How to do homework quickly and correctly? Advice on the topic: How to do homework

Doing homework

Where to begin? First of all, find out how much time a child of a certain age should spend preparing homework.

The second question: how to organize homework? This means how to teach a child to get involved in work right away, what tasks to do first, how the child should check what has been done, etc.

Question three: what to do so that the child does not lose a positive emotional mood when preparing homework?

The fourth question: whether to help, and if so, in what way? How to control, how to cultivate independence? Or maybe, in general, give the student complete freedom and expect independence and responsibility from him?

Question five: what to do if doing homework has become a heavy duty for both the child and his parents? Can something be changed?

Let's try to answer these questions in order.

Homework assignments and their completion time.

The duration of the preparation of homework, provided for by the Charter of the school (the optimal duration is indicated in brackets, taking into account the psychophysiology of age), is:

In the 1st grade - up to 1 hour (3/4 hours);

In the 2nd grade - 1.5 hours (1 hour);

In grade 3 - 2 hours (1.5 hours);

In the 6th grade - up to 2.5 hours (2-2.5 hours);

In the 8th grade - 3 hours (2.5 hours);

In grades 9-11 - up to 4 hours (3 hours).

How to organize homework?

Provide working conditions: familiar workplace, the usual daily routine, the usual places for the necessary supplies. In this case, elementary school student develop quickly required installation. When he sits down at his usual table, a working mood quickly arises, a desire to get to work.

Develop the habit of the student to clarify all tasks and prepare everything necessary before starting work. Gradually, he will learn to plan his actions and decide in what order to do the lessons. But first you have to take care of it. For example, younger students often diligently complete written assignments, and then learn the rule for which this exercise is assigned.

In order to suggest which tasks it is better to start with - easy or difficult, you need to observe how the child gets involved in the work and how quickly he gets tired. If he starts working immediately and without difficulty, but the upswing is quickly followed by a downturn, advise him to start with more difficult tasks. If it swings slowly, but the efficiency of work gradually increases, you can start with easier lessons.

What time do you start and end your lessons?

An adult person knows how to control himself both in the process of work and at the end of it. A younger student, of course, does not have such a skill.

He will check himself at first with your help. When a child can fully switch to self-control depends on him. individual features. It is good that such a skill is developed by the time of his transition to high school. A student of middle and high school should already know how to self-test with the help of logical and figurative schemes.

Homework and... good mood.

Your child will develop and then maintain a positive attitude towards doing homework if you:

From the very beginning let him know that his lessons are as important as the most serious affairs of adults; no one has the right to tear a student away from his work by sending him to the store or turning on the TV;

In your family you will maintain an atmosphere of respect for mental work;

Returning home from work or, conversely, meeting a child from school, do not start communication with the question of lessons; find another form of greeting;

You will not stand "over your soul" with the child until he starts doing his homework or in the process of work;

Never use homework as a punishment for wrongdoing;

Try not to remind the child of his many past mistakes and failures and do not scare the upcoming difficulties; form an attitude towards difficulties as something completely surmountable;

Checking what you have done, you will not gloat about mistakes ("I knew that you planted them!");

If there really are mistakes, you will still find an opportunity to praise the child for the efforts expended; note any, even minor successes (“Today you get this letter better than yesterday”, “You tried so hard today!”).

How to help and how to cultivate independence?

First of all, determine your attitude to the child's school grades. Some parents take these grades very emotionally, as if they receive them themselves and as if the grades speak of their parental solvency or failure.

Still, the main thing for us is not fives at any cost, but the child's interest in learning and his confidence in his abilities. Therefore, if you are already helping to do homework, then you are not trying to ensure that the work is done without a single blot and mistake, but that an understanding of the material comes to the child.

Your help can also be to save the child from sitting for a long time at home. Try to take on some of the monotonous work and thereby free up time for vigorous mental activity.

For example, a first grader writes slowly and with great effort. Write a draft of the task yourself under his dictation (for example, a solution to a problem or an exercise in Russian). Don't forget to make mistakes though! And the child will "only" check your work and calmly, without stress, rewrite it. Gradually, you will transfer the drafting to him. Does not want to read - read aloud yourself, and the child will check. But for this he will also have to follow the text!

