What is the official language in Latin America? Latin America

Position. The name “Latin America” speaks not only of the geographical location of the region, but also of a special type of colonization - “Latin” (as opposed to Anglo-Saxon colonization). This region was in the past called "Iberoamerica", "Indoamerica", "". The name “Latin America” was established only in the mid-30s of our century.

Latin America– one of the largest regions in the world. It includes more than 30 independent states and a number of still existing colonial possessions. Its area is 20.1 million km2. Population - 545 million people in 2000.

Of the 30 countries in Latin America, 18 (approximately 63% of the population) have Spanish as their official language, and 34% of the population have Portuguese as their official language. About 3% of the population lives in small states where official languages are French (), English (, and a number of others), Dutch (). In Puerto Rico (which has the status of a “freely acceded state”), Spanish predominates.

Latin America is usually classified as a group. But unlike developing countries, other regions have come a long way independent development. In the group of developing countries, Latin America stands out for its much higher level of development of industry and urban life. This applies primarily to countries such as Brazil, Mexico, and Venezuela.

They differ greatly from each other in area, population, ethnic composition, level economic development. For example, Brazil, which occupies 40% of the region’s territory, is 400 times larger in area. In the least developed country, Haiti, the most important economic indicators per capita are tens and sometimes hundreds of times lower than in the most developed Latin American countries.

Latin America, earlier than other regions, during the colonial period of its history, found itself drawn into the system of world economic relations. Spanish were the largest suppliers of precious metals and various raw materials in. This external orientation of the economy continues to this day.

In almost all Latin American countries, at least 80% of the value of exports comes from the extractive industries and. Their export products amount to hundreds of millions of tons per year. The life of Latin American countries depends on the situation on the world commodity markets, as well as on the foreign economic policy of their main trading partner and neighbor - the United States.

Latin America is extremely rich in natural resources, some of which are of global importance. This creates good preconditions for the future development of Latin American countries. But nevertheless, Latin America is increasingly lagging behind the industrial sector in a number of important economic indicators. The external debt of this region exceeded 400 billion dollars (the largest debtor is Brazil). According to different organizations about half of Latinos are hungry or chronically malnourished.

There is a special mystery in this article. Everyone who guesses it will be entered into an additional drawing for a ticket from Air France to one of the Latin American countries.

Few people were here, and if they were, they didn’t talk much about it. So it is not surprising that the countries of Latin America are overgrown with some terrible stereotypes and legends about endless local fights, witchcraft and dangers on the streets.

Nagiyev would say that this is a longread. Here is our guide (written jointly with Air France) for all countries in the region, including dependent territories of the USA and France, with explanations of what you forgot there and what you are mistaken about.

By the way, most of the countries on the list are visa-free for Russians. Isn't this a reason to go on your next vacation to explore new directions?

Navigation list:


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Buenos Aires is the capital, the largest city (and tango is danced there).
  • Southern Patagonia - glaciers and the beautiful lake Lago Argentino.
  • Tierra del Fuego is the southernmost archipelago with penguins.
  • Cordoba is a cool ski resort.
  • Iguazu are the most powerful waterfalls in the world: this Niagara of yours is just a piece of cake compared to them.

Myths and legends

They're all arrogant.

Neighboring countries (especially football-loving Brazil) can't stand Argentina. As one Brazilian explained, Argentina in Latin America is like France in Europe, a rich “aristocratic” country that everyone envies and therefore dislikes. But really, Argentines are cute.

There are a lot of black people there, among whom you will stand out unpleasantly.

No. Argentines are descendants of European settlers and therefore have no more exotic appearance from the point of view of the average Russian than the same Spaniards. You tan a little - and now you are of the same blood.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Try to dance tango right on the street, embarrass yourself and realize that in order to compete with the locals you need to train for a long time.
  2. Drink real mate.
  3. Go to a football game in a country that is despised by football fans throughout the rest of Latin America. Did you hear the cries of “América Latina, menos Argentina” during the World Cup? Here.
  4. See the penguins of Tierra del Fuego.
  5. Take a ride on the longest-running tourist attraction - the 14-hour “Train in the Clouds”. You can see the photos (caution: the site does not speak English very well).
  6. Eat your fill of fried empanadas.
  7. Go to the southernmost city on the planet - Ushuaia.

What they say

I was in Argentina twice last year, mostly in Buenos Aires. The first trip involved a trip to Chile, so it was not possible to go far, and the second turned out to be spoiled by illness. So I have nothing to tell about the fantastic glaciers, Tierra del Fuego and the thundering Iguazu Falls. But I got used to and became close to Buenos Aires.

I was surprised by the completely different districts of the city; you can go to a new district every day and discover more and more facets of the capital. Argentines turned out to be warm, sociable, very cheerful people - southerners, northerners and porteños (natives of Buenos Aires) alike.

For the second time, Buenos Aires captivated me: with peachy, foggy sunsets, bustling and musical fairs in San Telmo, romantic and relaxed evenings in Puerto Madero. In Argentina, not everyone dances tango, although you can meet dancers on the street, but every street is saturated with the viscous, exciting mood of tango. In this city it is very easy to be in love - at least with life itself.

For solitude, you should go to the Tigre Valley. In the city, it is better to buy empanadas and alfajores, of course, with dulce de leche - local condensed milk - and watch the flow of Argentine life in respectable and quiet Palermo, crowded La Boca, or even at the inspirationally tragic Recoleta cemetery. The cemetery, perhaps, became my main artistic shock. Even the incomparable dome of the Colon Theater did not overshadow it.

There is a place for everyone in this city: quiet provincials who grew up on farms, passionate fans of the “concrete jungle,” free artists, and west-oriented careerists. There is no life there only for those who do not like football. In Argentina it really is a religion.

Julia Onodera

journalist, Russia/Japan


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Well, of course, in Rio!
  • Brasilia is the capital of the country, which is no secret for those who watched the textbook horror film “I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.” This is a city built from scratch, from above it looks like an airplane.
  • Sao Paulo is a huge metropolis with festivals and museums.

Myths and legends

The favelas of Rio are dangerous.

Yes. This is true. But you can - you will be surprised - just not go there. Other cities in the country are much safer, and the tourist areas of Rio de Janeiro are quite pleasant for idle walks. There are a lot of police officers here to ensure the peace of visitors. No need to wander around the city after sunset and climb into the territory

There are a lot of wild (read: rabid) monkeys here.

Soviet cinema does not lie - there really are monkeys in this country. Wild, that is, living outside the city limits. So don’t be afraid that you will be bitten or have your camera stolen during your tourist activities.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Time your trip around the carnival and see a bunch of women in feathers.
  2. Sunbathe in Copacabana
  3. Take a photo with the statue of Christ.
  4. Take a funicular up the mountain with the stupid name Sugarloaf.
  5. Check out the condition of sports facilities several years after construction.
  6. Drive to the coffee plantations.
  7. Go to a club in Sao Paulo, and then the carnival will come to you.

What they say

I was in Brazil, more precisely in Rio, during the World Cup. I'm not sure this is a representative experience; Moscow was not like itself.

