Speech therapy classes for children 7 8 years old. Lesson "Angry Kitty". Exercises for setting the sound P

Passed as efficiently as possible and were not difficult for the child, you should adhere to certain rules in their conduct.

  • All classes should be built according to the rules of the game, since otherwise you may run into the child's stubborn reluctance to study.
  • The duration of a lesson without a break should be no more than 15-20 minutes (you need to start with 3-5 minutes).
  • Classes should be held 2-3 times a day; the best time to exercise is after breakfast and after a nap.
  • Do not force your child to exercise if they are not feeling well.
  • Set aside a dedicated classroom space where nothing can interfere with your child.
  • Use visuals when explaining to your child.
  • Do not use the word "wrong", support all the baby's endeavors, praise even minor successes.
  • Talk to your baby clearly, turning to face him; let him see and remember the movements of your lips.
  • Do not be afraid to experiment: based on the recommendations given on this site, you can come up with games and exercises yourself.

In addition to doing specific activities, you should read as much as possible to your baby. Remember that communication with you is very important to your child. And not only during classes, but also every minute of your stay with him.

Be patient and do not give up what you started, even if the result will not be visible immediately. As they say, patience and work will grind everything. And you and your baby will definitely succeed. Good luck and patience.

So, you decided to start working with your child on your own before you have the opportunity to receive qualified assistance... Before starting the class, prepare everything you may need.

· A large tabletop mirror so that the child can control the correctness of the articulatory exercises.

· "Lotto" of various subjects (zoological, biological, "Dishes", "Furniture", etc.).

· It is also good to purchase dummies of fruits, vegetables, sets of small plastic toy animals, insects, vehicles, doll dishes, etc. (or at least pictures)

· Cut pictures from two or more parts.

· Collecting various pictures that can be useful in preparation for classes (colorful food packaging, magazines, posters, catalogs, etc.) should become your hobby before the final compensation of the child's speech underdevelopment. collection ".

· For the development of fine motor skills, purchase or make your own games: plasticine and other materials for modeling, construction set, lacing, counting sticks, etc.

· Notebook or album for pasting pictures and planning lessons.

The main difficulty for parents is the child's unwillingness to study. To overcome this, it is necessary to interest the baby. It is important to remember that the main activity of children is play. All classes must be built according to the rules of the game!

You can "go on a trip" to the Fairy Kingdom or visit Dunno. A teddy bear or a doll can also "talk" with a baby. A rare child will sit still and absorb knowledge. Do not worry! Your efforts will not be in vain, and the result of the lessons will certainly appear.

To achieve the result, you need to practice every day. Held daily:

  • games for the development of fine motor skills,
  • articulatory gymnastics(preferably 2 times a day),
  • games to develop auditory attention or phonemic hearing,
  • games for the formation of lexical and grammatical categories.

The number of games is 2-3 per day, in addition to games for the development of fine motor skills and articulatory gymnastics. Don't overwork your baby! Do not overload with information! This can cause stuttering. Start with 3-5 minutes a day, gradually increasing the time. Some classes (for example, on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories) can be done on the way home. The duration of a lesson without a break should not exceed 15 - 20 minutes.

Later, the child's attention will dissipate, and he will not be able to perceive any information. Some children cannot concentrate even during this time, because every child is different. If you see that your child's gaze is wandering, that he no longer reacts in any way to your speech, no matter how hard you try and attract all the playful moments you are familiar with, then the lesson must be stopped or interrupted for a while.

Use visual material! It is difficult for children to perceive words cut off from the image. For example, if you decide to learn the names of fruits with your child, show them in their natural form or use dummies, pictures.

Speak clearly with your face facing your child. Let him see the movements of your lips, memorize them.

Don't use the word "wrong"! Support all the baby's endeavors, praise even minor successes. Don't ask him to pronounce the word correctly right away. It is better to just repeat the pronunciation of this word yourself again.

The first sounds and words of the little man are quite funny and make adults smile. However, no one will smile if they hear inverted words and incomprehensible phrases from an adult. Communication is important element our life. The ability to correctly and competently express their thoughts, the ability to clearly formulate the answers to the questions posed, as well as the ability to pronounce all the sounds are what not only children, but also adults need to strive for.

Speech therapy classes for children at home it is constant communication with the child in a playful way. Once your child is interested, you can engage with him by playing speech-development games such as

  • finger games (games for the development of fine motor skills)
  • articulatory gymnastics
  • games for the development of hearing, games for sound and logo rhythm (poems with movements)
  • poems for the development of speech and replenishment vocabulary

The most difficult thing is to get the child interested. And this is a very serious task. After all, it is not so easy to seat a little fidget. In general, it is not necessary to sit down, you can deal with the child when he plays in his hut or jumps on the sofa. Classes should take place in a playful way. Then it will be easier for you, and the child will learn the material without hysterics and whims.

Are you looking for speech therapy classes for children 2 - 3 years old?