If you have achieved that the child understood part of the material, but is clearly tired, do the rest of the task yourself (nothing terrible will happen!), And he will only copy it into a notebook.

Wean yourself from the habit of immediately correcting each child's mistake if you sit next to him. Just ask him to stop, maybe he will notice and correct himself. At the same time, don't let uncorrected bugs pile up. Otherwise, he will feel insecure and helpless.

A student who is independent in academic work is the dream of parents. It is clear that the one who was constantly controlled is unlikely to become independent. But the other extreme - when the child is not helped even in case of difficulties - will not give a result.

How to help a child not only do today's homework, but teach him to do without our help? Some of the children will need only a week or two, someone - a few months or even more. But in any case, there will be several stages in this process.

The first stage - you do as many tasks as possible with your child. Try to understand what knowledge, skills he lacks. Does he have wrong ways, habits in work. Help fill in the gaps and get rid of wrong ways of doing things.

Second phase. The child does some of the work himself. But you need to be sure that he can handle this part of the job. Quicker

of everything, at first it will be a very small part, but the child needs a sense of success. Evaluate the result with him. After each independently and successfully completed part, put some kind of icon, such as an exclamation mark or a satisfied face. After a while, you and your child will make sure that the right part is increasing every day. In case of failure, calmly figure out what got in the way. Teach your child to ask for help with specific difficulties. The main thing at this stage is that the child will understand that he can work independently and cope with his difficulties.

Third stage. Gradually, independent work expands to the point that the child himself performs all the lessons. Your support at this stage is rather psychological. You are nearby, minding your own business. But we are ready to help if needed. Check what you've done. The meaning of this stage is that the child is convinced that he can already do a lot on his own, but you will always support him.

Fourth stage. The child works independently. He already knows how long it will take for this or that task, and controls himself with the help of a clock, ordinary or hourglass. You may be away from home or in another room during this time. The meaning of this stage is that the child tries to overcome all the difficulties that have arisen on his own. Only the most difficult things can be postponed until you arrive.

You check what you've done. This is necessary until the skill of independent work is finally developed.

Do you think that such an approach will take you a lot of time and effort? But do we spend less time and emotions on a fruitless struggle ("to sit down, to start, so as not to be distracted ...")? To catch up on the nights before the test? What to demand from the child, if we ourselves cannot organize, plan our help to him?

If homework is a heavy duty.

None of us is immune from such a situation with our own child. It seems that mom or dad no longer has any personal life. You go home from work and think longingly how long you will have to sit with your child at home today. Approximately the same mood and the child. And if the process is accompanied by screams, tears, even cuffs - not far from a nervous breakdown on both sides. It's time to stop and try to change the usual order of things.

Do it available means. If your student is studying at primary school, arrange daily lessons with a teacher for a fee. Will it be his class teacher or someone else - depends on the specific relationship. The purpose of the class is to do homework. Save time and your health and your child's for sure. There is another option - ask a neighbor, a high school student, or a student - a future teacher, or a retired teacher. Post an ad. Cash costs in this case will be less. How long will these classes last? Until you restore your mental health and feel a surge of strength. Then take on the development of independence in the child.

Can't afford such material expenses? Ask relatives and close people to deal with the child. But it is necessary to break the vicious circle of your mutual discontent with your child.

If these options are not for you, just stop. Give yourself and your child a break. Nothing fatal will happen in a few days. warn class teacher that you want to experiment. Relax, calmly get down to business. Already without screams, cuffs and validol.

Topic: "Self-preparation"

Prepared by: educator of KEI VO "Buturlinovskaya

correctional boarding school for students with disabilities "

Shulgina Yana Alexandrovna

Target: consolidate the knowledge gained in the lessons and develop skills self-fulfillment homework.


Correctional and educational:

Learn to navigate independently in the conditions of homework (what topic is given, in what way is it done);


Develop thinking, attention, memory of students through didactic exercises, Additional tasks; to develop fine motor skills, motor activity, through dynamic pauses, in order to increase the efficiency of pupils.

