Preschool education in Georgia. Peculiarities of vocational education in Georgia

BAKU, Oct 7 - Sputnik, Irada Jalil. The problem of shortage of personnel in schools teaching in the Azerbaijani language in Georgia will become extremely aggravated over the next few years, it is necessary to sound the alarm and act now.

"There are international laws adopted throughout the world, according to which citizens can enter foreign universities without exams, through an interview. But Azerbaijanis who come to study from Georgia are not regarded as foreigners and pass entrance exams," he said.

At the same time, he noted that our compatriots from Georgia, entering Azerbaijani universities, can, as foreigners, study only at a paid department. As a result, there are almost no Georgian Azerbaijanis in Azerbaijani universities, he complained.

According to Asadov, the most optimal way to solve the personnel problem is the opening of the Azerbaijan Pedagogical University in Georgia, and this can only happen with the support of the Azerbaijani state. Another option is to create a branch or department in one of the universities in Georgia, but this option will not be effective, he continued.

It is also possible to help students return to Georgia after studying in Gazakh or Baku, but this will most likely not give the desired result: “Such students, having lived for several years away from Georgia, will forget the Georgian language. And students of an Azerbaijani pedagogical university in Georgia could learn to teach subjects in Azeri and at the same time improve their Georgian.”

At the same time, Asadov pointed to the expediency of sending Azerbaijani teachers to Georgia, rather than local students to Azerbaijan.

And , and . And today we are going to Georgia, where Alina Luneva lives, the mother of seven-year-old Oscar.

My name is Alina Luneva. My son Oscar is seven years old. We live in Georgia, in Tbilisi.

What are the schools

Schools in Georgia are very different. There are public schools, in which the education system is unified at the state level, and there are many in which the education system is unique for each school. Public schools in Georgia are overcrowded, the classes are 30-40 people, children study in several shifts. With private a little easier. There are fewer people in the class, there is always an after-school, children wear uniforms. Oscar is in second grade at a private Georgian school. Georgian - that is, training is conducted in the Georgian language. Before school, the son attended a Russian kindergarten.

There are many Russian kindergartens in Tbilisi, they are in demand not only by the Russian-speaking residents of the city, but also by the indigenous people. For example, in the son's group, 80% of the children were Georgians. Parents send them to Russian kindergartens so that the children speak Russian.

The academic year starts in mid-September and ends in mid-July. Holidays - a week in the fall, around mid-November, a week in the spring, in March, they coincide with the Georgian Mother's Day, and March 8th. Winter holidays are long - 2.5 weeks. Summer - usual, as in Russia, 3 months.

Daily routine in Georgian school

School starts at 9 am, the school day ends at 5:30-6:00 pm. There are 18 children in my son's class. Usually the guys have 5-6 lessons, each lasting 35 minutes. The curriculum includes the Georgian language, mathematics, and German languages, physical education, dance, music, choir, drawing and art classes.

At 12:00 at school there is a second breakfast, and at 14:30 - lunch. For breakfast, children are offered water and some kind of pastry - lobiani, khachapuri or a bun. Lunch is complex: there is always soup and a main course. Common food for children with a Georgian touch: e.g. gupta (Georgian meatballs), chikhirtma (Georgian chicken soup), kharcho. After lunch, the children walk a little in the yard and return to the classroom to do homework. You can pick up the child earlier, but then you will have to take the task with you and do it at home. I usually pick up my son at 16:30, by which time the lessons have already been done. Around 17:00 they go out again if the weather is good.

Children do their homework at school. Every day except Friday. On Friday we pick up books and notebooks from school and do homework. The tasks are feasible, their volume too, there is no such thing that you need to spend half a day to complete. Maximum one and a half hours. The son, as a rule, makes them himself by 80%. I explain some tasks, supervise how he completes tasks in the Georgian language, translate and memorize words and phrases together. We learn poetry together.

How is the adaptation

The whole staff helped the child elementary school: and the curator of the class, and teachers, and the deputy director. They showed patience, explained, made allowance for the fact that the son did not speak Georgian from the very beginning. They shared with me and asked for support in a situation where. But it was really rare.

My son is hyperactive and very playful, so he sometimes flirts and gets out of control. Once he was rude to the teacher, had a fight with a classmate. The teacher talked to me at the moment when I was picking up the child from school, described the situation, we talked it over with the teacher and son. The question has been settled.

