We wash my glossy stretch ceiling without leaving streaks. How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling to restore its shine? How to clean a fabric ceiling

The glossy stretch ceiling is a whimsical element of the interior. Its splendor can be easily destroyed with one careless movement. Therefore, you need to prepare well for cleaning.

Cleaning the ceiling is always difficult because you have to be in an uncomfortable position. An unnatural position of the body causes pain and numbness in the limbs. It is very easy to damage or stain the delicate surface under these conditions. To minimize risks, it is recommended to create the most favorable conditions for work.

It is advisable to clean the structure on a solid step-ladder or a well-fixed ladder. A durable and comfortable surface will help you do everything with two hands and focus on the process.

For processing glossy ceiling Prepare as many clean, thin, and soft cotton wipes as possible. A washed old rag of white torn into small pieces is perfect bed linen or a flannel diaper. You can use microfiber cloths or pieces of suede.

You will also need a few new foam sponges, a vacuum cleaner with a soft-lint brush attachment and detergents non-abrasive nature.

Before starting the procedure, you should remove all jewelry from your hands: rings, bracelets, chains. They can scratch the canvas. For the same reason, women with long nails do better work in rubber gloves.

Cleaning procedure

Modern stretch ceilings are subjected to antistatic treatment during the production process. Therefore, the dust weakly adheres to them. Caring for such a canvas is quite simple. It is enough to periodically wipe it with a dry or damp cloth. Can stretch ceilings be washed?

Regular wet cleaning will allow you to maintain interior decoration in perfect condition... If a small speck appears on the ceiling, there is no point in washing the entire surface. The stain is carefully rubbed with a damp cotton cloth, then the treated area is wiped with a dry and clean cloth.

You can only clean a dirty area if the rest of the surface is perfectly clean. If the ceiling has already become dirty and a deposit of dust or other types of pollution has appeared on it, the cleaned area will stand out against the general background more light shade and shine.

How to clean stretch ceilings correctly? It is advisable to do it manually. Cleansing should be carried out in stages, in turn rinsing small areas... Some housewives wash stretch ceilings with a cloth wrapped around a mop. This method is not excluded. However, use the utmost care when cleaning the canvas with a mop. A soft cloth should completely cover the cross bar of the squeegee so that it does not accidentally touch the glossy surface.

A vacuum cleaner will help remove dust from the ceiling. Despite the presence of soft lint on the accessory, direct contact with the cloth should be avoided. Keep the nozzle from the vacuum cleaner at a distance of 1-2 cm from the surface of the canvas. The slightest pressure on the fabric of the structure can lead to a weakening of its tension and sagging.

Stretch ceilings do not withstand any physical exercise... For the same reason, you cannot rub the detergent into the surface forcibly. Excessive pressure can cause defects and tearing of the material. Cleansing should be done with gentle, gentle movements.

How to wash stretch ceilings to safely remove dirt and restore the original shine?


Stretch ceilings are made of fragile materials... It is necessary to select the most gentle detergents to clean them. You can remove a light coating of dust from the ceiling with plain water. If the contamination is old and the dust layer is dense, there will be insufficient water. Detergents are necessary for washing stretch ceilings in the kitchen, loggia, in the summer cottage and in the bathroom. It is difficult to clean a matte stretch ceiling without detergents.

Among industrial cleaning agents, it is worth giving preference to the products "Mister Muscle" and "Vanish". The concentration of active substances in them is not so high as to harm the delicate surface of the stretch fabric. However, it is quite sufficient for high-quality cleaning constructions. Diluting the cleaners in warm water will help clean the surface better, avoid streaking and restore the original shine.

Mirror shine will give the product a polish for stretch ceilings. Before using the product, you should carefully read the instructions for its use.

To make maintenance less burdensome, it is recommended to regularly use special products for glossy stretch ceilings with an antistatic effect.

If there are no special cleaning products, you can wash stretch ceilings at home with the foam of detergents that do not contain a large amount of alkaline substances. These include baby and laundry soap, as well as dishwashing detergent.