Correctional and educational:

Cultivate a conscientious attitude to educational work, discipline.

The course of self-training

    Organizing time.

Our vacation ends

Work begins,

You will work hard

To learn something.

Should always be in order:

Pens, books and notebooks.

Who has it all.

Can quietly, quietly sit down.

II . Psychological mood.

Guys, good afternoon. Let's smile at each other. Good mood is the key to successful work. Guests came to us today for self-training,. They came to get to know you better. Therefore, you must show your knowledge, try to be attentive, friendly and well-mannered hosts.

let's turn around and greet them. Guys look at the board, what do you see? (Smiley). What is his mood? (Answers of children). And with that in mind, we get to work.

Turn to face your neighbor, smile and say to him:I wish you well;If it's hard for you, I'll help.

The purpose of our self-training is to consolidate the knowledge that you have received in the classroom and study independently and successfully complete your homework.

And now, let's repeat the rules that will help us in our work:

    I got down to business - do not be distracted, do not interfere with others.

    Do everything quickly and accurately.

    Communicate promptly when you need help.

    Don't shout out, raise your hand.

The course of self-preparation.

What is this day? (Cosmonautics Day)

Listen to the riddle.

bottomless ocean,

The ocean is endless

airless, dark,

And extraordinary

Universes live in it,

stars and comets

There are also inhabited

Maybe planets.


Yes, this is space. Today we have an unusual self-preparation. The heroes of the work of Nikolai Nosov, "The Adventure of Dunno and His Friends", familiar to you, offer you a space journey through the Knowledge System.

Do you want to go on a trip?

We will travel on a space rocket.

Let's hit the road. Everyone sat down exactly in their places, paid attention to their posture, got ready, 3,2,1, flew .....

And the first stop on the planet where we will go with you -"Speech therapy" and meets us here Znayka. In order for us to speak well and beautifully, the fairy-tale character Znayka invites us to do articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics.

Articulation gymnastics.

"Malyar" "Horse" "Watch"

Speech workout.

Repeat the words.

RA-RA-RA - it's time for us to fly into space,

RU-RU-RU - we collect the kids,

RY-RY-RY - we will take the balls into space,

ROM-ROM-ROM - we run to the spaceport.

Well done boys. Gymnastics done well

Znaika liked it.

The second planet to which we have to fly is "Reading". Sat exactly, 3, 2, 1 on the way.

Fulfillment of d.z. by reading.

On this planet, we will need to complete the task.Chamomile greets us on the planet "Readings". She wants to learn to read well with us.

Guys, tell me what kind of work did you go through in the lesson? (Children's answers)


We open the textbook on p. 204-207 "Excerpt from the poem" Frost, Red Nose ") N. Nekrasov

What book did you read in the reading class?

Reading the work aloud by the teacher;

Vocabulary work; (Savraska is a village horse. Jbana is a product in the form of a small tub with a lid and a handle for cooking and storing at home. A collar is one of the main parts of the harness, put on over the head on the horse’s neck. Riga is a large, covered barn for sheaves drying and threshing Sheaves are a bundle of cereal stalks (with ears).

Guys in your story there will be long words, let's pronounce them in syllables.

Reading by children "in an undertone" on their own; individual work withIIIoption (Plakhotnikov, Goltseva, Avdonina,) Primer syllable. tab. 1 2 3 column. p. 50

Reading by children in chains;

Work on the text. (Answers to questions)


Guys, I propose to continue the journey through the Knowledge System. And go to our 3rd planet. Sat exactly, 3, 2, 1 on the way.

And we flew to the planet "Russian language". Here we are met by Dr. Pilyulkin. And he will be with usfulfillhomework.

Fulfillment of homework in the Russian language

We're leaving again

In the world of the native language,

We're ready to unravel

His secrets to the end.

A moment of correction.

What declension are nouns (1,2,3) Let's guys help Pilyulkin determine the declension of these nouns.

