It is known that in ancient Greece, representatives of different cities often fought among themselves. What are Sumerians? The meaning and interpretation of the word shumery, the definition of the term


Swan - Civilization of Love. Planet talking colors and murmuring paradises. Its beautiful inhabitants live as long as they want, not knowing diseases and old age. They voluntarily reincarnate in the body of a newly born Lebedian, and their former body shell immediately burns out without a trace. So many couples are preserved from incarnation to incarnation. The Lebedeans have passed all evolutionary circles long ago and passed into the phase of disembodied Radiant Beings.

Ursa Major humanoids

They live on the large planets Vam and Fin, revolving around a white and yellow star. These stars are called Aliot and Dubhe. The most highly spiritual representatives of the Big Dipper live on the planet Vam. They have already gone through a cycle of reincarnations and have become Holograms of the Spirit, possessing at the same time a bright individuality and a powerful mind. Previously on Earth, they oversaw science and helped the scientists of Atlantis.

Civilization of Maldek/Phaethon

Phaeton was once the most flourishing planet in the solar system. But the peoples who lived on it were the Vegans and some other Civilizations of the Star Systems of the same Lyra. They constantly fought among themselves and could not justly divide the planet. Territorial disputes were fought using thermonuclear arguments. In one of these wars, another giant planet came very close to Phaethon. It was Nibiru, whose period of revolution around the Sun is 3600 years. Under the influence of Nibiru's gravity, thermonuclear explosions caused a chain reaction in the bowels of Phaethon. The giant planet exploded loudly, leaving behind a belt of debris and asteroids.

Moon civilization

The planet Moon is very densely populated by fantastic peoples on the physical, ethereal, astral and mental levels. People of the Moon have pretty white bodies 2m - 2.50m high. The skin on them shines, as if covered with fish scales. The facial features are similar to human ones, only the eyes are large and slanted. We do not see them with terrestrial vision due to the fact that the wavelength of the bodies of the lunar inhabitants is slightly shorter than ours. The cities of the moon people are located on the inner surface of the planet. They are divided into men and women, maintain close contacts with the population of Ketu, the center of the Earth and other planets.

Some terrestrial people at the time of the full moon become sleepwalkers. This is explained by the fact that during sleep the Astral Body of a person leaves his Physical Body. The Astral Shell of a lunar person enters the empty body in order to wander around the Earth a little, to get a little experience of earthly life. By mutual agreement of Souls, an earthling can also enter the body of a lunar person and stagger through the city parks and neon streets of the Moon.

On the moon also live undersized people, like frogs walking on their hind legs. They have four webbed fingers and toes, blue shiny skin, and bulging eyes. There are also elementals that have the forms of animal lizards and birds. The people of the surface of the Earth also have their cities on the Moon. They are located in the zone of vibration corresponding to the lower layers of the astral plane. Earthlings are enslaved here, their astral bodies groundlessly work for the lunar race. Often, in order to enslave a good scientist or a talented inventor, UFOs of Ketuans or gray or lunar people shoot down the planes of earthlings with invisible heat rays. And then, insidious, they capture the astral form of the talented specialist they need and take the kicking genius to their planet. During the full moon, when the Moon is at perigee, the astral auras of the two planets lovingly penetrate each other. At this time, all of the above nations can visit each other without the use of technical means, only with the help of willpower. The silvery shapes of mind food flying saucers often become visible to earthlings during violent magnetic storms or strong post.



According to some researchers, they began to visit the Earth quite recently. However, their striking resemblance to the chimeras, gargoyles, and sirens in Gothic architecture suggests that they have been on Earth for a very long time. They are cautious and shy, but cruel, like wild predators. There is a theory that they are the result of an unsuccessful genetic experiment of some alien civilization. Another theory, by the way, claims that the Chupacabra is an earthly experiment. For the first time in modern history they are noted in Puerto Rico (located in the Caribbean Sea a little east of Cuba and Jamaica), in the area where the top-secret military facility of the Pentagon is located. The object is rumored to specialize in conducting experiments in the field of biology. Probably, the Chupacabras cannot be fully considered aliens (reasonable meaningful actions, contacts with a person, movement on man-made devices). They are just animal-like humanoids that appear out of nowhere and disappear into no one knows where.

The creature attacks wild and domestic animals and birds. Most Chupacabras appear in countries Latin America. They hunt at night and attack defenseless animals, suck out blood and disappear. People found completely bled dead bodies in the forest or paddock. A small round wound with ideally smooth and round edges was found on the body of the animals (mainly in the neck area), through which, presumably, all the blood was sucked out; There were no drops of blood at the scene. Sometimes the animals remained alive, but turned out to be severely crippled. There was a case when a whole herd was killed cattle out of 70 heads. Often animals are found without some organs: viscera, brain, eyes, gonads, tail or paws. Many species of animals have been victims of this creature, from birds to cattle. Their height: 1.20m - 1.80m. Weight 50 - 60 kg. The eyes are red, oval, with pointed edges. Hair is missing. The skin is dark brown. There are two thin sharp fangs; some eyewitnesses report that there is a pair of wings or sometimes a fishtail; on the back is a comb that glows in the dark; paws are webbed with three fingers.

Men in Black

The Men in Black have received a lot of mention in the press, as their visits are recorded by the "waking" consciousness of a person. These creatures are allowed to make these visits because they are in the same density as humans and are not quarantined. They are not aliens at all, but live underground, in tunnels and caves. Their villages exist in isolation, as they very rarely travel from one village to another without the risk of showing themselves to people once again. They fear the Awakening, because then people will become aware of their presence. And although the final result of the Transformation - the Service-to-Other World - does not frighten them, they are afraid of this very transition. When this Transformation occurs, this race will continue to remain in the 3rd Density while underground. Then they will be in quarantine, and will not mix with those inhabitants who will eventually inhabit the world on the surface. While they have stable food sources and secure shelters that will basically survive the cataclysms, they still fear being flooded after the cataclysms. These fears are unfounded, but they nevertheless made attempts to slow down the Awakening, in their own way. The Men in Black built underground cities, multi-level structures and transportation systems powered by electricity. But all this is done in natural caves and is not connected to one another unless there are natural natural passages. They do not generate their electricity in any of the ways that people are familiar with - with the help of streams of water, windmills, steam turbines rotated by steam from controlled nuclear reactions or by burning fossil fuels. Ta Electric Energy The one that the Men in Black use is chemically generated, a method they learned on their home planet before they were transplanted to Earth. Their home planet did not have such an abundance of fossil fuels as the Earth provides, there were no such changes there. natural relief, which would allow the construction of hydroelectric power plants, there was not enough water there either. So they worked with what they had. Their source of electricity is not plentiful, and would hardly be enough to power the average US housewife, whose home is crammed with electrical appliances. The Men in Black, unable to live on the surface, acclimatized underground when they first appeared on Earth in a technologically advanced state. Long before humans were skilled in spelunking, the Men in Black built their defensive structures. Take a look at the key signs that cavers know about the existence of new passages - air currents, air quality and sounds like flowing water. When there is deathly silence and not a breeze, it is assumed that there are only solid rocks. The Men in Black have developed and created tools to test the degree of isolation of their caves and corridors. Before they build anything there, they do a control check, when, in fact, the air is sucked up into the vent on the roof. If there are air leaks in connecting channels , leading to other underground corridors, then there is also a current of air inside, and this is detected. Men in Black have not been discovered so far only because of the vulnerability and shyness of this race, which has no bombs, no tanks, no bazookas. In fact, they don't even have dungeons or prisons. It is not necessary. They are not violent like humans are by nature, but they are foolishly afraid of being discovered by humans. Being no less intelligent than humans, they spent a lot of time inventing ways to avoid being discovered. Like a rat in a hole with no back door. The issue to focus on is not whether they threaten humanity, but what they do. When you talk to your dog that you want to impress, what do you do? You act like a "master dog"! On the strong, the one whom they cannot subdue, dogs react by adjoining and avoiding. And dogs react to the weak, who they can subdue, either by grabbing the throat of a resisting opponent, or growling menacingly at someone who is already afraid. The Men in Black studied their co-inhabitants, and correctly understood what impresses them. Power without the ability to execute and destroy is ignored. Therefore - it is necessary to threaten. The Men in Black phenomenon, as well as some manifestations of the Illuminati structure, play out the Orionian need to control. The Men in Black have several origins. Some of them are human incarnations from Orion and/or the negatively oriented energies of Sirius. Others are indeed Orions from the past who have moved "forward" in time to the current Earth. They perceive the Earth as a "threat". From their perspective, as humanity awakens and liberates itself, it "magnetizes" the oppressed beings of Orion to seek freedom here. They want to keep those windows of opportunity closed to Orion's victims, keep the Earth powerless, and remain in total control. The Men in Black are just one manifestation of this idea, although they do not currently have the power to carry it out. Generally speaking, it plays out on Earth in a much more subtle form. Those individuals who carry patterns of oppression from Orion act according to the dictates of the memory of their Soul, and are not necessarily aware of their desire for absolute control. Exploring the contacts with the Men in Black that took place in the 20th century, one comes across an irony in the behavior of these beings: they operate on a very autonomous level and never seem to claim the power that they are so purposefully trying to wrest from people. It can be assumed that the Men in Black are just pawns in some even more sophisticated struggle.


