How to wash stretch ceilings at home: choose a safe way. How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks: effective products and how to use them

- stylish, modern addition to the interior of the apartment. It is simple and quick to install and easy to maintain. The most popular type of stretch ceiling is glossy. Manufacturers offer a wide range of models that differ in quality, color and some other characteristics. To believe that such a ceiling does not need to be washed is a mistake. Unfortunately, it is subject to pollution in the same way as any part of the living space. Therefore, the editors of the online magazine site have prepared material to help you figure out what to wash. stretch ceiling glossy without streaks.

Let's start from the opposite: how and how to stain the ceiling, so that later it can be effectively washed

This method of care is the most optimal and easy. Serious dirt left by any force majeure event must be removed immediately so that the stains do not dry out and eat into the web material, then you do not need to look for a means for washing stretch ceilings without streaks.

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How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks - tools and accessories

Regardless of the manufacturer and quality, a stretch ceiling is a rather delicate and capricious substance.

In order not to damage it and ensure maximum service life, it is necessary to care for the canvas, following the simplest recommendations:

  1. For wet cleaning, only soft cloths and sponges are used. Any prickly and hard material will leave scratches on a glossy surface.
  2. If the ceilings are high, then you need to stock up or a stepladder.
  3. Definitely not worth using. It is better to reach each corner with a cloth in hand. Otherwise, there is a high risk of damage to the material. It is better to close your eyes to the manufacturer's recommendation. If the installers did their job in bad faith, then a deplorable result in the form of a damaged film cannot be avoided.

How to wash stretch ceilings quickly? You can try special rubber cloths sold in car dealerships for wiping windows and car facades. It doesn't need anything other than water. Due to its structure, it does not leave streaks on a glossy surface.

How to wash the stretch ceiling - detergents

If you are struggling with fat on the ceiling, then you need to use the “weapon” for its intended purpose. serious greasy spots must be washed with a weak solution of dishwashing detergent. Too much concentration can create another problem - streaks after washing. To eliminate other types of stains, use products for and.

How to wash a stretch ceiling from harmless household chemicals

For a more accurate result, it is better to use a washing spray. It contains alcohol and ammonia. Due to this, there is a rapid traceless evaporation of the remnants of the substance from the treated gloss. But it would not hurt to wipe it with a “magic” rubber cloth so as not to leave stains from the applied product.

How to wash a stretch glossy ceiling without streaks and bring gloss

In order to appearance glossy ceiling remained aesthetic as long as possible, after wet cleaning it is necessary to rub it. Especially in those places where cleaning products were used most intensively. To do this, you must use lint-free material. The rubbing process is long and painstaking, but necessary to preserve the noble luster of the ceiling canvas. This should be taken as part of the mandatory care. Therefore, we stock up on patience and a comfortable stepladder.

What means can not be washed stretch ceilings - myths and reality

It is necessary to take care of, stretched over your head. It requires care, but does not tolerate haste and recklessness, so you need to know the best way to wash stretch ceilings, especially when "good advisers" know 1000 and 1 way to remove any dirt from coatings:

  1. During the washing process, it is necessary to refrain from using detergents in the form of a powder. They also include soda. It is risky to use even in diluted form.
  2. Most likely, you will have to abandon those detergents and cleaning agents that contain acetone. For the latter, check with the fabric manufacturer, as some surfaces are insensitive to such a substance in a diluted state.
  3. It is also worth putting aside trouble-free products intended for washing dishes with strong fatty contamination. They contain corrosive acid. It is impossible to work with her without gloves. All this will spoil the structure of the material.

Attention! Everyone's favorite and universal household or tar soap- this is an aggressive substance for any stretch fabric. Therefore, you should refrain from using such products.

Another erroneous statement about how to wash a stretch ceiling without streaks is the use of mustard. Yes, it does not contain aggressive substances and does remove some types of stains. But not from the surface of stretch ceilings, where it becomes an unremovable pollutant.

Chlorine is another household budget stain remover. But its use only corrodes the structure of the canvas. In addition, it can leave bleached spots, which turn into icteric over time.


