What is interpersonal relationships and process. Exercise "Last meeting". Types of communication by means

We have to communicate with him. Interpersonal communication occurs at the level of two people who enter into a dialogue as needed and desired. If interpersonal communication lasts for some time, then it leads to the emergence of relationships between the interlocutors. These relationships can be different: hostile, loving, friendly, etc. Understanding the psychology of building relationships, you can consider the psychology of communication.

The online magazine site notes that no person is capable of avoiding the interpersonal. It all starts with communication with parents who constantly take care of and look after the baby. Then communication arises with other children, adults. Then educators and teachers appear. Then new friends and whole groups appear.

There is not a single person who does not have to communicate with other people. Any communication with another person can be called interpersonal. And the longer it lasts, the higher the chance of a relationship emerging.

What is interpersonal communication?

A person is inevitably faced with the need to maintain interpersonal communication, which involves verbal contact with other people. Living in society, a person encounters others with whom he conducts short or long dialogues. However, if a person periodically encounters a specific individual, wants to continue communication and contact with him, to have a common activity, then a relationship arises.

Interpersonal relationships are understood as the interaction of people aimed at achieving certain goals. Interpersonal relationships also arise in the group. If, at the level of the whole team, people secretly achieve common goal, then at the level of each person there is a goal that he sets for himself, because of which he contacts with others.

Interpersonal relationships play an important role in the development of the entire society. If people did not unite and contact, then there would be no civilized society. Perhaps people would not have existed for a long time if not a single person felt the need to please, communicate, get closer and contact with other people.

Interpersonal relationships become the most important in the study. The reason for this is that in the process of contact, people interact, perform actions, and achieve certain goals. There are many nuances in this process. And also all people are familiar with such phenomena as scandals, betrayal, problems, which also occurs at the level of two or more persons.

  • A scandal, a quarrel, a dispute is a clash of two or more opinions that contradict each other, do not agree.
  • Betrayal is the use of another person's resources or trust in order to achieve a goal that is most likely frowned upon by those who are being used.
  • Problems are disagreements, omissions, situations that imply dissatisfaction and disapproval of those who participate in it.

There are so many options for how people will interact. If there are not so many types of relationships, then the nature of each relationship will be unique. Relationships are built by two people who bring their desires, interests, needs, habits, views, etc. into the process. Thus, to some extent, the relationship may be similar, but the solution to problems and the essence of conflicts will be different in each specific case.

Interpersonal relationships and communication

Interpersonal relationships and communication itself are not formed just like that. The people who participate in the process have certain needs and desires that push them to create and maintain a certain kind relationship. Moreover, the relationship itself is a dynamic creation that is constantly changing, developing in some direction, giving something to the participants and demanding. If people maintain relationships through action, then they persist.

It should be understood that absolutely any relationship is destroyed at the moment when at least one of the two participants in the process stops paying attention and showing interest in the contact. If he no longer does anything to his partner, then the relationship begins to collapse, gradually fading away.

There are three objectives for interpersonal relationships:

  1. The first is interpersonal perception.
  2. The second is man's understanding of man.
  3. The third is the formation of relationships and the provision of psychological pressure.

Interpersonal communication is based on the following features:

  1. Nationality, gender, age of the person.
  2. Features of perception and reproduction of speech.
  3. Temperament, attitudes, worldview.
  4. Health status.
  5. Communication experience.
  6. Professional and personal characteristics.
  7. Goals, interests, desires.
  8. The level of education and intellectual development.

Communication starts at the level of perception external features interlocutor. At first, a person evaluates external data from the position of "like / dislike", "interesting / not interesting", "suitable for a certain relationship / not suitable for the desired relationship." Not only the interlocutor's appearance is assessed, but also his clothes, accessories, smells, body movements, postures and facial expressions.

If communication begins, then people focus on each other's gestures, voice, intonation, and spoken words. It is also important that the interlocutors understand the phrases addressed to each other. If the first understanding arises, then communication continues, which further interests the interlocutors.

Then communication continues only at the level of how people understand each other. It happens as follows: in fact, people cannot know each other, since they just met and do not yet have experience and ideas, however, they use their past experience of communicating with other people, trying to attribute to each other certain qualities, motives of behavior and words.

Communication becomes successful if people put forward the correct assumptions, the desired converges with the real. However, it becomes a little more difficult for people to communicate when they do not know how to react and act in situations that they have not previously encountered. Here they either try to get to know each other, tune in new way, learn new things, or break up, interrupting communication.