Desk, chalk, notebook, board, door, chair.

What topic do you cover in class?

(Accusative case of 3rd declension nouns.)

Let's repeat the ruleto do the exercises correctly..

Nouns of the 3rd declension in the accusative case answer the questions of whom? What? And end in soft sign(b). I see whom? - lynx, what? - steppe.

Well done, now you and I can proceed to the implementation of the d.z. What exercise do we need to do? Did you find everything? What should be done in it? How many minutes are you given to complete the d.z? (15m) We open notebooks, we retreat two lines from the last entry, we write down Do-ma-sh-nya-ya ra-bo-ta. Don't forget to write beautifully. If you have questions, please raise your hand.

Finger gymnastics


We chop cabbage, chop, (sweeping movements with our hands, like an ax)

We mash cabbage, we mash cabbage,

We salt and salt the cabbage, (“they take” a pinch of salt and “salt”)

We press cabbage. (flexion and extension of the hands)

Don't forget about posture .


Examination. Outcome.

The desktop is in order. Notebooks are on the edge of the table. Russian language textbooks are closed.

Well done guys, you did the right thing. homework in Russian and Dr. Pilyulkin strongly recommends that we all take a break.Let's have a physical minute.

Physical minute.

Well, we rested a bit and hit the road again, sat down straight, flew. 3,2,1.

Fulfillment of homework in Mathematics.

Look guys we flew to the planet"Mathematics" and Dunno and Donut meet us on it. And they ask us for help. Help them complete the math task correctly. Let's help our fairy-tale characters?

A moment of correction.

Put the numbers in ascending order.

10;2; 7; 1; 9; 56; 45; 39; 68; 6; 12; 89; 72; 5; 100;5;

Read the number. What are the hundreds, tens and ones in each?

134; 518; 273;348;197;

What topic did you cover in class?

Addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers.

Before proceeding to the written work, let's do finger gymnastics.

Finger gymnastics.

Guys who have already completed the work, I suggest you work on the cards.

We are finishing. Let's not forget about posture.

Guys, you coped with the tasks in mathematics and helped Dunno and his friend.

Guys, our journey through the Knowledge System is coming to an end and we need to return to planet Earth.

Our fairy-tale heroes Dunno and his friends thank you for your help and promise to study well.

We sat down straight, prepared for takeoff, flew.

Well, here we are at home.

III . Outcome

Guys, what did we do today? (we traveled on a space rocket through the Knowledge System) And helped a fairy-tale character to perform d.z. (to Dunno and his friends) Did you like today's self-training? I thank all the guys who behaved well and tried. (Children's names) Thank you for your attention. And now we will check what mood you have.I suggest you express your mood with the help of chips (emoticons) of different colors that are on your desk.

(Red chip mood is excellent, green is good, blue is so-so.)- I'll show you my mood too.

Guys, I see that you are in a good mood. I'm very glad. Thanks everyone.

the form is independent. the work of students is organized by the teacher in order to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained in the lesson, as well as to prepare for the perception of a new uch. material, and sometimes for themselves. solutions feasible to know. tasks; component learning process.

Already in the 16th century. D. h. become an obligatory component. work. But being a part of process, D. h. in the practice of the school along with the positive. effect caused such negative phenomena as overloading students, mechanical. memorization, etc. D. h. throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. were the subject of ped. discussions. L. N. Tolstoy, believing that D. h. - this is a ruined evening of a student, he canceled them at his Yasnaya Polyana school. K. D. Ushinsky proved the expediency of using D. z. only after special preparing students for their implementation. In some uch. institutions, in particular in the gymnasium of K. I. May, work was carried out to improve the D. h., to overcome the overload of the student.

After 1917, under the conditions of a unified school, there was no obligation. D. z., they began to be considered as a necessary component of the work of the school only from the beginning. 30s In the 60s. in connection with the criticism of "traditional education", aimed only at the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities, and focusing on the development of the creative abilities of the individual, the skills of being independent. knowledge developed in the 1930s. D.'s technique h. has been revised. D. h. are considered as a means of preparing for self-education, stimulating the development of independent, creative forms of cognition.