Another highly developed civilization that exists on Earth in parallel with us. Their technological enterprises and civilization itself were located mainly underground. Similar tunnels and entire underground cities are located in South America, the Middle East, and China. Many of the caves that are often considered the refuge of primitive people were tunnels leading to the cities of the Lumani civilization. They created energetic protective fields around their cities and other habitats.

Lumania was a very high-tech civilization. To conduct warfare or create underground tunnels, the Lumanians used ultrasound. They used sound everywhere: for healing, for moving mountain ranges, for creating artificial seas, in building underground and surface cities, in creating new materials unknown to us, and so on. The sound, filled with mental images, was the conductor of matter from higher dimensions to the physical world.

Lumanians also occupied lands in areas of Australia and Antarctica. This civilization did not seek to expand its inviolable boundaries and directed its efforts towards Spiritual Development. For a very long time, the Lumanians not only did not try to civilize the natives, but, on the contrary, did everything possible to stop the technical development of the earthlings. Initially, they surrounded their land cities and entrances to underground tunnels with impenetrable force fields, gamma radiation or infrasonic waves that are deadly for low human frequencies.

One of the main goals of the Lumanian civilization was the task of forming a "new man" who would not accept any kind of violence. The desire to "live in peace" in the people of the dungeons was brought to the level of instinct. In the ethereal double of man and in his genes, the Lumanians made irreversible changes. And when the mind signaled to the body about the aggressive mood of emotions, the physical flesh simply refused to follow the orders of the logical mind and brain. In some peoples of South Asia, the rudiments of this mechanism remained. There are people on Earth now who, when their aggression is outburst, lose consciousness, or harm their own body in order to stop their aggression.

After the creation of the “new man”, the Lumanians began to come to the natives who lived on neighboring islands and continents. They built beautiful families with them and produced delicate offspring, hoping in this way to pacify the aggressiveness of earthlings. Lumanians taught people to put up with violence not only through preaching, but also at the genetic level. They physically eliminated the craving for aggression in their descendants, produced together with earthlings. However, this noble path led the underground civilizers to a dead end. It is impossible to forcefully forbid the energy to flow freely - through the physical, etheric and astral body. Energy will always find a way out in the most unexpected place. The altered physiology of people has led to a violation of creative functions. After all, any aggression is also one of the types of creative energy, the desire to do things, the desire of the Soul to make mistakes and grow wiser through future suffering. If the purple aggression of a person is redirected spiritually into the mental channel, then non-standard ideas, great discoveries, grandiose deeds and cosmic pictures.

The limitations built into the physiology of the body have led to the formation of unnatural rules for human behavior. A body appeared to be overly conscious, unemotional, with a muffled survival instinct.

Mentally, the Lumanians developed rapidly. In order not to destroy living plants, they developed and introduced artificial food. To maintain the cleanliness of the environment, underground emitters of ultrafine vibrations were used.

Physically, the Lumanians were weak, frail, and short in stature compared to the native population. The height of a person at that time reached 7m - 9m, and the Lumanians were half that. Mentally, they were divided into geniuses and mediocrity. Unfortunately, there was no middle ground. Half of the population of Lumanians brilliantly worked in the field of creativity, and the other half brilliantly enjoyed the earthly existence in the Gardens of Eden and underground resorts. At that time, all Lumanians had innate psychic abilities, they read knowledge from the Akashic Records - energy vibrations of the subtle planes of being. Over time, more and more more Civilizers understood that their experiment had failed. Many of them, after physical death, reunited with the Pleiadians and were born on their young Planets.


Earth is a very old planet. Many different species of mankind inhabited the Earth before us. Even before the advent of the Lemurians, people lived here who breathed carbon dioxide and exhaled oxygen. Over time, almost all carbon dioxide was assimilated by living beings. It turned into hydrocarbons and lay underground in the form of oil and coal deposits. That, the previous humanity died out due to a lack of carbon dioxide in the air. Then the Gardeners of the Earth from the constellation Sirius brought out on Mars a new model of a man who inhaled poison - oxygen, and exhaled life-giving force - carbon dioxide. These people settled the old planet. The task of the new humanity is to remove hydrocarbons from the earth and saturate the atmosphere of the planet with carbon dioxide in order to enable the following race of people-gods to breathe carbon dioxide on Earth again and exhale oxygen. In order for us, people, not to kill each other and our Planet as a whole, the Sirians were entrusted to look after us, to direct their progress of the Venusian civilization of the Hathors and the Martian civilization of the “gray”. So that humanity does not die out from its stupidity and laziness, would not kill itself with wars and chemistry, the "gray" every 200 years take away from earthlings several healthy women and impregnate them on the bases of the Moon and Mars with the seed of superhuman beings. The sedated women are then returned to Earth. Women have their memories erased and they don't remember where they've been. But amazing children are born to young mothers - demigods, who from birth have cosmic knowledge, siddhis and an open Third Eye. These demigod people lead humanity to knowledge, enlightenment and direct them to the path of God. One of these demigods was Orpheus.

At that time, the Land fell somewhere, and new seas and oceans formed in place of the continents. When the ocean calmed down, a civilization of giants was born on the new continents. Then again death and again the birth of the great peoples who inhabited the Earth to Atlantis and Lemuria. Then there was a war on spaceships between aliens for spheres of influence on the Planet. Earth civilizations mastered thermonuclear weapons - and world wars began. The earth was falling out of its orbit. Then the Floods followed, and new continents were settled by new peoples. Then again the death of Atlantis, then the heyday ancient egypt, the islands of Crete and the civilization of Sumer.