Our girls tried not to go out on their own, and do not advise anyone to do so. But I wouldn’t say that it was scary or even unpleasant there. An ordinary city. Brazilians are very loud, it’s probably better not to anger them - their blood is too hot. But it's a lot of fun here. Everyone was happy to see tourists from Russia and took pictures with us. If you don't want to offend them, don't speak Spanish to them. The language here is Portuguese. This is me in case not everyone knows.

Evgeniy Makeev

system administrator, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • La Paz is the highest capital in the world with palaces and fairs.
  • Sucre is the second most popular city in Bolivia and is considered the most beautiful here.
  • Cochabamba is the place where there is another statue of Christ, less popular, but taller.

Myths and legends

There are constant coups d'etat.

Not that this is a myth - they actually happen here more often than anywhere else. At the same time, the cities are quite well-kept, and the locals are very open and friendly.

Everyone there is strange and still wears national costumes.

In Bolivia there really is a layer of people who incredibly honor traditions. These are cholitas women who wear dresses and have hats on their heads. But there are not many of them, and this is a completely modern country: they even have the Internet! True, only in hotels.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See the ancient city of Tiwanaku.
  2. Visit the Witches Market in La Paz.
  3. View the endless La Paz from the Killi-Killi observation deck.
  4. Go to the huge salt flat of Uyuni.
  5. And from there - straight to the valley of the Sol de Macana geysers. There are also craters with mud, as they show in cartoons.
  6. Watch the flamingos.
  7. Chew coca leaves. Well just. Just be sure to spit!

What they say

We got there by accident, from Chile. We bought a jeep excursion for 3.5 days from the city of San Pedro de Atacama. Even by car this journey is not easy. From 2500 m above sea level with 0% humidity you start in one day to 6000 m with 15-20% humidity. No snow, incredible heat, strong wind. We didn't know where we were going. Coca leaves are good for altitude sickness, but I couldn’t chew them, the taste is very nasty. I drank cola, I’ve never drank so much of it before, but the bubbles help. Throughout the excursion you ride on natural park, you spend the night in village houses “hostels” made of shit and sticks (clay and twigs) and everything else there will blow away, and in winter it will be cold. There they feed you delicious bean soup and chicken) simple but nutritious.
This whole trip is the case when you see nothing but nature, but even the biggest art lover will not get bored! There are ostriches, donkeys, flamingos, an abandoned railway station, local beer, the Uyuni desert, watching the dawn on a mountain in the Uyuni salt desert. The views are unique, here the photos only work, and there is nothing to write about.

Anna Khitsunova

producer, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Caracas is the capital of the country.
  • Merida - mountains, cable cars and everything so beautiful.
  • Margarita Island, where the city of Asuncion is located, is a duty-free zone.
  • Angel Falls, the highest in the world.

Myths and legends

There are a lot of motorisados ​​- motorcycle robbers with pistols.

Yes, they are dating. In order not to encounter robbers, many tourists advise living within the so-called urbanizations. Or have some small change with you that you don’t mind giving away if something happens.

Stay out of the barrio!

Barrios are like favelas. It's scary and impossible. But local authorities do not always agree with this, and several years ago they even established the San Agustin Aereo graffiti culture festival in one of the poor areas of Caracas.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See tepuis - flat-topped mountains. You need to go to Canaima Park to get them.
  2. There you can gaze at the Angel Falls from below and feel like a jungle conqueror.
  3. See the largest selection of ice cream in the world. You are in the city of Merida, in the cafe Heladeria Coromoto. Order pistachio!
  4. Gaze at the Andes from Venezuela.
  5. See an anaconda (preferably not in the wild).
  6. Try your luck at paragliding in the Sierra Nevada.
  7. Go canoeing down the Orinoco River.

What they say

South America is, for the most part, a very comfortable continent to travel to. This applies to the most developed countries, of course, and popular tourist routes. Venezuela can hardly be included in this list. Before going there, having read reviews about theft and robbery, we decided to protect ourselves and contacted an English-speaking guide in advance, who organized a transfer for us along the planned route. In the end, no incident marred our trip.

Of course, we went to the highest Angel Falls on Earth. The road to it takes a lot of time: you get to the point, they put you on a small boat, on which you sail for 4 hours to the camp, spend the night there in a hammock, and the next morning you go on foot to the waterfall. Alternative option- a helicopter, but we really wanted to sit at the foot and feel all the greatness. But we traveled in August, and this is the wet season. The rain started just as we were sailing and lasted all the way. Raincoats didn't help. It seemed like the apocalypse had arrived.

I remember the trip to Canaima National Park very well. As soon as we arrived at the place where we spent the night, we saw a hammock in which someone small was lying. It turned out that this was not a child, but a baby anteater! They found him alone in the forest and decided to save him. Approaching the person, he climbed on him and hugged him, falling asleep on his chest.

Venezuela is not about gastronomic delights, not about museums, not about ruins, not about cities and architecture. This amazing beauty a country that should be visited by those who are not afraid to immerse themselves in wildlife and endure all the inconveniences (as they say, get out of your comfort zone). And gasoline is very, very, very cheap there, almost cheaper than drinking water!

Yulia Zavarzina

editor, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

Port-au-Prince is the capital of the country. Basically, this is enough for you.

Myths and legends

This is a poor country.

True stereotype. Unfortunately, this is one of the poorest countries in the world. Therefore, leave your high expectations from the service at home - it will not be here at all. On the other hand, this even has advantages in the form of a unique cultural experience. It is even fashionable among wealthy people to go to such lost corners of the planet and see life from the other side. In addition, you can always go to such countries as a volunteer - not just to gawk, but also to help people.

There are zombies here.

We will not dissuade you. Who knows, all these people on the streets are they people at all? Watch a couple of zombie films before your trip. Just in case.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. To become proficient in the Creole language and understand that they speak here not it, but the French surzhik.
  2. Walk through the ruins of the Sanssouci Palace.
  3. See local pagan rituals.
  4. Drop into the home of hospitable locals with something useful and understand how everything works here.
  5. Learn to enjoy the little things.
  6. See the grandiose citadel of La Ferriere.
  7. Climb Makaya Peak.

What they say

Haiti leaves a lasting impression. This destination is only for very advanced travelers. It's very unique here. In countries Central Africa about the same. But it is interesting, although not for everyone. Just understand right away that you are here - White crow. Don't be surprised and don't get upset. And so everything is ok.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Guatemala is the capital of the country.
  • Lake Atitlan is the deepest in Central America.
  • Tikal is an ancient Mayan city.

Myths and legends

People suffer from cholera here.

Not exactly a myth. As in many warm countries with a low standard of living, there are outbreaks of cholera, malaria, dysentery, typhus, yellow fever and other not so wonderful diseases. Therefore, before the trip, it would be a good idea to get vaccinated, and on the spot, do not drink water and beware of being bitten by anyone.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Don't get lost in the architecture of the capital of Guatemala.
  2. Visit the ruins of the Mayan city of Kaminalguya.
  3. Get to know the possible descendants of those who built it all.
  4. Drink Quetzalteca beer.
  5. And the rum cocktail “Rompopo” with milk and egg, subtly reminiscent of Aibolit.
  6. See a prison for animals that have committed crimes.
  7. Buy a handmade wallet from can openers.

