Heat standards in a corner apartment. Accepted temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season. And if the temperature during the heating season is below normal

Main criterion comfortable stay of a person in a living space - creating and maintaining a favorable temperature regime at any time of the year.

And if in summer period This problem can be solved quite simply - using modern air conditioning devices, then in winter temperature regime in the apartment can be regulated by the owner of the property during arrangement autonomous system heating or supplier central heating.

What factors influence the temperature in an apartment?

The temperature in the apartment depends on many factors, among which are the following:

  • Climatic conditions of the region of residence.
  • Seasons.
  • Technical features of housing.
  • Number, age and subjective preferences of residents.

Climatic conditions

A comfortable temperature regime in a home can have different meanings depending on your region of residence. In addition, the level of air humidity outside, the amount of precipitation and atmospheric pressure have a great influence.


With the alternation of seasons, the internal climate in residential premises may differ. So, in winter period The temperature drops significantly, and in the summer it rises.

In addition, the heating season ends in spring, which leads to a drop in the average daily indoor temperature.

For many countries, the optimal temperature level in an apartment in the winter months is from 18 to 22 degrees, and in the summer it can reach 26 above 0. It seems that the difference of a few degrees between the values ​​​​is imperceptible, but in fact it can have a significant impact on the well-being of residents .

Technical features of housing

Comfortable temperature is also influenced technical features dwellings - dimensions of premises, ceiling heights, insulation of surfaces, presence of furniture, location of the apartment (corner, central, number of floors).

Human factor

For supporting comfortable temperature It is also important to take into account the human factor. For each person, the concept of comfort is individual. Women prefer higher temperatures than men. Young children are not able to independently regulate the heat exchange of their own body, so they are often prone to overheating or cooling. They require optimal indoor conditions. Elderly people are no less sensitive to temperature changes.

Temperature standards in various rooms

According to GOST and SNiP for apartment buildings The following temperature standards have been established in residential and other premises:

  • Comfortable stay temperature is from 19 to 25 degrees.
  • IN cold period– from 19 to 22 degrees.
  • During the hot period - from 21 to 26 degrees.

The normal temperature in an apartment during the heating season is:

  • Living room(bedroom, living room) – from 16 to 18 degrees. For quick relaxation and complete rest of the body.
  • Children's room - from 22 to 24 degrees. Provides comfortable warmth necessary for proper regulation of heat exchange in children.
  • Kitchen - from 17 to 19 degrees. The heat produced by electrical appliances is sufficient.
  • Bathroom and sanitary facilities - from 23 to 25 degrees. To reduce high humidity and preventing dampness.
  • Other functional rooms (corridor, storage room, hall) - from 17 to 22 degrees.

Important! According to SanPin, the minimum temperature difference between various rooms should not exceed 3 degrees.

The following temperature standards are provided for common premises:

  • Entrances - up to 17 degrees.
  • Elevator cabins - up to 5 degrees.
  • Inter-apartment corridors - from 16 to 20 degrees.
  • Basements and attics - up to 4 degrees.
  • Lobbies, staircases - from 13 to 18 degrees.

Correct measurements of room temperature

In order to comply with heating standards in a residential building, it is recommended to carry out mandatory temperature measurements. To obtain reliable results, measurements are performed with a special device taking into account the following technical requirements:

  1. Readings are taken every hour for one calendar day.
  2. The device must be located at certain points - 100 cm from external wall, 150 cm – from the floor surface.
  3. The room in which measurements are taken should not have sources of heat loss - cracks, open windows and doors.
  4. Measurements are carried out under neutral weather conditions.

If as a result of independent measurements a decrease in the standard comfortable temperature in the apartment was detected, this was reported to the emergency service. In this case, the duty officer sends a team to the resident to draw up an official measurement report.

The act contains the following data:

  • Date of document creation.
  • Technical information about housing.
  • Checking composition.
  • Meter data.
  • Temperature values.
  • Signatures of the participants.

The document is drawn up in two copies: one for the owner of the living space, the second for the employees of the public utility service.

Determination of coolant temperature in batteries

The coolant in the central heating and hot water supply system is water heated to a certain temperature.

