We must know and remember...(classroom about terrorism). Class hour "for children about terrorism"

Safety of your own life. Over the past ten years we have lost this feeling. Almost every week brings with it the anniversary of a terrorist attack, the chronicle of which is mass media restored time after time in frightening detail. The sad calendar continues to grow: information about new explosions or hostage-takings reaches every home where the TV is turned on, the radio is on, or a computer is connected to the Internet. It is impossible to completely protect children from it, and it is hardly necessary: ​​by depriving them of the right to know what is happening around them, we risk not only giving them a distorted picture of the world, but also putting their lives at potential risk.

Psychologies: Children have to grow up in an unsafe world. How do the troubling realities of our day affect them?

Elena Morozova: It is difficult for a child, like an adult, to live in a turbulent world: frightening information makes us acutely aware of our own vulnerability, some begin to fear reality and hide from it. However, for children and adolescents the issue is even more acute: they experience a vital need for impulses for development, the source of which is the world around them. If the world begins to be perceived only as a focus of threat, then all the child’s cognitive powers will be spent not on knowing and comprehending reality, but on protecting himself from it. Fear of reality can become an obstacle to their growth and development.

What information are children most sensitive to?

EAT.: Greatest harm capable of damaging television news. It is difficult for a child to abstract himself from the video sequence and realize the boundary between what he sees on the screen and his everyday life. Therefore, in particularly sensitive moments, you should not watch informational television programs with your children. Soon after Nord-Ost, many parents complained that their children’s sleep and appetite were disturbed, and night terrors appeared. These children were not witnesses or victims of the terrorist attack - they only watched the development of events on television and became their secondary victims.

Reason vs Fear

It is important to make it clear to the child that there are few terrorists - incomparably fewer than ordinary people, Alexander Wenger is sure. And their actions are not aimed at him.

“It is important to explain to the child: in order to intimidate us, terrorists choose special places and dates, but in fact the number of people who suffer as a result of explosions or hostage-takings is not comparable to the number of those who die, for example, in car accidents. But no one is afraid to travel in a car or on a bus. If we reasonable people, then we buckle up and don’t get into a car with a drunk driver. In other words, it is good if the child realizes as early as possible that for his own safety it is necessary to follow certain rules, and in most cases this principle also works in relation to terrorists.”

PHOTO Dreamstime.com

What if the terrorist attack occurred not in Russia, but, say, in the USA?

Alexander Wenger: There is a direct relationship between the geography of terrorist attacks and the number of secondary victims. The closer to our home an event occurs, the stronger the psychological effect it produces: for example, after Nord-Ost, the number of secondary victims in Moscow was much greater than after the Beslan events. However, this rule only applies to adults: if we are talking about children, then it is not so important for them where exactly the terrorist attack took place - this information is always perceived painfully.

The likelihood of becoming an eyewitness to a terrorist attack is still relatively low. Is it necessary to prepare a child for this possibility?

EAT.: The child must know the algorithm of behavior in any dangerous situation - be it a fire or a terrorist attack. Practical skills will help you feel more confident if you encounter danger. In addition, it is important that the child understands that there is a way out of almost any difficult situation: this knowledge is very mobilizing. More important point– set up the child to help, including emotional, those who are nearby. This distracts you from your own worries, fear and creates an atmosphere of community.

At what point should you start such a conversation?

EAT.: There is no point in loading it with redundant information, getting ahead of the event. But if a child comes into contact with it (for example, he saw a story on the news about a terrorist attack), a conversation about it is necessary. It is better to answer specific questions - the child himself will tell you what is important for him to know now.

A.V.: It’s good if the event becomes the subject of family discussion. The child will understand that he is not the only one who is worried and that adults, sharing his feelings, nevertheless treat this situation calmly and in a business-like manner. It is also worth taking into account the characteristics of age: under the age of five, children are hardly able to understand what terror is. Therefore, it is possible not to separate such concepts as “terrorism” and “war” in conversation. You can say, for example: “ Bad people started a war." For children six to nine years old, detailed explanations may also be redundant, so it is better to discuss in a game which actions in a critical situation will be correct and which will not, focusing specifically on the practical side of the matter.