D.'s performance h. without direct the teacher's observations are a kind of ICP independent. students' activities. The work of a student at home depends entirely on his internal. will induce, forces, attitudes to uch. labor. Systematic and high quality D.'s performance h. are provided, as a rule, cognizant. interest in teaching subject, a sense of duty and responsibility for work to the school, parents, society. Forming a stable posit. The teacher provides motivation for the implementation of D. z., and the upbringing in students of the desire to independently improve their knowledge, including for self-education.

Homework of students differs from the class and content side of the activity. At home, students are faced with the need to be independent. knowledge using a variety of sources; at the same time, they should be able to select the necessary information, highlight and write down the main thing, choose the most. rational methods of consolidating the material, independently determine the degree of their readiness for the lesson; be able to rationally plan work, since they have to work on 3-4 academic hours daily. items.

At home, you can carry out such types of work that are difficult to organize in the classroom: long-term observations, experiments, modeling, design, etc.

The peculiarity of homework lies in the fact that it can be more flexible and variable than the frontal work of schoolchildren in the classroom, it is designed for the development individual abilities and inclinations of the student, on the student's knowledge of his abilities. When solving this problem, the teacher may not strictly regulate the task, leaving the student the right to freely choose the content of the work, methods of implementation, volume.

Of particular importance are the so-called. leading tasks, to-rye prepare students for the perception of a new account. material arouse interest. Material D. h. in this case it is organically included in the teacher's explanation. The types of anticipatory tasks are varied: collecting facts for their analysis in the classroom, conducting observations, searching for answers to questions posed by the teacher, etc. Anticipatory tasks given by the teacher for a long time have special opportunities. term and, as a rule, designed for the free choice of students. Work on them develops into a systematic. independent. student's activity on in-depth study of the chosen topic.

Tasks for assimilation and consolidation of new material may include answers to textbook questions, compiling a story according to this plan and others. Their goal is to include the student in a deeper understanding of what has been studied. Among the tasks for the application of knowledge special role play complex, orienting students to use material from different accounts. subjects and being one of the means of implementing interdisciplinary connections in teaching.

In all types of D. h. along with the reproductive work, the creative work of the schoolchild occupies a large place. D. z., formulated by the teacher as cognizant, are especially effective. tasks (see Cognitive task). Mn. teachers are building a system of D. h. on tasks-minimum and tasks-maximum. At the same time, the first of them are mandatory for everyone, the second - voluntary. On modern stage of development of the school, collective forms of D. z are common.

In conditions of greater freedom and greater independence for students in the performance of D. h. the problems associated with the overload of the student are especially actualized.

Character, volume, complexity D. h. must be scientifically proven. It is also necessary to specially form the skills of independent work in schoolchildren, to acquaint them with scientific organization work, provide for a change of activity (see also Hygiene of training sessions).

In grades 4-8 detailed briefing is provided for each type of tasks. At the first stages, during reproductive tasks, the teacher in the lesson draws the attention of students to the methods of doing work, analyzes them, corrects them and recommends using them at home. If D. h. differ from the work performed in the classroom, the teacher at the department. example analyzes how to implement it; expedient analysis and naib. complex elements of D. h. Parents control the regularity and thoroughness of the implementation of D. z., create children favorable conditions to prepare for the lessons, provide the necessary assistance.

For students Art. age with experience of self-sufficiency. work, a general briefing is recommended before studying each topic, indicating options work, analysis of difficulties uch. material, characteristic obligatory. and additional literature, defining the boundaries of the minimum and maximum work on the topic. Involving students in planning work on the topic, the teacher stimulates the formation of scientific skills. organization of student work.

Such a system of homework management enables the student to act as an organizer of his own learning. activities (accounting and self-education, obligatory and voluntary), combining learning and self-education into a single process.

Distinguishes, a feature of control over the implementation of D. h. - organic connection of the explanation of the new with the results of checking homework, which saves time, activates the learning process. In Art. In the classrooms, new types of control are introduced - competitive lessons conducted by the teacher together with students on the basis of work on advanced tasks. Indirect control is also carried out when students are independent. assignments in the classroom are similar to homework.