To measure the temperature of water heating in the system, the following instruments are used:

  • Medical thermometer.
  • Thermometer with infrared spectrum.
  • Alcohol thermometer.

Central heating

To determine what the temperature of the heating radiators in the apartment should be, it is necessary to take into account the standards established for the coolant.

They are determined taking into account climatic conditions and are relevant if the pipe has a lower central supply to the battery:

  • Temperature environment+ 6 degrees: at entry up to +55 degrees, at return – up to +40 degrees.
  • The temperature outside the window is 0 degrees: at the entrance +66 degrees, at the return – up to +49 degrees.
  • The temperature outside the window is from -5 degrees: at the entrance + 77 degrees, at the return – up to +55 degrees.

If the permissible temperature threshold decreases - in the daytime by 4 degrees, at night - by 5 degrees - a recalculation of the level of payment for central heating services is carried out without fail.

Important! Unlike a single-pipe, two-pipe heating system may have a reduced heating temperature of the coolant.

The parameters of the heat supply system are strictly regulated by current legislation, according to which apartment building The following temperature conditions of the coolant in the pipes are allowed:

  1. At two-pipe system The coolant temperature is +96 degrees.
  2. At single pipe system the temperature is +116 degrees.
  3. The average heating temperature of batteries in an apartment ranges from +78 to 92 degrees.

Measurements of the coolant in the system can be performed in the following ways:

  • Place an alcohol thermometer on the heating radiator and wait a few minutes. Add one degree to the resulting value. Instead of an alcohol thermometer, you can use a room infrared thermometer, which has a higher measurement accuracy.
  • Attach an electric temperature meter to the battery with a thermocouple wire and take readings.

Hot water supply

In the cold season, the main factor is the heating temperature of the water, which should be from +64 to 76 degrees. If water is supplied in violation of temperature standards, this is fraught with an increase in water consumption and utility costs.

To measure the temperature of the hot water supply, place a deep container in the sink, washbasin or bathtub. An alcohol-based thermometer is placed in it and liquid is supplied from the tap.

The duration of the measurement is about 10 minutes. Possible deviation from the norm may be +/- 3 degrees.

Air exchange rate

An important parameter that determines a comfortable and safe stay in a home is air exchange - complete or partial replacement of dirty air with clean air.

According to regulatory documents, the rate of air exchange rate is:

  • in a living room up to 25 sq. m – 3 cu. m/hour for square meter squares;
  • in the kitchen with gas stove– up to 9 cubic meters m/hour, with an electric stove - 6 cubic meters. m/hour;
  • in other rooms up to 20 square meters. m. – 1 cu.m. m/hour.

It is difficult to independently measure the air exchange rate; laboratories and expert bureaus often assume this function.

If you wish, you can obtain reliable data on the air exchange rate in several ways:

  • A device called an Aerodoor installed in a window or doorway. Under the influence of a fan, air is pumped into the device, after which the multiplicity parameter is determined.
  • Thermal anemometer and balometer for measuring the speed and volume of air flow in a room.

The degree of responsibility of public utilities for violation of standards

The law states that owners and tenants of residential property can contact utility services to recalculate the tariff by 0.15% for every 60 minutes of non-compliance with established temperature standards.

Tariff recalculation is possible in the following cases:

  • The temperature in living quarters during the day is less than 17 degrees, in the corner room - below 21 degrees.
  • The duration of the heating outage in one calendar month was 24 hours.
  • One-time heating shutdowns for 15 hours when the outside air temperature reaches 11 degrees.

If, with the onset of cold weather, the air in the apartment remains insufficiently heated, a person can file a formal complaint with the following authorities:

  • The prosecutor's office.
  • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.
  • Housing inspection.

To resolve the problem in court, you must submit the following documents:

  • Copies of certified statements.
  • Application to the emergency dispatch service.
  • Temperature check report.
  • Copies of compliance documents of the device used for testing.

According to the court ruling, the managing person undertakes to eliminate all shortcomings in the provision of low-quality services within the period established by law.

The utility service or management company must maintain temperature conditions in apartments in accordance with current standards. Having information about what air temperature should be in the apartment when the heating season begins, each owner will be able to control the quality of the services provided.

