Is it possible to cover a mirror with wallpaper? What to do with a mirrored cabinet door? Mechanical fastening method

On April 1, 1969, traveling salesman Robert Spoof was looking for orders for one of the New York furniture workshops. Spoof's usual tactic was to visit a potential client and draw the owner's attention to the imperfections of their furniture ensemble. But that day this technique did not work. The lady whom Robert managed to visit undoubtedly had a sense of beauty. Interior decoration the house was spotless. Even the disproportion of one of the rooms was concealed by a very wide wardrobe, apparently made specifically for this purpose. The hostess, as if reading Spoof’s thoughts, said that if he found any flaw in the interior, it would be a reproach to her taste. Seeing that the guest was embarrassed, she skillfully removed the awkwardness, saying that on this day they were not offended by jokes, and offered to drink tea. The table was set with Chinese service, and during the conversation Robert learned that the woman was interested in the culture of this country. As he later wrote, wounded pride seemed to prompt the idea of ​​vengeance. “Now it’s the turn for my April Fool’s joke,” thought Spoof and asked the hostess if she knew that according to one ancient Chinese science, the closet should not have such a location in the room (a hint was made to that same wide closet). He immediately came up with the idea that a Chinese man had told him about this science and Robert remembered something. The joke worked. The woman believed and immediately lost peace of mind. After all, this cabinet didn’t look good in any other position. Robert left, holding an order for a set of furniture in his hands and realizing that he would no longer be able to admit to his prank. On the contrary, in the evening he sketched out a small set of rules for the arrangement of pieces of furniture, adding a few new ones to those invented today. Spoof began using the unexpected trick he had discovered with other clients, and sales increased sharply. And the deceived admirer of Chinese culture began to look for information about an unknown science. And one day I met the writer Wang Shi, who emigrated from China. He turned out to be even more resourceful than Spoof. Having written down the lady’s story about the rules for arranging furniture, he promised that he would learn everything about this science and write a book about it. And he really wrote, adding many more rules to the furniture dealer’s list and enriching it with Chinese terms and references to teachings about energies. The ancient Chinese wrote so many different treatises that any esoteric teaching you can bind to at least one of them. There was also one there that could be called the source of Feng Shui. The treatise “The Book of Burials”, which sets out the rules of burial, including the rules for the location of both the grave itself and the objects in it. Beautifully taken from the text of an ancient book sounding words Feng (wind) and Shui (water). This is how the book “Feng Shui. Ancient wisdom for modern well-being." And “a science with a 6,000-year history” was born. The idea worked out even better than expected. The book was a great success, and moreover, the works of other authors began to be published, quickly assessing the commercial potential of the topic. Today, books and magazines on Feng Shui are published all over the world. The teaching covered almost all areas of consumption and even describes what the ancient Chinese had no idea about. It is noteworthy that the Chinese themselves, who 30 years ago arranged their furniture as they pleased, also became interested in Feng Shui.

There comes a time when familiar surroundings got bored. I want to change something, update something old interior, add some detail or make good repair. The best way update the room, make it brighter, perhaps even increase the space - attach a mirror to the closet. You purchased new furniture, you need to glue a mirror to a cabinet door, and you don’t know how to do it correctly, let’s look at individual mounting methods.

The best way to update a room, make it brighter, and perhaps even increase the space, is to attach a mirror to the closet.

We apply “Liquid nails” or silicone to the mirror surface in parallel lines at equal intervals.

How to glue a mirror to a cabinet? How to do this job correctly? There are several ways to glue a mirror.

Method name Features of the method
Mounting double-sided tape. This material must be chosen correctly. The adhesive tape should be high-grade - 3M, foamed, its thickness should be 0.8-2 mm (to even out unevenness). It is possible to work with it at temperatures from +10 to +25°C. Indicators higher or lower will not provide adequate grip. The tape consumption is 60 cm² per 1 kg of mass.
Usage " liquid nails» special glue or colorless construction silicone. There are some nuances: it is better not to glue the mirror to “liquid nails” or other products that have a characteristic odor. The substance contained in them can lead to damage to the amalgam. It is better to purchase special adhesives for mirrors - “Titanium” (the most reliable means), "Abro", "Soudal", "Bostik 2750". A very high-quality and handy method is gluing a mirror to silicone. This is the best option.
Mechanical method. Using U-shaped metal tabs, plastic stops or special screws.

You have purchased new furniture, you need to glue a mirror to the cabinet door, and you don’t know how to do it correctly, let’s look at individual mounting methods.

