Parent meeting “The role of play in a child’s life. Summary of the parent meeting "Game in a child's life"

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"Game in a child's life"

Dear parents, hello. Each of you dreams that your child will grow up smart, independent, and that in the future he will be able to take a worthy place in life.What do children love most? Of course, play.It is often said that playing for children is a serious matter.

The child does not show as much interest in any activity as in play. He is interested, which means that learning and development occur easily and with pleasure.

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« A game It has important V child's life , has the same meaning as activity, work, service for an adult. What child at play , this is how he will be in many ways at work when he grows up. Therefore, the education of a future leader occurs primarily in play.”

(Anton Semyonovich Makarenko)

A game is a special type of activity . What is the power of this activity, why and why do preschool children need it? Why is she so alluring? We have to find answers to these questions.

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The meaning of the game for a preschool child

The game has powerful developmental characteristics. It affects the development of all cognitive processes: thinking, attention, memory and, of course, imagination.

The game organizes the child’s feelings and influences his actions. The game reproduces the norms of life in society, rules of behavior, and simulates situations close to the life experience of the child.

WITH emotional point From a perspective, the game's technology is phenomenal and unlike other educational technologies. It offers children pleasure, a variety of entertainment, and at the same time forms models of moral behavior necessary for life in society.

. By mastering the knowledge gained during the game, the child becomes familiar with the culture of the country in which he lives and the culture of the world.

The game helps the child to assimilate social experience and turn it into personal property. In addition, during the game the child actively communicates with peers. This greatly enhances his communication skills.

It is in play that the child’s will develops, since the child, mastering some new method of action during play activities, learns to overcome difficulties.

Develops during the game mental activity child. After all, the game requires solving new, ever more complex problems. The child, following the rules of the game, must quickly figure out what action the participants in the game expect from him. Moreover, he understands that his actions must satisfy the other participants in the game.

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Types of games for child development

Game activities include:

1. Plot-role-playing a game.

2. Outdoor game.

3. Theatrical game.

4. Didactic game.

5. Ecological game.

6. Play with natural material.

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Outdoor games for children.

Outdoor games enter a child’s life very early.A growing child's body cannot sit in one place for a long time; it needs movement, the release of accumulated energy. All children, without exception, love to play with a ball, a jump rope, and any objects that they can adapt to the game.

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Outdoor games are an indispensable way of this energy release and the development of physical qualities of preschoolers. In addition to physical qualities, they develop such personality traits as courage, endurance, and perseverance.

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Outdoor games strengthen different muscle groups, train the vestibular apparatus, improve your posture, relieve fatigue and increase performance.

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Role-playing games. The importance of role-playing games for a child

Role-playing games are an excellent training ground for preparing a child for life in society. In each game, regardless of whether the child plays alone or with other participants in the game, he performs certain roles.

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Value role playing games lies in the fact that children repeat in games the types of behavior observed by adults and the possibilities for solving life conflicts.

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Most games are dedicated to depicting the work of people of different professions. The guys drive trucks, treat “sick patients,” play “family,” barbershop, etc. Through play, children’s interest in different professions is strengthened and deepened, and respect for work is fostered.

Playing out all sorts of roles will help children cope with difficulties. How older child, the more carefully he monitors the fair distribution of roles, the more purposefully he chooses roles for himself. IN conflict situations, when claims for roles collide with children, they can already analyze how this or that applicant played the role, correctly assess their personal capabilities for playing the desired role, correlate their understanding of the role and its actual loss by another member playgroup. Children use counting rhymes, taking turns in using an attractive role.

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Speaking about roles, it is necessary to note their gender. The child, as a rule, takes on roles corresponding to his gender.

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Didactic games and their meaning for a child

Games of this type attract children with their special entertainment. IN didactic games ah, learning is playful in nature. Relying on involuntary attention children, adults must activate them cognitive activity, arouse interest in surrounding objects, improve their experience, develop skills and abilities.

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Didactic games along with active and musical ones, they are created by adults as games with rules and offered to children in ready-made form. Only after children master their content and rules do they begin to play them on their own

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They are very important for children. It seems to the child that he is just having fun, but in fact he is training his imagination, thinking, and developing his creative abilities.

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Theatrical game Promotes the development of speech - enriches it with figurative comparisons, literary expressions, makes it more emotional and expressive.

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Playing theatrical games with children brings pleasure, joy, and arouses a good mood. But this is not the only educational potential of this type of activity.

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Through such a game, children receive an example of friendship, truthfulness, responsiveness through the positive characters of the play

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Games with natural materials

The main motive for playing with natural materials is not the achievement of results, but the process of play itself. Proof of this is the favorite games with water and sand: for hours a child can pour water and pour sand, as well as games with snow. These games clearly bring inner peace and joy, they are full of freedom, independence, and space for endless experimentation.