If relationships arise between people, then they go through the stages of their development:

  1. Inception.
  2. Becoming.
  3. Maturation.
  4. Termination.

How quickly these stages pass depends on the people themselves. Typically, interpersonal relationships begin when both participants see the benefit of continuing to be in contact with each other. If there is no benefit, then the relationship does not develop, but ends quickly.

Thus, in relationships, people resort to different ways influencing each other with one goal - to achieve their goals. It should be noted that the goals of each person may coincide with the desires of a partner, or they may differ. If the goals are similar, then the relationship becomes long-lasting, as everyone sees the benefits of their continuation and development. However, if the partners' goals for each other are very different, then the relationship may not have its development, but will end quickly.

The psychology of interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication in psychology is the very first step towards the formation of relationships between people. Communication is an activity that people resort to absolutely at any stage in the development of their relationships.

In psychology, communication is understood as this kind of interaction when people try to influence each other, change attitudes, gain approval, etc. Without influence (which in some circles is called manipulation), not a single relationship is possible. A person cannot interact with another person without trying to influence her decisions, thoughts, actions. And this should be treated normally.

Psychologists can only study the methods of manipulation in order to identify what they lead to and how to defend against them if they harm the one whom they are trying to manipulate.

Communication problems arise on two levels:

  1. At the level of motivations, desires, goals.
  2. At the level of achieving desires and realizing motives.

Interpersonal communication among youth

In adolescence, people improve and begin to form their communication skills with different groups of people. Interpersonal communication does not only consist of contact with peers. The teenager begins to develop a certain attitude towards different people.

The need to become an independent person is accompanied by irritability, intolerance, criticism, rejection of the unacceptable, which is greatly intensified.

Conflicts with peers in a teenager arise for the following reasons:

  1. Bad manners.
  2. Lack of productive communication skills.
  3. Unwillingness to show respect for others.
  4. Lack or unwillingness to be compassionate.

Interpersonal culture

In interpersonal communication, there are many different situations... To effectively get out of any situation, you need to be able to choose the right tone and words that will have an effect in a particular case. You should also have a wide range of communication skills to remain flexible.

The culture of communication assumes a high level of human development and his ability to be flexible during the process. It also includes empathy when a person understands well the motives of others.


Communication between two people leads to the emergence of a relationship if the interlocutors show interest in each other, begin to know and understand each other, and also want to continue contacts, since their personal goals can be realized at the expense of each other. Influence in order to achieve their goals is normal, because otherwise people have no other to interact with each other.

Interpersonal relationships are as varied and unpredictable as communication itself. It is worth noting that in addition to all the actions that people perform, communication takes the most important role. People pronounce words and intonationally express their attitude, through which their main interaction takes place. And after communication, actions are performed on the basis of the impact that took over them.

The quality of communication affects how the relationship will be. Psychologists study two areas of a person's life, providing services to improve relationships or communication in order to maximize their goals, not on the principle of "I or he will win", but on the principle of "both win."

Interpersonal relationships

Subjectively experienced interconnections between people, objectively manifested in the nature and methods of mutual influences exerted by people on each other in the process joint activities and communication. M. o. is a system of attitudes, orientations, expectations, stereotypes and other dispositions through which people perceive and evaluate each other. These dispositions are mediated by the content, goals, values ​​and organization of joint activities and serve as the basis for the formation socio-psychological climate in a collective .

A Brief Psychological Dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: "PHOENIX". L.A. Karpenko, A. V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

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Interpersonal communication- This is the interaction of an individual with other individuals. Interpersonal communication is marked by the inevitability, as well as the pattern of occurrence in various real groups. Interpersonal subjective relationships are a reflection of communication between members of the same group, which serve as a subject of study for social psychology.

The main purpose of the study of interpersonal interaction or interaction within a group is an in-depth study of various social factors, various interactions of individuals belonging to this group. If there is no contact between people, then the human community will not be able to carry out joint full-fledged activities, since proper mutual understanding will not be achieved between them. For example, for a teacher to be able to teach students, he first needs to enter into communication.

Interpersonal relationships and communication

Communication is a multifaceted process of developing contacts between individuals, which are generated by the needs of joint activities. Consider communication in the system of interpersonal relations, as well as the interaction of individuals. Let's define the place of communication in the structure of interpersonal interaction, as well as the interaction of individuals.