Glossy stretch ceiling is a capricious element of the interior. Its splendor is easily destroyed by one careless movement. Therefore, for cleaning, you need to be well prepared.

Cleaning the ceiling is always difficult because you have to be in an uncomfortable position. The unnatural position of the body causes pain and numbness of the limbs. Under such conditions, it is very easy to damage a delicate surface or leave stains on it. To minimize risks, it is recommended to create the most favorable conditions for work.

It is advisable to clean the structure on a good stepladder or a well-fixed ladder. A durable and comfortable surface will help you perform all actions with two hands and focus on the process.

To process a glossy ceiling, you need to prepare as many clean, thin and soft cotton napkins as possible. A washed old white rag torn into small pieces is perfect. bed linen or flannel diaper. You can use microfiber cloths or pieces of suede.

You will also need some new washing foam sponges, a vacuum cleaner with a brush head with soft bristles, and non-abrasive detergents.

Before starting the procedure, you should remove all jewelry from your hands: rings, bracelets, chains. They can leave scratches on the canvas. For the same reason, women with long nails better work in rubber gloves.

Cleaning procedure

Modern stretch ceilings are subjected to antistatic treatment during the production process. Therefore, the dust weakly sticks to them. Caring for such a canvas is quite simple. It is enough to periodically wipe it with a dry or damp cloth. Can stretch ceilings be washed?

Regular wet cleaning will keep the decoration of the interior in perfect condition. If a small spot appears on the ceiling, it makes no sense to wash the entire surface. The stain is carefully rubbed with a damp cotton cloth, then the treated area is wiped with a dry and clean cloth.

It is possible to clean only a contaminated place only if the rest of the surface is perfectly clean. If the ceiling has already become dirty and dust or other types of pollution have appeared on it, the cleaned area will stand out against the general background more light shade and glitter.

How to wash stretch ceilings correctly? It is advisable to do this manually. Cleaning should be carried out in stages, washing in turn small areas. Some housewives wash stretch ceilings with a cloth wound around a mop. This method is not excluded. However, when cleaning the canvas with a mop, maximum care must be taken. A soft cloth should completely cover the crossbar of the mop so that it does not accidentally touch the glossy surface.

A vacuum cleaner will help remove dust from the ceiling. Despite the presence of soft pile on the nozzle, its direct contact with the canvas should be avoided. Keep the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner should be at a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface of the cloth. The slightest pressure on the fabric of the structure can lead to a weakening of its tension and sagging.

Stretch ceilings do not withstand any physical exercise. For the same reason, do not forcefully rub the detergent into the surface. Excessive pressure can cause defects and rupture of the material. Cleansing should be done with soft delicate movements.

How to wash stretch ceilings to safely remove dirt and restore the original shine?


Stretch ceilings are made of brittle materials. It is necessary to select the most gentle detergents for their purification. You can remove a light coating of dust from the ceiling with plain water. If the pollution is old and the dust layer is dense, there will not be enough water. Detergents are necessary for washing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, loggia, summer cottage and bathroom. Without detergents, it is difficult to wash the matte stretch ceiling.

Among industrial cleansers, it is worth giving preference to the products "Mr. Muscle" and "Vanish". The concentration of active substances in them is not so high as to harm the delicate surface of the stretch fabric. However, it is quite sufficient for high-quality cleaning of the structure. Dilution of cleaning products in warm water will better clean the surface, avoid streaks and restore the original shine.

Mirror shine will give the product a polish for stretch ceilings. Before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.

To make maintenance less burdensome, it is recommended to regularly use special products for glossy stretch ceilings with an antistatic effect.

If there are no special cleaning products, you can wash stretch ceilings at home with foam detergents that do not contain a large amount of alkaline substances. These include baby and laundry soap, in addition, dishwashing detergent.

No need to apply detergents directly to the surface. You should also not lather it with soap. Cleaning of the canvas should be carried out with foam of a pre-prepared soap solution. The foam is whipped from the latter. It is her, and not a soap solution, that is applied to the stretch ceiling. Foam perfectly eliminates pollution and is easily washed off with water.