Price utilities is growing steadily every year, but their quality remains at the same level. Most tenants complain about the lack of a comfortable microclimate in their living space, when the thermometer outside the window drops to minus values. Our citizens live in harsh climatic conditions, so the question of what the normal temperature in an apartment should be during the heating season always remains open. Residents of apartment buildings should remember that temperatures that do not meet sanitary standards affect their well-being and even their health. We will tell you in this article how many degrees should be on a room thermometer in winter.

Advice! The apartment will become much warmer if you place foil between the radiator and the wall. The foil reflects heat and prevents the penetration of cold.

Normal temperature during the heating season and what is written in GOST

Comfortable air temperature is different for each person: some feel great and are in no hurry to put on warm clothes at 18 °C, while others wrap themselves in shawls and take out woolen socks, carefully knitted by their grandmother, already at twenty-20 °C.

Temperature standards in an apartment are specified in regulatory documents, which include GOST R 51617–2000. Housing and communal services. Are common technical specifications" The state standard states that the standard air temperature in residential premises is from 18 °C to 25 °C. It is also important to consider the purpose residential premises. For example, 14 °C, which is acceptable for flights of stairs, absolutely does not meet the standards for a bathroom.

For lobbies and inter-apartment spaces, the optimal temperature ranges from 16 °C to 22 °C, since residents spend less than an hour a day here. For residential premises temperature indicators slightly higher: in corridors, bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens with gas or electric stoves the thermometer should show at least 18 °C, since a person is here for more than 4-5 hours a day. Temperature and hygienic requirements to the microclimate are also regulated by Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Norms (SanPin).

Premises for intended purposeStandard temperature according to SanPiN and GOSTNote
Living room, bedroom, living room, children's room21°CA normal temperature in the bedroom will help get rid of insomnia and improve your well-being. In the nursery, the temperature should be determined by the age of the child: 25 °C is suitable for infants.
Kitchen22°CPlates, Appliances, microwave ovens, ovens emit heat, so high temperatures are unacceptable.
Bathroom and combined toilet25 °CDue to high humidity, low temperatures can cause dampness and mold to appear.
Office, study room21°CAt high temperatures and lack of fresh air, the brain begins to perceive new information worse
Pantry17 °C _________________
Corridor between apartments19 °C _________________
Lobby, staircase17 °C _________________

How many degrees should there be in a corner apartment?

Corner apartments are usually cooler, since one of the walls faces the street. Optimal temperature in such an apartment it should be higher and reach at least 20 °C. In most apartment buildings, an additional battery is installed on the wall in contact with the street, which avoids mold. It is somewhat colder in apartments located on the first and top floors, since the cold comes from the basement or from attic space or roofs.

Advice! The corner apartment will become much warmer if you insulate the walls mineral wool, expanded polystyrene, polyurethane foam, cork.

How to correctly measure the air temperature in an apartment

To achieve a recalculation of heat payments, you need to independently measure the temperature in the apartment. You can measure and obtain objective data by observing the following rules:

  • measurements cannot be taken in sunny weather, since a residential building warms up significantly even under the rays of the winter sun;
  • affects the measurement accuracy in the room Fresh air, coming from the street. Before recording the maximum and minimum indicators, you should close all windows and make sure they are tight;
  • the set temperature is measured in several rooms to fully reflect the state of the heat supply;
  • the thermometer should not be placed near heating devices and walls in contact with the street: the distance from them should be at least 50 cm;
  • Warm air rises up, and cold air falls down, so measurements must be taken at a height of at least 60 cm from the floor.

Important! SNiPs were developed back in the Soviet Union and today some of them are advisory in nature.

Why is the temperature in a living room significantly lower than the standard?

