What is the best furniture design software. Calculation and detailing of cabinet furniture

None furniture manufacturing cannot do without construction and design systems for 3D modeling. With their help, you can create unique designer furniture with a click of your mouse! In addition, many programs also allow interior planning to create a complete picture of how the product will fit into overall design rooms. Also, software solutions for creating furniture are necessary for working with a customer, because a person always wants to see what he is paying for.

Let's consider the most popular programs from this segment.

Volumetric is a full-featured software solution for furniture design and interior design development, created and actively used in an existing production. Work with furniture in this program is carried out according to the parametric model. This means that every single item in the internal library, added to it manually or designed from scratch, is easily edited using standard tools. The position in space, angles, overall, structural and many other parameters can be changed here.

This designer is primarily focused on companies and enterprises that manufacture and sell furniture. The volume can be used by sales floor managers, designers, constructors, and managers - for each there is a corresponding functionality and a set of specialized tools necessary for work. The program can easily create databases and store in them own projects, calculate the cost and carry out cutting sheet materials... View finished project possible not only in schematic form, but also in realistic 3D. The last option is exactly what every client wants to see.

The volume consists of several modules that are installed on a computer together with the mother design program. These include the Graphic Editor (the main working component), Cutting Volume, updated Databases of 2017 and 2018, as well as an extensive help system and manual for use. Speaking about built-in bases, it should be noted that the program initially contains ready-made models of kitchens, cabinets, doors, windows, tables, chairs, household appliances, many other furniture and interior elements. Among other things, it is possible to create your own scripts. Those who are just starting to master this software can download and use template scripts for their projects, which are presented in abundance on the official website.

SketchUp is one of the simplest and most intuitive 3D modeling systems. It is presented in two versions - paid and free. Of course, the paid option is much more possibilities, but in the free version you can create a lot interesting projects... Sketchup allows you to create models with simple tools: lines, angles, arcs, geometric figures... With their help, you can manually draw any detail of the interior. But if you do not want to draw, you can also download and upload ready-made models from the official website or the Internet.

In addition to simple tools, this program also has a number of its own features. For example, the "Push / Pull" tool allows you to erect walls by simply dragging and dropping lines. In SketchUp, you can go into inspection mode and examine your model as if playing as a human. This allows you to view the object from all angles and compare the sizes. And one more interesting function is import of relief from maps and export of models to the map. This opportunity is provided by Google Earth.

SketchUp Video Tutorial

PRO100 is a popular 3D modeling program that is distinguished by its simplicity and professionalism. With it, you can create high-quality designs and sketches in as soon as possible... You can make changes right in the presence of the customer, as it will take very little time.

Video tutorial on working in PRO100

PRO100 has a standard library with big amount objects and materials, but if you don't have enough, you can create your own materials from a photograph or draw. You can create new furniture from existing elements or by downloading additional libraries from the Internet.

One of the features of this product is that it keeps track of the materials expended, therefore, at the end of the project, you can generate a report that will indicate all costs. Unfortunately, this is only available in the full paid version.

Also, here you will find many modes to help you display your project in the best possible way. You can choose one of seven projections, which will show the model with different sides and at different angles. And also select the drawing mode, photorealism, shadows, transparency and others.

KitchenDraw is a powerful professional 3D modeling system. It is mainly designed for kitchen and bathroom design, as well as kitchen furniture... In the program you will find a large set of elementary objects with which you can create any element of the required size and design from scratch.

Feature of this product is the picture high Quality... In KitchenDrow, you will find the Photorealistic mode, which turns a blueprint into a vivid photo. Another interesting point. In KitchenDraw, you can inspect your model while walking. But you can also record a walk and create on its basis an animation for project presentation.

Unfortunately spreads this tool not free, moreover, you pay not for the program itself, but for an hour of its use, which is not very convenient.

Astra Constructor Furniture

One of the most understandable systems for 3D modeling is Astra Furniture Constructor. This program is targeted at medium and small furniture manufacturing businesses. She has a certain set of tools sufficient for comfortable work. Simple and intuitive interface attracts users. In Astra Constructor, you can create a product from scratch using the elements of the standard library. You can completely select fittings and fasteners yourself, as well as create parts of any shape.

