The better to drill a concrete wall. Diamond drills on concrete and other devices. Pro order of drilling perforator

When repaired, the question may arise: how to drill a hole in a concrete wall to insert a plug or dowel and hang the shelf, triptych, sconce and other elements of the interior?

To strengthen photos or paintings on the concrete wall, it is not always necessary to make a hole - sometimes they score a dowel-nail to do it. But it is still better to insert the fastener to the hole received from drilling. Power tools allow you to do it quickly. It is only necessary to know how such work is performed. If you apply a special device (conductor) when working, you can even avoid a large amount of dust.

How to drill a concrete wall using tools?

To drill a hole in the wall of concrete, you will need a power tool. It is most convenient for this purpose to use a perforator, but not every owner it has. The reason is the price of the instrument, which makes it unprofitable to purchase it to perform work 1-2 times in six months. More often for homework buy simple drill shock action.

If you only get ready for buying a drill, you need to consider some nuances when choosing it. By revising technical characteristics Pay attention to the model with a power of at least 600 W, revolutions - 2500 per minute. The ability to regulate revolutions from the smallest to the greatest value is necessary. Choose a tool with a quick-inspection cartridge and the presence of rotation reversal.

It is good for performing holes in a concrete wall to use an ordinary drill, but with a hit function. Of course, the work will not be the same as using the perforator, but it will be much easier and faster. The reason is as follows: concrete and cement easily put pressure, but from dynamic exposure can quickly collapse. When drilling is carried out without shocks, the cutting edge of the drill can barely cling to the material. This leads to a slowdown in work, strong heating drill. When working a shock drill, the drill with each blow chips part of the material to the edge, it looks like a dulling using a chisel.

To properly drill a hole in the concrete, you need a drill from a solid alloy.

Its cutting edges can be made of winning or artificial diamond. Winged drills are made at a depth of 10-15 cm. If a great depth is required, it is not necessary to do without a bora. The boras are up to 100 cm long, can only be used with a perforator. Its cutting edges are performed rounded, not sharp (it increases their wear resistance). You can use the Boer and for a drill equipped with a perforator function.

Performing holes in thick walls made of concrete

The drilling of a concrete wall can be performed as follows: if its thickness is large, the channel is first performed to a depth of 15 cm a brown with a length of 20 cm, then take the car with genuine, but with the same diameter, and dried to a depth of 30-35 cm. To finish the channel, It will take a 50 cm long with the same diameter as the previous ones. To perform such works, you need a drill with a suitable power. As a rule, it will not be enough - for normal work, the perforator is better to apply, for example, to rent it. Only in exceptional cases is allowed to use a drill, but work with it will be much more complicated.

How to drill the wall and not damage the wires?

Before starting drilling, make sure that there are no wires in the intended point, otherwise you can inappropriate them to bring them unusable or get a shock. Inspect the surface for the presence of a socket or switch. From them, usually diagonally or vertically move to the distribution box of the wire. As a rule, the wiring is not taken to a depth of more than 10 mm. You can check the check as follows: Gently scratch the wall with a screwdriver to this depth.

If the path of the wires did not meet, you can start work. But it is not necessary to put it with the power to the instrument until the channel is 20 mm deep. In the process, it is necessary to constantly check whether there is no wire on the path. You can also use a special device for detecting wires.

Conclusion: How and how to drill holes of a large diameter?

If the hoods are equipped, ventilation channelsYou will need to perform holes with a diameter more than usual, for example, 18 cm. The same may be required when arranging a niche for a meter in the wall.

In this case, you will need a drill from a solid alloy. The outline of the future hole is performed on the wall with a pencil. On the outer side of the line, holes are drilled in 10 mm, with a diameter of 8-12 mm. For example, for a hole with a diameter of 18 cm, it is necessary to make 30 pieces. Then, with the help of a hammer and chisel, a sample of material from the wall is sampled.

Left - drilling perforator, right - diamond drilling

To visually control the depth of the hole when it is drilled, the cutting tube of the desired length is put on the drill, which should be laid in the cartridge. Such a tube (Cambrick) can be replaced with a tape.

