Recently started journal or long forgotten entries. How to put a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and a cross in a bucket of sand or in water for the New Year? How to choose the right live Christmas tree at the Christmas tree market: tips. What date can you put a Christmas tree at home according to Feng Shui

Since ancient times, the Christmas tree has been considered an integral attribute of the New Year. Bringing it into the house, we bring into it a piece of a fabulous mystery that will unfold before our eyes for two whole weeks. Therefore, the labor-intensive processes of installing and decorating the forest beauty do not burden, but are pleasant New Year's chores.

Of course, each of us wants the New Year's guest to please us with her presence for as long as possible. This can be achieved with a few little tricks.

An important role is played by the correct choice of the Christmas tree. Give your preference to a tree with elastic and well-bending branches. Do not be afraid to lose precious time, bend a few branches of spruce. If they break, then, most likely, this beauty was “taken from the forest” a long time ago, and this, in turn, can significantly spoil the holiday atmosphere in your home. The crackling of the branch when bending should also alert. This spruce will not suit you either.

Having chosen and bought a Christmas tree, carry it home with the top of your head back. In this position, she will not unravel her lower branches and will not lose a large amount of needles. But it is necessary to bring the Christmas tree into the house with the top forward, so as not to accidentally damage or break it.

In no case should a sharp temperature drop be allowed. Your guest needs to adapt to a new place of residence. Hold it for a while in a cool room, for example, on a balcony. And only after that invite to the room.

And now it's time to take care of the support for the Christmas tree. As it can be used a bucket filled with wet sand or water. Or you can refuse such fillers and wrap the tree trunk with a piece of cloth, which will have to be moistened periodically. But it is preferable to use a special Christmas tree stand with a water tank. This simple device will securely fix the tree and enable optimal moisture supply to the trunk.

The choice of location for the tree is also very important. Make sure there is no heat source nearby. Neighborhood with a fireplace, heater or radiator will adversely affect the needles, which will spoil the New Year's atmosphere in the house.

Remove the branches from the base of the trunk before setting up the tree. Don't forget to upgrade the tree frame. This will allow moisture to penetrate the barrel faster. New Year's beauty.

Now it's time to fix your green guest on a stand and fill the tank with water. Make sure that the frame of the Christmas tree is constantly in the water. After all, a cut down tree loves to “drink”. Yes, and the evaporation process will do its job.

To prolong the life of the New Year's beauty, you can use the traditional advice that has passed the test of time. So, the water that you will add to the tank must be defended so that chlorine evaporates from it. When updating a cut of a tree, it will not be superfluous to remove the bark from the lower part of its trunk at a distance of 10 centimeters, while the cut itself should be made at an angle of 45 degrees. The bare part of the trunk must be completely in the water.

These simple rules will extend your neighborhood with the forest beauty until the old New Year.

Could you imagine the most anticipated celebration of the year without a Christmas tree in your home? The conversation will, of course, be about spruce or a forest Christmas tree for the New Year 2020. Buying a favorite element of the holiday is not difficult. Since almost anywhere a couple of weeks before the event, Christmas markets come and you can choose any tree you like. But where to put it and how best to use it in? After all, you should not miss the fact that not every room is large enough to place such a tree, in addition, beloved pets often pounce on the Christmas tree, trying to knock it over if not, then at least just shake it. Are there special tips for where to place a feng shui tree in 2020? Let's take a look at some of the points in this article.

Have you ever heard about the philosophy of arranging things in the house to attract money and happiness? The conversation is, of course, about Feng Shui. It's hard to believe - but it really works. You can verify this by at least placing a Christmas tree in your home:

  • Firstly, if you place a tree in the western part of your house, then in 2020, in the year of the rat, you will have fun and well-being. If you put the New Year's attribute in the opposite from the western part of the room, then you will certainly improve your inner well-being.
  • Secondly, if you want financial stability in the year of the rat, promotion at work, then put a tree to the south in your house.
  • Thirdly, by placing the Christmas tree to the north in the apartment, you will certainly bring good news to your home. But do not forget that it is necessary to install a living pine and spruce, because it is not charged with such energy.

