When peonies transplanted. Herbatous peonies - when to share and how to replant (master class with photo). Such different peonies ...

Peony, with its large noble flowers on high stems, surrounded by magnificent foliage, uses special love of gardeners. Surrounding the task of transplanting a bush of peonies before each flower, and then without certain knowledge and competent approach to business. And even those who already consider themselves to be a dope in care of the plant, does not always know how to transplant peonies, because Peony, like any other garden flowerhas its own secrets of transplant. Therefore, about everything in order.

Flowers Peonies Description

Peony is a monotypic representative of the family, numbering about forty species. For the most part, they are herbaceous, but there are also tree peonies, which are half-workers or shrubs. Almost all modern varieties occurred from the peony of the medicinal and peony of the breeding. Pion grassy is a plant height up to one meter with several stems. A major powerful peony root has bridged thickened processes. Pion leaves the next. Dark green, and sometimes aisy leaves peristoid or troops. Single flowers with a diameter from 15 to 25 cm with five and more petals are white, red, pink, cream and even yellow color. Peony's fruit is a long-fashioned star in which large, dark shiny peony seeds. Blooms Peony in May. Today, breeders are engaged in creating hybrids of grassy peonies with tree. The tree-like peony reaches a height of 1.5-2 meters, its leaves of bright green color, twiceperous, flowers on one bush can be simultaneously from 30 to 70, and each of them reaches in diameter from 20 to 25 cm. Petals in flowers corrugated , dense.

There are varieties with a simple, semi-level and terry form of flowers of raspberry, red, white, lilac and pink color. Flowers a tree-like bush for about two weeks, and if the weather is cool, then longer. Attract tree peonies in the garden in that they retain decorativeness and after flowering due to unusual shape Leaves and fruits. The tree peonies are mostly frost-resistant, and if they still have to cover them for the winter with a sweetheart, then for two reasons: due to the likelihood of an imperuble winter and due to impact floral kidneys raven.

When transplanting peonies

For peonies is preferred autumn planting. Plants can be transferred and divided, starting from September to October and even November. However, it is undesirable both too early and too late division. With an early transplant, there may be not enough replacement kidneys, and at the late you can lose young gentle roots, beginners develop in September-October, when the temperature of the soil is reduced. If it did not work in the fall of the peony bush, then transplant in the spring when the ground is still full of moisture, and the bushes only come out of wintering.

In the summer, peonies are generally better not to touch, roots, pulled out of the ground can get sunny burns, bake in the sun. And the very flower in the heat will be not easy. When transplanting some part of the roots is damaged and he will not have the strength to recover.

Causes of transplanting peonies

The reason for changing the plot for your peonies can be an excessive thicket of bushes. When the plant is growing over the years, it begins to interfere with the adjacent inhabitants of the flower beds, it must be seeded, rejuvenated or completely transplant to a new, more free place. A long reasons for the transplant can be a long growing season plant at the same place. Redevelopment on the site can also cause the movement of peonies. For example, if you plan to grow potatoes or build a gazebo, or dig a well. The reasons may be mass, the main thing, remember that "relocation" is not the most favorite meal of peonies.

What peonies are suitable for breeding

Too old bushes of peonies, which are more than 8 years old, are to be destroyed. You need to transplant 4-5-year bushes, and. Now you need to divide the peony, separate the part of the rhizome size of about 10-15 cm, remove small and fired parts of the roots. It is better to do this with the help of a knife or a keen wedge. Let's start with the division of 2-3 parts, and then smaller. Ideally, each landing unit (delenka) must have at least 2 - 3 kidneys on the root neck, and the length of the root is to be at least 15 cm. The best landing unit is a large dealer with four-five kidneys and large (up to 20 cm) of one Two roots. Dellets having 1 regenerating kidney can also be planted, but we need to expect flowering from them longer. Before boarding, they can be placed in a vessel with a saturated solution of mangalls for disinfection.

Preparation of the place under the transference of peonies

For any plant, it is necessary to "favorite" place. Varietary peonies love bright and open areas. Permissible easy shading at nozzles, hot clock. The peony planted in a thick shadow will be weak and waiting for blood flowering will be quite difficult. Wild Peonies (Marine Root, Milk Flowering Peony and Caucasian Types) are not so demanding to light. These plants you can plant even under the crowns of trees.

The selected areas of the earth should be well ventilated differently stagnation of air provokes the occurrence of fungal diseases. Therefore, do not place peonies near buildings, high shrubs, trees that will prevent free air circulation.

