Class teacher: what is included in his functions? Beginning class teacher

In classes of the same parallel, there can be completely different children. Some are cheerful, friendly and active, others are sad, indifferent and inert. The first go to school with joy, the second - only because "mom and dad ordered." The mother of two daughters, Maria Koroleva, is sure that the whole thing is in the class teacher. And only he can make the child run to school with joy.

For those who are preparing for the main school exam

I can't stand conversations like: “Before, there were real teachers, good children, and good schools. Not like now!”. The people have remained the same. Time, speed, environment have changed, but hardly people. And in such a conservative place as a school, in general, all changes are like in slow motion (forgive me teachers). Why this preface? Now I'll tell you.

About "class" class teachers

The life of a big small child even in the best government institution, it largely depends on the adult who is nearby. Let's call him the class teacher. They have always been different for everyone. I was lucky, my youngest daughter after almost 30 years - too. But the eldest - alas.

I will not indulge in memories, although there is something to remember: trips, and parties, and going to the cinema, and just a feeling of some kind of security. When, for example, the stomach hurts or there is a hole in the pantyhose, or the lesson has not been learned. In all cases, we ran to the class teacher's office and found help and participation. However, about the present.

My best friend- teacher in English with excellent leadership. For 20 years of work at the school, she has never abandoned him, although she has an objective reason for that: three children of her own.

At school, the child is always one way or another dependent on the class teacher.

What is a class guide? This is definitely an additional hemorrhoids. In many schools in Russia, teachers still live under the yoke of tons of papers (outside the Moscow Ring Road, for sure). Plus, the main functions: preparing and conducting lessons, extracurricular activities, homeworkers, filling out paperwork and other reporting, teachers' councils, certification for grades, checking notebooks, and the like. All this takes an incredible amount of energy. There is neither time nor energy to communicate with children outside the lessons and outside the school (desire is an individual matter).

To the above, try adding official duties class leader. Their formal list will be prompted by Google, but for many years now I have been observing the informal life of a friend who has long been divided into school and personal. It would be strange if those wishing to take a class and receive 10% of their salary for their hard labor stood in line.

What makes a good class teacher

You can see it in the little things. Even in the way he feeds the children in the cafeteria. After all, this is a whole thing - to bring, distribute portions, divide the excess, give free coupons to the “eternally hungry”.

Good classroom teacher even with a bad director, a good one. Like he's not part of that fish that rots from the head

He is a confidant of students, and even those who do not realize this, and whose parents are sure that their child is self-sufficient, strong and does not need help.

A good class teacher is not afraid that “the end of the working day” does not exist. Parents call on any issue in the evening, and in the morning, and on weekends. And he himself calls the students so that they are at home on time. I swear my friend does this!

The working day of the class teacher does not end with going beyond the threshold of the school

He is responsible for the performance of the class (there are all sorts of intra-school and external ratings), for life in and out of school. For example, if a child violated the curfew, the class teacher is called “on the carpet”, reprimanded, and may be financially punished. Because “I had a bad conversation” (parents have something to do with it?).

A separate “pleasure” is trips to dysfunctional families and conversations with often drunk parents.

And you also need to discern talent in every child and give it the opportunity to show it, create a favorable friendly atmosphere in the class, support the timid and prevent bullying in any form. In general, a purely pedagogical story. And human. Trips, parties, hikes - it's optional. But good cool people have this desire by default. And thank you for being so!

About "not cool" leaders

Not everyone who agreed to take a class became a class teacher. It's true. For many, this workload comes down to filling out paper forms and calling parents with endless complaints. As is the case with my oldest daughter. Her teacher called only to say that the child was half a minute late for duty or class. It was infuriating. Well, simply because, apart from being late and complaining, she was not interested in anything in children at all. In any conflicts, she managed to take such a side as to be against all the students at once. The kids hated her, and we didn't even have a graduation.

Some class teachers work “for show”, fulfilling the load norm

The eldest always envied her sister, who traveled with the class to all museums, factories and cities not only in the Moscow region. And hiking is another matter! Needless to say, even in the worst scenario (a test or an unloved lesson), the youngest runs to school, and the eldest, thank God, has already run away from it?

A distinctive feature of all bad class teachers is an absolute ignorance of child and adolescent psychology

Hence the eternal desire to put the child in front of the whole class and scold him for something. And for what - there is always.

Is it possible to survive in a school with a non-cool classroom? Well, my daughter survived. The question is - with what losses did she leave it. And with what memories. So before or now, it doesn't matter. It all depends on whether the person is in the right place.

Main structural element educational system of the school is the class. This is where it is organized cognitive activity social relationships are formed between students. Representative functions in school self-government bodies are also most often performed on behalf of the class. In the classes, care is taken for the social well-being of students, the problems of children's leisure and team building are solved, and an appropriate emotional atmosphere is formed. The organizer of the activities of students in the classroom, the coordinator of educational influences on the student is the class teacher. It is he who interacts directly with both students and their parents. The class teacher is a teacher who organizes educational work in the class assigned to him. The class teacher is the direct and main organizer of educational work in the school, an official appointed by its director to carry out educational work in the classroom.

The institution of class leadership has been established for a very long time, practically along with the emergence of educational institutions. In Russia, until 1917, these teachers were called class mentors and class ladies. They were obliged to delve into all the life events of the student groups entrusted to them, monitor the relationships in them, and form friendly relations between the children. The teacher should serve as an example in everything, even his appearance was a role model.

