The modern organization of the game activity of preschoolers in the conditions of fgos. Play as a human activity


Theoretical analysis play activities preschool children

The concept and essence of the game. The theory of play activity in Russian pedagogy and psychology

The value of play in shaping the personality of a preschooler

Psychological and pedagogical features of the game

Stages of the formation of children's play activity

Scientific analysis of gaming activity

Game experience as a practical definition of the level of upbringing and personal development of children





Play is the most accessible type of activity for children, a way of processing impressions received from the world around them. In the game, the peculiarities of the child's thinking and imagination, his emotionality, activity, and the developing need for communication are clearly manifested.

Preschool childhood is a short but important period of personality formation. During these years, the child acquires initial knowledge about the life around him, he begins to form a certain attitude towards people, to work, the skills and habits of correct behavior are developed, character is formed. And in the preschool age, play, as the most important type of activity, plays a huge role. The game is effective remedy the formation of a preschooler's personality, his moral and volitional qualities, the need to influence the world is realized in the game. It causes a significant change in his psyche. The most famous teacher in our country A.S. Makarenko characterized the role of children's games in this way; "Play is important in the life of a child, it is also important what an adult's activity is, work, service. What a child is in play, so in many ways he will be in work. Therefore, the upbringing of a future actor takes place, first of all, in play."

Considering the crucial importance of play in the life of a preschooler, it is advisable to study the features of the child's play activity. Therefore, the topic of this course work - "Features of the game activity of preschool children" - is relevant and practice-oriented.

Purpose of the study: identify and justify specific features play activity of preschool children.

Object of study: play activity of preschoolers

Subject of study: features of the game activity of preschool children

Hypothesis: play activity of preschoolers has its own characteristics.

Research objectives:

· Perform analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on a given topic.

· To study the features of games in a preschool institution.

· Determine the essential characteristics of the play activity of preschoolers.

1. Theoretical analysis of the play activity of preschool children

1.1 Concept and essence of the game. The theory of play activity in Russian pedagogy and psychology

Play is a multifaceted phenomenon, it can be considered as a special form of the existence of all aspects of the life of a team without exception. The word "play" is not a scientific concept in the strict sense of the word. Perhaps it is precisely because a number of researchers have tried to find something in common between the most diverse and varied-quality actions designated by the word "play", and we still do not have a satisfactory distinction between these activities and an objective explanation of different forms of play.

The historical development of the game is not repeated. In ontogenesis, role-playing is the first chronologically, serving as the main source of the formation of a child's social consciousness in preschool age. Psychologists have long been studying the games of children and adults, looking for their functions, specific content, comparing them with other types of activity. The game can be triggered by the need for leadership, competition. Play can also be viewed as a compensatory activity, which in a symbolic form makes it possible to satisfy unfulfilled desires. Play is an activity that is different from everyday everyday activities. Mankind again and again creates its own invented world, a new being, which exists next to the natural world, the natural world. The bonds that connect play and beauty are very close and diverse. Any game, first of all, free, free activity.

The game proceeds for its own sake, for the sake of satisfaction, which arises in the very process of performing a game action.

Play is an activity that depicts the relationship of a person to the world that surrounds him. It is in the world that the need to influence the environment is formed for the first time, the need to change the environment. When a person has a desire that cannot be realized immediately, the prerequisites for play activities are created.

The independence of the child in the middle of the game plot is unlimited, she can return to the past, look into the future, repeat the same action many times, which also brings satisfaction, makes it possible to feel significant, omnipotent, desired . In the game, the child does not learn to live, but lives his own true, independent life... The game is the most emotional and colorful for preschoolers. The well-known researcher of children's play D. B. Elkonin very rightly emphasized that in play, the intellect is guided by an emotionally-effective experience, the functions of an adult are perceived, first of all, emotionally, there is a primary emotional-effective orientation in the content of human activity.

The importance of play for the formation of personality can hardly be overestimated. It is no accident that L. S. Vygotsky calls play "the ninth wave of child development."

In play, as in the leading activity of the preschooler, those actions are carried out that he will be capable of in real behavior only after some time.

Performing an act, even if this act loses, the child does not know a new experience that is associated with the fulfillment of an emotional impulse, which was immediately realized in the action of this act.

The preface of the game is the ability, the transfer of some functions of the object to others. It begins when thoughts are separated from the thing, when the child is freed from the cruel field of perception.

Playing in a fictitious situation frees you from situational communication. In play, the child learns to act in a situation that requires cognition, and not only directly experienced. Action in a fictitious situation leads to the fact that the child learns to control not only the perception of an object or real circumstances, but also the meaning of the situation, its meaning. A new quality of man's relationship to the world arises: the child already sees the surrounding reality, which not only has a varied color, variety of forms, but also knowledge and meaning.

A random object, which the child divides into a concrete thing and its imaginary meaning, an imaginary function becomes a symbol. A child can recreate any object for anything, he becomes the first material for imagination. It is very difficult for a preschooler to detach his thought from a thing, therefore he must have support in another thing, in order to imagine a horse, he needs to find a stick as a fulcrum. In this symbolizing action, mutual penetration, experience and fantasy take place.

The child's consciousness separates the image of a real stick, which requires real action with it. However, the motivation for a playful action is completely independent of the objective result.

The main motive of classical play lies not in the result of the action, but in the process itself, in the action that brings pleasure to the child.

The stick has a certain meaning, which in the new action acquires new, special play content for the child. Children's fantasy is born in the game that stimulates this creative path, the creation of their own special reality, their life world.

In the early stages of development, play is very close to practical activity. In the practical basis of actions with surrounding objects, when the child comprehends that she is feeding the doll with an empty spoon, the imagination already takes part, although the expanded play transformation of objects has not yet been observed.

For preschoolers, the main line of development lies in the formation of non-objective actions, and play arises as a frozen process.

Over the years, when these types of activities change places, play becomes the leading, dominant form of structure. own world.

Not to win, but to play - this is the general formula, the motivation for children's play. (O. M. Leontiev)

A child can master a wide, directly inaccessible circle of reality only in play, in the form of play. In this process of mastering the past world through play actions in this world, both play consciousness and play unknown are included.

Play is a creative activity, and like every real creativity cannot be realized without intuition.

In play, all aspects of the child's personality are formed, a significant change occurs in his psyche, preparing for the transition to a new, higher stage of development. This explains the enormous educational potential of play, which psychologists consider the leading activity of preschoolers.

A special place is occupied by games that are created by the children themselves - they are called creative, or plot-based role-playing. In these games, preschoolers reproduce in roles everything that they see around them in the life and activities of adults. Creative play most fully shapes the personality of the child, therefore it is an important means of education.

Play is a reflection of life. Here everything is "as if", "pretend", but in this conditional environment, which is created by the child's imagination, there is a lot of the present: the actions of the players are always real, their feelings, experiences are genuine, sincere. The child knows that the doll and the bear are only toys, but loves them as if they were alive, understands that he is not a "correct" pilot, or a sailor, but feels like a brave pilot, a brave sailor who is not afraid of danger, is truly proud of his victory ...

Imitation of adults in play is associated with the work of the imagination. The child does not copy reality, he combines different impressions of life with personal experience.

Children's creativity is manifested in the concept of the game and the search for means for its implementation. How much invention it takes to decide which journey to go, which ship or plane to build, which equipment to prepare! In the game, children simultaneously act as playwrights, props, decorators, and actors. However, they do not nurture their plan, do not prepare long time to acting as actors. They play for themselves, expressing their own dreams and aspirations, thoughts and feelings that dominate them at the moment.

Therefore, the game is always improvisation.

Play is an independent activity in which children first interact with their peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to achieve it, common interests and experiences.

Children choose the game themselves, organize it themselves. But at the same time, not in any other activity there are such strict rules, such conditionality of behavior as here. Therefore, the game teaches children to subordinate their actions and thoughts to a specific goal, helps to educate purposefulness.

In the game, the child begins to feel like a member of the team, to fairly evaluate the actions and deeds of his comrades and his own. The task of the educator is to focus the attention of the players on such goals that would cause a community of feelings and actions, to help establish relations between children based on friendship, justice, and mutual responsibility.

The first proposition, which defines the essence of play, is that the motives of play lie in diverse experiences. , sides of reality that are significant for the player. Play, like any non-play human activity, is motivated by an attitude towards goals that are significant for the individual.

In the game, only actions are performed, the goals of which are significant for the individual according to their own inner content. This is the main feature of play activity and this is its main charm.

The second - characteristic - feature of the game lies in the fact that the game action realizes the diverse motives of human activity, without being bound in the implementation of the goals arising from them by the means or methods of action by which these actions are carried out in a non-play practical plane.

Play is an activity that resolves the contradiction between the rapid growth of the child's needs and demands, which determines the motivation of his activity, and the limitations of his operational capabilities. Play is a way of realizing the needs and demands of a child within the limits of his capabilities.

The next, outwardly most striking distinctive feature of play, which is actually a derivative of the above-mentioned internal features of play activity, is the possibility, which is also a necessity for the child, to replace, within the limits determined by the meaning of the play, objects functioning in the corresponding non-play practical action with others capable of serve to perform a game action (stick - horse, chair - car, etc.). The ability to creatively transform reality is first formed in play. This ability is the main meaning of the game.