Martian bases on the Moon and on the inner surface of the Earth monitor the development of our civilization and produce a selection of peoples, bringing out the hybrids that are needed at a given time.

Hybrids are a genetic mixture of humanoids from Earth and humanoids from other planets. They are very similar to us and the Grays. The color of their elastic skin can be anything from white to blue, from bronze to red. The length of their bodies ranges from 150 centimeters to 3 meters in height. Some hybrid aliens look just like non-humans. But still, upon closer examination, it is clear that these are terrestrial humanoids. Many of them have large compound eyes and such a “sticky” forehead. Some have long noses and pointed ears. All of them are divided into individuals of both male and female. These hybrids reproduce sexually.

However, a quarter of all humanoids that are bred on the mother ships of Mars and the Moon are one hundred percent people without any genetic and ethical impurities. They look exactly like earthlings. Just a little taller, slimmer and smarter than the native earthlings. The fact is that the aliens, who once founded their colonies on Earth, at all times had sexual intercourse with earthly women. Women from such contacts could not give birth on Earth. They simply died because their fetus was born too big. Born children also perished on Earth. Therefore, the Grays always watched over such women - before giving birth, they were taken to their bases of the Moon and Mars, where their mothers gave birth successfully. Women do not remember anything when they are sent to Earth after giving birth. And the Gray children were left to themselves. These children either live on orbital stations revolving around the planets of the solar system, or suffer among human nations and make brilliant discoveries for earthlings. General feature for such alien children is high growth - from 180 to 250 centimeters. The men are fair-haired, blue-eyed, slightly tanned, and well-shaven. And women are slender and big-eyed, beautiful and kind. Usually such humanoids fly in on disk-shaped UFOs and go out to people in white clothes to teach earthly peoples to live peacefully and enlighten.


A very unusual civilization of super-intellectuals lives on the etheric plane. The cult of Knowledge reigns on Mercury, moreover, knowledge for the sake of knowledge itself, or more precisely, for the very process of obtaining it. The fact is that the inhabitants of Mercury experience incomparable pleasure from everything that is connected with the acquisition of abstract, divorced from material life, knowledge.

Description of mercurians: highbrow intellectuals can scan the entire experience and memory of the subconscious of any being, discarding and "rejecting" sensual "female" intuitive experience and being interested only in factual data about abstract ideas and concepts. Outwardly, these superintellectuals are very similar to earthly people, only their height does not exceed 1.5 meters and their physique is more fragile. The arms and legs are small, there is no hairline on the large round head, there are three fingers on the palms. However, Mercurians do not like their ethereal shell, considering it low, dirty and rough, and prefer to project themselves in the form of golden balls, especially when meeting with strangers.

The inhabitants of Mercury completely ignore material objects and issues related to the physical and ethereal world. They direct all their remarkable power of mind to comprehend the laws of the universe, its parallel worlds and various plans, its charters, orders and forms of manifestation and government. Of particular interest to them are objects of a magical and spiritual nature. But the Mercurians stop only at the process of acquiring and accumulating the actual component of the Unified Knowledge. They do not seek to apply their wide knowledge of abstract concepts in practice, considering this a matter of third-rate importance.

It is interesting that, filled with abstract information, intellectuals do not find any desire to understand the essence of things and events. Questions that require reasoning or drawing conclusions from known facts baffle them and cause only irritation. The bare facts are what really please the Mercurians.

Some Mercurians were driven to pride by the possession of knowledge. The inhabitants of Mercury naively believed that there is no such object in the Universe that they would not know. Therefore, the Mercurians constantly traveled throughout the galaxy, tirelessly replenishing their information treasury.

On Mercury there are no cities, no states, no tribes, no peoples. Together they are all Mercurians like one mycelium. They are united only by an information database, that is, they voluntarily form certain communities that act as one organism. Any information acquired by each of them is available to everyone, and the total amount of knowledge becomes the property of each member of the community. Their knowledge of facts is continuously increasing, but this does not lead to an increase in their wisdom.

It is also customary for them to follow this methodology when teaching in schools: teachers do not say anything directly and completely, do not reveal what the essence of the subject is, but only give a hint of the essence, thereby nourishing and increasing the desire for research and knowledge. According to the logic of the Mercurians, if you answer all the questions, then this desire will disappear. Therefore, they always say the opposite so that the truth stands out more clearly.


(one of 13 varieties)

Thirteen different civilizations live on Jupiter, including eight of them - humanoid. All of them inhabited various layers of the ethereal and vital world.

Description of one of the civilizations of Jupiter: outwardly very similar to the ancient Greek gods who lived on Olympus. Very wise and spiritualized humanoids lived here. They created their bodies from the third and fourth layers of the ether, so an ordinary person cannot see them with their eyes. These respectable natures are full of divine love, gentleness and meekness, they are tall, about 3-4 meters. All of them were relatives, since the people of this civilization lived on Jupiter in childbirth. All the people of Jupiter preferred to live outside the city, in nature. Jupiterians lived on farms and villas among lush vegetation of meadows and gardens. Therefore, the population of the capital did not reach a thousand people. Thirteen council priests and five hundred monks served their working hours in the stone city.

The Jovian villas stood at a respectful distance from each other. The average family consisted of a husband, his wife, two children, grandparents. Five or seven such families formed a related village, consisting of a dozen two-story and three-story buildings, and a central temple in the form of a pyramid. The houses were located along the perimeter of the circle and were surrounded by a beautiful green hedge fence. From the central temple, straight roads paved with polished stones ran along the radii in all directions.

There were no old people among the Jupiterians, since the older generation, who raised children, usually left their homes and secluded themselves in special sacred forests and groves, in holy places and mountains. Old people on Jupiter become ascetics and hermits in order to achieve their main goal of life - reunion with One God. Having reached the Supreme in contemplation and meditation, the Jupiterians either go to more elevated planets, for example, to the planetary system of Sirius or the Pleiades, or return to their villas, leading the training of the younger generation. There they became the spiritual mentors of the youth. Those. Jupiter is the planet of yogis and hermits, ascetics and monks. Their needs and desires are kept to a minimum. They even go without any clothes. Their food is plant pollen, juices and various herbal infusions.

Jupiter is not only the largest of the planets revolving around the Sun, but also the most densely populated and one of the most spiritually developed. The Jupiterian civilization chose the path of study inner world rather than external, the path of self-knowledge, the path spiritual development. Deeply understanding the purpose of life of each person, Jupiterians completely ignore technological progress. There are no cities on Jupiter, no factories and plants, no rumbling vehicles. Here the restriction of desires and liberation from attachments are cultivated. Jupiterians prefer to live in the bosom of nature in two-storey houses or three-story villas that look like pyramids.

Jupiterians live superconsciously, that is, all their thoughts are directed to reunion with the One and Indivisible Lord. They pay special attention to the upbringing of children. Every child is educated in a school attached to a village church. Education in them is aimed at developing the spiritual abilities of students. "It is important to understand the fundamental principle on which all of Creation is built - Once you know this, you can create anything." The general education schools of Jupiter are somewhat reminiscent of philosophical schools Ancient Greece. The Jupiterians had no written language, no radio, no television, since they all have clairvoyance, telepathy and proscopia. Education in the school took place directly - from the enlightened teacher to the student.