In the Soviet school, the position of class teacher was introduced in 1934. One of the teachers was appointed class teacher, who was given special responsibility for the educational work in this class. The duties of the class teacher were considered as additional to the main teaching work.

At present, the institution of class leadership has changed significantly, since there are several types of class leadership: a) a subject teacher who simultaneously performs the functions of a class teacher; b) a released class teacher who performs only educational functions; c) a class curator (trustee) who is entrusted with the supervision of any work; d) a tutor (protector, patron, guardian), exercising control in conditions when students take on a number of organizational functions of the teacher.

Main functions class teacher are:

Educational (social protection of the child);

Organizational (work on all pedagogical aspects of the life of the class and school, the formation of the individual and the team, the study of students);

Coordinating (establishment of positive interaction between all participants in the educational process - teachers, students, parents, the public);

Management (control over the dynamics of the development of the individual and the team based on the conduct of personal files of students and other types of documentation).

The priority among them is the function of social protection of the child, which is understood as purposeful, consciously adjustable system practical social, political, legal, psychological and pedagogical, economic and medical and environmental measures that ensure normal conditions and resources for the physical, mental and spiritual and moral development of children, preventing infringement of their rights and human dignity. The implementation of this function involves providing conditions for the adequate development of the child. The work of a class teacher in this direction is not only the activity of a direct executor, but also a coordinator helping children and their parents to receive social support and social services. Performing this function, he must, solving acute momentary problems, be ready to anticipate events and, relying on an accurate forecast, protect the child from possible problems and difficulties.

The object of social protection and social guarantees are all children, regardless of their origin, well-being of parents and living conditions. However, it is especially important to perform this function in relation to children who find themselves in a particularly difficult situation: children from large families, disabled children, orphans, refugees, etc., who need emergency social protection more than others.

The main purpose of the organizational function is to support a positive children's initiative related to the improvement of the life of the region, the microenvironment, the school and the schoolchildren themselves. In other words, the class teacher not only organizes students, but helps them in self-organization of various activities: cognitive, labor, aesthetic, as well as free communication, which is part of leisure. Important at this level is the function of team building, acting not as an end in itself, but as a way to achieve the goals set for the class. One of the tasks of the class teacher is the development of student self-government.

The success of the educational activities of the class teacher largely depends on a deep penetration into inner world children, understanding their experiences and motives of behavior. To this end, he studies schoolchildren not only in class, but also outside school hours, when visiting families of students, during excursions and hikes.

The coordinating function of the class teacher is manifested primarily in the fact that he carries out educational activities in close cooperation with other members of the teaching staff and, first of all, with those teachers who work with the students of this class (the micro-pedagogical team of the class). On the one hand, he uses the information he receives about children from teachers, and on the other hand, he enriches the teachers' ideas about the child, offering them his own information that will help regulate the actions of the teacher, his methods of working with the student.

The class teacher is the link between the teachers and the child's parents. He informs teachers about the state of the pupil, the characteristics of the parents, organizes their meetings with subject teachers. Special attention the class teacher should give to new teachers, whom it is important to acquaint with the characteristics of the class team and individual students, as well as with the requirements of the previous teacher and class teachers.

One of the forms of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, which ensures unity of action and contributes to the development of common approaches to education, is the pedagogical council, which forms a comprehensive view of the child.

As part of the managerial function, the class teacher carries out diagnostics, goal setting, planning, control and correction of educational activities. The implementation of the diagnostic function involves identifying the initial level of upbringing of students and constantly monitoring changes. It is aimed at the study and analysis of the child's individuality, the search for the causes of the inefficiency of the results and the characterization of a holistic pedagogical process.

The goal-setting function can be viewed as a joint development of the goals of educational activities with students. The share of participation of the class teacher in this process depends on the age of the students and the level of formation of the class team. The logic of goal-setting is reflected in the process of planning the activities of the class teacher.

The main goal of the control and correction function is to ensure the continuous development of the educational system of the class. The implementation of the control function involves identifying how positive results and the causes of shortcomings and problems arising in the process of education. Based on the analysis of the control results, the work of the class teacher is corrected either with the class as a whole, or with a specific group of students or an individual student. Control of the work of the class teacher is not so much control by the school administration as self-control for the purpose of correction. Correction is always a joint activity of the class teacher and the class team as a whole, a group or individual students.

The considered levels of functions determine the content of the activity of the class teacher. In the educational system of the school, the class teacher acts as an administrative person, endowed with the relevant rights and duties, namely:

– receive information about the mental and physical health of each child;

- monitor the progress of each student;

- control the attendance of children in school;

- coordinate and direct the work of teachers of this class (as well as a psychologist, social educator);

- organize educational work with students in the class: hold "small teachers' councils", pedagogical councils, thematic events etc.;

- submit proposals agreed with the class team for consideration by the administration, the school council;

- invite parents (or persons replacing them) to the school to resolve issues related to the upbringing and education of students, in agreement with the administration, contact the commission for minors, the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission, the commission and councils for family and school assistance in enterprises;

- get help from the teaching staff of the school;

- to determine an individual mode of work with children based on a specific situation;

- refuse assignments that lie outside the scope of the content of his work;

– conduct experimental work on the problems of didactic and educational activities;

- to organize an educational process that is optimal for the development of the positive potential of the personality of students within the framework of the activities of the general school team;

- assist the student in solving acute problems (preferably in person, you can involve a psychologist);

- establish contact with parents and assist them in raising children (personally, through a psychologist, social pedagogue).