To drill a neat hole in the wall, you must correctly treat the selection tool to work. It is better to perform a perforator or drill with a drill from a carbide material. In order to avoid a large amount of garbage when working, it is necessary to use special devices (like a conductor).

Related records:

Drill a shock drill stone or solid concrete is a rather laborious process. In especially hard casesWhen it is necessary to do a hole in the bearing wall or overlap, it is better to use the perforator (switched to the drill mode). Do not even try to work a drill when you need to drill holes to secure on concrete overlap Profiles (when installing suspended ceiling). Just lose time and come out of the forces.

What are the drills on concrete

To work, use drills on concrete and drill (borants). Concrete drill has a standard form shank (like conventional drills for metal or wood) and is intended for a shock drill. For perforators, drill drills are designed, which have shanks under the SDS-design cartridge with a diameter of 10 mm or 18 mm.

A concrete drill is made from a special solid alloy, in addition, it has an argued tip (made of top-base alloy based on titanium and tungsten). You can boot with such drills with concrete, brick, marble, stone, ceramics and other similar materials.

  • It should be borne in mind that the use of drills on concrete is needed solely for work with concrete, ceramics, stone. Drill with metal or wood extremely undesirable. If when drilling carrier wall The burre in steel reinforcement, it is better to drill a drill on the metal, and then continue to drill the drill on concrete.
  • When working a shock drill, a solid stones can come across in concrete, which the drill does not always "take." In this case, use a special bump or an old drill on concrete and a sledgehammer to manually crush the stone. After this, drilling can be continued.

  • When working with solid concrete, it is necessary to ensure that the drill does not overheat, letting it cool every 10-15 minutes.
  • Sometimes when drilling the wall, pieces of plaster can fall off from the opposite side. To avoid this problem, it is enough to reduce the turnover. Although the work will go somewhat slower, but for the safety of the wall do not have to worry.
  • For drilling ceramic tile use drill on concrete, but set mode ordinary drill. At the same time, press should not be very much so that the tile is not split.

Before each of us, at least once in life, the task of hanging the shelf, a picture or a different subject in its apartment, and since the walls of the domestic housing stock are predominantly concrete, this occupation requires some skill and required tool at hand.

Sometimes this procedure takes a non-trivial character, because the walls may have an inhomogeneous structure, including iron fittings or crushed stone, and the usual concrete has a considerable strength, because today we will tell the reader about how to make a hole in a concrete wall and what will be needed for this .

First of all, it is necessary to determine the tool, with which we will drill the wall - the choice is between the drill and the perforator. If you have only one of these tools, the flour of choice disappears by themselves, but for those who plan to take the equipment for rent, recall that the perforator - the device is intended for this type of work, and therefore in most cases will suit it is better. Yes, and the available range of output sizes has much more than a drill.

But the drill has its advantages, for example, when if it comes to foam concrete structures - the perforator will simply open this basis. Remember that the drill must necessarily be a shock, unstable will not bring results and most likely will be damaged. So if you wonder if you can drill a drill concrete wall, I know that the answer depends on the type of drill and material of the wall itself.


Hammer drill It differs from more common unstressed fact that the drill movement in it is carried out with the help of special ratchets with teeth. It is very elementary in use, it is enough just to transfer the tool into the drum rotation mode and proceed to the case. An even more important for the success of the component is suitable for our task nozzle - drills, read their list in one of the items below.

In addition to choosing the right tool and consumables, we note a couple more features of drilling concrete walls drill. If you still took up a blank drill to work, then discharge during drilling and help your hands, driving a pointed drill with a hammer, then continue using a drill. If the drill is low-power, then let us rest more often, in order to avoid overheating.

In general, there is nothing impossible and if you wish and diligence, you will probably be able to cope with the wall, having the tools at the arsenal, but remember that if the surface does not give in - it is better to postpone the idea if you do not want to spread with your drill.


With this tool, everything is simple:

  1. To begin with, check its condition, clean the barrel mine from the garbage.
  2. Insert the drill to click
  3. Move the tool perpendicular to the wall and start drilling, slightly pressing. Drill, in the event of the duration of the process, from time to time we make ordinary water, in order not overheated.
  4. If the bump is stuck, then just get it out of the perforator, insert a tool of a smaller diameter and trying to free the stuck item with it, expanding the hole.