The life of the Jupiterians is approximately 800-1200 years. Usually the average inhabitant of Jupiter received an education, repaid the debt to society and married before the age of 50. Their children were conceived through sexual intercourse. After the birth of two or three children, the couple slept separately in different rooms. Then 20-30 years were spent on raising children, and when the children grew up and matured, then the Jupiterian either left the ethereal world if he achieved enlightenment, or went to a monastery, to a hermitage, in order to devote the rest of his life to approaching God.

Adult Jupiterians are three to four meters tall. They are all slender, harmoniously built and very beautiful. Especially bright and sublimely beautiful are their faces with slightly protruding lips. When communicating with each other, the Jupiterians, in addition to telepathy, expressed their thoughts with the help of their faces. Mostly, they used for this that part of it, which is located around the lips. They never pretended and always said what they thought. Therefore, the Jupiterians did not strain the muscles of their faces and allowed their faces to freely express thoughts and feelings.

Around Jupiter revolve 16 moons of terrestrial density and more than 30 ethereal ones. Humanoids live on all the satellite planets of Jupiter. But the civilizations on these moons are man-made, similar to those on Mars.


2.10m - 2.40m tall, pale blue skin, bulging eyes, possibly distant relatives of the Nordics from Lyra or Andromeda.


Very tall race from 2.5 - 3.5 meters in height.

star wanderers

Nomadic civilization. Has extensive knowledge and valuable resources, makes contact and willingly makes deals, but these deals are unreliable. They can be extremely beneficial for earthlings, just as a gift. For example, they can exchange a Mona Lisa painting for a three-year full supply of resources for the entire Earth. But they can deceive using their developed skills.

Attention: Be careful as there are Extraterrestrial Races not just negative, but terribly negative. There are Hierarchies, both Positive and Negative, Qliphonic (brown) and Demonic (black). There are also Alien Races working for the Negative Hierarchies. They are dangerous not only for your Physical Body, Psychic and Subtle Bodies, but also for your Soul. An example of such an alien Race ....


The form of evil that a person must know about is something negative, something else, absolute evil, which Asef Satan represents and personifies. This is evil that is created from the outside in relation to a person, regardless of his consciousness. What is it? And who is Satan?

Asef Satan is a living, really existing intelligent individual, Asef is a name, Satan is a surname. He was born over 91,000 Earth years ago on the Planet Uren, which is part of the Star System of a small Star not far from Sirius.

Since this information allows people to have a fairly complete picture of Satan and his Empire, which he would not like at all without naming the subscribers: they want to stay alive, and they also have families ... They are absolutely subordinate to Satan, they are mortally afraid of him, they call him "god" and, as he demands, "ifat." They consider themselves to be his “children”, because they are convinced that they themselves were created by Satan, who gave them not only life, but also reason.

As it was possible to find out from the subordinates of Satan, he created from seven planets inhabited by intelligent beings - Sidrils - an entire Empire, which is located from us in the Star Cluster in the direction of the Aries Constellation sector and exists in the Yellow Space with a population of about 200 billion. The inhabitants of this Empire, just as we call ourselves "man", call ourselves "sydril", are intelligent beings that do not have a Soul in our imagination, but have something else.

First most major planet is called Tmuzon, the second is Iso, the third is Sirui, the fourth is Uresirise, the fifth is called Iusi, the sixth is Yature, and the seventh, the most important, remote and mysterious, is Lui: there is the refuge of Satan himself. (The text of the description of the planets, the population and their Stars is abbreviated).

There are 28 civilizations in the Yellow Spectrum, some of which are included in the Commonwealth of God (meaning the true Creator) and are subordinate to Him. Reasonable Beings of 21 civilizations recognize God and have a Soul, and they despise Satan as a traitor. Satan exists and lives in the space of the Yellow Spectrum, in our space he physically cannot really live, but he can have a significant impact on living forms. Satan has a direct impact on animals - which do not have in their Soul (Higher Aspect) the grafted Impulse Ring of Reason and some energy developments and structures, so it is easier to subdue them to him. It has only an indirect influence on a person and is not terrible for a person until a person begins to be afraid. And from fear, you can make mistakes, which is what Satan needs.

Now the most a big problem for his Empire, a matter of life and death is Energy. The enterprises of the seven planets, the ships of the space fleet need a lot of energy, and their sources have long been exhausted. The main energy source of Satan's empire is the Gray Energy obtained by burning the Souls of Creatures (in particular, the people of the Earth). To ensure this, Satan created a whole system that currently gives about 80 Souls from the Earth every month, which is equivalent to almost 5,000 tons of uranium. Although this figure of abducted people and Souls from the Earth is too low. Unofficial statistics on the disappearance of people in Russia alone, annually amounts to more than 10,000 people, along with the "missing". Minus, apparently, the number of dead and from the activities of our earthly Russian criminals, without finding the bodies of the victims.

Before burning the Soul, all information is removed from it. It is important for Satan, priceless - it is a solution to the problems of strategic intelligence. Satan has weakness He doesn't know people very well. He needs scientific and technical information about our world. And this is despite the fact that for tens of thousands of years he has accumulated scientific information that surpasses earthly information in volume and quality. The use of terrestrial information is dual: what can be useful for the world of the Sidrils - scientific discoveries, original technical and technological solutions, etc., suitable for use in the Yellow Space; and an assessment of the scientific and technical potential of the Earth in terms of predicting the possible counteraction of earthlings.

The "heart" of this system is the structure of the Centers for Deep Space Communications, the last of which was built 5 years ago and operates on Sirui. This is a new Center, the old ones are on Tmuzone and Luya. New Center much closer to the Earth, provides high-quality two-way instant communication with any person. How does this happen? A communication channel has been created in the Retrospace, the effect of a zero-transition between the Center and the peripheral element of the system near the Earth is used. This is according to the principle of action. They themselves call the system “Retrobridge”, which, in my opinion, capaciously and accurately reflects its essence.

The main goal of the system of Retrobridge Centers is strategic reconnaissance of the space of the Universe to control the movement of ships of civilizations of the Creator and ensure the security of the empire; a parallel task is the search for knowledge and the corrupting impact on the civilization of the Earth by catching Souls to meet the energy needs of the Empire.

The Center itself has 37 jobs for telecom operators "for catching Souls", who work both with people - mediums conducting spiritualism sessions, and control the behavior of ordinary people.

This is where the operators of the "Retrobridges" constantly "whisper" to our contactees all kinds of false and tempting theories, predictions and "horror stories", mixed with true events on Earth. But, as a rule, there are much more lies in these "revelations" than the truth.

September 21 is the International Day of Peace and the day of the universal ceasefire and non-violence. But today, almost four dozen hot spots have been recorded in the world. Where and for what humanity is fighting today - in the material TUT.BY.

Gradation of conflicts:

Armed conflict of low intensity- confrontation for religious, ethnic, political and other reasons. It is characterized by a low level of attacks and victims - less than 50 per year.

Armed conflict of moderate intensity episodic terrorist attacks fighting with the use of weapons. It is characterized by an average level of victims - up to 500 per year.

Armed conflict of high intensity- constant hostilities with the use of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction (with the exception of nuclear weapons); involvement of foreign states and coalitions. Such conflicts are often accompanied by massive and numerous terrorist attacks. It is characterized by a high level of victims - from 500 per year or more.