To prepare a soapy solution, use slightly warm water. The high temperature of the liquid can damage the material of the stretch ceiling. Optimum temperature detergent is 30-40°C. Some more expensive designs can withstand higher temperatures, but it's not worth the risk.

You can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks with a window cleaner, which includes ammonia. It will easily clean the surface, leave no streaks and restore a radiant shine.

The most suitable is a window cleaner made in the form of a spray. The less physical impact will be exerted on the structure, the better.

When buying a product, you need to make sure that it does not contain acetone. Some window cleaners are made from it.

How to get rid of circles after cleaning

When using a soapy solution, clearly visible white streaks will appear on the ceiling. To get rid of them, you need to wash the surface with water with a sponge several times. At the same time, the water and the sponge are changed every time. After wet treatment, the surface is wiped dry with a dry, clean cotton cloth. The ceiling is cleaned with water and wiped dry until there is not a single soap spot left on it.

Experienced housewives recommend not to make circular movements while cleaning the stretch fabric. This will help reduce the likelihood of divorce. If there are seams on the structure, they should be processed only along the seam line. Movements directed at an angle to the seam line will cause the detergent to enter into it. This will lead to deformation of the canvas, the glossy sheen on the seam line will disappear. suspended ceiling will look uneven and lose its beauty.

A non-concentrated alcohol solution will help to achieve sparkling highlights. Alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Most often use ammonia. Although he copes worse with soap stains, but the risk of his negative impact on ceiling dyes is minimal.

What should never be washed stretch glossy ceiling?

What can't be used

In no case should washing powders, tar soap, baking soda and soda ash, mustard, acetone (and products containing it), detergents containing chlorine, acid, solvents and concentrated alkalis, as well as powder and cream detergents, be used to clean the stretch ceiling. solid particles. All of these products have a devastating effect on the material of construction. Paints lose their original shade, the structure of the canvas is deformed, microcracks appear on it. The ceiling is covered with wrinkles and scratches, loses its luster. The tension of the structure weakens, and ugly sagging appears on it. The destruction of the material can be so strong that holes can appear in the ceiling.

In the event that there is doubt about the safety of the detergent, its action should be tested on small plot in an inconspicuous corner of the ceiling. If the procedure did not cause undesirable phenomena and cleaned the surface with high quality, the product is suitable for washing the entire canvas.

Do not use a broom for dry cleaning. Even the softest broom with careless movement can damage the material false ceiling. It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive sponges and hard brushes to clean the fabric of the structure.

How to keep kitchen and bathroom ceilings clean

Features of these rooms require increased attention to stretch ceilings. To keep them looking flawless, they need regular grooming. Due to the high humidity in the bathroom, it is often formed limescale. It is necessary to wash it with a wet cloth and wipe the cleaned area dry with a dry cloth.

The glossy surface of the ceiling in the bathroom is constantly covered with soap stains due to splashes falling on it while bathing. It is advisable to wipe the surface of the structure after each shower. Dried soap drops are more difficult to remove.

It is necessary to constantly take care of the stretch ceilings in the kitchen. This room becomes dirty very quickly due to the rising hot vapors during the cooking process. Even if there is a powerful hood in the kitchen, grease, dust and soot quickly accumulate on the ceilings. Kitchen dirt does not just settle, but penetrates into the canvas. How to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen? Some grease stains are so large and dense that it is not possible to wipe them off with a wet cloth. They should be pre-treated with dish or window cleaner, then left for a few minutes. Under the influence of detergents, the stains soften and are subsequently removed with a wet sponge. The cleaned area should be wiped dry with a clean cloth. If the contamination cannot be cleaned the first time, it should be re-treated.

A steam mop or steam cleaner can help remove kitchen dirt.

When using a steam mop, put a microfiber pad on it. Cleaning with steam is carried out with careful movements parallel to the seams.

If cleaning is carried out with a steam cleaner, the steam jet is directed to the ceiling. After steam treatment, the condensed liquid is carefully removed from the ceiling with dry cotton napkins. Stubborn and stubborn dirt should be removed with a steam cleaner after pre-treatment degreasing agent.

After cleaning the ceiling with a steam mop or steam cleaner, it is recommended to treat the ceiling with a solution of ammonia. This will help avoid divorce.

