Bright and spectacular New Year's home decor or apartment decoration for the New Year! Decorating the house for the New Year Beautiful New Year's decoration of the house and apartment

It's an exciting time to prepare for New Year's holidays. On this occasion, we offer you a selection of the most beautiful and elegantly decorated holiday living rooms, as well as ideas that will help you create the same beauty in your home

The next month promises to be full of pleasant chores and anticipation of New Year's miracles. To make the holidays fun and carefree, we recommend that you start making the appropriate preparations now. The best place to start is by creating a themed decor in your living room.

We invite you to take a virtual walk through the most beautiful holiday rooms, the charming design of which will surely inspire you to a decorative feat. In addition, in this article you will find ten ideas and tips for creating New Year's decor for the living room.

1. Thematic color scheme

Change the color accents of the living room to traditional New Year's ones. Depending on the prevailing basic shades, you can choose one of the most popular traditional combinations: white with red, green with red, silver with white and blue, or original variations on the theme of crimson, purple, pink and gold.

Having decided on a decorative color palette, try to stick to it even in the smallest details. Textiles, toys, garlands, candles and other festive attributes should carry a single color message.

2. Natural decor

Traditional New Year's tinsel does not always fit harmoniously into the interior. An excellent alternative to garlands and balls will be natural cones, dry branches, pine needles and even fruits (for example, oranges, which are shaped like balls). They fit perfectly into the New Year's concept and don't break! And if you think that natural accessories do not look elegant enough, then you can always transform them with the help of gold or silver paint.

3. Original Christmas tree

Of course, the Christmas tree is an integral attribute of the New Year's decor in the living room. However, if the room is too small to install a full-fledged holiday tree, or you simply don’t want to spend the next few weeks raking needles out of all the cracks, you can use a little trick and create Alternative option Christmas trees.

We are talking about a wall panel. To create it, you can use anything: a garland, toys, decorative stickers or any other elements that you manage to mount on the wall.

4. Ribbons

Ribbons always look elegant. Use them to tie curtains, hang Christmas tree decorations (and not only on the Christmas tree, but also on the wall or lamps). Under the tree or in the fireplace portal, you can put several decorative gifts, which will also be decorated with ribbons. When selecting ribbons, keep in mind the festive color scheme.

5. Christmas pillows

Decorative pillows with New Year themed patterns or made of elegant shiny fabric (in the color of the main color motifs) will skillfully emphasize the holiday theme. You can purchase them or make them yourself. The money and effort spent will not be in vain, as such bright accents enliven the interior regardless of the time of year.

6. Garlands

Well, what kind New Year's decor without festive lights of garlands! It’s worth remembering here that they can be used not only to decorate the Christmas tree. The decorative potential of garlands is much wider. With their help you can make decorative wall panel, luminous inscription, window curtains, lighting for furniture.

In addition, garlands can be used to complement decorative compositions, entangle firewood in a false fireplace to create an association with a live fire, or simply put it in a jar to create an original lamp.

7. Fireplace portal

If you have a real fireplace in your home, then you are very lucky. After all, it can become the main focus of the New Year's decor in the living room. But if there is no fireplace, then you can still have time to install a decorative fireplace portal in the room. And then it’s a matter of little things: a New Year’s composition of candles, pine needles and toys on the mantelpiece, a few bright socks for gifts and beautifully wrapped gifts instead of firewood.

More decor options fireplace portal Here.

8. New Year's smells

If there is a live spruce in your living room, pleasant aroma pine needles in the room are guaranteed. But if the Christmas tree is artificial or absent altogether, you can use aromatic oils with a characteristic smell. In addition to the aroma of pine needles, the smells of chocolate and cinnamon are appropriate in the New Year's interior.

How to choose scents for other rooms, read here.

Our opinion:

Of course, no flavorings can replace natural odors. Therefore, even if you do not have the opportunity to place a live spruce, try to find a place for at least a few spruce or pine branches. As for cinnamon, its sticks, placed in warm water or in close proximity to the fire, will not only be fragrant, but also complement the overall decorative composition.

9. Sledge

Do you want to show off your originality? Use sleighs in decoration. They can fit perfectly into New Year's interior, especially if they are made of wood or rattan and decorated with appropriate New Year's attributes.