What they say

A very small country that has everything for working travelers: volcanoes, lakes, mountains, the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. And also - super-small villages where descendants of the Mayans live, who wear national costumes and speak a super-incomprehensible language, colonial cities with Catholic churches and backpackers plying along the isthmus. Not from Russia! 99% that you will be the first and only.

Daria Khlopova

Communications Manager, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Tegucigalpa is the capital.
  • Utila is one of the best places for diving in the Caribbean.

Myths and legends

A good country will not be called Honduras.

The funniest, of course, but a stupid stereotype. Here you have diving, nature, beaches, tropical forests, ruins of ancient buildings - what else do you need?

7 reasons to visit here

  1. See the Hieroglyphic Staircase in Copan.
  2. View the Mayan catacomb tombs, Las Seppulturas.
  3. Watch the birds all day on Lake Yojoa.
  4. Go out to local bars at night.
  5. And in the morning - through the numerous churches of Tegucigalpa.
  6. Go to a flea market and buy a bunch of unnecessary things, but from Honduras.
  7. And why is the ability to say “Guys, I was in HONDURAS” not a reason?

What they say

Honduras was a little different compared to the Central American countries I visited. I didn't get to see much there. Went to ancient Mayan ruins, saw some cities and rose bushes all over the country. My main stop was the Caribbean island of Utila. It was incredibly beautiful and cheap there. People from all over the world come there to get their diving certification. This is because this is one of the cheapest places on the planet to do this.

Glenn MacDonald

musician, Canada

Dominican Republic

Where is everyone going and why?

  • Punta Cana - for sand, sea and all the joys of an all-inclusive experience.
  • Santo Domingo is the capital.

Myths and legends

It's dangerous here!

Only to some (very small) extent. The brave guys with machine guns standing around the hotel are not a bug, but a feature.

The tourist area is not only safe, but also very beautiful, and flights from Air France with reasonable prices make this country almost the most attractive of all that we write about here.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Admire the most accessible (from a tourist point of view) snow-white beaches in the Caribbean.
  2. Learn to dance bachata and merengue. Or at least try, if tango didn’t work out in Argentina.
  3. Bring home Mamajuana and a million types of rum.
  4. Go to the Columbus Lighthouse.
  5. Buy something with local larimar stone.
  6. Get to the Three Lakes Park.
  7. Feel like a pirate of the Caribbean.

What they say

A lot of things were very unexpected for me. I thought the Dominican Republic was a third world country, a banana republic. But in reality it turned out that this is a very civilized, advanced country. Poverty and danger are in Haiti; in fact, all the rough workers are from there.

Upon arrival, I found a Russian guide who has lived there for many years. He gave us an extensive tour and told us that the Dominican Republic has a lot of natural attractions. From mountains with pine forests (!) to pink lakes. I thought there was only a place to lie under a palm tree and a coconut, but there was no driving around!

You can come to a public beach, and there the locals are barbecuing, and in the parking lot at this public beach there is a Chevrolet Tahoe (generally the most popular car there) and a Ferrari! And yes. Stereotypes about rum and cigars were confirmed, they are truly divine here! You should also take “Mamajuana”, it’s also super.

Alexey Blazhenov

editing director, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Bogota is the capital of the country.
  • Leticia is a tourist area with monkeys.
  • Cartagena is considered a fashionable resort.

Myths and legends


The main, fundamental, zone-forming stereotype about Colombia. But no - they don’t swim in cocaine here, and on the streets they won’t come up to you to offer you drugs. More likely.

Everyone gets robbed here.

Locals really recommend being careful - in general, this is true for most countries in Latin America. Don’t flash your iPhones, carry bags and backpacks in front, and don’t roam around at night. Especially in poor non-tourist areas (it’s better to never wander around there at all).

7 reasons to visit here

  1. So, debunk the fundamental myth about Colombia in your head.
  2. Make friends with a monkey on Isla de los Micos.
  3. Go to all the churches of colonial Popayan.
  4. Driving to some city in the mountains on a steel cable is a means of transportation here.
  5. Travel to the Andes with a guide or tour guide.
  6. Buy something locally produced emerald.
  7. Try to understand the meaning of ritual masks.

What they say

This is the country where my retirement will take place! Here, everyone who was expecting cocaine, shooting and hell can just stop reading.

Colombia is very different. Relief, nature, standard of living, oceans, types of recreation, everything is different (just like ours). Colombians do not sit still, go to the ocean, ride on the only train, which is actually exclusively tourist. People here are very open. Having learned that you are from Russia (they won’t understand until you say it yourself, there are few of us, and they usually don’t guess by hearing), they will download Russian into Google Translator, they will definitely say that they are still laundering their bad reputation, but they will ask about vodka, bears, Putin and the World Cup (we were there before the World Cup).

Very clean. There are almost no yard dogs on the streets, and those that exist are well-fed, groomed and have a collar. We haven't figured out how they achieved this yet. Toilets (in each country this would be a separate item!) are paid almost everywhere and are sterile everywhere! Everyone tries to leave everything behind as it was. It's nice!

The food is divine. And they don't drink alcohol! Seriously, a maximum of 0.3 beer, similar to lemonade.

It's scary on the border with Ecuador. Children threw stones at buses, there were roadblocks everywhere. There are villages that are difficult to reach on the ocean itself. Travel only by boat. If you are there, prepare to be the only white people for 500 kilometers.

Guajira, the desert in the very north, owned by the Indians, also deserves attention. That's where they mine sea ​​salt(they have an exclusive title for it), they sell gasoline from Venezuela in bottles and do not pay taxes.

Anna Khitsunova

producer, Russia

Costa Rica

Where is everyone going and why?

  • San Jose is the capital of the country.
  • Guanacaste province has the coolest beaches.

Myths and legends

This is a typical Latin American country.

If by “typical” you mean “beautiful” - definitely yes. But it compares favorably with the peacefulness of the local residents. It’s safe here, and in general they are such pacifists that they don’t even maintain their own army.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Take a bunch of photos of the Arenal Volcano.
  2. Swim in two oceans in one vacation.
  3. Visit Los Angeles (that's the name of the basilica).
  4. Raft on an inflatable boat down a mountain river.
  5. Buy a couple of bottles of Cafe Rica liqueur for home.
  6. From a safe distance, gaze at the volcanic eruption (there are more than a hundred of them here, half of them are active).
  7. Look for someone's lost treasure.

What they say

Marina Bogoda

Internet entrepreneur, consultant, blogger (@marinabogoda), Russia/Bulgaria/Costa Rica


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Havana is a corner of victorious socialism with the most photogenic houses and cars.
  • Santiago de Cuba - old Bacardi (the founder, not the rum) lived there.
  • Varadero is the main tourist and beach region of this not very large country; with discos, but almost without the charm of the rest of Cuba.
  • Cayo Coco is a slightly less important beach region, which tour operators are beginning to actively promote.
  • Matanzas is a city of bridges, caves and comparisons with other cities in the world.
  • Santa Clara is a mecca for Che Guevara fans.

