What time do they say good evening. What time does the day start according to etiquette. What is a day

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Our life is a cycle. An endless cycle of changing days (at least as long as our planet exists). Everyone knows that every day is divided into several parts - Morning, Day, Evening and Night. Each of them is limited to certain time periods. What time does morning start? Answer: Morning is the part of the day that starts at 6 o'clock in the morning and ends at noon - 12 o'clock.

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What time does the evening start? When does evening end and night begin?

    It is customary to divide the day into day, evening, night, morning into 4 equal parts, that is, 6 hours each.

    The generally accepted (which is more common) division looks like this:

    12.00 - 18.00 is the day.

    18.00 - 24.00 is the evening.

    00.00 - 6.00 - night.

    6.00 - 12.00 is morning.

    But there is another division, the followers of which are based, for example, on physiological ones. Followers of curative fasting and a healthy lifestyle claim that from 3.00 to 5.00 is the dew pointquot ;, when new blood, which means that a person should sleep at this time.

    From 5.00 to 7.00 new blood is born, at this time a person should have breakfast.

    From 17.00 - 1.00 hours. If you eat at this time, then the blood dies.

    Or in business etiquette it is customary to say good eveningquot ;, starting at 17.00.

    Therefore, there is such a division into evening, night, day and morning.

    17.00 - 23.00 is the evening.

    23.00 - 5.00 is the night.

    5.00 - 11.00 - morning.

    11.00 - 17.00 is the day.

    If you think about it, there is logic in this. After all, it is customary to go to bed at 23.00, and some even earlier. Centenarians are already on their feet at 5 am. Previously, they got up at 5 and milked the cows, fed the cattle, and took them out to pasture. And the roosters crow when it's already light. They start crowing as early as 5:00.

    The classical arrangement of time in a day is elementary, but as a rule no one knows it :)

    If 00 and 12 are midnight and noon, what does quot mean; there can't be morning from 6 to 12 and night from 00 to 6 for example...

    Everything is proportional.

    Night - from 22 to 02 hours (00 hours - midnight)

    Morning - from 02 to 07 hours.

    Day - from 07:00 to 17:00 (12:00 - noon)

    Evening - from 17 to 22 hours.

    Everything is logical, at 17 o'clock they have an afternoon snack and drink tea, this is the beginning of the evening.

    It lasts 5 hours - all the time when it gets dark. Then the night - all the useful processes in the human body,

    leak in a dream at this particular time (if you go to bed later than 2 hours, then they do not leak at all!)

    In old films, you can easily hear: he called me at two in the morning because it's right! And the morning also goes 5 hours - at this time, wars and battles began, at about 3-4 in the morning they got up earlier in the villages to do household chores. The day starts at 7 o'clock!

    Ten o'clock in the evening, but eleven o'clock in the morning means the night comes after ten

    Three in the morning, but four in the morning, which means morning comes at four

    Eleven o'clock in the morning, but twelve is already noon - which means that the border between morning and afternoon comes after ten.

    It is more difficult with the border of the day and the evening, but in my opinion it is five o'clock, it is already evening and probably the border of the day is determined by four o'clock in the afternoon.

    This is purely my reasoning and feelings, so I can be wrong - criticism is accepted.

    For some reason I always thought this:

    0-6 hours is NIGHT.

    6-12 o'clock is MORNING

    12-18 hours is DAY

    18-24 hours is EVENING

    This is, so to speak, legallyquot ;. And in life - the evening, when the sunset is already close, the morning - when the sun is still low. Night - as soon as it gets dark.

Can every adult determine what a day is? If you think about it, we often call this word only the time when we are awake, equating them to the day. But this is not true. It will take quite a bit of time to sort out this issue once and for all.

What do the handbook and dictionary say about it?

If you look into them, you will find several interpretations of this word. And the first of the answers to the question of what a day is, is such a definition: a unit of time reference, which is equal to the approximate value of the period of rotation of the planet Earth around its axis. Why approximate? Because it is not even, but has minutes and even seconds. To be precise, 23 hours 56 minutes 4 seconds. Dividing them into an even number of parts does not work. Yes, and up to 24 hours is not enough quite a bit.

But the theory does not end there. It turns out that the day can be solar and stellar, planetary and used in civilian life.

In order to determine what a day is, you will need to choose any point in time and count 24 hours from it. Usually the counting of the day begins with sunrise, although it is more convenient to count from midnight. That is, from the hour when a new calendar day begins.

How is the day divided?

First, into 24 equal parts. From here the answer to the question follows logically: Exactly 24. Each of them consists of 60 minutes. So there are 1440 minutes in a day. But that's not all, the latter are divided into seconds. Their number turns out to be 86,400.

Secondly, there is such a thing as the time of day. In other words, morning, afternoon, evening and night. Here the division is no longer as clear-cut as in the previous paragraph. This is due to the subjective perception of the day by each person and different nations. Yes, and technical development erased the boundaries between the concepts of "morning" and "day". If earlier morning came with sunrise, because only then it was possible to start working on the street, now using artificial lighting streets run on fresh air maybe even at night.

