How many baht can I take out of Thailand. Ivory and any products from it. Exotic animals - skins, fur, stuffed animals and more

Tourists who have visited the Land of Smiles at least once always want to take home something as a keepsake, so they ask themselves: "?". Buying souvenirs, trinkets or things that have practical use, don't forget that Exotic fruits Thailand are also a kind of memory of this country. Moreover, some of them never appear on the shelves of Russian stores.

Is it possible and how to take fruit out of Thailand?

Asking: “Is it possible to export fruit from Thailand?”- we must rather take care of how to do it right, since the only fruit that cannot be exported from this country is durian. However, with a certain dexterity, it will not be difficult to transport it through. Read about it at the end of the article.

Fruit transported in a plastic container can be folded into an open bag. When transported in a basket or wicker container, they must be wrapped in newspaper, since according to the rules, fruits are carried in the luggage compartment.

Fruits that seem especially exotic are usually brought from Thailand. For example, - a fruit that is quite rare even in South-East Asia. Grown in the north of the country and harvested from April to June, it is somewhat similar to the Chinese apple, only the whole fruit is covered with sharp, like a cucumber, pimples. To taste, it resembles fermented grapes and “knits” a little like persimmon. But do not neglect the trivial bananas. There are 20 types of them in Thailand, and the taste is significantly different from those that we buy in supermarkets at home.

Fruit is sold everywhere in Thailand, including on the beaches and especially in the markets. However, the closer the points of sale are to tourist routes, the higher the prices. If you decide to save money and at the same time solve the issue of how to export fruit from thailand, pay attention to the Tesco Lotus hypermarket chain. Along with fruits you can buy there Plastic container for their transportation. They have wheels for easy transport.

Concerned about the problem: is it possible to export durian from thailand, and if not, then how to do it, you should remember that the glory of this fruit is PR, there is nothing supernatural in it. This fruit, covered with a thick green skin, looks like a large chestnut. Inside it are five slices, into which the fruit is usually divided when selling. It must be used very carefully - it greatly increases the pressure.

You can’t take it out of Thailand only because of its odor, especially risky tourists are taken directly in hand luggage. To do this, choose a not too ripe fruit, wrap it with a newspaper, and for reliability put it in two or three tightly closed bags. It will start to smell in about five hours, but by this time you will have already crossed and will be high in the air.

By the way, durian is not the only strong-smelling fruit. The sweet and sour breadfruit pulp smells like rotten onions. But its skin has no smell, so there are no bans on its transportation.

Traveling to Thailand, vacations in this exotic Land of Smiles no longer surprise anyone. But in order for the rest not to turn into a nightmare, it is better to prepare in advance and study both the customs and the laws of these regions. It is especially necessary to pay attention to the fact that it is impossible to export from Thailand. After all, you don't want trouble at customs, do you?

Of course, there are people who rely on chance or on the ubiquitous corruption. But then this article is not for them. Many tourists, when buying souvenirs in shops or markets, have no idea that this can create problems for them during export. Even Russian guides can give wrong advice. It's no secret that often the main thing is to sell your product, and then, as they say, out of sight, out of mind. We want to help tourists not get into a mess and will briefly outline here the Thai legislation in the field of what is prohibited for export.

works of art

Many people buy Buddha images in Thailand as a reminder of their stay in this country. But remember that figurines (of both Gautama and bodhisattvas) can only be taken out of the country if they are less than fifteen centimeters in size. As a rule, such consumer goods are sold in all markets and in souvenir shops. If the figurine or part of it is more than the specified height, then the thing is prohibited for export.

The same applies to the bowls that serve the monks for alms. This is done because such an export is considered an exception. An exception is made only for scientists, monks, priests, religious scholars - in a word, those who need such things for research or religious purposes. But for this you need to obtain a special license.

What else can not be exported from Thailand? Precious stones that have not been processed, polished and do not have a setting. Gold bars and any jewelry made of platinum, stamps, antiques, works of art (even reproductions) you cannot take home without a license either.

exotic souvenirs

Let's talk now about what cannot be exported from Thailand from natural materials. There are many corals in this country, but just like in Egypt, you will not be allowed to export them in an unprocessed form with impunity. If you bought jewelry from this material, then there will be no problems. Although you should not buy shells too big size. And that can attract excessive attention of customs officers. You should not try to pack stuffed animals of any kind unless you have a special permit certificate.