For a pedagogically competent, successful and effective performance of their duties, the class teacher needs to know well the psychological and pedagogical foundations of working with children, to be informed about latest trends, methods and forms of educational activities, to master modern technologies education.

The class teacher is the architect of the class team.

Not everyone can fit in

He is the soul of the company and a strict mentor, clever, bewitchingly broadcasting about the unknown, and a restless entertainer, caring guardian and role model. The class teacher is a person from whom the demand is great, and there are no claims and a small cart. To explain what an ideal class teacher should be, scientists are developing criteria that must be followed steadily.

Architect, creator and assistant

School education is carried out by the entire teaching staff in all spheres of life. A special role belongs to the class teacher.

The class teacher has always played a pivotal role in shaping the personality of the child, revealing his identity, abilities and potential, in protecting the rights and defending his interests.

The class teacher is a professional teacher who becomes for the child an intermediary between society and a growing personality in mastering the foundations of culture developed by mankind over many centuries. He can be compared to an architect as he builds collaborative relationships with all members of the school community. It creates an optimal developing microenvironment and a favorable moral and psychological climate in the classroom. Coordinates the joint actions of teachers, families and society. The class teacher is always there, with all his pedagogical arsenal, he contributes to the development of the child. And not just one, but every individual in the class.

The work of the class teacher is voluminous and requires high psychological and pedagogical training and additional effort.

Is the mission possible?

The purpose of fulfilling this mission (creating a children's team) is to promote the maximum individual development all aspects of the personality and pedagogical support in the difficult entry into public life and ascension to world culture.

The fulfillment of the designated mission requires the creation of certain organizational conditions, the provision of which is entrusted to the class teacher: - coordination of life separate group students with the vital activity of a school-wide team of teachers and children; - promoting the most favorable organizational conditions for the educational and cognitive activities of a group of students for the success of each student; - ensuring the participation of the children of the group in a variety of extracurricular activities of the school team, ensuring the versatility of development; - establishing communication with parents and interaction with the family on the basis of a common concern for the maximum development of each student; - maintaining documentation reflecting the process of development of the personality of each student of the group; - pedagogical observation, working diagnosis of upbringing of children and the corresponding pedagogical correction of physical and spiritual development each student in the assigned group.

Man - that sounds proud

The organization and education of the class team is the main responsibility of the class teacher. Organizing and rallying the team, he creates the conditions and prerequisites for the successful solution of educational problems.

The class teacher ensures close cooperation between the teachers of his class, achieves unity of requirements and pedagogical influences. Anton Makarenko rightly pointed out that no educator has the right to act alone. Each teacher and all together are guided by the same requirements for students, at the same time they carry out an individual approach to them.

The class teacher is called upon to show constant concern for improving the quality of knowledge and developing cognitive activity students. In close collaboration with the teachers of his class, he contributes to the formation and development of spiritual and moral values ​​among schoolchildren as the basis of worldview values, forms in children a conscious attitude to educational duties, monitors how his pupils study, how they attend classes, how they participate in life class and the school as a whole.

Versatile and multifaceted extra-curricular educational work falls mainly on the shoulders of the class teacher.

A significant place in the activities of the class teacher is occupied by the issues of educating students in the spirit of conscious discipline, accustoming them to fulfill the rules of life in a team, in society. Already from the first days of training sessions, a firm regime and a clear internal routine are established, the “Rules for Students” are clarified, and discipline and order are taught.

The community of school and family reflects the democratism of the Russian education system. The connection between the school and the family is carried out mainly and primarily through the class teachers. The class teacher communicates with parents as an equal with equals, as a colleague with colleagues, and he and they are equally interested allies. The main tone of such relationships: "Let's consult", "What do you think?"

The upbringing of class students is assessed by the level of their socio-cultural development. The work of the class teacher should be judged not by the number and variety of events, but because of the relationship in the class and what is the intellectual and moral level in it.

What is the ideal class teacher?

Ideally, this is a person with a very rich imagination. It is not enough to know the methods and standard forms of work. Never repeat. A real class teacher should be able to create something interesting for children from a trifle with the power of imagination.

Secondly, the ideal class teacher is a wise person. There has always been a question of how mature class teachers are for pedagogical education and for working with parents, because a person can become wise at 16, and at 20, at 30, maybe at 60. Or maybe not at all.

There is another unspoken pedagogical rule. A normal class teacher never divides children into "good" and "bad". You need to try to find mutual understanding even with the latest boor. You can not provoke a student to an unworthy act, and then scold. You can't respond with violence. These ethical norms were known to teachers even 1000 and 2000 years ago. It is on them that you should rely.

The main functions that determine the content of the work of the class teacher are:

1. analytical;

2. prognostic;

3. organizational - coordinating;

4. communicative;

5. control

Analytic function

2. Study and analysis of the development of the personality of the child and the student team.

3. Analysis and assessment of the level of upbringing of schoolchildren.

4. Study and analysis of the educational opportunities of the teaching staff working with the class.

5. study individual features pupils;

predictive function

· Foreseeing the results of educational impact on schoolchildren.

· Forecasting the levels of individual development of students.

· Forecasting the course of the formation of the class team, its activities.

· Building a model of the system of educational work in the classroom.

Planning of educational work in the classroom.