During the first months of the first grade, it was difficult for my son to sit in the classroom, he went out into the corridor, walked. The deputy director used this situation to show him the school, the library, and chat. So the son unobtrusively got used to the school environment.

Parents at school have the opportunity to talk with the school psychologist. Before the start of training at the introductory meeting, the psychologist conducted general lecture for all parents. She talked about how this can manifest itself, gave how to behave with children. I myself internally prepared for the start of the school, read, talked with other parents.

school traditions

Our parents are not very involved in extracurricular life. We are invited to attend events, but not organize them. In the first grade there was a meeting-acquaintance, where each mother, together with the child, could show something that they do together, or somehow express themselves, for example, sing or dance together. There was an event like "Merry Starts", fairs are held, but there are no joint excursions. Children travel and field trips with teachers. The main meeting place for parents is children's birthdays, which are usually held here in special children's centers for holidays. My favorite event is the school charity fair. Children themselves sell those crafts that they made in art classes.

The main differences of the Georgian school

There is less stress, more loyalty to children, a flexible approach. Not all, of course, teachers, but nonetheless. For example, Oscar took a long time to get used to school. Already in the second half of the year, I learned from an art teacher that for the first two weeks he did not want to sit at his desk, walked around the class, slept at the table. However, the child was given time to get used to it without repression and without the involvement of parents. Moreover, having seen Oscar, the teacher does not require him to complete program tasks, but allows him to do other things in art lessons, directs development, but without the desire to equalize.

And in Georgia there are no endless parent-teacher meetings. Parent-teacher meeting- semiannually. The rest of the issues are resolved through the Facebook group. If there is a personal request, you can meet personally with the director or teacher and discuss.

Specifically, in our school, I like the humanitarian approach: the guys learn many languages, develop creativity, there are good circles at the school, so you don’t have to rush around the city with your child, transporting him from section to section. But there are also disadvantages. For example, I want more clarity. However, in Georgia, you want more clarity everywhere.

Photo: Africa Studio/Zaitsava Olga/unguryanu/ZouZou/holbox/Pressmaster/

And , and . And today we are going to Georgia, where Alina Luneva lives, the mother of seven-year-old Oscar.

My name is Alina Luneva. My son Oscar is seven years old. We live in Georgia, in Tbilisi.

What are the schools

Schools in Georgia are very different. There are public schools, in which the education system is unified at the state level, and there are many in which the education system is unique for each school. Public schools in Georgia are overcrowded, the classes are 30-40 people, children study in several shifts. With private a little easier. There are fewer people in the class, there is always an after-school, children wear uniforms. Oscar is in second grade at a private Georgian school. Georgian - that is, training is conducted in the Georgian language. Before school, the son attended a Russian kindergarten.

There are many Russian kindergartens in Tbilisi, they are in demand not only by the Russian-speaking residents of the city, but also by the indigenous people. For example, in the son's group, 80% of the children were Georgians. Parents send them to Russian kindergartens so that the children speak Russian.

The academic year starts in mid-September and ends in mid-July. Holidays - a week in the fall, around mid-November, a week in the spring, in March, they coincide with the Georgian Mother's Day, and March 8th. Winter holidays are long - 2.5 weeks. Summer - usual, as in Russia, 3 months.

Daily routine in Georgian school

School starts at 9 am, the school day ends at 5:30-6:00 pm. There are 18 children in my son's class. Usually the guys have 5-6 lessons, each lasting 35 minutes. The curriculum includes the Georgian language, mathematics, and German, physical education, dance, music, choir, drawing and art classes.

At 12:00 at school there is a second breakfast, and at 14:30 - lunch. For breakfast, children are offered water and some kind of pastry - lobiani, khachapuri or a bun. Lunch is complex: there is always soup and a main course. Common food for children with a Georgian touch: for example, gupta (Georgian meatballs), chikhirtma (Georgian chicken soup), kharcho. After lunch, the children walk a little in the yard and return to the classroom to do their homework. You can pick up the child earlier, but then you will have to take the task with you and do it at home. I usually pick up my son at 16:30, by which time the lessons have already been done. Around 17:00 they go out again if the weather is good.