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Children learn to compare objects and phenomena, identify signs of similarity and difference, and classify objects by shape, color, and size. In the process of such games, the sensory experience of preschoolers expands and their life experience is enriched.

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How important it is for these small discoveries to happen every day, so that it becomes a need to find, notice, be surprised and rejoice, and most importantly, to gain your own unique experience of a child’s communication with the natural world.

How should an adult behave in play activity, which includes the child?

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Let's look at ourselves from the outside: what are we? Do we like to play with children? Do we find time for this? What do we know about our child’s games and preferences?

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This is a special conversation. The extent to which a child discovers new life situations through play largely depends on the behavior of adults. While playing, an adult introduces the necessary norms into the world of play public life necessary to enhance the child’s social experience.

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That's why, Dear Parents, it is very important that you play together with your children. Children's play does not arise spontaneously; it develops under the guidance of an adult and in joint activities with him. Let's play with our children as often as possible. Remember, play is an excellent source of strengthening a child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Discover the world with your child!

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See you again!

Who are our children?

These are children standing on their heads.

To look decent

After all, from this position you can clearly see

That adults aren't that big

And they grow upside down

Walk with serious heads

And they watch what the children do.

“Come on, come on,” the adults look closely,

They turn around and realize

That children open up the world of games to them.

The wonderful world of the game is simple!

Let's try this world on ourselves.

Solving current issues.

Making a decision at the meeting.

Games in the kitchen

Now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. We have prepared questions for you. (There are pieces of paper with questions in the vase.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do using the following materials? (parents pull notes from the vase)

(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the vase is answers. Those who wish can complete the answer.)

1. "Egg Shell"

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Lay out fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, studying shapes and colors along the way.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Transfer the peas from one cup to another. Sort: peas, beans

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find it.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw pictures with grains. For very small children, use a spoon to pour the cereal from a bowl into a bowl.

9. "Disposable cups"

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of different heights.

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Olga Rochegova
Summary of the parent meeting “Smart games, or the role of games in the life of a preschooler”

Target: bring parents to realize the importance of play in a child’s life.


1. To form the idea that play is a leading activity for a preschool child.

2. Give parents an idea of ​​educational games.

3. Help to understand the responsibility of adults for choosing children's toys.

4. Show the role of parents in organizing the child’s play activities at home.

5. Level Up pedagogical culture parents.

Preliminary work: Invite parents to talk about their child’s favorite games.

Progress of the meeting.

Educator 1: Preschool age is a unique and decisive period in the development of a child, when the foundations of personality are laid, will and voluntary behavior are formed, imagination, creativity, and general initiative actively develop. However, all these most important qualities are formed not in training sessions, but in leading and main activity preschooler - in the game. The main advantage of gaming activity is that the game is closely related to the formation of the child’s needs and motives (A. N. Leontyev). It is in play that a child becomes aware of his place among people (I’m still a child) and the need to be an adult.

Teacher 2: Everyone knows that children love to play, you encourage them to play independently, buy toys. But not everyone thinks about the educational significance of children's games. Some believe that the game is for fun and entertainment, others use the game to distract the child from pranks and whims. For a preschool child, play is the leading activity in which his psychological development takes place and his personality as a whole is formed. Play is a special type of objective activity, which is based on the child’s awareness of the world of objects and human relations. During the accumulation game life experience, training and education develops, in the game imaginative thinking becomes more meaningful, diverse, the topic is concentrated according to the number of roles and participants. With the use of games, attention is developed, memory is trained, speech is developed, and social behavior is practiced.

Educator 1: Playing is serious. In order for our children to have a happy childhood, play should occupy the main place in their lives. IN childhood the child has a need to play. And it must be satisfied not because work takes time, and fun takes an hour, but because while playing, the child learns and experiences life. Any game, and mostly didactic, aims to enrich the child’s sensory experience, develop his mental abilities (the ability to compare, generalize, classify objects and phenomena of the world around him, express his judgments, make conclusions). Didactic games, according to all authors, are always of great importance in the development of mental activity in children; they teach children to think independently and use acquired knowledge in different conditions, in accordance with the assigned game task. After all, the most important thing for the development of thinking is to be able to use knowledge, to select from your mental baggage in each case the knowledge that is needed to solve the problem at hand. To do this, the child must master the method of mental work: the ability to think, correctly analyze and synthesize. Many didactic games challenge children to rationally independently use existing knowledge when solving mental problems: to find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the surrounding world, compare, group, classify objects according to certain criteria, draw correct conclusions, generalizations.