In interpersonal interaction, three main tasks are considered: first, interpersonal perception; second, understanding a person; third, the formation of interpersonal relationships, as well as the provision of psychological impact... The concept of "the perception of a person by a person" is insufficient for the final knowledge of people. In the future, a concept is added to it as "understanding a person", which includes connection to the process of human perception and other cognitive processes. The effectiveness of perception is directly related to the personality trait (socio-psychological observation), which will make it possible to catch subtle, but very essential for understanding features in the behavior of an individual.

Features of interpersonal communication are noted in the perception of speech and depend on the state of health, age, gender, nationality, attitudes, communication experience, personal and professional features... With age, humans differentiate emotional states, begins to perceive the world around him through the prism of a personal national way of life.

Individuals with high level social, and the object of cognition in this case is both the social and the physical appearance of a person.

Initially, a person's perception is fixed on the physical appearance, which includes functional, physiological, paralinguistic characteristics. The physiological characteristics include sweating, respiration, and blood circulation. Functional features include posture, posture, gait, non-verbal features communication (facial expressions, body movements, gestures). Emotions are unambiguously easy to differentiate, and unexpressed and mixed mental states are much more difficult to recognize. Social image includes social design of appearance (human clothing, shoes, accessories), paralinguistic, speech, proxemic and activity characteristics.

Proxemic features include the state between communicators, as well as their mutual arrangement. Extralinguistic features of speech include the originality of the voice, pitch, timbre. In the perception of an individual, social characteristics in comparison with physical appearance are the most informative. The process of cognition of an individual consists of mechanisms that distort ideas about the perceived person. Mechanisms that distort the image of the perceived limit the possibility for objective knowledge of people. The most significant of them are the mechanisms of primacy or novelty, which boil down to the fact that the first impression of the perceived influences the next formation of the image of the cognized object.

When perceiving an individual, as well as understanding him, the subject unconsciously chooses various mechanisms of interpersonal cognition. The main mechanism is the correlation (interpretation) of the personal experience of cognition of people with the perception of a given individual.

Identification in interpersonal cognition appears as identification with another individual. The subject also uses the mechanism causal attribution when the perceived object is attributed to certain reasons and motives that explain its features and actions. The mechanism of reflection of another individual in interpersonal cognition is marked by the subject's awareness of how he is perceived by the object.

Interpersonal understanding and perception of an object is carried out with a fairly strict order of functioning of the mechanisms of interpersonal cognition, namely from simple to complex. In the process of interpersonal cognition, the subject takes into account all information coming to him, which speaks of a change in the partner's state during communication. The conditions for the perception of an individual include time, situations, place of communication. Reducing the time at the time of perception of the object reduces the possibility of the perceiver to receive sufficient information about it. With close and long-term contact, the evaluators show favoritism and condescension.

Interpersonal relationships advocate part of interactions, and are also considered in its context.

The psychology of interpersonal relationships is experienced, realized in varying degrees of the relationship between individuals. They are based on various emotional states of interacting individuals, as well as their psychological characteristics... Sometimes interpersonal relationships are called emotional, expressive. The development of interpersonal relationships is determined by age, gender, nationality and other factors. Women have a much smaller social circle than men. They need interpersonal communication for self-disclosure, for transferring personal information about themselves to others. Also, women complain more often about loneliness. For them, the most significant features are noted in interpersonal relationships, and business qualities are important for men.

Interpersonal relationships in dynamics develop according to the following scheme: they arise, consolidate, and also reach a certain maturity, then they are able to gradually weaken. The dynamics of the development of interpersonal relations consists of the following stages: acquaintance, companionship, friendship and friendship. The mechanism of development in interpersonal relations is, which is the response of one personality to the experiences of another. Compared to rural areas, in urban settings, interpersonal contacts are the most numerous, quickly start up and quickly break off.

The psychology of interpersonal communication

Communication is one of the central psychological science and stands alongside such categories as "thinking", "behavior", "personality", "relationships".

Interpersonal communication in psychology is a process of interaction aimed at mutual establishment, cognition, development of relationships, and also involving mutual influence on states, behavior, attitudes, regulation of joint activities of all participants in the process. In social psychology, over the past 25 years, the study of the problem of communication has received one of the central directions of study in psychological science.

Communication in psychology means reality human relations, suggesting a variety of forms of joint activities of individuals. Communication is not only a subject psychological research, and one of the methodological principles of disclosing this relationship is the idea of ​​the unity of activity and communication. But the nature of this connection is understood in different ways. Sometimes communication and activity are viewed as two sides of a person's social life; in other cases, communication is perceived as an element various activities, and activity is seen as a condition for communication. Also, communication is interpreted as a special kind of activity. In the process of communication, there is a mutual exchange of activities, perceptions, feelings, ideas, the system of relations "subject-subject (s)" develops and manifests itself.