So, to transplant peonies in the fall was successful, you need to prepare a pit in advance. She took about a month before the alleged landing. It should be in length and a depth of 50 centimeters. The bottom of the landing pit is loose and enriched with peat or compost. Top puffed a layer fertile soil. It is made of complex fertilizers consisting of superphosphate, bone flour, wood ash, iron Camp and Nitrate potassium. The layer of mineral elements from the soil must be carried out at least half of the landing pit.

Transplanting peonies in autumn

The transplant scheme differs from landing the fact that first the bush needs to dig and divide into parts. We remind you that you can transplant the flower for the first time not earlier than 4-5 years after the landing. Such delays will better grow and blossom. And if the bush began to bloom worse and get sick more often, after 10-12 years of growth in one place, it is recommended to transfer it to a new place.

Before planting peonies near her shed water. The roots of the plant can penetrate to 80-90 cm deep into depth, while they are pretty gentle. At a distance of 40-50 cm (about 40 cm - 4-5-year-old instance, the longer the distance) steps the land around the bush about two bayonets, break and try to get out of the ground using two shovels. Delicately rush rhizomes from soil water. Cut overhead At an altitude of 4-6 cm, and put for 3-4 hours in the shadow, so that the roots softened a little.

Care of peonies transplanted in autumn

If you are able to care, then beautiful and lush peonies will bloom in the spring or in the garden. Transfer in autumn - very important aspect. During this period, the plant is increasingly rooted and has more chances in the spring to please abundant blossom. In the absence of rains, watering the bushes, trying with such regularity that the soil did not have time to dry. It is best to do it not on the leaves, but under the root. In October, you can cut the stalks again. In most cases, peonies for the winter are not covered, but in nordic regions They still spray the layer of leaves.

Transplantation of peonies in spring

But what if the root of peony is purchased in spring? Usually the roots of the plant planted in August begin to actively grow in spring when the snow has not yet come down. Therefore, landing the root follows the earlier, the better.

You can use a pot or box that will be on a cold veranda or balcony. Optimal temperature For the proposure of the roots is +2 degrees. When shoots will appear, the plant provides good lighting and feeding (until resetting the garden on permanent place). The place to disembark peonies should be sunny, without a close neighborhood of trees. If the peony will grow in the shade, it will not bloom.

For peonies, the humidity of the soil and its good drainage. From excess moisture roots begin to root and rot. Fertile and driving soils are best suited, peat land is not suitable at all. The roots of the plant can reach the meter, so the pit should dig at least 70 cm in depth and as much in diameter. Bushes should be located at a considerable distance from each other, because with time the bushes grow greatly.

Rhizome must be transplanted so that the kidneys be satisted with a layer of land with a thickness of 5-7 cm. If you put deeper, the peony will not bloom. After planting or transplanting, the Earth is crimped and fall asleep with sawdust or compost.

Care of peonies transplanted spring

In the first year young plant It is better not to give bloom. Flowers break. This is done in order to strengthen the root system of the plant. Feelable the soil is needed before landing. Subsequent 3-6 years, feeding pions are not required. You only need to loosen the soil and span weeds. There is a regularity of puff blossom from watering. Peony loves moisture, but loves her original. If all summer it is good to water, then it will bloom brighter and more powerful it will be only a year later. Peony can accept a small shadow, but with dry soil never.

Peonies and fight against them

Each flower is exposed various diseases, some more, some less. Peonies belong to the second. They are not very susceptible to disease. This is a big plus for the plant. The most common disease of peonies is a ringed mosaic of leaves and gray rot. It is less likely to find rust. Peonov buds themselves eat bronze beetles, they are going to collect each morning manually. From the above diseases spend a spraying of the plant. You can single-percent bordrian liquid or other copper-containing drugs. It is best to make spraying in the spring, before the formation of buds. Subsequently, after 10 days, repeat it again. Also, sometimes there is a need for the processing of bushes from malicious ants or beetles. Already in the middle of autumn (in October), peonies need to be cut to the ground level. Stems to remove, and the remaining part in the soil to pour water.

As you can see, the time when transplanting peonies in the garden, you can choose any, and with sufficient care, these wonderful fragrant flowers will be perfectly blossoming and delight you.

Peonies are constant inhabitants of many flower beds and gardens. Gardeners love them for lush, beautiful, elegant flowers, saturated, sweet fragrance, for unpretentiousness in care and simplicity in cultivation.