Most best option– gluing the mirror onto colorless construction silicone.

Attention! Which gluing option to choose is up to you to decide. The main thing is not to rush, do all the work scrupulously, approach the matter responsibly, then the mirror will be attached firmly enough and will last a long time.

How to glue a mirror to a cabinet?

Remove the protective stickers from the tape.

Necessary materials

Before you begin, you need to prepare the following materials: a mirror, liquid nails, glue or silicone for gluing the mirror, double sided tape, masking tape, degreaser.

There are several ways to glue a mirror.

Now you need to wait for the glue to dry.

Required Tools

The following tools will be useful: sandpaper, mounting gun, pencil, ruler or tape measure. If you are going to screw the mirror onto the mount, then you will need a drill, a screwdriver, screwdrivers, regular drills, a diamond drill (to make a hole in the mirror), and a special mount for mirrors.

Which gluing option to choose is up to you to decide.

If you decide not to use “liquid nails”, but to attach them to the legs, then you need to make sure that they are manufactured accurately in height and, if necessary, install spacers.

Fastening process: step-by-step instructions

So, you stocked up on all the materials and tools and purchased a mirror of the required size. It is preferable if its back side is protected special film, which, if the mirror breaks, will prevent fragments from falling. Now let's get to work.

You can use fine sandpaper for better adhesion of the glue.

Before fixing the mirror, you need to place a soft layer, and then press the mirror with paws.

First, remove the cabinet door. To make it easier to work with, you need to place it in a horizontal position. Using a pencil, draw marking lines on the surface. Use a degreaser to clean the door, then the mirror. You can use fine sandpaper for better adhesion of the glue. Use a brush to remove all the dust.

Use a degreaser to clean the door, then the mirror.

If the mirror has ready-made holes, you can use special screws instead of the tabs.

We apply “Liquid nails” or silicone to the mirror surface in parallel lines at equal intervals. We glue strips between them for auxiliary fastening. double sided tape. The best option is to glue the mirror onto colorless silicone for construction. There is no need to use only adhesive tape, since a mirror glued in this way may fall after some time, especially when the room is very warm or you are doing work in the summer.

First, remove the cabinet door.

To prevent the glass from cracking, the mirror surface must be wetted all the time or a side made of plasticine must be made and water poured into it.

Remove the protective stickers from the tape. We fix the long edge of the mirror on the marking line. Slowly, we lower the mirror surface, trying to prevent displacement. It is better if an assistant works with you. He will make sure that the mirror lies flat, without going beyond the applied markings. That's it, the mirror is glued. Now you need to wait for the glue to dry. Optimally, a day is allotted for this. The door can be secured in place.

So, you stocked up on all the materials and tools and purchased a mirror of the required size.

The mirror should lie on cardboard or fabric.

If you decide not to use “liquid nails”, but to attach them to the legs, then you need to make sure that they are manufactured accurately in height and, if necessary, install spacers. They should be close to the mirror, but without tension. You also remove the door from the cabinet, lay it horizontally, mark where the holes for fastening the tabs should be, screw them, and bend them. Before fixing the mirror, you need to place a soft layer, and then press the mirror with paws.

The following tools will be useful: sandpaper, mounting gun, pencil, ruler or tape measure.

Gluing a mirror to a cabinet door is not that difficult; all the work must be done very carefully.

If the mirror has ready-made holes, you can use special screws instead of the tabs. In case there are no holes, they are drilled diamond drill in the corners. To prevent the glass from cracking, the mirror surface must be wetted all the time or a side made of plasticine must be made and water poured into it. The mirror should lie on cardboard or fabric. Plastic washers must be inserted under the screw heads.

Before you begin, you need to prepare your materials.

As a result, the interior of the room will be greatly transformed.

Gluing a mirror to a cabinet door is not that difficult; all the work must be done very carefully. As a result, the interior of the room will be greatly transformed. It is not necessary for the mirror to be rectangular or square. It can be anything original form. It is important that it fits the overall situation.

The main thing is not to rush, do all the work scrupulously, approach the matter responsibly, then the mirror will be attached firmly enough and will last a long time.

It is not necessary for the mirror to be rectangular or square.

It is important that it fits the overall situation.

VIDEO: How to glue a mirror. Mirror swing door for furniture.

Today we find sliding wardrobes in almost every apartment. The convenience and practicality of this type of furniture is beyond doubt, but it weak point the decor still remains. Panels and mirrors large area- a rather boring picture that you will certainly want to diversify.