A few tips before starting classes with children at home:

  • classes should be initially short (2-3 minutes). Then we gradually increase them. Maximum 15-20 minutes one time.
  • activities should please the child. Do not force or insist, so you can completely discourage the child from hunting for something.
  • it is better to practice more often, but little by little. By doing the same exercise often, the child develops a skill.
  • use laughter during class. Do not scold for incorrect pronunciation or if the child is unable to do something. Better, together with your child, find out why he has such a naughty tongue and how to fix it. Better to be an ally and friend to the child than a strict teacher. How to praise a child correctly.

I would like to dwell in more detail on each of the types of games that you need to play with your child.

Finger games are a type of development. A close relationship has been established between the human hand and the speech center of the brain.

Learning texts using finger gymnastics stimulates the development of speech, spatial thinking, attention, imagination, fosters quick reaction and emotional expressiveness. The child remembers poetic texts better; his speech becomes more expressive.

You need to do it every day for 5 minutes, then such exercises will be effective.

Articulatory gymnastics is gymnastics for the tongue and lips. Language is the main muscle of the organs of speech. The language must be trained and developed so that it can correctly perform certain specific movements, which are called sound pronunciation. The lips and tongue must be flexible and strong.

To perform articulatory gymnastics, you need a mirror. The child should see how his tongue works, where it is located. In order to bring the exercises to automatism, you need to constantly exercise. It is important to do the exercises correctly, carefully monitor the position of the tongue.

You need to exercise every day for 5-7 minutes. Preferably 2 times a day. The result is correct and clear speech.

For correct sound pronunciation, it is also necessary to complete tasks that are aimed at developing voice, breathing and speech hearing.

  • Sound generating games, hearing development and logo rhythmics

Speech or phonemic hearing Is the ability to hear, recognize and distinguish sounds correctly.

Hearing development games

1. "Ears - hearing"

Target: consolidate the ability to differentiate sounds, develop auditory attention.

Speech therapist shows wooden, metal spoons, crystal glasses. Children call these items. The teacher invites you to listen to how these objects sound. Having installed the screen, it reproduces the sound of these objects in turn. Children recognize sounds and name the objects that make them.

2. "Who said" Meow? "

Target: improve the ability to distinguish by ear the voices of pets.

Material: tape recorder, audio recording with sounds of voices of pets.

3. "Who is standing at the traffic light?"

Target: develop auditory attention, recognize and name modes of transport.

Material: tape recorder and audio recording with street noises.

Speech therapist includes audio recording with street sounds. Children listen to sounds and name vehicles that stop at a traffic light (car, truck, tractor, motorcycle, cart, tram).

4. "Where is the ringing?"

Target: develop auditory attention, the ability to navigate in space with closed eyes.

Children stand with their eyes closed. A speech therapist with a bell silently moves around the group and rings. Children, without opening their eyes, point their hand in the direction of the sound source.

5. Finger game "Thunderstorm"

Target: coordinate the movement with the text, taking into account changes in dynamics and tempo of sound.

The speech therapist reads the words of the game, and the children perform movements according to the text.

Dripped drops (knock on the table with two index fingers).
It's raining (softly tapping with four fingers of both hands).
It pours like a bucket (loudly knocking with four fingers).
The hail has gone (knocking with the bones of the fingers, knocking out a fraction).
Thunder (banging your fists on the table).
Lightning flashes (we draw a lightning bolt in the air with our fingers, we make a sound w).
Everybody quickly runs home (clap your hands, hide your hands behind your back).
The sun shines brightly in the morning (describe a large circle with both hands).

Speech imitation or onomatopoeia

This is the reproduction of the sounds, words, phrases pronounced by the speaker after the speaker.

Use figures or pictures of animals to play. Moms and their cubs. After all, the frog mom is screaming KVA, and the frog is Kwa. Remember the tale of the three bears, the daddy bear growls loudly, the mommy bear is quieter, and the bear cub squeaks.

Household noise imitation games:

  • The clock is ticking - TIK-TAK
  • Dripping water - CAP-CAP
  • Kid stomping - TOP-TOP
  • Hammer knocks TUK-TUK
  • Scissors cut CHIK-CHIK
  • We swing on a swing KACH-KACH
  • We eat carrots CRUM-CRUM
  • The car is going BI-BI

Speech therapy rhythm or logo rhythm- a combination of movement, speech and music. An adult reads a verse and shows movements, a child repeats. Nothing complicated. Children are fun and interesting. Of course, an adult needs to read and learn the necessary rhymes in advance and learn the movements to them. You also need to pick up in advance musical accompaniment under the verses. It is advisable to practice in the afternoon 2-3 times a week.

Walk game (development of general motor skills)
Along the narrow path (walking in place)
Our feet are walking (raising his legs high)
By pebbles, by pebbles (shift from foot to foot at a slow pace)
And into the hole ... boo! (sit on the floor on the last word)

  • Poems for the development of speech - tongue twisters and vocabulary replenishment

Tongue twisters are short rhymed phrases. Tongue twisters are the best exercises to work out the clarity and literacy of speech. Tongue twisters increase the child's vocabulary, improve diction, and also develop verbal hearing.