EAT.: Teenagers are a different matter: they already have a sense of responsibility for themselves and for those around them, and therefore they need to understand the essence of what is happening. It is worth talking with a child aged 11-15 years about the causes and goals of terrorism, about various forms terrorist attacks. A teenager is capable of making independent decisions, which is why it is so important to discuss different strategies of behavior in the event of a direct confrontation with terrorists.

What advice would you give to parents who are trying to keep their children positive about the world?

EAT.: In my opinion, adults should first of all pay attention to themselves. After all, we unknowingly infect our children with our own fears. Figure out what worries you and analyze your attitude towards what is happening. If you manage to cope with your worries, it may very well be that no other efforts will be required from you: the child will literally absorb a positive outlook on the world out of thin air and learn to enjoy life - no matter what.

Where explosions sound every day

In Israel, despite the constant terrorist threat, children grow up in an atmosphere of calm and emotional comfort, say Elena Morozova and Alexander Wenger. This circumstance is the merit of the parents, who were able to form a reasonable attitude towards terrorism. Another important point is trust in people in uniform: their commands are carried out unquestioningly, and their very presence inspires confidence. In addition, a terrorist attack is perceived as common grief, uniting and mobilizing the entire population of the country - every person knows that under no circumstances will he find himself face to face with danger. Finally, the entire Israeli population has been instructed on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack. Thus, every Israeli child knows how to behave in the event of even a minimal threat.

  • Try to immediately get as far away from the source of danger as possible.
  • Seek help from a trusted adult.
  • Do what the adult who happens to be nearby says, even if it is a terrorist.

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  • explain the essence of terrorism, its types and goals;
  • improving schoolchildren's knowledge about terrorism;
  • formation public consciousness and civic position of the younger generation.


  1. Learn the rules of behavior during a terrorist attack;
  2. Show the cruelty of terrorist acts.

Equipment: multimedia projector, posters with the inscriptions “Terrorism is a threat to society”, “War against the defenseless”.

Today we have gathered to discuss the problem, which is stated as follows: “Terrorism is a threat to society.”

So what is terrorism? Where does this word come from? What does it contain? And how to behave in such a situation? These are conversation questions that we will try to answer.

Terrorism is a serious crime when organized group people seek to achieve their goals through violence. Terrorists are people who take hostages, organize explosions in crowded places, and use weapons. Often victims of terrorism are innocent people, among whom there are children.

Terror - intimidation, suppression of opponents, physical violence, up to the physical destruction of people by committing acts of violence (murder, arson, explosions, hostage taking). The concept of "terrorism", "terrorist", appeared in France at the end of the 18th century. This is what the Jacobins called themselves, and always with a positive connotation. However, during the Great french revolution the word "Terrorism" has become synonymous with criminal. Until very recently, the concept of “terrorism” already meant a spectrum of different shades of violence. In 1881, Tsar Alexander II was killed by Narodnaya Volya using a homemade bomb. In 1911, Chairman of the Council of Ministers P.A. was killed by an secret police agent. Stolypin. In the period 1902-1907. Terrorists in Russia carried out about 5.5 thousand terrorist attacks. Their victims were ministers, deputies State Duma, gendarmes, police and prosecutors.

In the USSR, terrorism escalates national conflicts was a very rare occurrence. The only sensational case was an explosion in a Moscow metro car in January 1977, which claimed more than ten lives. At that time, the situation in the country was different, and potential terrorists knew that they would not achieve their goals with such actions. Our country seriously faced terrorism during "perestroika".

Already in 1990, about 200 explosions were carried out on its territory, in which more than 50 people died. In 1991, in the then USSR, as a result of bloody clashes, more than 1,500 people died, more than 10 thousand citizens were injured, and 600 thousand became refugees. During the period 1990-1993, approximately one and a half million firearms were illegally imported into Russia. Question: for what? Since 1992, the phenomenon of contract killings of unwanted persons has become widespread in Russia. Journalists, State Duma deputies, entrepreneurs, bankers, city mayors, and businessmen have become and are becoming their victims.

A terrorist act does not know in advance its specific victims, because it is directed, first of all, against the state. Its task is to subjugate the state, its organs, and the entire public, to force them to comply with the demands of terrorists and the individuals and organizations behind them.