The sleigh can serve as a stand for the Christmas tree, an original coffee table, a place for folding gifts, an extra seat for the youngest guests, or even the basis of a decorative composition. New Year's table. The main thing is that the size of the sled is comparable to the size of the surrounding objects.

10. New Year retro poster

For those who are alien to the traditional approach to holiday decoration, retro posters with a New Year theme will help create an original atmosphere in the living room. They will give the living room a special style and, perhaps, a piquant charm (depending on the choice of poster).

Our opinion:

Of course, posters on their own are unlikely to make your living room decor truly New Year’s. Therefore, it is recommended to emphasize their presence in the interior with one or two more decorative touches, for example, lighting from garlands or a pine frame.

Don't be afraid of the steep prices for New Year's decorations; there are many ways to create original and beautiful decorations with your own hands. And such things will cost several times less, and you will be confident in quality and safety. We offer you 30 ways to inexpensively decorate your apartment for the New Year.

From spruce, pine or balls

The easiest way to make a Christmas wreath is from spruce or pine branches - - here are detailed master classes.

Wreath of bows

To create this wreath take 3 packs of bows for gifts(quantity depends on the size of the base) , hot glue and basis, which can be straw or foam. Glue on the bows and you're done!

Wreath of branches

You can use a store-bought wreath or cut twigs while walking(they will need to be dried); Glue white artificial flowers to it with hot glue, preferably small ones, attach Christmas balls and a bow. Which ones - see here.

Decorating the chairs

New Year's ribbons

Wrap the backs of the chairs with ribbons or long scraps of fabric of a different color and tie them with a bow. Attach some Christmas decorations on top.

Santa chair cover

To make these wonderful capes, prepare:

  • The felt is white and red, the quantity depends on the size of your chairs;
  • Scissors;
  • Centimeter;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Iron;
  • A spool of white thread.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Using a centimeter, measure the width of the back of the chair from above and below, not reaching 2 cm from the seat. If the cover touches the seat, it will stretch.
  2. Measure out a rectangle on the red fabric that fits the size of the back of the chair. Add ½ size rectangle triangle; it will not affect the length of the cape.
  3. Cut out 2 shapes and sew them together; then cut off all 3 corners. Turn right side out and iron with a not very hot iron.
  4. Sew a line connecting the rectangle and triangle. From white felt, cut 2 strips equal to the length of the rectangle, and 5 cm wide. Bring them together, sew them together, and then sew them to the bottom of the rectangle.
  5. Cut short ribbons from a piece of white fabric, about 5-6 cm. Tie them with threads to create a pompom. Sew it to the corner of the triangle; you can use hot glue.

New Year's garlands

From the cones

Cover the pine cones with gold spray paint or glue and sprinkle gold glitter on top. You can hang them on the Christmas tree or create a composition in a basket.

From paper

You can cut out snowflakes, snowmen or deer from paper. Glue it onto a string and you’ll get a very original New Year’s decor.

New Year's vases

From the bottle

Here you have a lot of possibilities. You can pour salt into a bottle, draw buttons with a marker, attach a piece of paper to the neck and put on a hat - you will get an original snowman. With paint and gizmos on hand you can change appearance and other bottles.

Candy Vase

Cover a low vase double-sided tape. Glue the candies to it in a circle, and at the end put an elastic band on them to prevent the candies from falling off the tape. Tie an elastic band with a wide ribbon. You can pour water and place flowers!

Decor with snow

Paint the bottle with white paint and use glue to glue coarse salt to it. We insert pre-prepared silver branches into it. These bottles will look beautiful in combination with candles.

You can also paint a bottle of champagne gold -.

New Year's candlesticks

Fill a transparent long glass halfway with water and add food coloring. Place a candle in it and light it. Safe beautiful candlestick ready.

Christmas tree made of glass balls

This mini-Christmas tree is easy to build from a spool, adhesive tape (which hides the fishing line), foam plastic (inserted into the hole in the spool), a knitting needle (secured in foam), shiny balls with an iron loop (strung on a knitting needle) and a star (attached to the point of a knitting needle) .

Decor for the New Year's table

For cutlery

Take cardboard and draw a figure (in this case it is a spruce), which will be slightly longer in length than the cutlery. Cut it out; Approximately in the middle, cut a strip into which you will insert a knife and fork.

Sweet holders

Using these candies, tightly tied with ribbon or, if they are wrapped, glued with double-sided tape, you can place the names of the dishes and, if necessary, the names of the guests at the table.