Teacher 2: (The teacher gives advice on the right choice toys and games for a child: safety, attractiveness, cognitive quality). First of all, this toy must be safe and appropriate for the child’s age. The more varied the toys, the more interesting game kids. But diversity does not mean their abundance. Before you make your next purchase, it’s a good idea to ask your baby how he will play with it. If 90% of the play comes from the child and only 10% from the toy, then it is a good toy. An empty one can be a wonderful toy for a baby. cardboard box, which you can climb into. It can be a ship, a fortress, and a rocket. This toy stimulates both fantasy and imagination. It can be used as it is. Or you can cut holes in it - portholes, paint it. Homemade toys have great educational value.

Teacher 1:. The role of parents in organizing the child’s play activities at home.

At a young age, play becomes a means of development and education if it is built on meaningful communication with an adult. When playing with your daughter or son, remember that you cannot suppress the baby’s initiative. Play with him as equals. When playing, watch your speech: the even, calm tone of an equal playing partner instills in the child confidence that he is understood, his thoughts are shared, and they want to play with him. Therefore, you need to make it a rule: to get involved in your baby’s play several times a day, this encourages the child to take new actions. If you don’t play and don’t guide your child’s play at an early age, then he won’t develop the ability to play both independently and with other children.

Educator 2: Let's talk about different types of games that children play in kindergarten, which you can play with your children at home.

Everyone's favorite creative games - children imitate adults, their actions, communication styles, work activities, and they transfer all this into their games. Children love to play “Shop”, “Chauffeur”, “Hospital”, “Barbershop”, etc. By the age of 4, role-playing games become the main activity of children. Games develop creativity, fantasy, imagination, and speech skills. The gaming environment and attributes are very important here.

Educator 1: Construction is closely related to play. In construction games, motor activity is manifested, coordination of movements, small muscles of the hands, and the eye are developed. Children build different buildings using building materials, Lego parts, and small plastic construction sets of various types. Samples and diagrams are used. Toys are brought into the buildings and games are played out.

Educator 2: Experimentation games - with water, sand, surrounding objects from different materials They bring children a lot of joy, develop thought processes, teach them to reason, draw simple conclusions, and foster a love of nature.

Educator 1: Outdoor games are, first of all, a means physical education children. They provide an opportunity to develop and improve their movements, practice running, jumping, climbing, throwing, catching, etc. Various movements require active activity of large and small muscles, promote better metabolism, blood circulation, breathing, i.e. increased vital activity body. Outdoor games also have a great influence on the neuropsychic development of the child, the formation important qualities personality. They call positive emotions. These games develop will, intelligence, courage, and speed of reactions. Joint activities in games bring children closer together, giving them the joy of overcoming difficulties and achieving success.

Educator 2: A didactic game is at the same time a form of learning that is most typical for young children; it develops independence and active thinking and speech in children. Children learn to play together and regulate their behavior. Perseverance and a sense of justice develop, and sensory skills are strengthened - color, shape, generalizing concepts. Games: “Wonderful bag”, “Lacing”, finger and word games, develop hand motor skills, speech skills, attention, and intelligence.

Teacher 1: You can play these games at home. It is very important for education that parents watch the game and get involved in it. Since playing together spiritually and emotionally enriches children, satisfies the need for communication with loved ones, and strengthens self-confidence. You can also make games with your own hands.

Game-task. We offer you an unusual task: remember your family evenings and give them self-assessment. If they do as told, they put up a red chip, not always yellow, never blue.

1. Every evening I spend time playing with the children.

2. I talk about my games as a child.

3. If a toy is broken, I repair it together with the child.

4. Having bought a toy for a child, I explain how to play with it and show different options for the game.

5. I listen to the child’s stories about games and toys in kindergarten.

6. I often give my child a game or toy.

Generalization: If there are more red chips on your table, then the game is always present in your house. You play as equals with your child. Your baby is active, inquisitive, loves to play with you, because play is the most interesting thing in a child’s life.

Parent meeting decision:

Take an active part in children's games;

Take an active part in the manufacture of games, toys, and their repair;

Take an active part in the life of the kindergarten.

Vygotsky L. S. Game and its role in psychological development child // Question. psychology. 1996. No. 6. pp. 62-76.

Games. Education, training, leisure. Ed. Petrusinsky V.V. – M.: 1994.

Elkonin D. B. Psychology of play preschool age: Psychology of personality and activity of preschool children / Ed. A. V. Zaporozhets and D. B. Elkonin. – M., 1965.



Ivannikova Polina Borisovna

MB preschool educational institution No. 2

village Bakhtyrovsky

Goal: To show parents the degree of understanding they have of their child in terms of game content, to show the importance of games and toys in the development of a child, to develop playing skills with their child, to discuss the issue of organizing a gaming environment in a family setting.

Material: A variety of large and medium-sized toys, TSO CD radio, multimedia equipment for showing presentations. Procedure: Parents sit on chairs placed on three sides.