For a child to be able to speak competently, to be able to express his thoughts and feelings, he needs his own vocabulary.

Your child's vocabulary consists of:

  • passive vocabulary (those words that the child understands)
  • active vocabulary (those words that the child speaks)

Initially, the child's active vocabulary is small, but over time, the words that were in the passive vocabulary the child will transfer to the active one. The larger the passive vocabulary, the better.

To increase your vocabulary, look at pictures together, read books, comment on your actions.

For lessons with my child, I use various manuals, one of the latest successful acquisitions is the "Big Album for the Development of Speech" and "Lessons from a Speech Therapist. Games for the development of speech ”.


This book consists of 3 sections, for each section are given detailed instructions how to do

  • finger gymnastics
    • 1 group. Hand exercises (pp. 8-29)
    • Group 2. Conditionally static finger exercises (pp. 30-47)
    • Group 3. Dynamic finger exercises (pp. 48-57)
  • articulatory gymnastics. Presented with the help of fairy tales with verses, additional cards are available plus images are available correct result exercises. (pp. 64-110). Also in this section there are games for the development of speech hearing, auditory attention.
  • Tongue Twisters. They are grouped according to "difficult" sounds to help your child practice specific sounds. (pp. 111-169)

I bought this book here... If you have questions about the book, ask.

There are 3 blocks in this book, each for a specific age:

  • Developing the baby's speech (pp 6-89)
    • development of understanding of speech
    • development of general motor skills
    • breathing exercises
    • finger games
    • articulatory gymnastics
    • onomatopoeia
  • We develop the speech of a younger preschooler (pp. 92-183). For children 3-6 years old
  • We develop the speech of the older preschooler (pp. 186-277).

This book is great for increasing a child's vocabulary, developing logical thinking, attention, memory and imagination.

I have not found the same book (on Ozone appeared), but there is a separate books for toddlers children from 3 to 6 years old and older preschoolers... Which is also very handy if you need a book for a 4-year-old child. I found this book when my son was 3 years old. But I was not worried, my daughter is growing up, and we will study with her in the first block.

Work with your child only in good mood, believe in your child, rejoice in his successes, help to overcome failures. Speech therapy classes with your child at home will help you become even closer and dearer. Patience and good luck!

How do you work with your child? What do you use for this? Do you like the child to study? Please share in the comments your methods of developing speech in a child and how much time you spend doing certain exercises.

How to teach a child to say what to do and what not.

Today, many parents who care about comprehensive development baby, it is known that the normal speech development of the child contributes to the formation of the skill of literate writing and reading. Before starting classes, it is necessary to conduct a survey of the baby's speech, to find all the shortcomings in pronunciation.

Here is what the characteristics of a child of this age are:

  1. By the age of 5, the baby should master all the sounds of speech, with the exception of hissing sounds and "P", sometimes the sound "L", which the child can still poorly pronounce
  2. The child must have a sufficient vocabulary in the vocabulary so that he can compose a sentence of 5-7 words.
  3. The child should be able to use words in the singular and plural.
  4. The kid should be able to describe an object, indicating its qualities.
  5. The ability to conduct a dialogue is another of the norms characteristic of children of this age. When communicating with an adult, his speech should be understandable, and not only to parents, but also to strangers.
  6. The child must quickly give his name, surname, age, names of parents, nicknames of animals that live nearby.

If the child does not know how to do one of the above, it will be useful for him to attend speech therapy classes. They will be aimed at developing fine motor skills, enriching vocabulary, developing an air stream and, of course, correcting a violation of sound pronunciation.

In private speech therapy centers, consultations and classes are conducted by a speech therapist. However, his work is not cheap. But parents who have the opportunity to study at home with their baby will be able to spend this time with benefit. Moreover, in a relaxed home environment, the child feels more comfortable: there is no unnecessary stress from communicating with a stranger.

Speech therapy classes at home

Various literature comes to the aid of mothers.

One of the manuals that you can use at home is "Speech therapy homework for children with OHP for 5-7 years" Teremkova N.E. These tasks can be offered to a child who has not reached the age of 5 years.

We propose to use the manuals of two more authors - this is Bardyshev T.Yu. and Monosov E.N. They offer educators and parents a large number of benefits designed for the development of children from their early years of age.

In order for homework to be successful, you need to follow some rules:

  • All classes must be carried out in a playful way so that the child is carried away by everything that is happening, and also does not understand true meaning performed exercises.
  • Classes need to be limited in time. To begin with, it is 3-5 minutes, then bring to 15-20.
  • Quantity play activities about 2-3 per day, so the material will be absorbed faster.
  • Praise your child for every success, support kind words... Do not use the word "wrong" - the child may become isolated and no longer make contact.
  • It is better to conduct classes during the hours when the child is not tired. The best time for this - after breakfast and after a nap.
  • When talking to a child, turn to face him, pronounce all sounds clearly. Remember, you are a role model.
  • If, while completing the task, you get acquainted with certain natural phenomena, you must do this at the time for which these phenomena are characteristic (in winter - the study of winter phenomena, in summer - summer ones).