To prevent stubborn dirt from appearing, stretch fabrics in the kitchen must be cleaned as often as possible. On the mirror glossy surface of the structure, any speck is noticeable. Therefore, in kitchens and bathrooms, it is preferable to install not glossy, but matte stretch ceilings.

Good day, dear friends! If you have a glossy stretch ceiling, then you already realized that this is not an option that can do without special care.

A glossy surface cannot remain perfect for too long. Today we will find out: how to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks.

Choosing the right means, you can make such cleaning very quickly and easily. After all, a wonderful ceiling covering will look luxurious only with proper care.

The gloss should shine, because it’s not in vain that you spent so much time, money and effort on installing it. Therefore, let's figure out how to properly wash such a ceiling so that stains do not form.
These are the rules you can use:

  1. Use only a soft sponge. Hard materials will scratch the surface.
  2. The sponge can be wetted with soapy water.
  3. The ceiling should be washed with light circular motions. In this case, you need to move away from the weld.
  4. Also remove small dirt with a sponge.
  5. After washing, the surface should be wiped with a dry flannel cloth.

If you have not decided: what means to wash the ceiling, then choosing some option, try it on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe canvas.

Wait after application 10 minutes.

You can't wash the ceiling hot water, as this will lead to deformation of the canvas.

What detergents can be used?

To wash a high-quality glossy finish at home, first select suitable remedy. Remember that such compounds should not have acetone.

Alcohol-containing products help well, which perfectly clean the surface from dust.
You can try to remove the stain with washing powder, but it should be very well diluted in water until completely dissolved.
You can use any cleaning product that does not contain aggressive or abrasive components:

  • the non-toxic detergent Mister Muscle copes well with pollution. Such a solution helps to wash soot, grease and all kinds of stains;
  • Fairy gel can be diluted with water. Such a tool also washes away fat well;
  • Try using glass cleaner. It must be sprayed on the surface and then wiped with a dry cloth.

There are also special products for washing ceiling coverings. But even they should be tested before use, especially if you have photo printing on the ceilings.


When deciding how to clean the ceiling, you first need to prepare. First of all, prepare a fixed ladder or a sturdy stepladder so that it is convenient to work on them.

Safety in this cleaning is of paramount importance. Remember that an unnatural position causes pain and numbness of body parts.
To treat the coating, prepare soft and clean cotton napkins. Pieces of a flannel diaper or rags from old bedding will do.
You will also need a vacuum cleaner with a brush attachment, foam rubber sponges or non-abrasive detergents.

You can’t leave scratches on the canvas, so remove all jewelry from your hands.

What tools to use

If you are wondering: is it possible to clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, then the answer is yes. This is exactly what the experts recommend.

But before such cleaning, make sure that the structure is securely fixed. This method of cleaning can be used no more than once a month.
By the way, so that the film coating is not heavily covered with dust, it should be treated with an antistatic agent.

How to remove stains

You can watch the video on how to remove stains correctly. Due to the presence of moisture, yellow spots may appear on the surface.

This happens when the roof or pipes leak. Did you know that ugly stains can appear from tobacco smoke?

Also, when a significant amount of moisture evaporates, yellow blotches can form on the ceiling.
Leak stains are difficult to remove. It is better to immediately check the roof and water lines for leaks.
Try these ways:

  1. Crumble some soap into shavings and dissolve in water. You can also add a mild detergent there. Then a soft cloth is wetted in the solution, which is used to wipe the contaminated surfaces.
  2. Try diluting the ammonia and gently rub the stain with this mixture.
  3. Use special compositions for washing ceiling surfaces.

How to get rid of circles after cleaning

When using a soapy solution to wash the ceiling in the kitchen or bathroom, circles and white streaks may form.

To remove them, the surface is washed with a sponge several times. After wet wiping, dry rags are used.
If seams are present, they should be cleaned along the seam line. If the processing is carried out at an angle to the seam line, then debris can get there.
To get sparkling highlights, use an alcohol solution, but in a small concentration.

How to wash tension structures?

Before washing the ceiling, it is better to vacuum it first. If the ceiling is fabric, then dry cleaning is used.

