What accessories will be in the future. School supplies of the future: forecasts

There are only a few days left until September 1. Millions of children across Russia and other countries will again go to school to gain knowledge there. And I must say, some educational establishments are already in full use in their work innovative technologies... About the ten most unusual and interesting of them will be discussed in this review.

Those parents who cannot even send their child to school without worrying about him will be pleased school uniform from the British company Trutex, equipped with a GPS-beacon, transmitting online the current location of the student, whether it be a school, a store or a garage behind the house.

Unfortunately, the child's health does not always allow him to go to school. For such cases, a robot called VGo was created, which will be able to attend classes, transmitting what he saw and heard to its owner. With the help of this device, the kid can also move along the corridors from class to class and even communicate with friends.

At school, students still write most of the information by hand with pencils and ballpoint pens. But at the same time, an increasingly noticeable part of homework is done on the computer. In order to unite these two worlds, the electronic Recorder Pen was created, which turns handwritten text into typed text.

While other countries are only introducing electronic textbooks, Georgia has become the first country in the world in which school education went digital. Since 2011, all first-graders have received free netbooks from the government, specially made for their studies.

Designer Phelan Miller promises to start serial production of interactive school desks that will make the learning process fun intellectual game, in which there is a place not only for the Internet, but also for imagination and ingenuity.

Apple has developed and has been promoting the iTunes University project for many years now, which allows you to download lecture courses from the world's best teachers from iTunes, so that you can then listen to them not in a cramped university audience, but using an audio player anywhere in the world.

It looks like the time has come to say goodbye forever to the classic chalkboard chalkboards. After all, their electronic counterparts, such as NANHAO, are gaining more and more popularity.

Study Blue is a dedicated smartphone app to help you with your studies. With it, pupils and students can exchange educational information, coordinate with each other to gain knowledge and do homework. Teachers can also use this program to interact with students, give them new materials and check the correctness of the assimilation of previous ones.

No better way teach children foreign language than to provide them with a teacher for whom this speech is native. However, unfortunately, this is far from always possible. But the Korean school authorities have found a clever way out of this situation. They invite Americans who live in their USA to teach and communicate with students through a robot.

KlassInfo is almost the best and illustrative example benefits modern technologies in the process of studying. This program is intended not only for teachers who can use it to keep an electronic journal and communicate with each other, but also for parents. The latter get the opportunity to monitor the progress of their child, their homework, and also find out about the time of his arrival and departure from school. Only the disciples themselves are not happy, whose life falls under strict control on both sides!

Discussions about what the school will be like in 10 years is a topic that worries many teachers and parents. School supplies as learning conditions change, they are constantly transforming. I wonder how they will look in the future?

A modern child needs a lot for normal study. Let's start with an incredible amount of pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, rulers. Do not forget about the pencil case, in which you can hide all these countless stationery. We also need colorful notebooks with snow-white smooth sheets, a huge number of textbooks, reference books on various subjects, albums, notebooks. A bulky backpack that can hold all of the listed items is also indispensable. School supplies, the list of which is endless, are an integral part of the educational process and are aimed primarily at facilitating and improving education.

Parents only sigh sympathetically, looking at their child, carrying a heavy backpack with textbooks and notebooks. But if you think about it, our children are incredibly lucky. The evolution of school supplies throughout the entire existence of mankind has undergone dramatic changes. The ancestors of modern ballpoint pens were steel nibs set on wooden rods. In order to write a few words with a pen, it had to be dipped in ink. How much grief the blots put in notebooks with a similar writing object gave the pupils. And the inkwells often turned over, pouring their contents over everything that was on the table. Later, writing pens were replaced with ink pens, which also had a lot of problems. Modern children have no idea what a blotter is, and in the old days not a single student could do without it.

Notebooks, familiar to us, did not always exist either. In ancient times, palm leaves, papyrus, parchment were used instead of paper. In Russia long time it was customary to write in top layer tree bark - birch bark. The first paper appeared in China about 2 thousand years ago, but in Russia it was introduced into use in the 16th century by Ivan the Terrible. With its appearance, the life of schoolchildren has become much easier. Today's notebooks are striking in their assortment: you can buy writing supplies designed specifically for boys or girls, with colorful covers and sleek pages. It is pleasant to do in such notebooks homework even to those who are too lazy to study diligently.

Textbooks take up most of the schoolbag. Their number, in comparison with the past, is increasing, because new subjects are constantly being introduced into the school curriculum. Modern publishing houses, in order to make life easier for children, too thick school books began to be published in several parts. But for some reason, the students' backpacks do not become easier because of this.

School bags have also evolved a lot. A couple of decades ago, all children went to classes with the same type of knapsack, which had a large compartment for books and notebooks and a couple of small pockets. Filled with textbooks, they spontaneously unbuttoned at the most inopportune time. Everything is provided in modern backpacks and school bags: several spacious compartments, thanks to which all school supplies are in place, many pockets where you can put mobile phone, sandwich, water bottle. Reliable locks and zippers will prevent the backpack from accidentally unbuttoning. For primary school students, special backpacks with an orthopedic back are produced to prevent the development of scoliosis.