No need to apply detergents directly to the surface. You should also not lather it with soap. Cleaning the canvas must be carried out with the foam of a previously prepared soap solution. The foam is whipped from the latter. It is her, and not the soap solution, that is applied to the stretch ceiling. The foam will perfectly remove dirt and can be easily washed off with water.

To prepare the soap solution, use lukewarm water. The high temperature of the liquid can damage the stretch ceiling material. Optimum temperature detergent is 30-40 ° C. Some of the more expensive structures can withstand higher temperatures, but you shouldn't risk it.

You can wash the stretch ceiling without streaks with a window cleaner, which includes ammonia... It will easily clean the surface, leave no streaks and restore a radiant shine.

A window cleaner made in the form of a spray is most suitable. The less physical impact is exerted on the structure, the better.

When buying a product, you need to make sure that it does not contain acetone. Some window cleaners are based on it.

How to get rid of circles after cleaning

If you use soapy water, you will see clearly visible white streaks on the ceiling. To get rid of them, you need to wash the surface with water using a sponge several times. At the same time, the water and the sponge change every time. After wet processing, the surface is wiped dry with a clean, dry cotton cloth. The ceiling is cleaned with water and wiped dry until no soap spots remain on it.

Experienced housewives recommend not to make circular movements while cleaning the stretch fabric. Such a measure will help reduce the likelihood of divorce. If there are seams on the structure, they should only be processed along the seam line. Movement directed at an angle to the seam line will cause detergent to flow into the seam. This will lead to deformation of the canvas, the glossy sheen on the seam line will disappear. Suspended ceiling will look patchy and lose its beauty.

A non-concentrated alcohol solution will help to achieve sparkling highlights. Alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. Ammonia is used more often. Although it copes worse with soap stains, but the risk of it negative impact on ceiling dyes is minimal.

In no way should you wash your stretch glossy ceiling?

What not to use

In no case should be used to clean the stretch ceiling. washing powders, tar soap, baking soda and soda ash, mustard, acetone (and products containing it), detergents containing chlorine, acid, solvents and concentrated alkalis, and powder and cream detergents with solid particles. All of these products have a devastating effect on the material of construction. Paints lose their original shade, the structure of the canvas is deformed, and microcracks appear on it. The ceiling becomes covered with wrinkles and scratches, loses its shine. The tension on the structure is weakened and ugly sagging appears on the structure. The destruction of the material can be so severe that holes can appear in the ceiling.

In the event that there is a doubt about the safety of the detergent, its action should be tested on small area in an inconspicuous corner of the ceiling. If the procedure did not cause undesirable phenomena and cleaned the surface with high quality, the product is suitable for washing the entire canvas.

Do not use a broom for dry cleaning. Even the softest broom can damage the material if you move it carelessly. false ceiling... It is strictly forbidden to use abrasive sponges and hard brushes to clean the fabric of the structure.

How to keep kitchen and bathroom ceilings clean

The peculiarities of these premises require increased attention to stretch ceilings. To keep them looking flawless, they need regular grooming. Because of high humidity the bathroom often forms limescale... It is necessary to wash it with a wet cloth and wipe the cleaned area dry with a dry cloth.

The glossy surface of the ceiling in the bathroom is constantly covered with soap stains due to splashes falling on it during bathing. It is advisable to wipe the surface of the structure after each shower. Dried soap drops are more difficult to remove.

It is necessary to constantly take care of the stretch ceilings in the kitchen. This room gets dirty very quickly due to hot fumes rising up during cooking. Even if there is a powerful hood in the kitchen, grease, dust and soot quickly accumulate on the ceilings. Kitchen dirt does not just settle, but penetrates the canvas. How to wash stretch ceilings in the kitchen? Some grease stains are so large and dense that it is not possible to wipe them off with a wet cloth. They should be pretreated with dish or window cleaner and then left for a few minutes. Detergents soften the stains and can then be removed with a wet sponge. Wipe the cleaned area dry with a clean cloth. If the contamination cannot be cleaned the first time, it should be treated again.