Terrorist attacks(verse by Lydia Serova)

Terrorist attacks are disgusting and disgusting,
Stupid antics of cowardly scoundrels.
Sick people have snake attacks,
Carriers of militant sins.

Terrorist attacks are a very scary phenomenon.
Shadows of criminals in a world of precarious hopes.
I write my poem with my soul
With a soul without covering clothes.

Terrorist attacks are the scream of hidden betrayal.
Terrorist attacks - human blood is shed.
All the facts of any circumstance
They destroy holiness and love...

The current international situation can hardly be called stable. And one of the reasons for this is the scale of terrorism, which today is becoming truly global. Significant changes in both the forms of terrorism and the practice of combating it have occurred in our country. Russia is faced with glaring facts of its manifestation, both on its own territory and in its neighboring countries. The events of recent years have clearly proven that Russia, like everyone else, global community, unable to resist the scale of terrorism. It was precisely these circumstances that necessitated the development Federal Law "On the fight against terrorism", adopted in July 1998.

In 2000 alone, there were 423 terrorist attacks worldwide, killing 405 people and injuring 791. Over ten years, 6,500 acts of international terrorism were committed, which killed 5 thousand people and injured more than 11 thousand people!

Behind last years major terrorist acts in our country were:

  • On September 9, 1999, a monstrous terrorist attack occurred in Moscow: the explosion of a residential building on Guryanov Street killed 124 people and injured 164. A few days later there were explosions of houses on the capital's Kashirskoye Highway and in the city of Volgodonsk.
  • The terrorist attack on May 9 during a parade in Kaspiysk in 2002 claimed the lives of 45 people and injured 86.
  • 2002 50 Chechen militants (18 of them women) seized the theater on Dubrovka during the performance of "Nord-Ost" and held hostages for three days. 130 people were killed and dozens were injured.
  • Explosions in the Moscow metro on March 29, 2010 by two female suicide bombers of Dagestan origin claimed the lives of people from several countries: 40 people were killed, 88 were injured.
  • Terrorist attack at Domodedovo Moscow Airport in the international arrivals hall on January 24, 2011. 37 people were killed, 117 were injured.

The rampant terrorism is today not only a Russian, but also an acute international problem. This is evidenced by many facts, but especially eloquent is the explosion in New York of the World War II shopping center September 11, 2001, which killed 5,417 people from 90 countries.

What is happening is mind-boggling, but here’s the paradox: at the beginning of the third millennium, the population of Russia began to get used to reports of regular contract killings and shootouts on city streets.

To EVERYONE who was burned in a hijacked plane, blown up by a bomb on the street, in a cafe, on a bus, on a high-speed express train, killed, taken hostage, littered with the rubble of buildings, this poem is senselessly and forever dedicated

Just yesterday you were alive.

Just yesterday you were alive
We dreamed, we thought, we loved.
But the fate of fate broke the thread
And he took a young life.

Just yesterday you hugged
Father, mother, brother and sister
And my chest breathed with freedom,
But today you are in heaven.

How can we help you?
Don't know.
But pain squeezes my heart.
I call to God with my heart
And tears choke my soul.

But now we are together
Prayers, tears and words
Turned to Him, and I only
I mourn and remember you always.

I'm crying as I finish these lines
My tears are not cold
I know you are free now
You will never be forgotten!

How to avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack? We ask our guest, a representative of our police inspector PDN, to tell us about this, about the basic rules of behavior in the face of the threat of terrorist attacks. Sevastopolev M.R.


Guys, how can you avoid becoming a victim of a terrorist attack? (Answers: You should avoid visiting regions, cities, places and events where terrorist attacks are possible. Such a region, for example, North Caucasus. Crowded places are crowded events. Caution and civic vigilance must be exercised here.) What is civic vigilance? (Answers: for example, a suspicious item left by someone (package, box, suitcase, bag, toy, etc.).

What actions should be taken when suspicious items are detected? (Answers: do not touch, do not open, record the time, notify the administration, wait for the police to arrive).