Does this mean that the game, passing into an imaginary situation, is a departure from reality? Yes and no. In the game there is a departure from reality, but there is also a penetration into it. Therefore, there is no escape, no escape from reality in a seemingly special, imaginary, fictitious, unreal world. Everything that the game lives with and what it embodies in action, it draws from reality. The game goes beyond the limits of one situation, is distracted from some aspects of reality in order to reveal others even more deeply.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, the theory of the game was seriously developed by K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, G.V. Plekhanov, S.L. Rubinstein, L.S.Vygotsky, N.K. Krupskaya, A.N. Leontiev , D.B. Elkonin, A.S. Makarenko, M.M. Bakhtin, F.I. Fradkina, L.S. S. Mukhina, O.S. Gazman et al.

The main scientific approaches to explain the causality of the appearance of the game as follows:

The theory of excess of nerve forces (G. Spencer, G. Schurz);

The theory of instinct, exercise function (K. Gross, V. Stern);

The theory of functional pleasure, realization of innate drives (K. Buhler, S. Freud, A. Adder);

The theory of the religious principle (Huizinga, Vsevolodsky-Gerngross, Bakhtin, Sokolov, etc.);

The theory of rest in the game (Steintal, Shaler, Patrick, Lazarus, Valdon);

Theory spiritual development a child at play (Ushinsky, Piaget, Makarenko, Levin, Vygotsky, Sukhomlinsky, Elkonin);

The theory of influencing the world through play (Rubinstein, Leontiev);

Connection of play with art and aesthetic culture (Plato, Schiller);

Labor as the source of the emergence of play (Wundt, Plekhanov, Lafargue, etc.);

The theory of absolutization cultural significance games (Huizinga, Ortega y Gasset, Lem).

1.2. The value of play in shaping the personality of a preschooler

Long before play became the subject of scientific research, it was widely used as one of the most important parenting tools. The time when upbringing became a special social function goes back centuries, and the use of play as a means of upbringing goes back to the same depth of centuries. In various pedagogical systems, play was assigned a different role, but there is not a single system in which, to one degree or another, a place in play was not assigned.

Play is attributed to a wide variety of functions, both purely educational and educational, therefore it becomes necessary to more accurately determine the features of the play activity of preschoolers, its influence on the development of the child and find the place of this activity in common system educational work of institutions for children.

It is necessary to more accurately determine those aspects of the child's mental development and personality formation, which mainly develop in the game or experience only a limited impact in other types of activity.

The study of the significance of play for mental development and personality formation is very difficult. A pure experiment is impossible here, simply because it is impossible to remove play activity from the lives of children and see how the development process will proceed.

The main thing is the value of the game for the motivational-need-sphere of the child. According to the works of D. B. Elkonin , the problem of motives and needs is brought to the fore.

At the heart of the transformation of play during the transition from preschool to preschool childhood is the expansion of the range of human objects, the mastery of which now confronts the child as a task and the world of which he becomes aware of in the course of his further mental development, the very expansion of the range of objects with which the child wants to act independently is secondary. It is based on the "discovery" of a new world by a child, the world of adults with their activities, their functions, their relationships. A child on the border of the transition from objective to role-playing play still does not know either the social relations of adults, or the social functions, or the social meaning of their activities. He acts in the direction of his desire, objectively puts himself in the position of an adult, while there is an emotionally effective orientation in relation to adults and the meanings of their activities. Here the intellect follows the emotionally effective experience. Play acts as an activity that is closely related to the child's needs. In it, a primary emotional-effective orientation takes place in the meanings of human activity, there is an awareness of its limited place in the system of adult relationships and the need to be an adult. The significance of the game is not limited to the fact that the child has new motives of activity and the tasks associated with them. It is essential that a new psychological form of motives arises in play. Hypothetically, one can imagine that it is in play that a transition occurs from immediate desires to motives in the form of generalized intentions on the verge of consciousness.

Before talking about the development of mental actions during the game, it is necessary to list the main stages through which the formation of any mental action and the concept associated with it must pass:

the stage of forming an action on material objects or their material substitute models;

the stage of forming the same action in terms of loud speech;

the stage of formation of the actual mental action.

Considering the actions of the child in play, it is easy to notice that the child is already acting with the meanings of objects, but still relies on their material substitutes - toys. If at the initial stages of development an object is required - a substitute and a relatively detailed action with it, then at a later stage of the development of the game, the object appears through words - the name is already a sign of the thing, and the action - as abbreviated and generalized gestures accompanied by speech. Thus, play actions are of an intermediate nature, gradually acquiring the character of mental actions with the meanings of objects performed in response to external actions.

The path of development to actions in the mind by meanings divorced from objects is at the same time the emergence of prerequisites for the formation of imagination. Play acts as an activity in which the prerequisites for the transition of mental actions to a new, higher stage - mental actions based on speech - are formed. The functional development of play actions is poured into ontogenetic development, creating a zone of proximal development of mental actions.

In play, a significant restructuring of the child's behavior takes place - it becomes arbitrary. By voluntary behavior, it is necessary to understand behavior carried out in accordance with the image and controlled by comparing it with this image as a stage.

A.V. Zaporozhets was the first to draw attention to the fact that the nature of the movements performed by the child under conditions of play and under conditions of direct assignment is significantly different. He also found that in the course of development, the structure and organization of movements changes. They clearly distinguish between the preparation phase and the execution phase.

The effectiveness of the movement and its organization essentially depend on what structural place the movement occupies in the implementation of the role that the child performs.

The yoke is the first form of activity available to the student, which involves the conscious upbringing and improvement of new actions.

ZV Manuleiko reveals the question of the psychological mechanism of the game. Based on her work, we can say that great importance in the psychological mechanism of play is given to the motivation of activity. The performance of the role, being emotionally attractive, has a stimulating effect on the performance of actions, in which the role is embodied.

An indication of the motives is, however, insufficient. It is necessary to find the mental mechanism through which motives can exert this effect. When performing a role, the pattern of behavior contained in the role simultaneously becomes a stage with which the child compares his behavior, controls it. The child is in the game, performs, as it were, two functions; on the one hand, he fulfills his role, and on the other, he controls his behavior. Voluntary behavior is characterized not only by the presence of a sample, but also by the presence of control over the implementation of this sample. When performing a role, there is a kind of bifurcation, that is, "reflection". But this is not yet a conscious control, because the control function is still weak and often requires support from the situation, from the participants in the game. This is the weakness of the emerging function, but the significance of the game is that this function is born here. That is why play can be considered a school of voluntary behavior.

Play is important for the formation of a friendly children's team, and for the formation of independence, and for the formation of a positive attitude to work and much more. All these educational effects are based as on their basis, on the influence that play has on the mental development of the child, on the formation of his personality.

1.3. Psychological and pedagogical features of the game

The previously considered definitions of play, its meanings in the personal development of preschool children make it possible to single out the following psychological characteristics games:

1. Play is a form of active reflection by a child of the life of people around him.

2. A distinctive feature of the game is the very way that the child uses in this activity. The game is carried out by complex actions, and not by separate movements (as, for example, in labor, writing, drawing).

3. Play, like any other human activity, has a social character, therefore it changes with changes in the historical conditions of people's life.

4. Play is a form of creative reflection of reality by a child. While playing, children bring into their games a lot of their own inventions, fantasies, combinations.

5. Play is the manipulation of knowledge, a means of clarifying and enriching them, the way of exercise, and the development of the cognitive and moral abilities and forces of the child.

6. In its expanded form, play is a collective activity. All participants in the game are in a cooperative relationship.

7. Diversifying children, the game itself also changes and develops. With systematic guidance from the teacher, the game can change:

a) from beginning to end;

b) from the first game to subsequent games of the same group of children;

c) the most significant changes in play occur as children develop from younger ages to older ones.

8. Play, as a type of activity, is aimed at the child's cognition of the world around him through active participation in work and everyday life of people

The means of the game are:

a) Knowledge about people, their actions, relationships, expressed in the images of speech, in the experiences and actions of the child;

b) Methods of dealing with certain objects in certain circumstances;

c) Moral assessments and feelings that appear in judgments about good and bad deeds, about useful and harmful actions of people.

1.4. Stages of the formation of children's play activity

The first stage in the development of gaming activity is an introductory game. According to the motive given to the child by the adult with the help of the object of the toy, it is an object-play activity. Its content is made up of manipulation actions carried out in the process of examining an object. This activity of the infant very soon changes its content: the examination is aimed at identifying the features of the toy object and therefore develops into action-oriented operations.

The next stage of game activity is called a reflective game in which individual subject-specific operations are transferred to the rank of action, aimed at identifying the specific properties of an object and at achieving a certain effect with the help of this object. This is the culmination of the development of the psychological content of the game in early childhood... It is he who creates the necessary ground for the formation of the corresponding objective activity in the child.

At the turn of the first and second years of a child's life, the development of play and objective activity merges and diverges at the same time. Now the differences begin to manifest themselves and in the methods of action¾ the next stage in the development of the game begins: it becomes plot-reflective. Its psychological content also changes: the child's actions, while remaining objectively mediated, imitate, in a conventional form, the use of an object for its intended purpose. This is how the prerequisites of a plot-based role-playing game are gradually infected.

At this stage in the development of play, word and deed come together, and role behavior becomes a model of relationships between people that children understand. The stage of the role-playing game begins, in which the players simulate the labor and social relations of people familiar to them.

The scientific understanding of the step-by-step development of play activity makes it possible to develop more clear, systematized recommendations for guiding the play activity of children in different age groups.