At the same time, even an artificial tree should not be installed anywhere. If the attribute of your celebration is green, then it should be placed to the east in the apartment, or to the southeast. It is this arrangement of the Christmas tree that will make the year of the rat lucky for you, while putting an artificial Christmas tree to the north in the room will bring a lot of fuss and trouble.

Correct location Christmas trees

If your attribute is a brilliant color, then right decision will put it in the center of your room, on something high, like a chair or cabinet. If you do this, then an atmosphere of general well-being will appear in your home.

If your Christmas tree is tall, more than one and a half meters, then its location is not particularly important, but such a plant will look harmoniously in the center of the room. While the tree is alive, it is a very powerful charge of energy that will create a good mood in your home.

But do not forget that a withered Christmas tree will negatively affect the energy. That is why after the end of the holidays the tree should be taken to the corner of the room, or even thrown away. If we return to Feng Shui again, then constantly keeping a withering tree at home is harmful.

That is why lazy owners who delay the release of plants attract quarrels and troubles to their home, without knowing it.

If you count on positive emotions and pleasure, then where is the best place to put a New Year's tree according to Feng Shui? In the event that your home is small, then there is no point in putting the plant in the center of the room. It will constantly interfere with yours, and in the end you will completely dump it. But if you put the Christmas tree in a corner, it will take on a completely different look.

Convenient location

If you have a completely small dwelling, then spruce and pine branches are a great alternative. A little creativity, and you will have an ikebana, decorated with various ones. If you do not like this option, then it is appropriate to buy a small artificial Christmas tree.

If you have big house, then it is best to install your tree in the center of the room, because the kids will be able to dance and run around it. Although placing a tree in the corner of the room would also be a great option! If possible, buy a tall and straight spruce in the best traditions.

Do not forget that it is better not to put your tree near the batteries - its needles will quickly fall off and it will wither. by the most optimal solution will put the Christmas tree where it is cool, and moisten the tree yourself.

Those owners who have their favorite fluffy and perspicacious pets at home should not think about where to put the tree, but about how to do it correctly according to Feng Shui. Naturally, it must be firmly fixed! In addition, all toys on the tree should be soft and not sharp, in case your baby does not get hurt. Be sure to consider the fact that children, as well as pets, can break wires or pull New Year's garlands.

Safe Christmas Tree Mount

Therefore, pay attention to the fact that the wires from the garlands must be carefully hidden and in good condition, and also be in a place where no one can reach them.


After reading this post, you learned about where and how you can install a Christmas tree for the New Year 2020, and if you want to turn to Feng Shui recommendations, then you should not neglect the safety of you and your loved ones.

Fix the green tree securely, and let the decorations fully comply with the basic safety rules. choose Christmas tree with soft needles so that your tomboys do not prick themselves when playing nearby.

Video instruction for proper installation:

Video master class for making Christmas decorations with your own hands:

Olga Nikitina

Reading time: 9 minutes


Is there anyone who is indifferent to the New Year holidays? The expectation of a fairy tale and a miracle begins with the first snowfall. But a real holiday - only with the appearance in the house of an indispensable companion of the New Year, a living Christmas tree.

In order for the tree to stand for a long time and please you and your loved ones, it is necessary carefully approach the purchase . Choosing a Christmas tree is not an easy task, and if you know some secrets, then you are guaranteed success. So, How to choose a really good live Christmas tree ?

Secrets of choosing a Christmas tree for the New Year - how to choose a live Christmas tree correctly?

To choose a really good Christmas tree that will delight you with freshness and aroma all the New Year holidays, it is important remember a few rules .

So, we know how to choose a Christmas tree. But right choice- that's half the battle. It is important to know how to keep the Christmas tree already at home.

Rules for installing a Christmas tree at home - how to keep the Christmas tree longer?

In order for the purchased tree to stand for a long time and retain its original appearance, it is necessary properly set up the tree .

It is recommended to install a Christmas tree in two ways:

  • On a special cross. The advantages of such an installation are strength and relative lightness (but it is still better to entrust this work to the male part of the family). Cons - the inability to feed the tree or water it.
  • In a bucket of wet sand. The installation process is more laborious and troublesome, but allows you to keep the Christmas tree longer.