Organizational and coordinating function :

- formation of a class team;

- organization and stimulation of various types of activities of pupils in the class team;

- assistance and organization of cooperation in planning socially significant activities of students, in organizing the activities of student self-government bodies;

· - maintaining relations between family and school, school and society;

- Assistance in obtaining additional education for pupils at school and outside it;

- protecting the rights of students;

- creation of conditions for the safety of life and health of children during extracurricular and extracurricular activities;

- organization of individual work with students;

· - participation in the work of pedagogical and methodological councils, methodological association of class teachers, administrative meetings, the School Prevention Council;

· Maintaining documentation of the class teacher and class journal.

Communicative function

· Assistance in establishing and regulating interpersonal relationships in children and adolescents.

· Assistance in building optimal relationships "teacher-student", "teacher-parents", "parents-student".

· Help students to establish relationships with other people, society.

Correction of behavior of schoolchildren.

· Assistance in establishing and maintaining a favorable psychological climate in the team.

control function

- control over the results of the progress of each student;

- control over the attendance of training sessions by students.

Mode of operation of the class teacher

· The class teacher is appointed with the consent of the teacher by order of the head of the educational institution on the basis of the decision of the pedagogical council.

· The minimum working time, which the class teacher must devote to children during the week, is 6 hours. On days of duty, the class teacher of the class on duty is at school during the entire school time.

· Classroom hour held once a week. Its forms can be very diverse.

· The number of educational events - at least two cases per month, of which one can be school-wide.

· The number of classroom parent meetings - one per quarter (or 2 per semester). Two meetings per year should be thematic.

· The class teacher submits a report to the administration on the work done at the end of the semester and academic year in the form of analysis and diagnostic results. The control of the activities of the class teacher is carried out by the deputy director of the educational institution for educational work

Determining the specifics of working with parents

The success of education lies in the trinity: teacher - student - parent. And although in this triumvirate the parent is in last place, he plays a far from the last role.

An example from practice. The specifics of working with parents is determined by the fact that the composition of the parents of the class can be quite prosperous: due attention is paid to the child, the educational and intellectual level of the parents is quite high.

Initially, it is necessary to set the task: to form a team of like-minded people from parents. Work with them should begin with the fact that at the first parent meeting to offer a kind of reminder: "How to succeed in raising your children":

Dear parents!

Do you want to be successful in raising your children? The following tips will likely help you succeed:

    Children learn what they are taught. Trying to educate certain spiritual qualities in children, one must remember that a parental example in this matter is indispensable. Most of those noble moral character that we would like to see in our children should be part of daily life. Children should be taught self-control. You can't punish a child without making it clear what his intentions were. The greatest confusion with punishments arises from the unsuccessful attempts of parents to correctly delineate the boundaries of what is permitted. There is no less effective remedy education, rather than irritation and anger. Giving vent to their anger, adults lose the respect of children. The highest dignity of parents is the ability to look at the world through the eyes of a child, to try to feel what he feels. Remember that some things in life are more important than academic success. One of them is a person's self-esteem, his attitude towards himself. In many cases, compromise and negotiation best forms relationships between parents and children.

Discussing the memo at the first parent-teacher meeting will help, at least to some extent, form common views on education.

Then you can offer parents a questionnaire in which you need to indicate in which class affairs they can accept Active participation. Based on this questionnaire, draw up a plan for the participation of parents in the extracurricular life of the class. The implementation of this plan can give a lot. Parents will not only traditionally be able to help in organizing excursions, evenings, holidays, but will also be active participants in cultural trips, trips, evenings of rest, creative activities.

And there is another principle of working with parents. Only joyful and interesting common deeds are carried out together. If a child has problems, failures, someone commits an unseemly act, has learning difficulties, in any of these cases, work with parents is only individual. About the good - to everyone, about the bad - only to the parent, while carefully and tactfully.

Class teacher at parent meeting.

What roles does the class teacher play during parent meeting? Naturally, the answer to this question depends on the purpose of the meeting. We can say with confidence that almost always the meeting is faced with an informational task, and therefore, the teacher acts as an informant.

It would seem that the role of a teacher is familiar. But this is only at first glance. Teaching and informing are completely different tasks, and they involve the use of different methods. Quite often, the teacher, without noticing it, makes a substitution: instead of transmitting information to adults in the form in which it would be convenient for them to perceive it, he begins to influence with the help of information. That is to teach parents. And few adults like it.

As a result, information is not only not accepted and comprehended, but also generates, regardless of its content, the resistance of listeners.

The teacher as a facilitator

The same can be said about another role of the teacher - leading the parent meeting. This is the role of the facilitator.

In the most primitive interpretation, a facilitator is a person who facilitates communication between two or more people, controls the course of the meeting so that the participants can concentrate on discussing the content and solving the problems of the discussion. The teacher-facilitator at the parent-teacher meeting organizes communication between parents and helps to ensure that the discussion is productive and leads to the solution of the questions raised. As a facilitator, the teacher does not introduce his own content into the group process, but only ensures the development of the content that the participants themselves set.

Until recently, for a teacher, such a role, and even in relation to parents, was exotic. Now the need for it arises more and more often, as parents claim (and not without reason) to actively influence the educational environment of the school in which their children study, live, and develop.

To be heard

The main task of any informant is to make it heard. That is, in principle, they listened and heard exactly what he wanted to say. Most of the methods used are aimed at solving this problem.

Starting a conversation

The main requirement is that the beginning of the conversation should be short, effective and clear in content. Here are some tips.