What drills will fit

As promised, we consider the drill suitable for our venture. We will fit the following:

  1. Drills for concrete with a winning tip - are well coped with the material due to the cutting edge of the teeth based on solid alloys. The stock of the strength is enough even for drilling a metal, but the impact mode quickly leads them to disrepair. If you need to make a hole between the reinforcement - this optimal option.
  2. A diamond crown for unstressed drilling is a modern nozzle, reveals the material of any strength due to diamond spraying.
  3. The crown of the COP - diamond crystals settled in them on the cutting edge, which makes them something mean between the two previous types.

Each of us has repeatedly encountered the need for fastening on the walls of various items that make a variety in the interior, create comfort, or simply remind of pleasant moments of life. Most often have to be attached to the concrete surface of lamps and sconces, paintings and photos, mirrors and shelves, install air conditioning, or TV. If, in the case of a small picture, or a photo you can get by driving a nail into the wall, then when the question is about more massive and heavy objects, the question of drilling holes. In order to avoid misunderstandings when working with concrete, for example, breakdown drill, blunt it, it is worth competently prepare the partition, choose quality instrument And correctly pick up the drill.

Tool selection and working with it

Choosing a tool in order to drill a hole, you should understand that your job depends on it. A good drill accurately drills the concrete wall or another need material, simplifies the process of drilling, while bad will require high time costs, may not cope with the task or complicate it. What you need to pay attention to, choosing a drill:

  • Is it possible to change the speed of drilling? - This item is important because the speed correction will provide a neat operation of the drill, helping it not to damage the surface.
  • Is it possible to drive drilling and depth adjustment? - Impact drilling can be applied on problem areas, softening them.
  • Is it possible to hold the drill with both hands? - Drill a hard tool and therefore should be preferred by models that are equipped with handles.
  • Is the power tool satisffactitize for your work?

Deciding with a drill, before the start of work, you need to hold it. To do this, take a drill in one hand, as if a pistol, a second hand, position on the instrument handle (if it is not assumed to be design, the hand is accommodated near the cartridge). Keep the drill is needed in the hands of strictly horizontally, so that the hole does not work with skews and under the wrong angle. Before turning on the drill, wait until it becomes temperatures. ambient. Consistent temperature differences can provoke condensate. If you decide to relax while working, turn off the tool from the network.

Surface preparation

It must be remembered that the wall is loose than the following layers.

Before proceeding with drilling, you need to make sure that there is no wiring in the selected location, pipes, electrical cables. Metal detector will help to cope with this task, as it reacts to non-ferrous metals, iron and steel.

I ignoring this condition, you can stumble upon the reinforcement, damage the drill, or cables / pipes that were hidden in the overlap. If this area satisfies all of the above requirements, the point is planned on the wall, and after - it makes a small recess at slow speed with a drill. It is also worth remembering that the surface of the wall of concrete is more loose than the subsequent layers.

Choosing a drill

This item can be rightfully considered the basic, since the quality of the work and the safety of the drill itself, as well as the accuracy of the work depends on the correctly selected drill. Today, a huge variety of drills is presented on the market: for wood, metal, concrete. The latter are characterized by a triangular tip. For the surface of concrete, it is best to use a carbide drill, such as winning. This type of drill crushes the material without breaking it, which is the ideal option For concrete floors.

If during the drilling of the wall, the drill does not go ahead, encountered with a dense area, it is recommended to use the displacement. After inserting the bandwich into the hole, they beat the hammer on it until it starts to move forward and does not soften the problem area. After that, you can continue to drill.

It should be noted that without a passup with such difficulties, the perforator is perfectly easily coped, but the holes are performed, which in diameter are superior to 13 mm. If you want to use when drilling universal drills, you must remember that they require cooling, disconnected vibration and are suitable for a regular drill.

A little about the device drill and installing drill

Concrete wall drilling scheme.

The classic drill consists of a power cable, buttons, condenser wires, reverses, brushes and springs, anchors, stator, gearbox and cartridges, bearings, key and fastening screws. Properly inserted drill improves the quality of drilling, and can secure it.