How to decorate a wardrobe? Of course, you can order expensive doors from several panel inserts or with photo printing, but you will have to overpay a substantial amount.

We will offer you 5 inexpensive ways cabinet decoration with your own hands. What are their advantages?

Wide field for design solutions;

Saving money;

Convenient technologies that do not require special skills or a lot of time.

Method number 1. Large vinyl sticker

Vinyl decorative stickers for wardrobes, as a rule, are produced on a single-color German Oracal film, which greatly simplifies color matching. Outwardly, they look like a stylish pattern applied with paint. At the same time, you will be able to care for the cabinet in the usual way. Unless you resort to strong friction. And most importantly, when you get tired of one design on the door of a closet, you can literally remove the sticker in a minute without any traces and apply a new one.

This method is universal and can be used for doors made of any materials. You can safely apply stickers to glass and mirrors of sliding wardrobes. They hold up well and look very impressive. At the same time, you get rid of the obsessive reflection, and fingerprints that constantly appear on the glass surface will no longer be too noticeable.

The procedure for applying a large sticker on the wardrobe door:

  1. Preparation . Clean the surface from dust, fingerprints and other contaminants;
  2. Smoothing. Place the sticker on a flat surface and smooth it with a squeegee (smoothing spatula), which our store always sends in the kit;
  3. Fitting. Attach the drawing to the door and mark the position of the corners with a pencil or erasable felt-tip pen. For accuracy, we recommend sticking the sticker with a backing onto masking tape and seeing from a distance how the drawing will look.
  4. Removal of substrate and application . Since the sticker is large, remove the backing directly from the canvas attached to the tape from top to bottom in small pieces. Immediately apply the freed pattern to the surface and smooth it carefully with a squeegee without unnecessary pressure. And so on to the very bottom. At the same time, remove the transparent mounting film from top to bottom. The work should be done slowly and carefully. Carefully smooth out everything, even the smallest bubbles. It is most convenient to apply non-adhesive adhesives to closet doors with two people. If bubbles still remain, pierce them with a needle closer to the edge and remove the air with a squeegee.
  5. Examination. After removing the backing and mounting film, take the time to carefully look at how each element is stuck. Even small flower all edges should be level on the surface.

This video will show you how to apply large vinyl stickers on surfaces:

Helpful tip: when applying a sticker to a mirror or glass of a wardrobe, spray the surface with water. The sticker will be easier to smooth out.

Method No. 2: Decorating wardrobe doors with corner patterns

If you don't want to cover the entire surface of the door, we recommend using vinyl decals with elegant angular patterns. Here you will get additional benefits:

Corner patterns are smaller, so the sticker will cost less;

Small elements are much easier and faster to apply;

By decorating the corners, you will allow the mirror to serve as a mirror.

When applying a small vinyl decal, we recommend that you first remove backing. Place it on a flat surface with the pattern down, pick up one of the corners and carefully remove it at an acute angle. If any element sticks to the backing, return the area to its place, iron it again with a squeegee and try to remove further. The sticker should remain on transparent film adhesive layer up.

At applyingstickers take the upper corners of the mounting film and stick it, smoothing it from top to bottom along the marking lines. It’s good if you have a second person helping you to support the sticker from below so that it doesn’t stick prematurely.

Method No. 3 Wardrobe decor with full-color posters

Wardrobe doors with photo printing are not a cheap pleasure. Color posters based on vinyl film are much more affordable and often look much better. This is achieved through High Quality print. You can paste a poster on one of the doors or make a composition on all panels of the wardrobe.

Drawings on color posters can be very diverse: from abstract figures to your own photographs of memorable places. They should be applied like regular vinyl stickers.

Method No. 4 Sliding wardrobe with stained glass windows - economical option

Only very wealthy people have the opportunity to decorate wardrobe doors with stained glass windows. We offer a decoration method that will allow you to experience all the delights of stained glass decoration without significant costs.

The technology is extremely simple. A translucent stained glass film with an adhesive surface is applied to the mirrored door of a sliding wardrobe. The film transmits light, which returns to us through reflection. The result is a glowing effect similar to reflection from colored glass. Applying stained glass to a wardrobe mirror is as easy as a regular vinyl sticker. Check out the decorative effect.