Stages of homework

Let's clarify the procedure for conducting classes at home:

  • Finger gymnastics.
  • Gymnastics for the organs of articulation.
  • Games for onomatopoeia, hearing development, logo rhythm.
  • Speech development, vocabulary replenishment.

Let's consider in order each stage of homework.

Finger gymnastics

It is known that there is a strong relationship between the human hand and the brain. Therefore, by performing small movements with the hand, we thereby train the areas of the cerebral cortex. Well, if these movements are combined with speech, then the benefits of such exercises will be much greater.

Parents studying finger gymnastics with their baby, should not just ask to perform any actions, but learn and repeat with the child short rhymes, sayings, songs.

There are a lot of options for finger exercises. In bookstores, you can find a large amount of literature with whole complexes of exercises for the development of motor skills. Any mother can use these publications.

In general, a number of movements can be distinguished that contribute to the development of fine motor skills:

  • stroking one palm with the other;
  • massage the fingers of one hand with the other hand;
  • combination thumb hands with other fingers;
  • aligning the fingers of the two handles with each other.

The game with the "magic bag" into which mom pours cereals is of great benefit. Each bag can contain either one type of cereal or a different one. Buckwheat, peas, beans, rice are commonly used.

The child is asked to touch small and large inclusions with his fingers. Another option for using cereals: just stir in a plate different types and ask the kid to sort it out.

The main exercises are shown in this video:

Articulation gymnastics

These exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing the range of motion. Any subsequent production of sounds is preceded by articulation exercises.

Exercises are divided into dynamic and static. When performing the first tongue, the lips perform any exercises, that is, they constantly move. When performing the second - the organs of articulation must "take" a certain position and hold it for several seconds. Such exercises are more difficult for the baby, it is important to teach the child to do this.

There are different exercises that can be done always and for all babies. They simply contribute to the development of movements of all muscles of the apparatus.

There are exercises that "prepare" those muscles necessary for pronouncing the sound that the child does not pronounce well.

Among the exercises are the following:

  • to develop and strengthen the muscles of the tongue;
  • to develop and strengthen the muscles of the lips;
  • to develop and strengthen the muscles of the cheeks;

Some of these exercises are:

"Smile". Stretch your lips strongly in a smile, but your teeth should not be visible. Hold the smile for 30 seconds.

"Fence". Smile strongly so that the teeth are visible, keep the smile.

"Let's punish the naughty tongue." Slightly open your mouth, put the tongue on the lower lip and, slapping it with your lips, pronounce "five-five-five ...".

"Tube". Open your mouth, stick out the tongue and try to bend its lateral edges up in the form of a tube, hold it in this position for 30 seconds.

"Lick the jam." Slowly, without lifting the tongue, first lick the upper lip from corner to corner, then repeat the procedure with the lower lip.

"The clock is tick-tock." Make a smile, open your mouth, then touch the corners of your mouth with the tip of your tongue.

"We brush our teeth." Smile, open your mouth, then with the tip of your tongue, pressing it hard enough, clean inner part teeth of the lower row (7-10 times). Repeat the same exercise with the teeth of the upper row (7-10 times).

"Swing". Smile and open your mouth wide. Then, “once” lower the tip of the tongue by the lower row of teeth, by “two” - lift it by the upper one. Repeat - 4-5 times.

Exercise is better than just on demand. Get the kid interested. Invite him to take a trip to magic land, where the main character- tongue. Dream together and these activities will be of great benefit to your child.

Do not forget that all exercises for the development of the organs of articulation must be performed in front of a mirror. The child should not only feel where the tongue is and what the lips are doing, but also see it all.

The main exercises are shown in the following videos.

Development of phonemic hearing

Since the child does not master speech by itself, but by perceiving sounds from others, it is necessary that people living nearby speak correctly.

In addition, the people around at the stage of development of the child's speech can play a huge role in its formation. Many lessons for the development of hearing are based on onomatopoeia.

Consider what exercises you can do with your baby at home:

  • Guess which object is ringing. The adult invites the child to look at objects that can make a sound. Shows how they ring. Then he hides an object that makes a sound (drum, spoon, glass) behind his back and asks the child to guess what is ringing.
  • Guess where the sound is. The adult moves around the room behind the child's back and rings a bell in different places... The child should show with his hand the place where he hears the ringing.
  • Mimic the sounds that animals make. To perform this exercise, it is advisable to use subject and subject pictures. You can consider the animal, discuss how and where it lives. And make the sound she makes. (Frog, bee, cat, etc.)
  • Imitation of everyday sounds. The exercise is based on repeating the sounds we hear from different objects. (water is dripping: KAP-KAP, train is going: TU-TU, etc.)