To achieve a genuine, emotionally rich game, including an intellectual solution to a game problem, the teacher needs to comprehensively guide the formation, namely: purposefully enrich the child's tactical experience, gradually transferring it into a conditional game plan, during independent games, encourage the preschooler to creatively reflect reality.

In addition, it is a good play-effective means of correcting disorders in the emotional sphere of children brought up in disadvantaged families.

Emotions cement the game, make it exciting, create a favorable climate for relationships, increase the tone that each child needs, the share of his mental comfort, and this, in turn, becomes a condition for the preschooler's susceptibility to educational actions and joint activities with peers.

The game is dynamic where the leadership is aimed at its stage-by-stage formation, taking into account those factors that ensure the timely development of game activity at all age levels. It is very important here to rely on the child's personal experience. The game actions formed on its basis acquire a special emotional coloring... Otherwise, learning to play becomes mechanical.

All the components of a comprehensive guidance for the formation of play are interrelated and equally important when working with children. early age.

As children grow up, the organization of their practical experience also changes, which is aimed at actively learning about the real relationships of people in the process of joint activities. In this regard, the content of educational games and the conditions of the subject-game environment are being updated. The emphasis of activating communication between an adult and children is shifted: it becomes business-like, aimed at achieving common goals. Adults act as one of the participants in the game, encouraging children to joint discussions, statements, disputes, conversations, contribute to the collective solution of game problems, which reflect the joint social and labor activities of people.

And so, the formation of play activity creates the necessary psychological conditions and fertile ground for the all-round development of the child. Comprehensive education of people taking into account their age characteristics requires the systematization of games used in practice, the establishment of links between different forms of independent play and non-play activities, proceeding in a play form. As you know, any activity is determined by its motive, that is, by what this activity is aimed at. Play is an activity whose motive lies in itself. This means that the child plays according to what he wants to play, and not for the sake of obtaining any specific result, which is typical for everyday, work and any other productive activity.

Play, on the one hand, creates a zone of proximal development of the child, and therefore is the leading activity in preschool age. This is due to the fact that new, more progressive types of activity and the formation of the ability to act collectively, creatively, arbitrarily control their behavior are born in it. On the other hand, its content is fueled by productive activities and ever-expanding life experience children.

The development of a child in play occurs, first of all, due to the diverse orientation of its content. There are games directly aimed at physical education(mobile), aesthetic (musical), mental (didactic and plot). Many of them, at the same time, contribute to moral education (plot-role-playing, dramatization games, mobile ones, etc.).

All types of games can be combined into two large groups, which differ in the degree of direct adult participation, as well as in different forms of children's activity.

The first group is games, where an adult takes an indirect part in their preparation and conduct. The activity of children (subject to the formation of a certain level of play actions and skills) has an initiative, creative character - the children are able to independently set a play goal, develop the concept of the game and find the necessary ways to solve play problems. In independent games, conditions are created for the manifestation of initiative by children, which always testifies to a certain level of intelligence development.

The games of this group, which include plot and cognitive ones, are especially valuable for their developmental function, which is of great importance for the general mental development of each child.

The second group is various educational games in which an adult, telling the child the rules of the game or explaining the construction of a toy, gives a fixed program of actions to achieve a certain result. These games usually solve specific problems of education and training; they are aimed at assimilating certain program material and rules that the players must follow. Educational games are also important for the moral and aesthetic education of preschoolers.

The activity of children in learning to play is mainly of a reproductive nature: children, solving play problems with a given program of actions, only reproduce the methods of their implementation. Based on the formation and skills of children, they can start independent games, in which there will be more elements of creativity.

The group of games with a fixed program of action includes mobile, didactic, musical, games - dramatization, games - entertainment.

In addition to the games themselves, it should be said about the so-called non-play activity that does not take place in the form of play. These can be specially organized initial forms of child labor, some types of visual activity, familiarization with the environment during a walk, etc.

Timely and correct application different games in educational practice, ensures the solution of the tasks set by the education and training program in kindergarten in the most appropriate form for children. It should be noted that games have a significant advantage over specially organized classes in the sense that they create more favorable conditions for the manifestation of an active reflection of socially established experience in children's independent activities. The search for answers to the arisen game problems increases the cognitive activity of children and real life. The processes of the child's mental development achieved in play significantly affect the possibilities of his systematic training in the classroom, contribute to the improvement of his real moral and aesthetic position among peers and adults.

The progressive, developing meaning of play consists not only in the realization of the child's all-round development possibilities, but also in the fact that it helps to expand the sphere of their interests, the emergence of the need for classes, the formation of a motive for new activity - educational, which is one of the most important factors of the child's psychological readiness for learning at school.

2. Play as a means of educating preschoolers

2.1 Scientific analysis of play activity

Scientific analysis of play activity shows that play is a child's reflection of the adult world, a way of learning about the world around him. KK Platonov cites a convincing fact that breaks the inconsistency of the biologizing theory of games. An ethnographer on one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean discovered a tribe that led an isolated lifestyle. The children of this tribe did not know how to play with dolls. When the scientist introduced them to this game, at first both boys and girls became interested in it. Then the interest in the game disappeared from the girls, and the boys continued to come up with new games with dolls.

Everything was explained simply. The women of this tribe took care of obtaining and preparing food. Men, on the other hand, took care of the children.

In the child's first games, the leading role of adults is clearly manifested. Adults play with the toy. By imitating them, the child begins to play on his own. Then the child takes the initiative to organize the game. But even at this stage, the leading role of adults remains.

As the child develops, play changes. In the first two years of life, the child masters movements and actions with surrounding objects, which leads to the emergence of functional games. In functional play, the properties of objects and methods of action with them are revealed to the child. So, having opened and closed the door for the first time with a key, the child begins to repeat this action many times, trying to turn the key at every opportunity. This real action is carried over to the game situation.

While playing, children make movements in the air that resemble a turn of a key and accompany it with a characteristic sound: "trick-track".

Constructive games are more difficult. In them, the child creates something: builds a house, bakes pies. In constructive games, children comprehend the purpose of objects and their interaction.

Functional and constructive games belong to the category of manipulative ones, in which the child masters the surrounding objective world, recreates it in forms accessible to him. Relationships between people are conceptualized in story games.

The child plays in the "daughter - mother", in the "store", taking on a certain role. Role-playing games appear in three to four years. Until this age, children play side by side, but not together. Role-playing games involve collective relationships. Of course, the child's inclusion in collective games depends on the conditions of upbringing. Children who are brought up at home are involved in group games with greater difficulty than children attending kindergarten. In collective plot games, which become longer by the age of six or seven, children follow the concept of the game, the behavior of their comrades. Role-playing games teach children to live in a team. Gradually, rules are introduced into the games that impose restrictions on the partner's behavior.

The collective plot - role-playing game expands the circle of communication of the child. He gets used to obey the rules, the requirements that are presented to him in the game: he is the captain of a spaceship, then his passenger, then an enthusiastic spectator watching the flight. These games foster a sense of teamwork and responsibility, respect for playmates, teach to follow the rules and develop the ability to obey them. Usage suitable strategy and tactics in a story game with children of a particular age will allow them to timely form their appropriate playing skills, make the teacher a desirable partner in the game. In this capacity, he will be able to influence the theme of the game, the dysfunctional relationships between children, which are difficult to correct under direct pressure.

2.2. Game experience as a practical definition of the level of upbringing and personal development of children

In the game, as in other types of activity, there is a process of education.

The change in the role of play in preschool age compared with early childhood is associated, in particular, with the fact that during these years it begins to serve as a means of the formation and development of many useful personality traits, first of all, those who, due to the limited age capabilities of children, cannot actively form in other more "adult" types of activity. In this case, play acts as a preparatory stage for the child, as a beginning or a test in the upbringing of important personal properties and as a transitional moment for the child's inclusion in stronger and more effective from an upbringing point of view, types of activity: learning, communication and work.

Another educational function of preschoolers' games is that they serve as a means of meeting the various needs of the child and the development of his motivational sphere. New interests, new motives of the child's activity appear and are consolidated in the game.

The transitions between play and work activity in preschool and primary school age are rather arbitrary, because one type of activity in a child can imperceptibly turn into another and vice versa. If the educator notices that the child lacks certain personality traits in learning, communication, or work, then first of all, you need to take care of organizing such games where the corresponding qualities could manifest and develop. If, for example, a child discovers some personality traits well in learning, communication and work, then on the basis of these qualities it is possible to build, create new, more complex game situations that advance his development forward.

Sometimes it is useful to introduce elements of the game into learning, communication and work itself and use the game for education, organizing these types of activities according to its rules. It is no coincidence that teachers, psychologists recommend conducting classes with children 5-6-7 years old in older groups of kindergarten and in primary grades schools in a semi-game form in the form of educational didactic games.

Children's play at home and at school can be used to practically determine the level of upbringing or the level of personal development achieved by the child.

As an example of such use of the game, let us cite the experiment carried out by V. I. Askin. The children used were between the ages of three and twelve.

The research methodology was as follows. In the center of a large table on its surface was a piece of candy or some other very attractive item.

It was almost impossible to reach and reach it with your hand, standing at the edge of the table. The child, if he managed to get a candy or a given thing, without getting on the table, was allowed to take it for himself. Not far from the thing put on the table was a stick, about which nothing was said to the child, i.e. it was not allowed or prohibited to use it during the experiment. Several series of experiments were carried out with different subjects and in different situations.