Think carefully and write down the first 2-3 sentences of your speech on a piece of paper. They should sound as calm and clear as possible, even against the background of your understandable excitement.

Introduce yourself correctly (if this is the first meeting). Briefly, but emphasizing those aspects of your status and role in relation to children, which will form the basis of your authority and significance in the eyes of your parents.

Never start with an apology, even if the beginning of the meeting is delayed, there are overlaps and some misunderstandings. One can simply state that the meeting started somewhat differently than planned. An apology will immediately put you in a position of "below" and reduce the subjective significance of your information in the eyes of your listeners.

It is important to start the conversation in silence. Find a way to get attention. It is advisable to do this outside the box, so that the method you choose does not resemble a lesson. For example, stand up decisively, move the vase of flowers to the edge of the table, and start...

Start the conversation by outlining the very logic of the meeting, its main stages: “First, we are with you ...”, “Then we will consider ...”, “At the end of the conversation, we will have to ...”.

Designate the place of questions and remarks of parents during the meeting. For example, you can say that it is better to ask questions right away, as information is presented. Alternatively, ask your parents to listen fully to you first and then ask questions. You can say that you will answer all the questions that will be asked during your monologue later, but for now you will fix them for yourself on a board or piece of paper.

It's great if, after setting out all the organizational issues, you manage to change the position of the listeners, make it more included, liberated. To do this, give some recent incident from the life of the class or school, show something funny or interesting made by children, etc. If the parents do not know each other, be sure to introduce them.

Statement of information

I think the following quote from one of the trainers' guides sums up the most effective communication approach: “Tell them (i.e. the audience) what you are going to tell. Tell them about it. Tell them what you told them." Read this phrase several times, delve into it and follow it practically. This will significantly increase the efficiency of your work.

How and where to stand during your monologue? If the class is small or there are few listeners, it is better to sit - in a general circle or to the side of your own table. By no means at the table! This is such an insidious place - the teacher's table! He instantly revives quite specific associations and behavioral stereotypes in the teacher himself and his listeners (and all of them are former students). If the class is large, you will have to stand. Again - next to the table, moving slightly from time to time. The space at the blackboard allows you to control the attention of the listeners. If you are saying very important things, move forward a little to the very desks or rows of chairs. When summing up, giving the audience something to think about and comprehend, go to the board.

Match the voice to the size of the message. In general, many of the rhetoric skills that you use in class will come in handy: repetition last words, modulating accents with your voice, etc. Watch for pauses: they should be. Remember that you are not dealing with hyperactive kids who are afraid to let go into free communication for two seconds, but with adults. They know how to think. And I think it's best in pauses.

Watch for non-verbal information that you voluntarily and involuntarily broadcast through your gestures, posture and facial expressions. When excited, it is difficult to control facial expressions, and yet it must correspond to the content of the transmitted information and change in time with it. It is desirable to use postures and gestures mainly open, benevolent: the movement of hands during gesticulation is away from oneself, and not towards oneself, and much more, which is already well known to modern teachers.

Remember to return to the beginning of the conversation at the end of the conversation and summarize. And in general: do not use the situation when the parents got together and finally listen to you in order to give out all the emotions, all the information, all the problems that you have accumulated. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by details and get sidetracked during the conversation. Clearly define a theme and stick to it.

You can intrigue the parents a little: “We could talk about this ...”, “I have something to tell you about such an issue as ...” Let them feel that the next meeting is extremely important and should not be postponed in their own interests.

And further. Parents should make sure that such meetings make sense: they are prompt and end with a certain result. And for this, information must be presented in a dosed, consistent and clear manner.

After all the necessary information transferred, you can proceed to its discussion and adoption certain decisions. And that's a completely different story...

Annex 1

Methods for introducing the teacher to the parents at the first meeting

At the first parent-teacher meeting, the teacher meets the parents and introduces them to each other.

Name game. Participants take turns calling their names and characterizing themselves by the first letter of their name or, by agreement, by any letter, by all letters. For example, the name Oleg is a dazzling smile, easy-going, I only eat raw vegetables, blue-eyed.

Name history. All participants in the meeting tell how they got their name and what it means. You can also talk about your last name. This is very interesting information not only for parents, but also for children.

My name and I The meeting participants stand or sit in a circle. The teacher says his name and his significant social role: "I'am a teacher".

Then, in order in a circle, each parent names their social role.

A more complicated version of the dating game is to name the previous participants in the appropriate sequence, repeating their intonation and gestures if possible.

Letters of my name. It is proposed to dream up what the letters of the names of the participants look like, what character they have, what color they are, good or evil, etc. You can use different approaches when analyzing the same letter - the more there are, the more interesting and the better the image is remembered the person who provided their name. It is advisable to select a new image each time when repeating letters.

What am I. With such a game, an adjective is used, preferably with visualization of the image: “I am modest”, “I am strong”, “I am scary and formidable”, “I am romantic”, etc.

names and hobbies. The names are presented in conjunction with a favorite thing in a fairy-tale manner: “Mary the artisan”, “Ilya the prophet”, “Danila the master”, “Petro the storyteller”, etc.

Bingo. A sheet of paper is divided into 8-10 parts. Each part contains a phrase. These phrases can be prepared in advance by the class teacher, or they can be compiled by the participants in the parent meeting themselves. Freely communicating with each other, parents find among the participants in the meeting people who are somewhat similar to them. For example, “I was born in January”, “I love a noisy company”, “I have big library”, “I like winter”, “I love swimming”, etc. Participants need to find as many people as possible who have similar qualities to them.