In addition, there are a few more rules for installing a Christmas tree:

  • Bought tree from frost it is not recommended to immediately enter into warm apartment . Let the Christmas tree stand a little in the stairwell for better adaptation;
  • Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk- peel it from the bark (by 8-10 centimeters), plan a little under running water;
  • You can cut the crown a little near the tree and smear the cut with Vishnevsky's ointment;
  • If the Christmas tree is installed in a bucket of wet sand, then it is better to pour not ordinary water into the sand, but prepared: 1-2 aspirin tablets or a tablespoon of sugar per 1 liter of water;
  • Choosing the right location for your Christmas tree is important.: do not install a tree near radiators or heaters.

Following these simple rules will allow you to keep the aroma of the holiday in the house for a long time, and save you from the hassle later , when holidays will run out, and you will have to clean up the fallen needles.

Happy New Year!

Publication date: 5-11-2015, 20:27

You can set up a Christmas tree not only in the house, but also on the street. It is especially good when a live spruce grows in front of the house, then you don’t need to buy anything, and also bother with the installation. By the way, despite the fact that at the moment it is still November, you need to think about installing a Christmas tree right now, the same can be said about pyrotechnics. It is best to visit the fireworks shop soon because the price of everything is likely to be lower than in the second half of December. And yet, if you buy fireworks, then in the Ba-Bah store, which you can find on the website They have a huge collection of pyrotechnics. Moreover, everything presented has highest quality. As for prices, they cannot be called high, at least they are not above average.

What you will need to install a Christmas tree on the street

To install a spruce on the street you will need some kind of holder. The easiest way is to use a steel pipe for this, it can be driven into the ground and it's in the bag. You can also use a portable holder assembled from wood. Of course, the Christmas tree holder can be welded from rolled steel.

For windows, the most important thing is to take care that the decorations do not cover the natural light, so it is recommended to place colored lights on the frame. We can also centralize the lighting at the top or bottom of the window, and on the opposite side have garlands and red balls mixed with some kind of gold loop. At this point, we can intercalate other types of hanging figures such as deer, pine trees, snowflakes, stars, or Santa Claus figures.

They are similar to traditional Christmas lights but can be controlled remotely using an app downloaded on mobile phone. So we can choose when to turn on and off, set schedules, set flicker frequency and intensity in real time, something kids love. Wearing the interior of the house.

Three ways to install spruce

The easiest way is to use steel pipe suitable diameter. The inner diameter of the pipe should be slightly larger than the thickness of the spruce trunk. All you have to do is drive the pipe vertically into the ground, about thirty centimeters deep. For this you need a sledgehammer. You need to do this right now, because soon the ground will freeze, which will make the installation of the pipe almost impossible.

When we think of Christmas decorations, top list is a Christmas tree. This is the first thing that should capture the view, and for this reason to look for it is a room in a free space of circulation and which does not cover the light that enters the windows.

When choosing a tree decoration, we must maintain harmony with the exterior decoration and decorations for windows, frames and fireplaces. Tree Size: The rule is simple: large for large spaces and small for enclosed spaces. In fact, if the house is very small, then there is a small artificial pine tree on the table. This year, as a novelty, some people prefer metal trees up to 70 centimeters high.

The next way is to use a wooden holder. It can be knocked down from solid wood, namely from timber and bars, and boards can also be used. In the center of such structures, a square is usually arranged. right size. As for the legs, there are usually four of them. It is necessary to put such a stand under the spruce where exactly.

Colors: Although it may not seem like it, we can introduce novelties with a color palette. Cecilia Frias told us that many elements that had not been seen before, in copper tones, pale pink, mint color, are used in order not to participate in the typical greens, whites and reds. We also have clients who love the combination of silver and blue to decorate both your tree and your living room.

Gentle Touch: There may be false wrapped gifts around the tree. They are made very simply by wrapping empty boxes with papers in the same color range and adding ribbons and bows. If the wood is small and walks across the table, choose small boxes. Important: If a tree is highly decorated, we save it to decorate a lot of its surroundings to avoid object saturation.