If you heard gunshots while at home, what would be your first actions? (answers: do not enter the room from which shots are heard, do not stand at the window, inform by phone). If you receive a threat over the phone, you need to (answers: remember the conversation, assess the age of the speaker, rate of speech, voice, record the time, contact law enforcement after the call). If there was an explosion nearby, what would you do? (Answers: fall to the floor, make sure that you have not received serious wounds, look around, try, if possible, provide first aid, follow all the orders of the rescuers). If you were among the hostages? (Answers: remember that the main goal is to stay alive, do not allow hysterics, do not try to resist. Do not do anything without permission, Remember - the special services have begun to act).

Reflection. Let's play the game "If..."

  • If you were walking down the school corridor. Silence. You heard the alarm clock ticking, but saw nothing around you. Your actions.
  • If they called the school and warned that the school was mined. Your actions.
  • If you walked into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (a package, a box, a toy lying unattended). Your actions.
  • If you were returning from school and met a stranger standing at the entrance. Your actions.

Rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

  • Remember, your goal is to stay alive.
  • Do not touch, open, or move detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion.
  • Tell an adult or the police.
  • If you do find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

You will now receive reminders. Here are recommendations that will help you save your own life and the lives of your loved ones.

Ask why we need this? We are far from big cities and no one would think of committing a terrorist attack here. But let's remember 2004 with you. Holiday September 1st. No one thought that terrorists would seize school No. 1 in the city of Beslan (Republic of North Ossetia). For two days, teachers, students, and their parents were kept in the gym - in total more than 1200 people. The explosion killed 335 people, including 186 children. 559 people were injured. These are terrible pages of history. These are also our tears.

Our tears too

Beautiful and bright, but sad face
Looks from the portrait into the soul.
A fallen scarlet petal from a wreath
It’s as if he’s telling you “Listen!

Do you know who he is, who he once was?
He was just like you, he was just as young, careless,
He was also full of life, full of strength,
I loved looking at the stars on a warm evening.

He began to live, did not think about anything.
Like everyone else, one of us is like us.
It seemed to him that everything was so unimportant...
He believed in the power of his native country.

It happened to him, but although not to me,
He is also our tears. Ours too...
And tomorrow, even if it’s not him, maybe someone else
You won’t stop, you won’t help...

He is our twin, like in a thousand mirrors,
They're all twins, although they're only slightly alike..."
And on the grave I read the inscription:
“He fell at the hands of an Arab terrorist.”

Video "In memory of the victims of the terrorist attack in Beslan."

Let's summarize our event.

You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation.

All civilians The planet hopes that someday this will end and the word “terrorism” will disappear from the dictionary forever.


Jealous bunch of idiots
Gargon - death is launched in a circle.
From cigarette butts smoked by malice -
their “cigars” are being collected again.

And they put them on public sale
with the grin of overseas sellers,
replenishing the life “barge” with death,
despising the orders of the wise forefathers.

They warm their hands inhumanly
on troubles and dashing misfortunes.
But times of all-seeing guarantee
they will condemn them, the ruthless “others”.

“Others” – those who betrayed truth and memory,
exploding all bright dreams.
Let's remember everything! Love will rule here
for continuations of eternal beauty!

With the dream of flight, with the mysticism of phenomena,
increasing knowledge in hearts!
Let us forever remember the blackness of eclipses,
experiencing with pain ancient fear!

Suffering, revealing all the mistakes,
chomping at the bit of death!
Let's bring joyful smiles back to our faces,

Kingdom of Scotland- independent state northern Europe, which existed from 854 to 1707. Its boundaries have changed throughout history, but it eventually came to occupy northern part islands of Great Britain and shared a common border with the Kingdom of England.

I will make separate topics about Mary Stuart and Braveheart.


Kuznetsova Maria

Good day, to everyone interested in our short story competition. Today is Monday, time to start new life, but first we’ll find out the results of the competition that took place last week.
Out of 15 competitive stories, you chose the best ones and here they are, the winners. There are many of them today.
The story "People Can't Always Be Close to You..." gets bronze, written by Some people are such fools, and 32 people voted for it
Today we have Yuka and her story “To Those Who Remember” in second place with a result of 38 votes. Lizard also won 38 votes for her story “Almost Robinson,” and she is also in second place.
And Arsalana won today. The 56 votes cast for her story “One Day in the Life of Mars” speak for themselves.
Hurray for Arsalana, Hurray for all the winners, writers and readers.
Now I’ll lay everyone out and declassify them.