Favorite animals. Each participant draws or names his favorite animal and tells what attracts him to it, how it is connected with his character. You can accompany the situation with actions and movements characteristic of this animal.

Favourite hobby. It is proposed to tell as interesting as possible about your favorite pastime, so that everyone wants to do it.

Introducing yourself and your neighbor. First, parents talk about themselves in pairs, then you need to create small groups and introduce each other. The one about whom they are talking, if necessary, supplements what has been said. Then small group introduces its members to the entire parent group.

The subject of my childhood. Various objects are laid out on the table. It can be a pebble, a ball, a toy, a note and other items. Everyone chooses for himself the subject that is associated with his childhood, and tells the appropriate episode from his life.

Movies of my childhood. Participants are invited to discuss which episode from their lives they would like to film, what genre of film they consider acceptable for this (popular science, documentary, fiction). Which directors and actors would they invite? Why? The list of questions can be continued.

Ball game. The teacher's parents stand in a circle. The teacher takes the ball and throws it to one of the participants. At the same time, he must name the name of the participant to whom he throws the ball, and his own name. Something like this: “Your name is ..., and my name is ...”. If someone makes a mistake, then this is perceived with benevolent irony and with appropriate amendments. The game continues until all participants have been introduced.

Then you can invite parents, without speaking, line up in a row alphabetically, unite in groups if the names start with the same letter, etc.

Acquaintance - presentation. Everyone should get to know their neighbor and introduce him to everyone. At the same time, it is necessary to pay attention to positive personal characteristics that could be of interest to all those present.

Neighbor presentation. Each parent chooses a mate from those present. Next comes the communication on the principle of a journalistic interview. The presentation of the neighbor takes place taking into account the time limit (1-2 minutes), the humorous component in the message is encouraged, At the end of the presentation, the winning couple is determined.

Deaf hobby. Everyone draws a symbol of their hobby on paper. It is forbidden to talk while doing this. Everyone must, using only a visual representation, find a partner, that is, one who has interests similar to him. Next comes the presentation of each other with the determination of the accuracy of the coincidence of non-verbal and verbal components.

Nodules. Participants are given threads 30-40 cm long. Parents tie their threads if they have something in common. It can be a professional aspect, family, outward sign, favorite color, number of children, etc. As a result, one common thread is formed. Then each talks about what united him with others.


If your parents come...

1. Try to listen carefully to your interlocutor.

2. Show interest in the conversation - nod your head, say "yes", "uh-huh", refrain from remarks during the conversation, and after the interlocutor's monologue, ask a few clarifying questions.

3. Specify what request or requirement you are asked to fulfill. If the request or demand is not realistic in your opinion, try to find a "golden mean" in resolving the situation. If the parent continues to insist on his demand, try to bring the proposed situation to the point of absurdity. "Every man is given a mind that guides him, and wanting everyone to reason like me is the same as wanting everyone to be of my height and my build."

5. If after a conversation you have an unpleasant aftertaste, try the following:

wash the board;

move, align the desks;

Although experience comes with age, there are many ways to master some pedagogical wisdom already at the beginning of a professional path. According to the teachers themselves, experience alone is not enough to establish the necessary contact with the student. Each new generation is at least a little, but different from the previous one. And a teacher, even the most experienced and honored, may experience difficulties in dealing with children. Probably, this is also the mission of the teacher - to be "one's own" in the child's world.

Young class teacher

Usually, class beginners are very worried, worried, because in addition to children, parents will also measure them with an evaluating look. This category of class teachers should resort to a number of simple but effective tips:

  • Outline the plan of your acquaintance with the class, with the parents. Because of the excitement, awkward pauses may occur, the hint should be at hand.
  • Do not try to flirt with the guys right away. They may mistake this for your weakness, which is a great excuse for a lack of authority and submission. You must be friendly, open, but at the same time strict. Children feel this very well. Immediately determine the distance that will help you lead the class, and not build a more or less problem-free relationship. But do not overdo it in severity. The class will simply be afraid of you and, to put it mildly, dislike you.
  • Set the rules for your relationship. Children of any school age remain children and love to play role-playing games. They still need the rules of the game. Let the children know how you see a respectful, trusting relationship. From the first meeting, they should realize that you are making real contact with them.
  • Your first meetings should not be just formalities. Be sure to show interest in each and every one. There are many of them and everyone wants to express themselves. And it will be easier for you to understand what each of your students is like.
  • Keep a diary. For a young class teacher, this real opportunity control the process. At the beginning of work, it will be difficult for you to keep a huge amount of information in your head, because each student will have some current learning issues. Often a young teacher does not even realize how broadly his duties are understood. He must know about the state of the child's studies, about his behavior, relationships with the class and teachers, the situation in the family, etc.

How to earn prestige in the class?

The guys should not see your indifference in any of its manifestations. The credit of trust will be exhausted in the same second. Even if you do not have time to solve the problem, the child should see your willingness to help.

Of course, you should not single out “favorites”. You must maintain reasonable neutrality. Try to stimulate children's activity with the examples of other children, but do it subtly. Every child should see someone's success, someone's achievement as a real goal for himself.

One of your main tasks is team building. It is in your power to unite even a class consisting of small groups. Most the right way- collective victory. Nothing unites like a common spirit of joy, satisfaction, meaningful achievement. To begin with, there may be school competitions and events, which are many in terms of educational work. Then you can enjoy the benefits modern society: a lot interesting competitions or projects carried out online. It is interesting for the children to go beyond their school, to do something new and bright, which means to excel. Seeing your initiative, the children will note for themselves that you are really their friend and helper.