Myths and legends

Cuba is like the USSR.

Yes. There are food cards here, in stores you can often see empty shelves, as in times of shortage, and there are queues everywhere. In addition, in Cuba there are happy people with good free healthcare, an efficient police force and old cars (in this case this is also a plus - it’s too beautiful).

Crime and fraud are rampant here.

In Cuba, as we have already noticed, the police work well. Therefore, the likelihood that you will be attacked in broad daylight for a couple of dollars tends to zero. To ask you for 2 times more for a product - yes, it is possible. And it’s unlikely to rob or commit crimes in vain.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Buy a package of real Cuban cigars.
  2. And a lot of rum.
  3. Go to the Hemingway House Museum.
  4. To celebrate what you saw, go and drink a Mojito at the famous (among Hemingway fans and Cubans) bar La Bodeguita del Medio.
  5. Rent a Cadillac.
  6. See the Matanza caves of Belyamar.
  7. To visit where the history of the country was made - to Monumento a la Toma del Tren Blindad, where Che knocked armored trains off the tracks.

What they say

Cuba is a very party place. Everyone dances and drinks rum. And this is not a stereotype! We were surprised when during the excursion the musicians started playing Despacito, the waitress threw the plates and ran to dance. Only after the end of the song did they bring us food. In clubs, Cubans teach girls to dance. It turned out that I was a very bad student, because I wanted to lead him in the dance myself, but that’s not customary.

The food, to be honest, is not tasty. But you can also eat rum, which is what we did. The excursions are good. We went to Havana - we were very impressed, they took us to many more cities where the nature was amazing, we stopped at a tobacco factory - unusual. We went to a valley where there was a jungle. This is such a different Cuba! In terms of natural scenery, it’s a bit of a mixture of Thailand and Cyprus.

And, of course, color! This is a museum of retro cars on the go, favelas and the Cubans themselves. Many of the older ones know Russian - the Soviet school still.

There is no service - go to the Dominican Republic for that. By the end of our vacation, we had become accustomed to living in the same bathroom with ants. They live like this themselves, and it’s clear that they try very hard for tourists.

Bohdan Parish

journalist, dancer, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Cancun is the main place on the coast, a point of attraction for people from all over the world (and it is relatively close to attractions).
  • Mexico City is the capital.
  • Acapulco - ah-ah-ah-ah.

Myths and legends

And there are bandits here too!

Mexico is safer than many US states! The farther from the border, the better. In Cancun, everything is generally calm (except, perhaps, for the drunken fights of visiting youth in numerous nightclubs, but we didn’t see anything there).

Horrible food, you'll have to eat only burritos.

Of course, tortilla is everything here, and Mexicans can wrap anything in a tortilla. But there is also wonderful grilled meat, and soups based on the recipes of ancient Indians, and the nachos here are tastier than in your favorite movie theater. You will find food for yourself, in short.

Sombrero - is it here?

Yes you guessed. Sombrero is the national hat of neither Peruvians nor Bolivians. But don’t think that everyone here is knocking the brim of their sombrero on the buses. There are no idiots here, there are only sellers of all sorts of things to tourists.

7 reasons to visit Mexico

  1. Go diving.
  2. Listen to mariachi.
  3. Don't miss the Day of the Dead celebration.
  4. Collect in your head and phone memory all the historical sights (the ruins of Tenochtitlan, Templo Mayor, Chichen Itza and the rest) and finally stop confusing them.
  5. Try surfing.
  6. Drink a lot of tequila.
  7. Buy some really nice beaded skull, because why not.

What they say

At the time of the trip, I had only one association with this country - the show “Vacations in Mexico”. I didn’t watch it, but at that time it was widely known, and everyone roughly understood that Mexico should be like on TV: snow-white beaches, bars, villas, etc. Fortunately, everything turned out to be completely different.

For me, Mexico is a country with some kind of wild, bestial power and energy. These are the acoustic secrets of Chichen Itza, the dark bodies of those whose ancestors were real Mayan Indians, cool cactus-spinach juice in the heat and the warming bitterness of tequila in the evening.

My favorite place in Mexico is Xcaret Eco Park. This is a huge reserve where you can feel like a real savage, getting lost in all these thickets. Swim in the blue waters of local lagoons, feed giant turtles, pet Macaw parrots, watch flamingos - what could be more beautiful?

Elizaveta Shornikova

journalist, Russia


Where are they going and why?

  • Managua is the capital.
  • Granada is one of the main tourist regions of this not very rich country.
  • San Juan River - There is a lot of interesting wildlife here.

Myths and legends

Feminism didn't win here

Unfortunately, it's true. And we’re not talking about flash mobs on Instagram (although they don’t happen here either), but about the real problems of bullying women. There is such a dense patriarchy here that it is better for girls not to come here unaccompanied by men. Although, again, depending on your luck, you can spend your vacation quite calmly.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Realize the unexpected scale of your own unpretentiousness.
  2. It’s cheap (inside the country, really, everything is cheap) to join ecotourism.
  3. Fishing in the San Juan River.
  4. Go surfing in places where most likely no one you know has surfed.
  5. Buy a hammock to make your dacha neighbors jealous: Nikaraugan hammocks are the best!
  6. Enjoy local Las Vegas in Managua.
  7. Relax by a not very clean lake overlooking a very dormant volcano.

What they say

Nicaragua is my favorite of all the Central American countries I've been to. I easily made tons of friends, had exciting adventures, and was never bored. From partying in San Juan del Sur to cliff jumping in the north of Somoto Canyon, it was an incredible experience. The main transport is yellow school buses, which will take you anywhere for mere pennies. There is endless fun and inexpensive activities like volcanic and regular surfing. 10 out of 10, I will go again!

Glenn MacDonald

musician, Canada


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Panama is the capital.
  • Balboa is the starting point for Panama Canal cruises.

Myths and legends

This is a backward country where there is nothing but a canal.

Have you seen photographs of Panama? The business center there is cooler than “Moscow City” - and about twenty times larger. Despite the low buildings of the old part of the city, despite all these barefoot people, Panama is quite a decent metropolis.

7 reasons to visit Panama

  1. Go snorkeling in Portobelo.
  2. See the same Panama Canal that everyone is talking about.
  3. Look at the ruins of the old city in Panama and be amazed at the two-color Cathedral.
  4. Hide from adult life in the ruins of medieval buildings in Portobelo.
  5. Learn to bargain with local taxi drivers and hone your skills to unprecedented heights.
  6. Get some solitude (in whatever way you want) in Bastimentos National Park.
  7. Spend a whole day on a coffee plantation, decide to never drink coffee again, and give up the next morning.

What they say

Panama seemed a little strange to me. This is an inherently agrarian country, looking poor when you leave the capital, but at the same time actively being built. The capital is very different. I once came to Baku, it seems to me that they are a little similar. There is the same strong contrast between poor houses and steep skyscrapers.I advise you to go to the canal purely for show. I didn't see anything beautiful or interesting there.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Asuncion is the capital.
  • Ibique National Park - even more beauty.
  • Itaipu Dam is for fans of man-made miracles.

