Speech therapy at home on your own. Dear parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles! Do not be lazy to perform these simple exercises, and your baby will soon delight you with a clean and correct speech. Enjoy it. Good luck! Speech therapy classes with

Exercises for clarity of speech are supported individually for each and can be:

  • static - holding articulatory poses for fifteen seconds;
  • dynamic - repetition of rhythmic movements six times for the development of the speech apparatus;
  • strengthening exercises for training individual sounds.

These exercises are intended to eliminate various speech defects, improving diction, eliminating stuttering, developing speech technique.

The effectiveness of the exercises will be noticeable only when regular fulfillment integrated program... Some cases require classes with a speech therapist, but mostly parents themselves can cope with this kind of task.

Speech defects:

  • aphonia or dysphonia- violation of phonation, pathological changes in the vocal apparatus;
  • tachilalia- fast speech rate;
  • bradilalia- slow speech rate;
  • stuttering- violation of the rhythm, fluency and tempo of speech, due to muscle cramps of the speech apparatus;
  • dyslalia- phonetic defects;
  • rhinolalia- defect in sound pronunciation and voice timbre;
  • dysarthria- violation of pronunciation due to malfunctioning of the nerve endings connecting the central nervous system with a speech apparatus;
  • alalia- Underdevelopment or complete absence of speech in a child, associated with damage to the speech areas of the brain;
  • aphasia- partial or complete loss of speech that occurs after local damage to brain cells.

It is quite difficult to determine these types of speech defects on your own, therefore, at the slightest suspicion of the occurrence of one of them, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo the prescribed treatment accordingly.

Three times a day for four minutes, it is necessary to repeat a certain set of exercises. The main thing is the correct execution and the desire to learn, otherwise you will have to wait a very long time for a positive result.

Subject to all the rules and regulations, the effect of exercise occurs within a month. Classes with a speech therapist give results much faster.

Thus, it follows for the slightest If you suspect a defect, contact a speech therapist because running problems it is very difficult to eliminate.

Speech technique

Speech technique exercises help a child find a voice, but this requires daily effort and diligence.

  1. Exercise to restore breathing... Assumes a comfortable position, inhale through the nose, filling the abdomen and chest with air. We also exhale through the nose, repeating the movements 5 - 7 times.
  2. Breath-holding exercise... Breathing is performed according to the technique of the first exercise. Only with a delay of three seconds.
  3. Hum... We draw full lungs of air and on exhalation we recite any nursery rhyme, sing vowel sounds, abruptly throw out air with the sound "HAAA" or pronounce tongue twisters.

In any case, this technique gives a result, over time honing the technique of speech.

Improving diction

Diction of speech is very important factor, therefore, it should be developed from early childhood.

A five-minute exercise, consisting of ten exercises, is capable of a short time turn mooing into articulate speech, with little or no effort.

A few tips for doing the exercise:

  • lower jaw down and move it left and right, forward and backward. Movements should be careful and smooth;
  • we take the starting position, we put our hands on the chest. We lean forward, pronouncing lingering and prolonged vowel sounds as we exhale. The voice should be low timbre, this factor is very important;
  • we smile with our mouth open and move our tongue from one corner of the mouth to another. The jaw and lips should be stationary, and the tongue should not touch the lips;
  • we smile with an open mouth and lick our lips with our tongue, we monitor the smoothness of movements and immobility of the jaw;
  • with closed lips, we lick our teeth with inside... First the upper jaw, then the lower. We do the exercise slowly, counting the teeth in order. We also monitor the immobility of the lips and jaw;
  • with our mouth open, we try to reach our nose and beard with our tongue, in turn. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow and does not touch the lips and teeth;
  • with an open mouth, we take out the alveoli located behind the lower teeth and the tubercles of the palate with our tongue. We monitor the immobility of the jaw and lips.

By doing the exercises, the child from childhood will improve his diction, and with it, he will work out the timbre of his voice, thanks to which in the future he will be able to influence people with the help of his voice, which is due to the increased sensitivity of certain voice frequencies.

Correcting speech defects

Often, as a result of lisping and incorrect pronunciation of words by adults, the child develops speech defects.

The most susceptible age for the development of such phenomena are children from two to five years old, since during this period, babies begin to learn to translate their thoughts into words.