The third way to install spruce is to use another holder, but not from wood, but from metal. For the manufacture of such a structure, metal rolling and welding machine. From metal, a piece of steel pipe, corners, a square pipe, and indeed everything that can only be used in this case is useful.

In Bolivia, Christmas has a very deep religious meaning, which is represented primarily in the drawing of the Nativity or Nativity. If the space is large, we can add some numbers and put them on the table near the tree; if there is not enough space, this is enough with the small figures of the Virgin, Joseph and the Child Jesus.

Crib for children, which adds tenderness to the decor and delights the little ones

There are thousands of ideas to dress up furniture with Christmas details; but it's important to always bet on some touches and not completely cover the furniture with decoration. “This year it is very popular to buy pillows with Christmas motifs such as trees, deer or words embroidered in gold,” our link in the design says. Another nice decorative detail for the table is to add loops on the backs of the chairs. From ties you can hang silver or gold jewelry, as well as pineapples, branches, bells or balls.

It is worth noting that to install a Christmas tree on the street, you will need not only a holder, but also a garland, as well as Christmas decorations. Moreover, it is desirable that the garland be large, like toys.

There is such a good convenient option Christmas tree crosses.
Of course, you can just collect sand in a bucket and put a Christmas tree there, or you can make something original and interesting, if you wish. For this, we need such improvised materials.

It all depends on the size of the tree, the larger the tree, the larger the cross should be. Now, weld the coffee jar to the plate.

to increase stability, you need to solder stiffeners to the can on three sides, as in the photo.

And wooden boards, fastened in a cross with glue.

It remains to fix the jar with screws to a wooden cross. We also screw screws from three sides to fix the Christmas tree.

That's it, it remains only to fix the Christmas tree and decorate to hide all the ugly places.

The tables are the stars of Christmas Eve. Flat or plain tablecloths, white or red, are preferred. Classic decorations are candles, branches, red ribbons and pineapples. Ideas in: A very popular trend is to place Christmas balls in glass jars, and a subtle detail is to turn glasses on a table with balls inside, with small candles, thick, making your own Christmas candle holders.

The most elegant items are now fashionable, like large trays with Christmas motifs such as turkey or other foods in silver and gold tones, matching bowls and plates with gold or silver edges. The same with the subject of napkins, with finer fabrics, as well as certain embroidery in these shades and always accompanied by some embellishments such as beasts or angels, explains Cecilia Frias.

Now we have a large artificial spruce, and before that we always bought a New Year's live spruce, for which a metal stand was specially made from metal corners, welded in the form of a cross, in the center of which a pipe was welded, the diameter of which was well suited to the thickness of the trunk of a young spruce. The height of the pipe is about 25-30 cm, so that the tree trunk is securely and steadily fixed in it. This whole metal structure was painted green (the color can be any one you wish, especially since the stand is draped with something anyway for more aesthetic appearance) paint.

Candles: Alone or in small groups, they can be on low-height bases or in candelabra. The important thing is that they do not interfere with the view of visitors between them. flower arrangements: Mistletoe in the portals, spruce branches on the windowsill or holly on the tables. Place them as small touches here and there, depending on personal taste, without overdoing them.

Floral poinsettia is a trend used in Christmas tables

Socks: These are traditional decorations to dress the fireplace or hang in even groups, with Christmas colors and, if you like, printed motifs.

Now, of course, there are no problems - he pulled out an artificial "forest beauty", collected and hung up toys and other decorations. It looks like a living thing, but there is one significant drawback - it does not smell like pine needles. But we found a way out down under the artificial Christmas tree, we put small live spruce branches with fresh coniferous aroma. Here, then the New Year's fabulous atmosphere of a wonderful holiday, so beloved by all of us, is really felt.

Something that can never be lost is a small table decoration tree. Its decoration should match a range of colors, so it's best not to overload it. In more serious professional premises, the balls and garlands of these seedlings should be gold or silver.

How to install a live Christmas tree at home

What is being used a lot this year is buying golden or silver trees, explains Cecilia Frias. In a more informal setting, colors can be mixed and embellishments should not be limited to spheres. Always with good taste and the criterion for not recharging the gaze may be clubs, figures of Santa Claus, bells, stars or ribbons.