For the development of methods are independent. the work of students, the teacher needs to be interested in what methods the student used when performing D. z., and discuss the most. rational ways work. However, monitoring the student's homework involves not only checking the correctness of the implementation of D. z., but is also one of effective means the formation of a responsible attitude to teaching, especially if in the verification of D. h. the whole class is involved. At the same time, it is important to apply forms of mutual control, instructing high school students to check the work of students Jr. classes or each other.

When performing D. h. in schools and after-school classes and boarding schools, students can use uch. offices, allowances, hold laboratory work, set up experiments, etc. Here, most are allocated for self-training. productive for themselves. work hours. The educator (teacher) can help the student: to advise, determine his readiness to complete the D. z., to time the time spent by the student on preparing the task, to organize mutual assistance and mutual control of students. But certain difficulties also arise: students, as a rule, prepare lessons in the same room, which makes it easier to cheat and prompt; the process of preparing oral assignments becomes more complicated, since their retelling is difficult, etc. Under these conditions, it is especially important to individualize assignments, taking into account the interests and inclinations of students.

Lit .: Rabunsky E. S. Individualization of homework - necessary condition successful education, Kaliningrad, 1962; Vodeyko R. I., Homework for a high school student, Minsk, 1974; Pospelov H. H., How to prepare students for homework, M., 1979; Shabalina 3. P., Home account. work of schoolchildren, M., 1982; G p o m c s in a A. K., Domashnaya uch. work as a means of rapprochement between learning and self-education, in her book: Formation of students' readiness for self-education, M., 1983. AK Gromtseva.

Great Definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Doing homework is often associated with quite serious difficulties. Schoolchildren experience difficulties because they get tired after school, they tend to go about their business, to relax. It is difficult for them to concentrate and take on the next job. It is not easy to start studying again at home, to approach each task responsibly. Successful studies require willpower, perseverance. Of course, fatigue affects, and some disciplines in themselves cause a negative attitude. For example, it is always harder to do homework in subjects that are less clear. The most important thing in such cases is to concentrate, follow the work algorithm, think over a lesson plan, rationally allocate time and not be distracted. Consider a number of nuances, remember the recommendations to quickly do your homework and avoid mistakes. Then you yourself will be surprised at the results: it turns out that you can do it much more efficiently, while spending less time.

