What are the different shapes of the labia? Which enterprises are small, medium, large

Society is a collection of very different groups of people: large and small, friendly and hostile, permanent and temporary, professional and religious, national and political.

They differ greatly from each other. Some groups are so small that virtually all of their members can see each other closely during the day, observe each other's actions, and communicate constantly. These are small groups, or personal contact groups. Family is the most clear example such a group.

Small group

A person is born in a small group (family), and most of his life is spent in small groups: a student group, a sports team, a circle, friends, student and industrial groups, etc.

    Interesting Facts
    It turned out that the number of all human groups on Earth exceeds the population by 1.5-2 times. Thus, there are 7 billion people living on the planet, and the number of groups, according to experts, reaches 8-10 billion. And all this is possible due to the fact that one person can be a member of several groups at once: in a family, in a class, in a circle of friends , at a dance school, in a sports club, etc.

    In order to get into the same group, we make certain efforts. Thus, many school graduates try to get into college, university and become students. Other groups are chosen for us by parents, for example music school or circle visual arts. There are groups that we do not choose; they are determined by fate. Such is the family, the composition of which is only partly the result of our choices. We can choose and leave friends at our own discretion.

    In a group, that is, together with others, we form our personality and our life values. Here we share with each other the most painful, the most intimate, what we strangers we will never share.

    In a group, norms, rules, customs, and traditions are born. A person needs a group and depends on it. He is a member of a family, a student group, a yard company, a sports section, etc. People survive only together.

    The student body is a special type small group. Schoolchildren live at home and only get together for a while in the classroom, where the main goal is to learn new knowledge. At school you work, rest during breaks, and have lunch. In fact, it’s like in an adult workforce at a factory or in a bank. In a student group, you form obligatory relationships to follow the rules of the routine and optional relationships with each other. That's what they call friendships.

    Give examples of obligatory and friendly relations characteristic of the student body.

    Two friends are also a group. They are united by many things, including common interests, as well as the presence of a common secret or secret. After all, one of the invaluable qualities of friendship is the ability to keep a secret. The guys tell their friend their little secrets “in great confidence” and demand that he not divulge them. And if a friend spills a secret, they may quarrel with him. He gave away your secret, in fact betrayed your trust. From now on, you can’t rely on him in difficult times.

    Young schoolchildren and teenagers choose friends whose values ​​and hobbies are similar to their own. Friends are chosen mainly among students of their school, their class and, as a rule, the same gender. Boys are more likely to be friends with boys, and girls are more likely to be friends with girls.

    Very good for a teenager important point is the opinion of the group to which he belongs to him. The consciousness of group belonging, solidarity, and comradely mutual assistance gives the teenager a sense of well-being and stability.

    Interpersonal relationships

    In a small group, a special type of relationship arises - interpersonal relationships. Just think about this phrase: relationships between individuals. That is, teenagers are already individuals.

    A small group consists of people who are good knowledgeable friend friend. Constantly communicating with each other, doing something together, people talk about their personal and family problems, heatedly discuss school news, grades, extracurricular activities, new films, etc. Discussing issues that are very important to people brings them together and creates a trusting relationship between them.

    Scientists have established an interesting pattern: how others treat you is largely determined by how you treat yourself. Try to understand and remember this. This is the most important law of interpersonal relationships. If you are constantly unhappy with yourself, your mood and dissatisfaction with yourself may be transmitted to others. And they will be unhappy with you. If you have low self-esteem, then others will rate you low.

    Teen groups - your peer groups - spontaneously form their own codes of honor, the norms and rules for which are borrowed from the adult world. Here, loyalty and honesty are highly valued and they have a negative attitude towards betrayal, betrayal, breaking a given word, selfishness, greed, etc.

    Teenagers harshly evaluate peers who do not have their own opinions, do not respect themselves, and do not know how to defend their interests.