Also in this system you can edit any detail and this is a huge plus. Despite the fact that Astra Constructor performs almost all actions automatically, you can correct everything: the drawing, the shape of the door handle, the thickness of the shelf, corners and more. Not every program allows you to do this.


Basis-Furniture-Constructor is a powerful modern system for 3D modeling. It contains 5 modules: Basis-Furniture - the main module, Basis-Wardrobe, Basis-Cutting, Basis-Estimate, Basis-Packing. Also on the official website you can download additional modules if the need arises. The peculiarity of Basis-Mebel is that with the help of this system you can completely adjust the furniture production process. Each module is designed to perform tasks at different stages of production: from drawing to packaging. This is very convenient for large and medium-sized companies.

Here you will find everything necessary tools, as well as a wide variety of libraries: boxes, doors, fasteners, fittings, materials, and others. You can also create your own libraries, but unfortunately, this is only available in the full version.

Basis-Mebel is a professional system and it is quite difficult for an ordinary user to get used to it. If you decide to start working with Basis-Furniture, then you should watch a few tutorial videos, otherwise it is easy to get confused.


Basis-Wardrobe is a module of the Basis-Furniture maker, which was mentioned above. It is used to design cabinet furniture, such as: wardrobe, cabinet, table, chest of drawers, doors, cabinets and others. Just like Basis-Furniture, Basis-Closet is a paid program and only a demo version can be found on the official website. It contains a small set of elements for design, but it is quite enough for full work... Moreover, you can add your own components to the library.

The peculiarity of the program is that it works in a semi-automatic mode. That is, while the user is working, Basis-Cabinet automatically makes calculations, arranges fasteners, adds shelves in the specified section ... But all this can also be done manually. This is a great time saver, so creating a model in Basis-Cabinet takes 5-10 minutes.

bCAD Furniture

bCAD Furniture is a powerful software package, which contains everything you need for the production of furniture. This is its peculiarity, since in other similar solutions additional modules must be purchased separately. Here everything is in one: drawings, cutting maps, estimates, 3D-modeling, reports - these are tasks for the solution of which bCAD Furniture can be successfully applied.

The program is easy to learn, while working it will prompt you if you have any difficulties. Also bCAD works in semi-automatic mode. This means that this system does most of the routine work for you: placement of fasteners, construction of drawings and cutting plans, adjustment of dimensions ... But at the same time, you can intervene in the program and make your own adjustments. Powerful rendering tools let you create accurate drawings and photorealistic volumes using OpenGL. Thanks to this, you can see and demonstrate the project to the customer in advance.

K3-Furniture is a powerful set of programs in Russian, with which you can fully automate the production of small and large enterprises... Its peculiarity is that each module of the complex is customized for the enterprise that uses it.

The largest component of the system - K3-Furniture-PKM - a module for the production of cabinet furniture can be used independently. With its help, you can establish the production process: from design to sale of a product.

The module also monitors the correctness of building the model and automatically places fasteners, builds drawings and cutting maps.

Especially for small businesses, there is a module K3-Furniture-AMBI, which contains all the tools of the K3-Furniture complex, but with already selected settings for small businesses.

Here is just a small list of the most popular programs for 3D furniture modeling. We tried to find solutions for all categories: for enterprises, and for designers, and for ordinary users who want to make repairs. We hope you find something of your choice.

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Along with many good paid analogs of furniture design software, there are pretty good full-fledged free application options. Next, we will focus on a free program for designing furniture - the K3-Furniture application.

What is this program? K3-Furniture is a software package developed specifically for the design, design of furniture (cabinet), as well as for its further production. A simple and powerful tool allows you to develop and create a furniture product of any complexity level, obtain design documentation for transfer to the customer, create a full-fledged image of a future project in virtual design in the form of a realistic picture.

The developers of the program have invested the maximum of those elements and tools for the creation and development of furniture that will be useful both in a small production and in a large furniture factory. Everything meets the highest requirements of both the customer and the furniture designer.

In the K3-Furniture program, all the necessary tools are implemented both for designers and constructors, and for the manufacturers themselves, who will assemble this furniture, having received an excellent final product.