How to achieve high speed and literacy when doing homework?
First of all, you need to remember important rule: You need to hurry slowly. You should not rush, try to write, read, solve problems as quickly as possible. With this approach, the quality of work will immediately drop sharply, and additional time will be spent on checking and correcting. To really increase your speed while avoiding pitfalls, you need to carefully manage your time, be purposeful and focused, without distractions.
  1. Start by scheduling your homework. It is desirable that you devote some time to studying every day, and not just immediately before going to school. If you distribute the load more evenly, it will be much easier for you to work. Always take into account in your daily routine that the lessons may take a little longer than you expected. Leave a margin of 30 minutes to 1 hour. Try to complete everything on time, but do not forget that you still have this stock. Don't let the duration of the period allotted for completing tasks scare you: when you get used to working carefully, according to a plan, it will take you noticeably less time than the designated period.
  2. Take into account various factors related to other matters, work, when determining the time of classes. It is advisable not to sit down for lessons immediately after coming from school. It is better to allocate time for rest, distract from study, have a snack. A good option- Take a walk outside, do some sports. If you are tired, stop for passive rest: read a book, watch TV. However, don't take too long a break. The normal time for rest after school is 1-1.5 hours. Sometimes students prefer to sleep a little after returning from school, but this is not a good way out. Thus, you will bring down your regimen, fitful sleep usually has a bad effect on the body. If you need it, you should consult your doctor. A good option is to get enough sleep at night so you don't feel like lying down when you get home.
  3. Remember that the key to good work is order in everything. When you make a schedule, always stick to it. In order not to forget to sit down for lessons on time, set an alarm clock. It will also come in handy for indicating periods of work between which you need to take a break, about 10 minutes. When there are many lessons, it is not necessary to do everything in a row to save time. You will need rest breaks, preferably every 35-50 minutes. Their frequency may also depend on the nature of the work: focus on your condition. If the work is fragmentary (for example, you solve problems in physics or algebra), but you get tired of it, you can take a break after 35 minutes. When a task is easier for you, but in itself requires a long time to complete (for example, writing an essay), it is worth taking a break after 50 minutes, but resting a little longer.
  4. Keep all your belongings in order school supplies, textbooks and notebooks. Then you will always have everything at hand, you will not need to search for lost items for a long time or start new notebooks. Please note that the environment itself will begin to create a working mood for you when everything around is in its place.
  5. When starting classes, take care of peace and tranquility in advance. Nothing should distract you: turn off the TV, put away your favorite books, magazines. It is advisable to turn off the computer and phone. This will help you do your homework correctly, not delay the work.
  6. Create the most for yourself comfortable conditions. The table should be comfortable, remove all foreign objects from it. Choose the most suitable chair, pay attention to its height, matching the table. Try to sit up straight, do not bend too low to the notebooks. If you bend, in this position you will feel tired much faster, because the load on the spine and back will increase. You should not practice on the couch while lying down, as this negatively affects vision.
  7. Gradually build your own "knowledge base". Be sure to save your notes, notebooks, control and written work, notes. All this will certainly come in handy. Even if you have already moved to another class, do not throw away papers: then topics can be repeated, many of them are closely related. Keep records when you practice on your own. For example, if a certain topic or subject causes difficulties for you, try to fill in the gaps yourself: re-read the theory, outline difficult places, and complete practical tasks. All these materials will help you master the information, master the necessary skills, and in the future you will be able, simply by looking at old records, to reproduce everything in memory.
  8. Think about the order in which you should do your homework. You can start with a simpler one, if you do not immediately plunge into work, it is difficult for you to concentrate. When you get tired quickly, you should start with more difficult tasks, and leave simple ones for the last period of work.
  9. Rational distribution of time, concentration and responsible attitude will help you quickly do your homework. Do not be distracted by other things - time will fly by faster, do not weaken your attention - you will not have to correct shortcomings for a long time.
An approximate plan for quickly and correctly completing homework
  1. Make a daily routine and always follow it.
  2. Relax after school. You can go for a walk or just sit at home.
  3. Keep in strict order all things, notebooks and textbooks, school supplies.
  4. Set an alarm so you don't miss the start of homework.
  5. Focus and eliminate all distractions: turn off the TV, do not talk on the phone with friends.
  6. Take breaks in your workouts so you don't overwork.
  7. Allocate time rationally: roughly calculate in advance which lessons how much time you will spend, take into account the peculiarities of the school schedule, your level of preparation. Something can be postponed, done on the weekend. But it is better to do the bulk of the lessons right away, when you come home from school, you have fresh memories, the topic was recently explained by the teacher.
  8. Think about where you should start: with easier tasks, or difficult ones.
  9. Work slowly to avoid making mistakes.
  10. When everything is done, be sure to check the work done, try to find and correct the shortcomings.
Study carefully, according to the schedule, do not deviate from the plan, take breaks, treat each task responsibly, even if it seems easy, always double-check your work. Then you will do your homework correctly, spend less time on it.

To begin with, let's figure out what reason opponents of homework call? They ask a lot, it is impossible to cope with all the tasks. Yes, such a problem really exists: if every teacher assigns homework immoderately, then the children will simply stop doing it. This is what happens in high school: only a few perform tasks, among them half of the “GDZ-shniks” and those who work with tutors. So "some" decided to introduce an "innovation": to cancel homework altogether, in all subjects, in all classes. Instead of making things interesting...