    Despite the desire to stand out and be different from everyone else, conformism—agreeing with everyone—proliferates in teenage groups. One is dependent on everyone, strives for peers and is sometimes ready to do what the group pushes him to do. At your age and a little older, teenagers begin to wear clothes of the same style and type to emphasize their involvement with each other.

    In interpersonal relationships, mutual understanding is very important, how communication develops between members of a small group. Without mutual understanding, we become lonely. And loneliness is most often what a person fears most.

      Let's sum it up
      A teenager, like an adult, is a member of some small groups: family, school, clubs, sections, etc. Depending on the relationships in the group, the teenager will feel more or less comfortable there.
      Small groups exist on the basis of mutual understanding, friendly relations, which are based on such concepts as devotion, respect, and honesty.

      Basic terms and concepts
      Group, small group, interpersonal relationships.

    Test your knowledge

  1. Explain the meaning of the concepts: “small group”, “conformism”, “interpersonal relationships”.
  2. What does the group they belong to mean to teenagers? Support your answer with examples.
  3. What problems might a teenager have in a group? Suggest ways to solve these problems.
  4. Does a teenage group influence the behavior of each of its members?
  5. Why are norms, rules, customs, and traditions born in a group?


  1. What groups are you part of? Name the personality traits that are valued in these groups.
  2. Consider in what cases a teenager can resist group opinion (for example, the opinion of classmates).
  3. Do you agree with the statement: “The group that a teenager belongs to gives him self-confidence”? Justify your answer.
  4. How do you understand the statement: “Treat others the way you would like to be treated”?
  5. Come up with situations that reveal the characteristics of interpersonal relationships.

Each person, regardless of his age and type of activity, belongs to several small groups - a family, a school class, a sports team. The relationship of an individual with other members of the team plays a key role in the formation of his personality. The variety of types of associations is demonstrated by the classification of small ones, which makes it particularly important to study the characteristics of small groups and their role in society.

What is a small social group

On the basis of small groups, it is possible to study in detail the connection of an individual with his environment, the influence of society on its members. Therefore, in sociological research, the concepts of “group”, “small group”, “classification of groups” occupy an important place. The fact is that a person spends most of his life in small groups, which have a strong influence on the formation of his values.

A social group is an association of people connected by joint activities and a system of interpersonal relationships. Such groups are classified by size, that is, by the number of participants.

A small group is a small association of people connected by joint activities and in direct communication with each other. The peculiarity of such a team is that the number of its members does not exceed twenty, and therefore they can easily contact each other and establish an emotional connection.


There are a number of provisions, the presence of which may indicate that the association is a small social group:

  • co-presence of people in the same territory at a certain time;
  • emotional contact between team members, the presence of stable relationships;
  • joint activities aimed at achieving a common goal;
  • division of group roles between members;
  • presence of organizational and management structure;
  • formation of one’s own norms and values.

The concept and classification of small groups is based on these characteristics and the nature of their manifestation. Establishment between individual members emotional relationships can lead to the appearance of subblocks and internal structure.

Types of associations

There are several aspects regarding which the classification of small groups is formed. The table below shows the types of small social associations.




Formal (deliberately organized) and informal.

Method of interaction

Primary (high level of cohesion) and secondary (lack of strong relationships, collaboration).

Duration of existence

Temporary (created to achieve a single goal) and stable (designed for long-term work).

Nature of activity

Labor, research, entertainment, ideological, aesthetic, communicative, political.

Personal significance

Elite and referential.

The nature of internal connections

The determining factor is the classification of small social groups regarding the method of their emergence. Formal associations are created by management and have legal status. Their activities are regulated by certain documentation. Such a group is governed from the top down, and its members are determined by the organization.

Informal groups arise spontaneously based on the emotional connections of the participants. Such societies do not have official status, and their activities are directed from the bottom up. However, they also form some norms and values ​​that are shared by all members of the group and predetermine their behavior. If in formal organizations the leader has official authority, then in contact organizations he acts through the recognition of other participants.