A steam mop or steam cleaner can help remove kitchen dirt.

When using a steam mop, put on the microfiber brush. Steam cleaning is done with gentle movements parallel to the seams.

If cleaning is carried out with a steam cleaner, a jet of steam is directed towards the ceiling. After steaming, the condensed liquid is gently removed from the ceiling with dry cotton napkins. Old and dense dirt should be removed with a steam cleaner after preprocessing a degreasing agent.

After cleaning the ceiling with a steam mop or steam cleaner, it is recommended to treat it with a solution of ammonia. This will avoid streaking.

To prevent stubborn dirt from appearing, stretch fabrics in the kitchen must be cleaned as often as possible. Any speck is noticeable on the mirror-like glossy surface of the structure. Therefore, in kitchens and bathrooms, it is preferable to install not glossy, but matte stretch ceilings.

Stretch ceilings are very popular. This is due to their beautiful appearance and long service life. Getting started cleaning after repairs, you need to know how to wash the stretch ceiling efficiently without streaks.

Features of washing a stretch ceiling

It is not often necessary to remove dirt and dust from the ceiling surface. But when starting this process, consider the main features of cleaning:

Cleansing is necessary for covering in any of the rooms. In the bathroom during water treatments drops fall on its surface, drying out and leaving traces. It is necessary to wash the ceiling in the kitchen because of the accumulation of soot on it, and dust accumulates on the surface in the living room. When starting to clean, remember that any stretch ceiling requires careful handling, the PVC material from which it is made can be easily damaged.

How to clean a glossy stretch ceiling?

When cleaning stretch glossy ceilings, consider the tips for cleaning this type of surface, because they easily leave noticeable numerous traces of stains. Follow the basic rules for cleaning a glossy stretch ceiling, if you have never washed it, remember the recommendations:

  • use a soft sponge
  • use mechanical force with caution
  • use harmless detergents

The tensioned glossy top does not tolerate aggressive mechanical stress; hard brushes and fabrics can scratch it, deform or even tear it. Therefore, you need to try to wash as carefully as possible, without applying unnecessary effort, otherwise you risk completely ruining the surface.

It is advisable to remove rings and bracelets from your hands so as not to accidentally scratch the coating. Remember that you cannot use powder products, they leave scratches on the glossy surface. These detergents include:

  • abrasives
  • soda
  • cream with solid particles

If you do not know how to clean stretch ceilings with a glossy finish to avoid streaks, use a glass spray or add ammonia to the water. Manufacturers recommend cleaning the glossy stretch ceiling with a vacuum cleaner, but this method can be used only if the PVC film is securely fixed. It is advisable to put a soft cloth on the brush so as not to scratch the material.

How to clean a matte stretch ceiling?

It must be remembered that you need to wash matte stretch ceilings no less carefully than glossy ones. Also, avoid aggressive cleaning agents and mechanical damage. Here are some basic guidelines on how to properly wash such coatings:

  • alcohol-containing liquids must not be used
  • do not use dry powders
  • do circular motions with a rag

Conveniently, stretch ceilings with a matte surface are easy to clean, no streaks remain on them. Before starting cleaning, read the manufacturer's instructions, it should tell you how to clean stretch ceilings. If you are not confident in your abilities, the specialists of the cleaning company can wash the stretch matte ceiling.

Matte finishes are easier to clean than glossy ceilings, just follow the basic rules and avoid heavy surface contamination. Like any cleaning, this procedure requires regularity. How to wash stretch ceilings can be seen in the video.

Cleaning frequency and how to remove stains?

How to wash stretch ceilings, what products to use - depends on the room in which cleaning is carried out. In the living room, mainly dust accumulates on the surface. You can get rid of it with a dry soft cloth, in this case it does not matter how to wash the stretch ceilings, you can do this in a circular motion or parallel to one of the walls. Purification is carried out as it gets dirty.