Europe, Russia and Transcaucasia

Conflict in Donbas

Status: regular clashes between separatists and the Ukrainian military, despite the ceasefire

Start: year 2014

Number of dead: from April 2014 to August 2017 - more than 10 thousand people

City of Debaltseve, Donbass, Ukraine. February 20, 2015. Photo: Reuters

The armed conflict in Donbas began in the spring of 2014. Pro-Russian activists, encouraged by Russia's annexation of Crimea and dissatisfied with the new government in Kyiv, proclaimed the creation of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. After an attempt by the new Ukrainian authorities to suppress the demonstrations by force in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, a full-scale armed conflict began, which has been dragging on for three years.

The situation in Donbass is on the world agenda as Kyiv accuses Moscow of helping the self-proclaimed republics, including through direct military intervention. The West supports these accusations, Moscow consistently denies them.

The conflict moved from the active phase to the phase of medium intensity after the launch of "" and the beginning.

But in the east of Ukraine, they are still shooting, people are dying from both sides.

Caucasus and Nagorno-Karabakh

There are two more hotspots of instability in the region, which are classified as armed conflicts.

The war in the early 1990s between Azerbaijan and Armenia led to the formation of the unrecognized Nagorno-Karabakh Republic (). Large-scale hostilities were last recorded here, then about 200 people died on both sides. But local armed clashes in which Azerbaijanis and Armenians perish, .

Despite all the efforts of Russia, the situation in the Caucasus remains extremely difficult: counter-terrorist operations are constantly carried out in Dagestan, Chechnya and Ingushetia, Russian special services report on the elimination of gangs and terrorist cells, but the flow of messages does not decrease.

Middle East and North Africa

The whole region in 2011 was shocked by "". From then to the present, Syria, Libya, Yemen and Egypt have been hotspots in the region. In addition, the armed confrontation in Iraq and Turkey has been going on for many years.

War in Syria

Status: constant fighting

Start: 2011

Number of dead: from March 2011 to August 2017 - from 330,000 to

Panorama of eastern Mosul in Iraq on March 29, 2017. For more than a year, battles continued for this city. Photo: Reuters

After the US invasion in 2003 and the collapse of Saddam Hussein's regime in Iraq, Civil War and rebellion against the coalition government. And in 2014, part of the country's territory was seized by militants of the Islamic State. Now a motley company is fighting the terrorists: the Iraqi army, supported by US troops, Kurds, local Sunni tribes and Shiite formations. In the summer of this year, the largest city under the control of ISIS, is currently fighting for control of the province of Anbar.

Radical Islamist groups are fighting Baghdad not only on the battlefield, but in Iraq constantly with numerous casualties.


Status: regular clashes between different factions

Start: 2011

Aggravation: year 2014

Number of dead: from February 2011 to August 2017 — t 15,000 to 30,000

The conflict in Libya also began with the "Arab Spring". In 2011, the United States and NATO supported the protesters against the Gaddafi regime with airstrikes. The revolution won, Muammar Gaddafi was killed by the crowd, but the conflict did not die out. In 2014, a new civil war broke out in Libya, and since then dual power has reigned in the country - in the east of the country, in the city of Tobruk, the parliament elected by the people sits, and in the west, in the capital Tripoli, the Government of National Accord formed with the support of the UN and Europe, headed by Fayez Sarraj, rules. In addition, there is a third force - the Libyan National Army, which is at war with the militants of the "Islamic State" and other radical groups. The situation is complicated by the internecine strife of local tribes.


Status: regular missile and air strikes, clashes between various factions

Start: year 2014

Number of dead: from February 2011 to September 2017 - more than 10 thousand people

Yemen is another country that has been in conflict since the Arab Spring in 2011. President Ali Abdullah Saleh, who ruled Yemen for 33 years, handed over his powers to the vice-president of the country, Abd Rabbo Mansour al-Hadi, who won early elections a year later. However, he failed to retain power in the country: in 2014, a civil war broke out between Shiite rebels (Houthis) and the Sunni government. Al-Hadi supported Saudi Arabia, which, together with other Sunni monarchies and with the consent of the United States, helps with both ground operations and air strikes. Also joined the fight ex-president Saleh, who is supported by part of the Shiite rebels and Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula.

Double in Ankara on October 10, 2015, at the site of the trade union rally “Labour. World. Democracy". Its participants advocated the cessation of hostilities between the Turkish authorities and the Kurds. According to official figures, the number of victims was 97 people. Photo: Reuters

The armed confrontation between the Turkish government and the PKK fighters, who are fighting for the creation of Kurdish autonomy within Turkey, has been going on since 1984 to the present. In the past two years, the conflict has escalated: the Turkish authorities accused the Kurds of several, after which they carried out sweeps.

Knife Intifada and Lebanon

There are several other hotspots in the region, which military experts refer to as "armed conflicts" of low intensity.

First of all, this is the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, the next aggravation of which was called "". Between 2015 and 2016, there were more than 250 attacks by Islamic radicals armed with cold weapons against Israelis. As a result, 36 Israelis, 5 foreigners and 246 Palestinians were killed. Knife and screwdriver attacks have faded this year, but armed attacks continue: in July, three Arabs attacked one Israeli police officer on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem.

Another smoldering hotspot is Lebanon. The smoldering conflict in Lebanon is at a low level of intensity only due to the emphasized neutrality of the authorities regarding the civil war in Syria and the related conflict in Lebanon between Sunnis and Shiites. The Shiites of Lebanon and the Hezbollah group support the pro-Assad coalition, the Sunnis oppose, and the radical Islamist groups oppose the Lebanese authorities. Periodically there are armed clashes and terrorist attacks occur: the largest of them in recent times was a double terrorist attack in Beirut in 2015, as a result of which.

Asia and the Pacific


Status: constant terrorist attacks and armed clashes

Beginning of the conflict: 1978

Escalation of the conflict: year 2001

Number of dead: from 2001 to August 2017 - more than 150,000 people

Medics at a hospital in Kabul examine a boy who was injured in the September 15, 2017, attack. On this day in Kabul, a mined tank truck was blown up at a checkpoint leading to the diplomatic quarter.

After the 9/11 attacks, NATO and the US military contingent entered Afghanistan. The Taliban regime was overthrown, but a military conflict began in the country: the government of Afghanistan, with the support of NATO and US forces, is fighting the Taliban and Islamist groups associated with al-Qaeda and ISIS.

Despite the fact that 13,000 NATO and US troops still remain in Afghanistan, and discussions are underway about whether it should be, terrorist activity in the country remains high: dozens of people die in the republic every month.

The smoldering Kashmir conflict and the internal problems of India and Pakistan

In 1947, two states were formed on the territory of the former British India - India and Pakistan. The division took place on a religious basis: the provinces with a predominantly Muslim population went to Pakistan, and with a Hindu majority - to India. But not everywhere: despite the fact that the majority of the population of Kashmir were Muslims, this region was annexed to India.

Residents of the province of Kashmir stand on the rubble of three houses destroyed by artillery strikes by the Pakistani military. This strike was carried out in response to the shelling of Pakistani territories by Indian troops, who, in turn, responded to the attack by militants, in their opinion, who arrived from Pakistan. Photo: Reuters

Since then Kashmir is a disputed territory between the two countries and the cause of three Indo-Pakistani wars and several smaller military conflicts. According to various sources, over the past 70 years, he claimed about 50 thousand lives. In April 2017, the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research published an annual report citing the Kashmir conflict as one of those that could provoke a military conflict with the use of nuclear weapons. Both India and Pakistan are members of the "club of nuclear powers" with an arsenal of several dozen nuclear warheads.