Snakes, turtles, elephants, crocodiles

Things made from snakeskin and crocodile skin should not be taken home unless you have too much of them. After all, there are many farms in the country where these animals are grown, and most of their products are sold legally. But ivory or tortoiseshell is strictly prohibited. This also applies to any products made from these materials. Their export is illegal. The elephant in Thailand is a sacred animal and it is against the law to hunt or kill it. Therefore, even buying such products in this country is impossible, this is a crime. No tusks, no elements of them, no carvings, no bracelets, no necklaces, no rings. All this is illegal and refers to what cannot be exported from Thailand to Russia and other countries.

Turtles around the world are under the threat of destruction due to sea water pollution, commercial fishing and poaching. Therefore, they are protected by Thai law. And even if you see combs, combs and tortoise shell jewelry on night wounds, you will have to resist this temptation.

Other animals and plants

Very often, orchids are brought from this exotic country. But often this happens in violation of the law. Be aware that you cannot export plants or any parts of them that are still in the vegetative state from Thailand if you do not have documents or a license. Therefore, only cut orchids, without roots, can legally be packed in luggage or hand luggage.

Animals that belong to rare or endangered species are not allowed to be exported in any case. First of all, it is often sold (and bought) in dried form in Thailand. But the scanner at customs will highlight his silhouette perfectly. Therefore, if you really want to, buy traditional Thai medicines, which include seahorse powder.

What fruits can not be exported from Thailand

First of all, it's a durian. Of course, this fruit is a symbol of Southeast Asia. Some people can't stand it. Others call it the king of fruits. But be that as it may, they will not let you on the plane with durian. The laws of the country say nothing about the fact that you do not have the right to take it, but the rules of the airlines in this case are very strict.

Why can't durian be exported from Thailand? Yes, just for its killer smell. After all, the slightest damage - and the whole room stinks so that no freshener can kill this amber for several days, or even more. It will take at least a week for all this to weather. Who would take that risk? But dried durian or jam from it can be taken in luggage, but not in hand luggage.

But there is another fruit that cannot be taken out of Thailand by plane. Rather, it is even a berry or melon culture - a watermelon (not cut into pieces, but whole). If you are using other means of transport such as cruise ship- please. But on an airplane, the pressure difference can cause a watermelon to explode and cause damage to both your belongings and the luggage of your neighbors. Therefore, this berry, as a rule, is seized during customs inspection. Other fruits can be exported. But this does not mean that you will not have problems when you return home. It turns out that fruits cannot be imported from Southeast Asia to Russia. True, many do this at the risk of confiscation.

King's property

Have you read the Russian Constitution? It says that all land belongs to the state. But in Thailand, it is the property of the king. And this is true, not just words. Therefore, it cannot be bought or exported. Land can only be rented, and if you take it abroad, it is tantamount to theft. The same applies to sand. No matter how beautiful and snow-white it may be, you cannot take it with you. After all, sand is also part of the earth. By the way, sometimes it cannot even be taken from some beaches that are located in protected areas. If you get caught by special guards who find such a souvenir in you, then you will be punished before you reach customs.

An unexpected ban: coconuts

But not only earth and sand cannot be taken with you as souvenirs. Another amazing moment for us is coconuts. They are forbidden to be packed in baggage or aircraft in any form - both green and ripe. Why is it impossible to export coconuts from Thailand by air? Because they are not translucent with a scanner and it is impossible to understand whether there is something illegal inside or not. Therefore, in the past, when coconuts could be carried on an airplane, they were often used to illegally transport drugs, counterfeit money, small-caliber weapons, explosives, and so on.

Penalties for illegal transportation

Of course, Thai customs officers do not always rummage through all the things of passengers and seize illegal items and substances. But keep in mind that scanners work at any airport, which you cannot deceive. Moreover, your things are translucent three times - when you enter the airport, during customs control and after baggage check-in.

Suppose you do not know what cannot be exported from Thailand. A list of such illegal things, however, hangs at customs, and you will not get off with statements of your ignorance. Therefore, they will be seized, and you will be fined a large amount. Moreover, if suddenly your already packed suitcases arouse the suspicion of customs officers or border guards, they will open it, but they are unlikely to rush to put everything back. Therefore, your things may simply not reach home safe and sound.

There are cases when customs officers, having good mood, for a certain bribe, they allow themselves to close their eyes, and you - to take out an illegal item. But they can also make a scandal, confiscate counterfeit goods, fine them and put a stamp in the passport about violation of export rules. But this is already serious. Therefore, it is better to be law-abiding. Moreover, for the export of land in general, you can get a prison sentence.