Just a few decades ago, people would have been surprised to find out how diverse and convenient products for learning would be in the 21st century. But judging by the rapid pace at which science is developing today, the educational process may soon be completely transformed. The school supplies of the future are not textbooks, notebooks and chalkboards. They will be completely replaced by super-advanced electronics.

Already today, an electronic textbook cannot surprise anyone. It is compact, lightweight and can replace several dozen traditional school books... Children will no longer need to carry multi-kilogram portfolios with them to lessons - all the knowledge they need will fit in this unique gadget. In one small information carrier there is a place for the works of Tolstoy, the course of trigonometry, revolutions of the XX century, grammar of English language and much more that is taught in the school curriculum. The most important advantage of these gadgets is absolute safety for children's eyesight. Scientists predict that in the near future, electronic textbooks will completely replace their paper counterparts. The latter can only be seen in museums, since libraries will also cease to exist.

Electronic textbooks are constantly being improved in order to make them more user-friendly. Some experimental models combine 2 gadgets at once: a tablet and a reader. On the display of the device, the student will be able to make notes with a special electronic pen. Using the innovation, the child will not need to raise his hand to answer - just press a special button and the teacher will immediately notice him. The teacher will have the same gadget, which will receive all the signals from the students. Thanks to the webcam built into the textbook, schoolchildren will not miss the material during illness, as they will be able to watch the lesson online. This unique device has already been tested in Russia, with its help lessons were conducted in one of the Moscow schools.

The traditional chalkboard will gradually become a thing of the past. In the future, it will be replaced by Bluetooth-based devices. One of these inventions was recently tested in the West: a teacher using Bluetooth technology wrote a text on a classroom electronic board, being at a distance of about 100 meters from it. But the educator doesn't have to go that far from their workplace. The device is convenient in that when writing examples, texts, diagrams or other information, the teacher can sit at the table or go to the other end of the class, without covering what is written on the board with his body.

If after a few years schoolchildren do not need to carry kilograms of paper books with them, then they will not need roomy and bulky portfolios either. They will be replaced by small eco-bags. Models of such products have already begun to appear on the Russian school market. For example, high school students can choose a bag decorated with quotes from the works of classic writers or portraits of famous scientists. Given the desire of humanity to produce environmentally friendly goods, the number of such school bags will only increase in the future.

And what will the handles be? Indeed, despite the forthcoming total informatization of education, no one will cancel the teaching of literacy and calligraphy. Scientists assume that all writing devices will be equipped with voice recognition systems. In search of his pen, the child will only have to say a few words, and the lost object will emit a sound signal indicating its location. It is likely that the pen will be filled with eternal ink and it will be enough for the child for all the years of school.

The teachers asked the children how they see their office supplies in the future. Most of the students wanted their pens to be controlled by the power of thought, to be able to write in different handwriting, to correct mistakes on their own, to be additionally equipped with music and games, to be able to send text messages by writing them on plain paper, and to be transformed into pencils, rulers or erasers. Today, such stationery can only be discussed in scientific laboratories. But it is quite possible that in a dozen years such pens will no longer surprise anyone and will be massively used by our children in schools.

The introduction of innovations in the educational process in our country is slow, but systematic. Today, no one doubts that the school subjects of the future will change learning beyond recognition and children will learn with pleasure.

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Among the many options, there are two that are most useful and convenient. The first is milk and dairy products. The second is a sandwich or sandwich.

Dairy products

Than children's nutritional needs fundamentally ...

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The future of humanity in the light of the concept of cycles.

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These drawings can only be seen from an airplane or from a high altitude.

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MBOU "Gymnasium № 1" Essay on the topic: "School supplies of the future" pupil 1 A class Lyuba Polukhina Teacher: Andriyanova E.V.

Objective: To anticipate what the school supplies of the future might be. Objectives: To study the literature and Internet sources on the topic under consideration. Find out what school supplies might look like in the future. Understand how changes in school supplies in the future can affect a student's desire to learn.

I often think about how the school will be transformed and what school supplies will look like in 10, 20, or even 50 years. The beautiful is far away ... What will the school supplies of the future be like?

We are aware that progress is racing at a breakneck pace. Pen and ink replaced ball pen, our ancestors wrote on birch bark scrolls instead of our notebooks. Time goes by, everything changes. Let's fantasize about what the students will use in their school?

Notebooks and textbooks Notebooks and textbooks that are familiar to us will be replaced by “understanding everything” gadgets. They will be equipped with numerous features. For example, a student who wants to answer will not have to raise his hand. It will be enough to press the "Answer" button on the touch panel, and the teacher will see the signal on his device.