Peonies please us with a huge selection of varieties and species, differing in the form, color and size of their leaves and colors.

Such a variety is able to please absolutely every flower, which wishes to have this flower in the garden.

The bushes of peonies can grow on the same place, but sometimes the moment occurs when the flower still needs to transplant.

We will talk about how and when to transplant peonies, we will talk in this article, because despite all our unpretentiousness, this flower reacts very sensitively to a transplant and, conducting this operation, should comply with some rules and conditions. Most importantly choose right time of the year, when your bushes are best transferred to "moving to a new place of residence".

Causes of transplant

Let's talk about the most common causes of transplanting peonies to a new place.

To root system The plants were able to quickly strengthen after the transplant and continued to actively develop in the future, it is necessary to create it right conditions. When transplanting peonies should be selected open areawhich is well lit by the sun and is not shaded by the fence, adjacent buildings or other plants - this flower It does not like to compete with growing plants in the neighborhood, the root system of which is strongly developed. Colors requires freedom and a lot of space.

The roots of this plant love moisture, however for a long time Looking in crude land can easily lead to booting. That is why it should not be put on their green pets in lowlands and in places where high levels were recorded underground water. The best colors will feel in the ground, which has a good drainage layer.

Let's figure it out when you can transplant the plant to a new place: in the fall or spring? And how to properly carry out a transplant procedure?


Transplant peonies in the spring whole bushes from place to place. Reproduction and division during this period is not accepted. After wintering, with the onset of summer, the roots of the bushes fade suction additional processes. They help to take care of the plant after "moving" in a new place. The transplant of peonies in the spring in a short time, which must be adhere to: from the moment it melted all the snow, and the air heated at least to 7 ° C and until the season of vegetation of the plant begins.

The pit under the bush should be prepared in advance. It is necessary that the earth in it is nutritious and loose. Soil can be fertilized by a compost, overwhelming or mineral fertilizers of any kind (it is strictly forbidden to use fresh organic). Earth can be mixed with some sand so that future watering is carried out better.

When digging a bush from an old place, be sure to make sure that its roots remain as unharmed and were in one soy of the whole land (earthly coma). Its in no case should you knock, flush or count. Place the bush in a pre-prepared pit, maintaining the integrity of the Union of Earth and the roots. Then remains only:

  • skip and fix the peonies bush in the ground;
  • it is thoroughly involved;
  • pretty pouring.

The plant is strengthened through a couple of days and further care Will be the same character as before.

In summer

From everything summer period A August is best for transplanting colors. At this time of the year, the weather is no longer so hot, as in the middle of summer, but there are no autumn abundant rainfall, which can prevent the process.

A wells for bushes should be prepared long before it takes it for the first time - about six months. For the manufacture, a round recess is digging about 0.5 m in diameter and a depth of 0.8 m. At the bottom it is necessary to pour out some sand, compost or fresh manure, mix the resulting mixture from the ground, to pour out rain water and expect August to carry out a transplantation .

At the right time, it is necessary to neatly dig up the flower with the flower from the ground, it can, if necessary, to proper or carefully divide into several parts. Flower root must have at least six kidneys. Before boarding the peony, it should be disinfected and penetrate well.

If you planned to divide the root, then before the procedure, it is necessary to disinfive all the tools and lubricate them with manganese or greenfront to reduce the risk of infecting the root system by any fungus. After the root processing, carefully place the peony bus in a pre-harvested pit. Skip the plant about 5 cm deep, sneak and pour the flower with water.

In autumn

Color transplanting process in autumn Not too different from transplantation in spring or summer. However, this one way is the most common, since the root system of the plant in front of the winter is at rest. The roots are easier to transfer the stress of resetting at this time and will be able to grow well enough for the winter in a new place in order to please you with new blossoms.

As usual, the bush transplant is best to start with the preparation of a new place, or rather, digging the pit. It is necessary to do this in the fall two weeks before the planned "moving". Pits for each bush should be:

  • 40-50 cm in width;
  • 15-20 cm deep.

We abundantly water the water of our well. If the land turned out to be very dense - it should be moved with some sand. Before landing, it is recommended to help the ground with superphosphate, compost or humus. Do not forget about the drainage layer. The plant will only win because you embark on the bottom of the cooked pit a little small pebbles.

