What blood group is it good to live with? Concept and types of social groups

A group is a community of people, which is created on the basis of some factors: joint activities, organizational characteristics, social belonging.

Group definition and classification

All groups are divided into two categories: large and small social groups. Large social groups include people who create a certain part societies - professional groups, social strata, ethnic communities, age groups.

So a striking example of a large group based on age indicators is the group of retirees. Small groups include family, neighborhood communities, friendships. Small groups are based on interpersonal relationships their members.

Man in a group

A person is the main link in every social group. Belonging to a social group has a beneficial effect on a person. Both small and large groups contribute to the development of his personality.

So, thanks to the group, a person is socialized, which has a beneficial effect on his existence, and also facilitates the upbringing of future generations. It is in a group that a person can fully engage in his activities - this is facilitated by both competition and team spirit.

Membership in a social group satisfies a person's expressive needs for approval, respect, and trust.

Group laws

The social laws of a group are stable rules of behavior for members of large and small groups, which are necessary for their relationship. The laws of groups did not arise deliberately - they were formed in the course of historical development social groups.

So a person, without realizing it, adheres to the basic laws of a particular social group. The laws of the groups are necessary in order to maximally improve the position of the members of the groups, as well as to exercise control over them.

Team spirit of the group

Often, members of each social group have common goals that guide their joint activities. On this basis, the team spirit of the group arises. The team spirit of the group is inherent in both large and small groups.

Thanks to the team spirit, group members can consolidate their efforts, unite their activities in order to achieve all the interests and goals of the group.

In order to find answers to this and other questions, we went to the repository of all medical wisdom - Shuya Medical College.

Our teachers helped fill our gaps in this area: the surgeon Evgeny Plyaskin and the teacher of disaster medicine Alexander Kumokhin.

-What is a blood type?

All people inherit a specific protein and antibodies to it. Antibodies are located in plasma - there are two of them: alpha and beta. And on the surface of erythrocytes are antigens: A and B. Depending on their variations, 4 main blood groups differ.

-People with which blood group are more?

The most common blood type is the first. Such people are 38%. There are fewer people with the second group - 31%. The owners of the third group are 18%. The rarest group is the fourth, it is present in only 8% of people. Most people also have antigen D, that is, a positive Rh. There are 85% of them. The remaining 15% do not have this antigen, which determines their negative rhesus.

- Do the inhabitants of central Russia differ in this respect from the peoples living in other parts of the world?

There are some observations on this score. It has been noticed that in Europe, almost everyone has a positive Rh of blood, but in Russia and some other regions it is not rare and negative. In addition, people of the Negroid and Mongoloid races tend to have more often 3 and 4 blood groups, but in Slavic peoples prevails 1 and 2.

-Does the blood type affect a person's immunity and propensity to certain diseases?

It cannot be said that the blood group somehow determines a person's immunity. That is, how a person suffers colds and infectious diseases or climate change is largely determined not by his blood type, but by a number of other factors. In any case, we are not aware of any research in this direction. And yet, the blood group is in some way tied to certain diseases, that is, it determines some predispositions. For example, it has been noticed that ulcers are, as a rule, people with the second blood group.

- At one time it was very fashionable to eat according to blood type. How useful is it?

As for the benefits of eating a blood group, solid scientific evidence it does not have it underneath. To a greater extent, this is from the field of someone's logically built inferences and probabilities.

Social group - uniting people connected by common relations, which are regulated by special social institutions, and having general norms, values ​​and traditions. The social group is one of the main components of the social structure. The bond of the group is the common interest, that is, spiritual, economic or political needs.

Belonging to a group implies that a person has some characteristics that are valuable and significant from the point of view of the group. From this point of view, the "core" of the group is distinguished - those of its members who have these characteristics to the greatest extent. The rest of the group members form its periphery.

A specific person cannot be reduced to membership in one group, since he certainly belongs immediately to a sufficiently large number of groups. Indeed, we can divide people into groups in many ways: according to their confession; by income level; in terms of their relationship to sports, art, etc.