Try to follow the changes in the life of each student. Feel free to congratulate the guys on family holidays, track their extracurricular progress. The guys are touched by such attention, besides, not everyone gets it in abundance from busy parents.

Portrait of a modern class teacher

The first condition is that the modern classroom should not stand still. And this concerns self-education above all. You must have an idea about the psychological characteristics of the age of the children in your class. They should see you as an intelligent and literate person. Understand, they are children of their super-technological time. They communicate more on the Internet, have more access to all kinds of information, and this can have both positive and negative feedback. It's great if they see you as a modern person. On the classroom hours bring up topics that are important to them today. Be honest and seek feedback. Be tactful and delicate, appreciate the uniqueness of the personality of each child.

Arrange joint viewings of current films, discuss with them. Guide them to interact with younger students encourage patronage.

Act in the same chain with your parents. Your educational efforts should be united by one goal and move in one direction. Involve parents in class activities. And even if at first it will not be easy, such an experience is extremely useful.

And, of course, love children. Without this condition, it is hardly possible to be a good class teacher.

Titova Valentina Nikolaevna,
mathematics teacher, highest qualification category,
Simeiz educational complex,
Yalta, Republic of Crimea

Professional class teacher in a modern school

Education is the acquisition of good habits .

Classroom teacher has always played a very important role in the history of the Russian school, because it is he who has a huge influence on the formation of the personality of schoolchildren, the disclosure of their creative and intellectual potential. And also a good class teacher will always protect the rights and interests of children, building the educational process on the principles of humanistic pedagogy. The class teacher will help the student to become a Human if his activity is of a developing nature.

The class teacher today is a thinking teacher, constantly developing, looking for answers to questions that concern students and their parents. Such a person is open to new things, is able to positively influence the development of students, shape their souls, lead to the light.

How many articles are written in the world
And how many smart lectures have been read
About how to raise our children,
Inquisitive and kind, funny and noisy.

The Soviets are rushing in from all sides;
Scientists and writers write
Both methodologists and educators,
Others are already climbing out of their skin.

Eduard Asadov

Functions of the class teacher: organization all kinds activities in the classroom that promote comprehensive development students, the formation of their personality, the harmonious existence of the children's team. Coordination aimed at the positive interaction of all participants in the educational and pedagogical process (teachers, students, parents) management, contributing to the control of the dynamics of the development of the personality of students and the student team.

The class teacher is a person with certain rights and obligations, he must:

1) be informed about the health status of each student; 2) exercise control over the progress of students and their attendance at classes; 3) interact with the school administration, teachers, teachers of circles and sections, with the librarian, with the school psychologist, with health workers, with special services for children, with the parents of students; 4) conduct educational work with class students in different directions and various methods; 5) facilitate the consideration by the school administration of the proposals agreed in the class; 6) receive assistance from the school staff; 7) to conduct individual work with students and their parents, not to accept assignments that are not related to his direct duties; 8) to conduct experimental research work on topical issues of pedagogy; 9) organize educational activities that will be optimal for the development of students' personalities; 10) help each individual student in solving his problems; 11) to provide assistance to parents of students on issues of education.

What should be a class teacher?

A good, thinking class teacher must have a deep enough knowledge of the basics of child psychology and pedagogy, as well as regularly update their knowledge of the latest trends in the field of education.
The class teacher will build the educational process, taking into account the level of education of students, their social and financial situation, family circumstances?

How to be? Yes, you can inspire this and that,
And the remedy, in my opinion, is for everyone in height,
Everything is very complicated and very simple here:
Be good. That's all!

Classroom teacher - this is, first of all, a professional pedagogical employee, who is for students: 1) a spiritual model of human culture; 2) a protector from immorality; 3) the initiator of the rallying of the student team; 4) a factor in the development of individuality and self-expression of each student; 5) assistant to the socialization of the child; 6) a consultant on the everyday situations of schoolchildren, a person who helps the student to comprehend the socio-economic and political life of society; 7) career guidance consultant; 8) coordinator of the joint efforts of teachers, parents, society to educate a student as a person who positively influences the moral and psychological climate in the student team.

To be considered a professional class teacher, you need to be able to : 1) communicate effectively with students, teachers and parents; 2) respect children, supporting their initiative, developing their sense of responsibility; 3) correctly understand and implement the goals of education; 4) plan their activities; 5) organize educational activities; 6) use the methods of psychological diagnostics of students, skillfully use their results in work; 7) introduce moral and aesthetic technologies in pedagogical process aimed at developing the spirituality of students.

Class teacher and teaching staff.

The class teacher implements his functions in close cooperation with other members of the teaching staff and, first of all, with those teachers who work with students in this class. Interacting with subject teachers, the class teacher acts as an organizer and coordinator of pedagogical work with students and the team.

He acquaints teachers with the results of studying children, involving both the classroom team and teachers workingin the classroom, to discuss the program of pedagogical assistance to the child and his family. Organizes, together with subject teachers, the search for means, ways to ensure success learning activities the child, his self-realization in the classroom and in extracurricular time.

The class teacher systematically informs teachers about the dynamics of the child's development, his difficulties and achievements, about changes in the situation in the family. In case of difficulties that arise in the child and his parents related to learning, he seeks to involve teachers in discussing ways to overcome these difficulties and helps teachers to correct their actions, having previously introduced them to the mental development of children with developmental disabilities, with special methods of pedagogical influence on these children.