Logorhythmic exercises play an important role in the development of hearing and a sense of rhythm. These are exercises that combine movement, speech and music. The child really likes this type of activity. The adult shows the child the movements and pronounces the words, all this is done with well-chosen music. The main thing in this is to prepare in advance. After all, how will the lesson turn out to be interesting if the adult will constantly make mistakes in words? ..

Speech development

Work on the development of a child's speech includes two areas:

  1. Vocabulary work, where the child clarifies the idea of ​​the world around objects and phenomena, the relationship of people.
  2. The development of the grammatical structure of the language - the child learns to use words in the correct form, correctly form sentences.

Vocabulary work solves the following tasks:

  • clarification of the understanding of the words available in the child's lexicon;
  • enrichment of the vocabulary with new words;
  • developing the skills of using new words in independent speech.

The child masters the world around him, and in order for this work to be interesting and useful to him, it is necessary to use building kits, toys, children's books, subject and plot pictures.

I would like to recommend a demonstration material developed by the authors Olga Gromova and Galina Solomatina for use in home lessons on speech development. It is presented in pictures with clear and vivid illustrations that will be understandable and interesting to children.

Do not forget, when working with a picture, it is necessary to put the question correctly so that the kid can find words to denote the quality of the object.

It is important to understand that this word may not be used in speech. To this end, new words must be repeated in combination with other familiar words. For example, when reading Surikov's poem "Winter", the child is asked to think about what else can be called the word "fluffy": a kitten, a towel. By repeating it in combination with familiar words, the child begins to use it in independent speech.

The material with which you will work should be appropriate for the age of the child. For a 4-year-old there may be fairy tales "Ryaba Chicken", "Kolobok" and others. A fairy tale encourages sympathy for everything good, it is necessary both for the development of speech and for moral education.

Reading fairy tales should be accompanied by the display of vivid illustrations. It is good to reinforce what you have read with a beautiful cartoon. This will deepen the impression of the fairy tale.

At the age of five, the child can be offered to compare the signs of objects, generalize (vegetables, fruits), make sentences based on key words (girl, forest, basket). The material is fixed in didactic games, proverbs and tongue twisters are of great help in this.

Here sample list those that are offered to the child:“Parts of the Human Body”, “Clothes”, “Seasons”, “Vegetables, Fruits and Berries”, “House and Its Parts”, “Furniture”, “Animals”, “Transport” and others.

The development of the grammatical structure of speech occurs with the enrichment and activation of the dictionary, the formation of coherent speech. Most often, children have mistakes in changing nouns by case and by numbers (no boots, pencils, kittens, goslings). It is these difficulties that need to be paid attention to when conducting individual lessons with a child.

Here are some of the types of exercises you can do with your child:"One - many" (hand-hand), "What will I show?" (Flowers, lamp) “To whom - what? (a bone to a dog), "Who eats what?" (a cow - with grass), "Name it affectionately" (a cat - a cat, a ring - a ring), "Divide the word into two" (an airplane - itself flies), "Who is this and which one?" (apple is round, sweet), "Whose part is this?" (the fox has a tail - a fox's tail), "Yesterday - now" (yesterday I went to the park, now I'm playing with a doll) and others.

Today, on store shelves, you can find a large amount of literature in which exercises and classes for the development of coherent speech of the baby are described in detail, which can be used at home.

Do not forget that the child is growing and will go to first grade very soon. And the success of schooling depends on how well his speech is formed. The period from 4 to 7 years is the most favorable for the development and correction of speech.

Spend as much time as possible for your baby at this stage of development and you, thereby laying a solid foundation for the future success of the child.

You can see an example of a speech therapy lesson in the following video.

Do you want to find a good speech therapist for children 5 years old in Moscow or Moscow region? This is not difficult. There are 11 of them in our database.

Private speech therapists for a child 5 years old. Classes with speech therapists-defectologists for children 5 years old in Moscow

Speech therapists for a child 5 years old

Private speech therapist-defectologist for a 5-year-old child. Individual sessions with a speech therapist for children from five years old with a visit to the house.
Preparing children from 4 years old for school.
Developing classes, teaching reading, counting, preparing hands for writing, developing logical and analytical thinking.
Classes with primary school students are aimed at correcting the material that has not been mastered at school, eliminating gaps in the development of logical thinking, speech, generating interest and understanding the importance of the learning process.
I also organize and conduct work on speech correction in children with pronunciation disorders (dysarthria, dyslalia).
The program is compiled individually for each child.

  • Lesson cost: Speech therapy + preparation for school - 1500 rubles / 60 minutes. At a speech therapist at home, correction of sound pronunciation - 1000 rubles / 30 minutes.
    Primary School+ speech therapy - 1500 rubles / 60 minutes.
  • Items: Primary school, Speech therapy, Preparing for school
  • Cities: Moscow, Reutov
  • Nearest metro stations: Novokosino, Vykhino
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Graduated from the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. N.K. Krupskaya, 1996, Faculty of Methodology and Pedagogy primary education, additional specialization teacher - speech therapist.