Children do their homework at school. Every day except Friday. On Friday we pick up books and notebooks from school and do homework. The tasks are feasible, their volume too, there is no such thing that you need to spend half a day to complete. Maximum one and a half hours. The son, as a rule, makes them himself by 80%. I explain some tasks, supervise how he completes tasks in the Georgian language, translate and memorize words and phrases together. We learn poetry together.

How is the adaptation

The entire staff of the elementary school helped the child: the curator of the class, the teachers, and the deputy director. They showed patience, explained, made allowance for the fact that the son did not speak Georgian from the very beginning. They shared with me and asked for support in a situation where. But it was really rare.

My son is hyperactive and very playful, so he sometimes flirts and gets out of control. Once he was rude to the teacher, had a fight with a classmate. The teacher talked to me at the moment when I was picking up the child from school, described the situation, we talked it over with the teacher and son. The question has been settled.

During the first months of the first grade, it was difficult for my son to sit in the classroom, he went out into the corridor, walked. The deputy director used this situation to show him the school, the library, and chat. So the son unobtrusively got used to the school environment.

Parents at school have the opportunity to talk with the school psychologist. Before the start of training, at the introductory meeting, the psychologist held a general lecture for all parents. She talked about how this can manifest itself, gave how to behave with children. I myself internally prepared for the start of the school, read, talked with other parents.

school traditions

Our parents are not very involved in extracurricular life. We are invited to attend events, but not organize them. In the first grade there was a meeting-acquaintance, where each mother, together with the child, could show something that they do together, or somehow express themselves, for example, sing or dance together. There was an event like "Merry Starts", fairs are held, but there are no joint excursions. Children travel and field trips with teachers. The main meeting place for parents is children's birthdays, which are usually held here in special children's centers for holidays. My favorite event is the school charity fair. Children themselves sell those crafts that they made in art classes.

The main differences of the Georgian school

There is less stress, more loyalty to children, a flexible approach. Not all, of course, teachers, but nonetheless. For example, Oscar took a long time to get used to school. Already in the second half of the year, I learned from an art teacher that for the first two weeks he did not want to sit at his desk, walked around the class, slept at the table. However, the child was given time to get used to it without repression and without the involvement of parents. Moreover, having seen Oscar, the teacher does not require him to complete program tasks, but allows him to do other things in art lessons, directs development, but without the desire to equalize.

And in Georgia there are no endless parent-teacher meetings. Parent meeting - once every six months. The rest of the issues are resolved through the Facebook group. If there is a personal request, you can meet personally with the director or teacher and discuss.

Specifically, in our school, I like the humanitarian approach: the guys learn many languages, develop creativity, there are good circles at the school, so you don’t have to rush around the city with your child, transporting him from section to section. But there are also disadvantages. For example, I want more clarity. However, in Georgia, you want more clarity everywhere.

Photo: Africa Studio/Zaitsava Olga/unguryanu/ZouZou/holbox/Pressmaster/

Children come to school at the age of 6 and study for 12 years (classes). During this time, children go through 3 stages:

  • Primary school - 6 years.
  • Basic school - 3 years.
  • High school - 3 years.

Much attention is paid to computerization in Georgian schools: each first grade student receives a netbook (a gift from the President) for recording and doing homework. These computers are manufactured in Georgia based on Intel processors. Computers have a special program installed that makes the learning process more interesting. Remarkably, this applies not only to urban, but also to rural schools. But the main training is carried out traditionally, according to textbooks. Textbooks are issued free of charge at the beginning of the year, and at the end of the year they are returned to the library.

Learning foreign languages

Foreign language taught from first grade. In Georgia, the majority of schoolchildren already at the stage of basic school are fluent in English language. From the fifth grade, schoolchildren begin to study a second foreign language of their choice, many schools choose Russian. Before the second they started learning a foreign language from the seventh grade, but there was a lot of dissatisfaction among teachers and parents, therefore, starting from this year, the second foreign language is studied from the fifth grade, and the third, chosen by the students, from the tenth grade.

Georgia has adopted a ten-point grading system. After the 9th grade, the student receives a document confirming his successful completion of the basic school. After another three years, a certificate of complete secondary education is issued.