We make it very simple. Since autumn, I have always had land for seedlings on the loggia. In this land we put a Christmas tree. We expose the end of the tree trunk. The bucket with the earth where we put the spruce is large. My husband also makes two clamps out of wood. Clamps are also placed in the bucket. One end of the clamp rests against the wall of the bucket, and the other against the barrel. New Year's beauty stands firmly. I wrap the bucket with beautiful shiny paper. You can decorate it in a different way, show only your imagination. In general, simple, inexpensive and beautiful. Yes, we also water the Christmas tree from time to time. Therefore, with us, she does not shed needles for a long time.

For windows, it is designed to dress its outline with lights of the same color. You can also decorate the walls and ceilings with several colored balloons and red ribbons. What you must always remember is not to saturate spaces. Decoration is the touch that decorates environment without hiding or dissolving it.

Now apply these ideas just to create a special Christmas atmosphere in your office or your home. Over 20 ideas for decorating your home "Christmas". It already exists on December 6th, there is nothing that would not be enough to take advantage of these holidays to come up with and decorate your home, your home, family, Christmas.

DIY Christmas tree stand

For a tree to stand well, it needs a good foundation.

The basis for the Christmas tree can be anything. For example, if you are a student, a bucket in which bottles of water are placed in a circle is suitable, and the center should be empty.

As it shown on the picture:

Simplicity and originality are the spaces that mark the choice of these ideas. Ideas designed so that all family members participate in its creation without spending a lot. These are ideas with elements that we have around us just because we give a different vision. In short, fun and original ideas that will not go unnoticed by your guests and that will further enhance the feeling of being at home in your home on these dates so close to the family.

We love this photo to draw thousands of ideas for this Christmas, there are many details. Table track made with pine branches interspersed with green leaves. Weaving a garland of lights. The rustic touch of Christmas is provided by a wooden chest. A simple glass canister protects the sail. We love the tablecloth, so trendy this season. The bell serves to attach labels that define the place they occupy at the table. Christmas in the pure state is very small.

Such a base, of course, is not very beautiful, but it is very affordable and there are tools for this in everyone's house.

The main thing if you use this method is to cover the bucket of water well so that no one sees what your tree is holding on to)

The most popular stand is also suitable, which can be made from 2 boards and a couple of nails.

We love the simplicity of this Christmas wreath made with dried branches and moss. In the photo we see the red touches typical of Christmas. Wish list to write the whole family this Christmas. Christmas cards are placed on a simple rope, secured with tweezers, to decorate the staircase, which also serves as a hanger. Very practical idea for this Christmas.

In this photo, we love the stair railing surrounded by a garland of green intertwined with a line of light. Just touch this idea to create a Christmas atmosphere in your home. If you are short on space, this idea is very simple and full of ingenuity. Glass jars are placed in triangular shape tall with Christmas elements inside. The styling ends with a simple garland of light bulbs, a star in the highest part of the tree, and a garland of silver balls.

In order to make it, you need to cut a hole with a diameter of your tree trunk, the boards can be rounded at the ends so that no one hits.

It is better to put the Christmas tree in sand or earth + sand, then it can stand for a long time. I also have a bucket in which greenery grows on the loggia in summer, and on New Year's days it serves as a container with soil under the Christmas tree. We put a bucket with a Christmas tree inside upside down old stool, the Christmas tree is additionally fixed to it with a cord. After that, everything is covered with tinsel.

Take advantage of the glass jars that you have at home. Inside the red color of the Easter flower, so characteristic of Christmas. If simple things are your thing, this idea is perfect for decorating any corner of your home this Christmas.

Independent boxes labeled to identify the person to whom the gifts are addressed. An idea that confirms small parts very important and more on these dates next Christmas. Some colors that are evident in this still life idea to decorate your home this Christmas. Red balloons are stacked inside glass lid, metal cups that serve as makeshift vases to place green tint some pine branches. Everything, in this idea, breathes Christmas.

If you urgently need a stand, you can use a 5-liter plastic bottle, which must be cut into two parts. Insert into each other. A cylinder is inserted into the neck, it can be a suitable bottle of cosmetics. Set up a Christmas tree, pour water. The plastic bottle is very light, for gravity, you can pour additional sand or stones into it.