And yet technological progress and the ability to communicate with people different countries demanded a single division. Therefore, the time of day by the clock became:

  • from midnight to 6 o'clock - night;
  • next six hours - morning;
  • 6 pm - day;
  • the last six hours are evening.

What divisions of the day were there in the past?

The Arab peoples, for example, singled out such moments in the development of the day:

  • dawn;
  • Sunrise;
  • the time of its movement in the sky;
  • sunset;
  • dust;
  • the time when the sun is not in the sky, that is, night.

The next in the day is dawn, another name for it is dawn. It precedes the sunrise. That is, during it it is already dawning, but the sun is still hidden behind the horizon.

The third period is sunrise. It is associated with the direct appearance of the luminary in the sky.

The culmination of the movement of the sun is associated with next time days - noon. Toward evening, the time comes, which is commonly called "darkness". By analogy with the term "dark" is the interval when it is still light.

Sunset is associated with the time when the sun is hiding behind the horizon. Immediately after sunset, semi-darkness sets in, which is commonly called twilight.

What is larger than a day?

It is logical that the week, month and year. Therefore, after solving the question of what a day is, you will want to deal with the definitions of other units of time.

The smallest of them is a week. It consists of seven days. The calendar is counted from Monday and ends on Sunday. But it can be any sequence of seven consecutive days.

Slightly larger month. It contains from 28 to 31 days. The difference in this number depends on the non-integer value of the lunar month, which is slightly more than twenty-eight days. Initially, the number of days in the months alternated and was either 30 or 31. And one, the last of the year - February - turned out to be the shortest. It had 29 days. But little has changed over time. One of the months - July - was named after Julius Caesar (the emperor was born in this month). August replaced the ruler. By the decision of the emperor, one of the summer months began to bear his name. The number of days in it was also changed to 31. It was decided to take it from that month, which is already the shortest. So, February became one more day less.

The largest unit of time in the calendar is the year. And he, too, was not a whole number. Therefore, its value ranges from 365 to 366. The first value is taken for simple years, and the second corresponds to leap years. The latter make it possible for February to become somewhat longer. Namely, exactly for a day.

Day is an ambiguous concept. "Day" can be understood as morning next day or else, as lunch time, that is, noon. In the usual sense, noon begins at 12 o'clock and ends at 17, at this time it is not even recommended to sunbathe on hot days. But the beginning of a new day varies for everyone in different limits.

What time do you like to start your day? On weekdays, little depends on your desire, because if you need to get up at 6, despite sleepiness, you will do it. How about on weekends? Here, most likely, the day begins at different time, depending on when you wake up.

In fact, getting up at 6-8 in the morning is one of the most best options start of the day. According to doctors, people who get up at this time feel the maximum surge of strength and energy, which affects, first of all, the efficiency of the upcoming day and the health of the whole organism. But it is also important to consider that ideally sleep should last at least 8 hours, so you will have to go to bed much earlier. Therefore, if you cannot get up before 9 am, then you should not be upset, because this also has its advantages. For example, you go to bed around 12 am, which means you have time to do a lot of important things in the evening, because most of the grandiose ideas come to some people at this time of day.

In our time, getting up, especially on weekends, at a certain time is quite difficult, all the more, we must not forget that there are people related to owls who can fall asleep only after 12 o'clock at night. Fuss, a large number of cases, a tendency to irregular working hours, unstable weather - all this leads to the fact that we cannot always control the beginning of our day. Of course, it is best to make it a rule not to wake up later than 11-12 hours, as doctors say that the chances of leading a healthy and active lifestyle in this mode are much less. There are many techniques to stabilize the start time of your day. For example, you can train yourself to go to sleep and wake up at the same time, initially with an alarm clock.

A rather relevant question in this topic is “What is the best way to start your day?” First of all, I would like to note that, despite all the rules, it is best to start your day with a good night's sleep, because this is the most important thing for successful implementation further cases. Therefore, if for this you have to sacrifice evening affairs, do not doubt that it is worth it. Also, an integral component of a successful day is morning exercises. If you have the opportunity to run in the morning, then you will fill your body with more large quantity energy and wakefulness.

It is necessary to start your day with positive emotions, because, as you know, we ourselves model our reality. But to do this is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. We are all people, and we tend to fall asleep with numerous worries about this or that situation, and if there is still a depressive state, then in the morning you can generally wake up with a “heavy head”. And wake up in bad mood, then consider that the whole day will go "awry". Exists unique way, helping to tune in to a good mood and contribute to the favorable conduct of your day. Firstly, before going to bed, try to think over the problems and affairs that have accumulated during the day in order to go to bed, as they say, with " empty head". Close your eyes and imagine in great detail your tomorrow the way you would like it to be. And that's it, after that you can fall asleep. From the first time this technique does not always work, it is very important to emotionally tune in at the time of visualization.

Finally, I want to give an example from personal experience. I used to hardly wake up on weekends around 11-12 hours, and sometimes later. Recently, I began to accustom myself to get up no later than 10, regularly do exercises and try to meet the beginning of the day at good location spirit. Surprisingly, much more strength and desire to do something appeared. Have a nice day!

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