In the kitchen, even with a hood, carbon deposits settle on the surfaces, so you need to know how stretch ceilings can be washed. There are special products on sale that facilitate the cleaning process, you can also dissolve the powder in water and gently wash the coating with such a liquid. A matte ceiling for the kitchen is preferable; dirt is not so noticeable on it and stains do not remain. It is necessary to clean the surfaces in this room at least once every six months, otherwise the light may dim, and the pollution will be eliminated with difficulty.

Many apartment residents are interested in how to wash stretch ceilings in the bathroom. Cleaning this room is no different from cleaning surfaces in the rest of the apartment. Depending on the degree of soiling, you can clean the coating with a damp or dry sponge. You can wash the stretch matte ceiling with water with the addition liquid soap... Never use aggressive detergents, remember that the PVC tension surface is very sensitive to aggressive media.

Clean the surface regularly, as it can be difficult or even impossible to properly wash a heavily soiled coating. If the stretch ceilings in the apartment have lost their shine or lost their brightness, treat them with a special tool that can be found in hardware store... Be sure to test the detergent in the most inconspicuous place, you should know how stretch ceilings will react to it. Make sure the surface is not yellowed or deformed.

Stretch ceilings are used not only in apartments, but also in offices. This type of coating is durable, looks beautiful and gives you the opportunity to experiment with design. But remember that the PVC surface needs regular high-quality cleaning, which will keep the ceiling presentable for a long time.

The beauty and practicality of stretch ceilings makes them more and more popular every day. How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling, as well as a matte or fabric one, are topical questions for owners of such a ceiling finish. It is to these questions that our article is devoted.

What is a stretch ceiling?

Before you wash your stretch glossy ceiling, you need to understand its structure and properties. Only in this case you will be sure that you are doing all the work on cleaning the surface correctly, which means that you do not damage the material.

Such a covering is a construction of a single piece of polyester fabric or polyvinyl chloride film. Such pieces are fixed on a plastic or aluminum baguette under the ceiling.

Important! A similar ceiling covering was popular in Ancient rome... At that time they pulled fabric drapery... Later, in the Middle Ages in Armenia, they began to use a canvas impregnated with chalk for these purposes.

With the invention of PVC film in the 60s of the twentieth century, such ceilings acquired the look we were used to and began to enjoy great popularity. At first, they were used only in apartments and offices, where the ceilings were defective, and they needed to be masked. Every year this design was in demand more and more. After all, durable and resistant to mechanical stress different types materials long years able to delight with beauty and comfort.

Do I need to wash the stretch ceiling?

Some manufacturers claim that such coatings require absolutely no maintenance. But this is not the case. From time to time they still need to be cleaned.

This must be done with the knowledge of how to wash stretch ceilings at home. Incorrect handling can cause deformation, discoloration and material damage. The rules for cleaning such a ceiling covering will vary slightly, depending on the type of material in the base.

Washing stretch ceilings at home

There are two ways to clean such a structure: dry and wet:

  1. In the first case, a dry cloth will come to the rescue, which, in fact, is rubbed with the coating material.
  2. Wet cleaning is carried out with a sponge dipped in clean water without impurities or in a solution of non-aggressive detergents.

Important! Regular cleaning and washing of stretch ceilings helps to maintain their beautiful appearance and excellent condition. Lack of maintenance leads to the appearance of dirt, which will be very difficult to remove later.

In order to wash stretch ceilings at home, you will need the following items:

  • Ladder.
  • Soft sponge.
  • Wipes made of suede, microfiber or other soft material.
  • Vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.
  • Non-abrasive detergents.

How to wash glossy and matte stretch ceilings?

The safest means for the ceiling material are plain water or a mild soapy solution. You can also use dish soap or window cleaner.

Important! Before using the selected product, it is imperative to check the reaction of the ceiling material to it. To do this, apply a detergent to an area of ​​the ceiling hidden from the eyes and check for a reaction after a while. If there are no stains, discoloration or damage, then you can safely use the selected liquid to clean the entire surface.