Before driving a bush from the old place, it should be shorted to shoot it about 10-13 cm long. Pulling the roots is necessary very carefully, moving away from the main stem for a distance of 20 cm. Make it best with the help of forks, because the shovel is the risk that you are imperceptibly cut off the long roots. You should simply loose enough to the earth enough until the peonies bush come out of it.

As soon as the roots are on the will, they should be rinsed, and all rotten processes (if any) detect. It is necessary to produce an operation, again, very sharp garden scissors, which were previously treated with green and alcohol. The rhizome then follows a briefly to immerse in the solution (weak) manganese.

Copying the roots into the ground, carefully ensure that the kidneys do not immerse too much into the ground: 5-7 centimeters will be quite enough. It is very important because, otherwise, they have all the chances simply bend.

Subsequent care

The first two weeks after transplanting peonies should not be watered too often, in order not to provoke the rotation of the cropped roots. After some time, it is necessary to adjust watering, making it regular.

Adjustment depends directly from the state of the soil - from its humidity. Do not forget to thoroughly loosen the land after each irrigation, it will not allow to form a dry crust on the surface of the soil and will provide the root of the necessary oxygen access.

As soon as the plant is strengthened, it must be started. Around the wells in the spring should be deepened so that moisture accumulated in it. Experienced gardeners Recommend not to feed peonies in the first five years after the transplant. In the spring, after the last time, as soon as the first sprouts appear, the plant should be filled with a solution with a solution of cowboat and water, in the proportion of 1:20, approximately half a rider for each peony bus. The feeder is recommended to repeat after the appearance of new buds. And be sure to remember weeds - they should be regularly pulled out or pouring around decorative plants.

Drainage. If the groundwater rises close to the roots or you just need to reduce their level, dig a drainage pit in a bent and completely pour it off with rubble, broken brick or pebbles.

The root neck of the plant should be kept a little higher aisle.

In some plants transplant articles, they write about the creation of a drainage layer at the bottom of the landing pit, but there is no big need for herbaceous peonies, but for tree, it is of great importance. Use drainage need at high level groundwaterwhere plants are planting at low beds.

Fertilizers. Fertilizers are vital for almost any plant, especially when planting a flower. They will help roots to be stronger, and also contribute to the good development of the entire plant. Phosphoric fertilizers are indispensable in order to make brown spots in the leaves.

Phosphorus Very often forms insoluble compounds when feeding, after which it settles at a small depth. The best for use remain organic phosphoric fertilizers, for example, bone flourrather than mineral, for example, superphosphate, because it gradually decomposes and feeds the flower for a long timethat is not very helpful.

Top. Upper layer there should be no less than 5-10 cm in the landing hole. No fertilizer can be added to it, so on top, most often, just pour out the usual loose soil so that the roots of the flower are obtained sufficient number Oxygen and all the time stretched down.

Suction roots and their features

Each bush of peonies have up to several thousand suction roots, which practically cannot be seen with the naked eye (they are not aptive thicker of the cobweb). These roots leave vertically down to very much depth.

It is because of them that they need to dig up so deep pits for planting and make a layer of drainage and feeding, if the groundwater is located close enough.

Some flower products are mistakenly taken for suction roots shorter white roots, which are an annual continuation of thick pelleting roots. Supporting roots appear around at the end of September, so it is recommended to harvest the delinks and disassemble peonies from August to September, until they appeared to accidentally damage them.

Now you know that peonies can be transplanted with acute necessities almost at any time of the year, the main thing is to comply with all recommendations and simple rules . In this case, your green pets will be able to quickly fit in a new place and will still be long years please the eyes with abundant blossom.

In the territories of Eurasia and North America. Their homeland is China, where to breed peonies began more than 2 thousand years ago.

By appearance The plant can be a tree or herbaceous semi-staple, or. Peony stems grow up to 1 meter in height. Branches are large, durable, thick. They are located a triple leaflets whose color, depending on the variety, can be from green to purple tone. Flowers are large, arranged at the ends of the branches, the diameter of them can reach up to 20 cm. Root system is powerful. At home are grown mainly grassy types of peonies.