Apart from common conflict, each of the countries has several hot spots with varying degrees of intensity, and all of them are recognized by the international community as military conflicts.

There are three of them in Pakistan: separatist movements in the western province Balochistan, the fight against the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan group in an unrecognized state Waziristan and clashes between Pakistani security forces and various militant groups in the semi-autonomous region" Federally Administered Tribal Areas» (FATA). Radicals from these regions attack government buildings, law enforcement officers and stage terrorist attacks.

There are four hotspots in India. Three Indian states Assam, Nagaland and Manipur due to religious-ethnic clashes, nationalist and separatist movements are strong, which do not disdain terrorist attacks and hostage-taking.

And in 20 of the 28 Indian states, there are Naxalites - Maoist militant groups that demand the creation of free self-governing zones, where they (well, of course!) Will build real and correct communism. Naxalites practice attacks on officials and government troops and arrange more than half of the attacks in India. The country's authorities have officially declared the Naxalites terrorists and call them the main internal threat to the country's security.


Not so long ago, the media, which usually does not pay attention to third world countries, focused attention.

In this country, in August, the religious-ethnic conflict between the inhabitants of the state of Rakhine, the Arakanese Buddhists and the Rohingya Muslims, escalated. Hundreds of separatists from the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ASRA) attacked 30 police strongholds and killed 15 police and military personnel. After that, the troops launched an anti-terrorist operation: in just one week, 370 Rohingya separatists were killed by the military, and 17 accidentally killed local residents were also reported. How many people died in Myanmar in September is still unknown. Hundreds of thousands of Rohingyas have fled to Bangladesh, causing a humanitarian crisis.

Southern Thailand

A number of radical Islamic organizations advocate the independence of the southern provinces of Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat from Thailand and demand either the creation of an independent Islamic state or the inclusion of the provinces into Malaysia.

Thai soldiers inspect the site of an explosion at a hotel in the resort area of ​​the southern province of Pattani. August 24, 2016. Photo: Reuters

Bangkok responds to the demands of the Islamists, reinforced by attacks and, with counter-terrorism operations and suppression of local unrest. More than 6,000 people have died in the 13 years of escalation of the conflict.

Uyghur conflict

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region (XUAR, Chinese abbreviation Xinjiang) is located in northwestern China. It occupies a sixth of the territory of all of China, and the majority of its inhabitants are Uyghurs - a Muslim people, whose representatives are far from always enthusiastic about national policy communist leadership of the country. In Beijing, Xinjiang is perceived as a region of "three hostile forces" - terrorism, religious extremism and separatism.

The Chinese authorities have reasons for this - the active terrorist group "Islamic Movement of East Turkestan", whose goal is to create an Islamic state of China, is responsible for riots and terrorist attacks in Xinjiang: over the past 10 years, more than 1,000 people have died in the region.

A military patrol walks past a building that was damaged by an explosion in Urumqi, the largest city in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. On May 22, 2014, five suicide bombers carried out an attack that killed 31 people. Photo: Reuters

Now the conflict is characterized as sluggish, but Beijing has already been threatened with an aggravation of the situation after the Chinese authorities imposed a ban on wearing beards, hijabs and performing marriage and mourning ceremonies according to religious customs instead of secular ones. In addition, Uyghurs were urged to sell alcohol and tobacco in shops and not to publicly celebrate religious holidays.

Armed conflict in the Philippines

For more than four decades, conflict has continued in the Philippines between Manila and armed groups of Muslim separatists in the south of the country, who traditionally advocate the creation of an independent Islamic state. The situation escalated after the positions of the Islamic State in the Middle East were significantly shaken: many Islamists rushed to Southeast Asia. Two large groups, Abu Sayyaf and Maute, swore allegiance to IS and captured the city of Marawi on the Philippine island of Mindanao in May. Government troops still cannot drive the militants out of the city. Also, radical Islamists organize armed attacks not only in the south, but also.

According to the latest data, from May to September of this year in the Philippines, a total of 45 civilians and 136 soldiers and policemen were killed as a result of terrorist actions.

North and South America


In 2016, Mexico ranked second in terms of the number of deaths in the list of states where armed clashes continue, second only to Syria. The nuance is that officially there is no war on the territory of Mexico, but for more than ten years there has been a battle between the country's authorities and drug cartels. The latter are still fighting among themselves, and there is a reason - the income from the sale of drugs in the United States alone is up to 64 billion dollars a year. And another 30 billion dollars a year drug cartels receive from the sale of drugs to Europe.

Forensic expert examines the crime scene. Under the bridge in the city of Ciudad Juarez, the body of a woman who was murdered with extreme cruelty was found. A note was found on the body: “So it will be with informers and with those who steal from their own.” Photo: Reuters

The world community calls this confrontation in Mexico an armed conflict with a high degree intensity, and justifiably: even in the most “peaceful” year of 2014, more than 14,000 people died, and since 2006, more than 106,000 people have become victims of the “drug war”.

"Northern Triangle"

Drugs come to Mexico from South America. All transit routes pass through the three countries of the "Northern Triangle" in Central America: Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala.

The Northern Triangle is one of the most violent regions in the world, where powerful transnational criminal organizations have flourished, many with links to Mexican drug traffickers; local organized crime groups; gangs like the 18th Street Gang (M-18) and pandillas street gangs. All these groups and clans are constantly waging war among themselves for the redistribution of spheres of influence.

Members of MS-13, captured as a result of a special operation. Photo: Reuters

The governments of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala have declared war on both organized and street crime. This decision was warmly supported in the United States, where last years due to high levels of violence and corruption, 8.5% of the Northern Triangle's population immigrated.

The countries of the "Northern Triangle" are also recognized as participants in the armed conflict with a high degree of intensity.


The confrontation between the Colombian authorities and the left-wing extremist Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) lasted more than 50 years. Over the years, about 220 thousand people died, about 7 million lost their homes. In 2016, between the authorities of Colombia and FARC was signed. The rebels from the National Liberation Army of Colombia (ELN) refused to join the treaty, which, together with the problem of large-scale drug trafficking, leaves the military conflict in the country in the status of “medium intensity”.

Africa: Sub-Saharan Africa

IN Somalia For more than 20 years, lawlessness has reigned: neither the government, nor the UN peacekeepers, nor the military intervention of neighboring countries can stop the anarchy. The radical Islamist group Al-Shabaab is actively operating on the territory of Somalia, and coastal areas began to earn money by piracy.

Affected children in a Mogadishu hospital as a result of a terrorist attack carried out by radical Islamists in the capital of Somalia on August 4, 2017. Photo: Reuters

Radical Islamists terrorize and Nigeria. Boko Haram militants control approximately 20% of the territory in the north of the country. They are being fought by the Nigerian army, assisted by troops from neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger.

In addition to jihadists, there is another conflict zone in the country in the Niger Delta. For more than 20 years, Nigerian government forces and mercenaries from oil companies, on the one hand, and Ogoni, Igbo, and Ijo ethnic groups, on the other, have been trying to establish control over oil-bearing regions for more than 20 years with varying success.

In another country, the youngest of the recognized states in the world - South Sudan, - the civil war began two years after independence, in 2013, and despite the presence of 12,000 UN peacekeepers. Formally, it goes between government forces and the rebels, but in fact - between representatives of the dominant Dinka people (President Salva Kiir belongs to it) and the Nuer tribe, from which Vice President Riek Machar comes.