In addition to the aforementioned tools that are in every home, almost every hardware store can offer its customers how to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks. The only significant drawback of such special means is their cost.

What is strictly forbidden to wash stretch ceilings?

Due to the fact that the material of the canvas is quite capricious in terms of the perception of chemicals, there is a list of means with which it is simply prohibited to process them:

  • Washing powders of any type.
  • Tar and laundry soap.
  • Mustard and baking soda.
  • Acetone.
  • Products that contain an increased amount of chemicals of high concentration.
  • Products containing chlorine.
  • Powder detergents.

Important! Strong chemical substances can lead to loss of gloss and tarnishing of the material paint, deformation of the web and its sagging.

How to clean a streak-free stretch ceiling? - Fundamental rules

In order for the ceiling covering to remain as beautiful as on the first day after installation, you should follow the basic rules for washing it:

  • Use only soft sponges or soft tissues for this purpose.
  • The washing process is carried out in the direction of the weld seam with light circular movements.
  • After washing, wipe the cloth with a dry flannel cloth.

Important! Hard sponges and brushes can easily damage delicate surfaces: scratch, tear or deform the gloss.

  • Remove any jewelry you are wearing. They can cause accidental damage to the material.
  • Use only liquids for washing. Avoid abrasive products, creams and powders. They can damage the ceiling.
  • Carefully read the composition of the product with which you decided to wash the stretch ceiling. In no case should it contain acetone. An excellent option would be products with an alcohol content.
  • PVC cloths should be washed very carefully without pressure. In order to more effectively remove dust and dirt from the surface, use an aqueous solution with a temperature of about 35 degrees.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to use a mop for washing stretch ceilings at home.

  • To carry out all the cleaning steps correctly, you should read the instructions. The coating manufacturer must necessarily indicate all the nuances of this process.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

Glossy ceilings create a unique and special atmosphere in the room. In order for the material not to lose its luster, it simply needs regular maintenance.

How and with what to wash stretch glossy ceilings?

In order to avoid streaks on the smooth and shiny surface of the ceiling, it is best to clean with a window cleaner.

Important! Sometimes window cleaners contain various dyes that can affect the color of the stretch ceiling. Therefore, you should definitely check the product on an invisible area of ​​the material.

If the remedy fits, proceed as follows:

  1. Use a soft microfiber or suede cloth and a liquid of your choice to wipe dust off the cloth.
  2. Then dry the canvas with a clean flannel cloth.
  3. To delete construction dust from the ceiling, use a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush attachment.

Important! The vacuum cleaner should be turned on at minimum power. Do not bring it closer than 2-3 cm to the ceiling surface.

How to wash a glossy stretch ceiling to restore its shine?

To restore the shine of the canvas, it is treated with a solution of ammonia:

  1. Gently apply 10% ammonia solution to the glossy surface with a clean, soft cloth.
  2. Wipe the cloth dry after processing.

How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home?

In appearance, the matte stretch ceiling resembles a flat plastered surface. Such a canvas has no tendency to scratches and cracks on it, dust does not settle on it. But, despite all its advantages, such a ceiling covering still requires periodic maintenance.

It is much easier to wash a matte stretch ceiling than a glossy one, since you can not be afraid of the appearance of stains. Therefore, caring for a matte surface is reduced to washing with degreasing agents or cleaning with hot steam.

Important! After cleaning, the matte cloth must be wiped dry.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings?

The material for such a ceiling covering is more fragile compared to PVC sheets. Therefore, it should be cleaned very carefully, adhering to the following recommendations:

  • Do not use window cleaners to clean fabric ceilings. Substances that are part of such products can penetrate into the structure of the canvas and lead to a color change.
  • Do not clean the tensioning fabric ceilings in a circular motion. This can lead to streaks. Such ceilings should only be washed back and forth.

Important! For severe contamination, a powder solution can be used. When cleaning with this product, do not rub the same area for too long..