First episode. The subject is a fourth grade student. Age - ten years old. For almost twenty minutes, the child unsuccessfully tries to get the candy with his hands, but he fails. In the course of the experiment, he accidentally touches a stick lying on the table, moves it, but without using it, carefully puts it in place. To the question asked by the experimenter: "Is it possible to get the candy in a different way, but not by hand?" - the child smiles shyly, but does not answer. A preschooler, a child of four years old, participates in the same series of experiments.

He immediately, without hesitation, takes a stick from the table and with its help pushes the candy closer to him at arm's length. Then he calmly takes it without feeling even a shadow of embarrassment. Most children aged three to six years successfully complete the first series with a stick, while older children do not use the stick and do not solve the problem.

Second series. This time, the experimenter leaves the room and leaves the older children in it in the presence of the younger ones, with the task for the older children to solve the problem at all costs in his absence. Now older children cope with the task longer, as if from the prompts of the younger ones, which, in the absence of the experimenter, encourage them to use the wand. For the first time, the elder refuses to offer the younger child to take the wand, declaring, "Everyone can do this." It is obvious from this statement that the elder is well aware of the method of reaching the object with the help of a wand, but he deliberately does not use it, because perceives this method, apparently, as too simple and forbidden.

Third series. The subject - a junior schoolchild - is left alone in the room, secretly observing what he will do. Here it is even more evident that the child is well aware of the solution of the problem with the help of a stick. Once alone, he takes a stick, moves the desired candy a few centimeters towards him, then puts the stick down and again tries to get the candy with his hand. Nothing works for him, tk. the candy is still very far away. The child is again forced to use a stick, but having made a careless movement with it, he accidentally moves the candy too close to him. Then he again pushes the candy to the middle of the table, but not so far, leaving it within the reach of his hand. After that, he puts the stick in place and with difficulty, but still with his hand, takes out the candy. The solution to the problem thus obtained seems to suit him morally, and he does not feel remorse.

The described experiment shows that at an age corresponding approximately to the time of study in primary school junior schoolchildren relying on learned social norms, they can arbitrarily regulate their behavior in the absence of an adult. Preschool children are not yet available. V. I. Askin notes that older children who made an effort to get the desired candy with their hands, then gladly accepted it as a gift from an adult. Those of them who, from the point of view of existing moral norms, did it illegally, i.e. obtained a candy in the "forbidden" way with the help of a stick, or they refused the award altogether or accepted it with obvious embarrassment. This indicates that children of primary school age have sufficiently developed self-esteem and are able to independently follow certain requirements, assessing their actions as good or bad, depending on whether they correspond or do not correspond to their self-esteem.

Psychodiagnostic games like the one described can be organized and conducted at school, kindergarten and at home. They are of great help in the upbringing of children. allow to establish quite accurately what personality traits and to what extent are already formed or not formed in the child.


Thus, the play activity of preschool children has the following features and semantic meanings.

For a child in the game, it is given the opportunity to imagine himself in the role of an adult, to copy the actions he has ever seen and thereby acquiring certain skills that may be useful to him in the future. Children analyze certain situations in games, draw conclusions, predetermining their actions in similar situations in the future.

Moreover, a game for a child is a huge world, moreover, the world itself is personal, sovereign, where the child can do whatever he wants. Play is a special, sovereign sphere of a child's life, which compensates him for all restrictions and prohibitions, becoming pedagogical basis preparation for adult life and a universal means of development, ensuring moral health, versatility of raising a child.

At the same time, play is a developing activity, a principle, method and form of life, a zone of socialization, security, self-rehabilitation, cooperation, community, co-creation with adults, an intermediary between the world of a child and the world of an adult.

The game is spontaneous. It is eternally renewed, changed, modernized. Each time gives birth to its own games on modern and relevant plots that are interesting to children in different ways.

Games teach children the philosophy of comprehending the difficulties, contradictions, tragedies of life, they teach, not yielding to them, to see the light and joyful, to rise above the troubles, to live profitably and festively, "playfully".

Play is the real and eternal value of the culture of leisure, the social practice of people in general. She stands on an equal footing with work, knowledge, communication, creativity, being their correspondent. In play activities, certain forms of communication between children are formed. Play requires the child to have qualities such as initiative, sociability, and the ability to coordinate with those of a peer group in order to establish and maintain communication. Game activity affects the formation of the arbitrariness of mental processes. Inside the game activity begins to take shape and learning activities, which later becomes the leading activity.


1. Anikeeva NP Pedagogy and psychology of play. - M .: Vlados, 1990.

2. Asmolov A. G. Psychology of personality. Principles of general psychological analysis. - M .: publishing house Mosk. University, 1990.

3. Bogoslavsky V. V. et al. General psychology. - M .: Education, 1981.

4. Bozovic L. I. Personality and its formation in childhood... - M .: Education, 1986.

5. Wenger L.A., Dyachenko O.M. Games and exercises for the development of mental abilities in preschool children. - M .: Education, 1989.

6. Raising children in the game: A guide for a kindergarten teacher / Comp. Bondarenko A.K., Matusik A.I. - 2nd ed., Revised. and add. - M .: Education, 1983.

7. Volkova N. P. Pedagogy. - Kiev: Academy, 2001.

8. Grekhova L.I. In union with nature. Ecological and progenetic games and entertainment with children. - M .: TsGL, Stavropol: Service School, 2002 .-- 288p.

9. Vygotsky LS Game and its role in the psychology of child development // Questions of psychology, 1999.

10. Zaporozhets A. V. Development of voluntary behavior in preschool children. - M .: Education, 1977.

11. Zakharyuta N. We develop the creative potential of the preschooler // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 9. - With. 8-13.

12. Komarova TS Children in the world of creativity. - M .: Vlados, 1995.

13. Korotaeva E. Creative pedagogy for a preschooler // Preschool education. - 2006. - No. 6. - 32-34

14. Preschool pedagogy. Textbook. manual for stud. ped. inst. / Ed. IN AND. Loginova, P.T. Samorukova. - M .: Education, 1983 .-- 304s.

15. Kovalchuk Ya.I. An individual approach to raising a child: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - M .: Education, 1985. - 112s.

16. Kirichuk O. V., Romanets V. A. Fundamentals of psychology. - Kiev: Lebed, 1997.

17. Maksakova A. I., Tumakova G. A. Learn by playing. - M .: Education, 1983.

18. Manuleiko Z. V. Changing the child's motor skills depending on the conditions and motives. - M .: Education, 1969.

19. Nikitin BP Steps of creativity or developing games. - M .: Education, 1991.

20. Smolentseva A.A. Subject-didactic games. - M .: Education, 1987.

21. Khukhlaeva DV Methodology of preschool education in preschool institutions. - M .: Education, 1984 .-- 208s.

22. Elkonin D. V. Psychology of the game. - M .: Education, 1978.

28 11.2016

Hello, friends! I am very glad to meet you. Today's topic, I think, will not leave indifferent any of you. We'll play first. Do you agree?

So, put on the masks of kids and lambs, 2 kids and 2 lambs. Let's start playing:

“Two gray kids went for a walk by the river.

Two white sheep galloped up to them.

Now we need to know

How many animals came for a walk?

One, two, three, four, we have not forgotten anyone -

Two sheep, two kids, only four animals! "

Let's talk now. Please tell me how much is two plus two? Your answer is four. Right.

Which of the options did you like best? Play with masks or solve examples?

Now remember, how often does your child pester you with a request to play something with him? And if it doesn't bother, then what is he doing during the day? Drawing, playing alone or watching cartoons?

Play as the main activity is inherent in all preschool children. The games of young children, of course, will differ from the games of older preschoolers in structure, form, and content. To know what to play with children different ages, psychologists identify the types of play activities of preschoolers.

N. B. Dear Parents! Try to be not only a mentor for your little ones, but also the first friend in games. First, you spend most of your time with him anyway. Secondly, a child needs to play for experience and development.

Thirdly, when playing with a child, you will be sure that his entertainment is not aggressive in nature, does not embody negative events and does not have a traumatic effect on the child's psyche.

Play as a necessity

The baby begins to play almost immediately after birth. Already at the age of 1-2 months, the baby is trying to reach the rattle, catch his mother's finger or hit a rubber toy. Kids actively learn about the world around them through play activities, which are usually called leading.

Each stage of life and development has its own type of leading activity:

  • Playroom- preschool child
  • Training- schoolboy and student
  • Labor- after graduation from adolescence

The game changes its content, but always adheres to a single goal - development. We do not understand why the baby is so difficult and joyless to accept our requests to sit down and write sticks and hooks. And with what enthusiasm he takes up the same sticks if mom has played the problem in an interesting and fun way.

But do not think that this process is easy for a child. Everything needs to be learned, including the game.

Like any other process of development and cognition, play activity needs a foundation, a base. For this, a subject environment is created for the development of game activity. It is like organizing a joint or independent activity by using the necessary manuals and materials.

Well, let's look at what types of games are. Their classification is very extensive, so let's try to move from large parts to their components. They can be conditionally divided into four groups:

  1. Role-playing
  2. Movable
  3. Theatrical or staged
  4. Didactic

Now let's get to know each of these groups in more detail.

There is a plot, take roles

Role-playing game speaks for itself. But the child can go to it after mastering its simpler types. First, these are actions with objects aimed at familiarizing themselves with them, studying their properties. Then comes the period of game-manipulation, when the object acts as a substitute for something from the world of adults, that is, the baby reflects the reality around him.