Old cross-country skis on the wall serve as the basis for the Christmas wreath. Any back could have given more body to the crown. We love this idea for Christmas at home. In "craft" tones, this is a Christmas idea. And in the role of gifts that are combined with blue, as in the rope that holds and fits the pine garland of stair railings. We look at trees made from worn wooden sticks, typical of those that pull the sea towards the beaches. This gives us great idea to take advantage of this Christmas holiday and take these wooden sticks on our beautiful beaches to make the Christmas tree like a family.

I have never used a tree stand, because if the tree is alive, then the trunk must be in the water, but this does not work with a stand. My option is this:

I take a metal bucket and put a Christmas tree in it, and along the edges I lay cobblestones, specially prepared in advance, from above I burst the Christmas tree with slats, there are 4 of them, hammering them between the walls of the bucket ...

And in conclusion

A garland in browns and greens serves to stand out above the white fireplace. Idea to mix dry brown tones with green tones gives a very good contrast to brighten any corner. Create a Christmas tree with pine cones. Make yourself a cone-shaped foam base. Base anchor in container. There are larger pineapples at the bottom and smaller ones at the top. Conceal with foam by sticking a sheet of moss between the pine cones. The idea is to make this Christmas as a family.

Make your own crown to host your guests this Christmas. Be creative with different details like feathers or pine cones tied with a simple cotton bow. 100% customizable idea to make with family this Christmas.

The Christmas tree in such a bucket will not stand strong enough, so I tie four sticks to the bucket at an angle ...

Then I pour cold water, add 2-3 teaspoons of sugar and a spoonful of vinegar (I once read that the Christmas tree stood longer), and then every day I add cold water depending on how the level goes down and after a while I add sugar ...

If the tree is alive, then you need a bucket and water is needed as for flowers, usually, so that the bucket does not turn over inside, they put a weighting agent, these are stones, you can make wooden spacers in the form of a cross on the bucket, which will not allow the tree to fall, and below the stones in the bucket and the bucket will be hold on, for aesthetics, we hide the bucket under a white cloth or put it with cotton wool.

I have an artificial Christmas tree and it’s much easier to attach a crosspiece to the old stool and insert the trunk of the Christmas tree and cover the entire stool with a cloth, decorate with tinsel, there is no smell, but you don’t need to throw away the Christmas tree after the holidays and garbage - there are no needles either.

On the balcony there is a bucket with stones, in which we put the Christmas tree, clamping it between the stones. We add water to this bucket, the tree remains fresh and green for a long time. We drape the bucket with a white cloth. True, this year we bought a stand with a simple design. An iron container of about three liters with three screws that are welded to it, a Christmas tree is clamped between them, water is poured into the container, this design certainly looks more aesthetically pleasing than a bucket of stones.

I usually put a Christmas tree or a pine tree (it is better, it almost does not fall off) in a bucket of sand. The trunk in the lower part must be cleaned of bark, remove excess lower branches. Then I fill the bucket with sand, spill it with water, make a hole in the center and immerse the tree trunk in the bucket. To make it easier to enter, you need to screw it. Holds strong, if watered regularly, then it lasts a long time.

If we recall our distant Soviet childhood, then we had an iron stand, otherwise I would call it the technical term "pipe in a pipe", when the tree itself is inserted into a pipe of a smaller diameter, and water is poured into a pipe of a larger diameter in order to make the tree longer stood in your house without losing her precious needles. Schematically, this stand looks like this:

This design is made of thick-walled pipes to make the stand heavier and give normal stability to the stand. You can also make holes in the cross itself so that you can screw this stand to the floor, and this will already be an extra stable stand (if you want to spoil your floor, of course).

What will help raise Christmas mood? Of course, a living Christmas tree that will give you a joyful feeling of a holiday, warm memories and expectation of a miracle! Every adult is in a hurry to please their children.

In order for a festive tree to bring a lot of joy, you need to know how to choose the right live Christmas tree for the holiday. And then it will remain fresh for the duration of all the New Year's festivities. About how to choose, put, keep fresh living beauty at home, read on!