Presenter: Good evening dear parents. Today we have invited you to a round table, and our topic will be the following riddles, guess it yourself...

Small in stature, but brave,

He galloped away from me. (ball)

The baby is dancing,

And only one leg. (spinster)

The fraction is beating,

Walking helps. (drum)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (matryoshka)

Are you going to play in the sandbox?

You need to take something with you. (bucket)

When April takes its toll

And the streams run ringing,

I jump over it

And she through me. (jump rope)

She doesn't need a driver at all.

Including - you start it,

The wheels will start spinning.

Place it and she will rush. (wind-up machine)

What one concept can you call all these objects you guessed?

A toy is an item specifically designed for children's games. Toys help a child realize his plans, bring play closer to reality, and develop the child’s communication with society and adaptation to society. The poetess L. Fadeeva in the poem “First Performance” very accurately conveyed emotional condition child at such an “uncomfortable” moment for him:

I'm standing on stage.

The hall fell silent.

And I am silent:

Don't remember the verse!

I stand and think about

Cry now or later.

To help emotionally depressed children, we use dolls in our practice. Psychologically hiding behind a toy, speaking on its behalf, the child becomes more open and courageous in contacts with others. Begins, as it were, to try on himself different models social behavior.

Without toys and games there is no happy childhood; it is impossible to raise a healthy, emotional, full-fledged person.

Game “Grandma’s Story “Games of Our Childhood”.”

It's no secret that yard games have disappeared. But they taught children the need for communication and helped resolve contentious conflicts.

Clap your hands those of you who jumped over an elastic band; stomp right foot those who played hopscotch; those who played tag, stamp your left foot.

Training: “My favorite toy as a child.” Musical accompaniment is turned on.

Ved: And now, I will ask you to sit more comfortably and surrender to the memories of your childhood. At a time when you were as small as your children. Imagine that you are five, six, seven years old. Imagine yourself at the age at which you remember yourself better. You are playing with your favorite toy. Remember what it looks like, what games you play with it. This toy is your most precious and beloved one. You are very “attached” to her. A favorite toy brings you joy and peace. You are happy in your own way. And now, I wanted you to tell me about your favorite toy. And about that toy that you may have dreamed of as a child, but there was no way to get it.

Parents' speech. Parents pass the seven-flowered flower to each other.

Presenter: We subconsciously understand that we remember our favorite toy all our lives and this gives us positive emotions. When we remember, we feel the warmth from which we have moved so far away.

What do you think adults should do to ensure that our children remember their toys with pleasure after many years?


Well, so that our answers are not repeated, I offer you this magic chest.

Game "Magic Chest"

The chest contains eggs from Kinder surprises. In them, on strips of paper, various questions are written. The parent takes the Kinder and answers the question.

Presenter: Today we are convinced that every person has favorite toys that he remembers all his life. Your children have them too. Exemplary parents should know what toys their child likes and respect his choice. After all, you yourself developed his choice, raised him.

Sometimes in the morning children come to the garden without a mood, capricious, aggressive, not wanting to answer the question “What happened?”, “Why are you so sad?” etc. There are quite a lot of toys in kindergarten, but during the day the child wants to see and play with his favorite toy, the one that, for various reasons from parents, cannot be taken to school. kindergarten. In order to prevent your child’s mood from spoiling, what do you do? What can you recommend?

Parents' speech.

Training: “A toy in my child’s life.”

Video clip “Which toy did your child choose”

A picture with a variety of toys is shown.

Presenter: You are presented different types, toy sizes. What toy do you think your child would choose? How truly can you see the world through the eyes of your child?

Now let's see which toy your child actually chose.

Continuation of the video “Which toy did your child choose?”

Presenter. We all always remain children at heart. We want to be capricious, we enjoy playing with the children.

Now I suggest you turn into children for a while and play the game “Assemble a building.”

Game "Assemble a building."

Parents are divided into three teams. Each team has identical diagrams of several buildings made from small cubes. The team's task is to build as many buildings as possible on the table in 1 minute.

Presenter. Well done parents, you coped with this task. Now let's see how you can solve puzzles.

Game "Solve the puzzle."

Leaves, apples, and butterflies “hang” on the tree. Parents “take” any picture. WITH reverse side rebus picture. Parents' task: to solve their puzzle.

Presenter. You all completed the task. Then I suggest you read the poem. Only it is written unusually - from right to left.

Game "Read a poem"

Each parent reads one word from the poem, written from right to left.

Presenter. Each of us thinks that we know everything about our child: about his tastes, preferences.
The children were asked a number of questions:

*What games do you like to play the most and why?

* What toys do you buy most often in the store and why?

*Who is your favorite player to play with and why?

*In which computer games you're playing?

Let's see what the children answered.

Video clip.

Presenter. Now I want to tell you a story that could have happened anywhere.