Private speech therapist for children 5 years old. Private lessons with a speech therapist-defectologist for a 5-year-old child in Moscow.
Speech therapy: violations of sound pronunciation (dyslalia), general underdevelopment speech, correction of oral and written speech pupils primary grades(dysgraphia, dyslexia).
Speech therapy classes with children from 5 years old, schoolchildren
Speech therapy classes - adults (restoration of speech after cerebrovascular accident, TBI)
Preparing for school - reading, writing, math
Primary school (1-4 grades) Russian language, reading, mathematics
Russian language and literature
Teacher - speech therapist in kindergarten and school.

  • Lesson cost: 1300 RUB / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Primary school, Preparing for school, Russian language
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Sokolniki
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: SFGA, faculty of correctional pedagogy and psychology, specialty teacher - speech therapist (2011). Professional development: 2016 - 2017 CERTIFICATE (postgraduate training of speech therapists working in ...

Speech therapist services for a 5-year-old child. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for children from 5 years old.
I offer the services of a speech therapist-defectologist: individual lessons with children, starting from 3 years of age. I work with such speech disorders how:
Delay speech development(speech tempo delay)
Motor alalia (alalic components)
General speech underdevelopment of I, II, III levels
Phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment (FFNR)
Dysarthria; Dislalia (Violation of sound pronunciation);
Stuttering; Dyslexia, dysgraphia (violation of written language).
Prepare your child for school. In the training program:
Literacy training. Speech development (vocabulary, grammar, coherent speech). Development of grapho-motor skills and optical-spatial representations as the basis of prevention possible violations reading and writing ...

  • Lesson cost: 2000 RUB / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Preparing for school
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Sokol, Polezhaevskaya
  • Home visit: No
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow Pedagogical State University(Moscow State Pedagogical University), Faculty of Defectology, specialty: teacher - speech therapist

Private speech therapist-defectologist for children 5 years old. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for a 5-year-old child.
Preparation for school, correction of various speech disorders: dyslalia, dysarthria, erased dysarthria, OHR, ZPR, dysgraphia, dyslexia, dysorphography, I know the technique of probe massage Novikova E.V., elementary school program in all subjects, program 1-11 grades in Russian language, preparation for GIA and USE in the Russian language. I am engaged with preschoolers and schoolchildren.
primary school, preparation for school, Russian language 1200-1500r in 60 minutes, depending on the problem, speech therapy, correction of writing violations, preparation for the GIA and USE 1300-1500r in 60 minutes, depending on the problem.
Teaching experience - 10 years, of which tutoring experience - 8 years ...

  • Lesson cost: RUB 1000 / 60 min
  • Items: Primary school, Speech therapy, Preparation for school, Russian language
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Sokol, River Station
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: MGOU (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after N.K.Krupskaya), faculty of psychological and defectological, 2005
  • Lesson cost: RUB 1000 / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Otradnoe, Bibirevo
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Defectology, 2006

  I give the first lesson for free (a free lesson is possible only on my territory).
Speech therapist-defectologist services for children 5 years old. Individual lessons with a speech therapist for a 5-year-old child.
Speech therapy - setting sounds, correcting speech defects (children from 5 years old). Primary school - correction of writing violations (omissions, substitutions of letters in words, difficulties in observing grammar rules) from 7 to 12 years. Preparing for school - teaching reading, the basics of mathematics, preparing a hand for writing: children from 5 years old.

  • Lesson cost: 1200 RUB / 60 min
  • Items: Speech therapy, Preparing for school, Primary school
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro station: Shchelkovskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: School teacher
  • Education: MGPI them. N.K. Krupskaya, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, teacher - defectologist (2002 - 2007).

Private speech therapist for a 5 year old child. Individual lessons with a speech therapist-defectologist for children from the age of five.
Preparing for school (4-7 years). Help junior schoolchildren... Speech therapy support (speech therapist).
Work experience: teacher, university teacher, teacher of commercial courses in preparation for school, business correspondence, office work; teacher - speech therapist in kindergarten (up to now). Private tutor.

  • Lesson cost: 1200 RUB / 60 min
  • Items: Preparing for school, Speech therapy
  • Town: Moscow
  • Nearest metro stations: Kolomenskaya, Nagatinskaya
  • Home visit: available
  • Status: Private teacher
  • Education: PSU im. Lomonosov, 1995, teacher of the Russian language and literature; PSU im. Lomonosov, 2003, postgraduate studies in social philosophy; Moscow State Pedagogical University, 2011, teacher - speech therapist.

The speech of preschoolers often needs correction, with the help of a speech therapist due to incorrect pronunciation or the absence of certain sounds. The task of parents is not to start the problem and listen to the advice of specialists about setting sounds, performing special exercises with their children. Let's find out about this in detail.