Preschoolers come to role-playing game by 5-6 years, although the rudiments of it can be seen already at the age of about 3 years. By the beginning of 4 years of life, babies have an increase in activity, craving for knowledge and socialization, for joint activities and creativity.

Toddlers of younger preschool age cannot play for a long time, and their plots are unpretentious. But already at such a small age, we can appreciate initiative, fantasy, the assimilation of moral norms and rules of behavior.

For convenience, all role-playing games are subdivided into subgroups by topic:

  • Games with natural materials. They are aimed at direct acquaintance with the natural world, studying the properties and states of water, sand, clay. Such a game can captivate even the most restless toddler, it develops a respect for nature, inquisitiveness, thinking.
  • Household games. They reflect the interpersonal relationships in the child's family in the best possible way, they play the events and situations that happened to the child, and the status relations between family members are consolidated.

N. B... If you closely follow the children's games in the "family", you can sometimes notice how children in the game try to realize their desires. For example, in the game "Birthday" you can understand how the kid sees the holiday, what gift he dreams of, whom he wants to invite, etc. This can serve as a hint for us to better understand our own children.

  • "Professional" games. In them, kids display their vision of representatives of different professions. Most often, children play in the "Hospital", "School", "Shop". The more proactive take on roles that require active action and speech. They are often doctors, teachers, and salespeople.
  • Games with a patriotic meaning. It is interesting for children to play in them, but it is difficult if they have little information. Here stories will come to the rescue at home and in kindergarten about the heroic periods of the country, about the events and heroes of that time. These can be reflections of a space or military theme.
  • Games that embody the plots of literary works, films, cartoons or stories. Kids can play Well Wait!, Winnie the Pooh or Lifeguards Malibu

Salochki - skipping ropes

Movable games also take up a very large part of the time of a preschooler. At first, outdoor games are in the nature of chaotic chaotic movements of the arms and legs, the baby is given massage and gymnastics until he learns to stand. The "sliders" already have a favorite outdoor game - catch-up.

When the child already knows how to walk and move independently, this is where the era of outdoor games begins. Wheelchairs and rocking chairs, cars and balls, sticks and cubes are used. Outdoor games can not only improve health and develop physically, they also contribute to the upbringing of willpower, character development, and actions according to the rules.

Babies are all very different, so you need to play games with them that are aimed at different directions of development.

After a noisy game of "Cat and Mouse", where the mouse can not always run away from the cat, you can turn the children's attention to collective movement. In this case, the poor "mouse" will not have to be alone with a fast and dexterous "cat", and she can get lost in the crowd.

N. B... It happens that a physically poorly developed kid gets upset after playing and refuses to play further. For a child whose developmental features you know well, try to choose games with such movements in which he can show himself.

Maybe he is good at hanging on the horizontal bar for a long time, then the game "Above your feet from the ground" will do just fine. Or he knows how to do some great somersaults, then invite him to measure minutes in cubs in the game "Bunny, Bunny, what time is it?"

A feature of outdoor games at any age can be read about their positive effect on the mood and well-being of children. But do not include live and noisy games in the child's day after dinner. Overexcitation of the nervous system can prevent your baby from falling asleep quickly and getting a good night's sleep.

Psychologists even note sleep disturbance in babies with the onset of a period of active physical development up to a year and during the development of the walking skill. With what older child, the more varied its movements.

Stanislavsky would have liked ...

Staging and staging in preschool age take their place of honor in the series of games. Theatrical art has a huge impact on the psyche of kids, when they are staged, they get used to the image so that they even begin to worry about their hero.

Preschoolers usually love theatrical performances when they are the main performers,

The main condition for conducting theatrical games, dramatizations on the topic literary work, is the work of a director (an adult) who needs to organize the children so that they are not bored, distribute roles and bring them to life.

In addition, the director monitors the relationship between the characters and must be ready to intervene if a conflict suddenly emerges.

Usually, for a play-dramatization, they take a work that has an educational character. In the process of playing, children more easily and deeper understand the essence and idea of ​​the work, imbued with meaning and morality. And for this, the attitude of the adult himself to the work and how it was initially presented to the children, what intonations and artistic techniques it was filled with, is of great importance.

Costumes help children get closer to the image of their hero. Even if this is not a whole costume, but only a small attribute, this may be enough for a small actor.

Dramatization games and theatrical performances are conducted with children of middle and senior preschool age. At the age of 5-6, the child will already be able to work in a team, taking into account the significance and importance of each role in the general activity.

"Correct" rules

Another great group of games for preschoolers ... This is a game in which the child comprehends certain knowledge, skills and reinforces skills. This is a game in which there are clear boundaries for the activities of each participant, there are strict rules, there is a goal and an obligatory end result. I think you guessed it, this section deals with didactic games.

These games can be played from an early age. As the baby grows up, didactic game will transform, become more complex, new goals will be added.

The most important criterion for selecting and setting goals for didactic play should be the level of development of the child at a given moment in time. The adult leading the process should be at least half a step ahead in order to give the child the opportunity to show the effort, ingenuity, creativity and mental ability to solve the problem.

Didactic games always carry the seed of learning or reinforcement. To successfully master new knowledge, a child needs a start, a good start. This will help him in the future.

N. B... Based on the personal experience of a teacher, psychologist and just a mother, every time I am amazed at how much the child, his behavior and perception of the words of an adult change, one has only to pick up a toy that suddenly turns to the baby.

What we cannot achieve with simple requests is easily achieved at the request of a favorite toy or fairy-tale character. And every time you make sure that better way impact on the child than play, there is and cannot be. That's for sure))

Children are created certain conditions in which they need to make decisions, give in to each other, act together, or, conversely, the result will depend on the actions of each.

With the help of didactic play, we can initiate children into the secrets of physical phenomena, speaking with them in simple accessible language, regulate character manifestations or correct behavior.

As a rule, they are welcomed by children, they like to see the results of their activities. Moreover, the kid will be able to rejoice at the result from the very beginning of the introduction of didactic games into his regime.

As you can see, play activity is simply necessary for a child in preschool childhood, for him it is his life, his everyday life. And it is in our power to make these everyday life not just filled with various tasks, but tasks-games, fun, informative, noisy and bright. After all, we all know that kids like everything bright and memorable.

The playing child is a happy child who lives his childhood, breathing deeply the aroma of love, entertainment, adventure and new interesting knowledge.

In conclusion, I would like to quote the words of the famous Soviet teacher and writer Vasily Sukhomlinsky... Listen to them and understand what play really means for a child.

“Play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts about the world around them pours into the child's spiritual world. The game is a spark that ignites the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity "

There is nothing to add.

We offer only to watch the seminar of Ph.D. Smirnova E.O., and you will see exactly how important play is in the life of every child:

We are waiting for you on the blog pages. Do not forget to look into the "Updates" section and share your impressions in the comments.

Thank you for being with us. Goodbye!


(eng. play) - one of the types of activity of humans and animals. I. is a form of vital activity of young animals that arises at a certain stage in the evolution of the animal world (see. ). Children I. - a historically emerging species activities which consists in the reproduction by children of the actions of adults and the relations between them in a special conditional form. I. (by definition A.N.Leontyev) is an leading activities preschool child, that is, such an activity due to which the main changes occur in the child's psyche and within which the mental processes, preparing the child's transition to a new, higher stage of his development.

I. is studied by various sciences - history culture, ethnography, pedagogy, psychology,ethology and so on. For the first time, a special study of I. animals and humans was carried out by him. scientist Karl Groos, who noted exercise function I. According to his data, I. occurs in those animals in which instinctive forms of behavior are insufficient to adapt to the changing conditions of existence. In I. in these animals, preliminary adaptation occurs ( warning) instincts for future conditions of the struggle for existence.

A significant addition to this theory was the work TO.Buhler... He believed that the desire for I., the repetition of the same actions is supported "Functional pleasure" derived from the activity itself. F. Boytendijk associated the main features of I. with the characteristic features of behavior inherent in a growing organism: 1) nondirectionality of movements; 2) impulsiveness; 3) the presence of affective connections with others; 4) shyness, fearfulness and shyness. These traits of the child's behavior under certain conditions give rise to I. These theories, despite the differences, identify the I. of animals and man.

I. in animals is a form of manipulative sensory-motor activity in the period immediately preceding puberty, with biologically neutral objects or partners. In animals, sensory-motor components and coordination of basic species-specific behavioral acts are improved in animals. I. in animals is widespread. in higher mammals, especially in predators and primates. In its highest forms, I. is combined with orienting and research behavior.

Much attention is paid to children's I. by supporters psychoanalysis... In line with this trend, I. is viewed as an expression of unconscious tendencies in symbolic form. At the same time, it is believed that the development of I. in preschool childhood is determined by the change in the main stages of the child's psychosexual development ( oral,anal, phallic). Developmental disorders at each of the stages are necessarily manifested in I. In this regard, developed and became widespread as a form of corrective work with children (expression of suppressed tendencies and the formation of an adequate system of relations between a child and adults).

The central issue of theory children's I. is the question of its historical origin. Need historical research E. A. Arkin noted for constructing the theory of I. D.B.Elkonin showed that I. and, above all, I. role-playing occurs during historical development society as a result of a change in the place of the child in the system of social relations. The emergence of I. occurs as a result of the emergence of complex forms of the division of labor, which made it impossible for the child to be included in productive labor. With the emergence of role I., a new, preschool period in the development of the child begins (see. ). V domestic science I.'s theory in the aspect of clarifying its social nature, internal structure and significance for the development of the child was developed L.WITH.Vygotsky, Leontiev, Elkonin, N. Ya. Mikhailenko and others.