During the cold season, residents complain about low temperatures and the appearance of fungus and mold. The main reasons for non-compliance with GOST average temperature in residential premises:

  • increased heat transfer due to the formation of cold bridges, which entails an increase in maintenance costs standard temperature in the apartment;
  • lack of necessary pressure and low temperature water in heating radiators;
  • Availability air jams, which prevent normal water circulation in heating system. You can bleed air from central water heating radiators using a Mayevsky tap;
  • non-compliance of housing with building codes (SNiP). Today, developers, in order to extract maximum profit, neglect the norms prescribed in regulations of a technical nature, and erect multi-story houses in the shortest possible time. According to statistics, more than half of modern new buildings were built with violations of architectural and construction design;
  • significant heat loss can be caused by a malfunction of the window system and the presence of gaps between the panels. This problem observed in houses built more than 30 years ago. It is impossible to touch the heating devices themselves, but the air in the apartment remains cool. Sometimes the problem can be solved by replacing wooden frames on plastic windows.

Advice! Sometimes heating network continue to work for full power when the temperature outside the window is above zero. If the housing maintenance service is not interested in economical use heat energy, then apartment owners should contact management company. In case of inaction of the Criminal Code, it is necessary to write a complaint to the housing inspectorate and Rospotrebnadzor. I believe that these measures will help deal with unscrupulous utility companies.

What to do and where to go if the average temperature in the apartment is far from the sanitary norm

The lack of heat in the apartment indicates the provision of utility services of inadequate quality and is a reason to contact the emergency dispatch service so that a commission can come and measure the indicators. Employees accept both written applications and telephone calls from citizens. The operator on duty registers the complaint and schedules an inspection time.

The commission must arrive a maximum of 2 hours after receiving a complaint from the consumer. The exact time of the inspection will be agreed upon with the apartment owners.

After recording the indicators with a registered device that has all the necessary technical documents, an inspection report is drawn up. If violations are detected, the act states how many degrees there are in the room, the date and time, the characteristics of the apartment, and the composition of the commission. The document is signed by all members of the commission.

Advice! If you decide to take care of the thermal insulation of your home yourself, then do not forget about supply and exhaust ventilation. Lack of air exchange causes unpleasant odors and the formation of condensation on windows.

What is the average temperature in a heating radiator?

The temperature of the water in the coolant depends on weather conditions and the state of urban heating networks. This indicator rarely exceeds 90 °C. Even such a high temperature is not always enough during severe frosts. Average temperature hot water in the tap and in the radiator reaches 60 °C.

You can find out the temperature using a regular mercury thermometer, which is placed in a small container and filled with water. Permissible deviations c should not exceed 4 °C, and only on the higher side.

There are several ways to measure the temperature in the battery:

  • place a thermometer on the radiator and add a couple of degrees to the obtained values;
  • Buy an infrared thermometer, the error of which does not exceed half a degree. The thermometer is connected to heating device using a thermocouple wire to the battery.

Let's sum it up

Unfortunately, we are accustomed to improper execution of utility services. Residents of high-rise buildings are not embarrassed by mountains of garbage, non-working elevators, weak water pressure, lack of regular repairs at the entrance, lukewarm water from the tap with hot water etc. At the same time, appealing to supervisory authorities helps correct the situation. If during the winter months the temperature in the apartment drops below 18 °C, then owners and tenants need to contact the management company, emergency dispatch service, housing inspection and Rospotrebnadzor to assert their rights and protect their interests.

Comfortable living in an apartment depends on several parameters, especially temperature and humidity. According to scientific calculations and government standards, in order not to cause harm to health, it should be from +20 to +24 degrees C. Although there are adherents of cooler temperatures (-18-19), each person has his own values ​​that are optimal for comfortable living. Of course, the temperature depends on many nuances. In winter, this question becomes more relevant than ever, and residents of high-rise buildings immediately ask themselves: what should be the temperature of the radiators and air in the rooms and who is responsible for this?

Factors affecting the temperature in the apartment

Indirect factors

First of all, indirect, external and internal factors, which affect the temperature in the apartment. It may be affected by:

  • Are common climatic features terrain. Strong winds, sudden changes in ambient temperature - thaws, severe frosts.
  • Change of season. The premises are heated both in winter and in spring and autumn. The indicators during this period are different.
  • Insulation of windows and doors. Insulation of the entrance.
  • Features of each room. Corner rooms, common walls with a staircase.
  • Materials that were used to build the house. Today, additional external insulation and waterproofing walls.
  • As well as the quality of construction and repair work performed.