The first thing to check, starting working with a drill - is there any pollution on the drill itself. In the cleaning of the drill with an excellent assistant will be a rag. If the drill is fixed poorly, that is, the risk that it will depart and injure the masters. Accordingly, it is necessary to immerse the drill as much as possible in the cartridge (until the stop!).

In no case, do not try to "lengthen" the drill, through incomplete immersion in the cartridge!

It is important to ensure that the drill in the instrument has been fixed strictly along the axis. In the event of non-compliance with this rule, drilling in concrete will be performed poorly, the form of the hole may be unpredictable, and the cause of all these misunderstandings will be the elementary effect of drill bit.

Concrete is extremely durable and strong material, complex in processing. Concrete drilling is a time consuming process that requires special equipment, skills and skills. In this article, we invite you to familiarize yourself with the main rules and drilling requirements.


  1. Drill.
  2. Perforator.
  3. Chisel.
  4. A hammer.
  5. Drills (for metal and winning).
  6. Seamless or diamond crowns.
  7. Drilling installation (for diamond drilling).

At the moment, most buildings are based on durable concrete slabs. And you will most likely have to face the need to drill concrete walls sooner or later. And considering that often there are also stones in the design and steel fittingsThe task becomes really complicated. Even if you have a winning drill and a powerful drill. In order for the work to be easier and clearer, you must initially pick up right tools And explore step-by-step instructionson which the drilling of holes in concrete will occur.

The increased strength and reliability of concrete structures implies the need to use specific tools and devices for work. The way of drilling must be determined before the start of work, based on the desired diameter Holes and presence of reinforcement in a concrete plate. Without preliminary analysis Material It is impossible to drill a hole in the concrete exactly and gently.

Modern cutting nozzles used in the drilling process allow you to make holes of almost any depth and diameter. They differ in their length and shape. Such nozzles allow you to break through a solid concrete slab without special physical effort. But for drilling holes with a small diameter, it is possible to use the drill or a brown. The cutting nozzles are equipped with a carbide tip, and their rod has a screw shape. Due to this, they are able to easily delve into a solid concrete surface.

If you use a shock drill, then you need to choose the borants with a cylindrical shank. The surface of them should be smooth and smooth for better sliding.

Useful information: During drilling, cutting tools are noticeably blinking. From time to time they have to be stuck and then continue to work. And if you use winning drills, do not forget that they are susceptible to high temperature. Therefore, you need to take breaks and give the drill to cool. At the same time, we recommend also lubricate the drill with a special liquid that reduces the heating rate.

In order to do a large hole, you will need a crown for drilling concrete. It is a hollow cutting tool cylindrical shape. His key feature That the entire cut material passes inside the cylinder. Thanks to this, Kern does not interfere with the normal entry of the tool in the stove. Some of the crowns are equipped with special cutting segments or high-strength diamond crowns.

If you are using a perforator, it is best to use crowns with solid metal alloys teeth. Diamond spraying is necessary in the case when an unstressed drilling with the use of coolant occurs. Big advantage Such a tool - wear resistance. However, during operation, it is still noticed and you will have to restore it. If you drill a small hole, for example, a hole for a socket in concrete, the tool can be kept in your hands. With more complex work during drilling, it is necessary to secure a special drilling rig to the wall with anchors.

Among the most commonly used tools are perforators and electric drills. They are perfectly suitable for drilling holes up to 10 cm. However, the reinforcement in concrete can easily break the drill or teeth. Therefore, we do not advise you to use gear crowns for drilling reinforced concrete structures.

Always first learn characteristics and features drilling tool and material, then pick the optimal option. If you do not have the ability to use the perforator, you can use a shock drill. But consider that the effectiveness of such an order tool is worse. But with small amounts of work, it is enough for you.

Drilling big diameter - The task is especially complicated. Here you have to apply the diamond drilling of the holes in the concrete. It is quite difficult to produce it. In addition, you will have to use an unstressed electrical appliance with the possibility of water supply to the surface of the concrete at the site of drilling.

How is the drilling process?

In order for all the work to be made with maximum accuracy, follow the instructions below.