Groups are:

    Formal (formalized) and informal.

In formal groups, relationships and interactions are established and regulated by special legal acts (laws, regulations, instructions, etc.). The formality of groups is manifested not only in the presence of a more or less rigid hierarchy; it usually manifests itself in a clear specialization of members performing their special functions.

Informal groups are formed spontaneously and do not have regulatory legal acts; their fastening is carried out mainly at the expense of authority, as well as the figure of the leader.

At the same time, in any formal group informal relations arise between members, and such a group breaks up into several informal groups. This factor plays an important role in the bonding of the group.

    Small, medium and large.

Small groups (family, group of friends, sports team) are characterized by the fact that their members are in direct contact with each other, have common goals and interests: the connection between group members is so strong that a change in one of its parts will certainly entail a change in the group. the whole. The lower limit for a small group is 2 people. There are different opinions about what figure is considered the upper limit for a small group: 5-7 or about 20 people; statistical studies show that the size of most small groups does not exceed 7 people. If this limit is exceeded, then the group is split into subgroups ("factions"). Obviously, this is caused by the following relationship: the smaller the group, the closer ties are established between its members, and therefore, the less likely it is to break up. There are also two main types of small groups: the dyad (two people) and the triad (three people).

Medium groups are relatively stable groups of people who also have common goals and interests related to one activity, but at the same time are not in close contact with each other. An example of middle groups can serve as a labor collective, the totality of residents of a courtyard, street, district, settlement.

Large groups are aggregates of people who, as a rule, are united by one socially significant feature (for example, religious affiliation, professional affiliation, nationality, etc.).

    Primary and secondary.

Primary groups are, as a rule, small groups characterized by close ties between members and, as a result, having a great influence on the individual. The latter feature plays a decisive role in determining the basic heading. Primary groups are necessarily small groups.

In secondary groups, there is practically no close relationship between individuals, and the integrity of the group is ensured by the presence of common goals and interests. Close contacts between members of the secondary group are also not observed, although such a group - provided that the individual assimilates group values ​​- can have a strong influence on him. Secondary groups are usually medium and large.

    Real and social.

Real groups are distinguished according to some feature that really exists in reality and is realized by the bearer of this feature. So, real sign can serve as income level, age, gender, etc.

Three types are sometimes distinguished into an independent subclass of real groups and they are called the main ones:

    Stratification - slavery, castes, estates, classes;

    Ethnic - races, nations, peoples, nationalities, tribes, classes;

    Territorial - people from the same locality (fellow countrymen), townspeople, villagers.

Social groups (social categories) are groups that are allocated, as a rule, for the purposes of sociological research on the basis of random features that do not have special social significance. For example, a social group would be the totality of people who know how to use a computer; the whole set of public transport passengers, etc.

    Interactive and par.

Interactive groups are those groups whose members interact directly and take part in collective decision-making. Examples of interactive groups are groups of friends, formations such as commissions, etc.

A nominal group is a group in which each of the members acts independently of the others. They are more characterized by indirect interaction.

Special attention should be paid to the concept of a reference group. A reference group is considered to be a group that, by virtue of authority for an individual, is capable of exerting a strong influence on him. In other words, this group can be called a reference group. An individual may aspire to become a member of this group, and his activity is usually aimed at being more like its representative. This phenomenon is called anticipatory socialization. In the usual case, socialization takes place in the process of direct interaction within the primary group. In this case, the individual adopts the characteristics and methods of action characteristic of the group even before he interacted with its members.

Particularly in social communication, the so-called aggregates (quasigroups) are distinguished - a set of people who unite on the basis of a behavioral characteristic. An aggregate, for example, is the audience of a TV program (that is, people who watch this TV program), the audience of a newspaper (that is, people who buy and read this newspaper), etc. Typically, aggregates include the audience, the public, and a crowd of onlookers.

Social structure is often viewed as a set of relationships between social groups. From this point of view, the elements of society are not social statuses, but small and large social groups. The totality of social relations between all social groups, or rather, the overall result of all relations, determines the general state of society, that is, what kind of atmosphere reigns in it - agreement, trust and tolerance or mistrust and intolerance.