The list of program features is truly long. It makes no sense to list here all the features of the program, since you can read all this in the manual or watch the training videos.

The free version of the K3-Furniture program is laid out for free use in order to fully familiarize yourself with the functionality.

This product fully has the functionality of a paid, licensed version, with the exception of one nuance: to work in the program you need constant internet connection... If there are no problems with the Internet, then the program can be used absolutely freely. Nevertheless, the developer also offers a paid version of the K3-Furniture program, which can be used to design furniture anywhere and anytime in Off-line mode, i.e. with the Internet disconnected.

Thanks to K3-Furniture, it is possible to create entire furniture complexes in 3D, calculate the cost of a product, form prices, create a complete package of documentation for transfer to production and the end customer, prepare standard projects and electronic catalogs... Also, using the free version of K3-Furniture, you can create a complete list of all production reports - drawings, specifications and much more.

The K3-Furniture program is multifaceted and fully functional. It should be emphasized once again that this software is a professional complex for the design and manufacture of furniture! Download the free version for furniture design K3-Furniture and enjoy your health!

Yes, and more, you can always learn how to choose furniture for your home and make a high-quality interior design.

You can read the manual for working with the program. Tutorial videos can be viewed at this link.

File size: 440 ~ 470 MB and may change during the release of new, updated versions of the program.


Are you planning to equip your apartment or house with new furniture? Then the program for designing cabinet furniture is what you need. It is a pleasure to work in such software. Such utilities open ample opportunities as before experienced craftsmen for the manufacture of furniture, and for those who just want to prepare projects for implementation by employees.

Design of cabinet furniture in a special program

The main thing is to choose a resource that will be as comfortable and understandable as possible. This will help detailed information about similar programs in which you can implement on their own, without the help of professionals.

The programs, thanks to which the creation of cabinet furniture projects is carried out, may become of interest to the following Internet consumers:

  1. For people who plan to radically change or simply add new notes to the overall picture. At the same time, they want to create a furniture project on their own without the help of specialists.
  2. The software that makes it possible to make detailed visualizations of furniture will certainly interest professional craftsmen in creating interior items.

    Designing bedside tables in the furniture expert program

  3. Programs that allow you to make a variety of templates will be of interest to those who create masterpieces of furniture art at home. Thanks to the detailing of projects, even a novice specialist will be able to raise the level of his professionalism using ready-made ideascreated in programs.
  4. In general, programs for designing furniture items can be used even by a child who just wants to try himself as a designer. As a rule, resources have an accessible and understandable interface, which does not require special knowledge and skills to master.

    Features of the program for designing furniture

    Such utilities were created for a reason.

    The developers obviously understood how attractive people are to the opportunity to create projects with their own hands. The advantages of working in such programs are undeniable and unambiguous.

    Due to the fact that there are such programs, everyone can:

    These are just some of the possibilities that open up. Each user will note for himself the significant advantages of such utilities.

    What are the design programs

    To find the right software for design, of course, you need to be familiar with the capabilities and functionality of each of them. It is worth paying attention to the following ones.


    This utility is highly popular among those people who prefer to create interior items on their own, without resorting to the help of specialists, for whose work you have to pay.


    This program has whole line positive aspects, thanks to which this particular software often becomes the choice of consumers. These are:

    Video review of the PRO 100 program for designing cabinet furniture.


    Along with the advantages, the PRO100 program also has disadvantages. Before betting on work in this particular utility, you need to weigh both sides of the coin:

  • the program does not have the ability to design furniture templates in detail, which is usually necessary for creating a headset yourself;
  • the utility is paid. The only way to use the resource for free is to try the functionality in the trial version, which has limited capabilities;
  • this resource positions itself as a system for designing furniture. However, her perfect option use only for sales managers of items for. This program will help them show the buyer how the proposed furniture will look in the space of the room.

Astra furniture

A program that is primarily aimed at installation in enterprises engaged in the design and creation of interior items.

Astra furniture program interface

To use the program, you need to have some skills that will help you master the capabilities of the utility perfectly.