Exercises to correct the pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds, as well as "r" and "l":

  • Tubule- we close our lips, then we pull them out in the form of a tube, as far as possible;
  • Cup- we open our mouth wide and try to give the tongue the shape of a cup, sticking it out far forward;
  • Drum- we open our mouth and try to hit our tongue for upper teeth across the palate, pronouncing the sound "d";
  • Brush- open your mouth and run your tongue over your teeth from above and below;
  • Jam- we smile with an open mouth, licking our upper lip with our outstretched tongue.

The main thing is to correctly establish the type of defect and correctly and in a timely manner perform the prescribed exercises, then the result will not be long in coming. Even very difficult cases suffer visible changes after having sessions for half a year.

Eliminate stuttering

Stuttering is a speech defect that is not easy to deal with.

That is why, before classes, you should do exercises for the development of speech breathing and try to create a playful atmosphere with which the child will be relaxed.

Do not rush to the result, the main thing is not to stop classes, and as gratitude for your efforts, your baby will say goodbye to this ailment and develop his speech.

  • Fun carousel- walk with the child in a circle and say at each step the words: "We ride on merry roundabouts opa-opa - pa-pa, tati-tati-ta-ta";
  • Funny chicks- jump on the left and on right leg take turns and repeat: “Clap - clap top-top! UV-UV, AF-AF! Dzap-dzap, tap-tap! Tap-tap, chick-chick! ";
  • Conductor- make rhythmic movements with your hands and pronounce the words and syllables in chant with the baby.

It should be noted that the principle of working with children and adults is the same, the only difference is that play forms are developed for children, but this is not required for adults.

Speech development exercises: video

Watch a short video about the exercise: Articulatory Gymnastics - Jam


Correct and beautiful speech is the key to success in any endeavors. Listen to the child's conversation and consider if your speech can be a role model. If you notice deviations from the norm, you need to contact a speech therapist or try to correct the wrong sounds yourself. For successful classes, many effective techniques and universal techniques to help you quickly achieve the desired result.

  1. 1. Start with simple sounds, move on to complex sounds gradually ("k", "g", "x", "y", "l", "p").
  2. 2. Before starting work, do a speech therapy workout for the lips and tongue.
  3. 3. Organize activities so that your child will enjoy them.
  4. 4. Exercises for setting sounds, take from the speech therapy manual.

Perseverance and patience plus consistent execution guidelines will allow you to achieve success in the shortest possible time.

For the development of speech

Articulatory gymnastics - speech therapy warm-up - logo charging - a set of exercises that improve the mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Gymnastics helps to make speech clear, the child should not be forced.

Repeat the exercises at every opportunity, while training your breathing. Respiratory gymnastics organize in a playful way. Several popular exercises will please your little one and will be extremely beneficial.

  1. 1. "Blow up the soap bubble." You can play in the bathroom, blowing bubbles between your palms, or on the street. Prepare a soapy solution of shampoo and water for the session.
  2. 2. "Blow off the dandelion" (if the season of dandelions has not come, you can blow off a fluff or cotton wool from the notebook sheet).
  3. 3. "Whose boat will sail further." Make paper boats and put them in a bowl of water. Blow on the boats, competing, whose farther will float away. Do the exercise for no more than 7 seconds so that your child does not get dizzy.
  4. 4. "Funny monkey". Inflate the cheeks and pull the ears, show and hide the tongue, grimace in front of the mirror. Make a serious face and then show the monkey again.
  5. 5. "Inflating balloons." Inflate colorful balloons with your child and put them on the table, then blow them off the table.
  6. 6. "How the snake hisses." Invite your child to show the little snake hissing (quietly). How hisses big snake(medium strength) and huge (very strong hiss).

Work on the sound "r"

After warm-up, start setting sounds. The most problematic sound is "r", it is trained with special exercises.

  1. 1. "Whose teeth shine better":
  • open your mouth and, from the inside, move the tip of your tongue along your teeth, like brushing;
  • show clean teeth in a smile.

Important! There is a smile on the lips, the teeth are visible, the jaw is motionless.

  1. 2. "We will paint the house":
  • stretch your lips in a wide smile, open your mouth and lick the palate with a thin tip of your tongue;
  • make the language of movement back and forth, like the brush of a painter who paints a house.

Important! The lips are motionless, the tongue touches the outside of the teeth.

  1. 3. "Who will throw the ball next":
  • stretch lips in a smile;
  • stick out your tongue and put it with a wide front edge on the lower lip. At the same time, pronounce the sound "f" so long that it turns out to blow the fleece to the opposite edge of the table.