Reference team

Another small group, the norms of which play an important role for a person, is called a reference (standard) group. A member of the team goes through her value system and forms the appropriate standards. This group is divided into two subspecies:

  • Perfect. An individual is not a member of an association, but in his behavior he is guided by its norms.
  • Presence group. A person is a member of this collective and shares values.

Small communities play a decisive role in the formation of the child sees the norms accepted in the family and among friends. At the same time, small social groups can also exert Negative influence on the individual - to suppress his personal qualities (inhibition), to impose incorrect ideals.

Social significance

Small organizations can play different roles in society, depending on the values ​​and goals that the small group pursues. The classification of small groups, based on the criterion of social significance, assumes the existence of three types of associations: socially oriented, asocial and antisocial. Accordingly, they play a positive, neutral and negative role. Socially oriented small groups include educational, public, and productive organizations. People do not accept various criminal associations, which nevertheless retain authority for their members.

Group leadership

Management includes a number of actions necessary to organize the activities of the association. This concept includes decision making, goal setting, plan development, control, coordination, etc. There is a conditional classification of small groups regarding the method of management. The following types of relationships are distinguished:

  • subordination (from above);
  • coordination (horizontal system);
  • reordination (bottom).

Successful organization of activities is based on the combination of these principles, the search for optimal option building internal relationships.

Head of the team

A feature of organizing small groups is the identification of a leader. This is a member of the association who has a strong influence on its activities. He is respected among other members due to his personal qualities and plays an important role in the management of the group. The leader's activities extend both internally and externally. external communication. He ensures the involvement of team members in joint activities and exercises control over decision making. There is a classification of small groups based on the level of intervention of the leader in the activities of the association and the degree of involvement of each member in the community management process. In the most successful organizations(both contact and formal), a balance is maintained between two extremes.

Management styles

The conditional classification of small groups, based on the involvement of members of the association in the process of its management, includes three positions presented in the table below.

There is also theory X and Y. In the first case, a person initially avoids work and prefers to be directed. Theory Y assumes that an individual has a high level of self-control and strives for responsibility. Accordingly, two apply here different ways management.

Team pressure

The norms adopted in the association influence the lifestyle of its individual member. Everyone knows the experiment conducted with a group of children, where prearranged participants incorrectly answered the question posed, and the last subject repeated the words of his peers. This phenomenon is called conformism. The opinion of the majority of members of a small group affects the individual. The opposite of this phenomenon can be independence, that is, the independence of a person’s attitudes from the opinions of his environment.

At the same time, the classification of small groups regarding the role it plays for an individual is important. The higher the referentiality of the association, the stronger the conformism.

Formation of a small social group

Each team goes through several stages of development. Psychologists G. Stanford and A. Roark developed a theory that includes 7 stages of formation social group. The study is based on a two-factor model of team development, where there are contradictions between business and emotional activity.

  1. Acquaintance, first attempts at interpersonal interaction.
  2. Creation
  3. Conflict stage.
  4. A state of balance, a sense of cohesion.
  5. Formation of unity - business activity increases, common goals are set.
  6. The dominance is not of workers, but of interpersonal relations of individual members of the association.
  7. Actualization, balance of business and emotional activity.

Social roles in a small group

Members of an association may be assigned certain modes of behavior related to solving problems or communicating with other participants. Roles manifest themselves in both the business and emotional activities of the group. For example, in the process of solving problems, the “initiator” offers new ideas, and the “critic” evaluates the work of the entire group and finds it weak sides. Roles also manifest themselves in the sphere of interpersonal relations of the team. Thus, the inspirer actively supports the ideas of other members, and the conciliator gives up his opinion and resolves conflict situations.

The types of labia are completely different. This is due to the different anatomical development of the female reproductive organs. Moreover, throughout life cycle The genitourinary system undergoes many changes, both internal and external.