TO positive sides software can be attributed:

  • in the system, you can calculate the modification of each interior item in such a way as to minimize the consumption of raw materials for manufacturing;
  • in the functionality of the program, it should be noted that fasteners are automatically indicated on each piece of furniture;
  • the design program will help, upon entering the data, to calculate what the price of the selected units is;
  • it is possible to print a drawing of a piece of furniture from the utility, which will allow without extra effort immediately start the process of implementing the idea.


It is clear that everyone chooses a program according to their own requirements and preferences. Therefore, by weighing the advantages and disadvantages of utilities, a person will be able to bet on a particular program.

Features of the Woody program

Woody is often singled out separately. There are a number of reasons for this in favor of this utility. The woody program is used both by true professionals in furniture design and by inexperienced people who want to make drawings of interior items through the utility using their own efforts.


The woody program opens up ample opportunities for a person who wants to design furniture on their own.


Woody is ideal in terms of features and functionality, as well as a simple interface. However, there is one drawback that makes the benefits questionable:

  • To date, this software has no developers. This is due to the fact that the instigators of this utility decided not to engage in further development of the system. Consequently, the software is not updated, new, more advanced features do not appear in it, and there is no one to turn to in case of problems in work.

Naturally, free program can only be used in the form in which it is today. Due to outdated content, the utility becomes incompatible with some software.

Everyone must independently decide on which software to use, if necessary, to design cabinet furniture. In any case, the very existence of such an opportunity is already the broadest facets for those who plan on their own to equip their apartment or house with furniture.

Want to buy new furniture, but don't know how it will fit into your interior? Then you need to turn your attention to programs for designing furniture. Thanks to them, you can not only simulate various kinds of products for a room of any size, but also recreate a complete picture of how the furniture will fit into the overall design. In this article, we will get acquainted with the best programs for designing furniture, which will be very useful both for working with projects at a professional level and for creating the design that is most convenient for you.


One of the best for furniture design. It gained its fame due to its ease of use and the ability to create your own sets of furniture from existing elements. Thanks to the user-friendly interface and a large set of standard furniture libraries, the user will not spend much time creating a high-quality project or sketch.

After creating a project or sketch, the customer may require showing the object from a different angle, which is exactly what this program allows to implement. To do this, you need to choose one of seven projections, thanks to which you can see the model from different sides and from different angles. In addition, there is also an opportunity to choose:

  • transparency;
  • shadows;
  • drawing mode;
  • photorealism.

Summing up, we can say that the PRO100 program is one of the best. With its help you can hastily make a project to evaluate its profitability.


The name speaks for itself, KitchenDraw is a program for designing furniture that will be located in the kitchen and bathroom. In this case, all created projects can be viewed in 3D mode. The application provides the user with a large set of various objects, thanks to which you can create any furniture model from scratch that suits you in design and size.

Unfortunately, KitchenDraw is a paid program, but the money spent is worth it, because, in addition to the basic features, it also has a couple of special modes. For instance:

  1. Using the "photorealistic" mode, you can create high quality images.
  2. By activating the "walk" mode, you can inspect the created projection of furniture from all sides. By making a record this regime, it is possible to record an animation clip based on it, which can be presented to the customer in the form of a project presentation.

From the above, we can conclude that the presented program is more suitable for business professionals. Firstly, you need to pay for it, and secondly, its very functions hint at this.


With the help of a simple and understandable program "Sketchup" you can simulate a variety of projects of any complexity. This application is provided in two copies: paid and free. The free version has little disabilities, but in general, thanks to such simple toolslike "Line", "Arc", "Angles", "Simple geometric shapes" you can create any detail of the interior, the only limitation will be your imagination. However, if you do not want the part to be done manually, you can always load a finished part from the database.

There are also several features in this furniture design program, namely:

  1. Working with Google Earth. This tool allows you to import architectural structures from terrain terrain maps. In addition, you can do the opposite - load your structure on any terrain from the map and see how it fits into the terrain.
  2. Pull-and-Pull allows the user to build walls by simply dragging lines.
  3. After creating an object, you can switch to the "inspection" mode, which will allow you to examine the created element in more detail from the first person from different angles.
  4. Also, this program has many tips and tricks that will undoubtedly make the work in it more interesting and exciting.

The SketchUp program is a great candidate for being the best, so take note of it.