AND. - the most important source development consciousness child, the arbitrariness of his behavior, a special form modeling them relations between adults, fixed in the rules of certain roles... Having assumed the fulfillment of a particular role, the child is guided by its rules, subordinates his impulsive behavior to the fulfillment of these rules.

I. motivation lies in the very process of performing this activity. The basic unit of I. is.

In addition to the role, the structure of I. includes play action (action to fulfill a role), play use of objects (), and relationships between children. In I., plot and content are also distinguished. As plot the sphere of activity that the child reproduces in I. Content the relationships between adults reproduced by the child in I. are also.

I. usually wears group(joint) character. playing children acts in relation to each individual participant as an organizing principle, authorizing and supporting the fulfillment of the role taken by the child. In I., real relationships of children (between participants in I.) and play relationships (relationships in accordance with the accepted roles) are distinguished.

I. goes through various stages in its development. According to Elkonin, first appears subject I., when a child reproduces the objective actions of adults. Then I. role-playing(including role-playing), aimed at reproducing relations between adults. At the end of preschool childhood, I. with the rules- the transition from I. with an open role and a hidden rule to I. with an open rule and a hidden role is carried out. Mikhailenko identifies 3 progressively more complex ways of I.: 1) the deployment and designation of conditional object-related actions in I.; 2) role-playing behavior - designation and implementation of a conditional playing position; 3) plot formation - the deployment of a sequence of holistic situations, their designation and planning.

Let us give a more detailed description of the various types of I. in preschoolers.

Role-playing I. is the main form of I. in children of preschool age, which arises at the border of early and preschool childhood and reaches its heyday in the middle of preschool age. Role I. is an activity in which children take on the roles of adults and, in a play situation, recreate the actions of adults and their relationships. A feature of the game situation is the game use of objects, in which the meaning of one object is transferred to another object, and it is used in connection with the new meaning given to it. The child's role as an adult contains hidden rules regulating the performance of actions with objects, the establishment of relationships with other children in accordance with their roles. Role I. evokes in the child deep emotional experiences associated with the content of the roles being performed, the quality of the role played by each child, and those real relationships that children enter into in the process of collective I. in the implementation of its general design. In role I., the development of the most important neoplasms preschool age: imaginations, the formation of elements of voluntary behavior, the development of a symbolic function.

Director's I. - a type of individual I., when the child plays out a certain plot with the help of toys. In the director's I., the child performs both the function of a director (holding onto the I.'s plan) and the function of actors (performing role-playing actions in order to realize the game’s intention).

Didactic I. - a type of I., organized by an adult to solve a learning problem. Didactic I. m. and role-playing, and I. with the rules. Didactic I. are the main form of education preschool children.

From the beginning. teaching at school, the role of I. in the mental development of the child decreases, but at this age, a significant place is occupied by various I. with the rules - intellectual and movable(sports). The role of plot points becomes less, but does not disappear altogether. (O. M. Dyachenko.)

A large psychological dictionary. - M .: Prime-EVROZNAK. Ed. B.G. Meshcheryakova, acad. V.P. Zinchenko. 2003 .

See what "GAME, GAME ACTIVITY" is in other dictionaries:

    THE GAME- play activity, one of the activities typical for animals and humans. In ontogenesis of animals, I. is a specific form of development. types of behavior. According to the theory of "excess of strength" (F. Schiller and G. Spencer), I. arises from ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

    Bead game- The prophetically utopian model elite culture future, created by G. Hesse in the novel of the same name. Followed by many of the greatest thinkers of the first floor. XX century feeling the real crisis of culture, thinking about possible ways out ... ... Encyclopedia of Cultural Studies

    The form of recreation of the subject and social content of professional activity, modeling of systems of relations, characteristic of this type of practice. Carrying out I. d. Is the deployment of a special (game) activity ... ...

    THE GAME- - the activity of the organism, aimed at the conditional modeling of the expanded activity. The emergence of I. in the process of evolution of the animal world is due to the complication of species life and the need to assimilate the experience of the species community ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary in psychology and pedagogy

    Game mechanics- Gameplay (eng. Gameplay) in-game mechanics, a set of certain methods of interaction of the game with the player. The term takes place exclusively in the field of computer and video games. Also the gameplay is the gameplay itself. Etymologically, the term can be ... Wikipedia

    Etymology. Comes from the Greek. therapeia treatment. Category. A form of communication psychotherapy. Specificity. Based on the use of role play as one of the most powerful forms of influence on personality development. At the origin of this direction ... ... Big psychological encyclopedia

Playful activity takes a very important place in a child's life. The game helps him to adapt to the environment, communicate, think. The child must be taught to play from the first months of life: starting with the primitive and ending with those that provide for the baby's own thinking. Together with parents, close relatives, friends, as well as kindergarten educators and teachers at school take part in the upbringing and development of the child.


Throughout the life path of a person is accompanied by three main types of activity, which replace each other. This is play, study and work. They differ in terms of motivation, organization and end results.

Labor is the main human activity, the end result of which is the creation of a product that is significant for the public. As a result of game activity, the production of a product does not occur, but it acts as the initial stage in the formation of a personality as a subject of activity. Education is the direct preparation of a person for work, developing mental, physical and aesthetic skills and forming cultural and material values.

The play activity of children contributes to their mental development and prepares them for the adult world. The child here himself acts as a subject and adapts to the imitated reality. A feature of the game activity is its freedom and non-regulation. No one can force a child to play not the way he wants. The game proposed by an adult should be interesting and entertaining for the child. Learning and work must have organizational form... The work begins and ends at the set time for which a person must present its results. Classes for pupils and students also have a clear schedule and plan, which everyone adheres to unswervingly.

Game activities

According to the most general classification, all games can be classified into one of two large groups. The factors of difference in them are the forms of children's activity and the participation of an adult.

The first group, the name of which is "Independent games", includes such play activities of the child, in the preparation and conduct of which the adult does not directly participate. In the foreground is the activity of children. They must set a goal for the game, develop it, and solve it for themselves. Children in such games show initiative, which indicates a certain level of their intellectual development. This group includes cognitive games and plot games, the function of which is to develop the child's thinking.

The second group is educational games that involve the presence of an adult. He creates rules and coordinates the work of children until they achieve a result. These games are used for the purpose of training, development, education. This group includes entertainment games, dramatization games, musical, didactic, outdoor games. From a learning-type game, you can smoothly redirect the child's activities to the learning stage. These types of play activities generalize it; many more subspecies can be distinguished in them with different scenarios and different goals.

Play and its role in child development

Play is a compulsory activity for a child. She gives him freedom, he plays without compulsion, with pleasure. From the very first days of his life, the baby is already trying to play with some kind of rattles and trinkets hanging over his cradle. The play activity of preschool children teaches them to order, teaches them to follow the rules. In the game, the child tries to show all his best qualities (especially if it is a game with peers). He shows enthusiasm, activates his abilities, creates an environment around him, establishes contact, finds friends.

In the game, the kid learns to solve problems, find a way out. The rules teach him to be honest, because failure to comply with them is punishable by indignation from other children. In play, a child can show those qualities that are hidden in everyday life. At the same time, games develop competition between children, adapt them for survival by defending their position. Play has a positive effect on the development of thinking, imagination, wit. Playful activity gradually prepares the child to enter adulthood.

Play activities in infancy and early childhood

Games will differ, depending on the age of the child, their organization, form, functional purpose... The main element of games in younger age is a toy. Its multifunctionality allows you to influence mental development, on the formation of a system of social relations. The toy is for fun and entertainment.

Babies manipulate a toy, their perception develops, preferences are formed, orientations to new things appear, colors and shapes are imprinted in their memory. In infancy, parents play an important role in creating a child's worldview. They must play with their children, try to speak their language, show them unfamiliar objects.

In early childhood, games for a child are almost all of his free time. He ate, slept, played, and so on all day. Here it is already recommended to use games not only with entertainment, but also with a cognitive component. The role of toys is increasing, they become small models of the real world (cars, dolls, houses, animals). Thanks to them, the baby learns to perceive the world, to distinguish colors, shapes and sizes. It is important to give the child only those toys that cannot harm him, because the baby will certainly pull them to his mouth to try on the tooth. At this age, children cannot be left unattended for a long time, toys are not so important to them as the attention of a loved one.

Games for Preschool Children

Preschool age of children can be roughly divided into younger and older. In the younger, the play activity of preschoolers is aimed at learning things, connections, properties. In older children, preschoolers have new needs, and they give preference to role-playing games, games among their peers. Interest in group games is manifested in children in their third year of life. In preschool age, a significant place is occupied by manipulative, mobile, cognitive games. The child likes to design both from the designer and from any materials at hand (sand, furniture in the house, clothes, other items).

Didactic games

The development of children in play is one of the most important purposes of play. For this, educators conduct didactic games with children. They are created for the purpose of education and training, with certain rules and expected results. Didactic play is both playful activity and a form of learning. It consists of a didactic task, game actions, rules and results.

The didactic task is determined by the goal of training and educational impact. An example is a game in which counting skills are consolidated, the ability to make a word from letters. In a didactic game, the didactic task is realized through the game. The basis of the game is play actions carried out by the children themselves. The more interesting they are, the more exciting and effective the game will be. The rules of the game are set by the teacher who controls the behavior of the children. Upon completion, it is imperative to take stock. This stage provides for the determination of the winners, those who coped with the task, but also the participation of all the children should be noted. For an adult, didactic play is a way of learning that will help make a gradual transition from play to learning.