Hanging decorations for the New Year


To make this decoration take:

  • Thin iron rim;
  • Many sheets of white paper;
  • Scissors;
  • Fishing line/nylon thread;
  • Pencil.

Manufacturing instructions:

  1. Fold the sheets, draw the shapes of future snowflakes on them, and cut them out.
  2. Having prepared a lot of snowflakes, tie them to the fishing line. If there is no hole, you can thread a needle and use the needle to pierce the paper. Tie the fishing line to the rim at different lengths.
  3. You can sprinkle the finished decoration with sparkles and decorate the rim with tinsel.

From fabric

To make this decoration you will need:

  • Crepe (crumpled) paper (any color);
  • Styrofoam ball;
  • Ribbons (narrow, to match the color of the paper);
  • Beads (preferably matching the color of the paper);
  • Scissors;
  • Hot glue;
  • Sequins;
  • Gypsy needle.

Manufacturing process:

  1. Into a foam ball use a needle to insert the ribbon, previously folded in half - start inserting it from the middle. After making sure that the ribbon is deep enough so as not to jump out, you can drop a drop of glue, and after drying, tie it into a beautiful bow.
  2. Crepe paper roll into a tube and cut into small squares. Unwind them to form ribbons, and bend one end into a triangle downwards. Wrap the rest of the ribbon in a circle, sometimes bending it, to make a rose. When the flower is ready, attach the triangle to the bottom of the rose with glue.
  3. Having done sufficient quantity roses, glue them to the foam ball. Glue beads into the resulting empty spaces after gluing, and sprinkle the roses with sparkles.

We decorate the walls and doors in the apartment

Big star

Fasten thin, equal-length boards together using wire or nails in the shape of a star. Distribute the garland evenly along the outer sides of the star and secure it.

Paper stickers

In order not to spoil the walls in the apartment, you can use paper stickers and put a Christmas tree out of them on empty wall- very stylish and original. Or using self-adhesive paper - you can lay out a snowman.

New Year's pillows

If you have a lot of pillows on your sofa, let's use them as Christmas decoration. Wrap a wide gift ribbon around the pillows and add a large bow.

Christmas tree decorations

Rag Christmas tree decoration

New Year's chores are quite pleasant. It's time to choose gifts for loved ones, come up with an outfit and buy food for the table. But it is worth remembering that your home also needs decoration. Decorating the interior for the New Year, how to decorate it, you personally decide. However, there are many excellent and useful ideas that will create beauty and comfort in any room.

Christmas tree decoration

One of the main elements of any New Year's decor is the beautiful Christmas tree. It's 2019 and there are now a variety of choices for any space, from living to artificial, from huge to small and fluffy.

If the room is very crowded, you can limit yourself to Christmas tree branches, making a bouquet out of them. Just take the vase. Place twigs in it and decorate them. You will get a small homemade Christmas tree.

Many people on this holiday are accustomed to hanging on front door wreath. You can also make it from spruce branches. Take the wire and roll it into a ring. It should be quite thick, because this is the base of the wreath. Using thin and flexible wire, begin securing the spruce branches to the base. Bows, pine cones and ribbons can be used as decorative elements.

Cones are also used to create a wreath. First, polystyrene foam is taken and a base resembling the shape of a ring is cut out of it. You need to wrap the wire around the legs of the cones, and then they begin to stick them into the base until the legs go right through. Turning the base over, these tails are bent.

Such a wreath requires a large number of cones, because the base must be completely hidden behind them. Use ribbons for decoration different colors.

In addition, you can make decorative Christmas trees from cones. To do this you need to take a cone big size and paint it in green color. If you want the Christmas tree to be a little non-standard, then use a color other than green, for example, silver or gold. Place the resulting cone on a stand or in a small flower pot. It should be placed with the stem down. To decorate this decorative Christmas tree Colored beads will do.

We hang beautiful garlands

In order to better understand how to decorate a room, you can look at the photo of the decorated room on New Year. This will give you some ideas. Well, one more mandatory element New Year's is a garland. They not only decorate the Christmas tree with it, but also hang it on the walls. Garlands powered by electricity should be purchased in a store where there is a wide selection of them. But homemade ones are not so often used when decorating rooms now.