Restless and in Sudan. In the Darfur region in the west of the country, an inter-ethnic conflict has been ongoing since 2003, resulting in an armed confrontation between the central government, informal pro-government Arab Janjaweed armed groups and local rebel groups. According to various estimates, from 200 to 400 thousand people died as a result of the Darfur conflict, 2.5 million people became refugees.

armed conflict in Mali between government forces, the Tuaregs, various separatist groups and radical Islamists flared up in early 2012. The starting point of the events was a military coup, as a result of which the current head of state, Amadou Toure, was overthrown. To maintain order in the country there are UN peacekeepers and the French contingent, but, despite this, hostage-taking is constantly in Mali.

in the eastern provinces Democratic Republic of the Congo Despite all the efforts of the authorities and peacekeepers, the situation has remained tense for many years. Various Islamist and Christian groups, armed formations of local tribes and gangs from neighboring states operate on the territory of the country. All of them are attracted by the colossal reserves of rich minerals: gold, diamonds, copper, tin, tantalum, tungsten, more than half of the world's proven reserves of uranium. According to the UN Panel of Experts on the DRC, illegal gold mining "definitely remains the main source of funding for armed groups."

IN Central African Republic (CAR) in 2013, Muslim rebels overthrew the Christian president, after which sectarian strife began in the country. Since 2014, a UN peacekeeping mission has been in the country.

» Sumerians

For thousands of years, people believed in the supernatural nature of the gods, attributing to them the ability to live forever, and themselves sought to achieve divine immortality. The Sumerian king Gilgamesh wandered in search of the flower of eternal life, the legendary conqueror Alexander the Great was looking for a stream of living water, the navigators Christopher Columbus and Ponsade Leon showed miracles of courage, trying to discover the Fountain of Youth in the Western Hemisphere. Little by little, immortality became a myth. However, in ancient times, people could become like gods and live ten times longer than their fellow tribesmen.

Sumerians- this is the first of the peoples living on the territory of Ancient Babylonia (in modern Iraq) who reached the level of civilization. Probably still ok. 4000 BC the Sumerians came to the swampy plain ( Ancient Sumer) in the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf from the east or descended from the mountains of Elam. The Sumerians drained the swamps, learned to regulate river floods and mastered agriculture. With the development of trade with Iran, Elam, Assyria, India and areas of the Mediterranean coast, the Sumerian settlements turned into prosperous city-states, which by 3500 BC. created a mature civilization of an urban type with developed metalworking, textile crafts, monumental architecture and a writing system.

Where from ancient people was such amazing knowledge? Thousands of Sumerian texts and illustrations on astronomy and mathematics have been discovered. Among them are works on fundamental mathematics, calculating the areas of complex figures, extracting roots, solving equations with two and three unknowns. The Sumerians used the most complex sexagesimal calculus, based on a combination of the numbers b and 10. Complex calculus systems of this kind began to be used in modern world quite recently, with the advent of computers. Among ufologists, there is a version that the Sumerians received knowledge ... from aliens. Here is a summary of these ideas.

The Sumerian texts contain information about the origin, development and structure of the solar system, including a list and characteristics of the planets. One of the drawings depicts the solar system. In the center is the Sun, surrounded by all the planets known today. Only the Sumerians placed Pluto next to Saturn and described it as its satellite. And between Mars and Jupiter, the Sumerians "saw" an unknown large planet. They called it Nibiru, which means "crossing". Nibiru allegedly had a very elongated and inclined orbit and passed between Mars and Jupiter once every 3600 years. It was from this planet, as they read in the Sumerian texts, that the Anunaki came to Earth, "descending from heaven to Earth" about 445 thousand years ago. (Before that, they studied all the planets of the solar system from their observatories.) Why did the inhabitants of Nibiru land on Earth?

Moreover, according to the Sumerian writings, not once, but regularly, every 3600 years? It turns out that the planet Nibiru is facing an environmental problem. To protect their increasingly thin atmosphere, the Anunaki created a shield of golden particles. (Exactly the same idea is used in modern spacecraft to protect astronauts from radiation).

The Anunnaki needed gold. They discovered it on the seventh planet, counting from outside to inside - that is, on planet Earth - and sent the first expedition to Earth. At first they unsuccessfully tried to extract the precious metal from the waters of the Persian Gulf, and then they took up the development of mines in Southeast Africa. About 300,000 years ago, the Anunnaki, who worked in the gold mining, got tired of the hard work and rebelled. Then alien scientists with the help of genetic manipulations created special workers - Homo sapiens. Aliens endowed them with their knowledge and skills. Gradually, there was a merger of two civilizations - terrestrial and alien, Homo sapiens and Anunaki had common children.

Modern archaeological research has confirmed that there were indeed mining operations in South Africa during the Stone Age. Archaeologists have discovered extensive gold mines up to 20 meters deep and determined the age of the mines - from 80 to 100 thousand years! By the way, Zulu legends say that flesh-and-blood slaves artificially created by the "first people" worked in these mines. The existence of the dead planet Nibiru is indirectly confirmed by the discovery of American astronomers. They found fragments of the planet that revolve around the Sun in a highly elongated elliptical orbit, passing just between Mars and Jupiter.

The Sumerian states were theocracies, each of them was considered as the property of a local deity, whose representative on earth was the high priest (patesi), endowed with religious and administrative power.

The most important centers in this early historical period were the cities of Ur, Uruk (Erech), Umma, Eridu, Lagash, Nippur, Sippar, and Akkad, a Semitic state in northern Mesopotamia. Cities were constantly at war with each other, and if a city managed to capture several neighboring ones, then short term a state arose that had the character of a small empire. However, around the middle of the III millennium BC. the Semitic tribes from the Arabian Peninsula, who settled in the northern regions of Babylonia and adopted the Sumerian culture, became so strong that they began to pose a threat to the independence of the Sumerians. OK. 2550 BC Sargon of Akkad conquered them and created a power that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately after 2500 BC. the Akkadian power fell into decline, and for the Sumerians a new period of independence and prosperity began, this is the era of the third dynasty of Ur and the rise of Lagash under the rule of Gudea. It ended ok. 2000 BC with the strengthening of the Amorite kingdom - a new Semitic state with its capital in Babylon; the Sumerians lost their independence forever, and the territory of the former Sumer and Akkad was absorbed by the power of Hammurabi.

IN state structure the Sumerians had all the attributes of a modern developed state. Judge for yourself: a jury trial, a bicameral parliamentary system consisting of elected deputies, civil councils (similar to self-government committees). And this is the fourth millennium BC! In medicine, the Sumerians used herbal medicine, knew anatomy and chemistry, pharmaceuticals, astronomy, and many sections of modern mathematics well. Developed weaving and textile industry, progressive efficient Agriculture could become an example for similar modern industries.

Although the Sumerian people disappeared from the historical scene and the Sumerian language ceased to be spoken in Babylonia, the Sumerian writing system (cuneiform) and many elements of religion formed an integral part of the Babylonian, and later Assyrian culture. The Sumerians laid the foundations for the civilization of a large part of the Middle East; the ways of organizing the economy, technical skills and scientific knowledge inherited from them played an extremely important role in the life of their successors.