Myths and legends

This is not the standard of purity

Is it true. Don't expect neat trash cans and carefully swept streets, even in Asuncion. People here don't really bother with such things. Just accept it and try not to litter yourself.

7 reasons to visit

  1. Rent a jeep and go driving across the plains.
  2. Try the local mate (by the way, it is different in all countries, here they like it cold and call it “terere”).
  3. Stock up on local ceramics (and make the sellers happy, raising their economy from its knees).
  4. Drive to Itaipu Dam.
  5. Buy aho po’i embroidered T-shirt.
  6. Buy herbs yourself on the street to make mate at home.
  7. Get to know the Mennonites (they live quite far from the capital).

What they say

Quite a poor country. She was one of the first places I consciously went to, and it’s even hard to explain why. I have only been to Asunción, it is peculiar, deserted and not very clean, but sometimes you come across some interesting buildings. This is one of those countries where either a very adventurous person, or someone who really wants to stand out, or a traveler who is simply bored with the simple happiness of tourism, should go.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Lima is the capital.
  • Machu Picchu is a magnet for wealthy travelers from all over the world.
  • Arequipa is a beautiful southern city that is not for everyone, but if you have already arrived, it is worth a visit.
  • Amazon, or, as correctly, the Amazon River basin.

Myths and legends

It's a terribly expensive country

Absolutely not. This is a country that is terribly expensive to fly to, but inside the prices are completely reasonable (not like in Norway, for example). Therefore, if you have saved up for a flight, consider half the job done.

It's always cloudy here

Is it always cloudy in your hometown? Well, it’s about the same here. The capital of the country, Lima, is an ordinary city, with at different times of the year.

All of Peru is a village with nothing in it

Liars, the stores have everything. Everything is the same as everywhere else.

7 reasons to visit Peru

  1. Climb Machu Picchu.
  2. View from above the Nazca Plateau.
  3. See the main lake of all schoolchildren - Titicaca.
  4. Visit Trujillo, a colonial-era town.
  5. Meet the shaman.
  6. Pet an alpaca and stock up on wool sweaters.
  7. Dress in traditional national costume.

What they say

Our trip to Peru was the most unforgettable adventure of our lives. It was one of those dream countries and we decided to do the impossible. During our 3 weeks in the country, my friend and I traveled almost the entire country, accompanied by a local guide. Our trip included: Lima, Cusco, Nazca (and flights over it), visiting Machu Picchu, Paracas, Iquitos, staying with a tribe 80 km up the Amazon from Iquitos, Arequipa, Coca Canyon, Puno and many other most amazing places in Peru . Traveling with a personal guide is not a cheap event, but it is completely worth it with delight and incomparable unique experiences. Probably the most incredible thing for me was the Paracas Nature Reserve - it was like another planet! First, you drive for 7-8 hours through the desert, the sands of which consist of different rocks, which creates a shimmering effect from delicate pink to rich blue. And then you come to a cliff, and this whole desert merges with the saturated ocean. In general - FIRE!

Svetlana Krapivina

senior radio broadcast editor, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • San Salvador is the capital (against the backdrop of villages this is generally true).
  • The Ruta de las Flores route is one of the few things that can surprise you in the country.

Myths and legends

There's nothing to do here

In general, this is a common stereotype that can be applied to many countries. And which, most importantly, does not depend on the country, but only on the person pronouncing it. Yes, El Salvador is not the richest country in the world in terms of attractions. But that doesn't make it uninteresting. In any case, if you have not already visited 180 countries, you will find it interesting and new here.

7 reasons to visit here

  1. Drive to the crater lake near the city of Alegria.
  2. Surf in the village of La Perla in the south of the country.
  3. See another statue of Christ the Savior - in the central square of San Salvador.
  4. Pet the animal in the National Park of Montecristo El Trifinio.
  5. Try to admire the Art Deco architecture, carefully hidden behind the bazaar into which the streets have been turned.
  6. Go to the unusual Iglesia El Rosario church with strangely shaped stained glass windows.
  7. Eat pupusa (it's just tortillas with filling).

What they say

It looks like poor California: warm, palm trees growing. The climate is just ok. But it's a socially awkward place. I don't recommend girls going there. Only in large groups with guys.

Gregory O'Connor

programmer, USA


Where is everyone going and why?

  • Montevideo is the capital.
  • Punta del Este is the main beach region of the country.
  • Cabo Polonio is a charming coastal town with a lighthouse.

Myths and legends

Uruguay is unremarkable and there is nothing to do there.

For a moment, one of the richest countries in the region! Uruguay combines the best of its neighbors. A bright future has already arrived here with completely insignificant corruption, freedom of the press and other benefits of civilization. And they also have Natalia Oreiro.

7 reasons to visit Uruguay

  1. See the main building of Montevideo - Palacio Salvo. By the way, the three lower floors symbolize hell. Adochek. Adishko.
  2. See the local La Rambla in Montevideo (not at all similar to Barça).
  3. See sea lions in Cabo Polonio.
  4. Take a photo of a hundred-ruble bill against the backdrop of the Solis Theater and count how many friends won’t understand the joke.
  5. Sing the imperishable Cambio dolor in the homeland of Natalia Oreiro.
  6. Try the meat here - “asado a la parrilla”.
  7. Buy honey tincture "Grappamiel".

What they say

Uruguay is awesome! I have been to few countries in South America, but Uruguay, in my opinion, is simply luxurious. The beaches are good, the people are wonderful. Highly recommend!

From tips - the house of the artist Carlos Paez (this is such a white house, called Casa Pueblo). Go on a tour or take a local guide, he will tell you much more interesting things than Wikipedia.

I studied Spanish at university, but in Uruguay it is phonetically difficult. It takes a while to get used to its sounds. Although, in general, what they say is quite correct.

Veronica Simonova

content writer, Russia


Where is everyone going and why?

  • The Atacama Desert - for fantastic lunar and Martian views (there really is a Valley of the Moon and a Valley of Mars here), photographs with the Desert Hand.
  • Northern and Southern Patagonia - mountains, forests, nature reserves, harsh nature.
  • Tierra del Fuego - glaciers.
  • Region of lakes, Region of rivers - in principle, it’s clear.
  • And, of course, Easter Island with the famous Moai statues. If getting to Chile is long and far, then getting here is even longer, further and more expensive. But for the sake of this, you can fork out and be patient.

Myths and legends

The Spanish here is terrible

The terrible truth. Even if you have already become a professor of Spanish, you will not begin to understand its Chilean version just once or twice. There is an incredible amount of regional modisms, idioms and words that are present in conversation and absent from your academic Spanish textbook. Plus pronunciation features. In general, if you were going to show off like in Barça, this is not the place for you.

Yes, this is a complete desert!

The Atacama, the driest desert, is truly massive. But if you expect to see one big sandy nothing here, then go your way somewhere else. The desert in Chile is a rich and interesting place. Otherwise people from all over the world would not come here to look at volcanoes and cacti.