Important! Do not puff out cheeks, control that the child pronounces the sound "f".

  1. 4. "Delicious jam".

Open your mouth a little and make a movement with your tongue along your lips, as if licking a jam. You can drop a drop of honey or jam on the child's lips.

Important! Hold your lower jaw with your finger, if it tries to help the tongue, the tongue does not touch the corners of the mouth.

  1. 5. "Bird":
  • open your mouth, put a wide tongue on the upper lip and move it back and forth along the lip;
  • at the same time, without lifting the tongue from the lips, perform stroking movements;
  • do the exercise slowly at first, then increase the pace and pronounce bl-bl-bl, like a dove.

Important! The tongue licks the lip well, does not fall out forward and does not go to the side.

  1. 6. "Musicians":
  • open your mouth in a smile, drum the edge of your tongue on the upper alveoli and try to say a sound similar to English D;
  • the exercise resembles a drum roll, increase the speed each time.

Important! The hit of the tongue is clear, like a drum roll, no extraneous sounds other than D are heard. During the exercise, a strong air stream is formed, the mouth does not close. When done correctly, the piece of paper brought to the mouth is deflected.

Setting the sound "c"

The most effective are 2 methods of working on the pronunciation of the sound "ts".

  1. 1. Game form:
  • bring your finger to your lips and tell your child, “Don't speak so loudly. Quiet!" - t-sss; The cat sleeps on the roof. Don't wake him up, otherwise he will eat the mice t-sss. Everything around is quiet t-sss. Mice do not make noise t-sss;
  • the train stops t-sss. Don't make noise passengers t-sss. Take your time to get out t-sss. Don't talk so loud t-sss.
  1. 2. From delivered sounds.

Bring the child's hand to your lips and say the sound c. He should feel one touch of the air stream. Now bring his hand to his lips and ask him to pronounce the sound "t". He will feel two touches of the air jet. This happens when the sound is mispronounced. Explain to your child that there should be one stream of air. Repeat the exercise until the child is tired.

For the sound "l"

  • "Train whistle". Show the tongue and at the same time say - oo-oo-oo. The train goes ooh ooh. Loudly, clearly oo-oo-oo.
  • "Clean tongue". Press your tongue between your teeth as if you were trying to brush. Perform up and down movements. The exercise is like a house painter painting a house.
  • "Let's play with the horse" (sound from the clatter of hooves). The merry horse runs, and the hooves are singing tsc-tsc-tsc. Run around with a child, pretending to be a horse.
  • "The tongue sings." Biting your tongue a little, sing lok-lok-lok. Silence and again lok-lok-lok. Make two or three approaches.

When stuttering

When working with stuttering, it is important to form fluency of speech, develop speech breathing, perform a variety of exercises in game form in a comfortable environment for the child.

  1. 1. "Merry-go-round". Walk in a circle and say at each step: “We funny carousel opa-opa-opa-pa-pa, tatati-tati-tata. "
  2. 2. "Funny Chickens". Jumping on the right and left legs alternately with the words: “Clap-top-clap! Uf-iv-af! Ap-zap-tap! Tap-tip-rap-rop-chick-chick! "
  3. 3. "Let's play conductor." Wave your hands rhythmically, the child should chant any words, syllables or vowels.
  4. 4. Clap your hands for each vowel sound. If successful, add stomping. If the child does not succeed in clapping and stomping at the same time, work out in turn, then connect. It is important that the child likes the exercise, he feels comfortable, is not afraid or shy.
  5. 5. Invite your child to read a short children's poem to any calm music, to monitor the observance of the rhythm. If you have successfully read a small poem, choose more complex and longer ones. Offer to tell a familiar poem to the beat of the music, classical or modern without words.

For adults

Before starting classes with your child, pay attention to your speech, if you do not pronounce some sounds clearly enough, practice them with tongue twisters. Sequence of classes:

  • read the tongue twister several times;
  • try to pronounce, slowly pronouncing all the sounds;
  • do not accelerate until it is clear and crisp;
  • having achieved positive results, speed up the pace. Accurate sound reproduction is key, not speed;
  • pronounce small tongue twisters in one breath, observe the tempo and rhythm.

Pronunciation clarity

Pronounce it clearly and distinctly: grass, firewood, bed, river, cancer, fire, bow, knock, bunch, nail, eagle, goat, came, left, entered, karate, pianist, fascist, foreign tourist, eyebrow, carrot, blizzard, carousel , water, game, reached, sole, regiment, mug, girlfriend, plate, squirrel, bed, stand, write, fly, jump, bird.