Knowing everything about items that can be exported to a limited extent or not at all from Thailand is important not only because of the threat of an impressive fine at customs. There are other sanctions for illegal transportation, for example, a stamp in the passport about the violation. This entails a ban on subsequent entry into the territory of the kingdom.

In general, Thailand's legislation is considered one of the most stringent in the world. Some items, the export of which is strictly prohibited, have a sacred meaning for the locals, and an attempt to transport them is perceived only as an insult.

It is interesting that so far the sale of some goods prohibited for export into the hands of tourists has not been stopped, but, on the contrary, is strongly encouraged by the authorities. Therefore, below we will provide a detailed list of products that are better not to be considered as souvenirs.

Prohibited from export from Thailand

Let's ignore such items as drugs, weapons, large sums of national currency (baht) - their transportation is considered a crime everywhere, not only in Thailand. Let's focus only on products that fall under the definition of "souvenirs".

  1. Ivory- not only an attempt to export ivory products abroad, but also the trade in them is considered illegal. Elephants in the kingdom are sacred animals, but tusk products are traded in Thailand at every turn.
  2. Shells, starfish, seahorses - although they are also sold in abundance at any resort, attempting to transport them is punishable by a fine. The exception is small shells.
  3. Turtles - many species of turtles live in local waters, some of them are endangered species. You can not buy and export any live animals or products from them.
  4. Claws, tiger skins - this type of souvenir is extremely rare, and it costs fabulous money. Like turtles, tigers are legally protected and hunting is prohibited.
  5. It is impossible to export corals from Thailand, more precisely, a ban on the export of unprocessed corals mined independently.
  6. The image of the Buddha - the deity is extremely revered by the locals. Without restrictions, the purchase and export of medallions with the image of the Buddha is allowed, but paintings and figurines (more than 30 cm high) will most likely be taken away at customs.
  7. Alcoholic drinks - it is interesting that alcohol is allowed to be imported into the kingdom in any quantity, but exported no more than 1 liter.
  8. Durian - this legendary fruit is not allowed to be brought into hotels, of course, and their export is also prohibited. Other fruits can be carried on board the aircraft, but only in checked baggage and not in carry-on baggage.
  9. Crocodiles - although the manufacture of souvenirs from crocodiles, the use of their valuable skin in production, even the use of their meat for food is put on a grand scale in Thailand, you will not be allowed to take all of the above with you to your homeland.
  10. 1 Bats - These creatures are also protected by local law, although stuffed ones are freely traded at any resort.

The souvenirs listed above cannot be taken out of Thailand if you are not going to spoil the impressions of getting to know the country. Although there are rumors that you can bring anything through customs for a bribe, we do not advise you to experiment with this.

Before traveling to Thailand, you should pay attention to customs regulations countries, which will allow you to avoid trouble at the airport and safely both enter and leave the kingdom. What can you bring into Thailand with you, and what is prohibited for import? What souvenirs should you not try to take out of the land of smiles? How to transport Thai fruits correctly? Read below!

Import restrictions when entering Thailand

There is a system of red and green corridors on the Thai border. The green corridor is used by travelers who do not bring into the country subject to declaration or prohibited goods. The red corridor is intended for the transportation of goods that require the payment of customs duties or a special permit.

You can import into Thailand without paying customs duty:

  • Personal belongings (in an amount in which it is impossible to sell them in bulk);
  • Items household appliances, household(the reason for the import of such things may be a change of residence);
  • 1 camera, video camera;
  • Tobacco products - no more than 200 cigarettes or 250 g of smoking tobacco per person;
  • Alcohol - 1 liter per person;
  • Currency equivalent up to 20,000 dollars.

It is forbidden to import into Thailand:

  • Narcotic substances;
  • Materials of pornographic content;
  • Unlicensed video and audio materials;
  • Dog breeds American Staffordshire Terrier and Pit Bull Terrier.

Items in quantities exceeding the norms established by law must be declared. It can be any thing, the number of which is sufficient to sell in bulk. To enter the country with a pet, a certain package of documents is required (read more about traveling with pets). Weapons can only be imported with a special permit.

Export restrictions when leaving Thailand

Among the many goods sold in Thailand, there are those that are distributed illegally or are allowed to be sold inside the country, but are prohibited from being exported outside of it. Therefore, before buying souvenirs and other things that you plan to bring with you from the land of smiles to your homeland, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following list.