What you need to know when choosing a live Christmas tree

Choose a beautiful live Christmas tree New Year It's not that difficult, but it takes a little effort and attention. There are certain criteria for choosing a New Year's beauty, read about all this below.

First of all, shortly before you go to a store or market to buy a tree and choose a live Christmas tree, decide where exactly it will stand:

  • in the middle of the room it would be preferable to choose spruce symmetrical and chic from all sides;
  • but if you put it in injection, then fit and one-sided.

First of all, we advise you to determine the distance from the floor to the ceiling in your house in order to choose a live Christmas tree of the appropriate height. Usually they buy spruce 1.5-2 meters long. The height of the festive prickly attribute is not measured at all from the very top, but from the beginning of the first branches. Also, think in advance how you will put it: in a pot of sand, a bucket of water or a cross.

Interesting to know! The very first Christmas tree was placed in the French outback Alsace in 1600 and was decorated with roses made of bright paper.

  • We advise you to buy it during the day in order to notice all the flaws in the tree.
  • Arriving at the store, you should find out - when the tree was cut down, carefully examine the branches - the needles should not fall out. Shake the trunk to see the number of fallen needles. A few needles, of course, will fall to the ground (if more falls, this should alert).
  • Fresh spruce has needles of a bright green, shiny color. Spruce needles should be odorous and oily (feel them to check).
  • Dry needles without the characteristic smell of needles will tell you that the tree is damaged, frostbite.

  • You can check the freshness of spruce by bending a branch. Flexible, elastic branches will indicate the good condition of the tree, and vice versa, hard, dry branches will indicate that the tree is old and will not last long.
  • It is not uncommon for sellers to process live fir trees for longer storage. How not to fall for the trick? Just sniff it if you smell a strange smell (perhaps pungent and nasty) - of course, you should not take such a spruce.
  • There is an opinion that it is more correct to choose a live Christmas tree with a thicker trunk, because this indicates its condition. A thick trunk is considered a size of 7-8 centimeters in girth.
  • Inspect the cut of the tree, you should not choose the option with dark stripes on the cut or with mold. Mold and mildew can make their way into your home, so it's especially important to pay attention to this. The presence of resin on the cut is mandatory, a large amount of resin indicates a recent cut of the tree. At the same time, you need to make a new cut at home. holiday tree, excess resin will interfere with water absorption.
  • Carefully inspect the spruce - the lower branches should stick up.

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree

Best time and place to buy

Live Christmas tree for New Year's Eve It is better to buy 5-7 days before the holiday, since spruce can be stored in fresh 2-4 weeks.

It is advisable to buy a Christmas tree in a nursery or in the market- they are grown specially for the New Year, and therefore you, for sure, will not be an accomplice in the illegal cutting of young coniferous trees.

It is necessary to use a special mesh or fabric to wrap the Christmas tree after purchase. To do this, carefully bend the branches from top to bottom, wrap them with a net and secure it all with a rope so as not to break the branches on the road.

It is advisable to drag the New Year's miracle with the barrel forward to avoid damage. But to bring it into the house, on the contrary - forward with the top.

How to bring beauty home

So, you have chosen the perfect Christmas tree for the New Year! But how to bring her home so that she does not “lose” all her beauty along the way?

Most convenient way transportation after purchase - transportation by car. You can bring a Christmas tree by car like this:

  • In the trunk. But trunk space is quite limited, so this option is suitable only if the tree is very small.

  • In the cabin. If the Christmas tree does not fit in the trunk, then you just need to fold the rear seats and carefully place it.
  • in a trailer- the easiest and most convenient way to transport a festive tree, but not everyone has a trailer.
  • On the roof. The best transportation option, especially if a roof rack is installed on the roof of the car - you only need to secure the winter beauty and that's it.

If there is no trunk, then you need to put it on the roof dense fabric, if there are roof rails - tie them to them, if not, then you can skip the ropes through the slightly lowered rear doors.

To bring a live Christmas tree home and not harm either the car itself or the Christmas tree, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • Before you load the Christmas tree onto or into the car, you need to carefully tie it with a rope (so that the branches do not break off and it becomes more compact).
  • It is advisable to wrap the tree with a bag / polyethylene / cloth. This is necessary in order not to scratch the car and not stain the interior.
  • When transporting, handle the Christmas tree for the New Year very carefully.