Organization school life in Georgia is supervised boards of trustees(The board of trustees of the school includes teachers, parents and students). Boards of Trustees, with the participation of the Ministry of Education, choose school principals. After testing, an interview at the Ministry of Education, candidates for the post of director present their strategic plan development of the school to the board of trustees, and the board of trustees selects the director from several candidates.

For admission to higher educational institutions, it is necessary to pass exams in compulsory subjects:

  • Foreign language (optional).
  • Maths.
  • Georgian language.

And also for those subjects that the university offers for admission to a certain specialty:

  • Literature.
  • History.
  • Geography.
  • Biology.
  • Chemistry.
  • Physics.

In the 12th grade, in addition to the main compulsory subjects for applicants, additional lessons are given in those subjects that they pass at the entrance exams for the corresponding program. Attendance at these classes is not monitored.

Instead of lessons physical education sports lessons are held, school leagues for different types sports.

New subjects are being studied: world culture, civil self-defense and security. From the 11th grade, one more subject is being studied - “ Road signs and traffic safety.

Teachers in Georgia

Teachers of Georgian schools deserve special attention. Them wage directly depends on the results of special testing. Every five years, the Ministry of Education monitors general knowledge: Georgian language and history, as well as the subject in which the teacher specializes. In addition to the basic provisions, the control system includes knowledge of the English language and knowledge of ICT. If the teacher passes the certification with excellent results, he will receive a significant salary increase. Certification and refresher courses are required.

This year is being implemented new scheme professional development teachers. The subject certification exams remain valid, but the Professional Skills exam, the Integrated exam (ICT + English) is no longer required. The main innovation is that teachers are divided into three categories:

  • Category 1 - uncertified teachers
  • Category 2 is all certified teachers
  • Category 3 - Doctors of Science practicing at the school

To move from one category to another, you need to collect the required number of "credits" within 3-4 years. One form of collecting "credits" is to pass an exam in a subject, but there are also many other options: trainings, teacher conferences, integrated lessons, authorship and co-authorship of a printed book, inclusive education, and more.

After reforms in the field of education and intensive study of the English language, more than 1,000 foreign teachers who speak English and other languages ​​have entered Georgia. These are teachers from the USA, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain and other countries. Teachers are invited at the request of the school.

Together with state school institutions in Georgia, they are engaged in pedagogical activity and private schools. They are most common at large higher educational institutions.

The program has been running since 2012. "Georgian language for future prosperity". It involves teaching the Georgian language in Kvemo-Kartli (Lower Kartli) and Samtskhe-Javakheti (remote regions of Georgia), where the main population is Armenians and Azerbaijanis. More than 500 volunteers go to these places and teach the local population the Georgian language in non-Georgian schools. For greater motivation, those students who complete Grade 12 with an average of the highest scores receive a silver or gold medal, and students who completed grade 9 with 10 points are awarded with personal computers.

There are also national olympiads, where the winners are awarded with cash prizes and trips to summer camps. In 2012, more than 100 schools in Georgia opened the so-called classrooms of the future, equipped with state-of-the-art technology.

All assistance is provided by the state for development inclusive education. All schools have a special teacher who helps teachers in working with children with disabilities.

Interaction with parents

The scheme of interaction between school and students, school and parents has changed. The state stopped funding the schools themselves but finances students. A financial voucher, which is given to the student free of charge, allows him to choose which school to study at and contribute his funds. Parents themselves can take part in controlling the school budget by joining the board of trustees. The board of trustees includes teachers, parents and students.

The so-called "mandate" schools are involved in the schools, their main task is to ensure security and discipline. Thanks to their work in schools, cases of violence were reduced by 94%, vandalism by 98%, and the facts of carrying weapons by 97%.

Each school is an independent legal entity. This allows you to have an independent bank account. The school can accept donations, rent out premises in order to receive additional funds.

Graduation and entrance exams

To reduce corruption, the Ministry of Education withdrew attestation and entrance examinations from the competence of schools and universities. educational institutions. For these purposes, a special examination center was created.

The two student testing systems are completely different. Certification exams are compiled by an independent automated program online with a closed Internet connection. Students answer questions while in their classrooms. The exam is held under audio and video surveillance. Also on testing are observers from other schools. The content of the exams includes a knowledge program starting from the 6th grade.