Important: the permissible wall temperature in the apartment is current standards should not be below 20° degrees.

Human factor of preference for comfort

The main purpose of regulating the temperature in an apartment is to create the greatest comfort for the people living there. Some people feel fine in the heat without even thinking about purchasing an air conditioner. And some people constantly open the windows even in severe frost. But we must not forget that human needs do not always correspond to established temperature standards. Hypothermia, as well as excessive overheating of the room, can have an extremely adverse effect on the well-being of people living in the apartment.

It is also worth considering the difference in temperature standards for males and females. It may differ by several degrees, since women are more thermophilic than men. Special attention must be given to the apartment in which one lives Small child. His body's thermoregulation has not yet developed, and he quickly overheats and freezes. Therefore, the temperature in the room for children should be stable, averaging +22 degrees.

Air humidity

The influence of humidity on a person’s comfortable state at the same temperature

Room temperature

Depending on the purpose of the room, the established temperature norm also changes:

  • Rooms for rest and sleep. The optimal temperature is +18 degrees. It is she who will relieve insomnia and feeling unwell.
  • Kitchen. This room involves the use of equipment that emits heat - microwave oven, electric kettle, oven etc. Therefore, too high an air temperature is inappropriate here.
  • Bathroom. Here the temperature should be within +25 degrees, since the humidity in this room is much higher than in other rooms, and people in it are usually undressed. At low temperatures, dampness and discomfort will immediately be felt.
  • Children's room. The temperature in this room can fluctuate and depends on the age of the child. For a newborn it should be +24 degrees, and for an older baby - +21–22.
  • Living rooms and other rooms for maximum comfort should have a temperature within 19–21 degrees. Do not forget that too large a temperature difference should not be observed between different rooms one apartment. Ideally, 2 degrees is acceptable so that when moving within the house a person does not feel this difference.
Do not forget that too large a temperature difference should not be observed between different rooms of the same apartment. Ideally, 2 degrees is acceptable so that when moving within the house a person does not feel this difference.

Reasons that directly affect the temperature in the apartment:

  • incorrect, due to which heat simply does not enter the room
  • wear and tear of other elements of the heating system;
  • Coolant temperature throughout the entire system central heating demonstrates insufficient performance
  • Emergency and renovation work at heating points, carried out in winter

About well-being

Regardless of personal preferences, you should adhere to the temperature norm. This is especially true for hot summers and winters, when the temperature outside and in the apartment differs significantly. Otherwise, this can lead to overheating or severe hypothermia, and also cause cardiac problems.

Overheating of the body

The atmosphere in the room is too hot favorable conditions for the spread of various bacteria. As a result, residents become infected with infectious diseases.

Important! In extreme heat, a person loses moisture, the blood thickens, and the heart works harder, which can have bad consequences for people with cardiovascular problems.

In addition, dehydration due to too high heat levels leads to heavy sweating, and the person loses moisture. And this leads to serious disturbances in water and electrolyte balance.


A similar process is possible in winter, when the temperature in the apartment sharply drops below +17 degrees due to poor-quality heating. In this case, the residents’ heat transfer from the body increases, and hypothermia occurs, which entails the occurrence of acute respiratory diseases and problems with the nervous system.

This is especially dangerous for young children. Therefore, you need to be careful about maintaining indoor established standards temperature conditions.

Temperature regulation

According to current sanitary standards, the temperature in an apartment or house should not be more than +22 degrees, and any deviation can negatively affect well-being.

What to do if your home has different indicators, and how to create an optimal microclimate for residents?

In the past, air temperature was regulated only by heating radiators. For additional heating, heating devices were used - as a rule, convectors with open incandescent coils and others. In order to make the air in the room cooler, the windows were opened, and the problem was solved. Modern technologies have provided man with big choice air conditioners and other devices that have functionality and provide comfort in the room. For example, the main function of split systems is not only cooling the air in the apartment, but also heating, dehumidification mode when too high humidity

, ventilation, air purification and removal of foreign odors. If we talk about established, then the battery temperature is not standardized. The main thing is that the apartments have desired temperature air, which differs slightly across the country depending on the climatic conditions of each area. As a rule, in winter it should be at least +20 degrees Celsius. If this indicator is lower, it means that the home heating service is of poor quality.