Although such garlands look quite impressive and beautiful. It's easy to create them. You can make a garland from corrugated paper. Multi-colored long strips are cut out of it. All must be the same width. Frequent cuts are made along the edges of each strip.

As a result, you will get a fringe. Do not make them too deep; at least 2 cm from the edge of the strip should remain. Two stripes different color twisted together into a rope. Do this with all the stripes. As a result, you will get a fluffy garland; you can place it above the door or on the wall in the shape of the numbers 2019 or a wave.

Decorating the windows

In addition to the walls in the room, you should also decorate the windows. Usually they take decorative curtains or do paper crafts. But the most popular option for everyone since childhood is to decorate with snowflakes. Of course, now they are already sold ready-made.

However, it is much more interesting to make them yourself, involving the whole family. To attach snowflakes to the glass, just moisten it a little with water.

In addition to snowflakes, you can cut out other figures from paper of different colors. For example, they often use characters from fairy tales, copied from books or drawn by you.

You can also make a wreath of candy. To do this you must have:

  • tinsel,
  • Super glue,
  • candies and
  • foam ring.

Attach the candies to the ring with super glue and decorate with tinsel.

Decorative curtains are another way to beautifully decorate windows. To do this, simply attach the rain to the cornice. It can also be replaced satin ribbons with different lengths. You can attach pine cones and Christmas balls to their free ends.

This element is used quite often when decorating a room for the new year 2019. And now it won’t be difficult to choose and buy suitable candles. However, candlesticks made with my own hands.

You can use a glass to create a candlestick. Decorate the edges and stem of the glass with braid and various beads, and place a small flat candle inside. You can use scented candles.

To decorate the table, you can choose floating candles. To do this, you need a crystal vase, into which you should pour water, and then lower a couple of candles. Everything is sprinkled with glitter on top.

Decorating a nursery for the New Year

When coming up with various decorative elements before the holiday, it is important to remember not only that everything should be beautiful, but also about safety. There are several useful recommendations, which will help organize the correct design:

1. If the child is under five years old, place all decorations so high that he cannot pick them up;

2. Try not to use small parts and toys. After all, the baby can drag them into his mouth or nose;

3. You should stop using it Christmas decorations from glass. Now there are many balls made from polymer materials. These do not break even when falling from a great height;

4. If there are small children in the house, you should refuse any decorations with burning candles;

5. Check how tightly the tree is attached. It should not fall if someone accidentally touches it.

Decorating a room for a holiday is an exciting creative process. It is not necessary to buy all the elements in the store, because you can make them with your own hands. This will make the room look even more original.

Don't forget about the symbol of the New Year - the Christmas tree! Decorate it with imagination. Let the most unusual objects be used. Try to create your own Christmas decorations.
Take a unique approach to home decor. Imagine on this topic, and your home will look very cozy for the New Year 2019.

You can also see interesting materials on the topic:

70 photo ideas on how to decorate a room for the New Year 2019

It is approaching by leaps and bounds: Christmas trees are lit in city squares, store windows are flashing with multi-colored lights, snow-covered streets and avenues are elegant and mysterious - we are especially acutely overwhelmed by the Christmas mood. I want to throw all worries out of my head and completely plunge into the joyful pre-holiday bustle.

Well, it's time to think about how to decorate your apartment for the New Year. After all, home is the center of our little Universe, and on holidays it simply must be filled with comfort and a wonderful mood. That is why decorating an apartment for the New Year is almost as joyful and exciting as the holiday itself.

So let's start our pleasant chores. Let's go shopping and look at decorative accessories. To make the design look harmonious, it is better to think through the general concept and style solution in advance. Moreover, it can be different for each room. Our thoughts on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year, photos and tips given in the article, we hope, will help the reader make a choice.

How to decorate a living room

In the most main room All family members will gather at home, the table will be set for the holiday, and gifts will be given. Therefore, the highest demands are placed on its decoration! It should be truly festive and solemn.

How to beautifully decorate an apartment for the New Year? Of course, the center of events has always been and remains the Christmas tree. If in previous years it was exclusively natural, cut down in the forest, and later - sometimes even artificial (when the fashion for such trees began to spread rapidly), then today there is a third option. This is the rental of a live spruce tree in a pot, which is brought from the nursery and returned there after the holiday. This modern and environmentally friendly option was greeted with enthusiasm by those who are not indifferent to the issue of deforestation.