P. Maisky, st. Unknown. Summer morning. Everyone is still sleeping. A garbage truck drives up to the house. The car alarm goes off. Mom wakes up. Puts on the kettle. Dad goes to the bathroom. The door creaks. The baby cries even louder. Mom calms the baby. Everyone is here. It's time to visit grandma. Everyone gets into the car. Doors slam shut. The motor turns on. The car is driving on the highway. A car drives past at high speed. There is a traffic police post ahead. Policeman's whistle. Thank God, not us. We turned off the road. There is a village ahead. The dog barked habitually. The geese cackled. The ducks screamed. The piglets grunted. And suddenly…

Now let's tell this story without words.

Parents take pieces of paper on which it is written what kind of character he will be.

So, p. Maisky, st. Unknown, summer morning...

Presenter. Dear parents! Today our meeting was dedicated to games and toys. I wanted to convey to you that a toy for a child is not just fun, but also effective tool development, help in improving movements, sensory organs, speech understanding.

By the age of five, large toys gradually cease to occupy the child and move from the play area to chairs, beds, and cabinets. But sets of little animals, soldiers, and doll families capture the child’s interest and emotions. Appears great opportunity to play different options with the same toys; Children develop fantasy and imagination, thinking ceases to be concrete, and the emotional world is enriched.

For a six-year-old child, non-static and concrete toys are more useful and interesting - he will be happy with an unusual construction set, models of ships and airplanes, beautiful felt-tip pens and an entertaining board game, sewing and knitting kit.

Children really like toys made with my own hands, especially if they become useful to others. Children at this age love to make toys-gifts (pot holders, napkins, decorations). Toy stores are fading into the background, and greatest interest children are called to counters with stationery supplies, building materials, threads and buttons. The child prepares himself for a change in activity and schooling.

– Let's see what modern toys our children play with and what impact they have. I will briefly talk about these toys, and if you agree with me, raise a green card, if not, a red card and justify your decision.

– The game is a diagnostic tool mental state child.
Most modern toys can create monsters in the soul of a little person. Unfortunately, not only psychologists, but also child psychiatrists and doctors have to deal with this more and more often. They have more and more work.

- Do you agree or not?

– Now there are a large number of toys on sale that have come off TV screens and promoted by children’s TV series: Pokémon, monsters, Spider-Man, Batman. These toys contribute to the accumulation of aggressive fantasies of the child

The category of monsters includes all kinds of transformable toys: man-machine, man-robot, man-monster. Adults seem to have forgotten that a toy is not just fun. She implants in the child’s soul the initial concepts of good and evil. And it’s dangerous if this happens in a game with a negative hero. Any action played out by a child can reproduce itself in reality. The toy programs the child's behavior. And it is important to understand how the toy works and what kind of program it contains.

- Do you agree or not?

Undoubtedly, a child should have a certain set of toys that contribute to the development of his sensory perception, thinking, and horizons, allowing him to play out real and fairy-tale situations and imitate adults.

– Real life toys:

a doll family (maybe a family of animals), Dollhouse, furniture, dishes, cars, boats, construction sets, cash register, scales, medical and hairdressing supplies, watches, washing machines, stoves, televisions, crayons and board, abacus, musical instruments, railways, telephone, etc.

- Do you agree or not?

– Which doll is better to buy: Baby Doll or Barbie? In this dispute, the age of the child plays a big role. Preschool girls have a strong instinct of motherhood, it is embodied in playing with a doll that they want to nurse, treat, put to bed, feed, or roll in a stroller. And Barbie needs to be dressed, undressed, and new things must be purchased for her. Her way of life is endless outfits, entertainment, and changing partners. In relation to the doll, the girl will feel like a maid or, at best, a friend, and not a mother.

If a girl plays with a baby doll that looks the same as the girl, then the girl does not have a contradiction between herself (between the girl she sees in the mirror and the one she holds in her hands). Barbie is an adult beautiful girl with developed forms - the child passes this image through himself (figure, lifestyle, style of behavior). This leads to the fact that the girl strives for the image, for the Barbie figure, and does not accept what she has.

Thus, it makes sense to buy Barbie for a schoolgirl - unlike a preschool girl, she will appreciate its beauty and the play opportunities it provides, but will not be under the pressure of a rigid “program” that this doll dictates.

- Do you agree or not?

– Toys that help “throw out” aggression:

Toy soldiers, guns, balls, inflatable bags, pillows, rubber toys, jump ropes, skittles, as well as throwing darts, etc.

Aggressive toys provoke games with a corresponding mood. During aggressive play, children scare each other with weapons,

Such fear may have irreversible consequences in the future. In addition, children may develop fears that will manifest themselves in later life. Some children are in force psychological characteristics are prone to aggression towards others; playing with military toys exacerbates this feeling in children.