In the anatomical structure of the female genitourinary system, there are 2 types of labia: the labia minora and labia majora. The small ones perform the function of a tight grip around the penis during coitus. But the large lips of the female reproductive system perform a protective function, the result of which is to protect the vagina from the penetration of foreign objects and various infections.

Big labia is a normal longitudinal skin fold, the color of which depends on individual characteristics female body. Doctors classify them only by external signs in the following way:

  • lips of normal length and thickness;
  • asymmetrical folds;
  • underdeveloped organs.

The structure of the labia minora has much more differences. In normal condition, their thickness should not exceed 5-6 mm. In this case, the longitudinal folds of the female genital organs should immediately pass into the mucous membrane. In the clitoral area, the skin folds of the female genital organs are divided into lateral and medial crura. These legs extend into the upper and lower parts of the genitourinary system. They end at the very beginning of the vagina and at the lower commissure.

The labia minora may have completely different shapes and are divided according to the type of change occurring to them. Among such changes, doctors distinguish elongation, protrusion, scalloping and hypertrophy of the genital folds.

Elongation is characterized by a large stretching of the skin ridges, which can exceed 60-70 mm. In normal condition, their size should be 20-30 mm. With protrusion, a rather strong protrusion of the internal folds is observed. In this condition, the labia majora are not able to fully protect the female genitourinary system.

Scalloping is observed only at the edges of the lips and is characterized by a change in their color and shape. If such changes are observed for a fairly long period of time, then the patient may experience hypertrophy of the skin ridges. As a result, large wrinkles will appear on the internal organs, and pigmentation of the skin will occur.

Reasons for changing forms

As noted above, each woman’s genitals have a completely individual shape. At the same time, doctors have not established fairly clear criteria that determine their color and shape. Although an experienced gynecologist, upon visual examination, can detect abnormal changes occurring in the vaginal organs.

Most often, such changes are the result of a hormonal imbalance in the body, resulting in an increase in the level of androgen (male sex hormone). A similar phenomenon causes polycystic ovary syndrome, increased hair growth on the extremities (arms, legs) and infertility.

Also among the reasons influencing changes in the shape of the vagina, one can note mechanical damage(tight underwear) and large physical exercise, which have an impact on groin area. In addition, frequent and prolonged masturbation not only causes changes in the shape of internal organs, but also leads to other dangerous diseases.

It should be noted that there are various diets that the female sex quite often adheres to. Incorrectly selected dietary food can lead to a sharp change not only in the patient’s weight, but also cause damage to his internal organs.

At the same time, young girls whose age does not exceed 25 years are most at risk. This is due to the fact that the anatomical formation of their body has not yet been completely completed.

As a rule, any changes in the vaginal organs lead to problems in intimate life.

If such problems occur, you should not despair. Modern medicine allows us to solve problems with changes in the shape of skin folds using drug treatment or plastic surgery.

Drug treatment allows you to cope with diseases only on initial stages their manifestations. For this purpose they use antihistamines and antiseptics (Fluconazole, Metronidazole, Doxycycline, Acyclovir, Diflucan), which eliminate itching and various painful sensations. In addition, you should restore hormonal background body.

This can be done with the help of a special diet, which should be rich in mint, vegetable oil and white yeast bread. In the case where the problem cannot be eliminated with medications, they resort to surgical elimination of the disease.

In order of occurrence:
primary group is a collection of individuals united on the basis of direct contacts, common goals and objectives and differing high level emotional closeness and spiritual solidarity (family, group of friends, closest neighbors). It is characterized by the following symptoms:
1) small staff;
2) spatial proximity of members;
3) duration of existence;
4) commonality of group values, norms and patterns of behavior;
5) voluntariness of joining the group;
6) informal control for the behavior of members.
secondary group - a relatively large group whose subjects are not connected by intimate, close ties, social connection and interaction in the group are impersonal, utilitarian and functional in nature. The secondary group is goal-oriented (work team, school class, sports team, etc.);

By social status:
1) formal group - a group created on the basis of official documents (class, school, party, etc.) and having a legally fixed status. A formal group is characterized by clearly defined positions of members, prescribed group norms, strictly distributed roles in accordance with subordination in the group. Between members of such a group there are established business relationship, provided for by documents, which can be supplemented by personal likes and dislikes;
2) informal group - real social community people who are connected by common sympathies, similarity of views, beliefs, tastes, etc. Statuses and roles in such a group are not prescribed, there is no set system of vertical relationships. Official documents have no meaning in such a group. A group disintegrates when common interests disappear.