Self popular varieties Peonies for growing:

  • Peony Adolf Rousseau. Large variety With a compact bush, whose branches are pulled out at a height of 100 cm. Leaves are trees, large, painted in a dark green tone with a red tide. Flowers are large, petals are painted in a dark red tone and alternate with yellow stamens. Buds open at the beginning of summer.
  • Peony Alexander Fleming. Large bush With strong stems that are a little branch. Full flower, large, diameter 12 cm, petals painted in pink tone. Have a gentle fragrance. The flowering period begins in the late spring or early summer, depending on the weather.
  • Peony Alice Harding. The bush is low, the height of the stems reaches only 50 cm. Spanish branches. Flowers are large, full, petals are painted in white tone With pink edges. The flowering period begins at the beginning of summer and lasts 2 weeks.
  • Peony Barzella. A medium-sized bush, its height reaches 70-80 cm. It has large flowers with a diameter of up to 25 cm. Petals are painted in gentle yellow color, with full blooming of bud in the center, pink splasions are visible. Flower in the middle of empty, has a pleasant lemon fragrance. Stems thick, reprehension, strong. The grade is distinguished by abundant bloom, on one bush can be up to 50 buds.

Unpretentious plants, but to choose the place for them is carefully. A bush should be protected from wind and draft. It is not recommended to plant peonies close to the house. Since the heat that comes from the building will overheat bush and roots. The soil must be fertile and well drained, and the place is on the hill. Lighting should be constant, with shading 2-4 hours a day.

Peonies are poorly tolerant of swampy soil, being a long time in water, the roots are rotated, which leads to the death of the bush.

Therefore, watering should be moderate throughout the spring - the autumn period. When buds are tied on the bushes, it is necessary to ensure that the soil around the bush does not swinging completely, as this can lead to the death of flowers. All the rest of the time the plant is watered 1 time in 7-10 days depending on weather conditions.

Feeding plants:

  • Adult bushes need to be needed.
  • Young, recently transplanted peonies are not recommended to fertilize and.
  • You can enter organic and mineral fertilizers with calcium and phosphorus content.

Pion transplantation can be carried out in spring or autumn period. After the flowering of peonies, the best period for their landing and transplant will be September month. At this time, the heat falls, and new kidneys are formed on the bushes. A bush is digging, divided into several parts and places in the prepared pits. The autumn transplant of the peeon guarantees the rustling blossom in the spring.

The spring transplant is more difficult:

  • There is no certain month, since the whole process is adjusted under the weather.
  • When the first sunny days begin and the snow is almost all melted, the bush can be removed from the ground along with a room.
  • IN spring period It is impossible to share the bush, you can also wash the roots or shake the ground. After winter, the roots are weak and brittle and damaging the bush can any incorrect movement.
  • A bush with an earthen room is placed in a pre-prepared pit with loose ground, mixed with nutrients.
  • For this, the pumping compost is suitable.
  • Strong fertilizers and feeders are not recommended to be made during this period.
  • The transplanted bush must be regularly watering, so that the Earth did not save the earth, but also avoid excessive moisture.

Bushes need to be prepared for winter. 5-7 days after the end of the flowering of the entire bush, it is fed by phosphorus-potash fertilizers. When the cold occurs, they cut off the entire aboveground part of the plant. In the regions where in the winter months the temperature drops below -15 degrees, it is recommended to warm the bush autumn leaves or sawdust.

Peonies multiply with seeds, root and. With the help of seeds, these plants are breeding only breeders. This is a rather laborious and a long process in which the obtained plants preserve the characteristics and external data of the maternal bush.

In the reproduction of root cuttings, it is necessary to separate part of the root in the middle of the summer, on which the sleeping kidney is located.

This piece is planted in a pre-prepared well for rooting. By fall, the roots should take care. The disadvantage of this method is that such bushes bloom only 5 years after landing.

The division of the bush is the easiest and most common method of breeding peonies:

  • The bushes are selected adults, which for 2-3 years in a row are plentifully blooming.
  • At the end of the summer or the beginning of autumn, when heat saves, you can proceed to the process of breeding peonies.
  • A bush is pumped at a distance of 20-25 cm and gently removed from the ground.
  • In this case, all stems and branches are trimmed under the root. The earth gently shakes.
  • The roots are washed, remove bad and cut the old.
  • You need to share a bush carefully with the calculation, so that on the separated root remained 3-4 peaks.
  • To disinfection, the roots can be treated with a solution of manganese.

Peonies can be infected with either gray rot. Such diseases may appear on plants with improper care, rebupping moisture and nitrogenous substances in the soil. Special is processed by bush and all plants growing near. In some cases, the bushes are transferred to a more appropriate place or searched.

More information can be found from the video.

Ideally, the bushes need to transplange in early September, when the rhiziness begins to actively give processes - in transplantation they will become the key to the good shuttleness of the bush in a new place.