It is prohibited to export from Thailand:

  • Durian, coconut and watermelon;
  • Earth and sand, including flower pots with plants;
  • Raw corals and shells. These items can be exported from the country only in the form of souvenirs (in processed form);
  • Skin and stuffed crocodile. Not subject to restriction finished goods animal skin: bags, wallets, belts, shoes;
  • Images and figurines of the Buddha over 13 cm high, as well as monastic bowls for alms;
  • Ivory in any form, including products made from it;
  • Tortoise shell products;
  • Skins, bones of big cats (tigers, leopards, leopards) and products from them;
  • Seahorse (can be found on sale in dried form);
  • Narcotic substances and materials of pornographic content.

For the export of jewelry and gold bars, a certificate from the store where the items were purchased is required. Antiques and original works of art may only be exported with a license from the Department of Fine Arts.

How to take out Thai fruits?

Exotic Thai fruits are one of the best gifts relatives and friends after a holiday in Thailand. If you decide to bring fruits from a paradise country with you, you should take care of their proper packaging and familiarize yourself with the following customs regulations.

In Thailand, there is no limit on the number of exported fruits. The main thing is that the total weight of your luggage does not exceed the allowable limit.

It is forbidden to export durian from Thailand because of its specific smell. This fruit should not be checked in or taken on board the aircraft. In the first case from bad smell your personal belongings may be damaged, in the second - all passengers of the aircraft. The aroma of durian is persistent and quickly spreads throughout any room. Therefore, we recommend taking home sweets, pasta, and durian chips instead of fresh fruits.

Watermelon is also prohibited for export, which can explode on board from a pressure drop, and coconut because of its dense peel, which is not visible through the scanner at customs control.

Fruits can be either checked in or carried in hand luggage. In order for valuable tropical cargo to reach its destination safe and sound, you should not buy overripe fruits that will have time to deteriorate even during the flight.

A special plastic container, which can be purchased at any large supermarket or market, will help protect fruits from damage during transportation. Such a container can either be put in a suitcase or checked in separately as baggage or taken with you to the aircraft cabin (if the dimensions of the container do not exceed the allowable for hand luggage). However, so that the fruits are not confiscated at customs in Russia, it is better to take them in your hand luggage or put the basket in your suitcase.

There are examples of how travelers manage to violate customs regulations in Thailand with impunity. However, we recommend that you adhere to established rules so that your holiday in the land of smiles is not overshadowed by unpleasant incidents at the airport.

Few people think about the fact that there is a weighty list of things and products that cannot be exported from Thailand to Russia. How to take away your piece of paradise and not get a fine or even worse - a ban on entry to Thailand and imprisonment? Full list things that cannot be taken out of Thailand after a vacation you will find in today's article.

Buddha and religious symbols

One of the posters on the way from Bangkok airport to Pattaya reads “its wrong to use buddha as decoration or tattoo means to respect”. That is, it is not good to use images of the Buddha for the interior or as a tattoo. Show respect.

Although figurines and images of the Buddha are sold on every corner, taking them out of Thailand is prohibited by law. Only those Buddha figurines that are smaller than 15 cm and are sold in souvenir shops are allowed for export.
In addition to the Buddha, begging bowls, which are used in Buddhist monasteries and other religious symbols, are not allowed to be exported from Thailand.

If you are a religious scholar, monk, priest, or other clergyman, it is possible that you will be given an exception, provided that you need religious symbols for research and work. But don't count on it too much.

Exotic animals - skins, fur, stuffed animals and more

A crocodile or python bag, slippers or a wallet - please. If you are going to carry a stuffed crocodile, ivory or other “crafts” made from elephant skin, this cannot be done. The elephant in Thailand is a sacred animal, they are even assigned a pension. So killing elephants or using their body parts to make souvenirs is against the law.

Souvenirs, things, household items made from snake, crocodile, ostrich or stingray skin can be exported from Thailand if the number of such souvenirs is beyond doubt that you bought them for yourself, and not for further resale.

The same goes for turtles. Turtles in Thailand are an endangered species. They are protected by the state, as various tropical species of turtles living in Thailand are on the verge of extinction.
Combs, hairpins, combs, tortoiseshell crafts are prohibited for export from Thailand to Russia.

Gemstones from Thailand to Russia

Buy rings, earrings, bracelets with precious or semi-precious stones in Thailand and you can take them to Russia. You can not export from Thailand any gems, which do not have polishing and rims.
You cannot transport gold bars, rare stamps, antiques, paintings and other art objects without an appropriate license and export permit.