Available to order

Method No. 5 Matting glass and mirrors using paste or aerosol

Drawings on the mirrors and glass of the wardrobe, applied using the matting method, look very noble and elegant. Matting is a technology that allows you to give a smooth glass surface roughness and opacity. To do this, a special chemical composition is applied.

Matting is usually done to order and is quite expensive. We want to tell you how to do this spectacular decor for a wardrobe with your own hands.

You will need:

  1. Disposable (adhesive) or reusable stencil for wardrobes;
  2. Paste or aerosol for matting;
  3. Spatula for applying paste.

The procedure for performing frosting work on glass and mirror doors:

  1. Clean the surface from dust and greasy marks using alcohol or glass cleaner.
  2. Attach the stencil to it. Disposable adhesives are applied using the vinyl sticker method. Reusable ones are secured with temporary spray adhesive. Make sure that the contours of the drawing are securely fixed.
  3. On open areas Apply a thin layer of paste with a spatula or spray a special matting aerosol. After the time specified on the packaging for the composition has elapsed, the undried excess paste is removed with a spatula, and the stencil is removed.

So in a simple way Even complex designs with small details can be applied to wardrobe doors.

Video about matting a mirror using a stencil using paste and aerosol

We hope that the proposed 5 methods will help you easily choose exactly how to decorate your closet doors without extra costs.

Stained glass films from the “Crystal Frost” series are perfect for decorating wardrobe mirrors, glass doors and partitions, shower stalls. An exquisite translucent pattern will make the glass surface attractive and open up space zoning possibilities.
Available to order several surface patterns

How to decorate a closet

There is a closet in every apartment - that's a fact. And very often it takes up quite a large space, sometimes the entire wall. This is exactly what you want to make part of the interior, to decorate the closet so that it ceases to be just a place to store things. After all, if such a large area is empty, it’s boring and not interesting.

How to decorate a closet with your own hands

Anyone can decorate a closet on their own if they are going to use simple decorating techniques. Our online store of vinyl stickers offers to solve this issue easily and inexpensively.

A wardrobe has large sliding doors, usually mirrored. If you want to update your interior because your mood has changed and you want to do something quickly and inexpensively, then you have come to the right place!

How to decorate a wardrobe

Stylish stickers for your wardrobe will transform your room and give it a special charm. Some people prefer to sandblast a design onto the mirror. This design of wardrobe doors is certainly beautiful, but it is done only once, and you can change it along with the mirror.

How to decorate a wardrobe with your own hands

If you want to carry out some bold experiment, try sticking decorative stickers on the mirrors of your closet.

Wardrobe mirror stickers - where to buy

If you don’t have enough imagination, but have a desire, use ready-made ideas by viewing the stickers provided on our website. The catalog on our website includes widest choice vinyl decals and stencils that will transform your room! Quite affordable prices will allow you to update your interior as often as you want.

But on the other hand, stickers can serve you for a very long time; they are very wear-resistant. They can be washed and even rubbed, and they will not fade when exposed to sunlight.

How to decorate a wardrobe

The large area of ​​the cabinet allows you to use stickers for its decoration big size. It is on this surface that they will look most impressive.

How to decorate a closet in a modern way

Another way to decorate wardrobe doors is with corner patterns. If you want something elegant and subtle, then these stickers will help you realize your desires.

This gives you some advantages:

  • small stickers are faster and more convenient to apply (and subsequently remove);
  • due to its smaller size, such a sticker will cost very little;
  • Without covering the entire space of the cabinet door, you can use them as an ordinary mirror.

How to apply a sticker on wardrobe doors

  1. Surface preparation.

    Before starting work, the surface must be cleaned of fingerprints, dust and other contaminants.

  2. Preparing the sticker

    The sticker should be laid out on a flat surface and smoothed using a squeegee - a special spatula.

  3. Trying on a sticker.

    To make sure you place the decal in the correct position without removing the backing, stick it masking tape to the cabinet doors and look from the side. You may want to move the sticker. Mark the corner points on the door with a pencil.

  4. Applying a sticker.

    Carefully remove the backing in small pieces, from top to bottom. Immediately apply the freed surface of the design to the mirror and smooth it with a squeegee without excessive pressure. Take your time, apply the sticker carefully, smoothing it thoroughly.

  5. Final inspection.

    Carefully inspect each applied element to ensure that all edges are glued, regardless of the size of the element.

A mirror, which from time immemorial has been a symbol of wealth, is today an indispensable piece of furniture. And really, how can we do without it? After all, a mirror allows you to visually expand the room and bring more light into the room. It gives its owner the opportunity to look at himself from the outside. But why then are more and more people looking for ways to get rid of this piece of furniture? Is a mirror always appropriate? Let's try to figure this out and find ways to solve the problems that have arisen.