This program is inherently a powerful, modern design application. The program allows the user to recreate the furniture production process from scratch, starting from the drawing and ending already finished products packaged.

This constructor consists of five modules: "Basis-furniture maker" (is the main one), "Basis-Wardrobe", "Basis-Packing", "Basis-Estimate", "Basis-Cutting" (and these four are auxiliary). For execution a specific task own unique module is used.

Unfortunately the program is missing in free access, however, a trial version can be downloaded from the official website.

"BCAD Furniture"

"BCAD Furniture" is a powerful complex for creating furniture, which contains all the necessary functions to accomplish the task. If any difficulties arise during the execution of the work, then "bCAD Furniture" will display prompts on your screen.

In addition to the above, it is both a simple and complex furniture design program. The free version has a number of limitations, for example, there is no way to save the created project.


So, in this article we looked at the most popular furniture design programs. Unfortunately, most of them are paid, but the money spent is worth it. However, their trials also have everything you need to create DIY furniture.

Modern computer software effectively helps to cope with many household tasks: from finding the shortest route to a wholesale supermarket to planning and accounting for household finances. It is not surprising that programs for three-dimensional modeling of furniture items are gaining popularity.

With a certain degree of generalization, such services can be divided into several categories:

  • A program for modeling furnishings (often with the ability to design all interior space rooms).
  • Services that streamline material cutting.
  • Software that allows you to control the cutting process (used to connect to specialized equipment).

Manufacturers of visualization programs are large companies and private developers offering paid, shareware, or completely free products.

Furniture modeling software: specificity and scope

Utilities that help to design and render cabinet and upholstered furniture can be useful in a variety of situations:

  • Professional craftsmen who make home furnishings.
  • For sellers in furniture stores and salons.
  • Designers.
  • Property owners.

A program for modeling furniture, its cost, technical capabilities and features are essential for organizing the design or production process, so it is worthwhile to devote time and attention to its selection.

First assistant master

For workshops, the program for is as much a necessity as machines and tools. The use of computer modeling can significantly reduce the time for building drawings and optimizing design developments.

In addition, some manufacturers offer package solutions with which a developed project can be exported into an application for calculating an estimate or cutting sheet material.

Professional services include Autocad, bCAD, Astra Furniture Designer.

An excellent tool for quickly visualizing a project

Many salons specializing in the sale of luxury furniture offer clients the development of a personal project of the future interior with an organic inclusion of the products they supply. Depending on the manufacturer's capabilities, salon specialists can offer optimal location standard modules or custom-made furniture.

In any case, furniture (PRO 100, Google SketchUp, "K3-furniture design") is the most important tool that facilitates communication between a seller or a designer with a customer.

In addition, taking part in the process of changing its color and parameters, the client of the salon dives deeper into the design process, receives information about the technical capabilities of the manufacturer, existing restrictions and generally accepted standards.

The result is a more productive dialogue between the customer and the seller, as well as an increase in his loyalty.

Do it yourself: simple programs for modeling furniture

When planning the arrangement of your own house, apartment or office, it is extremely important to provide for such indicators of future furniture as:

  • Dimensions (exact or approximate dimensions).
  • Stylistics and design.
  • Colors.
  • The harmony of the interior as a whole.

The 3D furniture modeling program allows you to effectively solve such issues. For home use simplified services that can be installed on a PC for free or as a trial version of paid programs are quite suitable. As a rule, demos are designed for familiarization with the product, but often they are sufficient for developing projects. The most common are Kitchen Draw, IKEA furniture planner, eXponent Furniture Designer (wardrobes).

A free program for modeling furniture can be an advertising product of large companies that allows you to operate only with those modules that are in the catalogs of this manufacturer. Such options have their advantages: you can fairly accurately calculate the cost of a future purchase and build an effective dialogue with the seller.

General principles for choosing a program for modeling furniture

When starting to search for a suitable program, it is worthwhile to clearly define the scope of its application and the necessary functionality, and also pay attention to the services that have detailed instructions (for paid programs, technical support, regular updates and the ability to save backups are required).

Defining these parameters in advance will avoid many difficulties in working with the utility. In addition, any furniture design program requires a certain period of time necessary for minimal familiarization with its capabilities.