When using a vacuum cleaner, do not touch the surface. If the device is too powerful, the material may be deformed.
It is better to wash the stretch ceiling by hand. In this case, cleaning is carried out in stages. Wash small areas one at a time.

You can try wrapping a cloth around a mop to clean the surface.

But at the same time, you need to act very carefully so as not to spoil the canvas.

To add shine to the surface, you can add a little ammonia to the water.
Ceilings in the bathroom or in the kitchen deserve special attention. Due to high humidity, lime deposits may form on the surface.

It should be wiped with a wet cloth, and then wiped with a dry cloth.
In the bathroom, the glossy surface may be splashed when bathing. This results in divorces. Dried exile stains are more difficult to remove, so it is best to wipe the surface immediately.
The ceilings in the kitchen also require careful maintenance. After all, even if there quality hood, greasy spots, soot and dust form on the ceiling surface.

Large oil stains are treated first detergent and then with a wet cloth.

Cleaned areas are wiped with a dry cloth. You can also use a steam cleaner to remove stubborn stains.

When using a special steam mop, you must use a microfiber nozzle. After steam treatment, all dirt is removed with napkins.

What is forbidden to wash ceilings

Let's figure out what can not be used to clean the canvases, and also find out if they are washed with powder. Experts do not recommend the use of washing powder.

But for washing small stains, you can try making a solution with a small amount of it. In general, do not use abrasive products, metal brushes and hard washcloths.

Forbidden various solvents and preparations containing chlorine.

Not suitable for the care of a shiny surface soda, tar soap and mustard. Such products have a destructive effect on the ceiling coating.

Paints can lose their shade, and cracks and deformations form on the canvas.

Do not use a broom when dry cleaning. Even a soft tool can damage the fabric of the structure.

Your Stretch Glossy Ceiling, if properly installed, will require little to no maintenance. The only thing that can happen is tarnishing, and to get rid of it, the ceiling needs to be washed. We will talk about the specifics of this procedure, as well as the features of care, in this article.

We take care of the stretch ceiling correctly

In fact, a stretch ceiling of any kind - white, colored, matte or glossy - does not require special care. Its surface is antistatic and does not attract dust. The maximum that is required is to clean the ceiling a couple of times a year.

The exception is rooms with high humidity and frequent soiling, such as the bathroom and kitchen. Even good hood over the stove will not get rid of the appearance of soot on the ceiling over time. And in the bathroom, even despite the curtain, splashes scatter in all directions. Soapy water leaves whitish spots on the stretch ceiling.

Ceilings in rooms such as balconies, loggias and corridors in private houses are also regularly polluted. Street dust settles on the stretch canvas, especially in summer.

Stretch ceiling maintenance can be of three types:

  • dry cleaning with a vacuum cleaner;
  • dry cleaning - rubbing with a flannel cloth;
  • wet cleaning, or washing the ceiling.

In the first case, a vacuum cleaner is needed only to remove the cobwebs from the ceiling. Manufacturers special means this method is recommended for washing stretch ceilings, but it must be used as carefully as possible so as not to damage the coating. And only if the ceiling was installed correctly and without errors.

Stretch glossy ceilings do not require special care: their surface is protected by antistatic from dust

If the ceiling canvas is a little dirty, just wipe it thoroughly with a flannel cloth. 10% ammonia will help restore the shine of a dull surface. You can also use a brush with a long soft bristle for dry cleaning.

Please note: if you do not want the stretch ceiling to become dirty at the very beginning of operation, order it after all repairs around the house have been completed. Otherwise, the ceiling will require a very thorough cleaning.

Wet cleaning of the ceiling is required only if persistent dirt has appeared on the surface. We will talk about this in more detail.

Basic rules for wet cleaning glossy ceiling

Stretch ceiling requires care in handling. If you want it to always sparkle clean and not be damaged during the washing process, follow the main conditions.