Sea souvenirs from Thailand to Russia

Arriving on vacation in Thailand, you will certainly rest on paradise tropical islands, where local shells and corals beckon with the call “take me with you!”
Should not be doing that. Thai law is very strict on the export of not only rare, but also any other types of shells, corals. You just can't prove what you bought beautiful crafts from shells or corals for decoration, not stolen from the beach.
In order not to run into a fine of 100,000 baht or imprisonment while still in Thailand, I do not advise feeding exotic fish and collecting shells, corals and stones you like during excursions to the islands, it is strictly forbidden to take anything related to flora and fauna from the islands !

Take orchids from Thailand to Russia

orchid alley in Nong Nooch

Those of you who have at least once traveled to and seen the diversity the rarest species orchids growing here, of course, he will want to grab a couple as a souvenir.
You can export orchids from Thailand to Russia, but with some reservations.

You can export cut orchids or those intended for transportation are in a special container without soil. The same applies to other plants, flowers, any vegetation.
Why no land? See next paragraph

Ban on the export of Thai soil and sand

Caribo Tour - Cocktail on the Beach

All the land of Thailand belongs to the king and therefore not a gram, not a single bit of land from Thailand can not be taken out.
Therefore, you can not carry orchids with the ground or other plants.

What to do? Merchants got out of the situation by sealing orchids and other beautiful exotic flowers in special capsules with a nutrient solution and balls. They normally tolerate the flight and in the future you will be able to grow beautiful flower, which will remind you of your vacation in Thailand.
You can buy such orchids both at the airport before departure in the duty free zone, and on excursions. In Nong Nooch Park, on some review and other programs in which vegetable world Thailand.

There are tourists who, as a souvenir from each beach country, bring a handful of sand for collection.
Sand, like earth, cannot be exported from Thailand. If customs officers find it, you will be fined and prosecuted.

What fruits cannot be exported from Thailand to Russia?

Coconuts cannot be exported from Thailand. The reason is simple - coconuts cannot pass the scanner, because they are not translucent inside and customs is not able to understand if there are illegal substances, drugs or something like that inside the coconut.


A watermelon on board an aircraft can explode and damage both your belongings and the belongings of other passengers. Whole watermelons are prohibited not only from Thailand, but also on all other flights.


The king of fruits - durian is so smelly that it is not only forbidden to take it out of Thailand, it is in principle forbidden to move with it. Absolutely in all hotels in Thailand there is a badge that prohibits bringing durian inside the hotel.
Sulfur, which is in durian, when opened and in contact with oxygen, begins to oxidize and stink worse than sewage. This smell eats into all living things and cannot be etched out for hours.

At the same time, durian chips, sweets, sweets and other types of durian are not in fresh- you can carry.

Exotic animals

You can not export live exotic animals from Thailand. For example, monkeys, lemurs, flying squirrels and others.
You can not export crafts, fur, etc. from a leopard, tiger, lion.

Seahorses are forbidden for export, even as a stuffed animal, as they are on the verge of extinction in this region.

Pornography, electronic cigarettes, other

Everything is complicated with erotic literature in Thailand. It is not commercially available in any form. Like sex shops, "dirty magazines" are banned in Thailand.
Of course, you will meet them more than once in Pattaya or Phuket at the points of the main debauchery - on Bangla Road or near Volkin Street.
But it is forbidden to transport, store, use goods from a sex shop - potency pills, toys, magazines, etc.

Electronic cigarettes, hookahs, mixtures and other smoking products other than ordinary tobacco cigarettes are strictly prohibited not only to be exported, but also imported.
For electronic cigarettes and accessories for them, several years in prison and a hefty fine are required. And this is not a joke, cases are known, even with Russian tourists.

What is the penalty for illegal export from Thailand

Anticipating the comments - "I carried it, everything was OK with me," I will answer like this. I also took out coconuts, some shells and so on from Thailand more than once.

If you managed to take out something from the listed list of prohibited items, this does not mean that you can do it. This means that you and I just got lucky.
Several million tourists fly away from Thailand a year and carefully inspect everyone's luggage and hand luggage, it's simply not physically possible.

It must be remembered that not knowing the rules does not exempt from responsibility and getting to a principled Thai customs officer can be a very unpleasant experience.

What can threaten for violating the rules of the customs union of Thailand?

Confiscation, a fine, sometimes they can turn a blind eye to minor violations. Just like that or for a bribe.
In the most critical situations, at the discretion of the border guard, a stamp can be placed for a period prohibiting entry into Thailand in the future.

The worst option of all of these is imprisonment. But, let's not talk about sad things. Forewarned is forearmed!

I wish you a great rest in Thailand and bring many interesting and useful souvenirs from here to Russia!

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