But the choice of artificial Christmas trees in our time amazes with the variety and imagination of manufacturers. Which ones fluffy beauties You won’t see it in elegant shop windows on New Year’s Eve! If you are already “bored” of the classic green spruce, you can easily choose an option in a luxurious silver color or, for example, an elegant snow-white tree. Some of them are sold already with a full set of decorations. But, in our opinion, it is much more interesting to decorate the spruce yourself.

Decorating our tree

There are also a lot of options for decorating spruce. Children, as a rule, are delighted with toy animals and fairy tale characters hanging on the branches, and especially with sweets, tangerines hanging on a thread and everything that is so pleasant to discover among the branches and eat with pleasure!

“Advanced” adults, having seen enough of Western catalogs with options for Christmas home decoration, often choose strict and stylish decor with balls of the same shape and a single, but exquisite color. Sometimes a couple of colors are chosen and the interior is completely decorated “under them”.

There is nothing sweeter for the older generation than getting old toys from the mezzanine - witnesses of an unforgettable youth. These fragile glass figurines with naive, modern look, their decor is particularly warm and, of course, they have every right to be present at the celebration.

It is considered fashionable and modern to hang cute toys on the Christmas tree. self made, both self-made and purchased from handmade masters. These fabric dolls, stars, horses, angels have a wonderful property of bringing comfort and peace to the house.

For the New Year it definitely includes something like this important element decor, like candles. How could we live without them? Several large ones, in luxurious, exquisitely shaped candlesticks, or many small ones, “scattered” on the table - these “living lights” have an extraordinary, downright magical appeal.

Let's move on to the bedroom

It's time to continue our efforts and think about how to decorate the entire apartment for the New Year, and not just the living room. Let's go to the bedroom.

“Why decorate it?” you ask. “After all, sleep in New Year's Eve there is practically no need." But a holiday is a holiday! Flashy luxury is not needed in the bedroom; it is better to give preference to delicate white-blue and silver shades.

We suggest changing the usual bedspread to a “winter” one - snow-white or blue, scattering it around the bed decorative pillows silver color, and the usual bedroom will magically be transformed into a room from Snow White's castle!

Place on windowsills (or hang on windows) glass balls(we’ll talk about decorating windows later), and to avoid the feeling of cold, take care of beautiful candles.

How to decorate a children's room

It is especially important to know how to decorate your apartment for the New Year to please your children. After all, they are looking forward to the holiday the most - the kids are still living in a fairy tale. That's why it's so important not to disappoint them. IN New Year's decoration The main thing in a children's room is a sense of celebration and safety.

A great idea is to put a separate small Christmas tree in your child’s room. Your baby will be delighted with his own tree! When decorating it, put away fragile glass toys. Textile, plastic and small wooden decorations - best option for a baby who should not accidentally get hurt or get upset because of a broken ball. In addition, such toys can always be removed from the Christmas tree and put on a fabulous show.

Paper garlands hung throughout the room, New Year-themed posters and panels - with Santa Claus, bunnies, snowmen, and favorite characters - will transform the interior so wonderfully! You can buy them ready-made, since the choice is huge now. Or you can start creating drawings and posters yourself - if time allows.

Of course, the child must definitely participate in this! The opportunity to decorate an apartment immediately raises the baby’s eye in your own eyes. Even if the baby is still very small, his drawings and other “works” should take their rightful place in the festive decoration of the nursery. And how much joy the process of such creativity will bring!

And one more thing - in such a matter as decorating an apartment for the New Year, photos of the child himself and the atmosphere of last year’s holiday will also not be superfluous, and in the children’s room they will come in handy.

The kitchen can also be “dressed up”

This is especially important for the housewife - after all, during the holidays she will have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. And the mood should remain creative and upbeat. A suitable mood can be created by garlands suspended from the ceiling and decorative balls or funny souvenirs laid out on shelves. The main thing is that they do not interfere with the owner.

Small kitchen area It is decorated in the best possible way with small spruce branches, cones, bright ribbons, small shiny balls of the same color. From all this you can collect decorative garlands and place them on the walls.

You can update your interior for the holiday by purchasing new oven mitts and towels: with snowmen, reindeer, and Santa Claus. Oranges make wonderful aromatic decorations - just cut the peel in several places and stick in sprigs of cloves or other spices. And again, don’t forget about candles.