But, if the bush did not work out in the fall, the gardeners transplant the plants in early spring, when the earth is still full of moisture, and the bushes only come out of wintering. It is necessary to wait just the appearance of the first green branch. Gardeners know that the first sprouts of bright red peonies, as soon as they begin to form in the green branch - it is time to "move".

Photo: Kathrin Ziegler / DigitalVision / Getty Images

Two weeks to prepare

Transplanting peonies starts not from digging the bush, but from the preparation of space for the future landing. The fact is that the flower does not like unstable soil, so the pit for him needs to be done in advance. A couple of weeks before digging, you need to form large pits under the bushes and pour into each small pebble or large sand into each small pebble. From above in a pit half a meter, you need to pour half a variance of a mixture of sand and a turf. This filling can be replaced by the following composition:

Bone flour;

Humus and peat in equal shares;

A glass of ash;

50 grams of superphosphate.

In every hole regardless of natural humidity The soil must be pouring along the bucket of water and leave a week for a week to shrink the mixture.

The transplanted plant needs to be covered with a sweetheart, he will save peony from frosts on the soil that can happen in spring and early in autumn.

Photo: Manuela Scheewe-Behnisch / Eyeem / Getty Images

How to "move"

In the fall, the plant must be associated and cropped, leaving no more than 10 centimeters of the stem. The soil around the bush sweat and richly shed water. And you can only dig up the next day.

There is one more subtlety here: digging the plant should be forks, because the shovel often crushes the rhizome, and the flower is very sick. For autumn transplant The root of the flower needs to be cleaned from the ground, and sometimes at high soil acidity - even washed in a weak solution of manganese. It is impossible to clean the earth in the spring, on the contrary, whose root must be the most as much as possible.

Place the peon rhizome in the prepared pit in the center, this will allow young roots to deal faster and begin to feed the plant. From above, you need to pion and only then sprinkle the earth so that the noticeable well remains, in which the water will accumulate first.

It is important to remember that the kidneys of the plant should not go under the ground by more than 5-7 centimeters, otherwise they can bend.

We tell how to prohibit peonies to another place so that they bloom. And also when it is better and you can transplant peonies in spring or autumn. We call approximate terms of transplanting in different regions, find out when they bloom and how to care for the first year.

How to transplant Peony to another place?

The transplant scheme differs from landing the fact that first the bush needs to dig and divide into parts. Further actions are identical: preparation of landing pit, soil mixturecompliance with landing rules and further care.

We remind you that you can transplant the flower for the first time not earlier than 4-5 years after the landing. Such delays will better grow and blossom. And if the bush began to bloom worse and get sick more often, after 10-12 years of growth in one place, it is recommended to transfer it to a new place.

How to dig peonies?

  1. The roots of the plant can penetrate to 80-90 cm deep into depth, while they are pretty gentle.
  2. Therefore, to dig need carefully, and better for a pitchfork. At a distance of 40-50 cm (about 40 cm - 4-5-year-old instance, the longer the distance) steps the land around the bush about two bayonets, break and try to get out of the ground using two shovels.
  3. Delicately rush rhizomes from soil water.
  4. Cut an overhead part at an altitude of 4-6 cm, and put on 3-4 hours in the shadow, so that the roots softened a little.

Washing a bush for further division on the decene

How to split peony bush?

Divide the bush on the "Dellets" is not so simple: the roots are tightly intertwined, and finding suitable pieces of rhizomes (size, kidneys and apparent roots) is not always easy.

  1. Knife cut the rhizome by 8-12 cm pieces, on which there will be 3-4 kidneys and 3-4 of the apparent root (length of at least 5, diameter 0.8-0.9 cm). Better if the kidneys will be three, and the maximum of five (large "decens" with large number Kidney is not recommended to replant).
    If the bush is very old, then in the middle of the rhizoma, you can score a wedge that it will split on a couple of pieces and continue to act in a situation.
  2. Carefully inspect each decene and, when discovered, cut fiddling and small roots.
  3. Treat cuts and all bushes with copper preparations (Bordeado mixture, copper blear, etc.) and sprinkle the sections of the powder cuts wood coal. Leave seedlings for a day on the street in a shady spot.
  4. To prevent the appearance of the root rot, put the roots before landing for 1-2 hours per solution of manganese (1 grams of 2.5-3 liters of water).
  5. For convenience, to each decek, tie a label with variety and bush characteristics.