Tatyana Timofeeva

I received a comment today from what I thought was a close friend. For neatly sewn thermal patches on the knees of the overalls. In the form of figurines of animals from cartoons (I buy them on purpose because there are holes in my knees all the time, even on Reimé).
And it turns out that such patches are wow. And you need to immediately go and buy a new overall. I said that my children’s home clothes are also sewn up, sometimes with small stains that are difficult to wash, mainly from all sorts of juices dark colors. This is also wow! Children, as a friend said, from infancy should be taught to be neat and to ensure that their clothes are always intact! Not sewn up or patched! This shapes the worldview of a rich person, and patches and stitches - the consciousness of a poor person grows in a child from childhood.
I also asked this: I suppose you also sew tights on the heels? I was confused and answered that yes, I sew both on the heels and on the toes. The friend said sadly: you see. Your children will not be rich. From childhood you prepare them for the fact that they will wear rags all their lives.
I actually sew up tights and socks! However, I don’t know how to darn.
Do you sew up children's clothes or throw them away right away? Are you trying to wash the stains, bleach them, or do something else with them, or do you just throw them away?
For some reason this approach from above really upset me. I never thought that I was raising poor people. I don’t really want to talk to my friend after something like this.


Sofiko Sofiko

Good day everyone!

I decided to create a photo theme again, I hope it will turn out with illustrations and informative

At the end of October - beginning of November, my husband and child took the risk of fulfilling my old dream: to go to Murmansk and capture a little of the surrounding area. There was a very limited amount of time, but the trip left very vivid impressions and emotions.

So, here I go...

Past photo and informational topics:

Belarus, photo guessing game


City photo guessing game


Wedding bouquets

The Pokrovsky Gate


Bella Akhmadulina


Maria Sukhova

Good day! Need some advice. Now the family (mother with child and grandmother) lives in a three-room apartment of 65 sq.m., of which there is a kitchen and 3 rooms (10, 12 and 21 sq.m.). At the same time, there are no normal walls for placing cabinets and no dark walls. With a separate bathroom, the washing machine did not fit there (it also had to be installed in the kitchen)! In short, everything is very inconvenient for life. In the kitchen, everyone bumps their butts, access to the refrigerator is inconvenient, the kitchen has the shape of a hexagon and it was not possible to organize the space any other way. And if 1-2 people come to visit, then there’s a guard in the kitchen. At the same time, there is a lot of space in the living room (it is far from the kitchen) that is not used at all. And yet, grandma only lives at home for six months (the rest is at the dacha). I like the area, there are no travel expenses, or rather there is not enough money. Now the grandmother lives in a room of 10 sq.m., mother and baby in 13 sq.m. The child will grow up and become completely uncomfortable...
There is an alternative - eurotreshka. Kitchen-living room 17 sq.m., 2 bedrooms (10 and 12 sq.m.), good corridor (you can place a huge closet covering the entire wall). Well separate bathroom more adequate (washing machine can definitely be placed and you can also make an additional cabinet in the entire wall behind the toilet). The total area will be 55 sq.m. 10 sq.m. less, but the Euro-three ruble apartment is somehow more rational for living. In a bedroom of 10 sq.m to accommodate a grandmother, in 12 sq.m to accommodate a mother and a one-year-old baby (there is also an adjoining loggia of 3.5 sq.m all in glass). Well, the gathering place for everyone is a large kitchen.
The first question is, what are the disadvantages, in your opinion, of such a Euro-three ruble? Exactly for this family.
And the second question, is it profitable to pay by heat meters? There is a heat meter in Eurotreshka, but the verification period has expired. Is it worth doing verification (6 thousand rubles) or is it more profitable to pay according to the average standard? How are things going with your heat meters?


Wow...wow feijoa...