These words help identify problem sounds.

Take any poem or text and read it with intonation, clearly articulating the sounds. Watch the position of the lower jaw and lips.

There are no fundamental differences when working with children and adults, the technique and exercises are the same. Check the correctness of the exercises in front of the mirror.

After a stroke

Speech therapy exercises will help to restore speech after a stroke if performed systematically. Repeat each exercise 15-20 times.

  1. 1. "Horse". Move your tongue in your mouth to mimic a horse's clatter.
  2. 2. " Poisonous snake". Stick your tongue out as far as possible and hiss like a snake.
  3. 3. "Wall". Make a grin so that your front teeth are visible. Runs without sound.
  4. 4. "The good wizard." Smile without showing your teeth.
  5. 5. "Pipe". Show the tip of your tongue, rolled into a tube, blow into it as hard as possible.
  6. 6. "Loudspeaker". Make your lips a tube, put your palm to your lips and trumpet loudly.
  7. 7. "Bagel". Round your lips and sing O-O-O-O-O-O-O.
  8. 8. "Pendulum". Stick out your tongue and move it up and down like a pendulum.
  9. 9. "Good palm." Kiss your palm, smacking loudly (as with an air kiss). While doing the exercise, fold your lips into a tube with tension.
  10. 10. "The trunk of an elephant." Stick out your tongue and try to get your nose first, then your chin, do not help your lips.

Exercising regularly will help the stroke patient to restore speech and return to full communication.

Speech therapy classes for children and adults, the articulatory apparatus is trained, the clarity of pronunciation is increased, and the correct speech is formed. When setting sounds, it is important to do breathing exercises.

Everyone knows and understands well traditional species gymnastics, consisting of various exercises for the arms, legs, back. We train them to develop general motor skills, so that the muscles become stronger and the body more agile and faster.

Why do you need to train your tongue, because there are no bones in it? It is this organ that is the main one for our speech, therefore it also needs special exercises. The development and strengthening of his muscles allows you to accurately and clearly pronounce all words and sounds, making speech clearer and more understandable.

Articulatory gymnastics is necessary for children to develop pronunciation skills

Articulation gymnastics - what is it?

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises for the development of the articulatory apparatus - increasing the mobility and development of the motor skills of the lips, tongue, cheeks, bridle, which is required for the correct reproduction of sounds. The purpose of articulatory gymnastics classes is to work out movements with all the organs listed above and bring them to the automatism of taking the necessary positions.

A child for good diction and pronunciation requires strong lips and tongue that can easily change their position. It is to achieve this that it is necessary to engage in articulatory gymnastics with him, performing special exercises and playing speech therapy games.

Often, speech defects and insufficiently clear diction become an obstacle for the child's full communication with peers, which negatively affects his psycho-emotional state... You can reduce the likelihood of such problems in children with the help of articulatory gymnastics, which should be started as early as possible. It will help children aged 2 - 4 years to quickly learn to pronounce all sounds correctly, at 5 - 7 years old - it will correct and reduce speech defects.

You can do gymnastics for the tongue with a speech therapist or at home in front of a mirror

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You can do articulatory gymnastics with your child on your own, however, you should periodically be examined by a speech therapist, starting from 1.5 - 2 years (see also:). By the age of 4, it is already quite clearly visible which sounds the baby has problems with pronouncing. It happens that at the age of five they pass by themselves, but only a specialist can correctly assess the development of speech in a child and determine how much it corresponds to age (for more details, see the article :). It is he who should be engaged in adjusting the pronunciation of the baby in the presence of problems. Based individual characteristics, the doctor will prescribe a special set of exercises, explain how to perform them correctly and demonstrate this by his own example.

In almost every kindergarten a speech therapist works, so there they also do articulatory gymnastics with the kids. He not only conducts regular examinations, but also, starting from the age of 5, is engaged in the elimination of defects, conducting lessons for the development of speech. However, these exercises are often not enough; in the presence of pronounced problems, it will be required to regularly perform all necessary exercises and at home.

The exercises should begin in front of a mirror - so the child can observe the movements of the lips and tongue. Unlike adults, in whom all movements are performed automatically, the baby needs to visually display all his actions during the class to develop the necessary skills.