Speech therapy exercises for children: 2-3 years

At this age, it is too early to talk about incorrect pronunciation. But, nevertheless, classes, the purpose of which is the development of the articulatory apparatus, will not be superfluous. Dad or mom must show how to do them correctly, explain everything to the child and do them with him. In that age period inheritance (copying) is the basis of the lessons. So, do the following with your baby:

  1. Cheek massage. Rub the cheeks on top with your palms, pat them. Then, with your tongue, massage each cheek in turn with up and down movements.
  2. Well-fed cat. The lips should be closed. You need to take in air with your nose and puff out your cheeks, as if the cat is full. You need to hold the air for 3-5 seconds at first, then longer. After letting out the air, meow cheerfully.
  3. Hungry cat. The actions are performed in reverse. Air is released from the mouth, and the lips are pulled forward into the tube. First you need to help yourself with your hands, bending your cheeks inward. Returning your lips to their original position, meow plaintively, as if the cat is asking for food.
  4. Burst balloon. Inflate your cheeks, then lightly slap your palms on them - the ball burst. The air will come out noisily.
  5. Smile. In the mouth, the teeth should be closed, and so should the lips. Stretch your lips as much as possible and hold them in this position.
  6. Trunk. With closed teeth, you need to pull the lips forward as much as possible, depicting the trunk of an elephant. The child should be familiar with this animal, see him in pictures in order to understand who he is portraying.
  7. Trunk smile. The purpose of the exercise is to develop lip mobility. You must first slowly depict a smile with closed lips, and then stretch them forward with a tube, depicting a trunk. Every day you need to do this exercise faster.
  8. Rabbit. Open your mouth a little. Lift up only the upper lip, exposing upper teeth... In this case, the baby's face should wrinkle, nasolabial folds appear. This is preparation for the formation of the sounds B and F.
  9. Fish conversation. The essence of the exercise is to slap the lips against one another in one breath. At the same time, the dull sound P. is pronounced arbitrarily.
  10. We hide the sponges. With the mouth wide open, the lips are pulled inward, pressed against the teeth. The same is done with the mouth closed.
  11. Painter. You need to take the tip of a pencil with your lips and draw a circle in the air with it.
  12. Breeze. Cut pieces of paper, place them on the table and invite your baby to blow them away with force with one sharp exhalation.

Speech therapy exercises for children: 4-5 years old

At this age, children can do the previous exercises without illustrative example an adult, do them more often and faster. Others are added to them, for the development of the lower jaw:

  1. The chick is afraid. The tongue is a chick. It lies freely in its place, and the baby's mouth opens wide and closes, as if the chick is hiding in a cage. At the same time, the lower jaw moves actively.
  2. Shark. The exercise is performed slowly, without sudden movements with closed lips. First, the jaw moves to the right, then to the left, forward and into place.
  3. The chick is eating. This is an imitation of chewing food, first with an open mouth, then with a closed mouth.
  4. Monkeys. It is necessary to lower the jaw as much as possible, pulling the tongue to the end of the chin.

Phonetic gymnastics is a kid's answers to parents' questions, which are repeated periodically:

  1. What is the name of the chickens? Chick-chick.
  2. How does the clock tick? Tick ​​tock.
  3. How are scissors made? Chick-chick.
  4. How does the bug buzz? W-w-w-w.
  5. And how is the wolf howling? Oo-oo-oo-oo-oo.
  6. How do mosquitoes squeak? Z-z-z-z.
  7. How does the snake hiss? Sh-sh-sh-sh.

Phonetic gymnastics can be alternated with pronunciation games. For example, "Clockwork toys". In turn, an adult starts a bug with a key, which says sound w-w-w-w-w and flies around the room; then a motorcycle that goes fast and its motor says rrrrrr. Then a hedgehog jumps and says f-f-f-f-f, chick sings ts-ts-ts-ts-ts.

Speech therapy exercises for children: 6-7 years old

At this age, articulatory gymnastics by children is performed with the primary demonstration of an adult and then according to his verbal instructions:

  1. Smile. At first, the lips are stretched into a smile, the teeth are covered, then they are exposed and again hide under the lips.
  2. Punishment of the naughty tongue. The tongue lies on the lower lip and the upper one must be spanked. At the same time, the sound "five-five" is pronounced.
  3. Scapula. The mouth is slightly open. The tongue from its usual position rests on the lower lip, and then hides back.
  4. The tube. The mouth opens, the tongue is pushed forward as much as possible, its edges are bent by a tube and held in this way for several seconds.
  5. Licking lips. The mouth is half open. With a circular motion of the tongue, lips are licked, first clockwise, then back.
  6. Teeth cleaning. The child's tongue serves as a toothbrush, which does "cleaning" at the beginning of the edges of the upper teeth, then their inner surface, external. The same is true for the lower teeth.
  7. Watch. The child's lips are stretched out in a smile with an open mouth. The tip of the tongue rhythmically moves left and right, touching its corners.
  8. Snake. When the mouth is open, the uvula bent by the tube quickly moves forward and pushes back. At the same time, you must not touch your teeth and lips.

Speech therapy exercises for children: setting the sound "r"

If your kid does not pronounce the sound "r", then you just need a speech therapist's consultation. Perhaps the cause of the problem is the too short frenum - the membrane that holds the tongue. It is also called the sublingual ligament. Only a speech therapist can diagnose this. And if he confirms that the bridle is really short, then it is worth cutting it.