7 reasons to visit Chile

  1. See the Moai idols.
  2. Make friends with a llama or alpaca.
  3. Drink the most wonderful local Carmenère wine.
  4. Find out that Chilean youth prefer beer to wine and a local cocktail with the sweet name “piscola” (pisco + cola). Dare and try. Pass as local
  5. Go to Cape Horn and not be blown away by the terrible local winds. You're not Mary Poppins to fly.
  6. Visit an incredible glacier
  7. Watch Magellanic penguins.

What they say

Chile is a country where there is a lot of movement vertically and so little horizontally, which is confined to the borders of the Andes and the Pacific Ocean - however, in the Chilean latitudes it shows a stormy character.

From north to south, like pearls on a string, are strung regions with stunning climatic diversity - from the driest desert in the world, the Atacama to
volcanoes 6000 meters to the glaciers of Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. Between them lies the regions of Araucania, Rivers, Lakes with evergreen emerald forests and again... the snow-capped tops of volcanoes. But in a completely different frame.

In the north you meet fluffy llamas, in the south - colonies of penguins. In Valdivia, sea lions roam imposingly along the piers, and sometimes wander deeper into the streets into the city. Valdivia was once shaken by the strongest earthquake in history - this is another Chilean sign. The central region offers a meeting with the colorful port of Valparaiso, wine valleys and sharp peaks of the Andes.

But there is another destination in Chile, 5 hours flight west of the capital. The famous point in the ocean, Easter Island, is also the only piece of the tropics in the country - stone idols along the perimeter of the island, a volcano crater, and Polynesian culture, seasoned with a South American rhythm.

Chile is a country of loud contrasts.

  • Guayaquil - Big City with colonial buildings and ruins of Indian settlements.
  • Myths and legends

    This is a banana republic and a third world country.

    Banana Republic - yes. Here bananas are fried, dried and actively exported. But don't worry, the locals know about the existence of other food. As for a third world country - well, no. Quite a European civilization (and level of service).

    7 reasons to visit here

    1. See how mangoes grow.
    2. Go to the famous (at least among Latin American fans) market in Plaza De Ponchos in Otavalo.
    3. See turtles.
    4. See whales.
    5. Buy a carpet from the Indians.
    6. While Chile and Peru are fighting over whose pisco is more correct, drink it in Ecuador.
    7. Visit Sangay Park, where three volcanoes are located not far from each other. One of them with a lake inside.

    What they say

    The pearl of the banana republic is the Galapagos. Sea lizards sneezing salt, cormorants moving their blue paws in incredibly funny mating dances, pelicans of all stripes, frigates inflating a red bag on their chest and playing it with their beaks like a drum... And all, of course, are endemic. Petting a one and a half meter shark in an underwater tunnel and watching a fur seal play with them is a common thing.

    Air tickets to the islands are not cheap, but, fortunately, we learned a life hack: you can arrive at the airport with your things early in the morning and buy the remaining tickets right before departure. This turns out to be much cheaper than buying in advance. And the Galapagos also has a cheaper analogue - the small island of Isla de la Plata. In the waters around it, whales can often be seen in August. On the way back we were lucky: the whales were actively blowing fountains, waving their tails and even jumped a couple of times not far from the boat.

    I really want to go back to see albatrosses and killer whales, and also to gorge myself again on the most delicious ceviche in the world (people with a bad stomach need to be careful, as it contains a lot of vinegar), buy a Panama hat in the homeland of these hats (yes, through Panama they were just taken to Europe), try to surf and just chill in the relaxed atmosphere of this rainbow country.

    Yulia Zavarzina

    editor, Russia

    Puerto Rico (US territory)

    Where is everyone going and why?

    • San Juan is the capital.
    • The islands of Vieques and Culebra are island paradise.

    Myths and legends

    The entire US criminal world hangs out here.

    Yes, the modern-day Romeo and Juliet musical West Side Story hasn't exactly served the country well. Of course, they found out about her (thanks to the Puerto Rican main character), but they also began to attribute the clashes between different clans to Puerto Ricans in vain. This hinders travelers, and the main tourist flow to the country is provided by Americans. In fact, everything has changed in half a century.

    7 reasons to visit Puerto Rico

    1. To see that people here are not like in West Side Story.
    2. Walk inside the old fortress of Fuerte Saint Felipe del Moro.
    3. You can't understand anything at the Thibs Indian Ceremonial Center in Ponce (or understand everything at all).
    4. Drink the right Pina Colada.
    5. Take an overview of the country (fortunately it’s small) and see all the variety of animals.
    6. Spend the night on a beach that glows (on the island of Vieques, called Mosquito Bay).
    7. And the day is on Flamenco Beach in Culebra with rusty tanks. Well, where else will you see this!

    What they say

    This is a very special place. I come back here all the time. There is so much life in Puerto Rico! But although I came here time after time, and then completely moved for two years, there was one place where I had not been. This is Vieques. I was there for my birthday. I felt real liberation! There I met people from all over the world and just hung out for a few days. It became a place of power for me. I believe Puerto Rico can cure some mental problems. I recommend it to everyone!

    Sean Singh

    producer, freelancer, USA

    Guadeloupe (French territory)

    Where and why to go

    The main attraction and beauty is the island of Basse-Terre. There is also a second island, Grande Terre, which is also beautiful.

    Myths and legends

    The beaches here are not very good.

    The beaches here are very - but very crowded. On Basse-Terre there are more chances to lie down.

    7 reasons to travel

    1. Soak up on the white sand, and then immediately on the black. And then again on white. And so a hundred times.
    2. Go to a sugar factory.
    3. Constantly bumping into some kind of waterfall while walking.
    4. Walk through the grand Morne-à-Lot cemetery in the Petit Canal.
    5. See how the locals live.

      Where is everyone going and why?

      • Saint-Pierre - with the Paul Gauguin Museum.
      • Caravella Nature Reserve - postcard views.
      • Balata Botanical Gardens - other postcard views.

      Myths and legends

      Everyone here is unemployed and lazy.

      Not all, but a third. Since this is an overseas French territory, the locals have a whole carload of benefits and social benefits of the French. Well, when you’re a European, you can probably be lazy.

      7 reasons to visit here

      1. See how bananas are grown in Belfort.
      2. You can eat these same bananas with cod. This food perversion is called “Ti-nain-lan-mori”.
      3. And cod with avocado (“tremage”).
      4. Climb the active volcano Montagne Pelee.
      5. Chat with bats in caves.
      6. See the estate of Josephine, Napoleon's wife.
      7. Try the rum that many French consider the best - St. James.

      What they say

      Rum! Be sure to buy local rum!Well, in general, I was in Martinique once, at the sea. It seems like this is how you travel to Turkey. Well, we're off to Martinique. It seems that you have Sochi, and we have Cote d'Azur, but flying somewhere far away is more interesting. The beaches here are very cool beautiful nature, which does not exist in France.

      Nicolas Daniel Trant

      sound engineer, France

      Saint Martin (French territory)

      Where is everyone going and why?

      Since it is the smallest inhabited island in the world, dividing it into regions is a little pointless. But if you want, you can use the border of the island divided between the two countries and highlight the French city of Marigot and the Dutch Philipsburg.

      Nominally, only the French part is classified as Latin America - but seriously, why bother if the territory is only 87 square meters.