In fact, a unique program was developed for testing Georgian schoolchildren, which independently adjusts to the knowledge of the student. If the child answered incorrectly, then the next question will automatically be less difficult, if it is true, then the new task is an order of magnitude higher both in complexity and in points.

Passing the entrance exams to a higher educational institution, the student must prepare in 4 subjects:

  • Georgian language.
  • Foreign language (most often English - about 70%).
  • Skills (logic). Includes a verbal part and a math test. The test is based on the test of logical thinking.
  • Subject of choice (depending on the requirements of the chosen university).

English is a must. For admission to a university, students can choose another:

  • Russian.
  • French.
  • German.

IN Lately English was the most popular, followed by Russian, German and French.

For admission to a particular university, the scores obtained during the entrance exams are important. Neither the grades of the school certificate nor the presence of a gold medal affect the result.

Secondary specialized and higher education

Over the past decades, the educational sector has experienced a large number of reforms. According to the teachers and officials themselves, corruption in this area has been reduced to zero. For example, before 2003, getting into a higher education institution without a serious amount of money or influential relatives was almost impossible. Now everything is decided on the basis of the results of the Unified National Exam - an analogue of the Unified State Exam, which is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Priority educational reforms is the result, openness, equality of citizens.

Students who have completed grade 9 have the opportunity to enter the first level of secondary vocational education. After three years of study, in addition to a diploma of secondary vocational education, the student receives a certificate of complete secondary education from a technical / vocational school.

Higher education in Georgia is divided into 4 levels:

  • Bachelor's degree of the first stage (graduated specialist).
  • Undergraduate.
  • Master's degree.
  • Doctorate.

Grades are either based on a point system or alphabetic.

Everything higher education paid in Georgia. The government has set a specific cost of education. For example, the price for a year of study at a bachelor's degree is 2225 lari, which is approximately 56 thousand rubles. Private institutions can raise the cost regardless of government consent, so the cost of education in such institutions can reach 200 thousand rubles.

When passing a single entrance exam, the number of points scored by the child is taken into account. For high scores, the student receives a grant from the state to pay for tuition. With the highest results, the state finances 100% of the cost of education, then you can get help to reimburse 70, 50 percent.

The student has the right to transfer from one institution of higher education to another for a fee. Since Georgia is a participant in the Bologna process, schoolchildren's certificates are valid in any state in the world with a similar system.

Currently, most of the major educational institutions accept foreign students from the Middle East and neighboring countries. Medical universities are in high demand. And vice versa, Georgian students are becoming not a rarity, but a pattern in foreign countries. educational institutions top level: Yale, Cambridge, Oxford. At the expense of a special fund, the best students receive funding for living and studying abroad.

The Ministry of Education and Sciences of Georgia is pursuing its educational policy in a concrete, public way, which is recognized throughout the world. Specialists who are fluent in English and computer technology will always be in demand not only in their own country, but also abroad.

A photo: Georgy Bazaev, Private school "Intellect", Tbilisi, Georgia.Thank you for your help in writing the article: Nestan Beridze (additions andedits), Irma Pkhakadze, Lelu Chorgolashvili, Nikolaz Chkhartishvili.

Georgia is a country of Transcaucasia, in which the BOLOGNA system of education operates, both in schools and universities. There are public and private schools in Georgia. Naturally, private schools are a priority, but due to high cost education, preference is given to public schools.

Being students of schools, the Ministry of Education of Georgia offers various programs, olympiads and competitions for students. In Georgia, the annual FLEX international exchange program is operating and well-conducted, as a result of which students, even in their youth, study independent living. Also, the Ministry of Education annually conducts school olympiads, whose winners from all over the country go to the camp, where, in addition to the academic part, there is also an entertaining sports part. This is where the youth come together. Naturally, this is how children grow up, while receiving an education. Well, the 12th grade comes - the most responsible class - the year when already young students-applicants take exams for a certificate and entrance exams to universities.

In Georgia today there are about two dozen state universities and about 60 private universities. Each university has its own priorities, interests, areas of attraction, and so on. Applicants make a choice between faculties, universities according to their interest, opportunities, prestige and many other reasons. It should be noted that among the state universities the leaders are the Tbilisi State University them. Ivane Javakhishvili, State Polytechnic Institute, Sukhumi State University, Tbilisi State Medical Institute. Here, naturally, there is a lot of competition, and a different profile, and different interests.