Very few architectural monuments of the Sumerian era have survived. But according to the amazing temples, we can safely say that the religion of the Sumerians was highly developed. The Sumerian temple was built on a rammed clay platform. Long stairs or ramps led to it - gentle sloping platforms. Raised above the residential part of the city, the temple reminded people of the inseparable connection between Heaven and Earth. The temple had no windows, the light penetrated into the premises through openings under flat roofs and high entrances in the form of arches. The walls of the Sumerian temples were decorated with reliefs that told about historical events in the life of the city and about everyday affairs. The relief consisted of several tiers. Events unfolded in front of the viewer sequentially from tier to tier. All the characters were the same height - only the king was always portrayed larger than the others. Sumerian ziggurats are known. A ziggurat is a stepped pyramid, on top of which there was a small sanctuary. The lower tiers were painted black, the middle tiers red, and the upper tiers white. In Ur, a three-tiered ziggurat was built, the height of which was 21 meters. Later it was rebuilt, increasing the number of tiers to seven.

However, during the Olympics, all the Hellenes wisely forgot their feuds and started the competition. Why? Because sport is separate, politics is separate. But, unfortunately, in the modern world everything is different. We are talking about a sensational doping scandal, which clearly has political overtones. Recall that among the victims are our strongest athletes: tennis player Maria Sharapova, speed skater Pavel Kulizhnikov, figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova and others. In addition, athletes from Georgia and Ukraine also suffered. At the same time, both doctors and athletes unanimously say: the point is not in the drug, but in the fact that someone is desperately trying to achieve some political goals with the help of sports.

So, what is this drug - meldonium? Let's take a simple example. A huge number of people suffer and die from diseases of the heart and blood vessels. More than cancer, AIDS and car accidents combined. But now there are drugs that are prescribed to athletes, pensioners and other people - for treatment and prevention.

Meldonium is such a medicine. According to the creator of the drug, Ivars Kalvins, the drug helps athletes endure stress without the risk of a heart attack. At the same time, meldonium does not affect the results of the competition in any way. “I think that the ban on the use of the drug by athletes is a violation of human rights. Everyone has the right to be healthy,” says Kalvins.

Valery Konov, the head doctor of the Moscow Dynamo, agrees with him, who believes that even distilled water can be called doping in this way: “She is also somewhat of a cardioprotector: if you don’t give a professional athlete three liters of water a day, then that’s it, he is no longer an athlete ... ".

So what's the deal? According to Kalvins, the ban on meldonium is not due to the fact that it affects the results of athletes, but to the fact that the drug is produced only in the territory of the former USSR. Since meldonium has already been patented and its production has been established in the post-Soviet space, it is unprofitable for other countries to produce it. Therefore, it is obvious that the ban, which mainly concerns Russian athletes, is clearly politicized. Thus, sport has become another target for attempts to discredit Russia.

Judge for yourself: our athletes show excellent results, being among the strongest in the world. However, giving medals to Russian athletes is a) not desirable, b) unprofitable, because success in sports puts Russia in a good light. Therefore, a way was found to prevent the Olympics as much as possible large quantity athletes from Russia.

Unfortunately, these intrigues turn sports competitions into undercover games in which it is not the strongest who wins, but the most cunning. So, they deprive it of its meaning.Original.

What are Sumerians? The meaning and interpretation of the word shumery, the definition of the term

Sumerians -

the first of the peoples living in the territory of Ancient Babylonia (in modern Iraq) who reached the level of civilization. Probably still ok. 4000 BC the Sumerians came to the swampy plain (Ancient Sumer) in the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf from the east or descended from the mountains of Elam. They drained swamps, learned to regulate river floods and mastered agriculture. With the development of trade with Iran, Elam, Assyria, India and areas of the Mediterranean coast, the Sumerian settlements turned into prosperous city-states, which by 3500 BC. created a mature civilization of an urban type with developed metalworking, textile crafts, monumental architecture and a writing system.

The Sumerian states were theocracies, each of them was considered as the property of a local deity, whose representative on earth was the high priest (patesi), endowed with religious and administrative power. The most important centers in this early historical period were the cities of Ur, Uruk (Erech), Umma, Eridu, Lagash, Nippur, Sippar, and Akkad, a Semitic state in northern Mesopotamia. Cities were constantly at war with each other, and if a city managed to capture several neighboring cities, then for a short time a state arose that had the character of a small empire. However, around the middle of the III millennium BC. the Semitic tribes from the Arabian Peninsula, who settled in the northern regions of Babylonia and adopted the Sumerian culture, became so strong that they began to pose a threat to the independence of the Sumerians. Around 2550 BC Sargon of Akkad conquered them and created a power that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately after 2500 BC. the Akkadian power fell into decline, and for the Sumerians a new period of independence and prosperity began, this is the era of the third dynasty of Ur and the rise of Lagash under the rule of Gudea. It ended ok. 2000 BC with the strengthening of the Amorite kingdom - a new Semitic state with its capital in Babylon; the Sumerians lost their independence forever, and the territory of the former Sumer and Akkad was absorbed by the power of Hammurabi.

Although the Sumerian people disappeared from the historical scene and the Sumerian language ceased to be spoken in Babylonia, the Sumerian writing system (cuneiform) and many elements of religion formed an integral part of the Babylonian, and later Assyrian culture. The Sumerians laid the foundations for the civilization of a large part of the Middle East; the ways of organizing the economy, technical skills and scientific knowledge inherited from them played an extremely important role in the life of their successors.


the first of the peoples living in the territory of Ancient Babylonia (in modern Iraq) who reached the level of civilization. Probably still ok. 4000 BC the Sumerians came to the swampy plain (Ancient Sumer) in the upper reaches of the Persian Gulf from the east or descended from the mountains of Elam. They drained swamps, learned to regulate river floods and mastered agriculture. With the development of trade with Iran, Elam, Assyria, India and areas of the Mediterranean coast, the Sumerian settlements turned into prosperous city-states, which by 3500 BC. created a mature civilization of an urban type with developed metalworking, textile crafts, monumental architecture and a writing system. The Sumerian states were theocracies, each of them was considered as the property of a local deity, whose representative on earth was the high priest (patesi), endowed with religious and administrative power. The most important centers in this early historical period were the cities of Ur, Uruk (Erech), Umma, Eridu, Lagash, Nippur, Sippar, and Akkad, a Semitic state in northern Mesopotamia. Cities were constantly at war with each other, and if a city managed to capture several neighboring cities, then for a short time a state arose that had the character of a small empire. However, around the middle of the III millennium BC. the Semitic tribes from the Arabian Peninsula, who settled in the northern regions of Babylonia and adopted the Sumerian culture, became so strong that they began to pose a threat to the independence of the Sumerians. Around 2550 BC Sargon of Akkad conquered them and created a power that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean Sea. Approximately after 2500 BC. the Akkadian power fell into decline, and for the Sumerians a new period of independence and prosperity began, this is the era of the third dynasty of Ur and the rise of Lagash under the rule of Gudea. It ended ok. 2000 BC with the strengthening of the Amorite kingdom - a new Semitic state with its capital in Babylon; the Sumerians lost their independence forever, and the territory of the former Sumer and Akkad was absorbed by the power of Hammurabi. Although the Sumerian people disappeared from the historical scene and the Sumerian language ceased to be spoken in Babylonia, the Sumerian writing system (cuneiform) and many elements of religion formed an integral part of the Babylonian, and later Assyrian culture. The Sumerians laid the foundations for the civilization of a large part of the Middle East; the ways of organizing the economy, technical skills and scientific knowledge inherited from them played an extremely important role in the life of their successors.

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