Myths about mirrors

The most common reason why people strive to rid their homes of mirrors is various mystical legends, originating from the “door to another world” to the source of “energy absorption.”

So, for example, when a person sleeps, his soul temporarily leaves the body. And if there is a mirror in the bedroom, then the soul may accidentally get lost and go on a journey through parallel worlds, where the reflective surface will let it through. In other words, a person sleeping in front of a mirror risks remaining soulless.

It is worth mentioning that in ancient times this did not apply to women, especially redheads, because they were believed to have no soul.
Also, many believe that children under one year old should not come close to a mirror - it can jinx them.

In addition to causing everyday troubles, there is a legend according to which a mirror is a portal connecting the past, present and future. That is, if you really want to, you can travel back in time and... not return. Find yourself between two worlds. Never find peace.

But still, these are just myths. Scientific background no less interesting than superstitions and largely justifies them. We also know from school biology courses that people tend to figure out what they don’t know. But in the end, instead of a complete picture, the worlds are just a deception, a deception of oneself.

Who knows, maybe both scientists and mystics are right?

And yet, there are objective reasons to remove the mirror in certain places.

Where and why you shouldn't have mirrors

Let us consider cases where superstition and scientific ideas are similar in opinion.

  • In the bedroom.“Losing your soul” is not the first reason to get rid of the mirror in the bedroom. The fact is that when a person sleeps, the mirror gives him the feeling of the presence of someone else in the room. One’s own actions, especially in semi-darkness, are perceived as someone else’s. And this, one way or another, is a lot of stress. It is already becoming impossible to get a full night's sleep. Frustration, lethargy, reluctance to do anything - perhaps the reason is in the mirror?

  • In the nursery. Similar to the example above, a mirror can scare a child at night. It is especially not recommended to have this piece of furniture where the baby is very small. Problems with falling asleep, frequent awakenings, irritable behavior during the day - this is what a mirror in a children's room entails.

  • In the kitchen. We are talking about all reflective surfaces in the food preparation area. While cooking, it is better to concentrate on the process so that your own reflection does not create a feeling of fatigue in the hostess. And according to popular belief, you shouldn’t waste energy that should go into food on a “soulless” mirror.
  • In the dining room. It is believed that a mirror in front of a table with food is a good sign of wealth, but this is only if you do not look into it. One glance and the case is gone. And who can resist admiring themselves while eating? Moreover, from a physiological point of view, a mirror in the dining room will not bring anything good. Looking at one's reflection, a person is distracted from eating, which leads to digestive problems.

So, there's a problem brewing - there's a mirror where there shouldn't be one. Fortunately, this issue is easily resolved - let's find out how.

Ways to get rid of the mirror

There are quite a lot of them. Below are the best of them.

  • Remove the mirror. No mirror - no problem. It sounds easy, but sometimes it may not be such an easy task. For example, the bedroom already has a wardrobe with mirrored doors. Shouldn't we get rid of the closet now? And if the housing is rented, then what to do?

  • Vinyl sticker. A compromise solution that will not only cover the mirror, but also give self-expression to your interior. We choose any color and picture according to the size of the surface and rejoice at how our home has been transformed. It is worth noting that the sticker is made of vinyl film - a durable material that can withstand drops of water and grease, so this option perfect for the kitchen.

  • Chalk sticker. A type of vinyl sticker, but I would like to highlight it in a separate item, because it is specially designed for drawing on it with crayons. Just imagine how delighted a child will be if, instead of falling asleep in a frightening mirror, he looks at his own creations!

  • Color the mirror. Armed with paints (acrylic, nitro, aerosol and other types), you can easily cover the mirror surface. And with the help of reusable stencils, the drawing takes on new patterns and becomes completely unique. Same mirror cabinet in the bedroom it easily turns into a canvas open to your creativity.

  • Stained glass. There is plenty to choose from: you can use a strict matte color without patterns, or, on the contrary, take something brighter that attracts attention. It all depends on your taste. Stained glass looks surprisingly natural on mirrors, and is not that difficult to install, so lovers of aesthetics and those who want to cover a mirror should find this option very tempting.

So, we have every reason to close some mirrors, there are ready-made solutions. Therefore, all that remains is to get ready and get down to business! Let beauty and prosperity come to your home!