A professional class teacher regulates the relationship between teachers and parents of the child. He informs teachers about the state of upbringing, the characteristics of parents, organizes meetings of parents with subject teachers in order to exchange information about the success of teaching and raising a child, assisting parents in organizing homework with students.

The class teacher involves subject teachers in planning and organizing extracurricular activities in the classroom, helps to consolidate knowledge and skills, and takes into account the professional interests of schoolchildren; involves teachers in the preparation and conduct of meetings with parents.

A good and productive form of interaction between the class teacher and subject teachers, which ensure unity of action and contribute to the development of uniform approaches to raising a child, is a pedagogical council. Here a comprehensive view of the child is formed. Everyone who works with the student receives information about the mental, physical, mental development of the child, his individual abilities, opportunities and challenges. Teachers analyze the results of observations of the student, exchange information, agree on ways to solve problems that arise and distribute functions in working with the child.

It is very important if coolthe leader studies the style, basic methods and techniques of work of his colleagues with students, identifies successes, problems, achievements, effective ways the work of teachers with schoolchildren and parents, organizes the exchange of experience in pedagogical work, supports and stimulates the desire of teachers to provide pedagogical support to the child, to establish collaborative relationships with parents. At the same time, he takes interest in the proposals of teachers, the manifestation of their initiative, responds to comments, problems posed by teachers.

Thus, the class teacher, realizing his functions, is the person who directly organizes the educational process and provides a solution to the problems of both all students and each of them individually.

The class teacher and parents of students at the parent meeting.
The class teacher is a profession both new and old at the same time. One could romantically characterize it as a specialty reborn from the ashes. But let's be objective. It would be more correct to say that those who are interested in its revival are using their last strength to drag themselves out of the swamp by the braid ... And I think they will. Especially if they are helped by neighbors in the swamp - school psychologists.

To solve the new challenges that the rapidly changing school and the surrounding social reality poses for class teachers, these teachers literally need new technologies and methods of work as if in the air. Almost all of these technologies and approaches are psychological and pedagogical.

Of course, teachers will have to work out a lot on their own, but if we scrape through our native psychological bottomholes, we can equip the work of colleagues with something today. For example, help them take the right role position in relations with parents at a meeting. A position that would support the professional status of the teachers themselves, would allow them to solve the tasks set, as well as to activate the personal resources of the parents present at the meeting.

Today I want to say a word
To all those who are seventeen gold,
To whom are winged, cheerful twenty,
Who is an amazing twenty-five.

I think it's empty talk
When they claim that there is
Some ridiculous, eternal dispute,
Where fathers and children fight.

Eduard Asadov

To be heard

The beginning of the conversation should be short, effective and clear in content. Here are some tips.

Think carefully and write down the first 2-3 sentences of your speech on a piece of paper. They should sound as calm and clear as possible, even against the background of your understandable excitement.

Never start with an apology, even if the beginning of the meeting is delayed, there are overlaps and some misunderstandings. One can simply state that the meeting started somewhat differently than planned. An apology will immediately put you in a position of "below" and reduce the subjective significance of your information in the eyes of your listeners.

You need to start a conversation in silence. Find a way to get attention. It is advisable to do this outside the box, so that the method you choose does not resemble a lesson. For example, stand up decisively, move the vase of flowers to the edge of the table, and start...

Start the conversation by outlining the very logic of the meeting, its main stages: “First, we are with you ...”, “Then we will consider ...”, “At the end of the conversation, we will have to ...”.

Designate the place of questions and remarks of parents during the meeting. For example, you can say that it is better to ask questions right away, as information is presented. Alternatively, ask your parents to listen fully to you first and then ask questions. You can say that you will answer all the questions that will be asked during your monologue later, but for now you will fix them for yourself on a board or piece of paper.

It's great if, after setting out all the organizational issues, you manage to change the position of the listeners, make it more included, liberated. To do this, give some recent incident from the life of a class or school, show something funny or interesting made by children. If the parents don't know each other, be sure to introduce them.

Remember to return to the beginning of the conversation at the end of the conversation and summarize. And in general: do not use the situation when the parents got together and finally listen to you in order to give out all the emotions, all the information, all the problems that you have accumulated. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by details and get sidetracked during the conversation. Clearly define a theme and stick to it.

You can intrigue the parents a little: “We could talk about this ...”, “I have something to tell you about such an issue as ...” Let them feel that the next meeting is extremely important and should not be postponed until later. their own interests.

And further. Parents should make sure that such meetings make sense: they are prompt and end with a certain result. And for this, information must be presented in a dosed, consistent and clear manner.

Classroom teacher - a special phenomenon of the pedagogical sphere. professionalthe mission of the teacher, who is entrusted with the function of the class teacher, is pedagogicalsupport of the process of individual formation and development of the student's personality during the periodhis school education. The goals of this mission are to promote the maximum individual development of the personality and pedagogical support in the difficult entry into public life.Society needs strong people in moral and psychologically and therefore alreadyAt school age, students should be oriented towards mastering ways of communicating with people,creation of a moral atmosphere of the team.

"Many of the teachers can feel trembling fear, feeling that they are not able to live up to the high standards expected of them. But in fact, all that is needed is a desire to improve and humility to recognize their shortcomings." Art-Ong Jumsa