      Myths and legends

      There is nothing there.

      In terms of infrastructure, it’s really a little difficult there now - Saint Martin was almost completely destroyed by a hurricane last year. But the island is actively being rebuilt. The locomotive is small but strong.

      7 reasons to visit Saint Martin

      1. See the plane landing at the same Princess Juliana airport (the runway of which is closely adjacent to Maho beach).
      2. Play in a casino on the Dutch side.
      3. Climb the Pic du Paradis.
      4. Ride on a yacht.
      5. Head to the underwater marine reserve on Orient Bay Beach.
      6. Go to a butterfly farm.
      7. Move from Holland to France and back.

      What they say

      I thought Saint Martin would be the same as Martinique or Guiana. French. But no! It's almost like the United States. They speak English well here and you can pay in dollars. But I was in this country until last year, before the big hurricane. I hope that everything is fine there now. I'd like to go back there someday.

      Gregory O'Connor

      programmer, USA

      Saint Barthélemy (French territory)

      Where is everyone going and why?

      • Gustavia is the capital where all the most interesting things are concentrated.
      • Saint-Jean is a fashionable area of ​​an already fashionable resort.

      Myths and legends

      This is another destroyed island.

      Yes, Hurricane Irma spared no one. And the islands here are too small, they had no chance. But they rebuild so quickly! In just a few months they were ready to receive tourists. And now everything looks almost as beautiful as in the photographs from old advertising brochures.

      7 reasons to visit here

      1. Go to a nudist beach, where theoretically you can meet someone very wealthy.
      2. And manage not to burn on the snow-white sand to a bright red color.
      3. Look at how filthy rich people live.
      4. See Rockefeller's house.
      5. Explore ancient Swedish forts.
      6. Go diving in the Grand Cue de Sac.
      7. Climb Mount Morne du Vit to see the whole island and go back with a clear conscience.

      What they say

      I didn't spend much time in St. Barths. We were on a press tour, and although we probably paid a lot of money for our flight, there was no time to enjoy beautiful life We had almost none. I myself never do this, and if I fly far, I try to stay in the country longer, but oh well.

      The atmosphere of Saint Barthelemy reminded me of Monaco. There are a lot of yachts, there is a feeling of some kind of rich life. But I’m not sure that I would go there myself, it’s still far and expensive. Only if you have a lot of money or the opportunity to combine a visit to the island with trips to some other places.

      Veronica Simonova

      content writer, Russia

      Guiana (French territory)

      Where and why to go

      • Cayenne is the capital with tropical jungles and temperate tribes.
      • Kau is a region with even more jungle.
      • Ile du Salut (Islands of Salvation) are paradise islands that served as a prison for criminals.
      • Kourou is a cosmodrome (really, why do you need Russia and Kazakhstan when you can go and look at rockets in Guiana).

      Myths and legends

      There is still a gold rush here.

      No. It happened in the middle of the century, so now no one has a fever anymore. Although fanatic prospectors looking for gold can still be caught in Guiana.

      7 reasons to visit Guiana

      1. Eat your fill of shrimp so that less of it is exported.
      2. Try cayenne pepper straight from the plant.
      3. Go for a walk in the jungle. Just be careful.
      4. Try to catch the dry season (it’s short here).
      5. Go to the local carnival if you are already here.
      6. Watch the launch of a spacecraft almost at the equator.
      7. Buy a butterfly in a frame and prove to everyone that you are an entomologist, but they just don’t care.

      What they say

      I haven't spent much time in Guiana. This is a small but very rich country. They all consider themselves French here; perhaps this is true. I have also been to Guyana and Venezuela, and I am sure that it is much better here. It’s a peculiar country, it can be inconvenient to get there, but it’s definitely worth it to relax here and get to know this piece of France on the road!

      Gregory O'Connor

      programmer, USA

    Mexico is a country located in North America and directly borders the United States. Oddly enough, this is the only country on the northern continent that belongs to the countries of Latin America. This group of states includes those whose populations are native speakers of Spanish or French, with the only exception being Portuguese-speaking Brazil. Mexico is a state in which almost the entire population speaks Spanish, the language that the conquerors brought to them.

    Latin America has a large number of indigenous inhabitants of these lands, which significantly distinguishes them from countries such as the United States and Canada, where constant struggle with the local population over the years has significantly reduced its ranks, simply wiping out entire tribes from the face of the earth. Mexico is home to just under 12% of indigenous Indians; it is one of the top ten countries in Latin America in terms of the number of indigenous people.

    Like almost all countries in Latin America, Mexico is rich in oil and successfully extracts this valuable resource. Mexico, oddly enough, conducts most of its trade operations not with the countries of its region, but with Canada and the United States, which, in turn, greatly influences the policies pursued in it.

    Mexico's connections to Latin America

    Although Mexico interacts more strongly with the countries of North America, it is impossible to deny its ties with the Latin region to which it equally belongs.

    Mexico, although it is one of the richest countries in Latin America due to the large number of minerals donated by nature, is close in its historical past and culture to the rest of the countries of Central and South America. It was here that the most ancient Indian civilizations lived, possessing enormous knowledge and high culture, such as the Mayans and Aztecs. Mexico hospitably opens its doors to tourists from both Latin America and other countries of the world. You can purchase last-minute tours to Mexico in Almaty on the website oxtour.kz

    But residents of other countries in this region enter Mexico not only as tourists, but also as workers, in search of income. Thus, residents of Guatemala annually come to the south of Mexico where they work in the fields.

    Mexico is also connected with the rest of Latin America by huge deposits of oil, which it successfully produces and imports to a number of other countries. True, oil refining in Mexico is still quite poorly established, which is why oil products have to be purchased from other developed countries.

    The nature and climate of Mexico also unite it with its region and are its distinctive feature. In the mountains, the thermometer ranges from 2 to 15 degrees Celsius, and on the coast it never drops below 20.

    US influence on Mexican activities

    Historically, Mexico, which borders the United States, is constantly under their close surveillance. Any wrong step by this state leads to the fact that its lands immediately become the property of America. This is one of the reasons for their deep connection.

    Economically, the two countries are also highly interconnected. For many years they have been successfully exchanging goods in accordance with the international cooperation agreement NAFTA. Thus, Mexico supplies the United States with large cattle and crude oil.

    The association of these countries is also determined geographically, since they all belong to North America.

    In the 20th century, America had a great influence on the culture and way of life of the Mexicans, while maintaining their own traditions and customs, they nevertheless borrowed a lot from their more successful and economically developed neighbors.

    Mexico has a fairly high unemployment rate, which contributes to high migration of people to the United States in search of gainful work and a better life.

    Mexico is quite economically developed country, which had a very turbulent past, battered both by external conquerors, for example, Spanish conquistadors, and by internal strife in the form of coups and revolutions. Thanks to the support, and sometimes despite the opposition of the countries of the Northern part of the mainland, she was able to overcome all her problems and become quite rich, using her resources wisely.

    Today, Mexico is helping Latin American countries overcome problems with educating children, including bringing education to the indigenous people inhabiting these states. As one of the largest Spanish-speaking countries forming this region, it rightfully takes its place in it.