A sick student will be able to "visit" the lesson without leaving home, online. These school supplies of the future will greatly improve the performance of children who are always ill. Textbooks on any subject can be found all in the same electronic device. Moreover, for the eyes of schoolchildren, they will be absolutely safe.

Pens Pen with scanner If you use pens of several colors, but you are annoyed by a tightly packed briefcase full of pens with different pastes, the scanner pen is a unique invention for you. The scanner is on the cap. It is necessary to direct the cap to any object, the scanner "reads" the information, the color of the object. And after a second, the ink of the pen becomes the same color. Thus, scanning a red apple, for example, will make it possible to write in red. A scanner pen would successfully complement the school supplies of the future: pictures in art lessons, for example, would become much easier and more enjoyable to create.

Pen-notebook It often happens that you urgently need to write something down - the pen was found, but the paper is not at hand. The first thought is to write the information on the palm of your hand. Time passed, I forgot about the recording, I came home - I washed my hands, and then you think and wonder: what was written there. In this case, a gel-notebook pen comes in handy. There is a spray bottle on the cap of the pen.

If you urgently need to capture information, you need to spray a small amount of spray on your palm. In a matter of seconds, small spray crystals turn into a gel-like surface on which you can write what you want. Since it is sticky, the note will stick to your palm until you remove it yourself. After removing the note, you can rewrite the information into a permanent notebook or put it in a special container for gel notes.

Delicious pencil Admit it, who chewed the pencil during the lesson? Especially for such "eaters" they will develop a new delicious pencil, for back side from the stylus of which a delicious candy-candy will be located.

The variety of colors and tastes will not disappoint the sweet tooth: light yellow - lemon; dark yellow - melon; green - apple; red - strawberry; pink - watermelon; black - blueberries; brown - chocolate; Orange Orange; blue - blueberries; purple - blackberries.

Animal Pencil For little artists, colored pencils will be provided with small figures of animals giving voice as they move. For example, a brown pencil "Cow" will "moo". Thus, the baby will quickly remember what sounds this or that animal makes. Pencil clothespin Pencil clothespin - perfect development for practical students. The base of the pencil is made in the shape of a long and thin clothespin. By clicking on the "ears", you need to insert the lead into the pencil-clothespin. When clamped, the lead is securely fixed. In addition to a pencil-clothespin, it will be convenient to purchase a set of interchangeable leads.

Modern PCs and tablets are gradually replacing heavy briefcases, bulky textbooks and many other school supplies.

Conclusion What will the school supplies of the future be like? There are many ideas and plans! Innovative ideas are introduced very quickly. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that the school of the future will be different. And children will be happy to attend lessons and do their homework!

A former English teacher who has become an apologist for a new approach to education, Terry Hick has repeatedly expressed unusual ideas... He denies standard curriculum and believes digital learning will win. To promote his ideas and develop new programs, he created a portal [email protected].

Each class must be present on some kind of social platform. So everyone can get access to them: people, organizations, entrepreneurs. Everything that is produced in this class: projects, scenarios, students' ideas - will be noticed by the society. Class pages on social media will become a kind of marketing agency for students.

2. Students will no longer be anonymous

With the help of technology, the student will be connected not only with the teacher and parents, but with a group of teachers, mentors and assistants who left schools to become teachers-leaders (a new phenomenon in education - teachers who not only teach students, but also spread innovations in other schools). These people will help the student to become successful.

Which will be used for quick access to teachers, mentors and "friends" around the world.

4. All texts will be adapted

Texts for study should be selected taking into account the student's literacy level, his reading preferences and even the capabilities of his computer, in order to optimize reading for obtaining maximum benefit... These texts will be a combination of fiction and non-fiction, journalism, essays, non-standard texts, etc.

5. Every school will have good internet

Schools should have the best internet connection local providers can offer.

6. Self-study, creativity, creativity, humanitarianism, emotions and citizenship will not contradict the mission of the school

On the contrary, they should be viewed as human qualities that go beyond the curriculum in order to spur learning of the material.

7. Search engines will die, research will be reborn

Search engines will be replaced by a hybrid system of search, recommendation, community resources and "source prediction" that will use a personalized algorithm to predict which strategies, sources, colleagues, and so on, will help the student in each case. This will change the very idea of ​​research.

8. Teachers will be admired

Teachers are to be seen as disciple-masters. They will organize a changing physical and electronic learning process tailored for each individual student. In contrast to the powerful and smart, but cold technologies, teachers will be much more important to the learning process. And this will ennoble the teaching profession in the eyes of society.

9. The reputation of the school will matter less

The quality of learning will be less dependent on which school a person is in, because technology will make curricula, resources, and even other teachers and classes more accessible.

10. Artificial intelligence(like Siri, only smarter) will become the foundation of pedagogy

It scares the teachers, but it's not that scary. I am not referring to idle electronic chatter, but a tool that a student will use to create their own curriculum. Artificial intelligence will help students choose books, homework assignments, learning strategies, career opportunities, and more. Each student must have their own Siri.