Ready for Transplant Delive Peony


  • If you share a big rhizome, then you need to remove very old parts (usually they are hollow and drunk), and rinse the sections of sections by manganese and sprinkle with fungicide (copper sulfur, potash sulfur or modern drugs - see the article about - Chapter Tools).
  • If your favorite flower suddenly broke off part of the root with one single kidney, then do not despair. Anyway to transplant and take care of the decek. In most cases, the seedling will survive and there will be such a beautiful, only the bush itself develops slowly.
    Moreover, try to germinate just pieces of root. After all, the kidneys can be bought in 1-2 years. To do this, cover it and periodically water.
  • Delleka with a multitude of kidneys and a small number of thick sparkling roots will be poorly developed due to lack of nutrients. And if on the contrary, the root system will develop poorly.
  • Delleka who has 1-2 kidneys and a piece of rhizomes blooms for a year later due to slow development, but in the end a healthy and developed bush will grow. They are better to grow on separate beds.

Preparation for transplant

Before transplanting a peony to a new place, moisten its roots in a solution with a growth stimulator ("heteroaceuxin", "rooter", "Amber Acid").

After wetting, the seedlock dries 5-10 minutes.

Features of suction roots

Each bush has several thousand suction roots, which are almost not visible to the naked eye (a little thicker of the cobweb) and leave vertically down to a large depth. It is for them that they dump so deep landing pits, make a layer of feeding and drainage, if groundwater is closely located.

Many flower products mistakenly take white short roots for suction roots, but they are an annual continuation of thick polar roots that appear at the end of September.

Therefore, destroying peonies and to harvest deceners from the end of August until the end of September, before they appear.

How to transplant peonies to bloom? Place, soil, distance, depth

To break the peonies, you need to transplanses them correctly. For their growth and development, such factors are taken into account: place, soil, timeline, landing pit, distance, landing depth and seedlove itself.


When transplanting to another place, you need to choose such that can provide them comfortable conditions For development and flowering. It must be without drafts, and long covered with the sun.

Ideally, the sun falls on a flower of 4-5 hours in the first half of the day, while a small shadow in the midday heat will allow to extend flowering. Optimally choosing the eastern side.

Bad choice

  • If water accumulates there. Let even 1-2 times a year in spring or autumn for a couple of days.
  • Shady space. The shadow even 2-3 hours a day is contraindicated with grassy and tree peonies.
  • Close of trees (3 m), shrubs (1.5-2 m) and buildings (1.5-2 m). Large shrubs and trees "select" nutrients in flowers, and the materials of the house allocate heat and create imbalance of temperatures.

Soil and acidity

The optimal level of acidity is pH 6.2-6.8.

Herbaceous and tree peonies prefer well drained and loamy soil.

Distance during transplant

The lowest varieties when landing in a row - 70-80 cm, in other situations - 90-110 cm, and for strongest and tree peonies - 1.3-1.8 meters. The distance between the bushes plays a significant role, so it is better to take a small reserve than to reduce the interval.

At what depth to plant peonies?

The right landing depth: 3-4 cm (heavy soil) and 5-7 cm (light). It is in these conditions that the rhizome does not suffer from heat or cold. By the way, a deeper landing is fraught with a lack of flowering.

Adjusting the depth of the planting of peony

How to put peonies? Instruction

  1. Pit. Sizes of landing pit for tree peonies and tall herbaceous: width - 50-60 and depth - 70-80 cm. Low grated grass: width - 40-50, and the depth is 60-70 cm.
  2. Layer feeding. 65-70% of the volume of the pit fill the nutrient mixture. Composition: peat, nervous land, sand (except sandy soils) and humus in equal parts + 300-350 Gy of bone flour or wood ash, 100-180 grams of superphosphate, 100-150 grams of potassium sulfate and a tablespoon of iron vitriol.
  3. Upper layer. We fall asleep the usual land at the top, at least 15-20 cm layer, and land the rhizome at the desired depth.
  4. Then delicately compact the soil with hands and paint 8-10 liters of water, and to save moisture woodwood On the surface.
  5. For winter, peony needs to be emphasized or pouring a 10-14 cm layer of peat.


DRAINAGE. When lifting groundwater close to the roots and to reduce their level in a heaters, it is necessary to dig a drainage pit, fully fill in rubble, pebbles or broken bricks. At the same time, the root neck of the plant is kept above the aisle.

In many articles in transplant, they write about the creation of drainage at the bottom of the landing pit, but for herbaceous peons there is no need, and for tree you can. Drainage is required in places with high levels Groundwater, where they are put on high ridges.