According to the directness of the relationships:
1) conditional group - a community of people that exists nominally and is distinguished by some characteristic (gender, age, profession, etc.). People included in such a group do not have direct connections and may not know anything about each other;
2) real group - a community of people existing in a common space and time and united by real relationships (classroom, production team).

According to the level of development or formation of interpersonal relationships:
1) low development groups - communities based on asocial factors, lack of common goals and interests, characterized by conformity or non-conformity of its members (for example, an association, corporation, etc.);
2) groups of high development - communities based on common interests, social goals and values ​​(for example, ).

By importance:
1) reference group is a real or imaginary group whose norms serve as a model. Reference groups may be real or imagined, positive or negative, and may or may not coincide with membership. They perform a normative function and a social comparison function. In the individual’s ideas, groups can be:
“positive” - groups with which an individual identifies himself and of which he would like to become a member.
“negative” - groups that cause rejection in the individual.
2) membership groups are groups where the individual is not opposed to the group, and relates himself to all other members, and they relate themselves to him.

Other types of groups:
1) permanent (exist long time (Political Party, school, institute, etc.)) and temporary (exist for a short period of time (train compartment, people in the cinema, etc.));
2) natural () and groups of psychological and other types of similarity (classes, parties);
3) organized and spontaneous, etc.

Society is very complex; there are large and small groups in it, which represent a variety of stable connections of people. A large group represents a people, classes, nationalities, nations, adherents of a particular religion. It is through large groups that a certain ideology is influenced and consolidated in society.

The concept of a small group

The direct instrument of influence of large groups on the individual is the small group. A small group is a small (from 2 to 30 people) association of people, which occurs on the basis of a common cause and interests. Members of a small group are always in close relationships with each other. Vivid examples of small groups are: work collective, school class, academic group, family, close friends and buddies.

Types of small groups

Small groups are divided into different types, depending on their size, the structure of relationships, individual composition, and the content of the activity. Depending on the design of the small group, natural and laboratory small groups are distinguished. Since laboratory small groups are created artificially in scientific purposes, often by psychologists, in order to study the model of human behavior, we will consider in more detail the natural groups that develop in society on their own.

There are two types of natural groups: formal and informal. Formal small groups are created and function within the framework of official organizations - a school class, a work team, an academic group, etc. Informal groups are groups that are formed and function outside the official framework - friends, informal youth associations, family.

Well-being of a person in a small group

In order for a member of a small group to feel comfortable and at ease, it is necessary to consider the factors on which the individual’s personal state in such a group depends.

1. Contact. The concept of contact refers to emotionally favorable relationships between group members, which consist of goodwill, tact and respect.

2. Organized. The concept of organization includes a conflict-free distribution of responsibilities in a small group, the ability to collectively solve current problems.

3. Information content. A member of a small group must know all the main aspects of the activities of other members of this group. The same factor involves knowledge of the members of each other's characters.

Group egoism

Each small group is characterized by group egoism, which is often a necessary element of its existence. The concept of group egoism refers to the selfish motivation of the activities of a small group solely in the interests of its members. As a rule, the group egoism of this small group damages the interests of another, alien small group.

However, it is pointless to fight group egoism, since it is thanks to this that members of a small group achieve the goals set in their activities. Group egoism must be harmonious and not go beyond infringing on the interests of others. Often behind group egoism lies the totality of personal egoism of each member of a small group.