At the same time, in the preschool period, toys (all kinds of weapons, soldiers, tanks, etc.) help to find a way out of the internal aggression that is hidden in every person. If it spills out through “war” games, then in real life a person becomes calmer and more balanced. Children have much more energy than adults, and it must have an outlet. But if you notice that aggression regularly becomes the main content of the game, this may indicate that the child’s level is too high. It's worth pointing out Special attention and possibly) consult a specialist.

- Do you agree or not?

– Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression:

Cubes, construction sets, alphabet books, Board games, cut pictures or postcards, plasticine paints, mosaics, needlework kits, threads, pieces of fabric, applique paper, glue, etc.

- Do you agree or not?

Soft toy. Its main purpose is to give the baby tenderness. It is used by psychotherapists, psychologists and doctors: a fluffy bear, a cute elephant, and a shaggy dog ​​can cure a child of fears and even bedwetting. American psychologists, studying baby monkeys, discovered the following: if a monkey is given the opportunity to choose between two surrogate mothers, one of which is made of cold wire, but with a bottle of milk, and the other is made of artificial fur, but without a bottle, then the frightened and hungry baby chooses... the second : soft and cozy, giving him a much-needed sense of security. It's no wonder our children love furry animals so much.

- Do you agree or not?

– For older children, you can buy buildings for ships, planes, and boats. For girls, beautiful kits for embroidery, beading, painting on fabric and wood. These games teach children to be independent, hardworking, and caring for their neighbors. After all, it’s much more pleasant to embroider a napkin for mom, give dad a model airplane for his birthday, or please his sister with a bauble. Any thing made with your own hands is the best for a child and the most expensive gift for his friends or parents.

- Do you agree or not?

– By imitating adults, the child reproduces the relationships that he observes. If a child abuses his toy during play and treats it carelessly, this leads to the child first developing bad habits and then developing negative traits character – selfishness, sloppiness, stubbornness.

On the contrary, if a child is affectionate with his toy and puts it back in its place, then he develops a caring attitude towards things, hard work, sociability and other valuable qualities. The development of a child’s play activity is carried out when active participation adult. In order for a child to love the game and be able to play for a long time and with concentration, he must be taught this. The game becomes richer and more meaningful from communication with an adult. Parents should be interested in their children's games, help expand their plots, not consider the game as empty fun and pay due attention to it. After all, the game not only amuses the baby, but also develops it.

- Do you agree or not?

Special role Educational (didactic) toys play a role in a child’s development. Didactic toys are used for the development and learning of a child. Unfortunately, now educational toys are expensive, and for the full development of the baby you need to play with them often. A little imagination and hard work, and you can make excellent manuals that will be useful for your children.

- Do you agree or not?

– At the end of our meeting, I bring to your attention a reminder for concerned parents.

And also watch the video clip “Our group”

MBDOU kindergarten No. 5 “Smile”

Parent meeting Topic: “The role of play in the development of preschool children”

Conducted by: Kudryavtseva I.F.

G. Semenov 2017

Target: increasing the pedagogical competence of parents on the problem of play activities in children of primary preschool age


  1. To form parents’ concept of the possibility of play as a means for the development of intellectual and cognitive activity.
  2. Stimulate parents' interest in joint play activities with their own child.
  3. Discuss the issue of organizing a play environment in kindergarten and family settings; about the advantages and disadvantages of toys.

Participants: teachers, parents

Preparatory work:parent survey(Annex 1) ,

individual invitations(Appendix 2)

reminders for parents(Appendix 3)

game memo (Appendix 4),

Tips (Appendix 5),

materials for creative work(Appendix 6)

group design, musical accompaniment.


The tables are arranged in a circle;

A selection of didactic games, " Logic blocks Dienesha


Progress of the event

The song “Where does childhood go” is playing.

introductionteacher, he opens the parent meeting, announces the agenda, and introduces the procedure for holding it.

1. Introductory part

– Good evening, dear parents! We are glad to meet you at our round table. Today we will talk to you about children's games, toys, their significance in understanding the world around us, and their impact on the development of our children. Many of us still remember our favorite toys and games. They preserved memories of our childhood games and fun; we “return” many years ago, to our childhood. In many families, toys are passed down from generation to generation; these toys have a certain value - pleasant, good childhood memories.

In order for our conversation to be sincere and frank, I suggest you fill out a business card. On a business card, write your name, patronymic and draw a picture that matches your mood (sun, cloud, etc.)

Psychological warm-up “Smile”

I want to know: are you in a good mood? How to give it to other people without words when they meet? How to communicate yours without words good mood? Of course, with a smile. Smiled at the neighbor on the right, smiled at the neighbor on the left. A smile can warm you with its warmth, show your friendliness and improve your mood.

Ball game.

Please answer questions honestly and frankly.

