small rare pattern looks advantageous;
  • A smooth base without a pattern visually adds centimeters;
  • Large patterns, ornaments, inserts are unacceptable.

Bright spots attract attention and narrow the space. Don't look for sharp contrasts. A red square on a white background is worse than a light orange oval spot on a cream-colored wall.


Little tricks will help to "stuff" your kitchenette without winning back free centimeters:

  • Use built-in appliances. The fewer protruding parts, the better.
  • Think carefully about whether you need a large refrigerator. Is there a chance to abandon the bulky model? Use this opportunity.
  • Perfect solution - Appliances"two in one". Microwave with function oven allows you to get rid of a bulky oven that eats up about a meter of space.

Floor and ceiling

Use for finishing the floor in a small kitchen a coating of the same color as in neighboring rooms. The illusion of infinity is created.

Tiles laid diagonally “pull out” the space well.

The less various materials and textures, the better. Do not combine in decoration small room more than two invoices.

Stretch glossy ceilingperfect solution. Reflected space, gentle highlights - the result of using a light glossy material.


Pick up a nice gentle shade. It should not be simple and boring:

  • White - not very, pearl - good;
  • Beige - not very good, caramel - good;
  • Green - not very good, pistachio - good;
  • Boring pink - not really, tea rose - excellent.

Allow the means - cover the walls textured paint with various effects. Both you and your guests will be delighted. Interesting textures set the tone for modern or minimalist interiors.


Basic rule: lightness in all details. Down with blackout curtains rich tones. Velvet, large prints, tassels and fringes are not suitable for small spaces.


  • Light translucent curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • Blinds in light colors.

Raise the cornice higher than expected. The walls will appear higher by these 5–10 cm.


When decorating a modest kitchenette, know the measure. Flashy, defiant details are not needed in a modest kitchen.

Pay attention to these tips:

  • Figurines, photos and paintings on the walls, vases of flowers and small trinkets are out of place in a limited space;
  • Limit yourself to one or two reproductions. Place them off-center, at different levels;
  • Better one graceful flower composition in a flat bowl than a lush bouquet of flowers in a bright vase in the middle of the table.

Now you know what design is needed to turn a small kitchen into a comfort zone. Put the tips into practice - and friends and relatives will admire your design talent. And the kitchen will become your favorite place in your home.

Ideas for a small kitchen (photo)