As for private higher education institutions, it should be noted that there is also a lot of competition among them, since each of them offers different offers to applicants, sometimes even these offers look “tempting”. But this is all - PR-company of universities.

Annually in Georgia, the number of applicants is approximately 38-43 thousand, of which approximately 3-5% fail school exams(and therefore does not have the right to take it to a university), approximately 5-7% cannot take it to a university because of the prices (they cannot pay), about 3% do not want to (because after graduating from a university it is very difficult to find a job, and they say , but the point is to pass it - well, somewhere maybe they are right!), And from the remaining applicants, about 8% are cut off at the entrance exams. As a result, 30-32 thousand applicants become students.

The main task after choosing a profession, being an applicant (in Georgia school education is 12 years old), after the students pass the exams, enter and start studying, the question is - the ACTIVITY of students in different projects. As in all countries, so in the universities of Georgia, there is a student self-government, a student council, which is a university body in which active students are united and who try to participate in various projects, trainings, charity events, etc. include all students. How it turns out, what is the result in the end - this is the second question.

The activity of students, both in studies and in projects (domestic, regional and international) is naturally reflected in the image of the country, student, university. It is with these criteria that the country enters the international arena, this or that university becomes popular, and naturally this attracts foreign students to study in Georgia.

Returning to the topic of student activity, it should be noted that there are a lot of projects for students - they are organized and supervised both by the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Georgia, and specific universities within, and several universities, nevertheless conducting regional projects, and there are cases when international projects are carried out (the final is abroad). In addition to most projects, students are also offered various projects and non-governmental organizations (these are various trainings, training courses, etc.). It should be noted that approximately 65% ​​of the country's students take part both in studies and in projects.

Here, for example, you can list the activities that are held annually for students in Georgia in parallel with the educational process:

1. student days(the duration is a month, there are various competitions between students (both intellectual and sports), the competition is big, the best win);

2. Universiade (sports competitions);

3. Trainings, exchange programs;

4. Forums;

5. Conferences (scientific, regional, international);

6. Olympics, etc.

In all of the above events, about 65% percent (listeners) are directly or indirectly active, of which approximately 20% of students are active participants, and sometimes organizers (that is, which make up all student governments, student councils).

STUDENT DAYS is a project of the Ministry of Sports and Youth of Georgia, which is republican and is carried out throughout the country.

The project, which will unite the youth, students of the country, develops in students, in addition to the academic part, sports skills, competition between universities, is held annually in the country in the spring. It should be noted that both public and private universities become the winners of the students, the winners of the universities. Returning to studies and the level, prestige, as well as the interests of applicants or students, it is this project that can be said to dominate when choosing a university.

Naturally, this is one of the main reasons that subsequently affect the educational process. Disinterest, information vacuum, small quotas for participation (which exactly develops the student's interest for competition, victory), is precisely the main factor that some students “give up”, and sometimes this affects academic performance.

In the history of Georgian students, 2013 was the most active year. It is known that on September 27, 1993, after 13 months and 13 days of war (08/14/1992 - 09/27/1993), Sukhumi fell. In 2013, 20 years have passed since this tragic date for the history of Georgia. It was students, student self-governments who organized a peaceful action called "ABKHAZIA - OUR PAIN". The action was joined by students from all over Georgia, both from public and private universities.

The action, to which the students joined, showed the unity of the country with a peaceful gesture, nevertheless, expressing pain and sorrow, united all the youth, all the students of the country. Yes - and it was unity, it was a gesture that all universities are connected and have friendly relations. About 16 thousand students took part in the action. This action was not only a sign of the country's unity, it also showed the purpose of the students, showed their knowledge of the country's history, knowledge of geography, politics, etc.

Returning to the issue of education, it should be noted that in Georgian universities, based on the interests, activity, progress of students, we can say that there are both popular faculties and less popular ones that are at the level of extinction (since students believe that these professions are hard or almost impossible to use).

In conclusion, education in Georgia is normally developed. Young people, despite laziness and various obstacles, successfully finish school, universities, sometimes in almost 30% of cases, continue their studies abroad, which they partly glorify the country.

Davit Doneriani

Sokhumi State University


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