  1. Use only a soft sponge in your work. A hard material (especially a brush) will scratch the gloss, deform it, or even tear the film material.
  2. Moisten a soft sponge in a light soapy solution so that there are no stains on the ceiling that will have to be washed off more thoroughly. It is necessary to rinse with light circular movements in the direction of the weld.
  3. Be sure to remove all jewelry from your hands before washing. Firstly, they are easy to scratch the surface, and secondly, they themselves can deteriorate during cleaning.
  4. A minimum of mechanical stress should be applied to the glossy ceiling. Do not use abrasive cleaners, creams or powders with hard particles, including baking soda.
  5. It is best to use products in the form of a spray containing ammonia. Glass cleaners (but only colorless ones) are great - they will not leave streaks and give the ceiling surface a shine.
  6. Do not use a mop when cleaning the ceiling. Wash only by hand, gently and without pressure. In addition, do not try to polish the gloss too much: you can damage the film.

When buying preparations for washing the ceiling, be sure to read the composition. In no case should the product contain acetone. Also some chemical substances can harm the coating: soften it, change color, completely remove it.

When washing a glossy stretch ceiling, use soft fabrics or sponges and special products

Please note: you can do a safety test yourself detergent. Apply a drop of the substance to an inconspicuous area of ​​the ceiling and wait 10 minutes - this time is enough to see the reaction of the coating to the product. The most suitable are alcohol-containing preparations.

Video: care for stretch ceilings

Stretch ceilings are a great invention that will save us a lot of trouble. We hope our tips will be useful to you and help you get the job done quickly and efficiently. Ask questions about the topic in the comments. Good luck to you!

One of the newfangled ceiling design options are tension structures, represented by a wide variety of textures, compositions and colors. They fit perfectly into the style directions, emphasize the individuality and taste of the owners. Achieve the aesthetic beauty of a stretch ceiling on long period time can proper care behind the surface, maintaining it in proper condition. Sometimes specialists from cleaning companies are invited for washing or cleaning, but this process is not so complicated, and you can do it yourself.

How to wash the ceiling

When it's time to put the ceiling in order, you should properly prepare for work, purchase the necessary accessories. Agree that the ceiling is washed quite rarely, so better time spend money and purchase high-quality cleaning and other accessories than risk damaging such a beautiful and expensive surface.

What supplies do you need for cleaning?

Depending on the type of dirt and surface to clean, you may need flannel rags, soft-bristled brushes, foam rubber sponges, dry cleaning wipes, a bowl or bucket for dilution soap suds and, of course, a stepladder so that you can easily get to every corner of the surface.

If you just want to remove a layer of dust from the ceiling in the living room or clean it of sediment after repair, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but the nozzle must be chosen so that it does not damage the surface, for example, a very soft fleecy brush (we will look at tips on how to properly clean the ceiling with a vacuum cleaner).

Sometimes, to simplify cleaning, or in the case of very high ceilings, the owners resort to using a mop, winding a damp cloth around it. In the case of stretch fabrics, such a life hack is a risky undertaking, since one careless movement (strong emphasis, jerk) can damage the surface. Therefore, it is worth gaining strength, patience and holding manual work using the above accessories.

Choosing detergents

To wash the ceiling with high quality, it is better to use special compounds sold in a hardware store. The manufacturer or company that installed the design, as a rule, indicates what is best suited for a particular material. You can also use solutions for washing mirror surfaces and windows. Their advantage lies in the presence of ammonia, which will ensure the complete absence of stains after cleaning. Sometimes housewives make such a solution on their own, diluting ammonia with water (1:10).

The most simple and affordable way– application liquid formulations for washing dishes, but first you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances or granular particles.

You can use a home-made solution: powder or finely chopped soap is diluted in water (it is better to refuse the household 72% soap, since it contains a lot of alkali). At the end of the washing procedure, everything should be processed clean water, and then remove the moisture with napkins.

How to wash different surfaces

Considering the fact that stretch fabrics are made from various materials and have a variety of surfaces, each of them requires a separate approach. Next, we will consider the advice of experts, following which you can easily restore the primary beauty of the surface.