Let's take care of the dining room

How to decorate an apartment that has a separate dining room for the New Year? It should also be decorated festively. The center of the composition, of course, is the table, at which the family will raise glasses of champagne. Here, perhaps, the most important design element is elegant textile curtains with a New Year’s theme: snowflakes, deer, etc.).

Tiny Christmas trees made of glass or fabric, vases with small shiny balls, gold-plated or silver-plated cones, which can even be placed on the backs of chairs, are great for decorating the table.

When choosing napkins and tablecloth, pay attention to the “classics” of the New Year: red, golden, green and white colors. Between beautifully folded napkins you can place mini-surprises for each family member: Christmas trees, souvenirs, small cards with a short congratulations tied to candy.

We decorate the doors and hallway

The custom of decorating the front door with a Christmas tree wreath came to us from the West and has already taken root. In addition, for decoration doorways(in the hallway and not only) it is customary to use all kinds of pendants and garlands. But it is important to adhere to a sense of proportion. Try to endure general style and color scheme.

To create a New Year's mood right from the start, you can put a small Christmas tree or a bouquet on the cabinet in the hallway. Or attach individual branches in the corners. Lighting the hallway would be quite appropriate: New Year's garlands or large silver snowflakes suspended in the opening on threads are perfect for this purpose. And you can easily paint the mirror or depict a winter landscape on it.

New Year's window

What better way? If possible, change the curtains to white ones with a silver pattern, and a “winter” mood is guaranteed! The top window openings can be additionally decorated with garlands of silver snowflakes, place candles on the window sills and hang a few bright jewelry in golden-red tones.

Complemented with a snowy landscape behind the glass, your windows will look like a real work of art. And if you add to their decoration electric garland, then you are guaranteed a New Year's mood already on the way to your home!

In addition, drawings on glass are always in fashion. They are applied with aerosol paints or ordinary watercolors using a stencil - paper figures glued to glass, which are then removed. However, you can use the most ordinary thin brush.

How to decorate a one-room apartment for the New Year: decor options

But what if living conditions don’t allow you to create “on a grand scale”? Let's say you have a cramped, just one-room apartment. Should you really give up your favorite holiday decor ideas?

Nothing like this! Now we will look at several ideas on how to decorate an apartment for the New Year if there is only one room. First of all, let's think about making the right choice Christmas trees Due to limited space, unfortunately, you will have to refuse to buy a large spruce. What are the alternatives?

There are usually three of them. Either you bring with Christmas market You install a miniature tree, fresh and smelling of pine needles, in a previously vacated “festive” corner and arrange an elegant composition on its basis. Of course, you can’t do a round dance, but overall the corner can look very cute and stylish.

Or go the other way - buy an artificial Christmas tree suitable size and to it - a flavoring with the smell of pine needles. After the holiday, you can easily disassemble your structure, fold it more compactly and put it away on the mezzanine for a year - why not an option for owners of small apartments? In addition, you don’t have to sweep up the pine needles.

Other ideas for the New Year if there is a lack of space

Finally, you can always organize a Christmas tree bouquet or even several, placing it in beautiful ceramic vases. From such bouquets you can make small “Christmas trees” of any desired size, even the most miniature ones, and the base - vases or jars of water - can be beautifully draped with cotton wool and decorated with sparkles. It is quite possible to place real gifts for children under such a Christmas tree.

If there are sorely not enough horizontal surfaces for mounting Christmas tree bouquets, a composition of Christmas tree branches in the form of a wreath can be hung somewhere in a visible place (to save space - in a window opening).

Comfort in small apartment will create tinsel, it does not take up much space and drapes beautifully anywhere: on chandeliers, curtains, mirrors. Well, most of all, the same candles will create a romantic atmosphere, especially if you plan to celebrate the New Year with just the two of you.

Decorating a room for the New Year is the most enjoyable task on the eve of the holiday. You can create a whole separate world with individual style And color scheme, which will be combined with the decorations of the entire house or, conversely, differ from them.

What we will decorate:

Windows and window sill - magic on glass

Various drawings on window glass- a simple and effective way to create a festive atmosphere on the eve of the New Year. You can make decorations with your own hands by cutting them out of paper (here you can). Or buy ready-made decorative stickers!