  1. What game did you play with your child recently?
  2. If a child asks to play with him, your actions.
  3. What games does your child play most often?
  4. When choosing a new toy, what do you take into account, what are you guided by?
  5. Do you tell your child what games you played in childhood?
  6. If a toy breaks, what do you do in such cases?
  7. Where does your child play at home? What conditions have been created?
  8. What are your child's favorite toys?
  9. Who plays with the child more often: mom or dad?

This topic, “The Role of Play in the Development of Preschool Children,” was not chosen by chance, because each of you dreams that your child will grow up smart, independent, and that in the future he will be able to take a worthy place in the life of society. Children are brought up in games as well as in other activities. By performing one or another play role, they seem to be preparing themselves for the future, for the serious life of adults. We can say that the game is a time machine for a child: it gives him the opportunity to live the life that he will have in many years. The importance of play and its influence on the development of a child’s personality cannot be overestimated. As if Magic wand, the game can change children's attitude towards everything. The game can unite the children's team, include active work children who are withdrawn and shy, instill conscious discipline in play.

2 . Analysis of survey results(Annex 1)

In preparation for our meeting, we conducted a survey of parents. (Teacher’s statements on the analysis of questionnaires.)

3." And here, in kindergarten, we play” (View presentation)

  1. Didactic games– specially developed for children, for example, lotto to enrich knowledge and develop observation, memory, attention, and logical thinking.
  2. Outdoor games - varied in concept, rules, and nature of the movements performed. They help improve children's health and develop movement. Children love active games, listen to music with pleasure and know how to move rhythmically to it.
  3. Construction games– with sand, cubes, special building materials, they develop children’s constructive abilities, serving as a kind of preparation for mastering later labor skills;

4 . Role-playing games – games in which children imitate the household, work and social activities of adults, for example, games kindergarten, hospital, daughter-mother, store, railway. Story-based games, in addition to their cognitive purpose, develop children's initiative, creativity, and observation.

5. Musical toys- rattles, bells, bells, pipes, metallophones, toys representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

What can musical toys develop in a child? Musical toys promote the development of speech breathing and hearing.

6. Theater toys- bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

Do children need these toys? (parents' answers)

These toys develop speech, imagination, and teach the child to take on a role.

In play, a child acquires new knowledge and refines existing knowledge, activates his vocabulary, develops curiosity, inquisitiveness, as well as moral qualities: will, courage, endurance, and the ability to yield. The beginnings of collectivism are formed in him. The child in the game depicts what he saw, experienced, he masters the experience human activity. The game develops an attitude towards people and life; a positive attitude in games helps to maintain a cheerful mood.

Adults, playing with children, enjoy themselves and bring great joy to the children.

4. “Let's play together” - practical part.

We invite you to play with logic cubes and Dienesh blocks. We successfully use the didactic material “Logic Blocks”, developed by the Hungarian psychologist and mathematician Dienes. The educational game is designed for children from 2 to 10 years old. While playing, children are able to comprehend complex mathematical and logical operations. Dienesh's logic blocks are games based on a set that consists of 48 geometric figures - four shapes (circles, triangles, squares, rectangles); three colors (red, blue and yellow); two sizes (large, small); two volumes (thick, thin). Purpose of the games:

  • Introducing children to geometric shapes and shape of objects, size
  • Development of thinking skills: compare, analyze, classify, generalize, abstract, encode and decode information
  • Mastering the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking
  • Development of cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination
  • Development of creative abilities.

Let's play the game “Treat for the bear cubs” (the teacher explains the sequence of actions of the game).

Exercise “I’ll start, and you will continue” - “The game is...”

A game is (fun, interesting, exciting...).

To make the game interesting, educational, etc.

Any toy should bewhich one? (parents' answers)

1. aesthetic;

2. safe (in terms of paint, quality of material);

3. develop;

4. entertain the child.

5. Games in the kitchen

Now we'll play a little more. I ask everyone to take part. We have prepared questions for you. (There are pieces of paper with questions in the vase.)

The whole family spends a lot of time in the kitchen, especially women. Do you think it’s possible for a child to find something to do there? What can a child do using the following materials? (parents pull notes from the vase)

(Music sounds, the vase moves in a circle. The music stops, the one in whose hands the vase is answers. Those who wish can complete the answer.)

1. "Egg Shell"

Crush the shell into pieces that a child can easily pick up with their fingers. Apply a thin layer of plasticine to the cardboard - this is the background, and then invite the child to lay out a pattern or design from the shell.

2. "Dough"

Sculpt whatever you want.

3. "Pasta"

Lay out fancy patterns on a table or sheet of paper, studying shapes and colors along the way.

4. "Semolina and beans"

Mix a certain amount, offer to choose beans from semolina.