Interpersonal communication problems are often noted in motivational as well as operational difficulties, which correlate with two sides of communication - interactive and communicative. Problems manifest themselves in the affective, cognitive and behavioral domains. They are characterized by a lack of desire to understand the interlocutor, the characteristics of his personality, internal state, interests. Interpersonal communication problems can be noted in the following: taking advantage of the interlocutor using flattery, intimidation, deception, throwing dust in the eyes, showing concern and kindness.

Interpersonal communication among youth

Adolescence and adolescence is a critical period in the process of interpersonal evolution. Since the age of 14, interpersonal relationships are being formed, in which attitudes towards the subjects of reality play a different role: towards the elderly, towards parents, towards classmates, towards teachers, towards friends, towards their own personality, towards representatives of a different religion and nationality, towards the sick and drug addicts.

The psychological world of a teenager is often turned to inner life, a young man is often thoughtful and fantasies. The same period is marked by intolerance, irritability, tendency to. By the age of 16, the stage of self-knowledge and self-affirmation begins, which is noted in increased observation. Gradually, among young people, the degree of unacceptable, as well as unacceptable, tends to increase. This is due to the fact that young people become very critical of reality.

The problems of interpersonal communication in the youth environment are manifested in the form of conflicts among students, which destabilize the emotional background in the team, in the group. Often, conflicts, quarrels in the youth environment occur due to inability or due to lack of compassion and unwillingness to respect others. Often, protests occur due to the lack of a degree of upbringing, as well as a violation of the culture of behavior. Often, a protest is targeted, i.e. directed against the culprit conflict situation... Once the conflict is resolved, the young man calms down.

In order to avoid such situations, adults are advised to maintain a calm, polite tone in their communication. It is necessary to abandon categorical judgments about a teenager, especially with regard to issues of fashion and music.

Adults need to try to compromise, yield in an argument, avoiding red rag syndrome. It is especially painful if the scandal is watched by friends or peers. young man, therefore, adults should give in and not be sarcastic, because only good relationships contribute to building relationships.

Interpersonal culture

The development of a culture of communication includes the development of skills and abilities to correctly perceive others, in general view be able to determine the character of a person, his internal state and mood in a specific situation during interaction. And already from this, choose an adequate style, as well as the tone of communication. Since the same words, gestures, can be appropriate in a conversation with a calm and benevolent person and can provoke an undesirable reaction in the agitated interlocutor.

The culture of interpersonal communication involves the development of a culture of communication, which is based on the development of speech, mental properties, specific social attitudes, peculiarities of thinking. The need for deep emotional as well as meaningful communication is high. This need is satisfied when empathy is inherent in the personality, which is understood as the ability to emotionally respond to the experiences of other people, as well as to understand their experiences, feelings, thoughts, and penetrate into them. inner world, empathize and also empathize with them.

The culture of interpersonal communication is based on openness, non-standard action plan, flexibility. It is very important to have a large vocabulary, figurativeness and correctness of speech, to accurately perceive spoken words, as well as to accurately convey the ideas of partners, to be able to correctly pose questions; accurately formulate answers to questions.

Psychology of personality: lecture notes Guseva Tamara Ivanovna

LECTURE No. 14. Communication and interpersonal relations

Among the factors that normalize personality, in psychology, work, communication and cognition are distinguished. Communication- communication between people, during which there is a psychological contact, manifested in the exchange of information, mutual influence, mutual experience, mutual understanding. Communication is aimed at establishing psychological contact between them; its goals are to change the relationship between people, establish mutual understanding, influence knowledge, opinions, attitudes, feelings and other manifestations of personality orientation; facilities - various forms personal self-expression. There are contacts between people in communication necessary condition the existence of the individual.

V Lately in science, along with the concept of "communication", the concept of "communication" is used. In publications you can find different interpretation these concepts. In psychology, the following relationship has been established between them. Communication- communication, the interaction of two systems, during which a signal carrying information is transmitted from one system to another. If two electronic systems exchange information, then they say that there is communication between them.