Determine which tool you will use for drilling. The shock drill is suitable for creating holes with a shallow depth and diameter, and a perforator due to its highest power and speed. work will suit For more complex works. But the principle of working with both tools is not much different.

There is a strict sequence at which concrete slabs are drilled:

  1. Examine where the wiring is in your walls. You may have to turn to the electrician. If it is not possible to designate the places where the wiring is lying, in no case drill at random. This is fraught with serious consequences and dangerous to health or even life.
  2. Make markup in places where you will drill holes. Take care so that you have protective glasses and at least a gauze bandage to protect against dust. The most reliable to use respirators.
  3. At the drilling points marked earlier, make a tagged drill with standard sharpening. This will help you initially correct the drill in the right direction, and it will not slip aside as the first attempt to drill.
  4. Stones are best broken by a disorder. Its cost is much lower than the cutting tool for working with concrete, and you can find it in most building sets. And if not, you can buy it separately at the nearest store of building materials and tools.
  5. In the process of drilling every 5-10 minutes you need to cool the drill with water. Overheating can cause the deformation of the drill itself, and it is almost impossible to straighten it to normal state. You have to throw out and take a new one. The deformed drill can cause significant destruction on the surface of the concrete structure.
  6. Most likely, sooner or later you will come across the reinforcement or dense stones. Whistle and characteristic ringing of the reinforcement you will hear immediately. The drill must be removed immediately, and instead to use a disadvantage and replace the tile on the usual, intended for working with the metal.
  7. When drilling a concrete, after every 1.5-2 cm you need, not turning off the drill, to make inverse movements so that the dust and the garbage formed is poured out of the hole. Thus, almost all the crumb is cleaned, and you smoothly seer to fittings without damaging the tool. Watch that in the process of drilling you do not deviate from the initial corner installed. Keep the tool firmly and tightly stand on the floor, not crossing.
  8. To the amount of dust flying around the room, it is smaller, you can make a funnel on a drill or a perforator from the usual polyethylene film. This is an optional step, but it will protect you from problems with big lusing room.

Council. If you need to make a hole, for example, under the outlet, you can immediately make a few small diameter, and unnecessary concrete cut out with a hammer and chisel. But consider that the edges are likely to be uneven. It will greatly simplify the selection of the crown of the desired diameter. An excellent option is to combine the work of the chisel and the crown. First, make a rough job, and then simply apply the hole with the crown.

Drilling concrete diamond crowns

This method has a number of benefits over the rest. Diamond drilling Provides fast speed Work, accuracy, low noise and vibrations. The technology is not in vain became one of the most sought-after construction work around the world.

The drilling process can occur in different planes and almost at any angle. It doesn't matter whether it is a vertical wall, ceiling or easy concrete plateunderlying an undefined angle. With this method, the depth of drilling sometimes reaches two meters and does not require much effort to work. The diameter that can be drilled reaches 50 centimeters. The speed with which drilling occurs in most cases is from one to six centimeters per minute, which is quite good.

For drilling, there will have to use special equipment diamond ring crowns. The drilling installation must be placed on a special bed and secure anchors or a vacuum slab. The process of transporting equipment and its installation is quite laborious, but the work is greatly simplified and occurs with much greater accuracy. In addition, it is possible using the guide to fully adjust the angle under which the hole will be drilled.

When starting the installation, it is necessary to wait until it picks up full speed. During this, water is supplied by pumps to the place where the future hole will be located. Water will cool the surface, the equipment itself, and also eliminate dust and dirt.

The main minus of such a drilling method is the cost of equipment. You can usually be about buying it. Yes, and rent can do it very expensive. Especially if it is really new models with a wide range of functions and the capabilities of the accurate setting. But for proper use Such a diamond installation all costs quickly pay off due to the highest speed, accuracy and minimal noise that will not be irritating you and your neighbors. Therefore, we advise you to overpay if you need a really high-quality result and minimum of problems. In addition to the foregoing, I will definitely emphasize that after working with such a tool, there is no need to additionally handle the holes, and the dust and debris from it are several times less than when working with regular drill or perforator.

And if you are seriously configured to independently do holes in the concrete, the tool is the first and most importantly that you need to choose with full responsibility. And then follow the instructions and get a quality result.