The goal of gymnastics is to make the tongue strong and mobile and teach it to take the positions necessary for pronounced sounds.

Adults, pronouncing sounds, do this without thinking about setting the tongue, position of the lips, breathing. For a child who is just mastering their correct pronunciation, all these moments seem rather difficult and incomprehensible. Lips and tongue obey him with great difficulty, constantly trying to take a more comfortable, but not always correct position.

You can make classes easier and more interesting for the child by turning boring and incomprehensible exercises into funny Games and stories about the adventures of the language, accompanied by poems and riddles. Invite him to imagine that his tongue lives in his house (mouth), where it hides behind a high fence (teeth). He goes to bed, looks out the window, goes for a walk, turns into a kitten or a horse, rides a steamer - so you can imagine any exercise as addicting game and a whole story about his life.

It is very difficult to overestimate the importance of articulatory gymnastics for babies. It is comparable to the role morning exercises and has a similar effect on the muscles of the face - strengthens them, improves blood circulation in them, develops mobility and flexibility. To consolidate existing skills and acquire new ones, the daily implementation of the recommended complex will allow, taking 5 minutes to classes several times a day and repeating each exercise from 4 to 8 times.

It is possible that some of the exercises can be difficult even for you. In this case, do them with your child, do not hesitate to admit your difficulties to him. Be patient and stay calm - and at some point you will succeed. Pictures depicting each articulation exercise or special speech therapy training videos can help you achieve it.

Exercises and games

Playing with the tongue is one of the first lessons of articulatory gymnastics. Parents need to read the text of the tale about the tongue and show the necessary movements. First, the child repeats them, the next time he shows himself.

Below are examples of exercises with short instructions included in the main complex for the development of articulatory motor skills in younger children preschool age... All tasks should be performed 4 - 8 times, dynamic - doing 2 - 6 repetitions, for static - stay in the specified position for 3 - 5 seconds. Before each repetition, give your child some time to rest and relax the muscles of the face and tongue.

Universal complex

  • "Tasty honey" - we make the following movements - we open our mouth and draw it along the upper lip with a pointed tongue, first in one direction, then in the other direction. During execution, we control the chin - it must remain static.
  • "Needle" - we open our mouth and stick out our tense tongue, trying to give it a pointed shape. We fix the position for a few seconds.
  • "Swing" - to perform, we open our mouth wide and put a calm tongue on the lower lip, then we either raise it to the upper lip, then lower it down.
  • “Kitten lapping milk” - we open our mouth and stick out our tongue, then we make several lapping movements.
  • "Shovel" - to perform this exercise, you need to open your mouth and place your relaxed tongue on your lower lip. We linger in this position for a while.
  • "Pendulum" - we open our mouth and stretch our lips in a smile, after which we stick out our pointed tongue and touch its tip alternately to the corners of the lips. During execution, we control the position of the chin - it should remain static, and the tongue - it should not slide over the lips.
  • "Bridge" - we open our mouth and rest against the inside with the tip of the tongue against the teeth from below. We fix the position and slowly close our mouth without relaxing the tongue.
  • "Window" - slowly open your mouth, and then close it.
  • "Nut" - without opening our mouth, we alternately rest against the walls of our cheeks with a tense tongue.
  • "Smile" is done as follows: the corners of the lips are stretched in a smile, so that the teeth become visible, and then smoothly return to their original position.
  • "Proboscis" - we stretch our lips forward, as if we want to kiss someone, hold them in this position, then slowly return them to their original position.
  • "Hamster" - closing the mouth, inflate our cheeks and linger in this position.
  • "Cup" - open the mouth, then place it on the lower lip soft tongue, bend its sides up and slowly raise it in this state to the upper arch.

Examples of exercises to strengthen the tongue

Learning the sounds "s", "s", "s", "s"

With the correct pronunciation of these sounds, the lips need to be stretched a little in a smile, so that the teeth are slightly visible, and the tongue rested against the teeth in front, and touched the chewing edges with the edges. In this position, a groove is formed along the tongue, upon passing through which the inhaled air generates a whistling noise. You can feel its movement by bringing your hand to your mouth. The following exercises will help improve articulation and learn the correct pronunciation of these sounds:

  • "Whistles" - we stretch our lips in a smile, hide our tongue from below behind our teeth and try to whistle.
  • “Blowing cotton wool off your palm” - we stretch our lips in a smile and put a calm tongue on the lower lip, sticking it out slightly. We breathe in and breathe out the air, as if we are trying to blow something out.