Stretch ceilings have long become a popular product and are available in many apartments. All owners have periodic problems with their cleaning. An improperly selected product can damage the structure cover, and gentle methods will not be as effective. In order for ceilings to be in good condition, they must be properly and regularly cleaned. In this case, it is imperative to follow some rules.

Selection of detergents

This is the first question to think about before starting work. Suitable substances, as well as their positive and negative qualities are given in the table.

Table. Comparison of detergents for stretch ceilings

Cleaning optionsAdvantagesdisadvantages
Special polishes and sprays with alcohol in the compositionEase of use, no need for additional steps for preliminary preparation. High efficiency and elimination of streaks. Shine.The appearance of a persistent specific odor. Chemical composition harmful to the skin. Danger to mucous membranes. Possible damage to the material.
Non-abrasive liquid consistencyGood performance. Gentle effect on the material of the ceilings. Shine.Requiring additional steps for cooking. Smell. Danger of dripping on the face during work.
Warm water with the addition of ordinary soapAvailability. Relative skin safety. Pleasant aroma.Possible divorces. No guarantee of complete cleaning.
A solution of water and vodka or 10% ammoniaEasy accessibility. Relatively high efficiency. Shine.Persistent specific odor. Negative influence on skin and the material of the suspended structures.
Dry method using a soft, lint-free clothEnvironmental protection and complete safety for health. Ease of use.Does not remove stubborn stains. Mediocre performance.

The most convenient option will be the use of a spray or spray. The use of tar soap, corrosive chemical powders, acetone, products containing chlorine in the composition, as well as any cleaning agents in granules or other structures that can damage the materials. As a result of their use, scratches, microcracks appear, and the paint loses its brightness and shine, takes on a worn look.

How to wash glossy stretch ceilings

Ideally, the selection of a particular tool should be checked against the operating instructions that are received during installation or requested from the manufacturer. O best practices cleaning, you can also ask the workers who install the hinged structure - often these specialists are competent in such matters or are able to at least recommend sources from which you can find out the answers of such a plan.

Which washing tool should you choose?

The type of cloths and cleaning devices depends on the type of cleaning procedures. For the wet version, the following products are suitable.

Dry wiping is practically not required, since the ceiling coating has an antistatic effect and does not retain dust particles, therefore this type of cleaning is rarely necessary.

In some exceptional situations, as well as to get rid of the cobweb, the following options are used.

  1. Gentle fabrics, napkins, sponges... Devices should not be easily soiled. It is better not to use rubber copies - they will pull the glossy film. The absence of powder substances, even in small quantities, is pre-checked. Options with a border, tassels or other types of ornamentation and decoration will not work. Good choice there will be a special whisk.
  2. Vacuum cleaner... Requires careful use at the lowest intensity setting. The brush is replaced with another type of brush. If the device still strongly sucks in air, you need to keep it at a short distance from the surface of the structure. To clean the corners, nozzles are not required at all; a suction pipe will suffice.

Preparation for work

When starting the process, a number of actions should be performed, in particular:

  • purchase and put in the room where the cleaning will take place, the right tools and detergents; the latter, if necessary, must be diluted in advance or whipped into a foam without residues of crystalline granules;
  • if the elimination of contamination will do without vacuum cleaners and mops, a stepladder or ladder is installed (near the wall);
  • after use chemicals the room must be ventilated;
  • protective gloves and masks are desirable;
  • a scarf or any old unused headdress is thrown over the hair, work clothes are preferred, which must be comfortable and not hinder movement;
  • all jewelry like bracelets, rings and rings are removed so as not to damage the materials; the most careful should be women with long nails, especially those of artificial origin;
  • furniture and other things in the room, if possible, are covered with a protective film or old fabrics;
  • in cases where the ceiling has significant cracks, a deformed shape of the coating or the base itself, it is worth using the services renovation works nicknames and postpone cleaning work before full recovery integrity.

Preparing to wash the ceiling: 1. Prepare everything you need. 2. Install the ladder. 3. Ventilate (after work). 4. Take care of protective equipment. 5. Put an old hat over your hair. 6. Remove jewelry. 7. Cover the furniture protective film... 8. Have recourse to repair (if necessary).