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    Latin America is a region located in the Western Hemisphere and stretches from the US-Mexico border in the north, to Tierra del Fuego and Antarctica in the south, and stretches over more than 12,000 kilometers. It includes the southern part of the mainland North America, Central America, the West Indies Islands and mainland South America. From the west it is washed by the Pacific Ocean, from the east - by the Atlantic. The countries of Latin America are divided into 33 states and 13 colonies and dependent territories, and the total area of ​​this region is 21 million square meters. km, which is more than 15% of the globe's land area.

    The name "Latin America" ​​was introduced by the French Emperor Napoleon III as a political term. Latin America and Indochina were then considered as territories in the sphere of special national interests Second Empire. This term originally denoted those parts of America in which Romance languages ​​were spoken, that is, territories inhabited by people from the Iberian Peninsula and France during the 15th and 16th centuries. Sometimes this region is also called Ibero-America.

    The Cordillera belt, which in South America is called the Andes, constitutes the world's longest system of ridges and mountain ranges, which stretches along the Pacific coast for 11 thousand km, the largest peak of which is the Argentine Aconcagua (6959 m) near the border with Chile, and it is here (in Latin America) is the highest active volcano on Earth - Cotopaxi (5897 m), located near Quito, and the highest waterfall in the world - Angel (979 m), located in Venezuela. And on the Bolivian-Peruvian border, the largest of the high-mountain lakes in the world is located - Titicaca (3812 m, 8300 sq. km). Also here is the longest river in the world - the Amazon (6.4 - 7 thousand km), which is also the deepest on the planet. The largest lake-lagoon Macaraibo (13.3 thousand sq. km) is located in the north-west of Venezuela. Animal world Latin America is rich and diverse; sloths, armadillos, American ostriches, and guanaco llamas are found nowhere else.

    Since the time of the Conquest, European conquerors forcibly implanted their languages ​​in Latin America, so in all its states and territories, Spanish became the official language, with the exception of Brazil, where the official language is Portuguese. Spanish and Portuguese languages ​​function in Latin America in the form of national varieties (variants), which are characterized by the presence of a number of phonetic, lexical and grammatical features (most of them in spoken communication), which is explained on the one hand by the influence of Indian languages, and on the other - relative autonomy of their development. In the Caribbean countries, the official languages ​​are mainly English and French (Haiti, Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana), and in Suriname, Aruba and the Antilles (Dutch) Islands - Dutch. Indian languages ​​were supplanted after the conquest of America, and today only Quechua Aymara in Bolivia and Peru, and Guarani in Paraguay are official languages; they, like some others (in Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Chile), are written and literature is published. In a number of Caribbean countries, in the process of interethnic communication, so-called Creole languages ​​arose, formed as a result of incomplete mastery of European languages, usually English and French. In general, a significant part of the population of Latin America is characterized by bilingualism (bilingualism) and even multilingualism.

    The religious structure of the population of Latin America is marked by the absolute predominance of Catholics (more than 90%), since during the colonial period Catholicism was the only compulsory religion, and belonging to other religions was persecuted by the Inquisition.

    The history of Latin America is rich, interesting and varied. Once upon a time, ancient civilizations of the Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, Mochicas and many other cultures of Latin America existed here, later conquered by the Spanish conquistadors led by Hernan Cortez and Francisco Pizarro. Subsequently, there was the struggle for Independence from the Spanish crown, led by Father Hidalgo, Francisco Miranda, Simon Bolivar and Jose San Martin, and its recent history, with drug lords, juntas, Guirelleros guerrillas and terrorist organizations.

    Dozens of diverse national parks, many archaeological sites, cities with colonial architecture and other interesting places are located in this region. You can watch small short videos from the most interesting places in Latin America at

    Latin America is the collective name for American countries and territories that use Romance languages ​​(i.e., derived from Latin) as official languages, primarily Ibero-Romance Spanish and Portuguese, sometimes also Gallo-Romance French. The name is explained by the fact that the Romance languages ​​originated from the Latin language.

    The related term Ibero-America is also found, which can mean either the countries of the Americas that speak Ibero-Romance languages ​​(Latin America excluding the French-speaking countries), or the same countries together with their former metropolises on the Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Portugal).

    Latin America always includes the Spanish-speaking countries of mainland America from Mexico in the north to Argentina in the south, as well as the Spanish-speaking countries of the Caribbean (Cuba, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico). In the vast majority of cases, Portuguese-speaking Brazil is included. In many cases, French-speaking Haiti, Saint-Martin and French Guiana are included. However, French-speaking Quebec is almost never included in Latin America. English-speaking countries America (Jamaica, Barbados, Bahamas, Belize, Guyana, etc.) do not belong to Latin America.

    Latin America is home to the longest mountain system on Earth, called the Andes.
    the largest functioning volcano on the planet called Cotopaxi is located, as well as the world’s highest waterfall named Angel, the largest mountain lake Titicaca and the greatest river on Earth - the Amazon. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions are common natural phenomena in Latin America. The subsoil of this region is rich in oil, ferrous and rare metals, and natural gas.

    The climate in most of Latin America is hot, with average daily temperatures above 20 degrees. But, for example, on the slopes of the Andes it can rain almost all year round, and in Peru and Chile not a drop may fall at all in a year.

    One of the largest countries on the continent is Brazil, a country with a rich culture that combines the stories of many peoples: Africans, Indians and Europeans. Other large country this region is Argentina, it is known for its well-developed agriculture And big amount fossils.

    Political division. Latin America includes the following states and territories:

    States: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Haiti, Guatemala, Honduras, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, El Salvador, Uruguay, Chile, Ecuador.

    US territories: Puerto Rico.

    Territories of France: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin, French Guiana.


    Most of Latin America speaks Spanish, which is also the official language in most countries. In Brazil, the official language is Portuguese. The Portuguese language used in Brazil is heavily influenced by Spanish and is somewhat different from the original. Portuguese language. Less common official languages ​​are English, French and Dutch. Unlike the US and Canada, Latin America has more high percent indigenous population. In Bolivia and Paraguay, Indians form the majority.

    Of the 35,342 thousand American Indians (total), their maximum number lives in the following countries (thousands of people):

    • Mexico - 8750 (11.7% of the total population of the state),
    • Peru - 7050 (37.7%),
    • Guatemala - 4000 (50.4%),
    • Ecuador - 3678 (39.8%),
    • Bolivia - 3600 (59.2%),
    • Paraguay - 3190 (91.9%),
    • Chile - 800 (6.8%),
    • Argentina - 651 (2.3%),
    • Colombia - 590 (2.1%),
    • Canada - 400 (1.6%),
    • Brazil - 220 (0.2%),
    • Venezuela - 187 (1.2%),
    • El Salvador - 165 (3.2%),
    • Honduras - 161 (3.9%),
    • Nicaragua - 148 (4.9%),
    • Panama - 137 (6.5%),
    • other countries - 115 (0.3%).

    In 2008, Bolivia became the third Latin American country to declare victory over illiteracy. This was previously reported by Cuba (1961) and Venezuela (2005).

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