Communication- exchange of information between people. A person can communicate with other people not only in direct contact. Watching a TV show, reading a book are also acts of communication. Thus, "communication" is a narrower concept in comparison with the concept of "communication". Emphasizing the role of communication as a specific factor in the formation of the psyche, B. F. Lomov wrote: "When we study the lifestyle of a particular individual, we cannot limit ourselves to analyzing only what and how he does, we must also investigate with whom and how he communicates."

Communication involves the transfer of information. The content of communication is scientific and everyday knowledge. In communication, skills and abilities can be transferred.

All these are just separate signs of the content of communication. There are many specific topics for communication, and the more diverse topics of communication, the richer and more meaningful a person's personality.

The external appearance of a person consciously changes and, to a certain extent, is created by him. The appearance consists of a physiognomic mask, clothing, demeanor. Physiognomic mask - the dominant facial expression - is formed under the influence of thoughts, feelings, relationships that often arise in a person. Significantly contribute to the creation of the hairstyle mask, cosmetics and others. You can note the evil, kind, arrogant, benevolent and other physiognomic masks. Complements appearance and clothing, which is often an indicator of class, estate, professional affiliation. Dress code obliges a certain type of behavior. The military uniform requires discipline. The gaiety of a man in mourning clothes seems strange to us. In the manner of behaving, one sees a person's upbringing, his position, self-esteem, attitude towards the person with whom he communicates. For establishing contacts between people, for the content and emotional side of communication, the appearance of a person is of great importance: on its basis, the first impression is formed, which often determines the development of relations.

The external appearance and physiognomic mask are static. The dynamic side of communication is manifested in gestures and facial expressions. Facial expressions- dynamic facial expression at the moment of communication.

Gesture- socially worked out movement, transmitting mental condition... Both facial expressions and gestures are developing as social means of communication, although some of the elements that make up them are innate. The social dependence of facial expressions is confirmed by the fact that in different cultures the same facial expressions and gestures can have diametrically opposite meanings. For example, wide-open eyes in a Japanese are a sign of anger, while in a European - friendliness and surprise.

The exchange of objects and things belongs to non-verbal means of communication. Passing objects to each other, people establish contacts, express their attitude towards each other.

Tactile-muscle sensitivity is also a means of communication. Mutual contact, muscular tension for movement directed at another person, or retention from him - these are the limits of such communication. Its specific manifestations can be a handshake, finding a child in the mother's arms, and martial arts among athletes. With the help of tactile-muscle sensitivity, a person learns physical strength, some personality traits, the relationship of another person, in turn, shows some own qualities and expresses an attitude towards him. Tactile-muscle sensitivity is the main channel for obtaining information from the outside world and the main means of communication for people who are deprived of hearing and sight, and thus opportunities naturally master audio speech.

Currently, much attention is paid to the communicative value of distance in communication. In American psychology, even a name for this line of research has appeared - proxemics. Prosemica explores the location of people in space during communication and identifies the following distances in human contacts:

1) intimate area (15–45 cm); only close, well-known people are allowed into this zone, it is characterized by trust, a quiet voice when communicating, tactile contact, touching. Research shows that violation of the intimate zone entails certain changes in the body: increased heartbeat, rush of blood to the head, etc. Premature invasion of the intimate zone in the process of communication is always perceived by the interlocutor as an attempt on his inviolability;

2) a personal, or personal, zone (45-120 cm) for everyday conversation with friends and colleagues assumes only visual eye contact between partners maintaining a conversation;

3) the social zone (120–400 cm) is usually observed during official meetings in offices, teaching and other office premises, as a rule, with those who are not very well known;

4) a public area (over 400 cm) implies communication with a large group of people (in a lecture hall, at a rally, etc.).

First level (macro level). In this case, communication is considered as the most important aspect of the personality's lifestyle, in which the prevailing content, the circle of people with whom she mainly contacts, the established communication style and other parameters are studied. All this is due to social relations, the social conditions of a person's life. In addition, considering this level, one should take into account what rules, traditions, accepted norms adheres to the personality. The time interval of such communication is all previous and future life personality.

Second level (mesa level). Communication at this level involves contacts on a specific topic. Moreover, the implementation of the topic can be carried out with one person or a group, it can end in one session or require several meetings, acts of communication. As a rule, a person has several themes that he implements sequentially or in parallel. And in fact, and in another case, communication partners can be individuals or groups.

Third level (micro level). It presupposes the act of communication in the role of a kind elementary particle(units). Such an act of communication can be considered a question and an answer, a handshake, a meaningful look, a mimic movement in response, etc. Through elementary units, themes are realized that make up the entire communication system of a person at a certain period of her life.

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