For comfortable living in an apartment, it is necessary to maintain a certain level of room temperature. The norm may differ depending on the climatic environment and time of year, as well as the needs of the body. Deviation from the norm can lead to poor health or the development of diseases.

Be sure to monitor the room temperature

Feeling good when the body overheats

Regardless of the season, too hot conditions in the apartment can cause poor health. A comfortable temperature for a person should not exceed or be equal to +26 degrees.

When the body overheats, the heart is the first to suffer. The heat causes the body to spend large quantity fluid, which thickens the blood and makes it harder for the heart to pump blood. Therefore, people with cardiovascular problems are advised to carefully monitor the temperature at home.

In this video you will learn what the temperature in the room should be:

Dry and hot air often leads to dehydration. To normalize body temperature, a person sweats profusely, which causes fluid loss. Because signs of dehydration appear gradually, you may not have time to replenish your water balance. Prolonged dehydration can lead to performance problems nervous system, dry skin and constant fatigue.

In addition, maintaining a hot atmosphere leads to reproduction harmful bacteria. Warmth is the main condition for creating a favorable environment for the appearance of bacteria. To avoid unwanted infections, you should adhere to the recommended temperature regime for winter and summer.

The effect of hypothermia on well-being

If not supported in winter enough level heat, there is a risk of developing a mild stage of hypothermia. A decrease in ambient temperature causes increased heat transfer from the body. Being in a cold room is quite for a long time, the body can no longer replenish heat loss and maintain the required temperature (not lower than 36 degrees). Hypothermia can cause a number of diseases:

  • ARVI;
  • disorders of the nervous system;
  • inflammatory processes.

Various diseases have several reasons, for example, hypothermia

It is especially important to maintain a comfortable environment in children's rooms, since the body of young children is not able to retain enough heat on its own.

Thus, the minimum room temperature is the number of degrees the body needs to maintain heat.

Room temperature standards

The optimal room temperature for a person largely depends on individual needs and other factors. At the state level, this value is regulated by the document GOST 30494–2011 and R 51617−2000. According to GOST, standard indoor microclimate parameters are:

  • living rooms - from +20 to 23 degrees. Celsius;
  • kitchen and toilet - from +18 to 21 degrees. Celsius;
  • bathroom - from +23 to 25 degrees. Celsius;
  • corridor, pantry, staircase - from +14 to 19 degrees. Celsius;
  • in summer - from +24 to 28 degrees. Celsius;
  • in winter - from +22 to 24 degrees. Celsius.

In winter, the temperature in the premises should be 3-4 degrees higher than in summer

Depending on the purpose of the room, the average temperature conditions. For example, it is better to sleep in a well-ventilated room with a temperature of about 22 degrees. In a hotter environment it will be more difficult to sleep, and in a cold environment you will have nightmares.

If the question concerns a children's bedroom, then the temperature in the room should be adjusted depending on the age of the child. Thus, for the baby’s comfortable well-being, it is best to adhere to the maximum permissible temperature regime (+23…+24 degrees). As you grow older, the norm will decrease to minimum levels that are comfortable for adults (+19…+20 degrees).

The bathroom has the highest humidity in the apartment, so following the standards of sanitary rules and regulations (SANPIN) in the bathroom is important for personal hygiene. If the indicator deviates from the norm, dampness occurs in the bathroom and mold begins to form.

The appropriate temperature in the kitchen is determined by the type household appliances, which are used in the kitchen, as well as the intensity of their use. Thus, if the kettle and stove are often used in the kitchen, the temperature in the room will be too hot, so you should reduce the degree. However, when using electrical appliances, the temperature in the room will not change, since such devices have a lower level of heat transfer.

Factors that determine comfortable conditions

Standard indicators of comfortable indoor temperature for humans are based on ideal conditions, which do not experience significant seasonal fluctuations, are not used additional measures temperature increases or decreases and all people have the same preferences. In life Determining the optimal living room conditions may depend on a number of factors:

  1. Various climate zones.
  2. Significant fluctuations in outside temperature.
  3. Features of the structure of the house (brick retains heat better than panel ones).
  4. Human factor. Some people enjoy being in a well-ventilated area, while other people prefer air-conditioned air.
  5. Women prefer warmth, and men - vice versa. Children feel comfortable staying in a room where it’s +21…+23 degrees.