Correct pronunciation of sounds "w", "z"

When pronouncing hissing sounds, the mouth should be kept slightly open, the lips should be rounded, and the end of the tongue should be raised to the upper fornix, touching it with the edges of the chewing teeth from above. In this position, a small bowl-shaped notch appears under the tongue, through which air passes as you exhale. You can feel its movement by bringing your hand to your mouth.

The exercise " Delicious jam»

In parallel with the training of the articulatory apparatus, it is necessary to work with the child on the definition of various hissing and sibilant sounds by ear. This can be done in a playful way - for example, an adult pronounces one or another sound, after which he begins to pronounce various words. Having heard a word with a hidden sound, the baby must show it to an adult - for example, with a cotton. The following exercises will help you learn how to pronounce these sounds correctly:

  • "Delicious jam" - we open our mouth, stretch our lips in a smile and run our tongue 2-3 times over the upper lip, licking it.
  • "Blow the cotton off the nose" - put a little cotton on the tip of the tongue. We put it in a "cup", lift the cotton wool up, and blow it off as we exhale.
  • "Putting the tongue to sleep" - we place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip.

Study of the sounds "h", "u"

The practice of these sounds can be started only when the child has learned to pronounce deaf hissing sounds. The following exercises are suitable for this:

  • "The chick is calling for mom" - slightly open our mouth and place a relaxed tongue on the lower lip. We pronounce the sound "five-five-five", touching the tongue with our lips.
  • Holding a wide relaxed tongue - open your mouth and maintain the position for 10 seconds.

Exercise is necessary for sounds: P, Pb, F, Ch, Sh, S, S, Th, D, Ts

When doing the exercises, it is important to keep your tongue and lips relaxed and to carefully control your breathing, not allowing it to be delayed. We repeat each exercise 3 - 6 times.

Study of the sounds "l" and "l"

  • "Painter" - we slightly open our mouth and stretch our lips in a smile and drive with a tense tongue along the upper fornix.
  • “The steamer is buzzing” - we open our mouth and stretch our lips, as if smiling. We pinch the tip of the tongue with our teeth, exhale and say "s-s-s" - if done correctly, you will hear a sound reminiscent of "l".
  • "Inflate the cheeks" - we pinch the tip of the tongue with our teeth and exhale air, inflating the cheeks. If the exercise is performed correctly, then the air should calmly flow around the tongue.

Exercise "Steamer"

Correct pronunciation of the "r" sound

The pronunciation of this sound is most often difficult, since it is trembling and front-lingual. Many parents themselves do not always distinguish it from a similar vibrating throat sound. The following exercises will help you develop accurate pronunciation.

Speech therapy is very important for a child's development. After all, the correct speech speaks about the culture of raising a child, which is very important in modern world.

The exercises described below will help your kid speak correctly, eliminate speech defects, teach them how to write and read correctly.

In children, a common problem is the misdirection of sounds and their unclear pronunciation. To do this, you need to deal with him and do articulatory speech therapy exercises.

Do not think that the child will grow up and learn to speak correctly. Many will not be able to cope without your help.

There are also physiological characteristics that will prevent them from doing this. These include:

  • heredity;
  • lack or loss of hearing;
  • parental lisp;
  • imitation;
  • short bridle;
  • weak lingual muscles;
  • improper development of the jaw.

All these factors do not allow the child to build the correct sounds, so do not be lazy and pay attention to your child.

How to properly conduct speech therapy exercises

There are several important points:

  • conduct classes when the child is fed and calm;
  • motivate the child to speech therapy exercises, explaining how important it is for his future;
  • allocate space in the room specifically for classes;
  • purchase large mirror so that the child can control himself;
  • do not do everything for the child, you can only prompt;
  • take breaks;
  • give praise and give confidence.

The duration of speech therapy sessions should be no more than 30 minutes. The exercises should be repeated up to three times a week.

Speech therapy articulation exercise"Fence"

The child should smile broadly, showing his teeth.

Let him hold this position for the maximum amount of time.

Speech therapy exercises "Little chick"

The child should open his mouth as wide as possible, making a smile. In this case, you do not need to move your tongue, just stay in this position for a minute.

Exercise "Naughty tongue"

You need to open your mouth slightly and stick out your tongue, placing it on your lower lip. Next, say "F-F-F-F," slapping your tongue with your lips.