Good day. They offer me a part-time job here. Sitting with the child of a girl whom I know casually. The boy is 2.5 years old. You will not need to sit every day, but only for a few hours during illness, until the baby’s grandmother or mother comes home from work. In principle, it’s not a difficult matter, I love children. But. Two things confuse me. The schedule is unclear, that is, it may turn out that I plan something for tomorrow, and in the evening they will call me and say that I need to sit down. Well, payment. 100 rubles per hour. We are not far from Moscow, but in my opinion, this is not enough even here. You will most likely need to sit on their territory. Would you agree to such a “part-time job”?


KOU "Krasnoyarsk special (correctional)

comprehensive boarding schoolVIIIkind.

Educator – compiler:

Novgorodtseva Angelika


year 2014.

Class hour: “For children about terrorism.”

Target :

Define the concept of “terrorism”, “terrorist”.


    Cover the problem of terrorism in Russia.

    Determine the rules of behavior in the event of a threat of terrorist attacks.


    Org. stage.

    Main part.

    Bottom line.

In recent years, the word “terrorism” has begun to appear more and more often in newspapers and magazines, on television and in real life. Terrorism has swept our country.

What is “terrorism”?

Terrorism is the commission of an explosion, arson or other actions that create a danger of death of people, property or other dangerous actions.

Guys, what do you think is the purpose of these actions?

These actions are committed with the aim of violating public safety, intimidating the population, or influencing the authorities.

People who are called terrorists carry out explosions, take hostages, and do not spare women or children. There are various terrorist groups operating in our country, consisting mainly of residents of the Chechen Republic. The interests of their activities are in putting pressure on the authorities of R.F. with the aim of separating the Chechen Republic from the Russian Federation. These terrorist groups are financed by the international terrorist organization Al-Paida. Terrorists are trained in camps on the territory of the Chechen Republic and in the countries of the Middle East. Terrorists are mainly Muslim (religion). They are not afraid to go to death, since according to religion, after death they will find a “second life” and ascend to God. It is not uncommon to find women among terrorists.

The history of the emergence of terrorism in Russia dates back to the war in the Chechen Republic (since 1994), which began due to an attempt by the republic’s authorities to declare independence from the Russian Federation. Since that time, a number of terrorist acts have occurred in Russia: explosions in the Moscow metro, residential buildings in Moscow, Volgo-Donsk, seizure of a hospital in Budenovsk, passenger aircraft. Let's take a closer look at recent events.

On October 22, 2003, in Moscow on Dubrovka, terrorists seized the theater building where the musical “Nord-Ost” was being performed. They held hostage several hundred people who came to the performance for several days. To free the hostages, special units had to storm the theater building; as a result of the assault, there were a large number of victims, including women and children.

On September 1, 2004, there was a monstrous attack on a school in the Republic of Dagestan, Beslan. Children went to the “Day of Knowledge” holiday with their parents, brothers and sisters. It was a happy day for many - the first day of school. However, terrorists captured defenseless, unarmed people and kept them in a school building for 3 days without food, without water, and subjected them to violence. More than 300 people died as a result of this tragedy. The entire population of the country is outraged by this school takeover. The whole country tried to provide all possible assistance to the victims of this tragedy, as well as other countries. But even after this terrible tragedy, terrorism cannot be stopped.

Let's look at a few situations. Now we will play a game: “If only...”. I will describe the situation, and you will offer me a way out of it.

    If they called the school and warned that the school building was mined. What would you do?

    If you walked into the entrance and saw a suspicious object (package, box, toy) lying unattended. Your actions?

    If you were returning from school and met a stranger standing at the entrance. Your actions?

Let's define the rules of conduct in the event of a threat of a terrorist attack.

    Remember - your goal is to stay alive.

    Do not touch, open or move detected suspicious objects, as this may lead to an explosion.

    Tell an adult or the police by phone.

    If you find yourself a hostage, do not allow actions that could provoke terrorists to use violence or weapons.

Bottom line .

You cannot be afraid of terrorism, because life under fear is very difficult and this is exactly what terrorists achieve, but you need to be vigilant and careful in any situation.

The entire civilian population of the planet hopes that someday this will end and the word “terrorism” will disappear from the dictionary forever.

I suggest everyone draw a picture on the theme: “No to terrorism.”