Houses, Christmas trees, Santa Claus on a sleigh drawn by reindeer, toys, snowmen - the range of stencils is gorgeous, the choice depends on the flight of imagination and the ability to create an overall picture.

You can use not only stickers: New Year's wreaths made of different materials, small Christmas trees, birds and garlands.. All this will create a magical atmosphere of the winter holiday and will delight not only you, but also random passers-by who look at your window.

Arrange candles, plant cozy felt animals, decorative bags, gifts, deer. And the fairy tale is already knocking on the window!

Walls, chandelier, ceiling - a New Year's corner!

Want to create a cute Christmas look without using up space? Decorate the room's walls, ceiling and chandelier. These could be snowflakes or hand-made stars. Amazing paper garlands or whatever your imagination allows!

The chandelier can be decorated with Christmas balls and rain, decorated with fir branches and snowflakes strung on a thread. It's nice to open your eyes and watch your personal snowfall from the middle of the room.

Your room will look fabulous if you stick phosphor stars on the ceiling, of which there are a lot on sale. An excellent option would be star-shaped lamps or spotlights that emit many colorful lights.

Table and chairs

The table will become surprisingly festive if you decorate it:

  • Thematic tablecloth;
  • from Christmas tree branches and toys in a pot, vase;
  • herringbone;
  • Wreaths made from improvised materials: pine cones, threads, tinsel, toys, gingerbread, sweets;
  • Candlesticks with small candles;
  • Decorative candles with a New Year theme: angels, balls, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden;
  • Illuminated houses or figurines;
  • Crafts with the symbols of the year.

Chairs can be decorated with covers in the shape of a Santa hat, decorated with garlands or tinsel.

Fabulous cozy fireplace

The dream of all children and adults is to spend the New Year and Christmas holidays in front of a cozy, beautifully decorated fireplace. If you are lucky enough to have such a miracle at home, then there are many options for how to decorate it:

  1. A garland of artificial Christmas tree branches - in addition to traditional toys, tinsel, pine cones and snowflakes, a composition sprinkled with artificial snow will look very beautiful.
  2. handmade: flags, bows, New Year or Christmas inscriptions, snowflakes, gifts.
  3. Spruce compositions - bouquets, wreaths, topiary.
  4. Purchased toys - soft or plastic - trains, sleighs, gifts.
  5. Handmade candlesticks made of paper, glass jars, glasses.
  6. Santa's socks, where household members will find their gifts.

If there is no fireplace, it doesn’t matter, you can do it according to our instructions. All you need is cardboard boxes.

Decorative pillows - New Year details

You can quickly decorate your room for the New Year by placing cozy winter pillows around it. Just a few pillows with a New Year's print will create a festive atmosphere, even if there is no other decor in the room.

We offer several ideas on how to make them yourself:

  • Give new life old sweaters or shirts;
  • Sew from felt or any soft fabrics;
  • or satin pillowcases, which are then removed and wait for the next New Year to come.

If time is short, you can simply buy pillowcases with themed prints.

New Year's garlands

New Year's garlands are probably the most beautiful decoration. After all, they are the ones who create the atmosphere of wonder and magic in the air! When decorating a room, don’t forget a few simple rules:

  • There shouldn't be too much light. Select one area where one or more garlands will be located. This zone will be a kind of bright corner, beckoning you in the darkness. If you hang garlands throughout the room, it will be illuminated evenly and there will be no cozy corner.
  • Consider the location of outlets in the room so as not to pull the cord around the entire perimeter.
  • The most soothing and least harmful to the eyes are garlands with constant, monochromatic light.

And garlands that don’t glow can be made from anything:

  • From paper in the form of rings, snowflakes, snowmen holding hands, gifts, Christmas trees, lanterns, circles, stars, angels.
  • From felt, using the same figures as in the paper version;
  • From cotton wool - form small lumps and string them on a thread;
  • From cones, stringing them on a thick thread or fishing line;
  • From threads - from soft fluffy pompoms on the wall, Christmas tree or under the ceiling in any room it will become very cozy;
  • Their natural or artificial Christmas tree branches.

How to decorate a small room?

You can decorate a room fabulously for the New Year, regardless of its size. Small compositions and small Christmas trees will easily fit on coffee table or shelf.

If it is not possible to place a full-sized Christmas tree on the floor, it can be hung from the ceiling, a chandelier, or placed on the wall. Here are some options