Speech therapy articulation lesson "Tube"

Exercise "Sweet jam"

Open your mouth and start slowly licking your upper and lower lip. Do this several times in a circle.

Lesson "Clean teeth"

It is necessary to put the tongue to the teeth from the inside and make circular movements, starting from the upper jaw.

The lower jaw must remain motionless.

Speech therapy lessons "Tick-tock"

Make a smile so that half of your teeth are visible.

Stick out your tongue and start touching the corners of your mouth with it. When the child is doing these exercises, tell the child tick-tock, tick-tock.

Exercise "Snake"

Have the child open his mouth and stick out his tongue. The main thing here is to do it in such a way that the tongue does not touch the teeth and lips.

You need to move your tongue back and forth several times.

Articulation lesson "Nuts"

It is necessary that the child's mouth was closed, and he rested his tongue first on the right cheek, then on the left.

Exercise "Goal"

Very suitable for those who love sports and football.

The bottom line is to put your tongue on your lower lip, and by issuing the letter "F" to deflate the cotton ball.

You can build a gate from markers or cubes. The main thing is not to puff out your cheeks.

Class " Angry kitty»

The child should open his mouth and set his tongue in such a position that it rests on the lower teeth.

You need to try to lift the tongue up, arching the back of the tongue. This is how the cats arch their backs.

Speech therapy classes with tongue twisters

If you want your baby to learn to speak correctly and clearly, use repetition of tongue twisters for this.

With their help, you can:

  • increase vocabulary;
  • improve diction;
  • develop speech hearing.

In addition, your child will stop eating endings, learn to pick up intonation and understand what he is saying. And most importantly, he will be able to listen.

Tongue twisters for a clear letter "L":

  • Polkan pushed the stick with his paw, Polkan pushed the stick with his paw;
  • the tree has pins for splitting, needles for splitting for the tree;
  • the woodpecker hammered the oak, but did not finish it;
  • Klava put the bow on the shelf, called Nikolka to her;
  • the cat rolled the ball of thread into a corner;
  • the cat lapped milk, and Vitya dipped a roll in milk.

Speech therapy classes and tongue twisters for a clear letter "R":

  • Fish in the hole a dime a dozen;
  • Peter Petru baked pies;
  • Kondrat's jacket is a bit short;
  • In the meadow under the hill lies a curd cheese with a red crust, forty-forty in short term ate cheese;
  • The road to the city is uphill, from the city - from the mountain;
  • Three trumpeters blow their trumpets.

Speech therapy exercises for clarity of letters "W, W, S, F":

  • 16 mice walked and 6 found pennies;
  • Buba's bunny got a toothache;
  • Sasha was given porridge, and Klasha was given yogurt;
  • Zoya's bunny is called a good-for-nothing;
  • Already the wasp has stung, the hedgehog is terribly sorry for him;
  • Stas walked along the chasse to Sasha to play checkers;
  • Checkers on the table, cones on the pine;
  • Zoya was carrying on a cart, a kid, a goat and a goat;
  • You can't run on skis in a puddle;
  • It rained twice once;
  • 6 mice rustle in the reeds.

Study with your kids speech therapy exercises and when they grow up, they will thank you so much!

Their further life depends on you, future profession and communication with people around.

As you know, a person constantly communicates in the company of other people. And as a result, correct and beautiful speech is essential to achieve success in any endeavors. This statement is unlikely to be disputed by anyone. That's why speech therapy gymnastics for the development of the child's speech makes sense from the preschool age of the child!

Try to listen to your baby's conversation. Now think about what sounds do not sound right? If you notice any deviations from normal speech, then you should make an appointment with a speech therapist. Although you can work out some of the sounds with the "child" yourself. For successful classes, there are a lot of useful techniques that are easy to use, including speech therapy rhymes for children 4 5 years old. It is important to observe the main condition - if you want to ensure that your child speaks correctly, then you need to deal with him regularly.

Useful Tips, which will make speech therapy exercises for the development of the child's speech effective and simple. So what should you apply?

  • You need to start classes with simple sounds. And then gradually to more complex ones (k, r, x, d, l, p);
  • Do not forget to first carry out speech therapy exercises for the tongue and lips;
  • Classes will be more effective if the child likes it;
  • There are excellent exercises in any speech therapy manual.

And as the saying goes - patience and work will grind everything! Performing techniques, regular classes, where there will be speech therapy exercises for the tongue, lips at first, the consistent mastering of all sounds will make your child a correct, delivered speech.