Then the language will be provided with the necessary amplitude of movements - and all exercises for setting the sound "p" will be effective.

Other reasons for incorrect pronunciation may be low mobility of the articulatory apparatus (which is corrected by exercises), impaired phonemic hearing. The latter sometimes depends on genetics. If the baby does not have a physiological basis for diction, then it's time to carry out daily exercises. There is no need to worry about nonpronunciation or incorrect pronunciation of the “r” sound by a 2-4 year old child. If he did not speak out until the age of 5, then classes should really start:

  1. Painter's brush. This is a warm-up exercise. The tongue is a brush with which you need to stroke the upper palate, starting from the teeth and further towards the throat.
  2. Harmonic. The mouth is slightly open, the tongue is pressed tightly first to the upper palate, then to the lower palate, while lowering the jaw downward.
  3. Teeth cleaning. The mouth is slightly open. The tongue-brush moves between the teeth, reaching the most extreme corners.
  4. Komarik. You need to open your mouth, push the tip of your tongue between your teeth and so try to pronounce the sound "z-z-z", depicting a mosquito. Then the tip of the tongue moves up, resting on the upper teeth, while the mosquito continues to emit its squeak.
  5. The mouth is open, the end of the uvula is pressed against the upper teeth. The child must quickly pronounce the sound "d-d". At this time, an adult with a spatula or just a teaspoon, with its handle, rhythmically, but without pressure, should swing the bridle left and right. The vibration of the air will gradually transform the pronounced sound "d" into "r". This is the main exercise for staging it.

Speech therapy exercises for children: we put the sound "l"

Deficiencies in the pronunciation of this sound are called lambdacism by a special term. It has several types. This is the total transmission of sound ("imon" instead of "lemon"), its replacement by others, nasal pronunciation.

For all types of lambdacism, you need to perform the following articulation exercises:

  1. Turkey conversation. At a fast pace with an open mouth, the tongue moves to the sides. At the same time, a sound characteristic of an angry animal is pronounced: "bl-bl".
  2. Hammock. This is a stretching of the tongue. Its tip should rest against the upper teeth, and then against the lower ones. It is necessary that the period of emphasis be as long as possible. At the same time, the tongue resembles a hammock.
  3. Horse. Children enjoy clicking with a wide tongue of the upper palate.
  4. Fungus. The baby's tongue rests against the upper palate with its entire surface, while the lower jaw drops down to the maximum. The bridle is pulled tight.
  5. The plane hums. It is necessary to depict the drone of the aircraft in a low tone for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the tip of the tongue rests against the upper teeth, and is not between the lower and upper teeth.
  6. Steamer. An adult utters the sound "yy", imitating the hum of a steamer, then moves his tongue between his teeth - and the interdental sound "l" is obtained. The two positions of the tongue must be alternated.

Speech therapy exercises for children: sizzling

Children are best practiced in the formulation of sounds, depicting animals, insects. After all game form learning is the most acceptable for them. So, you can play with a mosquito and a wasp, flying around the room, waving your hands, and at the same time say "zzz", then "ssss".

The sound "h-h-h" is the movement of the train. Invite your baby to become a steam locomotive, and you will be a trailer, and together make a sound.

Setting the sound "sh" is sawing wood. Again, the exercise needs to be done together. This sound can also be depicted in the Sea game, moving like waves.

It is recommended to use pictures for exercises to correct these sounds. So, an adult demonstrates, for example, a photo of a mosquito, a bee, an image of the wind, waves, and the child displays the corresponding sounds by articulation.

Exercises for children with speech retardation

For this category of children, speech therapists are advised to carry out exercise-games for imitation. In this case, it is important to combine clarity (pictures), an example of an adult and joint pronunciation of sounds. To do this, the teacher or parent must repeat certain sounds many times, and then ask the baby to do this together. You need to start with repeating sounds, then syllables, later words, then phrases.

For example, showing a picture of a bug, an adult repeats the sound "f" 3-4 times, stretching it out and showing the child how his lips are folded. Then he asks the child to be bugs together and hum. Similarly, with the image of a mosquito and the pronunciation of the sound "z", with an airplane and the sound "y". The adult patiently repeats the sounds with the child, and at the end of such exercises, he once again calls the image in the picture a full word (bug, mosquito, plane).

The repetition of syllables is the sounding of animal voices. The cat says “meow”, the dog says “av”, the chicken “koko”, the goat “me”. At the same time, onomatopoeia words are also a tool overall development child. You can supplement the exercises for the pronunciation of syllables by showing pictures with musical instruments and demonstration of playing the pipe (doo-doo), drum (bom-bom), bell (ding-ding).

At the starting stage speech therapy exercises with non-speaking children, you need to be prepared for the fact that they simply will not repeat the examples of an adult the first time, or they will repeat them incorrectly. Any answers of a child are allowed, and from an adult you need patience and calmness.

Especially for - Diana Rudenko