How to assign homework? Six principles of good homework

  • Homework should be interesting. Of course, it is impossible, and it is not necessary to reduce all tasks to humor and interesting stories, but it is simply necessary to avoid the obvious banality and dullness of textbooks.
  • Assignments should touch the emotions of the students. Emotions are usually not talked about when doing homework. That which is pleasant, that question that "annoys" because you want to find the answer - that's what will always work. Children are naturally inquisitive, look for questions that will haunt a day, two, a week, but in the end the student will find out the answer himself or in the lesson. Such questions are not born on demand when you are preparing a lesson, so get a notebook in which you will write them down, and do not be stingy - give these ideas to colleagues on pedagogical sites, forums, and on your personal blog. What would be more interesting for you to read: the news about the salary increase for teachers or the salary increase for the police? I am sure that teachers, because this topic is close to you, it is “yours”. So it is with students - try to bring assignments closer to your students. For example, one of the geography teachers of our site, when explaining new topic“Cities” are given to students from neighboring countries as examples not by Moscow or Vladimir, but by Baku and Yerevan - these children are not only pleased to hear their native word in the lesson, they are happy to complete such tasks.
  • Tasks should be dosed. Yes, there should not be many of them, and there should not be few - you must find your "golden mean". Constant difficult and voluminous assignments will lead to the fact that the subject will be “scored”, tasks that are too easy will seem to be the norm, and students will start to be lazy. Alternate large and small tasks, let the children rest. On Monday, the day of working out for both adults and children, it is better to give fewer tasks, on weekends - creative tasks. Of course, if you only have 1-2 hours a week, it's harder for you, but I'm sure you can find a solution.
  • Homework should be multi-level. Yes, among your students there are “average students”, but there are those who are passionate about the subject, and, to be honest, those who are not interested in your subject at all. It's easier with the middle peasants. But what about the gifted? They need separate tasks, additional ones, especially for them - if not every lesson, but at least sometimes, they need this extra food for the mind, they need to know that you appreciate them and consider their level of knowledge to be high. Well, for the "lazy" and simply uninterested - give them a minimum, something that is difficult to cope with, something very easy, but on the topic of the lesson. Who knows, maybe a situation of success will inspire them and they will love your subject.
  • Homework must be justified. You don’t need to set a task for the sake of a task, set at least a small goal for each task and exercise (as an option, practicing certain UUDs, universal learning activities), and then see the result yourself or together with the students - whether the goal was achieved or not, what are the percentages of achievement goals. Tell the students about this (see next paragraph).
  • The student must have feedback» . If there is no connection, that is, tasks are not understood and discussed in the lesson, then the student will never know whether he has reached the goal, whether he has stepped forward to new knowledge. The student spent his time on the assignment, take a few minutes to discuss his work. Remember: a simple assessment in a notebook is not enough for a student, he needs a word, oral or written, or better, an individual one, find an opportunity to personally say some words to each student - at least once a month or a quarter. To make it interesting, prepare a template in Excel with a pie chart and right in the lesson ask the children to raise their hands, who completed the task, count and enter the number in the table, a diagram will appear on the board, according to which you can understand how the children coped with the task. And so for each task. Such a mini-interactive will be a nice addition to the lesson, you can do it from time to time, or you can arrange competitions: in rows (which row did better), in alphabetical order (who did better, who has a surname with a vowel or a consonant letter). And if you have an interactive voting system with remote controls, then it’s generally great - you can make such cuts all the time, on any issue. And do not forget to praise the students: both personally and the class as a whole.

Good homework checklist

  • "Interesting"
  • Emotionality
  • Dosage
  • Multilevel
  • justification
  • Efficiency

After preparing the text of the homework, check whether all the principles are observed, you can put a tick in front of these items, you can cross them out. Perhaps some tasks should be reformulated or replaced with others. Do not be afraid of change, do different tasks on the same topic in different classes one parallel, and then conduct your own mini-research and "work on the mistakes": which tasks were easy / difficult, which ones you liked / didn't like, etc. You can also draw diagrams - over time, you will understand which tasks are more effective and which ones you do best. If you have not previously used these principles when preparing your homework, then start with at least 1-2 points and see the result, I am sure that it will be positive.

What do you think good homework should be? How to do homework? Waiting for your comments.