Washing a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

The glossy ceiling surface looks, of course, excellent and is found quite often in stylish modern interiors. Its main advantage lies in the shiny reflective surface, which creates incomparable effects, but only if it is spotlessly clean. The most important thing in cleaning a glossy ceiling is to carry out the work so that there is no trace left of stains, which are very noticeable on a shiny surface. First you need to wash the product with circular light movements without pressure. Then, to return the shine, it does not hurt to treat it with a 10% solution of ammonia, and in conclusion, once again walk with a dry cloth.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling

The matte surface has its advantages, in particular, the ability to bring peace and tranquility to any interior. It dampens any reflections and looks like a classic whitewash. The only caveat concerns the design of kitchen ceilings with such canvases - according to experts, soot and greasy stains that may occur during the cooking process are quite difficult to remove from a rough surface.

On the frosted ceilings divorces are much less noticeable, which somewhat simplifies the matter. However, cleaning must also be carried out carefully and efficiently. Use an ordinary soap (powder) solution, which is diluted in warm water (+30 ... + 40C). Here, side-to-side movements (from right to left and back) are preferred. If there is a joint of canvases in the design, then the seam must be washed along. Next, we also rinse the ceiling with water and wipe it.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are often chosen during the design luxurious interiors. They resemble in appearance decorative plaster, and the textured surface makes the ceiling visually absolutely even. Please note that not every fabric can boast of being waterproof, and it is better to clean them dry without the use of water products, just with napkins or special soft brushes (there are models in stores for cleaning ceiling complex surfaces with curves and cornices).

A feature of the fabric tension surface is its fragility, so cleaning should be done with extreme caution. In no case should you rub in one place for a long time, trying to eliminate an old spot - this can lead to a change in the structure and loss of appearance. Such canvases should be wiped gently, without the use of force. It is better to avoid circular movements in favor of longitudinal ones, which will provide better cleaning fabrics.

How to eliminate pollution after a global repair

At the end repair work in the room or carrying out redevelopment with dismantling on ceiling panel a thick layer of dust may form, as well as the remains of a frozen ground solution. Dust is best removed with a vacuum cleaner, because wet cleaning of dusty places only complicates the process. It is also necessary to work with a vacuum cleaner carefully - its nozzle in the form of a soft brush should not touch the surface of the ceiling during operation, but be at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In this case, you need to select the average suction mode. If you start to simply drive the nozzle along stretch fabric or set it to high, you risk ending up with a sagging surface that immediately loses its aesthetic value.

Another important point- removal of hardened primer. Do not try to scrape it off the surface - this will certainly lead to deformation. The area should be soaked with a soap or powder solution, left for some time to sour, and then, avoiding pressure, wipe with a damp cloth.

How to wash the stretch ceiling in the kitchen

The kitchen is especially a room where pollution is often formed not only on the floor and walls, but also on the ceiling surfaces. As we said, matte suspended structures- it's not the best the best way, it is worth giving preference to a glossy surface, especially since it can create a visual effect of increasing space.

If you find outdated dirty stains from grease or soot, you do not need to try to eliminate them by thorough rubbing, it is better to moisten them with soapy water, allowing them to soak, and then wipe them with a damp sponge. Experts warn you to use soda solution, which is often used by housewives in cleaning kitchen space, is highly discouraged, as it can adversely affect the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. When the local problem is eliminated, you can start washing the entire surface using the methods discussed above.

What Not to Do

Summing up, we can say that washing a stretch ceiling at home is not at all difficult if you follow the basic precautions, namely:

- Do not use abrasive solutions, especially those that include acetone - it can damage the material, ruining its appearance. It is best to test the product on a small poorly visible area before work;

- In no case is it allowed to use hard brushes, even in relation to very old dirt - they must be soaked and then washed using soft, gentle products;

- If you prefer cleaning with a mop, be extremely careful with sudden movements to avoid deformation of the cloth;

- All seams present on the ceiling surface must be processed not in circular motions or across, but exclusively along to avoid accumulation of dirt at the joints.

Be sure to take into account the properties of various canvases, choose the right accessories, cleaning products. You should also watch for possible appearance spots in one place or another. Sometimes the cause may be soot or leaking pipes from the upper floors. The first thing to do is eliminate the potential threat.

Stretch ceilings - a magnificent modern finishing material, which is able to give even the most ordinary interior its zest, and correct operation and care will help to preserve all the charm of the design for many years.