After completing and checking all the preparatory procedures, you can safely proceed to the main type of work. If for some reason such measures are inconvenient or impossible for the apartment owners, then there are special services and companies whose employees deal with such issues for a relatively small fee. Their help will be especially appropriate if minor damage is present on the structural composition.

Cleaning steps

Full spring-cleaning and cleansing stretch ceilings presupposes a certain algorithm for performing actions and passing several mandatory stages at once.

Do not use the hot air of a hair dryer on separate areas, as its pressure will lead to unsatisfactory results and complications.

After completing the work, the room needs to be ventilated.

Washing procedures are not limited to choice suitable means, cleaning tools and step by step instructions cleaning. To be effective highest level, all necessary actions aimed at removing dirt and streaks must obey the general rules.

Video - What and how to wash stretch ceilings?

One of the newfangled design options for ceilings is tension structures, represented by a wide variety of textures, compositions and colors. They fit perfectly into the style directions, emphasize the individuality and taste of the owners. You can achieve the aesthetic beauty of a stretch ceiling for a long period of time proper care behind the surface, keeping it in proper condition. Sometimes specialists from cleaning companies are invited for washing or cleaning, but this process is not so complicated, and you can do it yourself.

How to wash the ceiling

When it's time to put the ceiling in order, you should thoroughly prepare for work, purchase the necessary accessories. Agree that the ceiling is rarely washed, therefore better times spend money and purchase high-quality cleaning and other accessories, than risk damaging such a beautiful and expensive surface.

What accessories do you need for cleaning

Depending on the type of dirt and surface, you may need to clean flannel rags, soft bristle brushes, foam sponges, dry wipes, a bowl or dilution bucket. soap foam and, of course, a stepladder so that you can easily reach every corner of the surface.

If you simply want to remove a layer of dust from the ceiling in the living room or clean it of sediment after repairs, you can use a vacuum cleaner, but the attachment must be selected so that it does not damage the surface, for example, a very soft fleecy brush (below we will consider tips on how to vacuum the ceiling).

Sometimes, to simplify cleaning or in the case of very high ceilings, owners resort to using a mop by winding a damp cloth around it. In the case of stretch canvases, such a life hack is a risky undertaking, since one careless movement (strong emphasis, jerk) can lead to surface damage. Therefore, it is worth gaining strength, patience and manual work using the aforementioned accessories.

Choosing means for washing

To clean the ceiling properly, it is better to use special formulations sold in the household store. The manufacturer or company that installed the structure usually indicates what is best for a particular material. You can also use solutions for cleaning mirrors and windows. Their advantage lies in the presence of ammonia, which will ensure the complete absence of stains after cleaning. Sometimes housewives make such a solution on their own, diluting the ammonia with water (1:10).

The most simple and affordable way- application liquid formulations for washing dishes, but first you need to make sure that it does not contain abrasive substances or granular particles.

You can use a homemade solution: powder or finely adjusted soap is diluted in water (it is better to abandon the household 72% -percentage, since it contains a lot of alkali). At the end of the washing procedure, everything should be processed clean water and then remove the moisture with napkins.

How to wash different surfaces

Considering the fact that stretch fabrics are made from various materials and have a variety of surfaces, each of which requires a separate approach. Next, we will consider the advice of specialists, adhering to which, you can easily restore the primary beauty of the surface.

Washing a glossy stretch ceiling without streaks

The glossy ceiling surface certainly looks great and is quite common in stylish modern interiors... Its main advantage is its shiny reflective surface, which creates unparalleled effects, but only if it is spotlessly clean. The most important thing in cleaning a glossy ceiling is to carry out the work so that there is no trace left of stains, which are very noticeable on a shiny surface. First you need to wash the product in circular light movements without pressure. Then, to return the shine, it does not hurt to treat it with a 10% solution of ammonia, and in conclusion - walk again with a dry napkin.