Speech therapy exercises

At the beginning of each lesson, it is imperative to carry out a speech therapy warm-up - special exercises, speech therapy rhymes for children 3-4 years old, which will help increase the flexibility and mobility of the articulatory apparatus. Such gymnastics will make the child's speech clear in the early stages, and at the same time, the baby should not feel that his parents are “forcing” him. Repeat the exercises anyway. Also, do not forget about breathing exercises, which can be done in game form... And such a thing as articulatory gymnastics for babies in pictures will be best. So kids do not "close" and do not "harm". Here are some popular exercises that your little one will love and will be extremely helpful:

  1. "Soap bubble". You can play in the bathroom, blowing bubbles between your palms. Or on the street, after diluting shampoo with water in a jar. Look for one that doesn't sting your eyes.
  2. "Whose boat will sail further." Make paper boats, put them in a bowl of water, and start blowing, competing with your baby. You need to blow no more than 10 seconds so that the child does not start to feel dizzy.
  3. Blow off the dandelion. We blow on the flower so that its "parachutes" flew in all directions.
  4. "Mischievous monkey". Inflate your cheeks, protrude your ears, show and hide the tongue. This is how you have to show the child the monkey, and then ask him to repeat it. You can also stand in front of the mirror and curl up together.
  5. "How the snake hisses." Have your toddler simulate a small snake hissing (quietly). And then, for the child to show how “a big snake hisses” (middle sound), and how a huge python hisses (loud sound).
  6. "Inflate the balloons." Buy colorful balloons from the store and inflate them with your child. And then blow the balls off the table.

An excellent way to "tame capricious and mischievous" children is to use articulatory gymnastics for toddlers in pictures. And if the pictures are still unusual with a colorful pattern / favorite characters of the baby, then the child is more willing to participate in this game.

Articulatory gymnastics for babies in pictures

Speech therapy exercises for the sound "R"

After you have kneaded the speech apparatus together, you can start training the pronunciation of sounds. The practice of many speech therapists shows that one of the most problematic sounds is the pronunciation of the letter "P". So, what if the child does not pronounce the letter p, exercises or speech therapy rhymes for children 5 years old?

  1. Whose teeth shine better? Ask your baby to open his mouth and move the tip of his tongue along his teeth from the inside. It's like brushing your teeth. Next, the child smiles and shows clean teeth.

An important point! There is a smile on the lips, the teeth are visible, and the jaw remains motionless.

  1. “We paint the house”.

The child stretches his lips in a wide smile, opens his mouth and licks the palate with a thin tip of his tongue. By the way, if the child does not pronounce the letter p, then this exercise is one of the most effective. The kid runs his tongue across the sky back and forth. An important condition to watch for: lips do not move, tongue is in contact with the outside of the teeth.

  1. "Who will throw the ball next?" The child smiles, sticks out his tongue and puts its wide edge on the lower lip. Put cotton wool on the table so that the child in this position "blows" it to the opposite edge. In this case, the pronunciation of the sound "f" occurs.

Important! Make sure your child does not make their cheeks big.

  1. "Delicious jam". Ask your child to open his mouth and run his tongue over his lips, as if a baby is licking a jam. You can really drop a drop of honey, jam on your lips.

Important! Hold your baby's lower jaw with your finger to keep it motionless.

  1. "Birdie"

The kid opens his mouth, puts the tongue on the upper lip. And with the wide edge of the tongue it runs along the upper lip back and forth. Make sure that the tongue does not come off the lips. You need to start doing the exercise slowly, and then ask to speed up the pace and pronounce the sounds "bl-bl-bl" as a dove does.

An important point! The tongue should not come off the lip, not "hide" completely into the mouth.

  1. "Musicians"

The child opens his mouth in a wide smile, drumming the edge of his tongue on the upper teeth, trying to say a sound that is similar in pronunciation to the letter english alphabet"D" (di). The exercise should resemble a "drum roll", where the tempo increases with each beat.

An important point - the blow of the tongue should be clear, no extraneous sounds, except for the English "di", should be heard.

During the exercise, the mouth does not close and a strong air stream is felt. To make sure that the exercise is done correctly, bring a piece of paper to the baby's lips - it should deflect.

One more useful exercise- is to learn speech therapy rhymes for children 4 years old to pronounce the letter p. So you will play and develop with the child. And as an example of this exercise, we offer you a popular rhyme to pronounce the letter p.