5. "Peas"

Transfer the peas from one cup to another. Sort: peas, beans

6. "Hercules"

Pour the cereal into a bowl and bury small toys in it. Let him find it.

7. "Various small grains"

Invite the child to draw pictures with grains. For very small children, use a spoon to pour the cereal from a bowl into a bowl.

9. "Disposable cups"

You can insert one into the other, make pyramids of different heights.

10. “Breakfast cereal rings”

Offer to lay out drawings from them or string them on strings - beads and bracelets.

Creative work of parents(Appendix 6).

We are now convinced that you can play with your child in the kitchen too. I suggest you make it yourself artistic applique from plasticine and various cereals, so that you can do this at home with your kids. Go to the table and take all the materials you need for work (parents perform appliqué while listening to music).

Be sure to show your work to the kids at home and make it even better with them!

6. Final part.

The meeting is coming to an end. I would like to express my gratitude to you for your participation and for taking the time to come to our round table meeting. I think that now each of you will be able to answer the question from our meeting: “The role of play in a child’s life.”


  1. Impressions from the parents' meeting.
  2. What conclusions did you draw (statements from parents).

Play is the leading activity in preschool age, an activity that determines the development of the child’s intellectual, physical and moral strength. The game is not empty fun. It is necessary for the happiness of children, for their health and proper development. The game pleases children, makes them cheerful and cheerful. While playing, children move a lot: run, jump, make buildings. Thanks to this, children grow strong, strong, agile and healthy. The game develops children's intelligence and imagination. By playing together, children learn to live together, give in to each other, and take care of their comrades.

And in conclusion, I want to tell you: Let's play with our children as often as possible. Remember, play is an excellent source of strengthening a child’s physical, spiritual and emotional well-being. Discover the world with your child! See you again!

Annex 1.

Questionnaire for parents

1. What conditions are created in the family for the child to play? (availability of a play corner, place and time for games, set of toys, appropriate for the child’s age)

2. Does the child have any favorite toys? What toys are these?

3. Who buys toys and how often? By what principle is the choice of toy carried out?

4. Does your child often break toys, and what do you do in such cases?

5. Which family member plays with the child most often? What causes difficulties?

6. If there is an older brother or sister in the family, do you watch what the children play, do the older children organize games?

7. What games does the child most often play?

Appendix 2.

Invitation to a meeting.

Dear moms and dads!

IN ________

We invite you to the Round Table.

We invite, we invite,

Let's play together with you,

We will learn a lot of interesting things.

About games and toys,

Our glorious

Boys and girls!

Looking forward to the meeting!


Appendix 3.

Memo for parents.

Types of toys.

1. Display toys real life- dolls, animal figurines, furniture, household items, strollers, etc.

2. Technical toys - different kinds transport, various types of constructor.

3. Toys are fun. Funny figures of animals, animals, people. For example, a bunny playing a drum, or a galloping cockerel.

4. Sports and motor toys: balls, skittles, ring throws, various gurneys, hoops, jump ropes, bicycles.

5. Didactic toys - multi-colored inserts, cubes with slots, pyramids, nesting dolls, mosaics, puzzles, lotto, etc.

6. Musical toys - rattles, bells, bells, pipes representing a piano, balalaikas and other musical instruments.

7. Theatrical toys - bi-ba-bo dolls, finger theater, table theater.

8. Toys for the development of creative imagination and self-expression: pencils, paints, plasticine, various sets for manual labor, threads, colored paper, glue, etc.

Appendix 4.

Game memo

What does a child learn through play?

1. Emotionally get used to, grow into a complex social world adults.

2. Worry life situations other people as if they were your own.

3. Realize your real place among other people.

4. Make a discovery for yourself: the desires and aspirations of other people do not always coincide with mine.

5. Respect yourself and believe in yourself.

6. Rely on own strength when faced with problems.

7. Freely express your feelings.

8. Talk to yourself, intuitively know yourself.

9. Experience your anger, envy, anxiety and worry.

10. Make a choice.

Appendix 5.

Advice for adults

1. Practice is important for the game. Play with your children as often as possible!

2. Welcome all feelings, but not all behavior.

4. Pay special attention to children who are not playing.

Playing with a child will teach us:

  • Talk to the child in his language;
  • Overcome the feeling of superiority over the child, your authoritarian position (and therefore egocentrism);
  • Revive childish traits in yourself: spontaneity, sincerity, freshness of emotions;
  • Discover a way of learning through imitation of models, through emotional feeling, experience;
  • Love children as they are!

Appendix 6.

Materials for creative work of parents.

1. Egg shells.

2. Pasta.

3. Semolina and beans.

4. Peas.

5. Hercules.

6. Various small cereals.

7. Breakfast cereals “Rings”, etc.

8. Plasticine.

9. Cardboard blanks (circle, oval, square)