Play activities in the preschool educational institution

Games accompany the child throughout the entire period of childhood. The organization of play activities in preschool institutions plays an important role in the development of children. Play occupies a prominent place in the system of aesthetic, labor, moral, physical and intellectual education of preschool children. It satisfies his social needs and personal interests, increases the vitality of the child, and activates his work.

In kindergartens, play activity should be a complex of games that are aimed at the physical and intellectual development of children. These games include creative ones that allow children to independently determine the purpose, rules and content. They reflect human activities in adulthood. The category of creative games includes role-playing, theatrical, dramatization games, construction games. In addition to creative ones, didactic, mobile, sports, folk games influence the formation of a child's play activity.

An important place in the game is occupied by toys, which should be simple, bright, attractive, interesting, and safe. They are divided into three types: ready-made (dolls, airplanes, cars), semi-finished (constructors, pictures, cubes) and materials for creating toys. The latter allow the child to fully reveal their imagination and demonstrate their skills by creating toys on their own.

Game activity functions

Any kind of activity has a specific functional purpose. Play activities also serve a number of functions in a child's development.

The main function of the game is entertainment. It aims to arouse the child's interest, inspire, please, entertain. The communicative function is that in the process of playing the baby learns to find mutual language with other children, developing their speech mechanisms. The function of self-realization is to choose a role. If a child chooses those that require additional actions, then this indicates his activity and leadership.

The play therapy function provides for the overcoming of difficulties by children of a different nature that arise in other types of activity. The diagnostic function of the game will help the child to know his capabilities, and the educator - to identify the presence or absence of deviations from normal behavior. With the help of the game, you can make neatly positive changes in the structure of personality indicators. The peculiarities of play activity also lie in the fact that the child learns to social and cultural norms and learns the values, rules of human society and is included in the system of social relations.

Play and development of the child's speech

To a large extent, play affects the development of speech. In order for a child to successfully engage in a game situation, he needs a certain level of development of communication skills. The development of coherent speech is stimulated by the need to communicate with peers. In play as a leading activity, the sign function of speech is enhanced by the substitution of one object for another. Subjects-substitutes act as signs of missing objects. Any element of reality that replaces another can be a sign. The substitute object transforms the verbal content in a new way, mediating the connection between the word and the absent object.

Play promotes the child's perception of two types of signs: iconic and individual. The sensory properties of the former are virtually approximated to the object being replaced, while the latter, by their sensory nature, have little to do with the object they designate.

Play also takes part in the formation of reflective thinking. So, for example, a child suffers and cries like a patient when he plays in the hospital, but at the same time he is pleased with himself because of the good performance of the role.

Influence of play activity on the mental development of a child

The development of the game activity of preschoolers is directly related to the development of their mental state... Play helps shape personality traits and the mental qualities of the child. It is from the game that other types of activities that take place in the later life of a person come out over time. Play, like nothing else, contributes to the development of attention, memory, because it requires the child to focus on objects in order to successfully enter the play situation. Role-playing games affect the development of imagination. The child learns to take on different roles, to replace some objects with others, to create new situations.

Play activities also affect the formation of the child's personality. He learns to establish contact with peers, acquires communication skills, gets acquainted with the relationships and behavior of adults. Activities such as construction and drawing are closely merged with the game. They are already preparing the baby for work. He does something himself, with his own hands, while trying and worrying about the result. In such cases, the child must be praised, and this will become an incentive for him to improve.

Play in a child's life is as important as school for a student or work for an adult. This must be understood by both parents and educators. It is necessary to develop the interests of children in every possible way, to encourage their desire to win, to better result... As the baby grows up, you need to provide him with toys that affect mental development. Do not forget to play with your child yourself, because at these moments he feels the importance of what he is doing.

The child learns the world in all its diversity through those activities that are understandable and close to the child. In this context, the game takes the leading position. That is why the implementation of the goals and objectives of training, development and education of children in preschool educational institutions carried out through the game elements. This approach is fixed by the program requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Consider the features of the game activity of preschoolers in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is the game activity according to the Federal State Educational Standard

One of the tasks of play activity is connection with reality, children must learn to live in modern world

It is interesting. The famous Russian pediatrician, psychologist and philanthropist of the 19th century E.A. Pokrovsky said: "... Let the children play while the game pleases them, attracts them and at the same time brings them enormous benefits!"

The main feature of preschool education is the lack of PURPOSE education, since this does not correspond to the level of development of the child. Instead, the game comes to the fore, through which the implementation of the activity approach takes place. However, in the modern world, the emphasis has shifted: there has been a transition from courtyard games to individual ones, and from group games to computer ones. Therefore, the task of methodical work in kindergartens is to return the game to children without interrupting the day of the present. It is in this context that the issue of the play activity of preschool children should be considered.


The game promotes self-realization of the child with the peer environment

Properly organized and skillfully directed play allows your toddler to

  • develop physically and intellectually;
  • form positive character traits;
  • learn to communicate with peers and surrounding adults;
  • learn new knowledge quickly and easily.

The Federal State Educational Standard is based on the scheme of the child's development line: to feel - to recognize - to create. That is, in kindergarten, entertainment, knowledge and creativity should be carried out at the same time. All this is united in the game.

Targets and goals

The game promotes the development of the child's speech

An important direction of involving children in play activities is the development of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to solve problems related to different areas of life (learning, socialization, that is, relationships with people around them, self-determination, etc.). In addition, playing activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard:

  • develops logical, imaginative, critical thinking;
  • forms the skill of building cause-and-effect relationships;
  • expands the range of mental operations, Creative skills, fantasy;
  • fosters a creative approach to solving tasks;
  • makes you take the initiative;
  • develops various mental functions, including speech;
  • promotes physical development.

The systematic solution of tasks such as:

  • acquaintance with moral and ethical concepts (for example, in the context of events dedicated to patriotic education);
  • general physical training;
  • development of a strategy of "co-creation" in different types of game activity;
  • selection of game material;
  • correct organization and conduct of games.

Principles and forms of play

Children must clearly understand the rules of the game.

For the technique to "work", you need to apply it correctly. For this, the Federal State Educational Standard provides for the following principles for the implementation of gaming activities in the work of a preschool institution:

  • free involvement in the game (you can not force kids to play, this can provoke a "loopback effect", and the child will refuse other types of interaction);
  • exclusion of activities that violate the norms of public morality (for example, playing for money or things), or degrading the dignity of gamblers;
  • lack of indicative edification and didacticity (that is, do not overload the lesson with information);
  • clear understanding by the children of the rules of the game;
  • an extremely positive impact on the emotional, intellectual spheres of the participants;
  • a sufficient amount of time and material and technical base for the game;
  • the presence of a play environment for boys and girls;
  • timely change in the form and content of games, depending on the age of the children;
  • creation of conditions for demonstration of independent activity of children (theatrical, intellectual, constructive, motor).
  • accessibility of the subject-game environment for all participants.

The form of the game can be:

  • individual, where everyone fights for himself;
  • group, in which the baby feels responsible for his actions.

It is also worth mentioning about such a form as a project, which can be both individual and group, and also have different time frames for implementation.

Policy documents

  • Letter of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of 05/17/1995 No. 61 / 19–12 "On the psychological and pedagogical requirements for games and toys in modern conditions"
  • Letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2014 No. 03-51-46 in / 14-03 Approximate requirements for the content of the developing environment for preschool children brought up in a family.
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2010 No. No. 436-FZ "On the protection of children from information that is harmful to their health and development"
  • Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of October 17, 2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard of preschool education"
  • Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/15/2013 No. 26 "On the approval of SanPin" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the design, maintenance and organization of the operating mode of preschool educational institutions. "

A detailed analysis of these documents allows us to conclude that significant adjustments have been made to the modern legal framework to determine the essence of the education system in a preschool institution in comparison with the program documents of previous years.

Conditions for the development of gaming activities in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard

The teacher's creative approach in composing games covers all aspects: from developing a script to modeling costumes

The implementation of game technology in a preschool institution has a number of features. Among the fundamental features are

  • the educator's creative approach to work;
  • the choice of a game that will allow solving the problems of training, development and education at a specific stage of the child's development;
  • taking into account the personal qualities of the players;
  • timing.

The games used can be divided into two groups:

  • with fixed rules (for example, lotto);
  • free games, that is, the rules of the game are hidden (this is convenient, for example, when learning to read is in progress - children should help an adult who cannot read to learn this skill, etc.).

List of appointments for the Federal State Educational Standard

The physical development of babies is also realized through play.

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, games are divided into:

  • leisure (serve as excellent entertainment during pauses between the main activities or to unite children during walks - "Brook", finger games, etc.);
  • mobile (promote physical development - physical education, warm-ups, etc.);
  • theatrical (solve the problems of forming the expressiveness of speech, intellectual, aesthetic, communicative education, develop creative abilities - staging fairy tales, staging excerpts from read books, etc.);
  • computer (with a mandatory training component);
  • games with rules (they teach kids to follow the rules, and also show that everyone is equal before the “law” - bingo, dominoes, etc.);
  • role-playing games (develop the gaming experience of preschoolers, open up new horizons for displaying the world - "Daughters-Mothers", "Cossacks-Robbers", "Snow Maiden", etc.)