Seven - eight percent of a person's body weight is occupied by blood - the most important participant in life, performing a huge number of functions. The blood of all people is divided into groups; today there are four of them. The Rh factor is taken into account separately: it is either positive or negative. Some people know blood data from birth, while others receive this information at some point in their lives. But what is the difference between the different types, and which blood type is the best? Each variety has its own disadvantages and advantages that are worth knowing about.

Red blood cells carry specific antigens

According to the data medical statistics, the most common group is considered the first - 50%, and the second - 40% of all people. This means that there will be no problems with the donor material during blood transfusion. The third type in 8% of people and only 2% - the fourth. It is worth noting that people in any corner of the world are dominated by a positive Rh factor - such blood is in four-fifths and only in one part it is negative - there is no specific protein in their blood on the surface of cells.

For convenience in medical practice, each group has an alphabetic and numerical designation:

Type designation letters

The Rh factor is marked with + (positive) and - (negative). Thus, there are eight types of blood in humans.

It is worth noting that more often the child receives the maternal group and the Rh factor.

Arguing about which blood group is better, it is worth highlighting two reasons:

  1. donation and transfusion issues;
  2. predisposition and resistance to diseases and pathological conditions.

In addition, we emphasize that the group and the Rh factor affect the conception of a child. The parents' blood must match each other. Favorable situations:

  • If both partners have the same group, the woman has a positive Rh factor;
  • A man has group 0 (first);
  • The expectant mother has a fourth group.

Pregnancy proceeds with complications, there is a danger to the fetus if the woman has a negative Rh factor, and the unborn child has a positive one. In this case, a conflict arises and the chance of miscarriage increases, since the mother's body perceives the fetus as an alien phenomenon.

Note! Awareness of blood compatibility when planning a pregnancy helps to avoid a number of negative consequences.

Is versatility the main thing?

Many believe that the best group is the first, since the person in this case is considered a universal donor. This type has no antigens on the surface, as a result, the recipient does not produce antibodies against these cells during transfusion. However, today the use of 0 (I) blood for transfusion has become much less frequent in order to reduce the risk of rejection. It is used only in case of urgent need.

Donor biomaterial

When transfusing, the coincidence of both indicators is taken into account: both the group and the Rh factor. From this point of view, the best blood group is the first positive one, since its quantity is in the lead in all donor bases. Starting from this moment, it becomes possible to answer the question: which blood group is the worst? The fourth is negative, because there is always a lack of it.

Important! Everyone should know their blood data in case of emergency.

Highlighting strengths and weaknesses

Many people, coming to the hospital, ask doctors the question: which blood group is considered the best for health? At the same time, there is still no definite answer, since each species has its own characteristic features.

First type

It is believed that the best blood type is the first, since this type is the most ancient and universal. She is in emergency cases can be used for transfusion to others, so this blood is in demand at transfusion points.

  • Strengths: mental stability,
  • Negative points: predisposition to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, increased acidity of the stomach, risks of arterial hypertension. Carriers of this blood are susceptible to viral and infectious pathologies.

Patients with 0 (I) are prone to coagulation disorders. When transfusing a patient with group 0, only the same blood can be used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Second type

The next, slightly less common group is the second. A person with this type, according to cardiologists, should pay increased attention to the state of the heart and blood vessels. According to medical data, people of this type are more likely to suffer from coronary artery disease, heart defects and have increased risk to the development of myocardial infarction.

  • Benefits: strong liver and genitourinary organs;
  • Disadvantages: poor dental health, susceptibility to caries, heart disease, predisposition to gastritis, thyroid pathologies.

Third type

Carriers of the third group are distinguished by poor mental health, neuroses and psychosis are common among them. Next weak side- increased risk of formation in women infectious diseases genitourinary system that carries Negative consequences during pregnancy.

  • Positive features: resistance to cardiovascular diseases, in particular to myocardial infarction.
  • Negative: risks of developing colon malignant neoplasms, Parkinson's disease, chronic slow-flowing caries.