Given the different preferences of each person, it is recommended to adhere to standard norms. The temperature in the room should be comfortable for a particular person.

Self-measurement of deviations and adjustment

In order to maintain normal temperature conditions, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in the microclimate of the apartment.

To get detailed information about what the air temperature and humidity level are, you can use a regular thermometer and hygrometer.

Measuring instruments should be placed at a distance of at least 1 meter from the external walls and at a height of at least 1.4 meters. If there is a suspicion that the temperature balance in the room has been disturbed, it is recommended to carry out control measurements every hour during the day.

In case of deviation from the standard by 3 degrees during the day or 5 degrees at night, you can submit a report on the measurements taken, on the basis of which payment for utilities will be recalculated.

You can adjust the microclimate of the room yourself using one of the methods:

  • ventilation of rooms using a draft;
  • using an air conditioner that can heat or cool the air, as well as ventilate, purify and humidify it;
  • install traditional heat sources - convectors or electric fireplaces.

It is important to remember that in winter average temperature rooms should not fall below 19 degrees Celsius. A significant decrease in temperature is a sign of poor quality heating services.

In the event that the temperature standards in the apartment during the heating season are not met, it is necessary to request a recalculation of the payment for the corresponding service. Her payment should be reduced by 0.15% for each hour of non-compliance.

Normal winter temperature in an apartment

All temperature standards in residential premises are determined and regulated by GOST 30494-2011 “Indoor microclimate parameters”.

First of all, the temperature should be comfortable for those living in the apartment. Inside a living space, these standards are different, although there is an average temperature for an apartment. Generally.

normal temperature is 20-22 degrees

Naturally, the beginning of the heating season should begin long before the onset of frost, that is, a stable minus. “Heating” in apartments begins before winter sets in. This happens after the thermometer is not constantly below +8 degrees. This air temperature should last for five days. This will mean a steady onset of cold weather.

The end of the heating season is associated with an increase in temperature above 8 degrees. As soon as the heat lasts for at least 5 days, the heating is turned off. How quickly the air in an apartment heats up depends on its insulation and position corner rooms

, as well as the presence of cracks in windows and doors.

  • Despite this, there are norms for temperatures in an apartment according to GOST:
  • Kitchen Living room
  • - optimal 22-23 o C, acceptable 20 o C; Toilet
  • Bathroom and combined toilet- optimal 19-21 o C, acceptable 18 o C;
  • — optimal 24-26 o C, acceptable 18 o C; Facilities for recreation and study sessions
  • - optimal 20-22 o C, acceptable 18 o C; Inter-apartment corridor
  • Lobby, staircase- optimal 18-20 o C, acceptable 16 o C;
  • - optimal 16-18 o C, acceptable 12 o C; Storerooms

- optimal 16-18 o C, acceptable 14 o C;

Temperature is measured at special points. The temperature cannot be checked close to the floor or ceiling, or close to walls or windows. Test standard: 1 meter from the external wall, 1.5 m from the floor. In cases where there are deviations from these requirements, payment for this service should be reduced by 0.15% per hour of non-compliance with these standards.

If there are deviations from the norm If temperature readings should not be below the permissible level, then they can exceed the norm, but no more than 4 degrees.

If the batteries do not warm up well, then you need to write a complaint to the DEZ asking for an inspection. The specialist who will carry out the inspection draws up 2 copies of the inspection report, one of which will remain with the owner.

The heating service must be provided uninterruptedly. Allowable breaks should not exceed 24 hours per month (this is in total). If the reduced temperature persists for a long time, then you need to call the control room. If a blockage is detected during the inspection, it must be removed. If the reasons are not found, you need to write a statement to the management company or housing and communal services.

Where else can you go:

  • prosecutor's office;
  • Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights;
  • housing inspection.

During the proceedings, you must present acts, applications with appeals, as well as copies of title documents.

Video about heating standards