Video: Role-playing lessons in junior, middle and senior groups

Video: "Travel" for the older group

These types of games are used when working with children of any age, taking into account the developmental level of babies. So, for example, lotto in the junior group consists of separate pictures of animals that need to be correctly positioned on a poster with the image of several animals.

Modern types of gaming activities

The game-cultural practice allows, through modeling the playing space, to realize the set educational goals, for example, to check with the help of the "ship captain" the ability of the "crew" to carry out the simplest arithmetic operations within 10

As for preschool education today, the set of gaming technologies within the list of types of games indicated by the Federal State Educational Standards has been supplemented, which is associated with the practical orientation of education at all levels of interaction with children. So, Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Korotkova, candidate psychological sciences, dealing with issues of preschool education, identified 2 types of play activities:

  • game-cultural practice ( story game, free play);
  • game-pedagogical form (plot-role-playing didactic game, didactic game with rules).

Game educational situation

The famous Russian teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky said: "Play is a huge bright window through which a life-giving stream of ideas, concepts about the world around, flows into the child's spiritual world."

Play activities can be implemented in two directions: first, children set the rules themselves, come up with the content of the game based on the available attributes (toys or other available equipment), second, the process of learning, development and upbringing is carried out on the basis of game technology. In the latter case, the entire organizational moment remains with the adult. It is about such a technique, which is called a game learning situation (ITS), that helps to bridge the gap between the leading game activity at the moment from the educational one in the future, and will be discussed further. The ITS is characterized by the following features:

  • uncomplicated plot that takes a lot of time;
  • specially organized play space;
  • the presence of a didactic goal and educational task;
  • the guiding role of the educator.

IOS types

Based on the foregoing, several types of educational game situations can be distinguished, depending on what accompanies the game:

  • the use of analogue toys (for example, comparing an inanimate analogue with a living one - a dummy plant with an indoor flower);
  • connection with a literary character (for example, the inclusion in the work of such well-known heroes as Dunno, Petrushka, Buratino);
  • IOS travel (games simulating a trip to the forest, zoo, museum, etc.).

Examples of

Video: Physical education lesson "Toy town"

Video: Subject educational situation on traffic rules in the middle group

Video: Lesson "Journey in Mathematics with Masha and the Bear"

The essence of socio-gaming technology

The use of socio-game technology involves working in small groups (most often 6-8 people)

One of the modern forms of embodiment of gaming activity is socio-gaming technology. This is such an organization of the child's own actions, in which he does, listens and speaks, that is, the child participates in drawing up the rules, composing the plot of the game. It is such a complex task that distinguishes this technology from the game in the usual sense, where the child most often acts as a "performer". Moreover, socio-game interaction presupposes the obligatory presence of a "contract", rules and communication. In other words, children can even argue, but with the aim of agreeing and finalizing the rules. The authors of the technology E.E. Shuleshko, A.P. Ershova, V.M. Bukatov identified a number of principles of such activity.

  • The teacher is an equal partner. He knows how to play interestingly, organizes games, invents them.
  • Removing the judicial role from the teacher and transferring it to children predetermines the removal of the fear of mistakes in children.
  • Freedom and independence in the choice of knowledge, skills and abilities by children. Freedom does not mean permissiveness. This is the subordination of their actions to general rules.
  • Change of mise-en-scène, that is, the environment when children can communicate in different parts of the group, trying on different roles (for example, first treasure hunters, and then robbers who guard these values, correct answers to arithmetic examples can act as treasures).
  • Orientation to individual discoveries. Children become accomplices in the game, that is, as mentioned above, they can modify or change the rules of the game.
  • Overcoming difficulties. Children are not interested in what is simple and what is difficult is more interesting (so, it is much more interesting to train with Luntik on an intricate tongue twister than to repeat the same simple one with Wupsen and Pupsen).
  • Movement and activity.
  • Children work in small groups, mainly in sixes, sometimes in fours and threes.

The advantage of this kind of activity is that it defines the baby not as an object of education, but as a subject, that is, a full participant in the process.


The forms of implementation of socio-game activity can be as follows:

  • Games with rules that can change depending on the situation (for example, all the participants are Dunno, they ask the adult questions about the topic, and next time all the children are Znayki, and in the role of Dunno - a toy with which the kids explain that yesterday did not know themselves).
  • Competition games.
  • Dramatization games (that is, staging stories of fairy tales, events).
  • Director's games (when the child himself comes up with a plot for the game, but at the same time the toy is not identified with the child).
  • Role-playing games (the kid takes on the role of a character, identifies himself with a doll, for example).
  • Fairytale therapy (in simple plots, children see themselves and their actions, for example, "Tales about a kid who looks like you," "Tales from whims," ​​etc.).
  • Techniques that are socially aimed at creating a situation of success and comfort (for example, when studying the alphabet, the task can be as follows: help Dunno find the missing letters in the alphabet, hidden in riddles).
  • Self-presentation (a story about oneself in the form of alternate answers to the questions of the presenter-adult, for example, accompanied by the transfer of some "relay object" from one participant to another).

Examples of socio-gaming activities

All the techniques of this technology can be applied in different age groups: the form remains unchanged, but the content component can vary depending on the level of training of children.

"Magic wand"(in the form of self-presentation)

The essence of the game: children stand in a circle and receive " magic wand"(For example, a pointer). The task of the players: passing the object to each other, to answer the question posed by the adult. For example, "What's your favorite toy?" Further, the task becomes more difficult: "Why do you like her, name 3 reasons." Then you can expand the range of questions - from personal to well-known: "What are the most popular toys today?"

"We speak in chorus"(socio-directed reception)

The essence of the game: children are divided into groups, the teacher asks a question. The task of the guys is to answer it in unison. Thanks to the collective answer, even those guys who are not sure of the answer or do not know it will not feel uncomfortable.

"Mysterious Hat"(game with rules with elements of socio-orientation)

The essence of the game: we put the questions written on the pieces of paper in the hat (if the child cannot read, then the teacher helps him), the kids take turns pulling questions and answering them. So you can repeat elementary arithmetic operations, traffic rules, etc. in a playful way. Due to the fact that the hat falls into the hands of everyone, each child feels like a leader, that is, a leader.

Video: Socio-game approach in the development of communication skills of preschoolers

Computer games

Competent use of a computer in kindergarten can bring undeniable benefits to the intellectual development of a child.

Information technology (in particular, games) in preschool education, along with the generally accepted opinion about the harm to mental and physical health of children, have a number of undeniable advantages over other gaming technologies. Computer games:

  • help to quickly move from visual-effective to visual-figurative thinking, which is an important stage in the development of logic;
  • contribute to the formation of the ability to analyze;
  • speed up the process of managing their own external activities (for example, the baby needs to simultaneously perform mouse actions and observe the image on the screen), etc.

In this way, computer games allow children to make the transition from the simplest forms of thinking to complex ones much faster.

Examples of

The use of this gaming technology depends on the material and technical base of the preschool institution. But if such classes are not held in kindergarten, parents should know which computer games recommended by the methodologists can be used at home. Anyone can download these games, just enter the name into the search bar.

  • "Finding Nemo. Underwater school "(middle group). Purpose: to get acquainted with the fauna of the planet. Children will be able to learn about the life of animals in wildlife, about their habits and habits, and will also be able to learn how a beaver builds its house, fly with a bat in search of food and see the arrangement of an anthill.
  • "Merry Alphabet" (older group). Purpose: consolidating and improving the skill of dividing words into syllables, doing sound analysis of words. Kids will be able to break words into parts, form new words, combine them into simple sentences.
  • "Planet of numbers for kids" ( younger group). Purpose: to learn how to count to 10, to give an idea of ​​simple geometric shapes, to teach how to compare. The guys get acquainted with the circle, square, triangle, correlate the figures by color, size. Learn to count up to 10.

How to carry out the correct analysis?

The feasibility of certain gaming technologies is assessed, among other things, by the child's activity

Monitoring of the success of using play techniques in kindergarten is carried out 3 times a year (at the beginning, at the end of the school year, and also in the middle). The entire group of children is assessed, a teacher or a person involved in a particular activity conducts diagnostics. This analysis is carried out in 3 aspects:

  • organizational component;
  • activities of an adult (educator, physical education teacher, music worker);
  • activity of the child.

Table "Analysis of the game activity of preschoolers"

Analysis Aspect Analysis criteria Grade
Yes Not Partially Other
Organization and conduct of the game Matching the goals with the goals of the group
Compliance with the level of development of children
Compliance with the program
Compliance with sanitary standards
Compliance of the material and technical base with the conditions of the game
Educator activity Variety of techniques for solving game problems
Appropriateness of techniques for the age of babies
The correctness of the use of techniques
Children's activities Assimilation of the content of the game
Activity, attention, interest in the lesson (at least 2 criteria are assessed)
Compliance with the conditions of the lesson
Compliance of knowledge, skills and abilities with the norm

Based on the results of filling in the table, you can see those methodological gaps that are indicated in the "no" column. You need to pay attention to these criteria especially when you change the form of play activity or make improvements to its content.

Play is a leading activity for preschoolers. It is through him that children get to know the world, learn to interact with other people, and get to know themselves. The task of an adult is to diversify this practice. interesting forms conducting games. At the same time, it is necessary to focus on the requirements that are put forward for this kind of activity by the Federal State Educational Standard and other documents regulating the process of education of preschoolers. Correctly organized work will ensure high achievements in the teaching, development and education of future schoolchildren.