Read also:, inheritance principle

Fourth type

Another group of people singles out as the most the best group the fourth, since with a negative Rh factor, it is considered the most rare. Many scientists still consider it a mystery, because it arose as a result of a combination of extremely different types: A and B. The youngest and rarest type of blood. Scientists note that people with such blood are flexible and strong immunity.

The uniqueness of this type lies in the fact that it was not influenced by factors external environment, but mixed marriages, therefore AB (IV) can rightfully be considered biologically the most complex.

  • Strengths: strong the immune system, resistance to infections, pneumonia and bronchitis, strong and healthy teeth, strong genitourinary system;
  • Disadvantages: elevated level cholesterol, the risk of developing atherosclerosis, cardiovascular pathologies, obesity, increased coagulability, which leads to the formation of blood clots, thrombophlebitis.

Since the AV type is mixed, it is considered a universal recipient, which means that contact with other types does not cause rejection.

The listed positive and negative sides each group does not guarantee that the carrier of a particular blood is the owner of these characteristics.

As medical studies show, it is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of which blood group a person has the best. Since each type has its own advantages and disadvantages. For a deep dive into this topic, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with this video:


What is the most common blood group?

To answer the question regarding what a social group is, you need to go back to ancient times and remember that humanity has always survived in society. In a primitive society, groups were created that united into society. Therefore, uniting people who have common goal, which is the connection between an individual and society, is called a social group.

What groups are there

Key aspects social life are laid precisely in social groups. They have their own rules and regulations, ceremonies and rituals. As a result of the activities of groups, self-discipline, morality, abstract thinking appear.

Social groups are divided into small and large. If you unite two people with one task and goal, it will already be a small social group. V small group can be from two to ten people. These people have their own activities, communication, goals. An example of a small social group can be a family, a group of friends, relatives.

Large social groups are formed a little differently. These people may not directly contact each other. But they are united by the awareness that they belong to a group, they have a common psychology and customs, a way of life. An example of large social groups can be an ethnic community, a nation.

The size of groups depends on the individuality of its members, and cohesion also depends on the size of the group: the smaller it is, the more united it becomes. If the group expands, it means that respect, tolerance, consciousness must develop in it.

Social groups, their types

Consider the types of social groups. They are primary and secondary. The first type means a group of people who are of great importance to the individual, people who occupy a significant place in his life. Secondary groups are groups where the individual has some kind of practical purpose by entering into it. An individual can move from a primary to a secondary group and vice versa.

The next type of social group is internal and external groups. If we belong to a group, then it will be internal for us, and if we do not belong, then it will be external. Here, an individual can also move from group to group, respectively, and its status will change.

Reference groups are groups in which people have the opportunity to compare themselves with other people, these are objects that we pay attention to when forming our views. Such a group can become a benchmark for assessing their views. We ourselves may belong to the reference group, or we may not.

AND last view groups - formal and informal. They are based on the structure of the group. In a formal group, its members interact with each other according to the prescribed rules and regulations. In informal groups, these rules are not followed.

Characteristics and signs of groups

The signs of a social group are always clearly expressed. If we analyze them, then we can distinguish several main ones:

  • having a single goal that has essential for members of the whole group;
  • the presence of norms and rules that operate within the group itself;
  • there is a system of solidarity between the members of the group.

If in groups all these rules apply, then, accordingly, the group is highly integrated. Depending on the characteristics and type, the structure of the social group is formed.

Characteristics of social groups. This includes the structure and size of the groups, methods of group leadership. Based on the size of the group, one can say about the relationship between its members. The closest and strongest relationship arises between two members of the group, it can be husband and wife, friends. Emotions play a big role here. If more people are added, then new relationships are restored in the group, not always good ones.

Often one person is separated from the group, who will become its leader or leader. If the group is small, then it can do without a leader, and if it is large, then his absence will lodge chaos in the group. If a person falls into a group, then he has the ability to make a sacrifice, the control over his body and thoughts weakens. This is an indicator that social groups play a significant role in the life of humanity.