There is another interesting option transportation - sledging. It is suitable for those who live near the points of sale.

What to do after you bring her home

Leave the Christmas tree in the entrance or in the hallway of a private house for 30-40 minutes, during this time the tree will adapt to your temperature regime.

How to set up a Christmas tree

considered the most correct and the best optionfix a live Christmas tree at home in a bucket of sand. Many people simply put it on a cross and wrap it with a damp cloth. It is better, of course, to choose the option with a bucket of sand, it will be more reliable, and the tree will last longer.

To install a live Christmas tree in a bucket of sand, you must do the following manipulations:

  1. Just clear the bottom of the trunk from branches (about 15-20 cm) and chop off the bark. The safest way to do this is with a special knife or hatchet.
  2. The trunk is dipped deep into the bucket, the sand is rammed and the Christmas tree is leveled vertically, along the way, placing stones or bricks in the sand bucket. This will help to secure it well at home.
  3. Stand can be decorated beautiful cloth or bright paper.
  4. Next, to beautifully install a live Christmas tree in the apartment , you need to coverthe space on which it will stand, with bright wrapping paper, cloth. Now crumbling needles will not fall to the floor and clog into cracks, similarly, the needles will be carried around the house to a lesser extent.
  5. And if you have Small child, then at the end it is required to cut off the lower branches so that the child does not manage to injure himself with needles.

Such a simple option will help to install a live Christmas tree at home without a stand and keep it for a longer period. Convenient for both a private house and an apartment.

Video: how to install a live Christmas tree at home

How to keep a living tree for a long time

Even after new year holidays it's nice to admire a live Christmas tree in a room of an apartment or a private house. It perfectly decorates and enlivens any interior. But how long does a live Christmas tree last at home? It can stand in excellent condition for about 2-3 weeks. To prolong the "life" of the festive tree and delay the yellowing and shedding of needles, you can use some tricks.

  • In order for the tree to stand longer and the needles not to crumble, sand is poured cold water with a spoonful of sugar and a teaspoon of salt dissolved in it. Experienced people advise add a regular aspirin tablet to the water either use warm water and a few drops of vinegar or citric acid . This will help keep the live Christmas tree in excellent condition until the New Year and until the end of the holidays.
  • If you use sand, then sometimes sand needs to be watered several times.
  • She does not like dry air, for this reason the room should be provided air humidifier or every day spray branches sprayer water. They will help you properly care for a living Christmas tree for the New Year.
  • With the use of a simple wet rag, it is also possible to put up a live Christmas tree. Simply wrap the barrel with it and fix it in the crosspiece. The only thing, do not forget to wet the rag sometimes, otherwise it will begin to crumble.
  • You can help prolong the freshness of a live Christmas tree if you put it away. from heating devices and ovens.
  • Do not use for decoration candles and homemade electric garlands.

How to dispose after the holidays

Unfortunately, the Christmas tree will sooner or later begin to dry out and crumble. Do not forget that it must be properly disposed of.

You need to prepare for the release in advance, because most often, when disassembling and utilizing a tree, it is impossible not to litter with crumbling dried needles. To avoid this, it is necessary to carefully remove the dried tree so that needles do not have to be picked up throughout the house and in the entrance.

Here's how to properly dispose of a Christmas tree:

  1. put on mittens and outerwear with long sleeves;
  2. cut the branches as close to the trunk as possible and carefully fold them into large bags;
  3. now you only have a bare trunk left, you can throw it in the trash without worrying that you will litter your apartment or entrance.

By the way! Christmas tree elements do not have to be thrown away. Wood can be used to make various crafts and decorations.

Video: how to properly dispose of a Christmas tree

By following all the above recommendations, you can easily select and install a living odorous beauty both in the apartment and in the house. It remains only to decorate it beautifully and festively. By the way, as for decorating the main symbol of the holiday, here you can bring to life the most bold ideas and ideas. We wish you to choose the most beautiful live Christmas tree for the New Year!

Video: how to choose a live Christmas tree for the New Year

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