How to clean a matte stretch ceiling

The matte surface has its advantages, in particular, the ability to bring calm and tranquility into any interior. It dampens any reflections and looks like a classic whitewash. The only caveat concerns the design of kitchen ceilings with such canvases - according to experts, soot and greasy stains that may arise during the cooking process, it is rather difficult to remove from a rough surface.

On matt ceilings divorces are noticeable much less, which somewhat simplifies the matter. However, cleaning must also be carried out carefully and efficiently. Use a regular soapy (powder) solution, which is diluted in warm water (+ 30 ... + 40C). Here movement from side to side (from right to left and vice versa) is preferable. If there is a joint of canvases in the structure, then the seam must be washed along. Next, we also rinse the ceiling with some water and wipe it off.

How to wash fabric stretch ceilings

Fabric stretch ceilings are often chosen when decorating luxurious interiors... They resemble in appearance decorative plaster, and the textured surface makes the ceiling visually absolutely even. Please note that not every fabric can boast of water resistance, and it is better to clean them dry without using water, just napkins or special soft brushes (in stores there are models for cleaning ceiling complex surfaces with bends and cornices).

A feature of the fabric tension surface is its fragility, so cleaning should be done with extreme caution. In no case should you rub in one place for a long time, trying to eliminate an old speck - this can lead to a change in the structure and loss of appearance. Such cloths should be wiped carefully, without the use of force. It is better to avoid circular motions in favor of longitudinal motions, which will provide better cleaning fabrics.

How to eliminate contamination after a global repair

At the end of repair work in the room or redevelopment with dismantling on ceiling panel a thick layer of dust may form, as well as residues of solidified soil solution. It is better to remove dust with a vacuum cleaner, because wet cleaning of dusty places only complicates the process. You also need to work with the vacuum cleaner carefully - its nozzle in the form of a soft brush should not touch the ceiling surface during operation, but be at a distance of 2-3 cm from it. In this case, you need to select the average suction mode. If you start to simply run the nozzle on tension cloth or set it to a high setting, you risk getting a sagging surface that will immediately lose its aesthetic value.

One more important point- elimination of hardened primer. Do not try to scrape it off the surface - this will certainly lead to deformation. The area should be soaked in a soapy or powdery solution, left to sit for a while, and then, avoiding pressure, wipe with a damp cloth.

How to clean a stretch ceiling in the kitchen

Kitchen - especially a room where pollution is often formed not only on the floor and walls, but also on the ceiling surfaces. As we said, matte suspended structures- this is not the most the best way, it is worth giving preference to a glossy surface, especially since it can create the visual effect of increasing space.

If you find obsolete stains from grease or carbon deposits, you do not need to try to eliminate them by thorough rubbing, it is better to moisten them with soapy water, allowing them to soak, and then wipe with a damp sponge. Experts warn that to use soda solution, which is often used by housewives in cleaning kitchen space, it is highly not recommended, as it can negatively affect the aesthetic characteristics of the coating. When the local problem is eliminated, you can start washing the entire surface using the methods discussed above.

What not to do

Summing up, we can say that washing a stretch ceiling at home is not at all difficult if you follow the basic precautions, namely:

- Do not use abrasive solutions, especially those containing acetone - it can damage the material, spoiling it appearance... It is best to test the product in a small, poorly visible area before work;

- In no case is it allowed to use hard brushes, even in relation to very old dirt - they must be soaked and then washed using mild, gentle means;

- If you prefer cleaning with a mop, be extremely careful with sharp movements in order to avoid deformation of the canvas;

- All seams present on the ceiling surface must be processed not in a circular motion or across, but exclusively along, in order to avoid the accumulation of dirt at the joints.

Be sure to take into account the properties of various canvases, choose the right accessories, cleaning products. You should also watch for possible stains in certain places. Sometimes carbon deposits or pipe leaks from the upper floors can be the cause. The first thing to do is eliminate the potential threat.

Stretch ceilings - gorgeous modern finishing material, which is able to give even the most ordinary interior its zest, and correct operation and care will help preserve all the beauty of the design for many years.