Fertilizers. When planting a flower, fertilizer is vital. They will help well develop and be strong. Phosphoric fertilizers also add to the leaves over time the brown spots are not formed.

When feeding after transplantation, phosphorus often forms, insoluble compounds and settles at a shallow depth. It is better to apply organic phosphoric fertilizers (bone flour) than mineral (superphosphate) as they gradually decompose, and fueled the flower for a long time.

The bottom layer of feeding is useful to add overworked weeds from clay soil. It is the clay earth that delays nutrients, unlike sand, peat or podzole.

TOP. The upper layer of the landing pit (no less than 15-20 cm) should not contain fertilizers, so on top they fall asleep with ordinary loose soil so that the roots stretched down and oxygen flowed to them.

Poison Scheme for Peony


  • The pit is better to dig and prepare 15-30 days before landing. During this time, the Earth will see, and then you will immediately plant peonies at the desired depth.
  • For the best survival of the flower, the roots are lowered into a paste-shaped solution of clay with "heteroacexin" and two tablets copper Kaper for 3-4 minutes. Then dried 5-10 minutes, and planted into the ground. You can also use simply growth stimulants without clay.
  • If PHNEZH 6.5, then add 100 grams of hazed lime, and if below 6.0, then 200 grams per bush.
  • Attention! Carefully touch the roots as they are rather fragile.
  • For more information about the principles of landing, read in a special article - link at the bottom of the page.

How to make a compost for landing?

On the plot that is well heated by the Sun, make a narrow pile of weeds. So air will come, and the aerobic bacteria develop. If there is no rain, then water the compost, so that the rainworms shine.

Only when bookmark the pit for planting, add mineral and organic fertilizers to compost.

When is it better to transplant peonies to another place? Spring or autumn?

Most experts recommend to transplant them from mid-August to mid-September. The main thing is to have time to transplant 30-40 days before the onset of frosts. By the autumn, the bush is developing a root system, it becomes stronger and dwells at rest.

Timing of transplantation of peonies in the fall

Transplant peonies from mid-August or autumn depending on your climatic zone.

  • Siberia, Urals - from August 20-25 to September 15-20.
  • North-West, Moscow region, Medium strip - From August 20-25 to September 20-25.
  • South of Russia and Ukraine - from September 1 to September 30th.

Unlike landing, for transplanting the deadline - the end of September, until the suction roots were formed.

Is it possible to transplant peonies in the spring?

We know that specialists persistently advise the peonies to transplant peonies in the fall, when they are at rest and better tolerate manipulations with roots. But many flower flowers wish to transplant in the spring. And then the question arises, what to do?

In contrast to those skilled in the art, there are lovers who are solved on the spring transplant, as they are confident that Mother Nature is full of strength. In addition, the spring suction roots grow well, and the earth is saturated with moisture.

When is it better to transplant peonies in the spring?

For the success of spring transplant, it is important to comply with the timeline. It is best to replant as soon as the snow melts: the earth has a lot of moisture, does not shine the sun, and the plant itself did not wake up after the hibernation.

The spring transplant is better to implement earlier than later.


In the first year after the transplant, it is important to water and feed the flower on time. So we will significantly increase chances of survival and successful wintering bush.

If buds appear, then immediately cut them down so that the flower does not spend strength on them and better developed the root system.

Care of peonies after transplantation

In the fall, departure after the transplantation is to prepare seedlings for winter: they are covered with 10-14 cm layer of peat (except sour soil) or facothy. In the spring, the mulch is sprung to the sides and begin the standard plant care.

The next autumn bush is also better to hide for the winter.

Read more in the landing article in more detail - the chapter "Care of peonies after landing".

When will the peonies bloom after the transplant?

They bloom after transplanting usually in two years and even 4-5, it depends on the care and variety of the flower. But it is better to give them fully blooming on the third year, since early blossom On the contrary, it will bring more benefits than harm.

In the first year, the appearance of buds cut them all. For the second year, leave only one bouton, and when it starts flourishing, as shorter can cut. Then consider the flower to match the variety. In case of incomplete correspondence next year Also leave one bud, and so far the complete identity comes.

Often it happens even on the 4th and5th year.

Why do not peonies bloom after transplant?

Most frequent reasons lack of flowering: incorrectly selected landing place (little light), improper landing depth, incorrect care (low moisture or nutrients) or incorrect shelter for the winter.

We wish you a successless transplant and fast blossom!